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Mokytojų požiūris į vaikų, turinčių specialiųjų ugdymosi poreikių, integruoto ugdymo realijas / Sight of teachers at realities of the integrated training of children, having special requirements of trainingZapasnik, Vladislov 30 June 2009 (has links)
Darbo tema - mokytojų požiūris į vaikų, turinčių specialiųjų ugdymosi poreikių, integruoto ugdymo realijas. Tema aktuali, nes Lietuvoje daug dėmesio skiriama specialiųjų poreikių vaikų integruotam ugdymui bendrojo lavinimo mokyklose, sąlygų, kad šie vaikai jaustųsi pilnaverčiai, reikalingi ir mylimi mūsų visuomenėje, sudarymui. Šalies pedagogai skatinami gilinti ir plėtoti teorines bei praktines specialiosios pedagogikos bei pedagoginės psichologijos kompetencijas, išmokti kuo anksčiau atpažinti ir įvertinti vaikų poreikius, kad galėtų sėkmingai ugdyti specialiųjų ugdymosi poreikių turinčius mokinius bei aktyviai dalyvauti pagalbos teikimo procese.
Tyrimo tikslas - išanalizuoti mokytojų požiūrį į vaikų, turinčių specialiųjų ugdymosi poreikių, integruoto ugdymo realybę. Temos aktualumui pagrįsti buvo atliekama anketinė apklausa, išsiaiškintas pedagogų požiūris į specialiųjų ugdymosi poreikių turinčių vaikų integruotą ugdymą. Nustatyta, kad ne visi pedagogai teigiamai žiūri į specialiųjų poreikių vaikų ugdymą bendrojo lavinimo mokykloje. Jie mano, kad šios mokyklos dar nepasiruošusios priimti specialiųjų poreikių vaikų, kad jų įsitraukimas į bendrąją ugdymo sistemą kelia naujų reikalavimų ir rūpesčių tiek pedagogams, tiek ir mokyklų vadovams. Tyrimo hipotezė, kad mokytojų požiūris į vaikų, turinčių specialiųjų ugdymosi poreikių, integruoto ugdymo realybę yra negatyvus, dalinai pasitvirtino. Atliktas tyrimas patvirtino anksčiau atliktų panašaus pobūdžio tyrimų rezultatus. Tai... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The subject of this work is the viewpoint of teachers under the realities of integrated education of the pupils who have special needs of education. This subject is important, because many attention is dedicated in Lithuania to the integrated education of pupils with special needs in comprehensive schools. Teachers establish conditions to these children to feel required, valued and beloved in our society. The educators of our country are motivated to deepen and develope theoretical and practical knowledge in special pedagogy and pedagogical psychology, to learn how to recognize and evaluate the special needs of the children. Then they can succesfully educate pupils with special needs of education and take an active part in the process of presentation of help.
The purpose of this research is to learn much about the viewpoint of teachers under the realities of integrated education of the pupils who have special needs of education. To motivate the actuality of this subject, there was made an interrogation, also was learnt the viewpoint of teachers under the integrated education of children with special needs. There was determined that not all of the teachers approve the education of pupils with special needs in comprehensive schools. Part of them think that such schools are not ready to admit children with special needs and that involvement of such children to common education system raises the new ante and troubles to the teachers and the directors of the schools. The... [to full text]
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Tėvų, kurių vaikai serga širdies ir kraujagyslių ligomis, gyvenimo kokybė / The quality of life of parents, whose children have heart and blood-vessel diseasesVinkšnelytė, Daiva 25 June 2014 (has links)
Širdies ir kraujagyslių ligos – didėjanti ne tik suaugusiųjų, bet ir vaikų sveikatos problema visame pasaulyje, turinti įtakos ne tik ja sergančiam asmeniui, bet ir jo aplinkos žmonėms. Vaiko širdies ir kraujagyslių liga neigiamai veikia tėvų sveikatą ir gyvenimo kokybę, kuri iki šiol Lietuvoje nebuvo tirta. Darbo tikslas: įvertinti tėvų, kurių vaikai serga širdies ir kraujagyslių ligomis, kai kuriuos gyvenimo kokybės aspektus. Uždaviniai: 1. Įvertinti tėvų, kurių vaikai serga širdies ir kraujagyslių ligomis, subjektyvią sveikatos būklę. 2. Įvertinti kai kuriuos tėvų, auginančių širdies ir kraujagyslių ligomis sergančius vaikus, gyvenimo kokybės aspektus. 3. Nustatyti tėvų, kurių vaikai serga širdies ir kraujagyslių ligomis, sveikatos būklės bei subjektyvaus gyvenimo kokybės vertinimo sąsajas. Metodika: 2009 m. kovo–gruodžio mėn. pagal specialiai šiam tyrimui parengtą anoniminę anketą interviu metodu apklausti 206 tėvai, gulėję VšĮ VUL Santariškių klinikų II širdies chirurgijos skyriuje su vaikais, sergančiais širdies ir kraujagyslių ligomis. Rezultatai: 45,15 % tėvų savo sveikatą vertina gerai. Moterų, įvertinusių savo sveikatą labai gerai, buvo 9,56 %, o vyrų – 20,00 %. Subjektyvus sveikatos būklės vertinimas reikšmingai skiriasi priklausomai nuo respondentų išsilavinimo ir lyties. Didžioji dalis apklaustųjų (57,28 %) mano, kad vaiko širdies ir kraujagyslių liga turi šiek tiek neigiamos įtakos jų sveikatai. 41,75 % respondentų mano, kad vaikui susirgus jų sveikatos būklė... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Heart and blood-vessel diseases – it is a problem of health of children and adults in all worlds which more and more grows up having not just a problem that person who has that heart and blood-vessel diseases, however it has a huge influence for people who are closed to this person. Child heart and blood-vessel disease are factors for health and quality of life of parents and it is not investigated yet. Aim of the study: to evaluate some aspects of quality of life of parents whose children have heart and blood-vessel diseases. Tasks of the study: 1. To evaluate the subjective condition of health of parents, whose children have heart and blood-vessel diseases. 2. To evaluate some aspects of life quality of parents, whose children have heart and blood-vessel diseases. 3. To identify links between the condition of health and the subjective evaluation of quality of life of parents, whose children have heart and blood-vessel diseases. Methods of the study: in March - December months in 2009 years were asked 206 parents according the anonymous questionnaire, the method of interview. These parents with children who have diseases of heart and blood-vessel were in-patient VšĮ VUL II heart surgery department in Santariškės clinic. An analysis of data was conducted using package of statistic SPSS 16.0 and programmer of Microsoft Excel. Results of the study: The most of parents (45,15 %) value their condition of health well. Women who their condition of health very well were 9,56 %, men... [to full text]
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Rizikos grupės vaikų deviantinio elgesio ypatumai Lietuvoje ir Lenkijoje / Die Ahnlichkeiten und Unterdhiede in der Erziehung der polnishen und litaunishen Rizikgruppe Kinder, die durch deviationsverhalten gekennzeichnet sindŠuškevič, Liucija 05 June 2004 (has links)
Ziel dieser Diplomarbeit ist Ähnlichkeiten und Untershiede in der Erziehung der polnishen und litaunishen Kinder festzustellen, die durch Deviationsverhalten gekennzeichnet sind. Im Laufe der Arbeit wurde die pedagogische und psychologische Literatur der beiden Länder analysiert, die mit diesem Problem verbunden ist. Damit wurden die Hauptfaktoren festgestellt, die das Deviativnsverhalten der Kinder und Jugendlichen in Polen und Litauen beeinflussen. In der Dimplomarbeit wurden juristische Basys der Kinderrechtschutz in Polen und Litauen sowoll auch der Niveau der prophylastischen Tätigkeit mit den Kindern analysiert, die Veranlagung zur Deviationsverhalten haben.
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Sociodemografinių ir aplinkos veiksnių įtaka vaikų nudegimams Kauno apskrityje 2000–2003 metais / The influence of sociodemographic and environmental factors on children burnings in Kaunas region in 2000 - 2003Vyšniauskas, Andrius 08 June 2006 (has links)
Aim of the study: To estimate and evaluate the influence of sociodemographic and environmental factors on children burnings in Kaunas region in 2000–2003.
Methods: The research is carried out during 2000–2003. The data is taken from Kaunas territorial patient center. During the research the rate of children burning according sex, age and living place is analyzed. The distribution of burnings depending to the city and country as well as the patient age is surveyed, too. MS Excel and SPSS programs are used for the data analysis.
Results: During 2000–2003, there were 2233 children(1365 boys and 868 girls) with various burnings in Kaunas region. In 2000 in Kaunas region 367,5 boys and 225 girls suffered from burnings; in 2001 there were 408,5 boys and 322,9 girls with burnings for 100 000 region dwellers. In 2002 there were 360,6 boys and 229,8 girls with burnings, but in 2003 the number increased up to 494,2 boys and 308,1 girls with burnings. The total number of injured boys is 1365(61%) and the total number of injured girls is 868(39%). The largest number of burnt children is stated in the group of 0-6 years(1249–56%). In the group of 7-9 years the number of burnt children is 246(11%). 432(19%) children of 10–14 years old and 306(14%) children of 15–17 years old suffered from burnings. 323(23,7%) boys and 211(24,3%) girls suffered from arm and shoulder burnings. 195(22,5%) girls suffered from leg burnings. The number is 5,6% higher than the number of analogous burnings in boys... [to full text]
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Vaiko statusas ginkluoto konflikto metu / The status of a child in armed conflictRudžianskas, Vytautas 24 November 2010 (has links)
Magistro darbo tyrimo objektas – vaiko statuso ginkluoto konflikto metu institutas tarptautinėje teisėje. Vaikai, esantys teritorijoje kurioje vyksta ginkluotas konfliktas, skirstomi į dvi dideles grupes. Pirmoji, tai vaikai, kurie vienokiu ar kitokiu būdu dalyvauja kariniuose veiksmuose, vadinamieji vaikai kareiviai. Antroji - tai vaikai, kurie tiesiogiai nedalyvauja konflikte, tiesiog atsiduria jo teritorijoje ir yra jo vienaip ar kitaip veikiami, t.y. vaikai civiliai. Nagrinėjant vaikų kareivių klausimą, aiškinamasi, kaip tarptautinė teisė riboja vaikų dalyvavimą ginkluotame konflikte, koks yra minimalaus amžiaus reikalavimas, kokia atsakomybė iškyla už vaikų panaudojimą kariniams veiksmams, atskleidžiamos probleminės sritys, tam tikros reguliavimo spragos ir galimi jų vengimo būdai. Taip pat gilinamasi ir į vaikų kareivių atsakomybės už jų padarytus karo nusikaltimus problemą. Galiausiai pateikiama trijų didžiausių šiuolaikinių konfliktų, kuriuose plačiai naudojami vaikai kareiviai trumpos dosje. Civiliai vaikai aptariami atsižvelgiant į tarptautinės teisės jiems garantuojamą bendrąją, kaip ir visiems kitiems civiliams asmenims, ir specialiąją – būtent vaikams, kaip ypatingai pažeidžiamai grupei, apsaugą. Tai pat aptariamas ir vaikų karo belaisvių statusas. Pagrindinis darbo tikslas – visapusiška tarptautinės paprotinės ir sutartinės teisės, taikomos asmenims iki 18 metų amžiaus ginkluoto konflikto metu, analizė, siekiant išsiaiškinti reguliavimo spragas ir trūkumus. / Children who appears to be in the territory of armed conflict, can be divided in two large groups according to the Intenational Law. Firstly, there is children who participate in conflicts directly engaging in combat or act indirectly trough such acts as seeking and sending military information and transporting arms and munitions, they are refered in this master thesis as child soldiers. Next group is known as child civilians, who do not participate in military activities, however, they are still affected by conflict. The international law prohibits recruitment and participation in hostilities of child soldiers. Among others this prohibition brings into focus such issues: the type of participation with which international law is concerned; minimum age of recruitment and the specific situation of children who are 15 to 18 years old; whether there is effective mechanism of implementation; what is the extent of duty upon states, and many more. Also, the possibility of prosecution when the child soldiers seriously violate international criminal law is discussed. Lastly, the short study of three recent armed conflicts where the child soldiers were massively recruited is provided. International law seeks to provide child civilians with protection and care both because children are regarded as a part of the general civilian population and also because children are one of the more vulnerable groups in the population for which internation humanitarian law provides special protection... [to full text]
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Ugdymo turinio įtaka dėmesio savybėms septintais vaiko gyvenimo metais / Influence of educational content on child’s atention quality during the seventh year of lifeKeruckė, Asta 28 August 2008 (has links)
Psichologai turi daug skirtingų atsakymų į tai, kuris psichikos procesas yra svarbiausias vystantis vaikui jaunesniame mokykliniame amžiuje. E.Rybalko (1990) teigia, jog psichologijoje šiam periodui skiriamas didelis dėmesys, nes šis laikotarpis yra kokybiškai naujas laikas žmogaus psichologiniame subrendime. Nėra atlikta daug tyrimų, nagrinėjančių veiksnius, galinčius turėti įtakos dėmesio vystymuisi.
Darbo teorinėje dalyje siekiama atskleisti dėmesio sampratos problemą psichologijoje, kaip kito padėtis metų bėgyje ir kokia yra dabartinė situacija. Išskiriamos dėmesio savybės, nagrinėjama žaidimo, kaip pagrindinės veiklos reikšmė vaiko psichikos vystymuisi ikimokykliniame amžiuje. 2008 metų kovo – balandžio mėnesiais Kauno mieste buvo atliktas tyrimas, kuriuo buvo bandoma išsiaiškinti, nuo ko priklauso dėmesio ypatumai septintais vaiko gyvenimo metais. Šiame tyrime panaudota specialiai šiam tikslui sukurta (Tambiev A., 2003) ir pritaikyta kompiuterinė programa. Kompiuterinės programos paketą „ZOO“ sudaro trys testai, skirti matuoti dėmesio intensyvumą, patvarumą bei perkėlimą. Tyrime dalyvavo 123 tiriamieji, lankantys Kauno ikimokyklines ugdymo įstaigas. Šiame tyrime dėmesio savybių priklausomybė nebuvo lyginama priklausomai nuo amžiaus, nes tyrime dalyvavusieji visose ugdymo įstaigose lankė priešmokyklines grupes. Kalbant apie skirtingo ugdymo turinio ir dėmesio savybių (intensyvumo, patvarumo ir perkėlimo) ryšį, statistiškai reikšmingų skirtumų nors ir nebuvo gauta... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Psychologists provide various answers to the question which psychic process is the most important for child’s educational process in elementary school age. E. Rybalko (1990) claims that psychology pays a great attention to this period, as this spell of time is qualitatively new time in human’s psychological maturation. There are very few researches scrutinizing the factors influencing the development of concentration. The theoretical part of the paper aims to disclose the concept of concentration in psychology, to show the change of the subject matter and to elucidate the present situation. There were discriminated characteristics of attention and analyzed game playing as the main meaning of activity in child’s psychic development during elementary school age. The research carried out in March – April 2008 aimed to find out on what factors attention peculiarities of a child depend during his seventh year of life. A special methodology developed by Tambiev (Tambiev A., 2003) and the software specially adapted were used in this research. The software package ‘Zoo’ consists of three tests to measure the intensity of attention, endurance and transference. 123 respondents participating Kaunas pre-elementary educational institutions took part in the research. The dependence of attention qualities were not compared subject to the age in this research because all respondents participated pre-elementary school in all polled educational institutions. Talking about the link between... [to full text]
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Vaikų, sergančių 1 tipo cukriniu diabetu, dantų ėduonies aktyvumo bei intensyvumo pokyčiai ir juos įtakojančių veiksnių analizė / Dental caries and its association with selected caries determinants in children with type 1 diabetes mellitus: a longitudinal studySiudikienė, Jolanta 20 January 2006 (has links)
Type 1 (insulin dependent) diabetes mellitus (T1DM) is the most common of the endocrine-metabolic syndrome of childhood and adolescence, characterized by hyperglycemia as a cardinal biochemical feature, with important consequences for physical and emotional development (Alemzadeh R. and Wyatt D.T., 2004). The incidence of childhood T1DM is rising in many countries of the world (Rewers M. et al., 1988, Karvonen M. et al., 1993, Soltèsz G.et al., 2003). In Lithuania, a significant increase over the last 20 years was found in the 10 – 14 year age group (Urbonaitė B. et al., 2002, Pundziūtė-Lyckå A. et al., 2004).
Patients with T1DM are characterized by decreased salivary flow and lower buffer effect (P.A. Moore et al., 2001, A.D. Mata et al., 2004, G. Aren et al., 2003), salivary gland pathology (I.D. Mandel, 1980, S.B. Russotto, 1981), increased glucose concentration in the saliva (R. Harrisson and W.H. Bowen 1987, M.A. Belazi et al., 1998), periodontal diseases (L. Sandholm et al. 1989, V. de Pommereau et al. 1992), and oral yeasts (G. A. Bartholomew et al, 1987; P.J. Lamey et al., 1988). However, scientific data about the relationship between T1DM and oral health are contradictory. It has been suggested that hyperglycemia is associated with decreased salivary secretion and high salivary glucose levels, particularly in cases of severe insulin deficiency.
However, no clear evidence has been found for a possible association between dental caries and diabetes... [to full text]
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Plaukimo įtaka 10-12 m. moksleivių kvėpavimo sistemai / Swimming Influence On Pulmonary System Of 10-12 Years Old SchoolchildrenMargis, Mindaugas 19 May 2005 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to determine the influence of swimming on 10-12 years old children. There were 4 groups of schoolchildren: swimming group of boys (25 persons), swimming group of girls (15 persons), boys nonswimming group (25 persons) and girls nonswimming group (15 persons). There were 80 schoolchildren with the average age of 11,2±0,74 years. The high and weight were measured. Also were measured size of a chest, vital capasity. The results showed that no solid diference of high were found between the groups. Higher values of body mass were found in both swimming groups in comparison with nonswimming groups. Larger vital capasity were also found in swimming groups. The results showed that swimmers had stronger pulmonary system than nonswimmers. There was found positive efect of swimming on pulmonary system, swimming also helps to increase vital capasity of 10-12 years old pupils.
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Kineziterapijos efektyvumas, gydant bronchine astma sergančius 11-15 metų vaikus / The efficiency of physical therapy in children aged 11 – 15 years with bronchial asthmaKeraitė, Kristina 23 May 2005 (has links)
60 children with bronchial asthma were investigated of the age of 11-15. Children, who were investigated, were divided into 2 groups: the first group consisted of 30 children, who did exercises in the sport hall; the second group consisted of 30 children, who did exercises in the water. Physical therapy for both groups was provided for 30 minutes 6 days a week 1 time per day. Physical therapy included active gymnastic exercises using various physical therapy tools. It was provided two lung ventilation tests with spirometer “Spiromed 250”: the first test was taken before starting to do physical therapy, the second one was taken in the end of physical therapy. We examined the forced expiratory vital capacity (FVC), volume of forced expiration within the first second (FEVı), Gaensler index (FEVı/FVC), peak expiratory flow (PEF), maximum expiratory flow, when 50% of the forced vital capacity has been exhaled (MEF50%). The results of our investigation showed that gymnastic exercises in the water have more positive effect than gymnastic exercises in the sport hall for children with bronchial asthma.
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Šeimų, auginančių neįgalius vaikus, gyvenimo kokybė / The quality of life of the families growing disabled chlidrenMotiejauskienė, Rima 08 June 2005 (has links)
Family is the least part of our society. At the same time it is the subject of the society, responsible for the prolongation of human genus and upbringing of children. Family has the right to property, organic relations with an ethnic group, nation, state.
It is social reality which is supported and controlled by the state, without breaking the rights of parents and family. The quality of life is purely individual evaluation of your destination in life, evaluation of culture and the system of values, in which an individual person is living, connected with his aims, attitude, hopes, standards and interests. It is a wide conception, combining an individual’s physical health and psychological state, degree of independence, social relations and relations with environment. The quality of life includes different and various spheres: the criteria of physical state and functional possibilities, psychological state and wealth, social relations and economic state.
The principle of the quality of life of the disabled is supported by the idea that we cannot separate the quality of life of the disabled from the conception of life of the other members of the society. Social politics must evaluate the disabled as common citizens. Observing the principle of standardization, families, which are growing the disabled children, must understand that the level of the quality of their lives must not greatly differ from those who have not got indisposition. In this work of magister the object of... [to full text]
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