Spelling suggestions: "subject:"2university students."" "subject:"_university students.""
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Fear of Missing Out and Compliance with Restrictions on SocializingNegga, Mio January 2022 (has links)
Fear of missing out (FoMO) represents a fear of losing out on rewarding experiences that others might have. The Covid-19 pandemic has required great restrictions on social interactions, with many reporting experiences of loneliness. The recommendations for the general public have been followed to different extents, depending on the individual. It is possible that FoMO could decrease compliance with social distancing recommendations and that socially desirable responding (SDR) also is involved. The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between university students' FoMO and self-reported compliance with Swedish recommendations on social gatherings during the past year of the Covid-19 pandemic. A second aim was to explore the influence of SDR on this relationship. The study population consisted of 162 university students that responded to an on-line survey containing the validated FoMO scale, the two-factor SDR scale BIDR-16 and questions exploring compliance with restrictive recommendations on social gatherings (CRG). Utilizing a cross-sectional quantitative study design, Pearson correlations and hierarchical regression analyses were performed to investigate these associations. The study results showed that there were no significant difference in CRG between high and low FoMO groups. Analyzed together with the two SDR variables, FoMO was related to worse attitudinal compliance (0.4%) and worse behavioral compliancy (2.9%). A higher level of efforts to be positively perceived by others was associated with higher attitudinal and behavioral compliance. A higher level of unintentionally embellishing one’s own self-assessment decreased behavioral compliance by relating to a higher number of reported events going against the guidelines. / Fear of missing out (FoMO) representerar en rädsla för att missa givande erfarenheter som andra har. Covid-19-pandemin har inneburit stora restriktioner av sociala interaktioner och många rapporterar en upplevelse av ensamhet. Rekommendationerna som utfärdats för allmänheten har följts i olika utsträckning, beroende på individen. Det är möjligt att FoMO skulle kunna minska följsamhet av rekommendationer om att hålla socialt avstånd samt att socialt önskvärda responser (SDR) också är involverade. Studiens syfte var att undersöka relationen mellan universitetsstudenters FoMO och självrapporterad följsamhet av de svenska rekommendationerna kring sociala sammankomster under det senaste året av Covid-19-pandemin. Ett andra syfte var att utforska hur SDR influerade detta förhållande. Studiens population bestod av 162 universitetsstudenter som besvarade en enkät on-line; innehållande det validerade FoMO-formuläret, det tvåfaktorskaliga BIDR-16-formuläret som mäter SDR samt frågor kring följsamhet av restriktiva rekommendationer om sociala sammankomster (CRG). I en tvärsnittlig kvantitativ design studerades associationer med Pearson-korrelationer och hierarkiska regressionsmodeller. Studiens resultat visade att det inte var någon signifikant skillnad i CRG mellan hög och låg nivå av FoMO. Vid analys tillsammans med de två SDR-variablerna, relaterade högre FoMO till lägre följsamhet i attityd (0,4%) och lägre följsamhet i beteende (2.9%). En hög nivå av strävan efter att bli positivt utvärderad var förknippad med en högre nivå av attityd- och beteendemässig följsamhet. En högre nivå av omedvetet förskönande av egen självbild minskade följsamhet genom att relatera till ett högre antal angivna tillställningar som bröt mot rekommendationerna.
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Självpresentation hos högskolestudenter genom sociala medier - med välbefinnandet i fokusAbdulzahra, Rweeda January 2020 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to gain an increased understanding of the college students 'self-presentation on social media, emphasizing whether the use of social media affects the college students' well-being. It is also studied whether the use of social media has changed due to the corona pandemic. This essay aims to gain an in-depth understanding of the research topic. A qualitative approach was used in the study, where a total of four semi-structured interviews were conducted. All participants were students at Södertörn University. The collected material was interpreted with the help of theories of Goffman's dramaturgical perspective on role appearances and self-presentation, as well as Scheff's theory of social ties and its role in human life. The theories were used interchangeably to conduct a content analysis. The survey shows that the informants have a daily use of social media that is focused on communication purposes and a social interaction with family and friends. The results of the study show numerous positive aspects of the use of social media. However, there are considerably negative impacts on the informants' well-being. In addition, the participants were continuously seeking approval from others, as well as an idealization of themselves in order to place themselves in social cohesion. This resulted in the college students engaging in presenting themselves in a favorable way on social media. Finally, the results show that the informants experienced a negative impact on self-esteem, stress, anxiety and depression due to their use of social media platforms. / Syftet med denna studie var att få en ökad förståelse för högskolestudenternas självpresentation på sociala medier, med fokus att belysa om användningen av sociala medier påverkar högskolestudenternas välbefinnande. Utgångspunkten var att få en uppfattning om studenternas användning av sociala medier och deras upplevelser av vad de tror att sociala medier bidrar med och om sociala mediers inflytande i deras liv. Denna studie har genomförts med hjälp av fyra intervjupersoner som var högskolestudenter vid intervjuernas tidpunkt. Sammanfattningsvis går det att utläsa att användningen av sociala medier bidrar till en rad positiva aspekter. Sociala medier underlättar kommunikation och sökning av information. Den förstärker sociala relationer och bidrar till ökad social sammanhållning och gemenskap för användarna. I studien framkom att utöver de positiva aspekterna som sociala medier erbjuder kan det uppstå flera negativa aspekter som kan påverka människans välmående. Deltagarna upplevde att det ställdes krav och förväntningar på dem som lett till att de valt att presentera sig själva på ett visst sätt som enligt deras mening skulle gynna publiken på sociala medier. Detta ledde till stress, nedstämdhet och depression. Resultaten visar även att ständiga jämförelser med andra användare kan bero på bekräftelsebehov, som i sin tur kan leda till att användarnas självförtroende påverkas negativt. Detta kan exempelvis illustreras genom att respondenterna kan sätta högre krav gällande sina respektive självpresentationer på diverse sociala medier. / sociologi
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Är det skillnad i självskattade sömnbesvär mellan högskolestudenter med barn och högskolestudenter utan barn? En tvärsnittsstudie från en högskola i sydvästra Sverige / Are there differences in self-rated sleep disorders between university students living with or without children? A cross-sectional study from a university in south-west SwedenHolmkvist, Andreas January 2021 (has links)
Introduktion: Sömnbrist kan orsaka måttligt ökad risk för sjukdom och förkortad livslängd. Det kan bland annat leda till infektionssjukdomar eftersom immunsystemet försvagas, samt är en riskfaktor för kardiovaskulär sjuklighet och diabetes typ 2. Sämre sömnkvalitet hos högskolestudenter är förknippade med symtom som exempelvis antisociala personlighetsstörningar och ångestproblematik. I Sverige har 20 procent av alla högskolestudenter barn under 18 år. Vid sömnstörningar hos barn kan i sin tur föräldrarnas sömn påverkas och vid långvariga problem kan det bland annat leda till nedstämdhet. Syfte: Syftet med studien är att undersöka om det är någon skillnad i självskattade sömnbesvär hos högskolestudenter med barn och högskolestudenter utan barn som studerar på en högskola i sydvästra Sverige. Metod: En kvantitativ tvärsnittsstudie genomfördes som mätte självskattade sömnbesvär med den validerade enkäten Karolinska Sleep Qustionnaire. Studiepopulationen valdes via ett bekvämlighetsurval och datan analyserades med deskriptiv statistik. Resultat: Studiepopulationen inbegrep 41 högskolestudenter. Av dessa hade 22 studenter barn och 19 studenter hade inga barn. Studien visade att endast uppvaknandebesvär hos studenter utan barn var värda att utreda vidare. Varken studenter med eller utan barn hade problem med snarkbesvär. Studien indikerade dock att studenter utan barn haft mer besvär med sömnkvalitet än studenter med barn. Slutligen hade studenter med barn mer besvär med sömnighet/trötthet än studenter utan barn. Slutsats: Fler studier behövs inom området sömnbesvär och hur det skiljer sig mellan studenter med och utan barn. Det kan då ligga till grund för hur universitet och högskolor framgent kan arbeta för att hjälpa olika studentgrupper färdigställa sin utbildning. / Introduction: Sleep deprivation can cause a moderately increased risk of illness and shortened life expectancy. It can, among others, lead to infectious diseases since the immune system weakens. It is also a risk factor for cardiovascular diseases and diabetes type 2. Sleep disorders can lead to infectious diseases as the immune system weakens. Poorer sleep quality in university students is associated with symptoms such as antisocial personality disorders and anxiety problems. In Sweden, 20 percent of all university students have children under the age of 18 years. If children have sleep disorders that can also affect the parental sleep which could, if long term, lead to depression. Aim: The aim of the study is to investigate whether there is a difference in self-rated sleep disorders in university students with children and university students without children studying at a university in southwestern Sweden. Methods: A quantitative cross-sectional study was conducted that measured self-rated sleep disorders with the validated Karolinska Sleep Qustionnaire survey. The study population was selected via a sample of convenience and the data was analyzed using descriptive statistics. Results: The study population included 41 university students. Of these, 22 students had children and 19 students had no children. The study showed that only awakening problems in students without children were worth investigating further. Neither students with nor without children had problems with snoring problems. However, the study indicated that students without children had more trouble with sleep quality than students with children. Finally, students with children had more trouble with sleepiness/fatigue than students without children. Conclusion: More studies are needed in the field of sleep disorders and how it differs between students with and without children. This can then form the basis for how universities and colleges can work in the future to help different student groups complete their education.
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Aplicación de empleabilidad UJOBChero Guevara, Giulliana, Garcia Ruiz , Kimberly Arlet, Lebré Alvarez, Mariana, Rosario Mendez, Iyari Yasmin, Vargas Vila, Leidy Lizbeth 29 November 2021 (has links)
El presente documento tiene como finalidad analizar la viabilidad de un nuevo proyecto, el cual consiste en brindar a los estudiantes universitarios que cursan los últimos ciclos de la carrera, una plataforma que integre las distintas herramientas necesarias para desarrollar sus habilidades y potenciar sus conocimientos sobre su carrera profesional, a través de asesorías personalizadas con nuestros especialistas, cursos, elaboración de CVs y webinars. Asimismo, el estudiante tendrá la posibilidad de encontrar ofertas laborales según sus preferencias y necesidades.
Esta propuesta de negocio que está bajo el nombre de Ujob, fue validado a través de diversas investigaciones y experimentos para obtener como resultado un servicio rentable y escalable en el tiempo que satisfaga las necesidades de nuestro segmento objetivo, el cual está compuesto de estudiantes universitarios que se encuentren en búsqueda de sus prácticas preprofesionales.
En conclusión, luego de haber realizado cada uno de los experimentos en diferentes ámbitos, se ha podido evidenciar que nuestro modelo de negocio es rentable a lo largo de los tres años de análisis del proyecto. Por último, es importante recalcar que la participación de cada uno de nuestros posibles usuarios nos ha permitido validar el negocio y conocer su viabilidad en el mercado peruano. / The purpose of this document is to analyze the feasibility of a new project, which consists of providing university students in the last cycles of their degree, a platform that integrates the different tools necessary to develop their skills and enhance their knowledge about their professional career, through personalized counseling with our specialists, courses, resume templates and webinars. Students will also have the opportunity to find job offers according to their preferences and needs.
This business proposal, which is under the name of Ujob, was validated through various research and experiments to obtain as a result a profitable and scalable service over time that meets the needs of our target segment, which is composed of college students who are in search of their pre-professional internships.
In conclusion, after having carried out each of the experiments in different areas, it has been possible to demonstrate that our business model is profitable throughout the three years of project analysis. Finally, it is important to emphasize that the participation of each of our potential users has allowed us to validate the business and to know its viability in the Peruvian market. / Trabajo de investigación
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Las actitudes de estudiantes universitarios hacia la compra en Malls en la ciudad de Arequipa en tiempos de la Covid-19 y post Covid-19 / University students purchase attitudes towards shopping malls in Arequipa city in times of Covid -19 and post Covid -19Paredes Quispe, Fanny Miyahira, Gutiérrez Aguilar, Olger Albino 27 September 2021 (has links)
La pandemia está cambiando los hábitos y las actitudes de compra de los consumidores al rededor de todo el mundo. El negocio de malls en Arequipa en gran parte de la cuarentena no ha tenido ventas en local físico y enfrentan nuevos desafíos, por otro lado, las personas están repensando la compra dirigiéndola a sus necesidades básicas, a la compra en lugares cercanos a sus domicilios, hacia productos específicos y toman una actitud frente a la compra influenciadas diferentes variables. El objeto de esta tesis es validar un modelo a través de ecuaciones estructurales usando los criterios de lealtad, capital de marca, valor percibido y satisfacción hacia la actitud de compra en los estudiantes universitarios de Arequipa en tiempos de la covid-19 y post-covid 19. El modelo propuesto se aplicó a 389 estudiantes en el mes de diciembre del 2020; a partir de los datos obtenidos se ha determinado la validez y confiabilidad de cada uno de los elementos del modelo y posteriormente se ha reestructurado hacia el modelo final que se presenta en el trabajo. / Pandemic is changing consumers purchase habits and attitudes around the world. In quarantine shopping malls in Arequipa have not had sales in physical shop and they face new challenges. On the other hand, people are rethinking the purchase directing it to their basic needs, to purchase in places close to their homes, to acquire specific products and they take an attitude towards the purchase influenced by different variables. The purpose of this thesis is to validate a model through structural equations using the criteria of loyalty, brand equity, perceived value, and satisfaction towards the purchasing attitude of university students in Arequipa in times of covid-19 and post-covid 19. The proposed model was applied to 389 students in December 2020. From the data obtained, the validity and reliability of each element of the model has been determined and later it has been restructured towards the final model that is presented in this study. / Tesis
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The perceptions of postgraduates students about female condoms at the University of LimpopoShiburi, Mkhotso George January 2021 (has links)
Thesis( MPH.) -- University of Limpopo, 2021 / Title: The Perceptions of Postgraduate Students About Female Condoms at The University of Limpopo
Background: The female condom is one of the safest and effective female-initiated methods of contraceptives that has been promoted as an integral part of inventions that provide protection against the widespread of Human Immunodeficiency Virus and other Sexual Transmitted Infections among the youth, including at institutions of higher learning. A number of university students in South Africa are at risk of contracting HIV because of their risky sexual behaviours. How one perceives the female condom can have greater potential to influence its use. There is a gap in literature about this condom. Therefore, this study seeks to understand and document perceptions of postgraduate students about the female condom at the University of Limpopo.
Objectives: To explore demographic characteristics of postgraduate students at the University of Limpopo regarding female condoms.
To describe perceptions of postgraduate students at the University of Limpopo about female condoms.
Methods: The study used the qualitative research approach. Participants of the study were full-time male and female postgraduate students at the University of Limpopo. Data was collected through semi-structured interviews, participants were interviewed one by one using an interview guide. The sample size of the study was 10 participants which was determined by saturation of data. An audiotape was also used to record interviews with participants, and field notes were also taken during the interview. Data was analysed through Thematic Content Analysis.
Results: Literature suggests that students are aware of the female condom and its potential to reduce the risk of contracting HIV and STI but are still reluctant to use it in preference of the MC which is well marketed and promoted. The observed discarding and misuse of female condoms among students is associated with lack of knowledge and their perceptions of it. Although this study does not generalise the overall students’ perceptions regarding the female condom, but as a qualitative research, the study provides a useful qualitative enquiry of postgraduate students at the University of Limpopo about the female condom.
Conclusion: Many studies have concluded that a female condom is a female-initiated method that is developed to empower and educate women to take control of their sexual health issues as well as to develop other programmes that prioritise women against HIV/AIDS and other STI. There is a need for effective interventions and campaigns to improve student knowledge in order to minimise wasteful expenditure in the process of the procurement and distribution of female condoms. There is also a need to increase the availability and accessibility of these condoms at institutions of higher learning.
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En prediktionsstudie av svenska högskolestudenters studieprestationer : – påverkar faktorer som akademisk self-efficacy, akademisk motivation, stress och resilience coping samt oro för ekonomi, kön och antal studieår studenternas studieprestationer? / A prediction study of Swedish university students' study achievements : - do factors such as academic self-efficacy, academic motivation, stress and resilience coping as well as concerns about finances, gender and number of academic years affect students' academic performance?Frölander, Sara, Källman, Ylva January 2022 (has links)
Syftet med den kvantitativa enkätstudien, baserad på 135 universitets-studenter, var att försöka identifiera faktorer som kan predicera akademiska prestationer bland universitetsstudenter. Hypotesen var att det finns ett positivt samband mellan studenterna studieprestationer och deras akademiska self-efficacy, akademiska motivation och resilience coping, samt ett negativt samband mellan stress och studieprestationer. För att mäta akademisk self-efficacy användes instrumentet Academic Self-Efficacy and Efficacy for Self-Regulated Learning, akademisk motivation mättes med Academic Motivation Scale - University Version. Stress mättes med Cohens Perceived Stress Scale och resilience coping mättes med Brief Resilience Coping Scale. Svaren analyserades i statistikprogrammet Jamovi med en korrelationsanalys, Spearman’s rho, samt en multipel linjär regressionsanalys. Därtill utfördes en hierarkisk regressionsanalys för att uppskatta faktorernas värde. Resultatet visade att det finns ett signifikant positivt samband mellan en hög grad av akademisk self-efficacy och studieprestation. Det fanns även ett negativt samband mellan stress samt amotivation gentemot studieprestation. Sammanfattningsvis konstateras genom interaktionseffekten mellan faktorerna akademisk self-efficacy, stress och amotivation att studenter som redovisar en hög akademisk self-efficacy i kombination med låg eller måttlig stress samt låga nivåer av amotivation predicerar bättre studieprestationer. / The purpose of the quantitative questionnaire study, based on 135 university students, was to try to identify factors that can predict academic performance among university students. The hypothesis was that there is a positive relationship between students' academic performance and their academic self-efficacy, academic motivation and resilience coping, and a negative connection between stress and study performance. To measure academic self-efficacy, the instrument Academic Self-Efficacy and Efficacy for Self-Regulated Learning was used, academic motivation was measured with the Academic Motivation Scale - University Version. Stress was measured with the Cohen's Perceived Stress Scale and resilience coping was measured with the Brief Resilience Coping Scale. The responses were analyzed in the statistics program Jamovi with a correlation analysis, Spearman's rho, and a multiple linear regression analysis. In addition, a hierarchical regression analysis was performed to estimate the value of the factors. The results showed that there is a significant positive relationship between a high degree of academic self-efficacy and academic performance. There was also a negative relationship between stress and motivation towards study performance. In summary, the interaction effect between the factors academic self-efficacy, stress and amotivation states that students who report a high academic self-efficacy in combination with low or moderate stress and low levels of amotivation predict better academic performance.
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Inteligencia emocional y estrategias de afrontamiento al estrés en estudiantes de psicología / Emotional intelligence and coping stress strategies in psychology studentsCasas Tapia, Natalia de Fatima 10 March 2022 (has links)
Solicitud de embargo por publicación en revista indexada. / El estudio correlaciona inteligencia emocional y afrontamiento al estrés. Se trabajó con 546 estudiantes de psicología, usando muestreo no probabilístico por conveniencia. Tiene un enfoque cuantitativo de tipo relacional, utilizó Escala de inteligencia emocional percibida (Wong & Law, WLEIS) y escala de modos de afrontamiento al estrés (COPE-28). Los resultados indicaron correlaciones positivas entre inteligencia emocional y afrontamiento centrado en el problema (p 0,01), así como correlaciones negativas entre inteligencia emocional y afrontamiento centrado en la evitación (p 0,01). Estos resultados están en la misma dirección de estudios previos. / The study correlates emotional intelligence and coping with stress. Working with 546 psychology students, using non-probabilistic convenience sampling. It has a quantitative relational approach, using the Perceived Emotional Intelligence Scale (Wong & Law, WLEIS) and the Coping Modes of Stress Scale (COPE-28). The results indicated positive correlations between emotional intelligence and problem-focused coping (p 0.01), as well as negative correlations between emotional intelligence and avoidance-focused coping (p 0.01). These results are in the same direction as previous studies. / Tesis
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Political Engagement Against the Odds : The case of Syrian students at the University of JordanCadei Fritz, Matilda January 2022 (has links)
This study examines political engagement among Syrian students at the University of Jordan who are either refugees, asylum seekers or children of Jordanian mothers. By adopting Ekman and Amnå’s conceptualization of political participation and analysing 15 semi-structured interviews, I find that the Syrian students are both engaged in manifest and latent forms of political participation. The engagement is mostly canalised through individual activities rather than collective activities. Most importantly, the engagement is less common in domestic issues than non-domestic issues. When the students are engaged in domestic issues, it is mostly in latent forms of political participation and in private activities not risking revealing their opinions to the general public. Interestingly, I find that the students are interested in Jordan public affairs but that this interest is not transformed into political action aiming to affect Jordanian political decisions. The pattern of political participation in several ways corresponds with the students’ perceptions of risks. The Syrian students associate political engagement in Jordan with perceived risks such as being deported back to Syria or facing racism. Respondents expressed that they were not politically engaged because of the risks that it could entail and engagement in activities connected to Jordan public affairs seems to be perceived as more of a risk compared to being engaged in non-domestic issues. This seems to be particularly true for activities carried out in public. My findings are important as they shed light on political engagement in authoritarian contexts in the Global South and among marginalised non-citizens.
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Primeras evidencias psicométricas del Inventario de Pensamientos Automáticos (IPA) en universitarios peruanos / First psychometric evidence of the Inventory of Automatic Thoughts (IPA) in peruvian university studentsGamarra Rodríguez, Alejandra Gabriela, Vela Calixto, Martha Fiorella 16 September 2020 (has links)
El objetivo de la investigación fue analizar las primeras evidencias psicométricas del Inventario de Pensamientos Automáticos (IPA) de Ruiz y Lujan (1991). Participaron 556 jóvenes y adultos de universidades privadas de Lima Metropolitana; 215 varones y 341 mujeres entre 18 a 30 años (Media = 20,64; σ = 2,21); el diseño fue instrumental con muestreo no probabilístico de tipo intencional. Los resultados revelan que el IPA presenta ítems con contenido representativo y relevante; asimismo, la estructura interna obtenida a través del análisis factorial exploratorio reportó tres factores subyacentes (Catastrofismo, Externalidad, Egocentrismo). Su discrepancia con la versión original, señala la necesidad de renombrar los factores e ir hacia una nueva estructura interna del IPA, la misma que revela valores aceptables (.76 a .91). Se concluye que, el IPA debe ser interpretado de forma tridimensional; aunque es necesario un análisis factorial confirmatorio para corroborar estos resultados. / The objective of the research was to analyze the first psychometric evidences of the Inventory of Automatic Thoughts (IPA) de Ruiz & Lujan (1991). 556 young people and adults from private universities in Metropolitan Lima participated; 215 men and 341 women between 18 and 30 years old (Mean = 20.64; σ = 2.21); the design was instrumental with intentional non-probabilistic sampling. The results reveal that the IPA presents items with representative and relevant content; Likewise, the internal structure obtained through exploratory factor analysis reported three underlying factors (Catastrophism, Externality, Egocentrism). Its discrepancy with the original version points out the need to rename the factors and go towards a new internal structure of the IPA, the same one that reveals acceptable values (.76 to .91). It is concluded that the IPA must be interpreted in a three-dimensional way; although a confirmatory factor analysis is necessary to corroborate these results. / Tesis
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