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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Designing Electric Vehicle Charging Station Information

Algvere, Caroline January 2020 (has links)
The electric vehicle industry is under rapid development and the fleet of chargeable cars in society is increasing fast. As a result, a high demand for public chargers has emerged. Simultaneous to the expansion of the electric vehicle fleet and charging infrastructure the power grid is occasionally highly strained. Additionally, factors like cities expanding and the digitization of society also have a large effect on the power grid. This master's thesis investigates the characteristics of electric vehicle users and presents a prototype of an information display for electric vehicle charging stations. The design is is based on the user studies and founded in theory about sustainable user behaviour with the goal of encouraging behaviours that minimize the strain on the local power grid of Uppsala. It concerns the research topic of how to design for sustainable behaviour and address research questions of how to design electric vehicle charging station information to communicate multiple charging alternatives to a broad variety of users. The work reveals that electric vehicle users suffer from the charging infrastructure being underdeveloped, feel frustration towards payment solutions available and lack information regarding electric vehicle use. Also, electric vehicle user's common passion for tech and environmental consciousness are revealed in the study. These facts are used as the foundation for the mobile application design prototype suggested.

Online networking and real-time interaction for musicians

Kylmänen, Ester, Tysk, Emma January 2021 (has links)
Despite the many technological advancements made in the music industry in recent years, there is still not a single widely adopted platform for musicians to play music together online. In 2020, the Covid-19 pandemic and the subsequent quarantine pushed the need for such a platform into the spotlight. As a response, the music company Elk Audio launched their new product: Aloha. Aloha is a combined hardware and web application that allows musicians to play music in real-time over the Internet. Aloha is currently only intended for musicians who already know each other to connect and play. However, Elk's ambition is to make it the go-to platform for musicians to expand their network.  The purpose of this Master's Thesis is to design the next version of the web application of Aloha, focusing on social interactions. This Master's Thesis investigates musicians' current social and musical behaviour, and their opinions of how this can be done online. Qualitative data was collected by performing semi-structured interviews with musicians of different backgrounds. The study revealed many different goals and needs of potential users of Aloha. Furthermore, we found several determining factors which enable and encourage musicians to form new musical relationships online. The final suggested design is based on the analysed data and founded in theory regarding persuasive and recommending system design, among others. / Trots de tekniska framstegen som gjorts inom musikindustrin de senaste åren, finns det fortfarande inte ett enda allmänt accepterat alternativ för musiker att spela musik tillsammans online. Covid-19 pandemin och den åtföljande karantänten förde behovet för en sådan plattform till rampljuset. I början av år 2020 insåg musikföretaget Elk Audio att de kunde fylla denna lucka med sin nya produkt: Aloha. Aloha är en kombinerad hårdvara och webbapplikation som möjliggör musiker att spela musik i realtid över Internet. Aloha är för närvarande endast avsedd för musiker som redan känner varandra. Elks ambition är dock att göra Aloha till en plattform för musiker där de kan utöka sitt musikaliska nätverk. Syftet med detta examensarbete är att utforma nästa version av Alohas webbapplikation, med fokus på sociala interaktioner. Detta examensarbete undersöker musikers nuvarande sociala och musikaliska beteenden och deras åsikter om musikaliska interaktioner online. Kvalitativa data samlades in genom att utföra halvstrukturerade intervjuer med musiker från olika bakgrunder. Studien avslöjade de många olika målen och behoven hos potentiella användare av Aloha. Dessutom fann vi flera avgörande faktorer som möjliggör och uppmuntrar musiker att skapa och underhålla nya musikrelationer online. Den slutliga föreslagna designen baseras på det analyserade datat och grundas i teori om design av rekommendationssystem, m. fl..

Samtidskonstmuseet och virtuella utställningar i den digitala konstproduktionens tidsålder : ett informationsarkitektoniskt perspektiv på hur museer kan ställa ut digital och digitaliserad konst / Contemporary art museums and online exhibitions in the age of digital art production : an information architecture perspective on how art museums can exhibit digital and digitized art

Brinkborg, Iris January 2021 (has links)
Most contemporary artists work digitally in one way or another, despite the fact that established art museums do not offer a platform to display digital art, which means that it is difficult for visitors to find it and that media art will have a lower status compared to physical art. For a long time the art museum business has had a complex relationship with the digitization of physical works, virtual museums and intangible art works. These are discussions that had to be ignored when the pandemic started and the art museums were forced to digitize activities that had previously been completely analogous. This report with associated artifacts strives to map digital exhibition trends and create a digital exhibition format that takes into account artistic intention and the art museum's activities, and puts the user experience in focus. The report concludes that it is difficult to generalize when it comes to art, but that digital exhibitions have great potential because you do not have to deal with gravity, wires and other physical aspects when installing digital works in a physical space. Another conclusion is that art museums must begin to look at the developer as part of the core business for the digitization initiatives to work in the long term. Perhaps the pandemic will ultimately mean that art museums to a greater extent dare to break new ground, test new exhibition formats and become more positive about the possibilities of digital exhibition formats.

Usability, efficacy, and perspectives of an Internet-based psycho-educational program for informal caregivers of persons with Alzheimer's disease : the contributions of an iterative user-centered design and a randomized clinical trial / Utilisabilité, efficacité et perspectives d'un programme psycho-éducatif en ligne pour les aidants informels de personnes atteintes de maladie d'Alzheimer : contributions d'un design itératif participatif et d'une étude clinique randomisée

Lacroix, Victoria 07 November 2014 (has links)
Compte tenu des risques non-négligeables liés à la prise en charge des personnes souffrant de maladie d'Alzheimer sur la santé globale et le bien-être des aidants informels, l'OMS recommande fortement la mise en place d'interventions à leur égard. Bien que les programmes en ligne représentent un outil prometteur pour ces aidants surchargés, peu de recherches ont été menées sur leur conception et leur efficacité. Le but de cette thèse de doctorat était de contribuer à la connaissance et la compréhension des processus du développement et d'évaluation de ces interventions. Pour cela, quarante-neuf participants (12 professionnels de la santé, 6 aidants et 31 personnes âgées) ont participé au processus itératif de conception du programme Diapason centrée sur l'utilisateur. La dernière version a été évaluée dans un essai clinique randomisé, basé sur des méthodes de recherche mixtes. Quarante-neuf aidants informels de personnes atteintes de maladie d'Alzheimer ont été randomisés soit dans le groupe expérimental (n = 25) ou soit dans le groupe de contrôle (n = 24). Bien que les résultats portant sur l'efficacité du programme ne soient pas concluants, les personnes du groupe expérimental ont significativement augmenté leurs niveaux de connaissance de la maladie (p = 0,008 d' = 0,79). Par ailleurs, l'analyse qualitative a montré que les enfants des patients avaient donné un avis plus favorable que les épouses sur l'utilité du programme. Les résultats de ces travaux offrent des perspectives prometteuses pour ce type d'interventions, en particulier quand elles sont personnalisables et centrées sur les besoins des aidants. Ce travail permet de mieux appréhender les spécificités méthodologiques liées au développement et à l'évaluation des interventions des aidants. / Given the important consequences of caregiving on the overall health and wellbeing of informal caregivers, the WHO strongly recommends interventions for them. Although Internet-based programs represent a promising tool for overburdened caregivers, little research has been conducted about their design and efficacy. The purpose of this PhD dissertation was to contribute to the knowledge and understanding of the development, evaluation, and implementation process of these programs. For this purpose, we involved forty-nine participants (12 healthcare professionals, 6 caregivers, and 31 healthy older-adults) in the iterative user-centered design process for the development of the Diapason program. The latest version of this program was evaluated in a randomized clinical trial, based on mixed methods research. Forty-nine informal caregivers of persons with Alzheimer's disease were randomly assigned to the experimental (n=25) or control group (n=24). Although the results were non conclusive about the program's efficacy, the experimental group significantly improved their knowledge of the disease (p=0.008 d=0.79). Furthermore the qualitative analysis showed that children of patients were more positive than female spouses caregivers about the usefulness of the program. The findings of this research offer promising perspectives for this kind of interventions, particularly when individualized and centered on the needs of caregivers. This work allows for the understanding and analysis of specific methodological features to develop and evaluate caregivers' interventions.

Intégration par les usages d’une innovation en santé : La télédermatologie / Usage scenario to integrate an innovative service in healthcare : teledermatology

Duong, Tu-Anh 15 December 2016 (has links)
La conception d’un produit ou d’un service en Santé est un processus complexe et risqué. Il doit intégrer dans les phases précoces de conception les normes, les contraintes réglementaires, les données de surveillance et d’évaluation de la sécurité jusqu’à l’autorisation de mise sur le marché pour les dispositifs médicaux, mais également les préférences des utilisateurs experts : professionnels de santé ou non-experts : patients. Dans le marché compétitif des nouveaux produits ou services en Santé, l’enjeu pour les ingénieurs est de faire coïncider les besoins des utilisateurs à leur contexte et usages tout en intégrant toutes les parties prenantes du système de soin. Innovation médicale, technologique et organisationnelle, la télémédecine (TM) est l’utilisation des nouvelles technologies pour délivrer des actes médicaux. L’objectif de cette thèse est la mise au point d’une méthodologie centrée sur les utilisateurs et leurs usages pour concevoir, développer, intégrer et valider une application dermatologique de la TM : la télédermatologie. L’opportunité de validation de cette méthodologie pour intégrer et déployer un service innovant dans un service de dermatologie y est également discutée. / Designing product or services for healthcare system is highly complex, costly and risky. It combines constraints such as being a multi decisional and multilevel system with specific financial model linked to the state the healthcare system organization belongs to. In the highly marketing-time sensitive context of innovative products or services, there is challenge for designers to be able to match the new design to the users’ needs, answering to their context or usages while integrating all system stakeholder components. Telemedicine (TM) is the use of ITtechnologies to provide medical care or medical advice. It is considered a care delivery transformation combining medical, technological and organizational innovation. Using the example of Teledermatology a dermatological application of TM, this PhD develops a methodology based upon users contexts and usages to design integrate and provide an assessment model to decision makers. The opportunity to implement and integrate the service in French department of dermatology is discussed.

Undersökning av det systematiska arbetsmiljöarbetet hos företag som arbetar med AFS 2001:1 : Hur ser behovet av IT-stöd ut? / A study of the systematic work environment management within companies operating according to AFS2001:1 : What level of IT support is needed?

Kässi, Jonna January 2018 (has links)
Företag idag är pressade och måste prioritera sina primära arbetsuppgifter, vilket ofta leder till att arbetsmiljöarbetet blir svårt att upprätthålla eller kan ses som en omotiverad kostnad. För att bespara tid och inte störa den dagliga verksamheten förekommer det att representanter väljs ut som får agera länk mellan slutanvändare och systemutvecklare vid framtagandet av nya system. Det leder till att viktiga kunskaper och behov inte kommer fram under utvecklingsfasen. Bristande utformning av datorsystem kan leda till att de inte nyttjas eller att arbetsmiljöarbetet blir lidande. Vid utformning av datorsystem är det viktigt att ta hänsyn till användbarhet. Ett datorsystem som är byggt med användaren i fokus verkar ha en större acceptans hos företag.   Syftet med undersökningen var att identifiera behov av datorstöd till systematiskt arbetsmiljöarbete (SAM) hos företag som sedan tidigare arbetar med AFS 2001:1. Metoden för denna uppsats bestod huvudsakligen av litteraturundersökningar och intervjuer med chefer samt medarbetare (alternativt skyddsombud). Insamlad data jämfördes mellan chef och medarbetare och skillnader mellan företagen analyserades.     Resultat visade att det inte fanns skillnader av den insamlade data mellan chef och medarbetare (alternativt skyddsombud) inom samma företag. Detta betyder att deltagarna från samma företag har samma bild över deras arbetsmiljöarbete. Mellan företagen råder det dock olikheter då kunskapsnivån spelar roll och vilken slags kunskapsöverföring som finns idag.   Det som var en gemensam bristande faktor för samtliga företag var det sista steget i det systematiska arbetsmiljöarbetet ”Undersöka-Bedömning-Åtgärda-Kontroll”. Samtliga företag var duktiga på att åtgärda arbetsmiljöbrister som var av den akuta karaktären. Akuta ärenden är något som upptäcks direkt exempelvis personskada på grund av snubbling. Medan långsiktiga brister ses som större processer med längre implementeringsperioder exempelvis kartläggning av fallande produktivitet på grund av arbetsmiljöbrister.   Slutsats av resultaten visade på att det finns behov av ett ledningssystem med IT-stöd som är användaranpassat. Det bör ge stöd istället för att belasta arbetsgivaren med mängder av dokumentation och administration. Inför designfasen av ett ledningssystem är syfte och mål viktiga delar att definiera tillsammans med utvecklaren för att kunna skapa ett användarvänligare system.   Något som genomsyrade resultaten av undersökningen var att samtliga deltagare inte genomförde någon form av uppföljning. Därför blir det viktigt att i framtida utvecklingsprojekt ta hänsyn till den delen av systematiskt arbetsmiljöarbete för att säkerställa att det inte glöms bort. Detta steg är en viktig del av systematiskt arbetsmiljöarbete och måluppfyllning samt utveckling. Bättre uppföljning ger bättre beslut. / Companies today are pressed and need to prioritize their primary work tasks which often means that work environment management is hard to maintain or can be seen as an unmotivated cost. To save money and avoid disturbing the daily operations representatives are sometimes chosen to be the link between the end-user and the system developer during the development of a new system. That means that important knowledge and needs aren’t included in the development phase. Poorly designed computer systems can lead to it not being used or the fact that the work environment management becomes suffering. During the development of a computer system it’s important to consider the usability. A system that is built focused on the end-user seems to have a higher level of acceptance at companies.   The purpose of this essay was to identify the needs of computer aid for the systematic work environment management at companies that have previously worked with AFS 2001:1 (Swedish law for systematic work environment management).  The method for this essay mainly consisted of literature studies and interviews with managers and co-workers (alternatively safety representative). Collected data from managers and co-workers were compared and the differences between the companies were analyzed.   Results show that there wasn’t any difference between the data collected from the managers and the co-workers in the same company. This means that participants from the same company had the same view on their work environment management. When the companies were compared to each other there were differences related to the level of knowledge and the ability to pass the knowledge along.   A common factor that was lacking for all companies was that the final step in the systematic work environment management which is control. All companies were good at addressing occupational safety deficiencies that were of the acute nature. Acute cases are something that is detected directly, for example, injuries due to tripping. While long-term deficiencies are seen as major processes with longer implementation periods, such as mapping of declining productivity due to workplace shortcomings.   Conclusion of the results showed that there is a need for a management system with IT support that is user-adapted. It should provide support rather than burden the employer with a load of documentation and administration. Before the design phase of a management system, the purpose and goal are key elements to define with the developer in order to create a user-friendly system.   Something that permeated the results of the survey was that all participants didn’t do any kind of follow-up. Therefore, in future development projects, it is important to take into account that part of the systematic work environment management to ensure that it is not forgotten. This step is an important part of systematic work environment management and goal fulfillment as well as development. Better follow up leads to better decisions.

Lärande inom vården – Ett digitalt frö : En pilotstudie i att designa ett nätbaserat lärverktyg för att effektivisera introduktionsutbildningen för sjuksköterskor inom hematologi. / Learning in health care – A digital seed : A pilot study on how to design a net based learning tool in order to streamline the introductory training for nurses in hematology.

Älvenstrand, Daniel, Horna, Joakim January 2015 (has links)
I dagsläget är introduktionsutbildningen för sjuksköterskorna på kliniken för hematologi på Karolinska Universitetssjukhuset otillräcklig vilket kan bidra till en äventyrad patientsäkerhet. Kliniken hoppas på att, med hjälp av ett interaktivt nätbaserat lärverktyg, kunna effektivisera sjuksköterskornas interna utbildning, göra deras utbildningsmaterial lättare att lära och motivera dem till fortsatt lärande.   Detta examensarbete undersökte huruvida klinikens förhoppningar kunde uppnås. Detta undersöktes genom att skapa och utvärdera en prototyp till ett lärverktyg. Genom att kombinera teorier och forskning kring nätbaserad utbildning, användarcentrerad design, interaktionsdesign och lärandeperspektiv utvecklades ett prototypverktyg för nätbaserat lärande.   För att identifiera sjuksköterskornas behov och situation gjordes en förstudie i form av en enkät- och intervjuundersökning på klinikens personal samt en intervjustudie med ansvarig personal på kliniken och sjukhuset. En prototyp av verktyget utvecklades och dess användbarhet utvärderades tillsammans med sjuksköterskorna. Verktyget utvärderades även gällande hur det kunde effektivisera lärandet av det utbildningsmaterial inom cytostatika som tillhandahålls av landstinget; detta genom utformandet och testandet av en kurs.   Examensarbetets resultat identifierar de faktorer som bidrar till att göra ett nätbaserat lärverktyg användbart för klinikens personal. Dessa faktorer, tillsammans med identifierandet av de faktorer som påverkar deras lärandeprocess, bidrar till att effektivisera sjuksköterskornas introduktionsutbildning. Som slutsats kan ett lärverktyg som utvecklas tillsammans med berörd personal enligt en kombination av design- och lärandeperspektiv göras användbart och utbildande för att säkerställa sjuksköterskornas kompetenser och bidra till en ökad patientsäkerhet. / Today, the introductory training for the nurses of the clinic for hematology at the Karolinska University hospital is insufficient which could jeopardize the patient safety. The clinic is hoping, by using an interactive net based learning tool, to be able to streamline the nurses’ internal education, make their learning material more easily learnt and motivate them to continue learning.   This thesis examined whether the clinic’s desired results could be achieved. This was examined by creating and evaluate a prototype of a learning tool. By combining theories and research about net based education, user centered design, interaction design and learning perspectives a prototype was developed for net based learning.   In order to identify the nurses’ needs and situation, a pre-study was conducted in the form of surveys and interviews with the clinic’s personnel followed by an interview study with responsible staff at the clinic and the hospital. A prototype was developed and its usability was evaluated together with the nurses. The tool was also evaluated by its ability to streamline the learning of the educational material regarding Cytostatic which was given by the county council; this by designing and testing of a course.   The results of the thesis identifies the factors which contributes to making a net based learning tool usable for the clinics staff. These factors, together with identifying the factors that affect their learning process, contributes to streamline the nurses’ introductory training. In conclusion, a learning tool which has been developed with affected personnel through a combination of design and learning perspectives can be made usable and education in order to ensure the nurses’ competence and contribute to an increased patient safety.


LARA DA COSTA BRITO 27 April 2020 (has links)
[pt] Atualmente a pesquisa com usuários vem ganhando projeção como diferencial no desenvolvimento de produtos e serviços de interface digital, incluindo atividades que envolvem análises e observações no contexto de uso, feedbacks e avaliações. O usuário, que anteriormente era um coadjuvante, passou a ter destaque como ator principal, tornando-se peça-chave no levantamento de requisitos de um produto, em meio a um mercado competitivo em constante transformação. Pela necessidade de adequação a frequentes mudanças, a agilidade se tornou um elemento essencial, como processo alternativo de desenvolvimento. Desse modo, uma metodologia ágil foi adotada como forma de suprir a demanda pela rapidez no lançamento dos produtos, modificando profundamente a maneira como eles são estruturados e desenvolvidos, influenciados principalmente pelo fator tempo. Consequentemente, as atividades que envolvem pesquisas, ideações e avaliações tem o tempo reduzido, comprometendo a pesquisa com usuários e a aplicação dos princípios do Design Centrado no Humano. Diante disso, a presente pesquisa tem como objetivo investigar a pesquisa com usuários em consonância com a aplicação de metodologias ágeis no desenvolvimento de produtos digitais. Através da pesquisa bibliográfica, foi permitido aprofundar os conceitos sobre o design centrado no usuário, seus princípios, as metodologias associadas e seus processos, e relacioná-lo às metodologias ágeis. Mediante as entrevistas, foi possível, também, o entendimento sobre os problemas enfrentados pelos profissionais de UX na aplicação das práticas de design centrado no usuário nas organizações, gerando insumos para aplicação de um questionário online que produziu uma compreensão e análise sobre as atividades relacionadas à pesquisa com usuários na aplicação das metodologias ágeis nas empresas do mercado brasileiro. Esta pesquisa revela como os profissionais de UX aplicam as atividades que envolvem a pesquisa com usuários em conjunto com as metodologias ágeis de acordo com a amostra coletada, evidenciando as influências no desenvolvimento dos produtos segundo as características organizacionais apresentadas. / [en] Currently, user research has been gaining a projection as a differentiator in the development of digital interface products and services, including activities that involve analysis and observations in the context of use, feedback and evaluation. The user, who was previously a supporting actor, has become a major player, key in the product requirements specification, in the midst of a competitive market in constant transformation.. Due to the need to adapt to frequent changes, agility has become an essential element as an alternative development process. This way, an agile methodology was adopted as a way of supporting the demand for speed in the launch of products, thus, deeply modifying the way they are structured and developed, influenced mainly by the time factor. Consequently, activities involving research, ideation, and evaluation are time-consuming, which compromises user research and the application of the principles of User-Centered Design. Therefore, the present research aims at investigating the research with users in consonance with the application of agile methodologies in the development of digital products. The literature review, allowed us to gain in depth knowledge about user-centered design, its principles, associated methodologies and its processes, and to relate UCD to agile methodologies. Through the interviews, it was also possible to understand the issues faced by UX professionals in the application of user-centered design practices in organizations, which generated inputs for the application of an online survey, which in turn enabled both the analysis of activities related to user research in the application of agile methodologies in the Brazilian market. This research reveals how UX professionals apply the activities that involve research with users along with agile methodologies according to the collected sample, the research findings also show what influences in the development of their products according to the presented organizational characteristics.

Design and evaluation of a visual rapid prototyping environment in an existing smart home platform

Hamada, Skander January 2017 (has links)
Recent advances in the field of Internet of Things (IoT) are placing its own vision, as a platform of interconnected services and devices, at the heart of the smart home concept. This consolidation promises a new wave of innovative products designed in the open, and in which the user takes center stage starting from the very first steps. Therefore, researchers as well as product designers in these increasingly related fields are now tasked with a more complex mission when investigating user behavior. In this thesis we consider rapid prototyping as the upcoming standard process for investigating user interactions in the future smart home. Although past research contributed with several self-contained solutions (built from scratch) to allow such investigations, no accounts were found tackling the problem from our perspective, in which the focus is on how to enable rapid prototyping in an existing proprietary smart home platform by using open standards, software and hardware. To answer this question, we conducted our research with participation of academic researchers and professional designers in the context of an academic and industrial partnership, in an ongoing smart home research project. We used an approach based on the design science research process in combination with the user centered design (UCD) and agile software development methodologies. During this thesis we performed an end to end design process starting from ideation to implementation and evaluation; an architectural blueprint was proposed and a working prototype of our visual smart home rapid prototyping environment (SHRPE) was implemented and tested. The obtained results demonstrate the feasibility of enabling visual rapid prototyping capabilities in an existing smart home platform, by using the system integration process to introduce available open standards, software and hardware tools into the platform. In addition, evaluation results of user testing confirmed that using UCD to iteratively capture user needs in such complex context is a solid approach.

User eXperience evaluation on university virtual learning through sentiment analysis

Sanchis Font, Rosario 12 June 2023 (has links)
Tesis por compendio / [ES] El uso de nuevas tecnologías y el número de usuarios de sistemas de enseñanza online universitaria se han extendido alrededor del mundo en las últimas décadas, mostrando un mayor incremento con la propagación de la pandemia Covid-19 desde 2020. Adicionalmente, la normativa ISO 9241-210:2019 establece los estándares internacionales de calidad para diseñar productos, servicios y sistemas de interacción persona-ordenador que cumplan con requisitos de usabilidad, accesibilidad y de experiencia de usuario (User eXperience - UX). Por tanto, el concepto de UX ha cobrado mucha importancia como requisito de calidad. Para diversos autores, la UX es un concepto multidimensional que incluye las motivaciones, sentimientos y necesidades de los usuarios finales. Por otra parte, el Objetivo de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS) 4 de la Organización de las Naciones Unidas (ONU) para el 2030 persigue asegurar a nivel global una educación inclusiva, igualitaria, para todos y de calidad. En este sentido, con el fin de diseñar interfaces y experiencias de aprendizaje en entornos universitarios que respeten todas especificaciones de calidad se requiere evaluar previamente la UX de estos entornos de manera automática y precisa. Por tanto, el objetivo principal de esta tesis es identificar las características concretas más relevantes en la UX de entornos de e-learning universitarios que permitan analizar específica y automáticamente el sentimiento de los estudiantes con el fin de asentar las bases para diseñar plataformas de aprendizaje virtual centradas en los usuarios. Con esta finalidad, el estudio plantea analizar las necesidades y sentimientos de los estudiantes on-line universitarios con métodos digitales, avanzados y eficientes de inteligencia artificial. Por ello, el presente proyecto investiga la aplicación de modelos de aprendizaje automático de análisis de sentimiento para la evaluación UX. Estas técnicas de inteligencia artificial se han aplicado sobre las respuestas recibidas de entre los más de 2.000 estudiantes universitarios encuestados procedentes de estudios de posgrado online y de cursos en línea masivos y abiertos (MOOCs). Los resultados presentan las bases de un modelo que permite clasificar ontológicamente categorías o aspectos de la educación en línea universitaria y conocer la polaridad del sentimiento de los usuarios respecto a su experiencia e-learning de manera automática. De este modo, se han podido conocer las opiniones de los estudiantes de manera automatizada con respecto a categorías claves de la enseñanza digital. Además, los comentarios de los estudiantes se han clasificado en distintas dimensiones UX e-learning o UXEL (Conexiones Sociales, y Recursos y Herramientas de Aprendizaje). Así mismo, se ha identificado la polaridad del sentimiento para cada dimensión. En resumen, este trabajo ha generado importantes contribuciones a la comunidad científica. En primer lugar, una adaptación del cuestionario validado UEQ-S integrado y adaptado a tres plataformas de e-learning para cursos específicos de postgrado en la Universitat de València y en la Universidad Rey Juan Carlos; y para MOOCs en la Universitat Politècnica de València. En segundo lugar, esta tesis ha generado una aplicación innovadora de métodos de análisis de sentimiento y aprendizaje automático mediante el procesamiento del lenguaje natural para la evaluación de la experiencia de usuario de estudiantes universitarios online. Así, este método proporciona el análisis de las opiniones de los alumnos y las clasifica según su polaridad en positivas, negativas o neutras. Y en tercer lugar, este trabajo científico aporta una ontología propia de aspectos para la experiencia de aprendizaje virtual asociada a dimensiones UX con herramientas de análisis de sentimiento. Esta ontología clasifica la polaridad de las opiniones de los alumnos por categorías e-learning: VLE, Profesor, Alumno, Sonido, Imagen, Material, Ejercicio, Evaluación y y Comunicación. / [CA] L'ús de noves tecnologies i el nombre d'usuaris de sistemes d'ensenyament en línia universitària s'han estés al voltant del món en les últimes dècades, mostrant un major increment amb la propagació de la pandèmia COVID-19 des de 2020. Addicionalment, la normativa ISO 9241-210:2019 estableix els estàndards internacionals de qualitat per a dissenyar productes, serveis i sistemes d'interacció persona-ordenador que complisquen amb requisits d'usabilitat, accessibilitat i d'experiència d'usuari (User eXperience - UX). Per tant, el concepte de UX ha cobrat molta importància com a requisit de qualitat. Per a diversos autors, la UX és un concepte multidimensional que inclou les motivacions, sentiments i necessitats dels usuaris finals. D'altra banda, l'Objectiu de Desenvolupament Sostenible (ODS) 4 de l'Organització de les Nacions Unides (ONU) per al 2030 persegueix assegurar a nivell global una educació inclusiva, igualitària, per a tots i de qualitat. En aquest sentit, amb la finalitat de dissenyar interfícies i experiències d'aprenentatge en entorns universitaris que respecten totes especificacions de qualitat es requereix avaluar prèviament la UX d'aquests entorns de manera automàtica i precisa. Per tant, l'objectiu principal d'aquesta tesi és identificar les característiques concretes més rellevants en l'experiència d'usuari d'entorns d'e-learning universitaris que permeten analitzar específica i automàticament el sentiment dels estudiants amb la finalitat d'assentar les bases per a dissenyar plataformes d'aprenentatge virtual centrades en els usuaris. Amb aquesta finalitat, l'estudi planteja analitzar les necessitats i sentiments dels estudiants en línia universitaris amb mètodes digitals, avançats i eficients d'intel·ligència artificial. Per això, el present projecte investiga l'aplicació de models d'aprenentatge automàtic d'anàlisi de sentiment per a l'avaluació de la UX. Aquestes tècniques d'intel·ligència artificial s'han aplicat sobre les respostes rebudes d'entre els més de 2.000 estudiants universitaris enquestats procedents d'estudis de postgrau en línia i de cursos massius en línia en obert (MOOCs). Els resultats presenten les bases d'un model que permet classificar ontològicament categories o aspectes de l'educació en línia universitària i conéixer la polaritat del sentiment dels usuaris respecte a la seua experiència e-learning automàticament. D'aquesta manera, s'han pogut conéixer les opinions dels estudiants de manera automatitzada respecte a categories claus de l'ensenyament digital. A més, s'han classificat els comentaris dels estudiants en diferents dimensions UX e-learning o UXEL. D'aquesta manera, s'han identificat la polaritat del sentiment per a cada dimensió. En resum, aquest treball ha generat importants contribucions a la comunitat científica. En primer lloc, una adaptació del qüestionari validat UEQ-S integrat i adaptat a tres plataformes d'e-learning per a cursos específics de postgrau a la Universitat de València i en la Universidad Rey Juan Carlos; i per a MOOCs a la Universitat Politècnica de València. En segon lloc, aquesta tesi ha generat una aplicació innovadora de mètodes d'anàlisis de sentiment i aprenentatge automàtic mitjançant el processament del llenguatge natural per a l'avaluació de l'experiència d'usuari d'estudiants universitaris en línia. Així, aquest mètode proporciona l'anàlisi de les opinions dels alumnes i les classifica segons la seua polaritat en positives, negatives o neutres. I en tercer lloc, aquest treball científic aporta una ontologia pròpia d'aspectes per a l'experiència d'aprenentatge virtual associada a dimensions UX. Aquesta ontologia utilitzada amb eines d'anàlisis de sentiment, permet classificar la polaritat de les opinions dels alumnes per categories clau de l'e-learning (VLE, Professor, Alumne, So, Imatge, Material, Exercici, Avaluació i Comunicació) i agrupar els comentaris en tres dimensions UXEL (VLE, Connexions Socials, i Recursos i Eines d'Aprenentatge). / [EN] The use of new technologies and the number of users of university online learning systems have spread around the world in the last decades, showing a further increase with the spread of the Covid-19 pandemic since 2020. Additionally, ISO 9241-210:2019 sets international quality standards for designing human-computer interaction products, services, and systems that meet usability, accessibility, and User eXperience (UX) requirements. Therefore, the concept of UX has become very important as a quality requirement. For several authors, UX is a multidimensional concept that includes the motivations, feelings, and needs of end users. On the other hand, the United Nations' (UN) Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 4 for 2030 aims to ensure inclusive, equitable, quality education for all globally. In this sense, in order to design interfaces and learning experiences in university environments that respect all quality specifications, it is necessary to evaluate the user experience of these environments automatically and accurately beforehand. Thus, the main objective of this thesis is to identify the most relevant specific characteristics in the user experience of university e-learning environments that allow specific and automatic analysis of the students' feelings in order to lay the foundations for the design of user-centered e-learning platforms. To this end, the study proposes to analyse the needs and feelings of online university students with digital, advanced, and efficient artificial intelligence methods. Therefore, this project investigates the application of machine learning models of sentiment analysis for the evaluation of user experience. These artificial intelligence techniques have been applied to the responses received from more than 2,000 university students surveyed from postgraduate online studies and massive open online courses (MOOCs). The results present the basis of a model that allows ontologically classifying categories or aspects of university online education and knowing the users' polarity of feeling about their e-learning experience in an automatic way. In this way, it has been possible to find out the students' opinions in an automated way with regard to key categories of digital teaching. In addition, student comments have been classified into several UX e-learning or UXEL dimensions. Also, it has been identified the polarity of sentiment for each dimension. To sum up, this work has generated four major contributions to the scientific community. Firstly, an adaptation of the validated questionnaire UEQ-S integrated and adapted to three e-learning platforms for specific postgraduate courses at the Universitat de València and at the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos; and for MOOCs at the Universitat Politècnica de València. Secondly, this thesis has generated an innovative application of sentiment analysis and machine learning methods through natural language processing for the evaluation of the user experience of university online students. Therefore, this method provides the analysis of learners opinions and classifies them according to their polarity in positive, negative or neutral. And thirdly, this scientific work brings out a proprietary ontology of aspects for the virtual learning experience associated with UX dimensions. This ontology used with sentiment analysis tools, allows classifying the polarity of student opinions (positive, neutral, negative) by key categories of e-learning (VLE, Teacher, Student, Sound, Image, Material, Exercise, Evaluation and Communication) and group the comments in three dimensions UX e-learning or UXEL (VLE, Social Connections, and Learning Resources and Tools). Finally, these contributions will help to evaluate in an automatic and accurate way several university e-learning environments in order to design user-centered virtual learning experiences more personalised and inclusive for all which suit quality standards and meet UN SDG 4 for 2030. / Sanchis Font, R. (2023). User eXperience evaluation on university virtual learning through sentiment analysis [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/194059 / Compendio

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