Spelling suggestions: "subject:"urban space."" "subject:"arban space.""
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Dům krátké cesty v Brně / 5-Minutes NeighbourhoodŠrubařová, Jana January 2014 (has links)
The territory is located in the city of Brno, district Trnitá on the embankment of the river Svitava. The subject of the diploma thesis is the architectural study of the design of the urban spatial structure with intensive use of city urban area, designed in pre-diploma project, which preceded diploma thesis. The design will allow mixing of greater amount of different functions on a relatively small built-up area, which will reduce the requirements on transport and provide the inhabitant with various forms of housing, services and employment. The shape of object's ground plan is based on area, which is connected from three sides to access roads. The mass and spatial solution respects the surrounding buildings and uses existing bike trails and sidewalks in the southeastern part of the area. The basic matter of object is divided by three axes passing through the building, into three blocks linked by common internal block. This creates a square with a tree-lined atrium with seating under the trees. The shape of these three blocks is further formed by removing of the mass, which results into forming of atriums, terraces and balconies, which brings natural light into the interior while allowing illumination of the patio and surrounding buildings within the territory. This spatial structure is horizontally divided by functions. Designed here are underground public garages, passages with shops, services, administration / commerce and housing. Despite the diversity of functions, for the facade was chosen a unified character of white horizontal lines contrasting with the dark gray lines of windows and facade cladding.
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Exploring Urban Spaces across Human-Natural systems and the Potential to Enhance City ResilienceChen, Shanshan 20 July 2023 (has links)
In dieser Dissertation werden vier Studien durchgeführt, um die acht Arten von Räumen in Mensch-Natur-Systemen für die Widerstandsfähigkeit von Städten vorzuschlagen, die Verbesserung von städtischen Grünflächen unter qualitativen und quantitativen
Gesichtspunkten zu analysieren, die Beziehung zwischen UGSLandschaftsmerkmalen und menschlichen Emotionen zu bestimmen und das Konzept der selbstlernenden Stadt für die städtische Raumplanung zu veranschaulichen. (1). Unterschiedliche Strategien in den Acht-Typen-Räumen in Mensch-Natur-Systemen. (2). Verbesserung der städtischen Grünflächen mit natürlichem Angebot und menschlicher Nachfrage. (3). Das Konzept der selbstlernenden Stadt für urbane Nachhaltigkeit. (4) Für die städtische Nachhaltigkeit erfordert die Planung eine Neubewertung der Verbindungen zwischen den verschiedenen menschlichen und natürlichen Systemen mit den Wechselwirkungen zwischen Bedarf und Versorgung Städtische Räume sind komplex, weisen aber in verschiedenen Methoden und Konzepten Regelmäßigkeiten auf. Für eine nachhaltige Entwicklung in Städten sind kreative Denkansätze für die Umsetzung und Integration von sich überschneidenden Räumen, Elementen und Kulturen in städtischen Mensch-Natur-Systemen erforderlich. Um eine nachhaltige Stadt zu schaffen, sind urbane Räume unerlässlich. / This dissertation conducts four studies to propose the eight-type spaces in human-natural systems for city resilience, to analyze the improvement of urban green spaces from quality and quantity perspectives, to determine the relationship between UGS landscape characteristics and human emotions and to illustrate the concept of city self-learning for urban space planning. (1). Different strategies in the eight-type spaces across
human-natural systems. (2). Improving urban green spaces with natural supply and
human demand. (3). The concept of city self-learning for urban sustainability. (4) For urban sustainability, planning requires reevaluating the connections between different human-natural
systems with the interactions of demands and supplies. Dissertation title: Exploring Urban Spaces across Human-Natural systems And the Potential to Enhance City Resilience
Urban spaces are complex but have regularity in several methods and concepts. For sustainable development in cities, creative ways to think about implementations and integrations utilize crossing spaces, elements, and cultures in urban human-natural systems. To make a sustainable city, urban spaces are essential.
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Forging urban culture: modernity and corporeal experiences in Montreal and Brussels, 1880-1914 / Forger la culture urbaine: modernité et expériences corporelles à Montréal et Bruxelles, 1880-1914Kenny, Nicolas 20 June 2008 (has links)
Anglais:<p>Through a comparative examination of Montreal and Brussels, this thesis considers the way city dwellers shaped the social and cultural significance of urban space in terms of sensorial experiences and bodily practices. The analysis is based primarily on qualitative sources relating to urban life and to the relationship with the city environment during the period 1880-1914, a time when cities underwent intense transformations associated with modernity and industrialisation. The discourses and representations examined in this study were produced by a wide range of urban actors, including elected officials and municipal bureaucrats, industrialists, urban reformers, factory and housing inspectors, workers, doctors, hygienists, writers, artists and ordinary citizens.<p><p>This was a period in which the city was increasingly conceptualised as a total, organic object. Consequently, the thesis first examines representations, both critical and celebratory, of these cities in their entirety, showing how the discourse about urban space was constructed through experiences with, and perceptions of, its materiality. The subsequent chapters examine, in turn, spaces of industrial production, homes and the streets. In each of these spaces, representations of these changing environments were produced in marked reference to the body and the senses. In a time marked by the rise of scientific and rational thought, the sources consulted demonstrate the centrality of personal and subjective experiences in the construction of understandings of the city. Analysing these specific milieus also affords the opportunity to consider the cultural significance of the body, as well as its place in the social tensions that characterised the period.<p><p>The comparative approach through which these cities are analysed illuminates the development of similar processes in analogous, yet discrete, contexts. In this way, certain specificities of Brussels and Montreal, as well the commonalities they shared, are brought to light. The principal objective of this bipartite perspective, however, is to demonstrate, in reference to two local examples, how urban dwellers interiorised vast processes of global transformation by means of their bodies, the spaces through which they moved on a daily basis, as well as their immediate socio-cultural context.<p><p>*********<p><p>Français:<p>Se penchant sur les cas de Montréal et de Bruxelles en comparaison, cette thèse examine la façon dont, à travers la perception sensorielle et les pratiques corporelles des citadins, la signification sociale et culturelle de l’espace urbain se construit. L’analyse se base principalement sur des sources discursives témoignant de la vie urbaine et du rapport à l’espace d’une multitude d’acteurs durant la période 1880-1914, traversée par d’intenses transformations liées à la modernité et à l’industrialisation. Les discours émanant des élus et des fonctionnaires municipaux, des industriels, des réformateurs urbains, des inspecteurs d’usines et de logements, des ouvriers, des médecins, des hygiénistes, des écrivains, des artistes et de simples citoyens ont été consultés. <p><p>S’agissant d’une époque où la ville est de plus en plus conceptualisée dans sa totalité, la thèse aborde, dans un premier temps, les discours, à la fois critiques et élogieux, concernant la ville industrielle dans son ensemble, en montrant comment ceux-ci sont construits par rapport à l’expérience et aux perceptions de la matérialité urbaine. Puis, dans les chapitres subséquents, les lieux de production industrielle, le logement et les rues sont examinés successivement. Dans chacun de ces types d’espace, les discours faisant état de l’intensification des transformations à l’environnement se déclinent, de façon prononcée, en référence au corps et aux sens. Ils témoignent de la place prépondérante des expériences personnelles et subjectives dans la construction du rapport à l’espace urbain, et ce à une époque marquée par la montée de la pensée scientifique et rationnelle. L’analyse de ces milieux permet aussi de mettre en relief la façon dont se construit la signification culturelle du corps, ainsi que la place de celui-ci dans l’évolution des tensions sociales caractéristiques de l’époque. <p><p>À travers une approche comparative, l’étude de ces deux villes permet d’examiner l’évolution de processus similaires dans deux contextes analogues, mais distincts. Ainsi est-il possible de déceler certaines spécificités de Bruxelles et de Montréal, de même que des traits communs aux deux villes. Cependant, l’apport principal de cette perspective croisée est de montrer, à la lumière de deux exemples locaux, la manière dont les citadins intériorisent de vastes processus globaux de transformation par le biais de leur corps, des espaces qu’ils fréquentent quotidiennement, et de leur contexte socioculturel immédiat. <p> / Doctorat en Histoire, art et archéologie / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished
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Brott & Plats - brottsförebyggande och trygghetsskapande stadsplaneringAparicio, Malin January 2013 (has links)
Detta examensarbete har sin utgångspunkt ihållbar stadsutveckling och inriktar sigsärskilt på social hållbarhet men även påekonomisk hållbarhet. Arbetet behandlarhuruvida den fysiska strukturen (gator,byggnader, parker, vägar) och markanvändningen(mötesplatser, funktionsblandning,aktivitetsytor) kan verka brottsförebyggandeoch trygghetsskapande och som kontextundersöks delområdet Herrgården iRosengård, Malmö. Med utgångspunkt i deteoretiska principerna; människans skala,befolkade stadsrum, naturlig övervakningoch förvaltning härleds en förståelse försambandet mellan fysisk miljö, brott ochotrygghet. En nulägesbeskrivning och enhållbarhetsanalys av situationen i Herrgårdengörs. Området Herrgården kartläggsoch analyseras utifrån ett observationsschemabaserat på de teoretiska principerna.Analysen av den fysiska strukturenkompletteras med brottsstatistisk, analysav brottskoncentrationers geografiskaplacering tillsammans med input från denfördjupade trygghetsundersökningen. Intevjuermed verksamma i området kompletterarstudien.Hållbarhetsanalysen visar att Herrgårdenär ett utsatt och resurssvagt område samtatt Herrgårdenborna saknar förankring tillsamhället genom sin låga delaktighet. Invånarnai Herrgården känner en låg gradav trivsel, tillit och kollektiv styrka,lägst för stadsdelen.Vidare uppger invånarna i Herrgården attde känner en hög otrygghet och en storandel av invånarna avstår aktiviteter pågrund av otrygghet fastän utsattheten förbrott inte är anmärkningsvärd hög.Analys av den fysiska strukturen och markanvändningenutifrån principerna ur teorigenomgången;människans skala, befolkadestadsrum, naturlig övervakning ochförvaltning visar att det finns mycket attgöra.Analysen av brottsstatistik visar på treutmärkande mikroplatser i delområdet; Rosengårdsskolan,koloniområdet och Rosengårdsherrgård (inrymmer Drömmarnas hus).Hållbarhetsanalysen visar att jämlikhetenoch delaktigheten i Herrgården behöverstärkas. För att öka den upplevda trygghetenoch minska brottsligheten i Herrgårdenkrävs insatser som inbegriper mångaaktörer och en bred samverkan, inte minstpå lokal nivå. Vidare är det nödvändigtmed en lokal förankring till de boende iområdet inte minst barn och unga som utgören stor andel av invånarna. För attförändringar i den fysiska strukturen skaförbli långsiktiga investeringar och intedrabbas av vandalisering och nedskräpningså är det viktigt att befolkningen i områdetkommer till tals och får möjlighetatt lämna synpunkter och förslag tidigt iprocessen.Som en del av examensarbetet upprättas enprojektplan med syfte att stärka främstden sociala men även ekonomiska hållbarhetensom omfattar att ta fram en generiskmodell för ett lokalt brottsförebyggandeoch trygghetsskapande program med inriktningpå fysisk struktur och markanvändning,TRYGG & SÄKER. Projektet syftartill att öka tryggheten och minska tillfällenaför brott men även till att ökajämlikheten och delaktigheten bland de boendeoch verksamma.Sökord/nyckelord: hållbar stadsutveckling,social hållbarhet, brottsförebyggande ochtrygghetsskapande stadsplanering, brott,säkerhet, trygghet, GIS, fysisk planering,geografisk analys, markanvändning, befolkadestadsrum, stadsliv, ögon på gatan,delaktighet, hotspots, mikroplats / This thesis is based on sustainable urbandevelopment and focuses particularlyon social sustainability, but also economicsustainability. The thesis addresseswhether the physical structure (streets,buildings, parks, roads) and land use (venues,function mixing, activity areas) cansupport crime prevention and reduce thefear of crime and the context for thissurvey is Herrgården in Malmö, Sweden. Basedon the theoretical principles; humanscale, populated urban space, natural surveillanceand management an understandingof the relationship between physical environment,crime and fear of crime is derived.A status report and a sustainabilityanalysis of the situation in the Herrgårdenis made. The area Herrgården is mappedand analyzed through an observationschedule based on the theoretical principles.The analysis of the physical structureis complemented by crime statistics,analysis of hotspots` geographic positiontogether with input from the security survey.Interviews with people working in thearea complements the study.The sustainability analysis shows thatHerrgården is a vulnerable and weak resourcearea and the residents lacks anchoringto the community by their low participation.The inhabitants of Herrgårdenfeel a low degree of satisfaction, trust,and collective strength, lowest for thedistrict.Furthermore, residents in Herrgården statethat they feel a high level of fear ofcrime and a high proportion of residentsrefrain activities due to fear of crime,although victimization is not remarkablyhigh.Analysis of the physical structure andland use based on the principles of thetheory; human scale, populated urban spaces,natural surveillance and managementshows that there still is much to do.The analysis of crime statistics shows threedistinctive hot spots in the area;Rosengårdsskolan, area with the allotmentsand the old mansion of Rosengård(today Drömmarnas hus, multiactivities forchildren and young).The sustainability analysis shows thatequality and participation in Herrgårdenneeds to be strengthened. In order to reducethe crime and the fear of crime in Herrgården efforts involving many stakeholdersand a broad collaboration, especiallyat the local level, is needed.Furthermore, it is necessary to have alocal connection to the residents especiallychildren and young people who make upa large proportion of the inhabitants. Tochange the physical structure to remainlong-term investment and not suffer fromvandalism and littering, it is importantthat people in the area have a voice andthe opportunity to make comments and suggestionsearly in the process.As part of the thesis a projectplan is established,aimed at strengthening primarilysocial but also economic sustainability,which includes developing a genericmodel for a local crime prevention andsecurity-building program that focus onphysical structure and land use, SAFE &SECURE. The project aims to reduce fear ofcrime and reduce opportunities for crimebut also to increase the equality and fullparticipation of people living and working.Keywords/tags: sustainable urban development,social sustainability, crime preventionand reduced fear of crime, urbanplanning, crime, safety, security, GIS,spatial planning, spatial analysis, landuse, populated urban space, city life, eyeson the street, participation, hot spots
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