Spelling suggestions: "subject:"syria."" "subject:"tyria.""
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Policy Implications of News Media Coverage of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria.Ababio, Godfred A 01 January 2018 (has links)
The Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) garnered global news media attention in Summer 2014 when it seized a significant section of land in Iraq and Syria. The group then mishandled and executed its captives. There is a lack of consensus among the international community, led by Russia and the United States, on how best to address the threat posed by ISIS. An understanding of the function of Russian and U.S. news media coverage of the ISIS threat is an appropriate research topic. The purpose of this qualitative content analysis study was to explore how the U.S, Russian, and Qatari news media represented ISIS between May 1, 2014, and May 1, 2015. The theoretical framework for this study was the agenda-setting theory. The research questions centered on how 3 news media outlets from the 3 countries represented ISIS within this time frame. The study design was a qualitative deductive content analysis with purposeful sampling. Data were coded in a binary manner and analyzed using the data software program Dedoose. Themes identified in the analysis were mitigation, insecurity, foreign fighters, responsibility, and propaganda. The results of this study suggest that there are similarities and differences in Russian, Qatari, and U.S. media outlets' depiction of ISIS between May 1, 2014, and May 1, 2015, which can be explained by agenda-setting theory. The significance of this study is twofold. First, the information arising from the study may influence social change by assisting counterterrorism officials and policy makers in making informed decisions about how to mitigate the ISIS threat. Second, this study contributes to the existing literature on ISIS and its global media representation for future researchers.
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Survivors Of The Syrian War : In Wording Our Stories We Begin To Heal / زملائي الناجون من الحرب السورية : بصياغة قصصنا نبدأ بالشفاءJaloul, Omaima January 2020 (has links)
Traumas due to war and displacement vary in size and intensity. Ideally, one would seek support or help from a therapist or society, however, due to circumstantial reasons, it’s mostly impossible for refugees to get proper help, for example because of the language factor, the absence of family and friends, or the pressure to integrate and move on. This project explores the role of design and art in shedding light on the topic, as well as applying principles of psychology to offer support and representation to its target group of Syrian refugees in Europe.
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Malé a střední podniky v Sýrii: Analýza - Management - Dovoz a Vývoz. / SME in Syria: Analysing - Management - Import ExportKhateb, Fabian January 2007 (has links)
Tato disertacni prace je venovana tematu malych a strednich podniku v Syrii: Analyza - Management - Dovoz a Vyvoz. Syrsky trh je mezinarodnimu obchodovani pomerne otevreny. Obchodni smlouvy byly podepsany jiz s nekolika zememi. V rijnu 2004 Syrie podepsala take smlouvu o spolupraci s evropskou unii. Tato prace popisuje a analyzuje male a stredni podniky v Syrii pro pot.eby mezinarodniho obchodu i Syrskeho trhu. Ziskane vysledky jsou zpracovany a na jejich zaklade jsou stanovena doporuceni pro firmy hodlajici dovazet ci vyvazet do /ze Syrie.
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Perceived Salafi-Jihadi Exceptionalism and its effects on CVE (Counter Violent Extremism) PolicyThomas, Matthew Nickolai January 2019 (has links)
No description available.
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Aktuelle Fragen des Bankwesens, speziell der Bankenaufsicht in Deutschland und Syrien im VergleichIbrahim, Muaiad 05 February 2013 (has links)
In den vergangenen Jahren wurden in Syrien zahlreiche Gesetze bezüglich Banken und anderer finanzieller Institute verabschiedet. Diese Gesetze haben eine große wirtschaftliche und politische Bedeutung für die syrische Gesellschaft. Im Zuge der Entwicklung Syriens wurden und werden viele Gesetze – sogar das Verfassungsgesetz - geändert, diese Änderungen sind ein geeignetes Thema für Untersuchungen. Andererseits nutzt der Gesetzgeber die Gelegenheit, einige dieser Gesetze an deren internatiuonalen bzw. europäischen Gegenstücken auszurichten. In der vorliegenden Dissertation werden syrische Gesetze – namentlich zur Zulassung privater Banken und über weitere Aspekte der Bankenaufsicht - mit den entsprechenden deutschen Gesetzen verglichen. Der Vergleich beider Rechtsordnungen erscheint trotz des klaren und großen Unterschieds im Hinblick auf Entstehung, Entwicklung usw. beider Länder bzw. Gesellschaften nützlich, um Grundlagen und Grenzen des Voneinander-Lernens zu ermitteln.
Eine Bankenaufsicht, die laufende Überwachung und Missbrauchsbekämpfung im Bankwesen bedeutet, hat zum Ziel, mögliche schädliche Auswirkungen der Bankentätigkeit auf die Finanzmärkten und in der Folge auf die Volkswirtschaft insgesamt zu vermeiden. Dies liegt darin begründet, dass der Bankensektor eine bedeutsame Rolle in jeder Volkswirtschaft spielt; daher können Störungen in diesem Sektor katastrophale Konsequenzen für die Gesamtwirtschaft eines Landes haben. Die Ansteckung anderer Länder ist/war immer in der internationalen Geschichte vorhanden und wird durch zahlreiche Beispiele nachgewiesen. Die jüngste Finanzkrise ist dafür erneut ein gutes Beispiel.
In der zweiten Hälfte des 20. Jahrhunderts wurde unter dem Druck der Notwendigkeit einer weitgehenden Harmonisierung und einer engen Zusammenarbeit zwischen den Banken-aufsichtsbehörden der Industrieländer der Baseler Ausschuss für Bankenaufsicht in Basel (Schweiz) ins Leben gerufen. Dieser Ausschuss hat sich um eine Harmonisierung der Grundlagen der Bankenaufsicht bemüht. Vor dem Hintergrund der global rasanten Entwicklung - insbesondere der ungeheuer rasch fortschreitenden Technologie bei den Kommunikations- und IT-Systemen und der dadurch global miteinander vernetzten Finanzmärkte, auf denen immer schnellere Transaktionen vor sich gehen - wurde angestrebt, eine internationale Vereinheitlichung der Bankenaufsicht (materielle Standards, Instruemtne zu erreichen. Dem Thema „Basel“ wird daher in dieser Arbeit eine erhebliche Bedeutung zugemessen.
Zur Zielsetzung der Arbeit gehört es auch, Schwachstellen in syrischen Bankenaufsichtsgesetzen und den sie ergänzenden Rechtsverordnungen zu erkennen, um aufzueigen, wie mit der internationalen Entwicklung in diesem Bereich besser Schritt gehalten werden könnte.
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The WTO-EU Environmental Policies for the International Olive Oil Market and Trade Competitiveness: A Case Study for SyriaAhmad, Mohamad 02 July 2013 (has links)
A debate over environmental policies and trade competitiveness, “Do environmental policies really matter to impact trade competitiveness?” still exists during the past decade. The thesis aims at investigating the impact of WTO-EU environmental policies for the international olive oil market on production and export competitiveness of developing countries. In particular, we focus our analysis on the agro-industrial sector in the Arab countries, and we take specific reference to the case of the olive oil agro-industrial sector in Syria. In the frame of a partial equilibrium trade model, we incorporate the “end-of-the-pipe” environmental policies which in turn enhance the productivity of the polluting input. Moreover, a part of the burden of environmental compliance may be shifted onto foreign consumers. The most novel part of our model consists of the augmented effect of compliance with environmental policies, which includes not only the standard impact on the effective product price, but also on the input shadow price. The empirical findings, based on Syrian data, provide strong support to the Porter Hypothesis and its application to international markets for agro-industrial products. Accordingly, the study disproves the legitimacy of concerns that stricter environmental policies in developing economies may have negative impacts on their production and export competitiveness. In contrast, our results show that compliance with environmental policies under the large country assumption has positive effects on their international competitiveness of environmentally sensitive sectors, in particular. Therefore, the policy implications suggest the implementation of strict environmental regulatory policies supporting environmentally sound technologies.
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En internationell kamp ommakten i Syrien : En historiografisk komparativ studie om densyriska konflikten / En internationell kamp ommakten i Syrien : En historiografisk komparativ studie om densyriska konfliktenkhalaf, sarbast January 2020 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to gain a deeper understanding of the Syrian conflict by usingHistoriographical Comparative Study as a method. The study compared five different books onthe Syrian conflict. The purpose of the study is not to present "pure facts" but the main purposeis to interpret these books on how they view the Syrian conflict. In other words, how have theauthors interpreted and written about the conflict and then compare with each other. It wasnecessary to choose a theory for this work and there was nothing better than realism to explaininternational relations, and the theory was most suited to the study's problem area. The resultshowed that all the authors had different views on the study's issues, it could be found that somebooks had almost the same view while some other books had completely different views. Butall books agreed that external actors have influenced and escalated the Syrian conflict. Asrealism describes, no state sacrifices its self-interest due to moral principles. Which most of thebooks selected for this study agrees that all states involved in the Syrian conflict were due toself-interest. / Syftet med denna studie är att erbjuda en djupare förståelse av den syriska konflikten, med hjälpav Historiografisk komparativ studie som metod. Studie går på att jämföra fem olika böckersom är skrivna om den syriska konflikten. Syftet med studien är inte att presentera ”rena fakta”utan huvudsyftet är att tolka dessa böcker om hur de ser på den syriska konflikten. Alltså hurhar de tolkat och skrivit om konflikten för att kunna jämföra med varandra. Det var nödvändigtatt välja en teori för denna arbetet och det fanns inget bättre än realismen för att förklarainternationella relationer, och teorin var mest passande till studiens problemområde. Resultatetblev att alla författarna hade olika syn angående studiens frågeställningar, det kunde hittas attvissa böcker hade nästan samma syn medan vissa andra böcker hade helt olika syn. Men Allaböcker var överens om att externa aktörer har påverkat och eskalerat den syriska konflikten.Som realismen beskriver att ingen stat offrar sitt egenintresse för moraliska principer. Vilkettalar de flesta böcker som valdes till denna studie för detta påstående och är överens om att allastater som var inblandade i den syriska konflikten var på grund av sitt egenintresse.
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Sörjbar eller inte? : En jämförande diskursteoretisk analys av hur syriska respektive ukrainska flyktingar framställs i svensk mediaJohansson, Emma, Nilsson, Viktoria January 2023 (has links)
In 2015, tens of thousands of Syrians fled to Sweden to escape the civil war that was raging in Syria. In the media, grief was spread, partly when small children drowned during their journey across the Mediterranean, partly fear of terrorists and the burden on Sweden. Laws were changed, borders were controlled and fences were built. In 2022, Ukraine was invaded by Russia and Ukrainian refugees made their way to Sweden. The media then spread how Swedes opened up their homes to the Ukrainian refugees. The purpose of this study is to, in the form of a discourse analysis, examine and compare the construction of Syrian refugees in 2015 and Ukrainian refugees in 2022 in Swedish media. A total of 20 articles made up the material for the analysis. These have been taken from Aftonbladet and Svenska Dagbladet, five articles per refugee group and newspaper. We began by coding to identify patterns in the articles. We then analyzed these patterns with Ernesto Laclau and Chantal Mouffe's alignment within discourse analysis, discourse theory and related concepts. To deepen the analysis and add additional perspective, we also used Judith Butler's concepts of framing and grievability. With the concepts within discourse theory and Butler's concepts, we were able to draw a conclusion; different groups of refugees are portrayed differently in Swedish media and made grievable and non-grievable as a result of their ethnicity, origin and religion. / Året 2015 flydde tiotusentals syrier till Sverige för att undkomma det inbördeskrig som härjade i Syrien. I media spreds dels sorg när små barn drunknade under sin färd över medelhavet, dels skräck för terrorister men också för den belastning som mottagandet skulle innebära för Sverige. Lagar skärpets, gränserna kontrollerades och staket byggdes upp. Under 2022 invaderades Ukraina av Ryssland och ukrainska flyktingar tog sig till Sverige. I media spreds då hur svenskar öppnade upp sina hem för de ukrainska flyktingarna. Syftet med denna studie är att i form av en diskursanalys undersöka hur konstruktionen av syriska flyktingar framställts i svensk media under 2015, i jämförelse med konstruktionen av ukrainska flyktingar under 2022. Totalt har 20 artiklar utgjort materialet för analysen, vilka har hämtats från Aftonbladet och Svenska Dagbladet, fem artiklar per flyktinggrupp och tidning. För att kunna identifiera mönster i artiklarna inleddes analysen med en kodningsprocess. Mönstren analyserades därefter med Ernesto Laclau och Chantal Mouffes inriktning diskursteori samt dess tillhörande begrepp. För att fördjupa analysen och tillföra ytterligare perspektiv användes även Judith Butlers begrepp inramning och sörjbarhet. Med hjälp av de diskursteoretiska begreppen samt Butlers teoretiska begrepp kunde vi komma fram till en slutsats; olika flyktinggrupper framställs olika i svenska media, och görs sörjbara och osörjbara utifrån etnicitet, ursprung och religion.
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Syriska flyktingars integration : En studie om den sociala hälsans betydelse för integrationsprocessen / Syrian refugees' integration : A study on the social health importance for the integration processGreen, Olivia, Derwish, Maria January 2023 (has links)
År 2015 drabbades Europa av en stor flyktingkris, däribland Sverige, där många ensamkommande flyktingar från framförallt Syrien och Afghanistan flydde till Sverige för att söka skydd. Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka de syriska ensamkommande flyktingarnas upplevelse av sin integrationsprocess i Sverige och vad som kan ha varit försvårande för integrationen. Vi har använt oss av kvalitativa intervjuer där vi utgick från en given intervjuguide. Vårt urval har varit syriska ensamkommande flyktingar, som var mellan 16-22 när de kom till Sverige 2015 och senare. De teoretiska utgångspunkterna har varit Aaron Antonovskys teori om känsla av sammanhang (KASAM), Erving Goffmans teori om stigma, samt stämplingsteorin. Resultatet visade på att de syriska ensamkommande flyktingarnas tid i Sverige har varit svår med många utmaningar. Det framgår att sociala förbindelser är mycket viktiga för de unga ensamkommande, eftersom det i sin tur påverkar den sociala hälsan och upplevt välbefinnande. För att kunna skaffa sig kontakter måste man behärska det svenska språket, men även andra faktorer var avgörande för om man kunde integreras i samhället. / In 2015, Europe was hit by a major refugee crisis, including Sweden, where many unaccompanied refugees from mainly Syria and Afghanistan fled to Sweden to seek protection. The purpose of this study is to investigate the Syrian unaccompanied refugees' experience of their integration process in Sweden and what may have made integration difficult. We have used qualitative interviews where we started from a given interview guide. Our sample has been unaccompanied Syrian refugees, who were between 16-22 when they came to Sweden in 2015 and later. The theoretical starting points have been Aaron Antonovsky's theory of sense of coherence (KASAM), Erving Goffman's theory of stigma, and the labeling theory. The results showed that the Syrian unaccompanied refugees' time in Sweden has been difficult with many challenges. It appears that social connections are very important for the young unaccompanied minors, as this in turn affects social health and perceived well-being. In order to make contacts, one must master the Swedish language, but other factors were also decisive for whether one could be integrated into society.
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Degrees of causality an assessment of endogenous contributors to instability in jordan, syria, & turkeyWilman, Gabriel 01 May 2012 (has links)
The political instability of the Middle East is often perceived to be derived primarily from the interaction of Middle Eastern nations with external forces; with significant emphasis placed upon the disruptive effects of modern colonialism and Westernization. While this study does not seek to directly contest the catalytic primacy of exogenous factors, it does seek to establish the necessary causality of pre-existing internal factors. Rather than approaching the situation from a linear causal perspective, this assessment is oriented around an interdisciplinary examination of confluent factors. By examining the political history, ethno sociology, and economy of the region, the analysis investigates the underlying variables which have contributed to the instability of the Jordan, Syria, and Turkey. The primary conclusion of this analysis is that the interactions of multiple endogenous variables provide a basis of necessary causality which may be of equal causal import to that of modern colonialism and Westernization.
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