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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Estamos transportando vida! : trajetórias e experiências de motoristas e colaboradores do transporte coletivo urbano de Uberlândia

Silva, Janaina Ferreira 29 August 2007 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / This dissertation approaches how Uberlândia s bus drivers and conductors work and live. In order to discuss these subjects the newspapers Correio de Uberlândia, Primeira Hora and some issues of the Trasncol s internal bulletin, called Transcolito, were analysed. Some interviews with trasnport workers were recorded. In these interviews, they talked about their work and life experiences. These interviews allow the construction of many interpretations about their own life as workers in the historical process (period 1980-2004). The group of bus drivers and conductors interviewed is formed by immigrants that arrived in Uberlândia from 1980 s to the beginning of 1990 s booking for better life and work conditions. The work reality in urban transport is troulbesome. The bus trasnportation is organized by Uberlândia´s city hall, but is performed by private enterprises and used by poor citizens. Then, the urban transport is involved in a complex social dynamic. On the otherhand, the profits are the central goal. Because of this the works start to face exploiting work conditions. They work overtime and they are controlled by many different ways like the eletronic ratchet. Finally the passangers are also dannaged in their transportation need around the urban space. Despite they can be, some times, friends of the conductors and bus drivers. / Esta dissertação aborda o trabalho e a vida de motoristas e cobradores do transporte coletivo urbano de Uberlândia. Para o seu desenvolvimento foram realizadas pesquisas nos jornais Correio de Uberlândia, Primeira Hora e em algumas edições do informativo interno da empresa Transcol, chamado Transcolito. Foram gravadas entrevistas orais com trabalhadores do transporte, onde eles relatam as suas experiências de vida e de trabalho em Uberlândia, possibilitando interpretações sobre suas trajetórias como sujeitos sociais que vivem processos históricos onde se constituem como trabalhadores. O período pesquisado estendeu-se do ano de 1980 a 2004. O grupo de motoristas e cobradores entrevistados para essa pesquisa é composto por migrantes, que chegaram à Uberlândia nas décadas de 1980 e inicio de 1990 buscando melhores condições de vida e trabalho e que encontraram no setor de transporte possibilidades de manter a vida nesta cidade. O cotidiano de trabalho no transporte mostrou-se cercado de conflitos. Ele é um meio de locomoção organizado pela Prefeitura Municipal de Uberlândia, oferecido por empresas privadas, garantido por motoristas e cobradores e utilizados por moradores de baixa renda da cidade. O transporte é realizado dentro de uma dinâmica complexa onde se configura o interesse de mostrá-lo como organizado, moderno e dinâmico. Por outro lado, a lucratividade torna-se o principal objetivo. Impõe-se aos trabalhadores do setor formas de trabalho exploratórias. A exploração materializa-se em longas jornadas e em diferentes formas de controle sobre seu trabalho, como é o caso das catracas eletrônicas, que afetam as relações familiares e de sociabilidades e alimentam expectativas de mudanças. Por fim, os passageiros surgem nessa conjuntura muitas vezes como sujeitos prejudicados na sua necessidade de circulação pelo espaço urbano, mas também, algumas vezes, como companheiros dos trabalhadores do transporte. / Mestre em História

Avaliação energética, econômica e socioambiental de alternativas para sistemas de transportes urbanos coletivos a partir do modelo de apoio multicritério à decisão / Energy, economic and socio-environmental evaluation of alternatives for urban transport systems based on the multicriteria decision support model.

Guilherme Pedroso 15 December 2017 (has links)
Essa pesquisa tem como foco a tomada de decisão para a escolha de modais de transporte urbano coletivo e analisa os desempenhos operacionais e funcionais dos sistemas Bus Rapid Transit (BRT), Veículo Leve sobre Trilhos (VLT) e Monotrilho. Um modelo de apoio multicritério à decisão (AMD) em cenários complexos é utilizado na análise e tem como dados de entrada as preferências subjetivas de agentes de decisão (stakeholders) e os desempenhos objetivos e subjetivos dos três modais com relação a um sistema de cinco critérios e 22 subcritérios. Tal sistema cobre os eixos de eficiência energética, custo, viabilidade econômica e financeira, qualidade da viagem e impactos ambientais. Stakeholders selecionados com perfis de operador, vizinho, usuário, fornecedor de equipamentos e serviços e consultor em transportes urbanos atribuem suas preferências, pontuando-as em escala numérica de 1 a 9. Visando a aplicação do modelo na região da cidade de São Paulo, foram coletadas 138 opiniões de preferências através de formulários de avaliação e entrevistas conduzidas nessa região. Cada um dos três modais, após ser configurado para atender aos requisitos operacionais e funcionais do serviço de transporte definido por uma unidade funcional comum, tem os seus desempenhos com relação ao mesmo conjunto de critérios e subcritérios pontuados em uma escala numérica. Um índice global (IG), que define a prioridade de cada alternativa, é obtido pela agregação das preferências e desempenhos com uma função aditiva. O modelo foi aplicado em um estudo de caso que simulou a operação dos três modais no trecho entre as estações Vila Prudente e São Mateus da Linha 15 do Metrô de São Paulo, cujos requisitos definiram a unidade funcional. Dentro dos limites e premissas estabelecidas para o estudo de caso, os índices globais calculados indicaram a preferência pelo modal Monotrilho, seguido, na ordem, pelo VLT e BRT. / This research focuses on decision-making support methods to choice public urban transport modes and analyzes the operational and functional performances of the Bus Rapid Transit (BRT), Light Rail Transit (LRT) and Monorail systems. A multicriteria decision aided model (MDAM) in complex scenarios is used in the analysis and has as input data the subjective preferences of stakeholders and the objective and subjective performances of the three modalities in relation to a set of five criteria and 22 subcriteria. This system covers the axes of energy efficiency, cost, economic and financial feasibility, travel quality and environmental impacts. Stakeholders selected with profiles of operator, neighbor, user, equipment and service provider and consultant in urban transport assign their preferences, scoring them on a numerical scale from 1 to 9. In order to apply the model in the region of the city of São Paulo, 138 opinions were collected through evaluation forms and interviews conducted in that region. Each of the three modes, once configured to meet the operational and functional requirements of the transport service defined by a common functional unit, has its performances against the same set of criteria and subcriteria scored on a numerical scale. A global index (GI), which defines the priority of each alternative, is obtained by aggregating the preferences and performances according to an additive function. The MDAM model was applied in a case study that has simulated the operation of the three transport modalities in the stretch between the stations Vila Prudente and São Mateus of the Line 15 of the São Paulo Metro, whose general requirements did define the functional unit of the case. Within the limits and assumptions defined for the case study, the calculated global indices indicated the first preference for the Monorail modal, followed, in sequence, by the LRT and BRT.

Estación Intermodal Atocongo / Atocongo Intermodal Station

Alvarez Andrade, Jesus Alonso 12 March 2021 (has links)
El proyecto nace de la problemática del transporte público y la falta de integración en los sistemas de transporte además, la implementación de la nueva era de trenes masivos en la ciudad. Los nuevos trazos en la malla urbana de la ciudad permitirán el desarrollo de zonas que, hasta el momento, estuvieron aisladas por la falta de planificación urbana, lo que supondrá un nuevo proceso socio-económico. El trabajo de investigación se enfoca en el planteamiento de la Estación Intermodal Atocongo, ubicada en San Juan de Miraflores con el énfasis de hito urbano. Este lugar presenta una importancia en el ámbito territorial de la ciudad en donde se estará emplazando la línea 3 del Metro de Lima, Tren de Cercanías, Corredor Complementario y el Metropolitano constituyendo la nueva centralidad del sur. La estación se integrara al sistema de movilidad propuesto en los últimos planes urbanos para Lima Metropolitana. Se propone una edificación multifuncional donde no solo se plantea la función del transporte también usos complementarios de reunión, entretenimiento, sociales con el fin de contribuir con su óptimo diseño. / The project arises from the problems of public transport and the lack of integration in transport systems, in addition to the implementation of the new era of mass trains in the city. The new lines in the urban mesh of the city will allow the development of areas that, until now, were isolated due to the lack of urban planning, which will mean a new socio-economic process. The research work focuses on the approach of the Atocongo Intermodal Station, located in San Juan de Miraflores with the emphasis of urban landmark. This place is important in the territorial scope of the city where line 3 of the Lima Metro, Cercanias Train, Complementary Corridor and the Metropolitan will be located, constituting the new centrality of the south. The station will be integrated into the mobility system proposed in the latest urban plans for Metropolitan Lima. A multifunctional building is proposed where not only the function of transport is considered, but also complementary uses of meeting, entertainment, social in order to contribute to its optimal design. / Trabajo de investigación

Sustainable Mobility Scenario Modeling : Evaluating Future Resilience of Modular Concepts for Electrified Trucks / Scenariomodellering för hållbara transporter : En metod för att framtidssäkra modulära koncept för elektrifierade lastbilar

Björkvall, Simon, Bodén, Rikard January 2021 (has links)
Today, one of the greatest concerns for companies is how well their business will fit their future markets. However, predicting how the future will unfold is almost impossible for many industries, but companies that fail to prepare their products for future markets will most likely face substantial problems. Consequently, many companies have drawn their interest to product development strategies that cope with an unpredictable future, and research has highlighted Modularization as one such strategy. Nevertheless, there are no current methods that integrate future studies into the modularization process. Besides, there are no methods that evaluate the resilience of modular configurations against future scenarios. In the absence of such methods, this study targets the gap between future studies and modularization. The objective is to explore how scenario modeling can be used in the modularization process to evaluate the fitness of modular configurations against future conditions. The study scope is a simplified inter-urban transport mission with a particular focus on battery-electric and fuel-cell electric trucks. To meet the objective, this study builds upon a scenario framework from previous research that provides possible but yet distinctive futures within the transportation industry. Further, the future scenarios are bridged to the modularization process by transitioning the most important customer values from the scenarios to measurable design variables. Subsequently, by assigning weights to the customer values in accordance with scenario narratives, the overall efficiency of 42 unique modular configurations could be evaluated against the presumed importance of future customer values. Those findings were used to assess the relative performance of modules with respect to multiple futures and to provide reflections on the most and least robust modular design and configuration choices across multiple futures. In summary, the contribution from this method is shown to be two-fold. On the one hand, the model can provide insights and directions on the future resilience of modular concepts in the early stages of product development processes. On the other hand, it can be used in recurring performance assessments of modular configurations and guide optimization of module variants to prepare modular product configurations for multiple scenarios. / Ett av de största bekymren för företag idag är alltjämt hur bra deras verksamhet kommer möta framtidens kundbehov. Emellertid är det nästan omöjligt att förutspå hur framtiden kommer utvecklas inom många branscher, men samtidigt möter företag överhängande operationella förluster om de misslyckas med att adressera framtidens behov. Föga förvånande har många företag börjat intressera sig för flexibla produktutvecklingsstrategier som kan hantera en oförutsägbar framtid och tidigare forskning har belyst Modularisering som en sådan strategi. Däremot finns det i dagsläget inga nuvarande metoder som tar hänsyn till framtidsstudier i modulariseringsprocessen. Dessutom verkar det inte finnas några metoder som utvärderar effektiviteten hos modulära konfigurationer med avseende på olika framtidsscenarier. I avsaknad av sådana metoder riktar sig detta examensarbete mot gapet mellan framtidsstudier och modularisering av produkter. Syftet är att undersöka hur scenariomodellering kan användas i modulariseringsprocessen för att utvärdera robustheten hos moduler gentemot olika framtidsscenarier. Studien är avgränsad mot inter-urbana transportuppdrag med ett särskilt fokus på batteridrivna och vätgasdrivna lastbilar. För att uppnå forskningssyftet bygger uppsatsen på scenariomodellering från tidigare forskning som bidrar med en uppsättning av möjliga men ändå distinkta framtidsscenarier. Vidare kunde framtidsscenarierna sammanlänkas med modulariseringsprocessen genom att extrahera de viktigaste kundvärdena från framtidsscenarierna och översätta dessa till mätbara design variabler. Därefter kunde den totala effektiviteten för 42 unika lastbilskonfigurationer utvärderas mot framtidakundvärden genom att tilldela kundvärdena olika signifikansnivåer baserat på framtidsscenarierna. Dessaresultat användes för att bedöma konfigurationernas relativa prestanda mot olika framtidsscenarier. Resultatet användes också till att samla in data om modulernas robusthet och sedermera analysera lämpligheten hos enskilda moduler. Sammanfattningsvis bedöms bidraget från metoden vara av dubbel karaktär. Å ena sidan kan metoden ge insikter om den framtida lämpligheten hos modulära koncept i ett tidigt skede av produktutvecklingsprocessen. Samtidigt kan metoden användas i återkommande utvärderingar av modulkonfigurationer och som ledsagning för att optimera modulvarianter och förbereda modulära produktkonfigurationer mot flera framtidsscenarier.

Path Choice Estimation in Urban Rails : Asimulation based optimisation for frequency-based assignment model / Vägvalsestimering i Kollektivtrafiken : En simuleringsbaserad optimering för frekvensbaserade transportmodell

Adolfsson, Alexander January 2022 (has links)
Transit system have a large importance in modern urban cities, with urban rail often acting as the central system with it efficient travel time and great capacity. As cities grow in population, so to does the usage of urban rail resulting in increased crowding on the platform and in the trains. Since crowding level is directly correlated to the experience of travel as well as a safety issue, much research has been done to improve it. Currently its common to utilise transit assignment models (TAM) to evaluate and research transit system but for them to work optimally requires weight parameters connected to perceived time spent on the journey. To get the weight parameters for a system requires surveys to be preformed which is costly and not always possible. Therefor its attractive to find these weights through optimisation using available data. Most transit system uses automated fare collection (AFC), which can be used to create origin-destination (OD) data, and automated vehicle location (AVL) together with link-load data. This project aims to develop a simulation-based optimisation (SBO) that automatically finds the weights for a frequency-based assignment model using OD and link-load as input arguments. The SBO will evaluate five different algorithm, genetic algorithm (GA), simulated annealing (SA), Nelder-Mead method (NM), simultaneous perturbation stochastic approximation (SPSA), and Bayesian optimisation (BO), using a fitness model based on KolmogorovSmirnov test. Synthetic data was implemented to evaluate the algorithms where result needed to be within a margin of error of the set weight. No algorithm was however able to converge during the simulation, therefor not optimising the weights to within the margin of error. A longer simulation was evaluated to see if the length needed to reach convergence was to short but achieved the same results. While the cause was not found, the standard deviation of the TAM could be the problem since the deviation was larger than the change of weight parameters achieved. Even if this project could not achieve its objective of developing a SBO method, it can be used for future research and work as a guide on further development on TAM research. / Transportsystem har en stor påverkan i moderna städer, specifikt tunnelbanan som ofta agerar som det centrala systemet med dess snabba transport samt stora kapacitet. Alltmedan städer växer i befolkning så ökar användandet av tunnelbanan vilket resulterar till trängsel både på plattformen och på tåget. Trängsel är väl studerat inom forskningen då den direkt påverkar den upplevda trivseln samt säkerheten på plattformen. Nuförtiden är det vanligt att använda sig av transport modeller för att undersöka och forska om transportsystemet men modellerna kräver viktparametrar kopplade till den uppfattade tiden man har för att fungera. Vanligtvis behöver man utföra undersökningar för att ta reda på vad viktparametrarna är men det är både dyrt och komplicerat. Därför vill man kunna få fram dessa vikter genom att optimera kända data. De flesta transportsystem använder sig av automatiska biljettsystem (AFC), vilket kan användas för att skapa start-stop (OD) data, och automatisk fordonslokalisering (AVL) tillsammans med länk-belastningsdata. Detta projekts syfte är att utveckla en simuleringsbaserad optimering (SBO) som automatiskt hittar vikterna för en frekvensbaserad transportmodell genom att använda OD- och länk-belastningsdata som argument. SBO kommer att undersöka fem olika algoritmer, genetic algorithm (GA), simulated annealing (SA), Nelder-Mead method (NM), simultaneous perturbation stochastic approximation (SPSA), and Bayesian optimisation (BO), tillsammans med en objektfunktion baserad på Kolmogorov-Smirnov testet. Syntetiskt data användes för att utvärdera algoritmerna, där resultatet behövde vara inom en viss marginal av de satta vikterna. Inga algoritmer konvergerade vilket resulterade att deras resultat inte var inom marginalen. Ett längre test var utfört då konvergensen kunde ha skett senare men det blev samma resultat som tidigare. Anledningen kunde inte finnas men sannolikt var det TAM standardavvikelse som var del av felet då den var större än en förändring av viktparametrarna skapade. Även om detta projekt inte kunde uppnå sitt mål kan den användas för fortsatt arbete inom området och vara som guide för framtida utvecklingar.

Proposta metodológica para planejamento energético no desenvolvimento de áreas urbanas. O potencial da integração de estratégias e soluções em morfologia e mobilidade urbanas, edifícios, energia e meio ambiente: o caso da operação urbana Água Branca no município de São Paulo / Methodological proposal for energy planning in the development of urban areas. The potential of integrating strategies and solutions in urban morphology and mobility, buildings, energy and environment, on Agua Branca urban operation study-case, Sao Paulo

Marins, Karin Regina de Casas Castro 30 April 2010 (has links)
O objeto da presente tese é o desenvolvimento de uma proposta metodológica para planejamento energético no desenvolvimento de áreas urbanas, na escala de distritos, bairros e unidades de vizinhança. A metodologia proposta é aplicável a estudos de desenvolvimento de novas áreas urbanas, distritos ou bairros e estudos para requalificação de áreas urbanas já ocupadas, como ferramenta de suporte ao planejamento e ao processo decisório. Inicialmente, foi produzida uma base referencial dos principais condicionantes para o planejamento energético urbano, segundo o escopo considerado nesse trabalho de pesquisa. Nessa etapa foram identificadas e analisadas as interdependências entre esses fatores e sua participação no consumo energético e nas emissões de poluentes. A proposta metodológica está estruturada em dois módulos principais: Módulo 1 - Gerenciamento da Demanda de Energia, envolvendo aspectos relacionados à Morfologia Urbana, Mobilidade Urbana e Edificações, tais como densidade populacional e construída, uso e ocupação do solo, geometria de quadras e cânion urbano, sistema de transporte urbano de passageiros, sistema viário, tecnologias veiculares e combustíveis, soluções passivas em conforto ambiental e substituição tecnológica de equipamentos em edificações; e Módulo 2 - Gerenciamento da Oferta de Energia, incluindo sistemas de geração e distribuição de energia elétrica e térmica para aquecimento e resfriamento em escala urbana, inclusive com aproveitamento de recursos energéticos residuais e renováveis. Dos Módulos 1 e 2 resultam os níveis de consumo de energia e as emissões totais de poluentes, incluindo Gases de Efeito Estufa e poluentes locais. Na composição da proposta metodológica participam variáveis e parâmetros relacionados aos condicionantes de planejamento energético urbano, bem como procedimentos de cálculo que integram e compatibilizam as configurações urbanas quanto à morfologia, mobilidade, edificações, e geração de energia. Os procedimentos foram sistematizados em um conjunto de planilhas eletrônicas e gráficos comparativos, desenvolvidos para aferição da proposta metodológica, suporte na visualização de resultados e indicadores e posterior aplicação como ferramenta no planejamento de áreas urbanas. A proposta metodológica foi aplicada no caso da Operação Urbana Água Branca, no Município de São Paulo, ficando demonstrado o potencial de integração de estratégias e comprovando a tese em questão. Nas duzentas e dezessete diferentes situações configuradas por meio da metodologia proposta, foi possível identificar não apenas importantes potenciais quantitativos, mas também a contribuição relativa dos diversos condicionantes para o resultado global, em termos energéticos, urbanísticos e ambientais. Além dos cenários apresentados, a proposta metodológica permite que diversos outros possam ser configurados para outras áreas urbanas a serem desenvolvidas ou requalificadas, desde que as variáveis e os parâmetros sejam adequadamente adaptados a cada realidade. / The subject of this thesis is the development of a methodology for energy planning in the development of urban areas, in the scale of districts and neighborhoods. The proposed methodology has two main applications as a tool to support strategic planning and decision-making process: studies for the development of new urban areas, districts or neighborhoods, and studies for rehabilitation of urban areas already used. Initially, a conceptual and technical approach was done about the main constraints for urban energy planning, according to the scope considered in this research. In this stage, the interrelationships among these factors and their impact in terms of energy consumption and pollutant emissions were identified and analyzed. The proposed methodology is organized into two main modules: Module 1 - Energy Demand Management, involving aspects of urban morphology, urban mobility and buildings, such as population density and built area, land use, urban blocks and urban canyon geometry, urban transport, road system, vehicle and fuel technologies, passive solutions to environmental comfort and technological replacement of equipment in buildings; and Module 2 - Energy Supply Management, including district and local systems for generating and distributing electricity and steam for heating and cooling purpose, including the use of renewable and waste energy resources. Levels of energy consumption and the total emission of pollutants, including greenhouse gases and local pollutants, result from the Modules 1 and 2. The proposed methodology involves variables and parameters related to the constraints of urban energy planning as well as calculation procedures that integrate and match the urban settings under consideration, as urban morphology, mobility, buildings, power generation and district systems. The procedures were systematized into a set of spreadsheets and charts developed to verify the proposed methodology, visualization support of results and indicators, and later application as a tool for planning of urban areas. The proposed methodology was applied to the Agua Branca Urban Operation study-case, in the city of Sao Paulo, in which the potential of integrating strategies was demonstrated. In thirty-six different situations defined by using the proposed methodology, it was possible to identify not only important quantitative potentials but also the relative contribution of various constraints to the overall result in terms of energy, urban and environmental issues. In addition to the scenarios presented, the proposed methodology allows the configuration of several other options to different urban areas to be developed or rehabilitated, but variables and parameters need to be properly adapted to each situation.

Proposta metodológica para planejamento energético no desenvolvimento de áreas urbanas. O potencial da integração de estratégias e soluções em morfologia e mobilidade urbanas, edifícios, energia e meio ambiente: o caso da operação urbana Água Branca no município de São Paulo / Methodological proposal for energy planning in the development of urban areas. The potential of integrating strategies and solutions in urban morphology and mobility, buildings, energy and environment, on Agua Branca urban operation study-case, Sao Paulo

Karin Regina de Casas Castro Marins 30 April 2010 (has links)
O objeto da presente tese é o desenvolvimento de uma proposta metodológica para planejamento energético no desenvolvimento de áreas urbanas, na escala de distritos, bairros e unidades de vizinhança. A metodologia proposta é aplicável a estudos de desenvolvimento de novas áreas urbanas, distritos ou bairros e estudos para requalificação de áreas urbanas já ocupadas, como ferramenta de suporte ao planejamento e ao processo decisório. Inicialmente, foi produzida uma base referencial dos principais condicionantes para o planejamento energético urbano, segundo o escopo considerado nesse trabalho de pesquisa. Nessa etapa foram identificadas e analisadas as interdependências entre esses fatores e sua participação no consumo energético e nas emissões de poluentes. A proposta metodológica está estruturada em dois módulos principais: Módulo 1 - Gerenciamento da Demanda de Energia, envolvendo aspectos relacionados à Morfologia Urbana, Mobilidade Urbana e Edificações, tais como densidade populacional e construída, uso e ocupação do solo, geometria de quadras e cânion urbano, sistema de transporte urbano de passageiros, sistema viário, tecnologias veiculares e combustíveis, soluções passivas em conforto ambiental e substituição tecnológica de equipamentos em edificações; e Módulo 2 - Gerenciamento da Oferta de Energia, incluindo sistemas de geração e distribuição de energia elétrica e térmica para aquecimento e resfriamento em escala urbana, inclusive com aproveitamento de recursos energéticos residuais e renováveis. Dos Módulos 1 e 2 resultam os níveis de consumo de energia e as emissões totais de poluentes, incluindo Gases de Efeito Estufa e poluentes locais. Na composição da proposta metodológica participam variáveis e parâmetros relacionados aos condicionantes de planejamento energético urbano, bem como procedimentos de cálculo que integram e compatibilizam as configurações urbanas quanto à morfologia, mobilidade, edificações, e geração de energia. Os procedimentos foram sistematizados em um conjunto de planilhas eletrônicas e gráficos comparativos, desenvolvidos para aferição da proposta metodológica, suporte na visualização de resultados e indicadores e posterior aplicação como ferramenta no planejamento de áreas urbanas. A proposta metodológica foi aplicada no caso da Operação Urbana Água Branca, no Município de São Paulo, ficando demonstrado o potencial de integração de estratégias e comprovando a tese em questão. Nas duzentas e dezessete diferentes situações configuradas por meio da metodologia proposta, foi possível identificar não apenas importantes potenciais quantitativos, mas também a contribuição relativa dos diversos condicionantes para o resultado global, em termos energéticos, urbanísticos e ambientais. Além dos cenários apresentados, a proposta metodológica permite que diversos outros possam ser configurados para outras áreas urbanas a serem desenvolvidas ou requalificadas, desde que as variáveis e os parâmetros sejam adequadamente adaptados a cada realidade. / The subject of this thesis is the development of a methodology for energy planning in the development of urban areas, in the scale of districts and neighborhoods. The proposed methodology has two main applications as a tool to support strategic planning and decision-making process: studies for the development of new urban areas, districts or neighborhoods, and studies for rehabilitation of urban areas already used. Initially, a conceptual and technical approach was done about the main constraints for urban energy planning, according to the scope considered in this research. In this stage, the interrelationships among these factors and their impact in terms of energy consumption and pollutant emissions were identified and analyzed. The proposed methodology is organized into two main modules: Module 1 - Energy Demand Management, involving aspects of urban morphology, urban mobility and buildings, such as population density and built area, land use, urban blocks and urban canyon geometry, urban transport, road system, vehicle and fuel technologies, passive solutions to environmental comfort and technological replacement of equipment in buildings; and Module 2 - Energy Supply Management, including district and local systems for generating and distributing electricity and steam for heating and cooling purpose, including the use of renewable and waste energy resources. Levels of energy consumption and the total emission of pollutants, including greenhouse gases and local pollutants, result from the Modules 1 and 2. The proposed methodology involves variables and parameters related to the constraints of urban energy planning as well as calculation procedures that integrate and match the urban settings under consideration, as urban morphology, mobility, buildings, power generation and district systems. The procedures were systematized into a set of spreadsheets and charts developed to verify the proposed methodology, visualization support of results and indicators, and later application as a tool for planning of urban areas. The proposed methodology was applied to the Agua Branca Urban Operation study-case, in the city of Sao Paulo, in which the potential of integrating strategies was demonstrated. In thirty-six different situations defined by using the proposed methodology, it was possible to identify not only important quantitative potentials but also the relative contribution of various constraints to the overall result in terms of energy, urban and environmental issues. In addition to the scenarios presented, the proposed methodology allows the configuration of several other options to different urban areas to be developed or rehabilitated, but variables and parameters need to be properly adapted to each situation.

Contribution à une méthodologie d'évaluation à priori des projets de transport urbain durable / Contribution to a methodology for a priori evaluation of sustainable urban transport projects

Cucu Graindorge, Tatiana 15 February 2012 (has links)
L’objectif de ces travaux de proposer aux autorités locales un outil d’aide à la décision pour formaliser une démarche participative tout au long de la conception d’un projet de transport urbain durable, dans un contexte multicritères et multi acteurs. La méthodologie développée repose sur l’évaluation a priori des impacts d’un projet local, en impliquant les acteurs dès la phase de diagnostic. Cette phase permet d’identifier des groupes d’acteurs selon leur perception des phénomènes urbains, des interactions et des préférences déclarées d’évolution. Elle permet d’établir une liste d’indicateurs communs qui seront évalués. Le choix des alternatives à étudier est le résultat de l’application conjointe de techniques de transférabilité - fondées sur l’étude de projets développés dans d’autres villes - et de l’étude des préférences déclarées des usagers locaux. La probabilité d’utilisation du service s’évalue à l’aide d’un modèle comportemental agrégé qui intègre la perception floue et l’indécision des usagers devant une situation nouvelle. Les changements de comportement des usagers sont pris en compte à l’aide d’un indicateur de robustesse qui teste les effets des paramètres exogènes sur l’évolution de la probabilité d’utilisation du service. Un micro-simulateur de trafic permet d’évaluer les impacts des différents scénarii sur le trafic, l’environnement et le bien-être des citoyens sous la forme monétarisée, afin d’illustrer les coûts et les bénéfices indirects attendus de l’implantation du projet. Une solution de compromis est proposée : elle vise à fournir la solution qui contenterait au mieux l’ensemble des représentants des groupes d’acteurs - et non la solution optimale en termes d’impacts. / The objective of this research is to provide to the local authorities a decision aid tool in order to formalize a participatory approach during the conception of a sustainable urban transport project, in a multi-criteria and multi-actors context. The methodology is based on the a priori evaluation of the impacts of a local project, involving stakeholders as soon as the diagnosis phase. This phase aims at identifying groups of actors according to their perception of urban phenomena, their interactions and their stated preferences of evolution. The diagnosis phase leads to the setting-up of a list of common indicators to be evaluated. The choice of alternatives to be studied is the result of the transferability techniques - based on the projects developed in other cities - and the stated preferences of local users. The probability of using the service is evaluated using an aggregated behavioral model that takes into account the fuzzy perception and the indecision of users in a new situation. Changes in the behaviour of the users are taken into account thanks to an indicator of robustness that tests the impact of exogenous parameters on the evolution of the probability of using a service. A traffic micro--simulator aims at assessing the impacts of the various scenarios on traffic, environment and the welfare of citizens– which is monetized. It illustrates the costs and indirect benefits expected with the implementation of project. A compromise solution is proposed: it aims at identifying an alternative that would best satisfy the representatives of the stakeholder groups – and not necessarily the optimal solution in terms of impacts.

Making travel sustainable with ICT? : The social practice of travel planning and travel information use in everyday life

Nyblom, Åsa January 2014 (has links)
Adopting the perspective of the traveller, this thesis examines how travel plans are actually made in the everyday situation and how information is used and drawn on when planning the many, often unremarkable, trips of ordinary urban life. Ethnographical field studies in southern Stockholm, Sweden, employing a practice theory perspective showed that people use a vast mixture of different types of information when planning and making trips. Therefore, the concept of travel information should be defined broadly enough to encompass informal, formal, analogue and digital types of travel information. Then, and only then, is it possible to perceive the interactions between these and see their potential as a change factor for sustainable city travel. In relation to this, situations when travel information was not used, were also identified in the qualitative data and are acknowledged and discussed in the thesis. Travel planning is in everyday practice undertaken little by little, squeezed in between other activities of daily life. It is a process more extended in time, space and content than the limited search for information about the best way to get from A to B, assumed and facilitated in many existing travel information services. Travel planning is closely connected to the overall scheduling of activities (planning of life) and thus spans much larger time frames than the single trip. Planning travel also includes consideration of issues such as preparations needed (things to be done before departure/brought on the trip); managing vehicles and equipment in time and space (getting the bicycle/car home again or safely parked); the weather (current and forecast); social relations (the potential of different travel options for relationship building or conflict triggering); social norms (e.g. of 'good parenting' or 'proper behaviour on public transport'); and health issues (wanting exercise or inability to manage stairs/luggage). The qualitative data revealed that travel information is sometimes perceived and used as a security blanket, i.e. something to hold on to and give the traveller courage on the trip until they are safe at their destination. It also showed that travel planning, depending on life situation, can be experienced as either a house of cards, i.e. if anything changes the whole house collapses and has to be rebuilt to a different layout, or a prefab building, i.e. the same prefabricated pieces are joined together in more or less the same pattern every time. Recent decades have seen rapid growth in ICT services relating to transportation. Different types of travel information services have been proposed as a means to decrease the environmental impacts of transportation through effecting behavioural change. Taking the empirical 4 insights provided by this thesis into travel planning and travel information use in practice, it is clear that travel information services of tomorrow, if connected to other ICT systems in everyday life, could be designed in a way that broadens their horizon of assistance in supporting travel planning processes in everyday life. Although, as this thesis demonstrates, the role and potential of travel information services and ICT in the work of achieving sustainable mobility should be discussed from a perspective critical of overly linear perceptions and instrumental starting points. / Denna avhandling tar resenärens perspektiv, och undersöker från vardagslivets horisont hur resor egentligen planeras, och hur information används när de många, ofta obemärkta, vardagsresorna görs i staden. Etnografiska fältstudier i södra Stockholm, gjorda och analyserade med ett praktikteoriperspektiv, visar att människor använder sig av många olika typer av information för att planera och genomföra sina resor. Därför bör begreppet reseinformation definieras vitt nog att rymma både informella, formella, analoga och digitala typer av reseinformation. Först då är det möjligt att iaktta interaktioner mellan dessa, och också se informationens eventuella potential som förändringsfaktor för hållbart stadsresande. Även situationer när reseinformation inte används uppmärksammas och diskuteras. Reseplanering är i vardaglig praktik något som sker lite i taget, i mellanrummen mellan andra sysslor och aktiviteter. Det är en process mer förgrenad i tid, rum och innehåll än den avgränsade sökning efter information om bästa sättet att ta sig mellan A och B som många existerande IT-baserade reseplanerare verkar förutsätta och i dagsläget assisterar. Reseplanering är starkt knutet till den övergripande planeringen av aktiviteter i livet, och reseplanering har därför oftast ett vidare tidsspann än endast en resa. Planering av resor inkluderar även hänsyn till faktorer som nödvändiga förberedelser (saker att göra innan avfärd/ta med sig på resan); hantering av fordon och bagage i tid och rum (få hem cykeln/bilen igen eller få den säkert parkerad); vädret (nuvarande och prognostiserat); sociala relationer (potentialen för konflikter/positiv samvaro vid olika färdmedelsval); sociala normer (om gott föräldraskap eller hur man för sig på kollektiva färdmedel); och hälsoaspekter (vilja till motion eller oförmåga att gå i trappor). Fältarbetet gjorde tydligt att reseinformation ibland används som en snuttefilt – något att ty sig till och hålla i handen på okänt territorium tills du har kommit till målet för din resa. Reseplanering kan också, beroende på livssituation, antingen upplevas och liknas vid husbygge med prefabricerade element – samma standardiserade, välkända bitar sammanfogas på ungefär samma sätt varje gång; eller också ett korthus – om någonting ändras brakar hela huset ihop, och måste byggas upp igen med en helt annan design. Under de senaste decennierna har det skett en snabb utveckling av IT-lösningar på transportområdet. Olika typer av reseinformationstjänster har föreslagits som ett verktyg för att ändra resebeteenden och därmed minska transporters miljöpåverkan. Med utgångspunkt från studiens 6 empiriska insikter i hur reseplanering går till i praktiken, och hur reseinformation används blir det tydligt att morgondagens reseplanerartjänster, om de kopplades ihop med andra digitala system vi använder i vår vardag, skulle kunna utformas på ett sätt som utvidgar systemets "assistanshorisont" för att bättre passa ihop med reseplaneringspraktikerna i vår vardag. Potentialen och rollen för reseinformationstjänster och IT i arbetet med att minska transporters miljöpåverkan bör diskuteras från ett perspektiv som är kritiskt till alltför linjära och instrumentella utgångspunkter, vilket denna avhandling bidrar till. / <p>QC 20141030</p>

Guidelines for sustainable urban transport in selected areas of the City of Tshwane

Duri, Babra 07 1900 (has links)
Abstract in English, Xhosa and Afrikaans / In South Africa, the number of households owning private cars has increased from 22.9% in 2003 to 28.5% in 2013. The City of Tshwane Metropolitan Municipality (City of Tshwane) in South Africa had the largest increase in population that was using private cars between 2003 and 2013 of approximately 11.3%; hence, a need was identified to shift from private cars to sustainable modes of transport. The purpose of this study was to develop guidelines for sustainable urban transport. Geographical location was used for quota sampling to ensure that all seven regions of the Tshwane municipal area would be represented. The sample size of the study comprised 418 participants. The primary data were gathered in Tshwane during the month of August 2017 using a structured questionnaire. The Likert scale was employed to ascertain the public's attitudes towards sustainable urban transport. Descriptive statistics, exploratory factor analysis and inferential statistics were used to analyse the data. The results revealed that the private car is the most frequently used mode of transport in the City of Tshwane. The results further indicated that the majority of the residents of the City of Tshwane had a negative attitude towards sustainable transport modes, which was attributed to safety, reliability and convenience concerns. Regions 4 and 6 differed statistically and significantly from region 5 regarding their opinions on the safety and comfort of private cars. In order to promote sustainable transportation, it is recommended that the City of Tshwane implement transport initiatives that can improve the service quality and safety features of sustainable transport modes. Each region of the City of Tshwane made specific recommendations that were based on the results of the study. The findings of this study provide insights that can be useful to the city planners to secure sustainable urban transportation for the City of Tshwane. Future research could investigate the feasibility of public bicycle rental programmes in the City of Tshwane. / EMzantsi Afrika, inani lamakhaya aneenqwelo mafutha landile ukusukela kuma-22.9% ngonyaka wama-2003 ukuya kuma-28.5% ngowama-2013. Umasipala Wesixeko Esimbaxa saseTshwane (Isixeko saseTshwane) eMzantsi Afrika ube nelona nani lamakhaya asebenzisa iimoto zabucala elande ngaphezu kwabo bonke abanye ooMasipala phakathi kowama-2003 nama-2013, landa ngesithuba se-11.3%. Le nto idale isidingo sokushenxa kwisimbo sokusebenzisa iimoto zabucala, ukuze kusetyenziwe ezinye iindlela zokuhamba eziya kuhlala zihleli. Injongo yesi sifundo kukuvelisa isikhokelo seendlela zokuhamba eziya kuhlala zihleli kwimimandla yasezidolophini. Ekukhetheni abathathi nxaxheba, kwasetyenziswa indawo abahlala kuyo abantu, ukuqinisekisa ukuba zosixhenxe iingingqi zomasipala waseTshwane zinabameli. Ubukhulu besampulu yaba ngabathathi nxaxheba abangama-418. Iinkcukacha zolwazi ezingundoqo zaqokelelwa eTshwane ngenyanga yeThupha kowama-2017, kwaye kwasetyenziswa uluhlu lwemibuzo ecwangcisiweyo. Kwasetyenziswa isikali esaziwa ngokuba yiLikert scale ekufumaniseni izimvo zoluntu jikelele ngeendlela zokuhamba eziya kuhlala zihleli kwimimandla yasezidolophini. Iinkcukacha zolwazi (idata) zahlelwa ngokusebenzisa indlela yamanani okucacisa iipatheni zezimvo zoluntu (descriptive statistics), indlela yokufumana iimpawu eziphambili kulwazi olufunyenweyo (exploratory factor analysis) nendlela yokungqinisisa izimvo ebezifudula zikho ngaphambi kophando (inferential statistics). Iziphumo zophando zadiza ukuba ukusebenzisa imoto yabucala yeyona ndlela yokuhamba esetyenziswa kakhulu kwisixeko saseTshwane. Ezi ziphumo zaphinda zabonisa ukuba uninzi lwabahlali besixeko saseTshwane abazithandi iindlela zokuhamba zikawonkewonke ngenxa yokungabikho kokhuseleko, ukuthembeka nokuba luncedo. Ingingqi yesi-4 neyesi-6 zahlukana kakhulu nengingqi yesi-5 ngokwamanani, malunga nezimvo ezingokhuseleko nokuhlala ntofontofo kwiimoto zabucala. Ukuze kukhuthazwe iindlela zokuhamba zikawonkewonke eziya kuhlala zihleli kucetyiswa ukuba Isixeko saseTshwane senze amalinge okuthutha abantu anokuphucula ukunikezelwa kwenkonzo yothutho, iphucule nokhuseleko. Ingingqi nganye yesixeko saseTshwane yenza iingcebiso ezathi zafakwa kwiziphumo zesifundo. Okufunyaniswe kwesi sifundo kunika iimbono ezinokuba luncedo kubacebi nabalungiseleli besixeko ekuveliseni iindlela zothutho eziya kuhlala zihleli kwisixeko saseTshwane. Uphando oluzayo lusenokuphanda ngokusetyenziswa kweenkqubo zokuqeshisa ngeebhayisikili kwisixeko sase Tshwane. / Die aantal huishoudings in Suid-Afrika wat private motors besit, neem van 22.9% in 2003 tot 28.5% in 2013 toe. In die Stad Tshwane- Metropolitaanse Munisipaliteit (Stad Tshwane) in Suid-Afrika toon die aantal inwoners wat private motors tussen 2003 en 2013 gebruik, die grootste toename van nagenoeg 11.3%. Daar word op grond hiervan ’n behoefte geïdentifiseer om van die gebruik van private motors weg te beweeg na volhoubare vervoerwyses. Die doel van hierdie studie is om riglyne vir volhoubare stedelike vervoer te ontwikkel. Geografiese ligging is vir die kwotasteekproefneming gebruik om te verseker dat al sewe streke van die Tshwane- munisipale gebied verteenwoordig word. Vir die steekproef wat vir die studie geneem word, word 418 deelnemers gebruik. Die primêre data word met behulp van ’n gestruktureerde vraelys in die loop van Augustus 2017 in Tshwane ingesamel. Die publiek se houdings jeens volhoubare stedelike vervoer word aan die hand van die Likert-skaal vasgestel. Beskrywende statistiek, verkennendefaktor-ontleding en inferensiële statistiek word gebruik om die data te ontleed. Dit blyk uit die resultate dat die private motor die vervoerwyse is wat die gereeldste in die Stad Tshwane gebruik word. In die resultate word verder aangedui dat die meerderheid inwoners van die Stad Tshwane ’n negatiewe houding teenoor volhoubare vervoerwyses het, wat toegeskryf word aan kwessies van veiligheid, betroubaarheid en gerief. Streek 4 en 6 verskil statisties aansienlik van streek 5 betreffende hul menings oor die veiligheid en gemak van private motors. Om volhoubare vervoer te bevorder, word aanbeveel dat die Stad Tshwane vervoerinisiatiewe implementeer wat die diensgehalte en veiligheidskenmerke van volhoubare vervoerwyses kan verbeter. Elke streek van die Stad Tshwane het vorendag gekom met spesifieke voorstelle wat by die resultate ingesluit is. Die bevindinge van hierdie studie bied insigte wat bruikbaar vir stadsbeplanners kan wees om volhoubare stedelike vervoer in die Stad Tshwane moontlik te maak. Die uitvoerbaarheid van openbare fietshuurprogramme in die Stad Tshwane kan in toekomstige navorsing ondersoek word. / Transport Economics, Logistics and Tourism / M. Com. (Transport Economics)

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