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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Språkintroduktion som mellanrum : Nyanlända gymnasieelevers erfarenheter av ett introduktionsprogram / Language introduction as a third space : Newly arrived students' experiences of an introductory program in upper secondary school​

Aho, Erika January 2018 (has links)
Den här licentiatuppsatsen behandlar berättade erfarenheter av att vara elev på Språkintroduktion. Programmet är ett av fem introduktionsprogram i den svenska gymnasieskolan och tar emot nyanlända ungdomar i åldrarna 16 till 19 år. Utbildningen på Språkintroduktion har en tyngdpunkt på svenska språket samt andra ämnen som eleverna har behov av att studera. Sålunda ska undervisningen organiseras utifrån varje elevs förutsättningar och behov. Studien bygger på intervjuer med språkintroduktionselever. Analysen fokuserar följaktligen 22 elevers berättade erfarenheter av att vara elever på Språkintroduktion. Elevernas berättelser blir ett sätt att förstå hur deras erfarenheter av programmet flätas samman med tidigare skol- och arbetslivserfarenheter liksom med tankar om framtiden. I resultaten presenteras tre teman som framträder i berättelserna.  Det första temat gäller samtliga elever och behandlar erfarenheten av att inte kunna svenska. Det andra temat innefattar vissa elever och synliggör två elevidentiteter som särskilt framträder. Den första av dem handlar om att gå från att vara en högpresterande elev till att vara nybörjare och den andra om att gå från att vara en elev med kort eller ingen skolbakgrund till att äntligen vara elev. Slutligen handlar det tredje temat om hur Språkintroduktion tar form som ett mellanrum.

Den psykiska hälsan bland gymnasieelever under covid-19-pandemin : En kvalitativ studie utifrån skolkuratorers perspektiv

Antonsson, Daniel, Bagheri, Gisoo January 2021 (has links)
The aim of the study was to examine, based on school counselors’ experiences, the impact of the covid-19 pandemic on the mental health of upper secondary school students. To examine this, six qualitative interviews were conducted with school counselors currently working in upper secondary school. The results showed that some students have problems maintaining routines in everyday life during the covid-19 pandemic. The school entails an automatic structure that has disappeared for the students in connection with distance education during the pandemic. Distance education and other restrictions in society have also meant that students have spent more time at home, which means that a safe and supportive family has become increasingly important. As a result of upper secondary school students spending more time at home and not meeting their classmates at school to the same degree as before the pandemic, some have also lost or impaired their relationships with friends. This in turn has according to the informants, contributed to increased loneliness and isolation. Mental problems such as stress, anxiety, difficulty sleeping, and lack of motivation are common topics in the conversations between the school counselors and the students linked to the pandemic. / Syftet med uppsatsen var att utifrån skolkuratorers erfarenheter undersöka vilken påverkan covid-19-pandemin haft på gymnasieelevers psykiska hälsa. För att undersöka detta har sex kvalitativa intervjuer genomförts med skolkuratorer verksamma inom gymnasieskolan. Resultatet visade på att vissa gymnasieelever fått problem med att upprätthålla rutiner i vardagen under covid-19-pandemin. Skolan medför en automatisk struktur som försvunnit för eleverna i samband med distansundervisning under pandemin. Distansundervisning och andra samhällsrestriktioner har också medfört att gymnasieleverna spenderat mer tid i hemmet vilket gör att en trygg och stöttande familj blivit allt viktigare. Som följd av att gymnasieelever spenderat mer tid hemma och inte träffat deras klasskamrater i skolan samma grad som före pandemin så har också en del elever tappat eller försämrat sina relationer till vänner. Detta har i sin tur enligt informanterna bidragit till en ökad ensamhet och isolering. Psykiska besvär som stress, ångest, sömnsvårigheter och motivationsbrist är vanligt förekommande ämnen i samtalen mellan skolkurator och eleverna kopplat till pandemin.

Låt romanen komma in – Transformativt lärande i gymnasieskolans litteraturundervisning / Let the novel in – Transformative learning and the teaching of literatureat upper secondary school

Bradling, Björn January 2020 (has links)
“Låt romanen komma in – Transformativt lärande i gymnasieskolans litteraturundervisning“ är en litteraturdidaktisk studie i forskningsämnet pedagogik som tar syftestexten för litteraturundervisningen i det gymnasiala svenskämnet som utgångspunkt. Genom en förstudie där elva svensklärare och en skolbibliotekarie samtalar i fokusgrupper riktas projektet mot sitt huvudfokus som är en läsloggsintervention där 31 elever i gymnasiekursen Svenska 3 läser John Ajvide Lindqvists “Låt den rätte komma in” (Ordfront, 2004/2015). Med hjälp av begrepp från läsforskning (Rita Felski, “Uses of Literature”, Blackwell Publishing, 2008) och erfarenheter från förstudien för eleverna logg över sin läsning. Resultatet av läsloggsinterventionen visar att elevernas metareflektion hjälps framåt av begreppsanvändningen och att eleverna därmed tar steget in i en transformativ lärandeprocess. Licentiatavhandlingen innehåller en analys av den didaktiska potentialen för transformativt lärande med fokus på fokalisation och främmandegöring i Ajvide Lindqvists roman samt en praktisk modell för hur begreppsorienterad litteraturundervisning med läslogg på gymnasiet kan utformas. / The function of reading fictional texts in Swedish secondary school education has been questioned in public debate (e.g. Melin, 2016-07-17), even though the reading of fictional texts has been shown to be important to young people’s academic achievement (Jerrim &amp; Moss, 2019). Swedish policy documents clearly state that upper secondary teaching of literature in the subject of Swedish is aimed at increasing the pupils’ self-awareness and their comprehension of experiences and perceptions of others (The Swedish National Agency of Education, 2011). However, results from a large-scale reading project show that Swedish teenagers find it difficult to reflect upon their own roles as readers of fictional texts (Nordberg, 2018). Therefore, this licentiate thesis targets upper secondary reading of fictional texts, and the possibility of using literary terminology pedagogically to visualize and develop pupils’ transformative learning processes. The overall research question posed is: - How can applied literary terminology be used in upper secondary literary studies todevelop pupils’ transformative learning processes? A pilot study was conducted based on three focus group-sessions with teachers and the librarian at an upper secondary school. The main study was based on reading journals written by pupils reading John Ajvide Lindqvist’s novel Låt den rätte komma in (2004) [Let the Right One In, 2008] as part of the Swedish 3 course. The methodological framework is inspired by participatory research. Consequently, this research-project uses an inclusive approach to the participants – 11 Swedish teachers, 1 librarian and 31 pupils – which means that they are considered as subjects rather than objects of knowledge. My own role in this project is tripartite: as a colleague, a teacher, and researcher. The pilot study was conducted in order to find out which possibilities and obstacles arose when the staff participants worked on teaching literature. The main study, within which the pupils are included as participants, focuses on advancing meta-perspectives of their own reading and made use of results from the pilot study and concepts derived from Felski’s (2008) ‘modes of textual engagement’. The pilot study revealed tensions which obstruct the teaching of literature, including the teacher-experienced importance of pupils ‘stepping into’ stories, as opposed to a great many pupils’ reluctance both towards the text and the act of reading. Moreover, the tension between engaged reading and the heavy emphasis placed on assessable outcomes of teaching and learning was addressed by the teachers. The main study revealed that reluctance is an inherent part of reading fictional texts. Further, that the pedagogical application of concepts used in literary studies can support the reading process, make it move forward, encourage the adoption of meta-perspectives on reading and on the pupils themselves as readers, as well as supporting a cohesive view of the finalized text. In summary, the findings suggest that applying literary concepts in literary studies supports pupils towards advancing their transformative learning and potentially points to a new way of making the goals section of the policy documents tangible for teaching and learning practices. According to this study, transformative learning-goals can be achieved if critical perspectives are preceded by individual engagement with the reading of the text. The suggested concept of transformative potential is beneficial to an analysis of the pedagogical function of a certain fictional text used in a certain learning situation geared towards transformative learning. This finding stands in contrast to trends of using reading as a means of writing practice or imaging historical epochs. / <p>Licentiate Thesis in Education with Specialisation in Didactics.</p>

Exploring dual career experiences of Swedish student-eSport players / Undersökning av svenska student-eSport spelares upplevelser av dubbla karriärer

Modig, Kristoffer, Källgren, Erik January 2021 (has links)
The study aimed to explore the experiences of dual career (DC) among Swedish student-eSport players from a holistic perspective, and focused on the challenges faced in DC, the coping strategies used, and how DC influenced the student-eSport players. Interviews were conducted with 7 student-eSport players enrolled in an upper secondary school or university providing DC supportive resources. The participants were all males between 16 and 22 years of age (M= 18, SD= 2.16). The works of Stambulova et al. (2015) and Henriksen (2010) served as foundations in creating the two semi-structured interview guides used by the authors. The authors performed a thematic analysis of the data to identify experiences relevant to the concepts of dual career and athlete talent development. The results showed that the participants’ experienced challenges related to eSports, school, and their private lives. Their private lives were perceived to be the most challenging due to the need of balancing their time between their meaningful relationships and DC demands. Coping strategies claimed to be used were time management, physical activity, and relying on their supportive network. The supportive network encompassing the coach, school environment, friends, partner, and family were identified as a coping resource in congruence with the participants’ individual skills. Positive influence of DC on the student-eSport players was found in both academical and eSport, but negative in private life due to experiencing a lack of time to dedicate to family and friends. The results of the study reveal that Swedish student-eSport players’ DC experiences share similarities with those experienced by student-athletes in traditional sports, and highlights challenges and positive benefits associated with combining eSports with studies. / Studiens syfte var att utforska erfarenheterna av dubbla karriär (DC) bland svenska eSport-spelare ur ett holistiskt perspektiv, och fokuserade på att undersöka utmaningar som uppstod, coping-strategier som användes, och hur DC påverkade student-eSport spelarna. Intervjuer utfördes med 7 student-eSport spelare antagna på gymnasier eller universitet som erbjuder DC stöttande program. Deltagarna var män och var mellan 16 och 22 år gamla (M = 18, SD = 2,16). Arbetena av Stambulova et al. (2015) och Henriksen (2010) agerade grunder i skapandet av de två semi-strukturerade intervjuguiderna som användes av författarna. Författarna genomförde en tematisk analys av materialet för att identifiera erfarenheter relaterade till koncepten av dubbla karriärer och talangutveckling. Resultatet visade att student-eSport spelarna upplevde utmaningar relaterade till eSport, akademiskt och i sitt privatliv. Privatlivet upplevdes som det mest krävande på grund av att svårigheter med att balansera sin tid mellan sina meningsfulla relationer och kravställningar i DC. Copingstrategier som användes av deltagarna var tidshantering, fysisk aktivitet, samt att använda sig av sitt stödjande nätverk. Det stödjande nätverket innehållandes tränare, skolmiljö, vänner och familj fungerade även som en coping-resurs i samverkan med deltagarnas individuella kunskaper. Det inflytande DC hade på student-eSport spelarna var både positivt och negativt på olika områden. Positivt inflytande identifierades i både akademisk och eSport men negativt i privatlivet på grund av brist på tid att ägna till familj och vänner. Studiens resultat visar att svenska student-eSport spelares upplevelser av DC delar likheter med de upplevda av student-atleter i traditionella idrotter, och framhäver de utmaningar och positiva fördelar relaterade till att kombinera eSport med studier.

Shakespeare eller Schiefauer? : Mekanismer bakom kanonbildandet i svenskämnet för årskurs 7–9 samt gymnasieskolan. / Shakespeare or Schiefauer? : Mechanisms behind canon creation in Swedish subject for grades 7–9 and upper secondary school.

Widman, Camilla Villemo January 2020 (has links)
Syftet med detta arbete är att studera den mer eller mindre medvetna litteraturkanon som skapas genom lärares val av litteratur i undervisningen inom svenskämnet för årskurs 7–9 och gymnasieskolan. För att uppnå syftet genomfördes en enkätundersökning som en grund för läromedels- och antologianalys av de verk som svensklärarna nämnde i enkäten. Studien visar att svensklärarnas texturval påverkas av olika faktorer såsom läromedel, antologier, tillgänglighet, kollegor, internet samt egna erfarenheter och kunskap. Läromedelsförfattare och antologiredaktörer har en stor makt över svenskämnet och litteraturundervisningen då deras val och preferenser resulterar sedan i ett texturval som används i svenska skolorna. Dessutom tyder studien på att lärare bidrar till att skapa en informell klassrumskanon genom de skönlitterära verk som väljs ut och som inte ingår i antologier eller läromedel. / The purpose of this work is to study the, more or less conscious, canon of literature that is created through teachers' choice of literature in teaching within the Swedish subject for grades 7–9 and upper secondary school. In order to achieve the purpose, a survey was conducted as a basis for teaching aids and anthology analysis of the works mentioned by the Swedish teachers in the survey. The study shows that the Swedish teachers' text choices are influenced by various factors such as teaching aids, anthologies, accessibility, colleagues, the internet and their own experiences and knowledge. Teaching aids writers and anthology editors have a great power over the Swedish subject and literature teaching as their choices and preferences then result in a text choice used in Swedish schools. In addition, the study suggests that teachers contribute to creating an informal classroom canon through the fiction works selected and not included in anthologies or teaching aids.

En pandemis påverkan på religionsundervisningen : En kvalitativ studie om coronapandemins påverkan på lärares undervisningsmöjligheter / The impact of a pandemic on religious education : A qualitative study of the impact of corona pandemic on teachers teaching opportunities

Åberg Domeij, Patrik January 2021 (has links)
Syftet med denna uppsats har varit att undersöka och ge förståelse för hur religionslärare upplever attundervisa i ämnet religionskunskap digitalt på gymnasienivå, i ljus av att en pandemi har tvingat störredelen av gymnasieskolformen till digital undervisning. Totalt åtta observationer kring digitalreligionsundervisning och över fem timmars intervjuer fördelat på sju olika religionslärare utgör grundenför studien, som pekar mot att lärare upplever varierad problematik och större utmaningar kring digitalreligionsundervisning än möjligheter. Samtliga lärarintervjuer betonar att dom föredrar den fysiskaundervisningen framför den digital. Majoriteten har negativa kopplingar och känslor kring digitalundervisning, och upplever att det behövs mer stöttning från högre instanser. Den digitala undervisningenhar krävt utökat administrativt arbete för lärarna, vilket leder till känslor av försämrade arbetsförhållanden.Lärarna belyser hur digital undervisning kräver mer av dom både personligen och professionellt, ochflertalet lyfter lärarnas behov av digital kompetens. Två områden beskrivs som synnerligen problematiska.Det första är att religiösa föremål, teman och platser inte nödvändigtvis får samma effekt ochgenomslagskraft i ett digitalt format där flera sinnen försvinner och upplevelsen kan kännas platt. Detandra är att det så viktiga samtalet - ämnets kärna - blir svårare att genomföra kontrollerat och personligtvia skärmar, tekniska problem med mera. Diskussionen haltar och intimt kopplade frågor som etik, moraloch tro blir svårare att skapa ett tryggt och pedagogiskt rum för. Men lärare belyser även att det finnspositiva aspekter, så som att mindre elevgrupper kan fungera bättre digitalt. Det upplevs att vissa mindreelevgrupper jobbar bättre och mer kooperativt på distans, men att större grupper och klassrum fungerarsämre. Lärarna lyfter även att övergången till digital undervisning har fått lärarna att tänka igenom och blimer noggrann med sin undervisning; endast det viktigaste tas upp och lektionsplaneringen blir konkret.Även nya former av uppföljning, översikt och digitala kvitton på elevernas arbete har gjort det lättare attfölja elevernas utveckling, samt gett bättre underlag för betygssättning. Sist men inte minst har lärarna avnöd behövt lära sig digitala verktyg, så som att spela in sig själva och att jobba med video, bild och ljudpå andra sätt än tidigare.Studiens slutsats är att den digitala undervisningen, som den ser ut idag, blir framtvingad på ett sätt somgör att den inte når upp till samma kvalitetskrav och standard som undervisningen i det fysiskaklassrummet. Kunskapsutvecklingen är inte lika god och eleverna får inte samma möjligheter tillpedagogiskt stöd. Digital undervisning kopplar inte in lika många sinnen och det sociala är svårare, vilketockså gör att det är svårare att få fram kunskapen till eleverna. Studien belyser lärarnas upplevda situationoch ökar kunskap om hur religionsämnet undervisas under en pandemi, men det kvarstår viktig forskningkring hur eleverna själva upplever digitala distansstudier. Lärarnas egna upplevelser är dock att digitalundervisning idag påverkar att elevernas kunskaper inom ämnet blir betydligt mindre. / The purpose of this study has been to research and provide understanding on how teachers of religionexperience digital teaching in Swedish senior high school curriculum, in light of the switch to digitalclassrooms and education due to the current pandemic. In total eight observations, along with more thanfive hours of interviews distributed over seven different teachers is used as the foundation for this study,finding that teachers experience a varied set of problems and increased difficulty concerning teaching andpedagogical teaching of the subject of religion, more so than possibilities and positive effects. All teachersemphasize that they prefer physical teaching face to face in the classroom, as opposed to digital teaching.The majority have negative experiences and feelings around the shift to digital education and mention thatthey think more support is required from a top level in the educational system. Digital education hasrequired more administrative efforts for already stressed teachers, and this in turn leads to a feeling of aworse working climate. The teachers emphasize that digital education requires more of them bothprofessionally as well as personally, as well as the need for more digital tools and skills to being able todo their job properly. Two areas stand out in particular, one being the lessened effect of religious artifacts,themes and places when the students lose certain senses and tactile ways of experiencing – the other beingthat the vital discussion and social climate is lost, making intimate discussions of moral, ethics and otherpersonal elements of belief harder to approach. At the same time, teachers do lift certain positive trends inthe digital shift, mainly the need to plan properly and to reexamine their lesson plans, leaving only thevital parts in. Beyond that many teachers are now for perhaps the first time really learning themselves touse video, recordings, pictures, audio and other media as means to evolve their digital skills.The study seems to show that the, as of writing, current shift to digital education in a time of ongoingpandemic is a forced and not fully optimal way of teaching. This in turn lessens the quality of educationand, in several ways, actually hinders the students in their educational progress. Support is not as readilyavailable, and many senses are left out of the pedagogical context of the classroom. The study lifts theexperiences of the teachers, but important research is still needed from a student perspective and how theyview digital education from their end.

Gender in Pride and Prejudice : A look at gender roles relating to the characters Elizabeth and Lydia Bennet

Pedersen, Jessica January 2021 (has links)
This essay will discuss gender in Pride and Prejudice, the timeless work by Jane Austen. It also discusses how a teacher might approach the subject of gender roles in a classroom environment based on a reading project featuring Pride and Prejudice. The different theories will include theories regarding gender as a social concept, gender roles and pedagogical implications. This essay argues that the gender roles in Pride and Prejudice can be used in an EFL classroom to increase students' awareness of gender and gender roles.

Can all students please speak up? : A mixed methods study into the situational and motivational aspects of (un)willingness to communicate in English in Swedish upper secondary schools

Karlsson, Amanda January 2021 (has links)
This study seeks to examine (1) in what situations Swedish upper secondary school students from two EFL classes are unwilling to speak English in English class, and (2) what the motivational factors are for the same students to speak English. Students in their first and second year of studying English in Swedish upper secondary school participated in this study. The data were collected using observations, a questionnaire and semi-structured interviews. The data collected in this study were analyzed using both quantitative and qualitative methods. The results of the study showed that students are unwilling to speak English in assessed situations as well as in situations where students are given less time before they can speak. The results suggest that students are influenced by one another, and that using English only instruction will make students more confident in speaking activities since speaking English will be normative behavior in class. Moreover, students are motivated to speak the target language in class by the English they meet outside of school, and by the plans that they have envisioned for their future.

Undervisning i tidsbristens klassrum : En kvalitativ studie rörande tidsbristens inverkan på den svenska gymnasiala historieundervisningen / Teaching when in lack of time : A qualitative study about the influence of the lack of time in the Swedish upper secondary history teaching

Pääjärvi, Amanda January 2020 (has links)
The aim of the study presented in this report was to analyse how the lack of time in the subjectof history, in Swedish upper secondary school, tend to influence the process of history didacticsthat affects teachers’ implementation of the curriculum. Furthermore, the study aimed toanalyse the outcome of the history didactics process in the vocational and theoretical programs.The process was examined through qualitative interviews with six history teachers that teach in two basic history courses and the analysis was based on a theoretical framework consisting of Street-Level Bureaucracy, Curriculum Theory and Vertical and Horizontal discourses. The result shows that the lack of time influences the execution of the history teaching in many ways. The history teaching in the vocational programs is though affected to a greater extent than the theoretical programs. Furthermore, the teachers in the present study find themselves in a complicated dilemma when it comes to balancing the ideal of the curriculum and the ideal of history teaching. The teachers shall both live up to the curriculum, while also adjusting the teaching to available time and students’ individual needs. The study also reaches the conclusion that the students in the vocational programs tend to have fewer opportunities to practise both vertical and horizontal knowledge, when compared to students in the theoretical programs. Based on Bernstein, this can be said to indicate that a reproduction of the prevailing social order and inequalities in society occur within the subject of history in Swedish upper secondary school. Finally, the teachers’ ability to deal with the prevailing problems could be facilitated through better conditions to execute the curriculum’s content, such as extended teaching time or a smaller amount of content to process and examine, especially within the vocational program where the implementation of the curriculum is most problematic.

Inclusivity in the English Classroom : A Study in Inclusivity, Focusing on Heteronormativity and Sexuality, in the English Courses 5-7 in Upper Secondary Schools

Winterkvist, Frida January 2020 (has links)
This student thesis project centers around two subjects, heteronormativity and LGBTQIA+ representation, and examines whether or not they are prominent in today’s schools in a smaller selected municipality in Sweden, if schools strive for inclusivity, and what is done to prevent any potential suffering for the LGBTQIA+ youth. Firstly, this student thesis project presents the theory, more specifically queer theory, that will be used as the basis for results analysis. Secondly, the background is presented with relevant previous research in similar areas where LGBTQIA+ themes or issues and heteronormativity are key elements. Thirdly, this student thesis project presents the questionnaire that eight upper secondary school teachers in English have responded to and what they have responded, followed by the results that consist of an analysis using the previous research. Lastly, this student thesis project concludes that many areas affect how and when LGBTQIA+ issues or questions are represented. One area is responsibility as responsibility appears to be put on teachers, Skolverket, and the students themselves for change to happen. Teachers must dare to include LGBTQIA+ issues or questions, and teachers urge Skolverket to assist in including LGBTQIA+ related topics in the steering documents. The students have a responsibility to take LGBTQIA+ issues or questions seriously as they are presented to them in class and allow themselves to ask questions to gain more knowledge in the area. There is room for improvement in terms of inclusivity as heteronormativity still influences the schools in the selected municipality, making LGBTQIA+-questions secondary and separate rather than a natural part of education.

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