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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A pie in a very bleak sky? : analysis and appropriation of the promise sayings in the seven letters to the churches in Revelation 2-3

Wilson, Mark W. 11 1900 (has links)
This study of the promise sayings elucidates the motif of victory as the book's macrodynamic theme. Through intentional examination, the thesis finds the issue epitomized throughout Revelation on two levels-formally (re structure) and materially (re content). Jesus as Victor over death and the dragon desires the Asian believers to be prepared for his soon coming. The victors are promised eschatological rewards if they overcome various internal and external threats. In mapping out the dramatic scenario Chapter 1 explores afresh such background issues as authorship and audience. The pagan religious environment, represented by the Artemis and emperor cults, is demonstrated to be adversarial. Chapter 2 looks at four situations in Revelationthe rhetorical, historical, apocalyptic, and prophetic. Their composite exigences point to an early dating in the late 60s. Chapter 3 postulates that chiasmus is Revelation's macrostructure, and a chiastic model is proposed. Chapter 4 examines several proposed forms for the seven letters, such as edicts, oracles, and epistles. We conclude that they are a mixtum compositum-best called prophetic letters. Chapter 5 explores the sociological significance of victory in the Greco-Roman world. Through the use of language such as vLKaw and images like the palm branch, John motivates his audience toward the ideal of victory. Chapter 6 investigates the text of the promises and their cotexts as reflected intertextually in traditions of biblical literature. Local references are also determined to contribute to a multivalent interpretation of the promise imagery. Chapter 7 surveys the eschatological fulfillment of the promises, especially in the new Jerusalem. The rewards of spiritual provision, heavenly place, and divine person serve to incite the saints to victory. Chapter 8 investigates the appropriation of the promises for the time and the text world of Revelation. A multiplicity of functions for the promise sayings is established. This study shows that the promises function as prophetic parenesis to help the saints endure the coming tribulation. The possibility and reality of such a fulfillment and the appropriation of the promises allow us to postulate that these promises to the victors are not vain pies in a very bleak sky! / Hierdie studie oor die belofte uitsprake in die briewe aan die sewe gemeentes in Openbaring 2- 3 lig die motif van oorwinning toe as die sentrale tema van makrodinamiese omvang in Openbaring. Deur middel van 'n doelgerigte ondersoek bevind die studie dat die saak van oorwinning die twee brandpunte in die boek Openbaring vorm, naamlik, op formele vlak (re metode en struktuur van Openbaring en van die studie), en materieel (d.i. inhoudelik). Jesus as oorwinnaar oor die dood en oor die draak, koester die sterk begeerte dat die gelowiges van Asie gereed meet wees vir sy spoedige advent. Netsoos die profete van die Ou Testament waarsku Johannes die gemeentes oor die netelige situasie waarin hulle hulself bevind ten opsigte van die sosiale, politieke en religieuse situasie. In hierdie konteks word aan die oorwinnaars bepaalde beloftes van eskatologiese belonings gemaak as hulle die interne bedreigings van valse leringe en van vervolgings van buite sou oork6m. Deur vrugbare gebruikmaking van die perspektief van intertekstualiteit word die siening gesubstansieer dat Johannes se gehoor/lesers daarvan kennis meet neem dat hulle situasie geensins verskil van die lotgevalle van God se volk ender vorige vreemde onderdrukkers socs die Babiloniers nie. Hoe sal die gelowiges hierdie uur van toetsing deurstaan? Ten einde hierdie hele dramatiese scenario uit te stippel, ontgin Hoofstuk 1 opnuut die velde van agtergrond socs outeurskap, eerste gehoor/lesers, en hulle religieuse omgewing. Dit word gestel dat die heidense religieuse omgewing, socs verteenwoordig deur die Artemis en keiserkultus, baie vyandiggesind van aard is. Hoofstuk 2 bekyk en interpreteer vier situasies wat in Openbaring teegekom word, naamlik, die retoriese, historiese, apokaliptiese, en profetiese. Die samegestelde aard van hierdie noodsituasie wys heen na 'n vroee datering van Openbaring, naamlik, in die laat sestiger jare van die eerste eeu, v66r die verwoesting van Jerusalem. In Hoofstuk 3 word beredeneer dat chiasme die mees geskikte beskrywing vir die struktuurvorm van Openbaring is. Met chiasme as heuristiese instrument kan aangetoon word dat die beloftes en hulle vervulling in Openbaring 2-3 ·n beduidende rel in die struktuur van die boek speel. Hierop volg Hoofstuk 4 waarin moontlike literatuurvorms vir die sewe briewe voorgestel word, naamlik, edikte, orakels, en epistels/briewe. Daar word voorgestel dat dit beskou meet word as mixtum compositum wat goedskiks profetiese briewe genoem kan word en wat sewe samestellende uitsprake omvat. Hoofstuk 5 ontsluit die sosiologiese beduidenis van die idee en verskynsel van oorwinning in die Grieks-Romeinse wereld. In Openbaring hou dit in dat Johannes beide verbaal (re die gebruik van die Griekse werkwoord VLKaw) en beeldsprakig (re 'palmtak') sy gehoor ge-inspireer het ten opsigte van die ideaal van oorwinning. Hoofstuk 6 ontleed die teks van die belofte uitsprake, en die ko-tekste soos wat dit intertekstueel weerspieel word in bybelse tradisies. Plaaslike verwysings word oak in ag geneem ten einde tot 'n polivalente interpretasie van die belofte-beeldspraak by te dra. Hoofstuk 7 gee 'n analitiese oorsig van die vervulling van die eskatologiese beloftes, veral ten opsigte van die nuwe Jerusalem. Die belonings van geestelike voorsiening, 'n hemelse woonplek, en van 'n goddelike persoon dien om die heiliges aan te spoor tot oorwinning oar die verbete vyande. Hierop volg Hoofstuk 8 wat die toe-eiening van die beloftes binne die boek Openbaring en vir die tyd en tekswereld van die boek self ondersoek. 'n Veelvuldigheid van funksies, wat verkry word uit 'n multidissiplinere eksegetiese metodiek, word vir die belofte uitsprake vasgestel en beskryf. Hierdie studie toon aan dat die beloftes van oorwinning aan die sewe gemeentes in KleinAsie funksioneer as profetiese vermanings, waarvan die beeldspraak ontleen is aan 'n verskeidenheid van bybelse tradisies. Die vervulling hiervan kan reeds al in Openbaring 19-22 gesien word. Dit toon verder aan dat, anders as in die geval van die gevalle Rome, die heilige stad genaamd Jerusalem op die oorwinnende bruid sal wag. Die moontlikheid en werklikheid van die vervulling en toe-eiening van die beloftes van Openbaring 2-3 regverdig dit om te postuleer dat hierdie beloftes beslis nie ydele 'koeke vir die hiernamaals' (d.i. "pies in the sky") is nie! Nee, die Openbaring aan Johannes was bedoel om 'n profesie van troos vir die volk van God te wees en dit funksioneer beslis as sodanig / Biblical and Ancient Studies / D. Litt. et Phil.

Le parfait exemple du Reclus de Molliens : poétique de la réception du texte édifiant en strophe d’Hélinand (XIIIe-XVe siècles)

Bottex-Ferragne, Ariane 08 1900 (has links)
Poète picard du début du XIIIe siècle, le Reclus de Molliens est l’auteur à de deux textes à teneur morale, religieuse et savante, qui circulent sous les titres de Miserere et Carité. Même si ces deux textes édifiants connaissent une diffusion considérable au Moyen Âge et qu’ils rencontrent une réception plus que favorable auprès de plusieurs générations de lecteurs et d’auteurs anciens, ils ont largement été délaissés, voire négligés par la critique moderne, qui ne leur a accordé aucune monographie depuis la fin du XIXe siècle (Van Hamel, 1885). Si la présente thèse vise en partie à combler cette lacune par le moyen d’une mise à jour des données de base quant à la diffusion et au legs littéraire du Reclus de Molliens, elle propose avant tout une réflexion d’ordre poétique, qui engage de façon active le statut de canon littéraire de l’œuvre. À titre de textes à succès – qui font acte de modèle et d’étalon poétique aux yeux d’un vaste public –, Miserere et Carité paraissent tout désignés pour servir de guide et de point de repère poétique permettant de repenser la vitalité et les codes de la poésie édifiante, à l’aune des critères de jugement et des pratiques de lecture concrètes du public médiéval. La documentation historique liée au Reclus de Molliens révèle que le système de versification adopté dans Miserere et Carité, soit la strophe d’Hélinand (8aabaabbbabba), joue un rôle primordial dans la réception de l’œuvre. Comme il faudra le montrer, les textes en strophe d’Hélinand répondent à une série de règles cohérentes, spécifiques et différenciées (partie I), si bien qu’ils s’apparentent à un système poétique à part entière, doté de son propre « horizon d’attente » et de ses propres conventions de lecture (partie II). Ces règles non écrites, qui semblent directement infléchir la réception de Miserere et Carité, participent également du procès du sens en ajoutant un impact dramatique au propos édifiant (partie III). Dès lors que l’analyse de Miserere et Carité sera ainsi imbriquée à celle de ce corpus formel, il deviendra possible de dégager une poétique du texte édifiant en strophe d’Hélinand, qui sera guidée et balisée par le parfait exemple d’un poète à succès. / The Reclus de Molliens, an early 13th century French poet, is the author of two moralizing, religious and didactic texts known as Miserere and Carité. Despite its wide circulation, as well as its significant influence over subsequent generations of authors and readers, this work has been largely neglected by modern critics: the most recent monograph on Miserere and Carité was indeed published over one hundred thirty years ago (Van Hamel, 1885). The following dissertation aims at filling this gap in research by updating the basic data regarding the circulation and literary legacy of this medieval best-seller. Moreover, it provides a reflection surrounding the poetics of this work, which draws on its status as a part of a forgotten literary canon. The fact that Miserere and Carité were so widely read, and therefore constituted models and poetic benchmarks for a wide audience, makes them ideal case studies to rethink the vitality and the codes of moralizing poetry, based on the actual criteria and reading practices of the medieval audience. The historical documentation pertaining to the Reclus de Molliens reveals that the versification system adopted in Miserere and Carité, known as the Helinandian stanza (8aabaabbbabba), plays a vital role in the reception of his works. As will be demonstrated, works that are composed using this type of verse follow a consistent set of poetic rules (part 1). This means that they constitute a legitimate poetic system, with its own “horizon of expectations” and reading conventions (part 2). These implicit rules, which seem to have impacted the reception of Miserere and Carité, also contribute to the construction of meaning by adding a dramatic impact to their moralizing content (part 3). Once the analysis of Miserere and Carité is thus imbricated in the analysis its “formal family”, it will then be possible to define a poetics of the moralizing text written in Helinandian stanza, guided and framed by this successful poet.

Applications of Digital Engineering Tenets to Naval Special Warfare Requirement(s) Definition

David Novotney (15360427) 28 April 2023 (has links)
<p>  The world continues to advance at a hastening pace towards a technology enabled, digital-centric future. Legacy organizations, not born in the ‘digital age’ are examining methods to adapt through Digital Transformation (DT). The US Department of Defense (DoD) is one such organization. The DoD emerged their 2018 Digital Engineering Strategy intending on transforming the enterprise from one with ‘engineering process [that] are document-intensive and stove-piped, leading to extended cycle times with systems that are cumbersome to change and sustain’ to one that is ‘transforming its engineering practices to digital engineering, incorporating technological innovations into an integrated, digital, model-based approach’. </p> <p>  The 2018 Strategy acknowledges that the integration of digital engineering will not be exclusive to the engineering communities of the DoD; rather, the integration will impact the ‘research, requirements, acquisition, test, cost, sustainment and intelligence communities’. While the Strategy is designed to explain the ‘what’ necessary to integrate digital engineering, the various DoD Services (and their subordinates) will need to develop the ‘how’ regarding implementation that is culturally appropriate to their commands.</p> <p>  The study sought to examine ‘how’ implementation of digital engineering tenets may be appropriated to the existent culture of one US Special Operations Command subordinate at the Echelon III level (namely Naval Special Warfare Group – FOUR). The results of this study are intended to provide understanding and illuminate meaning behind those themes in Digital Engineering that Subject Matter Experts within Naval Special Warfare view as suitably adaptable to their processes. The intent is to provide themes with utility towards further efforts and research aimed at phasing Digital Transformation initiatives at Naval Special Warfare Group – FOUR.</p>

Kulturspezifische Interaktionsstile oder Wenn schwedischsprachige und deutschsprachige Arbeitskollegen im Restaurant zu Mittag essen : Eine Studie zur Einbettungskultur in kommunikativer Praxis / Kulturspecifika interaktionsstilar eller När svenska och tyska arbetskollegor äter lunch på restaurang : En studie om inbäddningskulturen i kommunikativ praktik

Röcklinsberg, Christoph January 2009 (has links)
Interactions are formed and shaped differently from culture to culture. This thesis focuses on this phenomenon and in the first part deals with (from a theoretical view) the question, how the interplay between language-use and culture can be described. A cross-disciplinary approach within the scope of cross-cultural communication research is developed as is a semiotic concept, based on mainly linguistic, interactional and anthropological theories and methods. In order to describe different culture-specific interactional styles the semiotic field called embedding culture is outlined as an important resource for participants organizing talk-in-interactions. In the second part of this book the relevance of this approach is applied and tested. With the aid of various video recordings of ‘lunch-talks’ among colleagues at a restaurant in Sweden and Germany, this specific type of action and their cultural patterns are analyzed in order to describe cultural-specific styles in face-to-face-interaction. The methodological problem of recorded interaction is pointed out and the role of the camera highlighted. As the analyzed data is mainly based on interactions between men also gender-aspects are discussed. Furthermore, the scenario, time aspects and the customs and rituals of interactions at table are taken into account as relevant features of the embedding culture, all going into a culture-specific style of interaction. The results of the empirical study are, finally, correlated with other, not interaction-based analyses in the field of cross-cultural communication, and the specific national-cultural dimensions are critically discussed. / Interaktioner utformas och gestaltas olika från kultur till kultur. Avhandlingen fokuserar på denna aspekt och behandlar först ur ett teoretiskt perspektiv hur detta fenomen kan beskrivas. Med en tvärvetenskaplig ansats inom ramen av den s.k. interkulturella kommunikationsforskningen (cross-cultural communication) kombineras kulturanalytiska med lingvistiska och samtalsanalytiska teorier och metoder. Ett semiotiskt koncept utarbetas med hjälp av vilka olika kulturspecifika interaktionsstilar kan beskrivas. Det semiotiska fältet som koncipierats kallas för Einbettungskultur (’inbäddningskulturen’). I den andra delen används och prövas detta koncept. Med hjälp av ett flertal videoinspelade lunchsamtal i Sverige och Tyskland analyseras konkreta exempel på kommunikativ praxis och deras kulturella mönster i jämförbara interaktionssituationer. Det beskrivs hur den kulturspecifika interaktionsstilen vid lunchen bland svenska arbetskollegor kan skilja sig från det tyskspråkiga sättet att gestalta samma interaktionstyp. Inspelningssituationen problematiseras och kamerans roll i interaktionen diskuteras. Eftersom analyserna huvudsakligen baseras på samtal mellan män tas genusperspektivet upp. Vid sidan av själva samtalen analyseras även scenariot, tidsaspekten och ritualiseringen av interaktionen vid bordet som tre aspekter av inbäddningskulturen som tillsammans bidrar till en kulturspecifik interaktionsstil. Resultaten av den kulturella analysen som tar sin utgångspunkt i en konkret och jämförbar interaktionssituation i olika kulturer relateras avslutningsvis till andra, icke-interaktionsbaserade analyser inom den interkulturella kommunikationsforskningen och nationalkulturella beskrivningar problematiseras.

L'acte poétique de la "transfiguralité" : pratiques de l'autoportrait entre écriture et photographie

Lalonde, Johanne 12 1900 (has links)
No description available.


Kampf, Raymond William 01 January 2004 (has links)
To all who come to this fictitious place:Welcome.Fauxtopia is your land. Here, age relives distorted memories of the past, and here, youth may savor the challenge of trying to understand the present. Fauxtopia is made up of the ideals, the dreams and the fuzzy facts which have re-created reality... with the hope that it will be a source of edutainment for all the world.Ray KampfFauxtopia DedicationApril 1st, 2004

Cuidados paliativos e a construção da identidade médica paliativista no Brasil / Palliative care and the construction of medical identity paliativista in Brazil

Machado, Mariana de Abreu January 2009 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2011-05-04T12:36:18Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2009 / O objetivo desta dissertação consiste em investigar o processo de construção da identidade profissional de médicos que se dedicam à assistência a pacientes que apresentam doenças progressivas e ameaçadoras da continuidade existencial e que têm contribuído para o desenvolvimento dos Cuidados Paliativos no Brasil. Buscamos conhecer a trajetória profissional destes médicos desde a escolha da medicina como profissão até o encontro com a filosofia e a prática dos Cuidados Paliativos. Com este intuito, realizamos entrevistas semiestruturadas,colhidas segundo a metodologia de História Oral de Vida. Foram entrevistados seis médicos de diferentes especialidades que ocupam cargos diretivos em uma das associações profissionais voltadas para a disseminação e legitimação política e social dos Cuidados Paliativos no Brasil. Os depoentes se destacam no cenário nacional no que diz respeito às discussões sobre esta temática e mantêm contato com importantes instituições internacionais. Por esta razão, chamamos o conjunto de entrevistados de elite médica paliativista. Percebemos uma pobre interlocução entre os médicos paliativistas, o que se reflete na ausência de uma identidade integrada desse grupo profissional. Os entrevistados acentuaram as competências humanitárias necessárias ao bom exercício da Medicina Paliativa, mas, no entanto, não foram explicitadas as competências específicas a este campo profissional, que justificariam seu reconhecimento pelas entidades médicas competentes comouma nova área de atuação ou especialidade.

Srovnání vybraných způsobů ocenění pro nemovitost typu byt v lokalitě Pardubice a Prosetín. / Comparison of selected valuation methods for apartment-type property in Pardubice and Prosetín

Janoušková, Dominika January 2015 (has links)
Real property, accommodation unit, flat, valuation, price, standard price, yield method, direkt comparison, Pardubice, Prosetín

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