Spelling suggestions: "subject:"began"" "subject:"vegan""
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Etnografie veganské restaurace / Etnography of Vegan RestaurantMikovcová, Markéta January 2016 (has links)
The aim of the thesis is to understand elements and processes, that are constituting a specific vegan Restaurant in Prague. The method used is ethnography, particularly participatory observation completed with interviews with the owner and customers. The owner as well as the Restaurant itself and as well as every individual are hybrids created by biological, spiritual, cultural, technical and many other elements. Based on the observation I have divided these elements into four big groups: philosophical, culinary, material and human. These groups are mixing, balancing and contrasting one another and together creating the Restaurant aesthetics. In each of the chapters I show different realities and I explain the Restaurant from different views according to particular elements. By uncovering their context, the relation network which creates the Restaurant is explained. Key words: ethnography, restaurant, vegan, vegetarian, hybrid
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El presente proyecto consiste en la edificación de un plan de emprendimiento siguiendo los conocimientos aprendidos durante toda la carrera universitaria. Este plan se enfoca en aquellas personas que por algún motivo siguen una tendencia de consumo de alimentos saludable, como, por ejemplo: Intolerantes a la lactosa, Veganos y Celíacos. Hemos creado Vegigurt, el cual es un Yogurt vegano con grandes beneficios y proteínas necesarias que requiere el cliente, además que puede ser consumido por personas con Intolerancia a la lactosa, Veganas y Celíacas. A través de nuestras investigaciones encontramos que en el Perú para el 2019 hay una población de 32,495.5 miles de personas de los cuales el 35.6% pertenece a la ciudad de Lima que sufren de intolerancia a la lactosa, que en último censo de la red vegana del Perú, la mayor concentración de consumidores veganos y vegetarianos se encuentra en la ciudad de lima la cual y que estos tienen un rango de edad entre 18 y 34 años, y que más del 1% de la población peruana sufre de celiaquía y que actualmente existen muy pocos fabricantes de productos libre de gluten. Con toda esta información, Vegigurt, es considerado un negocio innovador que busca beneficiar a distintos segmentos de clientes.
Durante estas 15 semanas que ha durado el curso, se ha podido validar la viabilidad de este proyecto, es decir que el modelo de negocio presentado genera rentabilidad para sus inversores.
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OBIGREENS / OBIGREENSHernández Guzmán, Alexander Germán, Mena Alosilla, Uriel, Rios Hinostroza, Mario Gerardo, Vargas López, Pierina Alessandra, Yañez Muñante, Waldo Ruben 04 July 2020 (has links)
Para la elaboración del presente trabajo de investigación, se tuvo en cuenta los principales problemas que presentan las personas que llevan un estilo de vida saludable o vegano. Esto se vio agraviado por la coyuntura que afecta actualmente a nivel mundial por la pandemia del COVID-19. Uno de los principales problemas reside en la dificultad de encontrar todos los productos en un solo lugar. Por otro lado, se encuentra la demanda de tiempo que requiere la preparación de algunos alimentos que no se encuentran en todos los supermercados. Ante esta problemática, nuestro equipo de investigación planteó el desarrollo de una plataforma digital (shopper) mediante el cual las marcas de productos saludables puedan ofrecer sus distintas categorías o presentaciones; de modo que los consumidores puedan encontrar una amplia variedad de insumos saludables en un solo lugar, a esto se suma las facilidades de pago y seguridad que ofrece nuestra plataforma de fácil uso. Con respecto a la realización del presente trabajo se realizaron diversos experimentos con usuarios que permitieron realizar las proyecciones adecuadas, planeaciones estratégicas, operativos, de marketing, recursos humanos, responsabilidad social y financieros en base a las necesidades del mercado. En nuestro análisis cuantitativo, concluimos en la necesidad de realizar una inversión de S/ 8,968.00 nuevos soles para obtener S/ 14,355.25 nuevos soles para el tercer año. Siendo el valor del proyecto un monto entre S/ 76,823.00 nuevos soles y S/ 119,955.00 nuevos soles. / For the elaboration of this research work, the main problems presented by people who have a healthy or vegan lifestyle were taken into consideration. This was aggravated by the current situation of the COVID-19. One of the main problems is the difficulty for people to find all products in one place. On the other hand, there is the demand for time to prepare some foods that are not found in all supermarkets. In response to this problem, our investigation team proposed the development of a digital platform (shopper) through which brands of healthy products can offer their different categories or presentations; so the consumers can find a great variety of healthy products in one place. Besides, it is easy to pay and safe to use our platform.
Regarding the realization of the present work, several experiments were carried out with users that allowed us to make the appropriate projections, strategic planning, operational, marketing, human resources, social responsibility and financial based on market needs. In our quantitative analysis, we concluded the necessity to make an investment of S/ 8,968.00 soles to obtain S/ 14,355.25 soles for the third year. The value of the project is between S/ 76,823.00 soles and S/ 119,955.00 soles. / Trabajo de investigación
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Design på menyn : En fallstudie om hur design använts på två veganska bistrosKarlsson, Victor, Lindström, Tova January 2023 (has links)
Research has shown that restaurant-goers don't book a table simply because they are hungry, rather they go out for an experience. An experience that has been shown to be most affected by the design choices in the restaurant; interior design, sound, and scent, all contribute to the consumers perceived value of service. In the interest of filling a perceived gap in the research, this study aims to explore how vegan bistros work with design and in doing so, exploring how they use design strategically. Using a qualitative case-study research design this study explores and compares two different vegan bistros in Stockholm, Sweden. Through interviews, observations, and the study of artifacts the study examines how these bistros have used design when developing the concept. Our study found that the two bistros have used different approaches to achieving differentiation, in relation to design. One used a literal approach to the concept of veganism, associating it with nature and greens, while the other used an ironic approach where they decorated the dining room to look like a butcher. Our study concluded that the way in which the two vegan bistros have worked with design have provided them with a strategic competitive advantage through differentiation.
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No description available.
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Co znamená pojem návyková látka v pojetí veganství: Postoje, zkušenosti a důsledky užívání návykových látek u veganů / What is the meaning of the term addictive substance between vegans: Attitudes, experiences and consequences of addictive substances abuse between vegansBošková, Milena January 2017 (has links)
Background: Problem of a healthy nutrition, mainly vegan nutrition, is the main goal of a lot of studies abroad. It is well known that vegans prefer lifestyle without meat products. This study is draught by using results from a lot of studies, which were published in different journals. Vegans in England and Germany had lower consumption of tobacco, alcohol and cannabis drugs. But how is it in Czech Republic ? Goals: The main goal is to determine what is the menaninf of the term addictive susbtance between vegans and describe prevalence of addictive substances abuse. The second goal is to map attitudes of vegans towards addictive substances use. Sample: Sample was made by 11 vegans, 6 women, 5 men. Respondents were selected by using two methods - snowball sampling and intended selection. Collected data was analysed by the clustering method and pattern recording method. Questionnaire was filled by 153 respondents. Methods: It is based like a qualitative study, where semistructured interview was used for data collection. Collected data were analysed by clustering method. Quantitative part of this study is based like questionnaire, which was analysed by MS Excel tool. Results: The research found out some interesting statistics about vegans. Vegans have separate meaning about addictive substance and...
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Etiska budskap på veganska måltidsproteinförpackningar / Ethical statements on vegan meal protein packagingGöransson, Isabella, Nilsson, Charlotta January 2018 (has links)
De etiska konsumenterna växer i antal (Young, Hwang, McDonald & Oates, 2010). och att äta veganskt blir allt mer populärt (The Nielsen Company, 2017). I takt med att de nya veganska produkterna intar marknaden saknas riktlinjer och forskning kring etiska budskap på veganska måltidsproteinförpackningar, något som skulle kunna hjälpa formgivare med hur de kan tänka när de designar dessa förpackningar. Den föreliggande studien undersöker om och hur olika varumärken som säljer vegansk processad mat förmedlar etiska budskap via texter, bilder, kostbenämningar och certifieringar på sina förpackningar samt hur konsumenterna ställer sig till budskapen. Studien genomfördes via en visuell innehållsanalys och en enkätundersökning. Resultatet visar att majoriteten av respondenterna ansåg att kommunikation av etiska budskap på förpackningar är positivt och kan ge mervärde till konsumenten utifrån målgrupp. Studien har även visat att varumärken med produktutbud för allätare till större del kommunicerar personliga preferenser medan varumärken med produktutbud för vegetarianer kommunicerar både etiska aspekter och personliga preferenser på sina förpackningar. / The ethical consumers are growing in numbers (Young, Hwang, McDonald & Oates, 2010), and consuming a vegan diet is becoming more popular (The Nielsen Company, 2017). As the new products are entering the market, guidelines and research on ethical consumption for vegan meat substitute packages are lacking. This thesis can therefore help graphic designers with creating this type of packaging. The present study investigates whether and how different brands who sell vegan processed food communicate ethical statement through text, images, dietary name and certification on their packaging and consumers attitude about it. The study was conducted with a visual content analysis and a survey. The results present that majority of the respondents believe that the communication of ethical statement on the packaging is positive and can bring added value to the consumer based on the target group. The study also presents that brands with a product selection for omnivores, to the greater part only communicate personal preferences while brands with a product selection for vegetarians communicate both ethical aspects and personal preferences on its packaging.
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SOCIALA STRATEGIER I MÖTE MED MATNORMEN : En kvalitativ studie om att avvika från normer kring mat och ätande / Social strategies when going against food normativityNylander, Angelica January 2018 (has links)
The aim of this study has been to contribute to the knowledge about food and eating as a social phenomenon, by examining how individuals who diverge from the food norm construct their social reality. This qualitative study were carried out in Umeå 2017. Individuals who identified as vegans and ate an strict vegan diet were interviewed on the base of a semi structured interview guide. Since the theoretical framework on which the study lies is Kathy Charmaz´s social constructionism, the object of the study is not the vegans themself, but the social situations where they encounter food normativity. The results showed that three different processes were in motion when the deviants navigated through the landscape of food normativity; att konfrontera eller inte konfrontera (to confront or not to confront), tidens inverkan på mängden upplevda konflikter (effect of time on the degree of experienced conflicts) and normföljarnas känslor och dess konsekvenser för normavvikarna (the normfollowers feelings and their consequenses for the deviants). The study showed that the effects of social food norms hade a great impact on the deviants social reality.
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Kosthållningars olika betydelse för elevers hälsa och skolgång / The importance of varying diets for students health and schoolingNilsson, Hampus, Ljungbrant, Julia January 2022 (has links)
The work aims to contribute to the field of educational science regarding how students are affected in school depending on the intake of animal products. Information about the area has been searched on several databases, mainly on Libsearch. The articles from the results were found through the databases Libsearch and Swepub. Results have been excluded if they were not relevant to the purpose or issue of the work, and if they were not peer reviewed. The results show that there are similarities and barriers between the intake of animal products. For example, vegetarians eat fewer meals. Further results also show that the exclusion of meals such as breakfast and lunch affects the performance of students in school. Some vegetarians also seem to think that food without meat is perceived as healthier, later in the text you can read that school lunch is eaten to a greater extent if it is considered healthy. This can thus be a method of reducing barriers between omnivores and vegetarians. Different results are available at the current activity level, but the training capacity could be derived to be equal between omnivores, vegetarians and vegans. It was a challenge to find studies conducted in Europe. Further research in this area is therefore considered necessary, as cultural differences may affect social health, psychological health and physical health. In order to increase the health awareness of students, we believe that education about diets in relation to health should be designed, as there are currently no requirements for teaching about diets in school. We believe that it should be a requirement that the school's physical education teaches about this in order for students to be able to make informed active choices about diet in relation to health. School lunches should also include different diets to reduce social barriers between different diet groups.
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Fördelar med en växtbaserad kost som behandling vid kroniska sjukdomar : en kvalitativ studie om patienters upplevelser. / Advantages of a plant-based diet as a treatment for chronic diseases : a qualitative study of patients’ experiencesJohansson, Klas January 2016 (has links)
Bakgrund Kroniska sjukdomar utgör nu den största sjukdomsbördan i världen och 70-80% av sjukvårdskostnaderna. De flesta kroniska sjukdomar kan förebyggas med ändrade levnadsvanor men det behövs effektiva metoder. En växtbaserad kost har visat sig vara en kostnadseffektiv behandling för riskfaktorer som övervikt, högt kolesterol, högt blodtryck och nedsatt insulinkänslighet. Syfte Att utforska patienters upplevelser relaterade till växtbaserad kost som behandling vid kronisk sjukdom. Metod Fyra kvalitativa intervjuer genomfördes med personer som använt sig av en växtbaserad kost som behandling vid sin kroniska sjukdom. En semistrukturerad intervjuguide användes och materialet spelades in och transkriberades. Materialet analyserades genom innehållsanalys. Resultat Personerna upplevde stora hälsoförbättringar genom en växtbaserad kost. Inspirationen till kosten kom från andra håll än sjukvården som inte heller kunde vara det stöd i behandlingen som informanterna önskat. Kunskapen om växtbaserad kost behöver öka inom sjukvården för kunna hjälpa patienter som är intresserade. Kostbehandling är central i en patientcentrerad vård vid kroniska sjukdomar och ger patienter egenkontroll över hälsan. Slutsats Studien har visat att en växtbaserad kost kan innebära hälsofördelar vid behandling av kronisk sjukdom. Patienterna genomförde övergången till en växtbaserad kost på egen hand utan stöd från sjukvården. En drivkraft hos patienterna var viljan att kunna påverka sin situation. Kunskapen om en växtbaserad kost kom inte från sjukvården utan från media. Ett önskemål som framkom var behovet av att sjukvården kunde bistå med råd och stöd vid en övergång till växtbaserad kost. / Background Non-communicable diseases are today responsible for the greatest burden of disease in the world and 70-80% of health care costs. Most non-communicable diseases can be prevented with changes in lifestyle, but there is a need for effective methods. A plant-based diet has proven to be a cost-effective treatment of risk factors such as obesity, high cholesterol, high blood pressure and impaired insulin sensitivity. Objective To investigate patients’ experiences related to a plant-based diet as treatment for their chronic diseases. Method Four interviews were performed with patients using a plant-based diet as treatment for their chronic diseases. A semi-structured interview was used and the collected data was recorded and transcribed. The data was analyzed using content analysis. Results The participants experienced great health improvements through a plant-based diet. The inspiration for the diet came from other sources than from health care providers who also failed to support the treatment in the way that participants had wished. The awareness around plant-based diet needs to increase among health care workers in order to help patients who are interested. Dietary advises are essential for patient-centered care relating to chronic diseases and can provide patients with self-empowerment concerning their health. Conclusion This study has shown that a plant-based diet can bring health benefits in the treatment of chronic disease. Patients completed the transition to a plant-based diet on their own without support from the health care system. A driving force among the patients was the desire to influence their situation. Information about a plant-based wasn’t provided by health professionals, but from the media. Patients expressed the need for advice and support from Health Care regarding their transition towards a plant-based diet.
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