Spelling suggestions: "subject:"bioteknologi."" "subject:"bilteknologi.""
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Polyvinylalcohol-carbazate (PVAC) inhibits bacteria growthSyk, Jakob January 2019 (has links)
Abstract Introduction This study evaluated the effect of the polymer polyvinylalcohol-carbazate (PVAC) on the bacteria Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, Staphylococcus epidermidis and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. PVAC is a polymer with a carbazate moiety that neutralizes free aldehydes and has shown great promise in stabilizing erythrocytes during long term storage. It has also been shown to reduce intraperitoneal adhesions after trauma. For this study, two Gram positive and two Gram negative bacteria strains were used with PVAC to evaluate its effect. Materials and methods PVAC was obtained from the research team at Ångström Laboratory, Uppsala. The bacteria were obtained from Clinical Microbiology and Hospital Hygiene, Academic Hospital, Uppsala. The methods used were spectrophotometric assessment of bacteria growth, use of FITC-conjugated PVAC to study adherence to bacteria, use of FITC-antibodies to study PVAC’s effect on bacterial adherence to erythrocytes and a qPCR for quantification of E. coli. Results and discussion PVAC displayed a clear effect of inhibition of bacteria growth in the study as shown by use of spectrophotometric assessment. Trials with FITC-PVAC showed that the polymer adheres directly to the bacteria, displaying a possible function of its inhibitory properties. The qPCR assay was able to detect the bacteria in all the dilutions used. Introduction This study evaluated the effect of the polymer polyvinylalcohol-carbazate (PVAC) on the bacteria Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, Staphylococcus epidermidis and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. PVAC is a polymer with a carbazate moiety that neutralizes free aldehydes and has shown great promise in stabilizing erythrocytes during long term storage. It has also been shown to reduce intraperitoneal adhesions after trauma. For this study, two Gram positive and two Gram negative bacteria strains were used with PVAC to evaluate its effect. Materials and methods PVAC was obtained from the research team at Ångström Laboratory, Uppsala. The bacteria were obtained from Clinical Microbiology and Hospital Hygiene, Academic Hospital, Uppsala. The methods used were spectrophotometric assessment of bacteria growth, use of FITC-conjugated PVAC to study adherence to bacteria, use of FITC-antibodies to study PVAC’s effect on bacterial adherence to erythrocytes and a qPCR for quantification of E. coli. Results and discussion PVAC displayed a clear effect of inhibition of bacteria growth in the study as shown by use of spectrophotometric assessment. Trials with FITC-PVAC showed that the polymer adheres directly to the bacteria, displaying a possible function of its inhibitory properties. The qPCR assay was able to detect the bacteria in all the dilutions used.
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Teknologins utveckling och kommersiella värden i butik : Detaljisters syn på modebutikers utveckling.HEDBERG, MOA January 2014 (has links)
Utvecklingen av modern teknologi går framåt i en rasande takt och de fysiska butikerna behöver skapa unika lösningar vilket gör att de kan locka konsumenter med både emotionella och funktionella shoppingvärden. Internetbutikerna lockar med deras tillgänglighet, vilket har lett till att de flesta detaljister idag har en webbshop. Flera detaljister har även börjat integrera deras onlinebutik med deras fysiska butik genom användning av surfplattor i butikerna; vilket har banat väg för omnichannel. Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka om teknologins möjligheter och fördelar går att kombinera med den fysiska butikens företräden i säljprocessen. Författaren har undersöka hur ett framtida butikskoncept kan komma att se ut. Hur butiker på bästa sätt integrerar modern teknologi och samtidigt om de kan hjälpa butikerna förmedla både emotionella och funktionella shoppingvärden. Teorierna tar upp hur emotionellt och funktionellt shoppingvärde fungerar, men även innebörden av omnichannel. Emotionellt och funktionellt shopping värde handlar om hur konsumenter upplever butikens helhetsatmosfär vilket förklaras i en modell om konsumenters shoppingvärden. Omnichannel är utvecklingen av multichannel, men har koncentrerats mot en mer individanpassad strategi anpassad för konsumentens upplevelse genom alla tillgängliga shoppingkanaler. Uppsatsen är utformad efter en kvalitativ metod och är baserad på tre fallföretag inom mode och textilbranschen och en projektassistent som forskar inom det valda området. Datainsamlingen har samlats in genom intervjuer av fyra respondenter. Empirin har analyserats med teorin i åtanke och utifrån modellen som beskriver konsumenters uppfattning om butiksatmosfären. En kombination av modern teknologi och kommersiella värden i butik är möjligt och kommer troligen att bli verklighet, men det kommer förmodligen förkomma vissa svårigheter; genom att emotionella och funktionella shoppingvärden är svåra att kombinera eftersom de gå emot varandra. Det kommer även vara konsumenterna som bestämmer vilken takt och vilken teknik butikerna ska använda. Samtidigt blir konsumenter mer vana vid digital teknik, allt eftersom samhället utvecklas. / Program: Butikschef, textil och mode
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One To One marketing : kommunikation för en utmärkt relation? / One to One marketing : communication for a brilliant relation?Basic, Emina, Hajradinovic, Azra January 2008 (has links)
Marknadsföringsbegrepp har växt allt mer med tiden, lika väl som det har förgrenat sig ochutvecklats inom olika riktningar. Under utbildningens gång har vi läst en hel del ommarknadsföring och dess olika termer samt begrepp, men inte förrän det fjärde året, blev viverkligen fascinerade av själva ämnet One to One marketing.Undersökningens syfte är att studera hur tjänsteföretag tillämpar One to One marketing och påvilket sätt de inför perspektivet inom sina arbetsrutiner. De aspekter som vi har funnit mestintressanta att undersöka är hur tjänsteföretagen uppfattar One to One marketing och vilkalikheter samt skillnader det finns mellan teorin och empirin. Tjänsteföretagen som vi harintervjuat till vår uppsats är Reklambyrån Mecka, Nordea Private Banking och ICA Banken.Läsarna får en inblick i och kommer nära inpå tjänsteföretagens interna verksamhet.Konsumenter är den största anledningen till den goda lönsamhet som varje företag vill uppnå.Konsumenter är den drivande kraften bakom köpmarknaden och det gäller att lyckas få tag pådem som ger mest avkastning. Att vara kundorienterad och lyckas uppnå denna så kalladeskräddarsydda orienteringen, gentemot kunden, är ett av huvudmålen med One to One. Innanjust detta kan åstadkommas, finns det en hel del faktorer att ta hänsyn till, förbättra och införainom företagens system. Det hela går ut på att skapa en unik samt lärande relation mellanföretag och kund, just för att öka precisionen i marknadsföringen. Företaget låter kunden läraden, hur denne vill bli bemöt och vilka varor/tjänster den föredrar att konsumera och på vilketsätt. Fokus inom One to One marketing ligger på att erhålla kundandelar, framförmarknadsandelar.Undersökningen visar att One to One marketing används i praktiken men att företagen intebenämner det på samma sätt som litteraturen/här. Enligt våra respondenter definierasperspektivet på samma sätt, så som den fastställs inom teorin. När kundens behov blirtillfredställda, förblir kunden lojal företaget, något som leder till en långsiktig relation mellanföretaget och kunden. IT spelar en kritisk roll inom perspektivet och underlättar självaarbetsprocessen som även medför att företag kan skräddarsy individuella erbjudanden för sinakunder. / Uppsatsnivå: D
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Augmented reality inom sjukvården : En studie om utmaningar och möjligheter för AR i sjukvårdenLico, Angjelo, Andersson, Johannes January 2019 (has links)
This essay is about the use of Augmented Reality in healthcare, to highlight the challenges and the opportunities that generate from the subject. With the continual development of technology that is introduced to healthcare, it is important to understand the effects that Augmented Reality has on the workers that use it, and the people who are affected by it. This essay is based on a literature review to be able to examine the information that is best suited to contribute to the work. We created a table to present our findings by identifying two perspectives that are affected by the use of AR. The two perspectives are introduced as Care providers and Care recipients, which are the two main signifiers in hospitals and the healthcare environment. The conclusion of this essay will reveal the opportunities and the challenges of Augmented Reality in healthcare and may serve as a suggestion to what the future of Augmented Reality in healthcare can hold.
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Lärares uppfattningar om användandet av appar för elever i matematiksvårigheter : Appars potential i matematikundervisningenHasselblad, Malin January 2019 (has links)
Studiens syfte är att undersöka hur lärare i årskurs 1–3 använder appar i matematikundervisningen för elever i allmänna matematiksvårigheter samt vilken potential lärarna upplever att appar har för matematikundervisning. Studien bygger på semistrukturerade intervjuer av fem lärare. Det finns begränsat med forskning kring användandet av appar i matematikundervisningen och deras potential för elever i allmänna matematiksvårigheter. Resultatet visar att lärarna i den här studien använder appar på liknande sätt i sin undervisning för elever i allmänna matematiksvårigheter. Resultatet visar också att lärarna upplever att det finns flera fördelar med att använda appar i matematikundervisningen, till exempel bidrar de till ett engagemang hos eleverna.
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Vetenskap, Teknologi och Ontologiska frågorMalmberg, Lena January 2005 (has links)
<p>This essay is a study that takes interest in technical and technological change essential to philosophy of science. What is shown is the importance of an active attitude towards this change, by the articulation of the question: Does technical development lead to new ontological questions for science? - and by the answer that such questions do appear.</p><p>It is clear that passive assumptions in this matter might prohibit science in the proceeding search for truth.</p><p>By examples of ways in which technical development helps and challenges science, it is concluded that scrutiny of the relationship between technical development and ontological suppositions and hypotheses within science is well motivated.</p> / <p>Denna uppsats är en studie vilken intresserar sig för teknisk och teknologisk förändring essentiell för vetenskapsfilosofi. Det som påvisas är betydelsen av ett aktivt förhållningssätt till denna förändring, genom formuleringen av frågan: Leder teknisk utveckling till nya ontologiska frågor för vetenskapen? - och genom svaret att sådana frågor uppstår.</p><p>Det framgår att passiva antaganden angående detta kan förhindra vetenskapen i det fortskridande sanningssökandet.</p><p>Genom exempel på sätt som teknisk utveckling hjälper och utmanar vetenskapen, framträder slutsatsen att granskning av förhållandet mellan teknisk utveckling och de ontologiska antagandena och hypoteserna inom vetenskapen är väl motiverad.</p>
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ALL IN...men hjälp mig ut. : En kvalitativ studie om vägen in och vägen ut ur ett spelberoendeIsljami, Elvin, Dragaj, Visar January 2009 (has links)
<p>Compulsive gambling has lately become a more common and serious issue in our society. The number of compulsive gamblers is constantly increasing alongside the growth of the gambling industry and the consequences of compulsive gambling include both economical and social disasters. Every addiction has a start, and so does compulsive gambling, which is why we chose to perform a survey in order to determine the possible causes to why individuals are drawn to gambling and what leads them into compulsive gambling, and also during which circumstances do they find the strength and will to come out of their addiction to gambling. The theories that are used in this paper include globalization, socialization, Bauman´s consumption society and empowerment, alongside the six phases of gambling by Custer and Milts, describing the way in and the way out of compulsive gambling. This survey is one of the qualitative kind, which means that the chosen theories are connected to the ten interviews that were done with gamblers of various kinds. The larger part of the interviews consist out of stories by compulsive gamblers and former compulsive gamblers, but the reader also gets to read the stories of those who gamble a whole lot, but still don´t consider themselves as compulsive gamblers and also from a treatment facility representative who has a lot of experience of treating compulsive gamblers. This paper, in conclusion, shows that there are various reasons of why individuals become gamblers and compulsive gamblers. Some do it in order to escape their everyday problems; some do it to fit in with their friend circle while others do it for the sake of excitement or for the simple reason of making money. The publicity that surrounds gambling nowadays and the technology that increases the possibility of gambling, are also important factors that can awake the interest in gambling. In order for the individual to get out of the compulsive gambling problem, more is needed then just the need to leave gambling behind. Support from one´s family and friends can be of help after the individual has fully decided to get out of his compulsive gambling issues. However, it is the individuals own free will and determination to leave the gambling behind, that is the key to a life free from compulsive gambling.</p>
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Mind design : steps to an ecology of human-machine systemsHoff, Thomas January 2003 (has links)
<p>We have, within the last years, witnessed horrifying tragedies within the transportation domain. Planes fall down, trains crash, boats sink, and car accidents are one of the most frequent causes of death throughout the world.</p><p>What is more, technology seems also to fail in settings that are more mundane. In his book "the trouble with computers: Usefulness, usability, and productivity", T.K. Landauer shows that the productivity has, within the western world, decreased by about 50% from the period 1950-1973 to the period from 1973 to 1993, and claims that this effect is mostly due to the introduction of technology. Even closer to home, technology is still anxiety provoking for most people. One of many everyday observations to support this fact can be seen at the airports. Have you wondered why most people line up, even for hours, without daring to go near the automatic check-in machines?</p><p>What has become of the grandiose promises from the heydays of artificial intelligence? What happened to the mind-machines of Newell and Simon? Where is HAL 9000? The distance between the massive technology positivism observed in the west, and the contemporary role of technology in the society, is, I believe, one of the largest paradoxes of our time.</p><p>What is particularly interesting to note, is that the parody of the AI of the 60s, seems to be recycled every now and again, both within entertainment, the financial world, and within academia. At the turn of the century, we have seen the popularity of movies like The Matrix, we have seen high hopes become sober reality at NASDAQ, and the reductionism of Newell and Simon is alive and well, in disguise of the magic buzzword connectionism. Universities around the world are now buying MRI – scanners on the thousands. We are, yet again (!), on the verge of discovering the mysteries of the mind.</p><p>The slogan "Vorsprung Durch Technic" used by Audi displays something that lies deep within the western mind, namely the tendency to define ourselves and our culture in terms the inherent qualities of technology; precision, logic, rationality, reliability, punctuality, determination and power. Technology is, in many respects, the totem of the western culture. Maybe this thesis should have been about Techno-Totemism. But it is not.</p><p>This thesis, on the other hand, attempts to explore what technology might have looked like, had it not been for techno-totemism, i.e. the prevailing idea within western culture and sciences, that humans are literally machines. This notion makes engineers design technological products as if humans actually were machines, or worse imperfect machines. The imperfect machine metaphor leads directly to the notion of "human error", which is often used in a particularly stupid fashion.</p><p>In this work I lean, on the contrary, on aspects of human cognition that are not machine-like whatsoever, and advocate a change in design focus, from an emphasis on technology to an emphasis on ecology. I have attempted to present my programme positively; that is, to give indications on how, in practical, real life settings, such an approach might be carried out. At certain points, however, it has been necessary to point out the difference of my approach from the traditional cognitive-based Human Factors tradition, to make my points explicit. I apologize to cognitivists and human factors specialists for occasionally making a straw man of their theory. There are many excellent contributions made by these traditions, which are not reflected in this thesis.</p>
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Vetenskap, Teknologi och Ontologiska frågorMalmberg, Lena January 2005 (has links)
This essay is a study that takes interest in technical and technological change essential to philosophy of science. What is shown is the importance of an active attitude towards this change, by the articulation of the question: Does technical development lead to new ontological questions for science? - and by the answer that such questions do appear. It is clear that passive assumptions in this matter might prohibit science in the proceeding search for truth. By examples of ways in which technical development helps and challenges science, it is concluded that scrutiny of the relationship between technical development and ontological suppositions and hypotheses within science is well motivated. / Denna uppsats är en studie vilken intresserar sig för teknisk och teknologisk förändring essentiell för vetenskapsfilosofi. Det som påvisas är betydelsen av ett aktivt förhållningssätt till denna förändring, genom formuleringen av frågan: Leder teknisk utveckling till nya ontologiska frågor för vetenskapen? - och genom svaret att sådana frågor uppstår. Det framgår att passiva antaganden angående detta kan förhindra vetenskapen i det fortskridande sanningssökandet. Genom exempel på sätt som teknisk utveckling hjälper och utmanar vetenskapen, framträder slutsatsen att granskning av förhållandet mellan teknisk utveckling och de ontologiska antagandena och hypoteserna inom vetenskapen är väl motiverad.
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Mind design : steps to an ecology of human-machine systemsHoff, Thomas January 2003 (has links)
We have, within the last years, witnessed horrifying tragedies within the transportation domain. Planes fall down, trains crash, boats sink, and car accidents are one of the most frequent causes of death throughout the world. What is more, technology seems also to fail in settings that are more mundane. In his book "the trouble with computers: Usefulness, usability, and productivity", T.K. Landauer shows that the productivity has, within the western world, decreased by about 50% from the period 1950-1973 to the period from 1973 to 1993, and claims that this effect is mostly due to the introduction of technology. Even closer to home, technology is still anxiety provoking for most people. One of many everyday observations to support this fact can be seen at the airports. Have you wondered why most people line up, even for hours, without daring to go near the automatic check-in machines? What has become of the grandiose promises from the heydays of artificial intelligence? What happened to the mind-machines of Newell and Simon? Where is HAL 9000? The distance between the massive technology positivism observed in the west, and the contemporary role of technology in the society, is, I believe, one of the largest paradoxes of our time. What is particularly interesting to note, is that the parody of the AI of the 60s, seems to be recycled every now and again, both within entertainment, the financial world, and within academia. At the turn of the century, we have seen the popularity of movies like The Matrix, we have seen high hopes become sober reality at NASDAQ, and the reductionism of Newell and Simon is alive and well, in disguise of the magic buzzword connectionism. Universities around the world are now buying MRI – scanners on the thousands. We are, yet again (!), on the verge of discovering the mysteries of the mind. The slogan "Vorsprung Durch Technic" used by Audi displays something that lies deep within the western mind, namely the tendency to define ourselves and our culture in terms the inherent qualities of technology; precision, logic, rationality, reliability, punctuality, determination and power. Technology is, in many respects, the totem of the western culture. Maybe this thesis should have been about Techno-Totemism. But it is not. This thesis, on the other hand, attempts to explore what technology might have looked like, had it not been for techno-totemism, i.e. the prevailing idea within western culture and sciences, that humans are literally machines. This notion makes engineers design technological products as if humans actually were machines, or worse imperfect machines. The imperfect machine metaphor leads directly to the notion of "human error", which is often used in a particularly stupid fashion. In this work I lean, on the contrary, on aspects of human cognition that are not machine-like whatsoever, and advocate a change in design focus, from an emphasis on technology to an emphasis on ecology. I have attempted to present my programme positively; that is, to give indications on how, in practical, real life settings, such an approach might be carried out. At certain points, however, it has been necessary to point out the difference of my approach from the traditional cognitive-based Human Factors tradition, to make my points explicit. I apologize to cognitivists and human factors specialists for occasionally making a straw man of their theory. There are many excellent contributions made by these traditions, which are not reflected in this thesis.
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