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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

" ...jag tycker om sill, men tycker inte att det ska vara obligatoriskt... " : - En innehållsanalys om medielogik, public service och partipolitik i SVT:s partiledarutfrågningar / " ...I like herring, but don´t think it should be mandatory..." : a content analysis about media logic, public service and party politics in party leader hearings i SVT

Almgren, Susanne, Holck Clausen, Louise January 2010 (has links)
Den här uppsatsen undersöker hur medielogik och public service-värdena uttrycks i SVT:s partiledarutfrågning hösten 2010. En totalundersökning i form av kvantitativ och kvalitativ innehållsanalys är gjord av samtliga partiledarutfrågningar som sändes i SVT veckorna före valet, samt respektive partis valmanifest. Fyra frågor mättes först kvantitativt och analyserades därefter kvalitativt med utgångspunkt i vilka medborgargrupper som synliggörs, hur partiledarnas privata angelägenheter exponeras, hur valmanifestens innehåll överensstämmer med de teman som journalisterna tar upp i utfrågningarna, samt regeringsbildningskomplikationer och samarbetssvårigheter av olika slag. I den kvantitativa analysen framkom att konsumentperspektivet dominerar, men skillnaden är stor i de olika partiledarutfrågningarna. Den personliga exponeringen av partiledarna ger minst utrymme åt dåvarande statsministerkandidaterna Fredrik Reinfeldt (m) och Mona Sahlin (s), men även åt Maud Olofsson (c). Valmanifestens överensstämmelse med de journalistiska frågeställningarna visade på stora skillnader mellan de olika partiledarutfrågningarna. Mest kommunikationsutrymme åt komplikationer ges med det Rödgröna blocket (och då främst de mindre partierna Miljöpartiet och Vänsterpartiet.) Resultaten av vår undersökning är varierande, beroende på vilken frågeställning det gäller. Delar av public service-värdet verkar ha haft olika stor genomslagskraft hos de större partierna jämfört med de mindre partierna gällande konsekvenserna för de enskilda fallen och partiets politik. Ett återkommande tema är skildringen av politik som att den tar ifrån människor något snarare än att politiken tillför människor något. Ett annat drag vi har noterat är att medborgaren framställs som offer för något (nya bensinpriset, sjukförsäkringen, gymnasiereformen…) I ett samhälle som får allt större problem att engagera medborgarna i det politiska livet, kan det vara av värde att fråga sig hur stort ansvar medierna har för detta. Poängteras bör slutligen att de resultat vi kommer fram till inte ska refereras till journalistiken som profession, utan snarare belysa vikten av att en medveten strategi behövs för att lyfta fram de krafter som strävar mot medielogikens komponenter i form av polarisering, konkretisering och förenkling. / This essay examines how media logic and public service values are expressed in the SVT party leaders hearing fall of 2010. A comprehensive study in the form of quantitative and qualitative content analysis was made by all party leaders hearings broadcast on SVT weeks before the election, and each party's election manifesto. Four questions were measured primary quantitatively, and were then assayed qualitatively on the basis of the civic groups that are made visible, how the party leaders' private affairs are exposed, how the manifesto contents are consistent with the journalistic issues during the hearings, and government complications and cooperation difficulties of various kinds. The quantitative analysis indicated that consumer perspective dominates, but the difference is large in the various party leaders hearings. The personal exposure of the party leaders will have the least room for the then prime minister candidates Fredrik Reinfeldt (m) and Mona Sahlin (s), but also to Maud Olofsson (c). Manifesto conformity with the journalistic issues showed significant differences between the various party leaders hearings. Most communications space to complications are exposed with the Rödgröna blocket (and particularly the smaller parties, Miljöpartiet and Vänsterpartiet.) The results of our study are varied, depending on the issue in question. Components of the public service value seems to have a greater impact in the major parties compared to the smaller parties regarding the consequences for the individual cases and party policies. An overall theme is the presentation of policy that it takes away something from people rather than it adds. Another feature we have noticed is that the people were presented as victims of something (new price of gasoline, health insurance, upper secondary school reform ...) In a society of growing problems with involving the citizens in the political life, it may be useful to ask how much responsibility the media has of this. Finally it should be pointed out, that the results we arrive at should not be referred to journalism as a profession, but rather emphasize the necessity of a planned strategy to highlight the forces that strive to media logic components in the form of polarization, concretization and simplification.

Strategiska svårigheter i dagens mediesamhälle : En kvalitativ studie av lokala medieorganisationerns strategier i förändringsprocesser

Högkvist, Erik January 2011 (has links)
Hela mediebranschen är idag inne i ständigt pågående förändringsprocess. Alla medieorganisationer, såväl på global nivå som på lokal nivå, påverkas på ett eller annat sätt och måste ta ställning till hur de ska agera i förändringarna. Att utforma hållbara strategier för något som är i ständig förändring är dock inte helt okomplicerat.      I den här studien har fyra värmländska medieorganisationers förhållningssätt till strategier i förändringsprocesser undersökts. Två av dem, Nya Wermlands-Tidningen och TV4 Värmland, är kommersiellt drivna, medan två av dem verkar för public service, nämligen Sveriges Televisions Värmlandsnytt och Sveriges Radio Värmland. Dessa organisationer har valts ut för att det kan vara intressant att se hur det ser ut på lokal nivå, samt om synen på strategier i förändring skiljer sig åt beroende på om de verkar kommersiellt eller inte.      För att besvara syftet med studien har två delstudier genomförts, dels en kvalitativ samtalsintervju, där en person i ledningen på respektive medieorganisation har intervjuats och dels en mindre kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Den kvalitativa innehållsanalysen fungerar bara som ett komplement till samtalsintervjuerna, som är den huvudsakliga metoden i denna studie.      Resultatet av den empiriska studien visar att det finns uppenbara skillnader i vad de värmländska medieorganisationerna anser är avgörande i deras förändring och vad som påverkar deras strategiska arbete. Informanterna på de kommersiellt drivna Nya Wermlands-Tidningen och TV4 Värmland menar att publikens intresse är avgörande, medan de på Sveriges Televisions Värmlandsnytt och Sveriges Radio Värmland är mer inne på att direktiv från regering och riksdag är mest avgörande. / The entire media industry is at the moment in a constantly ongoing process of change. All media organizations, both at global level and at local level, are affected in one way or another, and must consider how to act in the changes. Designing sustainable strategies for something that is constantly changing isn’t easy at all.      In this study, the approach to strategies in change at four local media organizations has been studied. Two of them, Nya Wermlands-Tidningen and TV4 Värmland, are commercially driven, while two of them are working for public service. Those two are Sveriges Televisions Värmlandsnytt and Sveriges Radio Värmland. These organizations have been selected since it seems to be interesting to study the phenomenon at local level and to investigate if there are any differences in their views on strategies in change, depending on whether they are commercially driven or not.      To respond to the purpose of this study, two separate studies were implemented, one qualitative interview study, where one member of the management at each media organization has been interview and one minor qualitative content analysis study. The function of the qualitative content analysis is to complement the interviews. The qualitative interview is the main methodology in this study.      The result of the empirical study shows that there are clear differences in what the local media organizations believe is essential in their change and what influences their strategic work. The informants of the commercially driven organizations, Nya Wermlands-Tidningen and TV4 Värmland, believe that the interest of the audience is essential, while the informants of Sveriges Televisions Värmlandsnytt and Sveriges Radio Värmland believe that regulations from the Swedish government and the Swedish parliament is the most essential factor.

”Att prata om spel” : En jämförande diskursanalys av en public service podcast och en privatägd podcast som behandlar samma ämne / “To talk about games” : A comparative discourse analysis of a public service podcast and a privately owned podcast that deals with the same topic

Poopuu Kjeilen, Gabriella, Kvist, Jesper January 2011 (has links)
I ett samhälle där podcasts blir allt mer populärt är det intressant att forska kring podcastens utveckling och hur en privatägd podcast kan skilja sig mellan en podcast som producerats av en public service radiokanal som behandlar samma ämne. I denna analys jämförs P3 spel och Spela spel som båda handlar om tv- och dataspel för att se om det finns några skillnader i deras struktur, ämnesfokusering och intervjuteknik.  Fyra intervjuer och två diskussioner valdes ut ur sex olika avsnitt och transkriberades för att sedan analyseras med hjälp av diskursanalys. Även klockmodellen (Åberg, 2012) användes för att kartlägga avsnittens struktur och tematisering för att undersöka intervjuteknik, ämnesfokusering och språk. Resultatet av analysen visar att det finns både likheter och olikheter mellan dessa två podcasts. Public servicediskursen märks tydligt i P3 spel eftersom den är mer ämnesfokuserad och har en mer professionell ton. I sina intervjuer låter podcastvärdarna sina gäster tala till punkt innan de ställer en ämnesfokuserad följdfråga. I Spela spel råder istället en oberoende diskurs där det är en mer personlig ton som tillåter podcastvärdarna att byta ämne och även avbryta under intervjuerna. Det blir mer av en diskussion även när de har gäster i studion vilket bidrar till den personliga känslan eftersom det för en lyssnare blir som att lyssna till ett samtal än en intervju. När det gällde språk använde sig båda podcasterna av fackord som kan vara svåra för lyssnare som inte är insatta i speldiskursen att förstå, men överlag var P3 spel mer inbjudande i sina samtal genom att undvika eller förklara fackord. / In a community where podcasts are becoming increasingly popular, it is interesting to research the podcast development and how a privately-owned podcast can differ from a podcast produced by a public service radio channel. In this analysis, we compare “P3 spel” to “Spela spel”, both of which are about tv- and computer games, to see if there are any differences in their structure, subject focus and interview technique. Four interviews and two discussions were selected from six different episodes and transcribed, then analyzed using discourse analysis as a method. The clock model (Åberg, 2012) was also used to chart the episodes structure and thematization to investigate interviewing techniques, subject focus and language. The public service discourse is clearly visible in P3 spel because it is more subject-focused and has a more professional tone. In their interviews, the podcast hosts let their guests speak until they are finished before they ask another question. In Spela spel, there is an independent discourse where there is a more personal tone that allows the podcast hosts to change topics and also interrupt during the interviews. It becomes more of a discussion even when they have guests in the studio, which contributes to the personal atmosphere, because it feels like listening to a conversation rather than a recorded podcast. In the case of languages, both podcasts used to use words that could be difficult for listeners who are not familiar with the game course to understand, but overall, P3 games were more inviting in their conversations by avoiding or explaining trade words.

RSE et Service Public : oppositions, juxtapositions et articulations : le cas France Télécom / Corporate Social Responsibility and Public Service : Oppositions, Juxtapositions and Articulations.

Ngaha, Angélique 08 July 2011 (has links)
Aujourd'hui, RSE et Service Public dont les logiques prétendent servir l'intérêt général imprègnent le management des grands services publics de réseaux historiques français privatisés ou en voie de l'être. La recherche présentée vise à comprendre comment ces logiques s'opposent, se juxtaposent, et s'articulent concrètement dans un tel contexte managérial dominé par la logique de Maximisation de la Valeur pour l'Actionnaire.Pour ce faire, nous mobilisons le concept de dispositif forgé par Foucault ainsi que la sociologie de l'acteur réseau. Nous nous centrons sur le cas de l'entreprise France Télécom (FT) et de son dispositif RSE en y apportant quelques éclairages comparatifs.Nos résultats indiquent que chez FT le dispositif RSE officiel se déploie en se détachant des logiques de Service Public et en privilégiant le Business Case. Il poursuit prioritairement des objectifs de communication et d'anticipation des risques. Mais de manière décentralisée et autonome, émergent progressivement des initiatives RSE innovantes qui reposent sur la R&D, le Marketing stratégique et les partenariats avec les principaux fournisseurs. Elles visent la protection de l'environnement, le Service Public par procuration (en fournissant aux services publics des prestations leur permettant de mieux assurer leurs missions), et le dépassement de la fracture numérique, en même temps que la profitabilité. Dans le domaine social cependant, la RSE s'incarne surtout à travers des politiques de diversité (en interne) et de contrôle de la chaine d'approvisionnement pour éviter des violations majeures des droits de l'homme, ne touchant guère le cœur de la relation d'emploi, à moins que les contre-pouvoirs ne s'en emparent, comme nous le montrons dans l'étude du cas de l'Accord Cadre International sur les droits sociaux fondamentaux au travail de FT. / Today, Corporate Social Responsibility and Public Service logics, claiming to serve the general interest, are spreading within the management of for-profit public service networks in France; networks that have been historically privatized or on the way to becoming. The aim of this research is to bring an understanding to how these logics are opposed, juxtaposed and articulated in a managerial context that is dominated by a logic of maximized shareholder value.In this perspective, we rely on the notion of “device”, as employed by Foucault, and the actor-network theory. We focus on the France Telecom company (FT) and its CSR “device(s)”. We also use comparative insights drawn from additional case studies.Our results indicate that the official CSR “device” for FT is disconnected from public service logics, placing more importance on short term logics. Its priority is risk anticipation and communication, demonstrating FTs preference for the CSR Business Case. Nevertheless, in a decentralized and autonomous way, innovative CSR initiatives progressively emerge from within R&D, strategic marketing functions and strategic partnerships with key suppliers. These initiatives target profitability with environmental protection concerns, public service by proxy (providing benefits to utility services to help them better perform their missions) and digital divide overtake. However, in the social area, the FT CSR policy is embodied primarily through internal policies of diversity as well as control of the supply chain which was put in place to avoid major human rights violations. These policies seem to hardly touch the heart of the employment relationship, unless counter-powers seize the opportunity to do so, as shown through the case study concerning the International Framework Agreement on the fundamental social rights at work in FT.

"Vart är vi på väg?" : En kvalitativ studie av Sverigedemokraternas vision för public service, och dess förhållande till politik, juridik och teori

Strömberg, Viktor January 2020 (has links)
Den eviga debatten kring public service roll i svensk demokrati har under vintern blossat upp rejält på nytt i och med Sverigedemokraternas utspel om att kalla in bolagens chefer till Kulturutskottet och Linus Bylunds uttalanden om att straffa partiska och osakliga journalister. Denna studie syftar till att utröna vad Sverigedemokraternas vision för public service är och hur den förhåller sig till övriga politiska partier, det förvaltningsrättsliga systemet och normativa teorier om medier. Studien undersöker detta genom en kvalitativ textanalys som inledningsvis fokuserar på Sverigedemokraternas vision av public service för att därefter även gå vidare och undersöka public service ur de tre andra perspektiven i syfte att ta reda ta reda på hur Sverigedemokraternas vision förhåller sig till dessa. Analysen ger för handen att den Sverigedemokratiska visionen – i komprimerat format – handlar om ett public service-bolag som i grunden behövs för att fylla viktiga funktioner i termer av demokrati och samhällsnytta som marknaden inte kan tillhandahålla. Bolaget ska ha ett grundläggande samhällsuppdrag och ett brett kulturuppdrag med storslagna svenska dramaproduktioner. Bolaget ska ha ett högt förtroende bland allmänheten, vara underställd omfattande granskning och bedriva ett extensivt nordiskt samarbete. Till en av de mest intressanta kontrasterna som uppstår kan nämnas hur det hos Sverigedemokraternas ledamot i förvaltningsstiftelsen, Linus Bylund, går att se likheter med det normativa sovjet-kommunistiska perspektivet. Det framgår även att Bylund konsekvent ger uttryck för en mer radikal och kollektivistisk linje jämfört med partiet. Detta är något som väcker stora frågor kring huruvida detta är att anse som en mer oslipad version av partiets syn på public service eller om Bylund driver public service i en egen riktning. / The perpetual debate concerning the role of public service broadcasting in Sweden has once again resurfaced. This time as a result of the Sweden Democrat’s request to summon the directors of the public service companies to the Parliament’s Committee on Cultural Affairs and Linus Bylund’s comments about punishing biased and unobjective journalists. The aim of this study is to examine the Sweden Democrat’s vision for public service broadcasting and how it relates to other political parties, administrative law and normative theory. The study examines this by a qualitative analysis of a wide range of documents including parliamentary bills, broadcasting licenses and academic literature containing normative media theories. The analysis shows that the Sweden Democrat’s vision – in summary – is about a public service company needed for fulfilling important functions in terms of democracy and public welfare that the private market is not capable of providing. The company shall have a basic societal mission and a wide cultural mission with grand productions of Swedish drama. The company shall have high trust among the public, be under comprehensive scrutiny and conduct an extensive Nordic cooperation. One of the most interesting findings when comparing the different perspectives is the similarities between Linus Bylund, who is the Sweden Democrats commissioner in the foundation that owns the public service companies, and the normative Sovjet-communist perspective. It is also apparent that Bylund seems to be constituting a more radical and collectivistic view compared to the party. This raises questions as to whether this is a cruder version of the party’s view or if Bylund is moving Swedish public service broadcasting in a direction of his own.

The implementation of competitive intelligence tools and techniques in public service departments in South Africa to improve service delivery : a case study of the Department of Home Affairs

Sewdass, Nisha 27 September 2009 (has links)
Competitive Intelligence (CI) has become increasingly important for organisations in the private sector, or profit-making organisations, because the level and intensity of competition has increased in recent years. This increase in the level and intensity of competition has also affected the public sector, or non-profit-making organisations, such as Public Service departments. In South Africa, the Public Service departments have undergone significant changes, in order to rectify the injustices of the past. Despite much progress, it is noticed that government does not have sufficient capacity to deliver and sustain a quality service to its citizens. It is further noted that improved service delivery cannot be implemented by issuing of circulars only, and it is not just an administrative activity, instead it is a dynamic process and to do this, Public Service managers require new management tools. The Department of Home Affairs (DHA) was chosen as the case study Public Service department for this study. The purpose of this study was to ascertain how competitive intelligence tools and techniques could be implemented in Public Service departments in South Africa to enhance the delivery of services. This aim was established during this study by addressing the following issues: • Identifying how CI tools and techniques could contribute to the functioning of the Public Service sector. The study outlined the benefits of CI for public service organisations and focussed on several tools and techniques that could be used. Most of these tools and techniques were not used in DHA. • Assessing the current state of Public Service delivery in South Africa. It became evident from the study that the Public Service sector and in particular DHA was experiencing several problems in terms of achieving its service delivery mandate. The Department lacked structured and formal frameworks, policies and strategies for conducting its operations. The organisation was viewed to have many unskilled and de-motivated staff. The current state of service delivery in South Africa also revealed disturbing findings of corruption, fraud, nepotism, and extreme despair in staff that had to work in these conditions. • Identifying gaps in the Public Service current strategies for service delivery. It was established that DHA does not use reliable techniques and methods when conducting its strategic planning. Furthermore, staff lacked the competencies, skills and experience to assist in strategic planning. The existing strategic plan for DHA does not address the future desires of the organisation and can be regarded as a plan to address the immediate issues of the organisation only. • Identifying the forms of competition that impact service delivery in Public Service departments in South Africa. Several forms of competition were encountered at DHA. These forms of competition can be divided into three different areas namely internal competition in DHA, external competition and left field competition. The information about these forms of competition was not readily available to managers and decision makers therefore appropriate actions could not be taken to counteract the impact of the competition on service delivery. • Identifying initiatives adopted by Public Service departments to improve service delivery. It was evident from the study that while the new initiatives being implemented by DHA to improve service delivery would be able to, and in some cases, have already had a positive impact on the operating and service delivery environment, several concerns were also identified. • Designing a new CI related framework for gathering and analysing information that can be used in all Public Service departments in South Africa to improve service delivery. From the empirical investigations it became evident that no single CI tool or technique would have been able to address the situation at DHA, therefore, a combination of tools was necessary. These tools were depicted in a CI framework that DHA could use to gather and analyse information for decision making and service delivery. • Suggesting proposed solutions and recommendations that can assist Public Service departments in South Africa in improving its service delivery. It was evident that CI can contribute towards the enhancement of decision making and service delivery not only in DHA but also in all other Public Service departments in South Africa. / Thesis (DPhil)--University of Pretoria, 2009. / Information Science / unrestricted

“Det låter som en liten klyscha, men det ligger mycket bakom det.” : En case-studie om organisationskultur i offentlig sektor

Siljedahl, Linnea, Westin, Emmy January 2023 (has links)
This study aims to shed light on the relationship of organizational culture in practice and as it is portrayed in written policy. A case study was conducted by examining the culture of the coworkers from one unit. Data was collected through interviews and reading official policy documents. This was then analyzed through a lens of a theoretical framework made up of three parts; the four cornerstones of what builds a culture as presented by Edgar Schein, The competing values framework, and Public service motivation. The study shows that there was a clear connection between the culture such as it was described by the coworkers and in text. However, there was a disconnect between the perceived level of public service motivation in practice and text. This prompts a discussion about the role of public service motivation in the organizational culture of the public sector and how change can affect culture. / Den här studien avser att belysa relationen mellan organisationskultur såsom den ser ut i praktiken och som den beskrivs i skriftlig policy. En case-studie genomfördes genom att undersöka kulturen hos medarbetare från en enhet. Data samlades in genom intervjuer och genom att läsa officiella policydokument. Detta analyserades sen med hjälp av ett teoretiskt ramverk som byggdes av tre delar; Edgar Scheins fyra grundstenar som bygger upp organisationskultur, The competing values framework, och public service motivation. Studien påvisar en tydlig koppling mellan kulturen som den beskrevs av medarbetarna och som denbeskrevs i text. Däremot skiljde sig nivån av public service motivation i praktik och text. Det här ledde till en diskussion kring rollen av public service motivation i organisationskulturen inom den offentliga sektorn och hur förändring kan påverka kulturen.

Ämnen och muntliga källor i Rapport och Tv4 Nyheterna

Fridolf, Jesper January 2022 (has links)
Denna uppsats syftar till att mäta hur ofta ämnen och muntliga källor förekommer. Två nyhetsförmedlare har undersökts. Den ena drivs via public service, Rapport, och den andra är ett kommersiellt företag, Tv4 Nyheterna. De två aktörernas resultat jämfördes för att kunna urskilja likheter och skillnader i hur de valde att utforma sina sändningar. Grundtanken som ledde till denna studie var att se om nyhetsförmedlarnas olika organisationer, historia och finansieringssystem leder till att vissa ämnen och muntliga källor tas upp mer eller mindre än i rivalens sändningar. Målet var att mäta, alltså att omvandla sändningarna till siffror som kan tolkas. Därför ansåg jag att en positivistisk infallsvinkel var lämplig. Därför valde jag kvantitavit innehållsanalys som metod. Själva kodningen genomfördes via ett kodschema som definierar de olika alternativen. Resultatet ger en bild av att likheterna mellan de två nyhetsförmedlarna är större än skillnaderna, men såklart existerar det skillnader. En av de kanske största skillnaderna mellan de två finns när man tittar på ämnesfördelningen under utrikesnyheter. Rapport, driven av public service, tar upp inrikesnyheter oftare än vad Tv4 Nyheterna gör. DettaPage 4 of 46är bara en av många skillnader. För att sammafatta, skulle jag vilja påstå att de olika finansieringssystemen leder vissa skillnader men det hela präglas ändå av enighet. / This study aims to measure how often news items and oral sources occur. Two news programs have been examined. One is operated via public service, Rapport, and the other is a commercial company, Tv4 Nyheterna. The results of the two were compared in order to be able to distinguish similarities and differences in how they choose to shape their programs. The idea that led to this study was to see if the news programs different organizations, history and funding systems lead to certain topics and oral sources being addressed more or less than in the rival's broadcasts. The aim was to measure, that is, to convert the broadcast into numbers that can be interpreted. Therefore, I considered a positivistic approach appropriate. Therefore, I chose quantitative content analysis as a method. The coding itself was performed via a code scheme that defines the various options. The result gives the impression that the similarities between the two news programs are greater than the differences, but of course there are differences. One of the perhaps biggest differences between the two is when you look at the distribution of topics under foreign news. Rapport, driven by public service, gives domestic news more space than what Tv4 Nyheterna does. This is just one of many differences. To sum up, I would like to say that the different financing systems lead to some differences, but the whole thing is still characterized by unity.

"Ingen tror på Åkesson" : En jämförande studie om kvällspressens och public service rapportering om Sverigedemokraterna inför valet 2014 / "No one believes in Åkesson" : A comparative study on the evening press and the public service reporting on the Swedish Democrats before the 2014 election

Nordenhem, Susanna, Laurila, Malin January 2015 (has links)
No one believes in Åkesson - a comparative study on the evening press and the public service reporting on the Swedish Democrats before the 2014 election. The purpose of this essay was to study how Aftonbladet and Ekot reports about the Swedish Democrats before the election 2014, as well as comparing the two medias and reasoning about their agendas towards the party. The tabloid, Aftonbladet, is one of the biggest newspapers in Sweden, which depends on counter sales and commercials. Ekot, which is a part of public service, is state-funded and regulated by certain guidelines. Using a quantitative method we studied 80 articles, and through a qualitative method, six of the articles were analyzed to reach a deeper understanding. The theories primary used in this study were agenda-setting and framing, to stress the power of media. As well as political communication, to examine whether the Swedish Democrats are portrayed according to the democratics ideals of what kind of information journalism should provide citizens before an election. The result showed that the politics of the Swedish Democrats was rarely applied in the news articles. It also showed that both Aftonbladet and Ekot tended to portray the political party with a primary negative agenda. The Swedish Democrats were often described as racists, ignorant and irresponsible. Although Ekot proved to be a bit more restrict in their reporting, there were little differences in how both media presented the politcal party. Although the Swedish Democrats has taken on costumes instead of bomber jackets, and has an office in the Swedish Parliament, they still in 2014 aren’t neutralised or portraid as a serious political alternative, in either Aftonbladet nor Ekot.

An e-governance training model for public managers : the case of selected Free State Provincial departments / Vusi Ezra Sithole

Sithole, Vusi Ezra January 2015 (has links)
The present study focuses on the application of electronic governance (e-governance) or implementation of ICTs by governments. This topic has been a worldwide focus for several years to date. This study has unpacked and analysed various contrasting views on the use of ICTs in promoting e-governance. In some quarters there is criticism about challenges and problems which include: lack of in-depth training of public personnel; the particular need to skill public managers in the use of ICTs; the development of training models for ICT/e-governance for public managers in order to improve the services rendered by governments. On the same note, some criticisms have been highlighted on insufficient alignment between governments and legislations governing the use of ICTs. The lack of adequately trained public managers in ICTs has also become a critical factor in African countries, including South Africa and its provinces. This study works toward constructing a training model in e-governance for the selected Free State provincial departments. The aim was especially to empower public managers in order for them to participate effectively in e-governance applications and implementations and thereby fulfil the mandate of the South African legislation governing the use of ICT in Government. This study will start off with an orientation of the problem statement, as well as the goal and objectives as outlined in Chapter 1. The process of developing the e-governance training model will be aligned in Chapter 2 with training principles and theoretical underpinnings as perceived by various theorists who advocate management training. This implies that managers should be trained in interactions between levels and units of analytical skills in a work place. Furthermore, the study will focus in Chapter 2 on the legislation that governs the training of public managers in South Africa. This legislation applies as a legal framework that guides the use of ICTs in government. This discussion will be followed by an examination (in Chapter 3) of the worldwide practices and models on the use of e-governance and ICTs. A selected number of these global e-governance practices and models in chapter 3 will be incorporated (in Chapter 4) into a workable, drafted e-governance training model for the selected Free State provincial departments, while the basic elements of managerial training and model development will be discussed as well. The process of model development will be discussed in Chapter 4 based on the overarching principles such development. The exposition will focus on the concentric layers as macro-, meso- and micro- levels of model development. This will be followed by the processing in Chapter 5 of the empirical findings obtained from the data analysis on training in e-governance. This analysis will be a prelude to the development in Chapter 6 of a comprehensive, operational e-governance training model for Free State provincial public managers. The final, comprehensive e-governance training model will be presented in Chapter 6, after refining the drafted training model from Chapter 4, when the data will be collected, analysed and interpreted in Chapter 5. / PhD (Public Management and Governance), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2015

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