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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

La liberté d'expression des salariés / The freedom of expression of employees

Befre, Pierre 22 October 2011 (has links)
Salariat et liberté d'expression : la contradiction apparaît irréductible. La subordination inhérente à la relation de travail semble en effet exclure l’exercice de cette liberté. Le salarié, parce qu’il demeure citoyen, doit toutefois en jouir de façon effective. Le représentant élu et désigné, parce que le mécanisme de la représentation collective l’exige, doit également le pouvoir. Accorder au salarié une telle liberté peut s’avérer dangereux pour l’autorité de l’employeur ou la survie de l’entreprise. Des notions floues, complexes à circonscrire, telles que l’obligation de confidentialité ou l’abus, peuvent autoriser l’employeur à restreindre l’exercice par le salarié de la liberté d'expression et à le sanctionner. Face au mutisme du législateur et à l’indécision du juge, l’insécurité règne. S’impose alors de dégager une définition plus précise et une articulation plus cohérente des règles légitimant tant l’exercice par le salarié de cette liberté que sa limitation par l’employeur. Bien que périlleuse, cette quête d’équilibre mérite d’être entreprise afin que le caractère nécessaire de cette liberté au monde du travail se révèle. Salariat et liberté d'expression : la contradiction n’apparaîtra qu’apparente. / The employee status and freedom of expression : the contradiction appears to be irreducible. The subordination, which is inherent to the employment relationship, seems indeed to exclude the exercice of such freedom. The employee, because he remains a citizen, must however enjoy it in an effective way. The elected and designated representative, because the collective representation mecanism commands it, must enjoy it as well. Granting the employee with such freedom may prove dangerous for the authority of the employer and the survival of the company. Vague notions, that are hard to define, such as the duty of confidentiality or the abuse of right, authorize the employer to restrict the exercice of this freedom by his employee and to sanction him. Given the legislative mutism and the judge's indecision, insecurity is prevailing. It therefore becomes essential to draw a more precise definition and a more coherent articulation of the rules legitimating the exercise of this freedom by the employee, as well as its limitation by the employer. Althought it is jeopardous, this search for balance deserves to be attempted, so that it is revealed that such freedom is essential to the world of work. The employee status and freedom of expression : the contradiction will eventually reveal to be only apparent.

Uma São Paulo para o futuro: a produção de infraestruturas intersticiais a partir de parâmetros morfológicos, ambientais e sociais / A São Paulo for the future: the production of interstitial infrastructures based on morphological, environmental and social parameters

Pizarro, Eduardo Pimentel 26 March 2019 (has links)
A cidade de São Paulo é planejada, projetada, construída e apropriada a partir da lógica dos \"edifícios\", em detrimento de interstícios urbanos e suas potencialidades latentes. É lançada a hipótese de que a cidade, se produzida a partir de infraestruturas intersticiais embasadas por parâmetros morfológicos, ambientais e sociais, resulta em ambientes urbanos de maior qualidade para as pessoas. O objetivo da tese é, portanto, avaliar interstícios urbanos típicos da cidade existente e, a partir disso, desenvolver, analiticamente, e aplicar, propositivamente, ferramentas e parâmetros de planejamento e desenho urbano para a construção de efetivas infraestruturas intersticiais a requalificarem a cidade, com foco em territórios com potencial de transformação urbana. O método é empírico, analítico e especulativo, articulando Trabalho de Campo, Trabalho Analítico e Trabalho Propositivo, embasados teoricamente. Enfim, a contrapelo da legislação e prática vigentes, e a partir da aplicação dos parâmetros morfológico-ambientais-sociais propostos pela tese, são especulados futuros alternativos à cidade de São Paulo, legitimando e comprovando o papel infraestrutural de interstícios urbanos na requalificação da cidade. / The city of Sao Paulo is planned, designed, built and used from the perspective of \"buildings\" to the detritment of the urban void and its latent potentialities. It is hypothesized that the city, if produced from interstitial infrastructures based on morphological, environmental and social parameters, results in higher quality urban environments for people. The aim of the thesis is therefore to evaluate typical urban interstices selected in the existing city and to evolve, analytically, and to apply, prospectively, innovative tools and parameters for urban planning and design, seeking the construction of effective interstitial infrastructures to requalify the city, with a focus on territories with potential for urban transformation. The method is empirical, analytical and speculative in the way that articulates Fieldwork, Analytical Work and Prospective Work, theoretically based. Ultimately, against the prevailing urban regulation and practice, and from the application of the morphologicalenvironmental-social parameters proposed by the thesis, alternative futures are speculated to the city of São Paulo, legitimating and proving the infrastructural role of urban interstices in the requalification of the city.

Estudo teórico e experimental dos processos de compactação e sinterização do politetrafluoretileno (PTFE) / Theoretical and experimental study of the compaction and sintering processes of polytetrafluorethylene (PTFE)

Canto, Rodrigo Bresciani 23 August 2007 (has links)
Este trabalho apresenta um estudo dos processos de prensagem e sinterização do politetrafluoretileno (PTFE) com o objetivo principal de investigar a influência dos parâmetros desses processos na microestrutura e nas propriedades mecânicas do material após sinterização. O PTFE faz parte do grupo dos termoplásticos, mas assim como outros polímeros de alto peso molecular, apresenta elevada viscosidade no estado fundido que impede sua utilização em moldagem por injeção, e seu processamento é realizado por compactação a frio do pó polimérico seguida de sinterização. No processo de sinterização é aplicado um tratamento térmico acima da temperatura de fusão do material que é responsável por grandes deformações anisotrópicas que, por sua vez, são dependentes do histórico de carregamentos induzidos na fase de compactação. Com o objetivo de desenvolver modelos de comportamento termomecânicos para realizar simulações computacionais dessas etapas de fabricação, ensaios experimentais foram realizados para se investigar os diferentes mecanismos de evolução microestrutural e de deformações nas etapas de compactação e sinterização. O estudo experimental do processo de compactação compreendeu a realização de ensaios de compactação uniaxial (oedométrico), de compactação hidrostática em prensa isostática e ensaios triaxiais verdadeiros em um dispositivo original acoplado numa prensa triaxial com seis atuadores eletrohidráulicos. Através dos resultados obtidos dos ensaios de compactação foi possível identificar os parâmetros do modelo de Drucker-Prager/cap, disponível na biblioteca de leis de comportamento do programa de cálculo pelo método dos elementos finitos ABAQUSTM, que permitiu de simular numericamente alguns casos simples. O estudo experimental do processo de sinterização foi realizado com o auxílio de ensaios de termogravimetria (TGA), calorimetria exploratória diferencial (DSC) e ensaios de dilatometria em corpos-de-prova isótropos e anisótropos com diferentes índices de vazios. Através dos resultados obtidos destes ensaios foi possível identificar que a deformação global de sinterização é composta por uma deformação térmica reversível, uma deformação devido à mudança de fase cristalina em fase amorfa -ou vice-versa-, uma deformação devido ao fechamento dos vazios e uma deformação de recuperação. Este estudo foi realizado em dois tipos de materiais, sendo o PTFE puro e o PTFE reforçado com 5wt% de EkonolTM e 5wt% de fibras de carbono, respectivamente comercializados pelos nomes de TeflonTM 6407 e TeflonTM 6507. / The main objective of this work is to study the influence the process parameters on the microstructure and the mechanical properties of components manufactured by compaction at room temperature and sintering of polytetrafluorethylene (PTFE). Similary to other High Molecular Weight Polymers and although it belongs to the group of thermoplastic polymers, since it cannot be processed in the melt state because its very high viscosity, PTFE, is powder processed -that consists in sintering compacted powder-. Sintering corresponds to a heat treatment up to temperatures higher than the melting temprature, inducing finite deformations that are generally anistropic and dependent on the mechanical loading the material has been submitted to during the pre-compaction at room temperature. In order to develop thermo-mechanical constitutive equations that could be used during predictive numerical simulations of the whole process, different tests have been performed to study the different mechanisms that are responsible for microstructural evolutions and deformations during compaction and sintering. The experimental study of the compaction has been performed via uniaxial (oedometric) compaction tests, hydrostatic compaction tests that were made with an isostatic hydraulic press and triaxial tests that were made with and original device installed on an electrohydraulic testing machine six actuators. A \"Drucker-Prager/cap\" type elasto-plastic model -as available in the constitutiveequations library of ABAQUSTM industrial finite element software- has been identified from the results of these tests, so that a few simple cases have been numerically simulated. The experimental study of the sintering process has been performed via Thermo-Gravimetric Analyses (TGA), Differential Scanning Calorimetric analyses (DSC) and dilatometry tests that were performed on isotropic or anisotropic specimens with different values of the porosity From the results of these tests it has been possible to decompose the sintering deformation into different mechanisms, viz. a reversible thermal expansion, a strain that is linked to the transition from the crystalline phase to the amorphous phase -or vice versa-, a pore closure strain and a recovery strain. This study has been performed on a powder made of pure PTFE and a powder of PTFE filed with 5wt% EkonolTM and 5wt% of carbon fibres, respectively available as TeflonTM 6407 and TeflonTM 6507.

O instituto de benefício particular nas assembléias gerais de sociedades anônimas / The private benefits regulation in general meetings of corporations

Nicolielo, Nícolas Cesar Juliano Butros Prestes 15 May 2013 (has links)
O presente trabalho tem por objetivo traçar os principais contornos do instituto do benefício particular, positivado na legislação brasileira por meio do artigo 115, §1º, da Lei n. 6.404/76, diferenciando-o do instituto relativo ao interesse conflitante nas sociedades, insculpido no mesmo dispositivo supra citado. A partir da análise do Direito Comparado, constatou-se que o benefício particular, tal como o conhecemos hoje no Brasil, tem origem na legislação francesa, especificamente nas Leis de 17 de julho de 1956 e 24 de julho de 1867. Os contornos de sua conceituação, portanto, estão intimamente ligados às razões de ordem histórica e teleológica que levaram o legislador estrangeiro a criá-lo, o qual visava, à época, afastar os abusos e inconveniências decorrentes da aprovação, em assembleia, de vantagens especiais e exclusivas pelo próprio sócio beneficiário dessas vantagens. Complementarmente, por meio da análise e interpretação sistemática da legislação societária brasileira e de outras fontes de direito disponibilizadas, como a doutrina e a jurisprudência, pôde-se definir algumas das características mais marcantes do instituto, das quais se pode destacar a licitude, a gratuidade e o caráter social das vantagens a ele associadas, garantindo ao beneficiado acesso aos fundos sociais. Em paralelo, para fins de mera comparação com o instituto do benefício particular, foram abordados alguns aspectos relativos ao instituto do conflito de interesses, reafirmando conceitos doutrinários já sedimentados acerca do alcance do interesse social e procurando, a partir da análise da legislação brasileira e comparada, fixar alguns elementos intrínsecos a esse instituto, tal como a ilicitude e o caráter extrassocial da vantagem visada pelo acionista conflitado. Comparando as características do benefício particular e do conflito de interesses, pode-se concluir que, apesar da aparente semelhança que carregam, tratam-se de institutos distintos, que regulam situações diversas, não podendo ser confundidos ou tomados um pelo outro, sendo possível, de fato, se estabelecer um critério relativamente seguro para distingui-los entre si, conferindo uma maior segurança jurídica aos aplicadores do direito, evitando-se, assim, algumas interpretações equivocadas acerca dos institutos, tais como aqueles constantes nos posicionamentos da Comissão de Valores Mobiliários analisados ao final desse trabalho. / The current paper has the sole purpose of designing the main lines of the private benefits regulation, reaffirmed by means of Act 115, §1st, in the Brazilian law number 6.404/76, distinguishing it from institutions that relate to conflicting partnership interests, comprehended by the same aforementioned Act. From assessing the Paired Law regulation, it has been understood that the private benefits, such as it is currently recognized in Brazil, is based on the French legislation, more specifically on the July 17, 1956 and July 24, 1867 Acts. Therefore, the contours of its conceptualism are intimately connected to historic and teleological reasoning that took the foreign regulator to create it and which aimed, at that time, to keep away abuse and inconveniences resulting from the approval, in an shareholders meeting, of special and exclusive advantages by their own beneficiary parties. In addition, by means of systematically assessing and interpreting the Brazilian Corporate Law and other Law resources made available, such as the Law doctrine and jurisprudence, it was possible to determine some of the most outstanding characteristics of such an institute, among which the lawfulness, gratuity and social character of the advantages associated with it can be highlighted, thus assuring the access of the beneficiary party to social funds. In parallel, by means of solely comparing the private benefits regulation, some aspects regarding the conflict of interests were also assessed, reaffirming doctrine concepts about the reach of social interests that are already established and trying to determine, by means of analyzing the Brazilian Corporate Law and Paired Law, some of the elements that are inherent to that establishment, such as its wrongfulness and the extrasocial character of the advantage pledged by the conflicting party. By pairing the characteristics of private benefits and the conflict of interests, it is concluded that, despite their apparent similarities, those are distinct institutes that regulate diverse situations, which cannot be confused or taken by one another and, in fact, it is possible to establish a relatively safe criteria to differentiate both, thus providing greater judicial accuracy to Law enforcers, and this way avoiding misinterpretation of regulation, such as those that are common to the positioning of the Brazilian Securities and Exchange Commission that are analyzed in the end of this paper.

Essai sur un critère de distinction des nullités en droit privé / Essay on a distinction criterion of nullities in private law

Sadi, Damien 12 September 2013 (has links)
L’étude d’un critère de distinction des nullités est-elle désuète ? Tant s’en faut. S’inscrivant dans lecontentieux de la théorie des nullités, le critère de distinction actuel est couramment dénoncé.À ce jour, il est enseigné qu’une théorie « moderne » aurait renversé une théorie « classique »distinguant les nullités relatives et absolues selon la gravité du vice de l’acte. Aussi le critère actuel de« l’intérêt protégé » propose-t-il de scinder les nullités selon l’intérêt que la loi décide de préserver.Ici, la nullité est relative lorsque seul un intérêt particulier est protégé par le législateur. Là, unenullité absolue est préférable quand l’intérêt général a guidé l’objectif législatif dans l’édiction de larègle.Séduisant, ce critère n’en demeure pas pour autant convaincant. L’excès condamnable de rigidité ducritère organique laisse place à un excès de souplesse du critère de l’intérêt protégé tout aussiblâmable. Comment distinguer l’intérêt général de l’intérêt privé ? Bien plus, y a-t-il un intérêt àprotéger quand le législateur exige une condition matérielle de formation de l’acte comme la cause oul’objet ? Par où l’on voit qu’à l’insécurité juridique du critère s’adjoint l’artifice des classifications qu’ilengendre. Insatisfaisant, le critère de l’intérêt protégé doit être réprouvé.L’approche historique, essentielle pour comprendre l’origine de la distinction, dévoile la chronologieerronée des théories esquissées. S’ensuit l’abandon d’un critère palliatif pour la substitution d’uncritère plus effectif, dont le fondement n’instaure pas une hiérarchie entre les conditions de formationou les intérêts protégés. Mises sur un pied d’égalité, les nullités seraient distinctes en raison des vicesqui les provoquent, pris dans leur nature, et non dans leur gravité. Fondé sur la nature du vice,personnelle – si le vice affecte le consentement –, matérielle ou illicite – si le vice altère le contrat –,ce nouveau critère de distinction des nullités autoriserait une classification ternaire, avec un régimespécifique à chaque vice. Il permettrait également la redécouverte d’une pluralité de natures desnullités, en tant que sanction ou remède. L’harmonie des catégories s’en trouverait ainsi instaurée, labipolarité décriée abandonnée et la nature véritable des nullités restaurée. / Is the search for a distinction criterion of nullities obsolete ? Far from it. Lying within the litigation ofdoctrine of nullities, the current distinction criterion is frequently denounced.To date, it is taught that a "modern" theory would have reversed a "classical" theory, distinguishingrelative nullities (voidable) from absolute ones (void) according to the gravity of the act’s defect.Therefore, the "protected interest" criterion proposes dividing up nullities according to the interestthe law decides to protect. Here, nullity is relative when a specific interest alone is protected by thelawmaker. There, an absolute nullity is preferred, when general interest guided the legislative purposewhile enacting the rule.Appealing, this criterion does not remain, however, convincing. The blameworthy excess of rigidity ofthe organic criterion makes room for an as much blameful excess of flexibility of the protected interestcriterion. How to distinguish general interest from specific interest ? Furthermore, is there an interestto be protected when the lawmaker demands a material condition for the formation of the act such asthe cause or the object? In any case, to the juridical insecurity of the criterion is affixed the device ofbred classifications. Unsatisfactory, the protected interest criterion must be reprobated.Historical approach, essential for understanding the origin of the distinction, expose the erroneouschronology of the sketched theories. Follows the abandonment of a palliative criterion for a moreeffective one, whose foundation does not establish a hierarchy between the conditions of formation orthe protected interests. Treated on an equal footing, nullities would be distinct because of the defectsthat father them, taken in nature, not in their severity. Based on the nature of the defect, personal – ifthe defect affects the consent –, concrete or illicit – if the defect impairs the contract –, this newdistinction criteria of nullities would allow a ternary classification, with a specific plan for each vice. Itwould also allow the rediscovery of a plurality natures of nullity, as a sanction or remedy. Harmony ofcategories would find itself instituted, disparaged polarity abandoned and true nature of nullitiesrestored.

Análise numérica de uma tubulação enterrada submetida a carregamentos móveis / Numerical analysis of a buried pipe under live loads

Angelo, Rafaela Machado de 15 February 2016 (has links)
Este trabalho apresenta um estudo sobre o comportamento de tubos metálicos enterrados, submetidos ao carregamento móvel de um veículo. Foram realizadas análises numéricas utilizando o método de elementos finitos para o cálculo da tensão vertical no solo, momento fletor, tensão normal e deformação diametral vertical do tubo. Foram analisados 630 modelos, obtidos da variação das características do solo (módulo de elasticidade) com o objetivo de representar diferentes níveis de compactação do solo, características do tubo (espessura da parede do tubo) e da altura da camada de recobrimento do solo. O programa utilizado nas análises numéricas foi o SIGMA/W do pacote Geostudio. Os resultados encontrados apontam que as maiores tensões no solo, momentos, tensões normais e deformações no tubo ocorrem devido ao carregamento móvel quando este se localiza exatamente acima do tubo. Observou-se que o aumento da espessura da camada de solo que recobre a tubulação causa uma diminuição de 15% a 55% das tensões verticais no solo, momentos fletores, tensões normais e deformações no tubo. Foram desenvolvidas equações para o cálculo das deformações para os casos estudados. Foi também desenvolvido um procedimento para a moldagem de corpos de prova de areia no estado fofo (índice de vazios máximo) para realização de ensaios triaxiais. / This paper presents a study on the behavior of buried metal pipes, subjected to the vehicle live load. Numerical analysis using the finite element method to calculate the vertical stress were made on the ground, bending moment, normal stress and diametral vertical pipe deformation. 630 models were analyzed, obtained from the variation of the soil characteristics (modulus) in order to represent different levels of soil compaction, the pipe characteristics (thickness of the pipe wall) and the height of the soil cover layer. The program used in numerical analysis was the SIGMA/W Geostudio package. The results show that the highest stresses on the ground moments, normal stresses and strains in the tube occur due to live loading when it is located just above the tube. It was observed that increasing the thickness of the layer of soil covering the pipe causes a decrease from 15% to 55% of the vertical tensions in the ground, bending moments, normal stress and strain on the pipe. Equations were developed to calculate the deformations in the cases studied. It has also developed a procedure for molding sand specimens into the soft state (maximum void ratio) to perform triaxial tests.

Paciente-limite: entre Winnicott e Green

Nichile, Felipe Ferreira de 07 June 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-28T20:38:43Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Felipe Ferreira de Nichile.pdf: 895017 bytes, checksum: 3f8751056aa871d474a5cbd930f3d686 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-06-07 / The basis of this psychoanalytic research is the comparative analysis between the works of D. W. Winnicott and André Green regarding the Theoretical-Clinical proposals presented by the authors to the treatment of the borderline patient, whose behavior is often characterized by a refractory dynamic to the classical treatment proposed by Sigmund Freud. Therefore, we aimed to draw a parallel between the psychoanalytic treatment sessions conducted by each of the authors, having as reference the instigating case of a borderline patient they had in common. Based on the clinical interventions that both authors report about the case, we attempt to establish which were the main theoretical aspects that supported them, as to investigate which innovations the authors bring to this type of patient, to whom they created clinical dispositives compatible with what they understand to be this psychopathology. To that end we intent to establish their main points of convergence and divergence. We concluded then that despite being quite close in some aspects, the authors propositions are, to a large extent, quite heterogeneous theories and present quite divergent clinical proposals. According to Winnicott, the regression to the dependency is the emphasis of the treatment, as a way to resume the normal process of personal maturation, amended by a traumatic situation and that needs to be lived again in analysis, this time with the support of a favorable environment to this return. To Green, the treatment is based on the creation of analytical environment favorable to the processes of verbalization and symbolization, as a possibility to give meaning to the vicissitudes of the drives as a way to the internalization of negative / A presente pesquisa psicanalítica tem como escopo a análise comparativa entre as obras de D. W. Winnicott e André Green no que diz respeito às propostas teórico-clínicas apresentadas pelos autores para o tratamento do paciente-limite, aquele que costuma apresentar uma dinâmica refratária ao tratamento psicanalítico clássico como foi proposto por Sigmund Freud. Para isto, buscamos traçar um paralelo entre as sessões do tratamento psicanalítico conduzido por cada um dos autores, tendo como referência o instigante caso de uma paciente-limite comum aos dois autores. Partindo, portanto, das intervenções clínicas que cada um deles relatam sobre o caso, buscamos estabelecer quais os principais aspectos teóricos que as fundamentaram, no intuito de apurar quais as inovações que os autores trazem para esta espécie de paciente, para a qual ambos se dedicaram a criar dispositivos clínicos compatíveis com o que eles entendem ser esta psicopatologia. Neste sentido, procuramos estabelecer quais são seus principais pontos de convergência e de divergência. Pudemos concluir com isso que, apesar das proposições dos autores serem bastante próximas em alguns pontos, em sua maior parte tratam-se de teorias bastante heterogêneas e que apresentam propostas clínicas bastante divergentes. Para Winnicott, a ênfase do tratamento encontra-se na regressão à dependência, como uma maneira de retomar o processo normal de amadurecimento pessoal, alterado por uma situação traumática e que necessita ser vivido novamente na análise, desta vez com o apoio de um ambiente favorável a esta retomada. Para Green, o tratamento baseia-se na criação de um ambiente analítico favorável aos processos de verbalização e simbolização, como uma possibilidade de dar sentido às vicissitudes das pulsões por meio da internalização do negativo

Les droits potestatifs dans le contrat de travail / Potestatives rights in the employment contract

Lefer, Camille 01 July 2016 (has links)
Le droit potestatif permet à son titulaire de créer, modifier ou éteindre la situation juridique d’autrui. La relation de travail, quant à elle, est empreinte d’une logique de pouvoir(s). Comment intégrer dans ces conditions le concept de droit potestatif au contrat de travail ? Comment ce dernier réceptionne-t-il la potestativité ? À quel prix la figure du droit potestatif s’adapte-t-elle ? Si les droits potestatifs sont acceptés dans le contrat de travail, ce n’est que de manière encadrée, dirigée, limitée. Les droits potestatifs sont alors contrôlés et sanctionnés par une jurisprudence qui entend en faire respecter l’esprit et les limites. Mais, parce que le droit potestatif s’exerce au moyen d’un acte unilatéral, parce qu’il s’agit de la faculté d’imposer sa volonté à autrui, les intérêts du destinataire ne doivent-ils pas a minima être préservés ? L’objet du contrat de travail, la subordination du salarié, pose ainsi notamment la question de la place à accorder aux droits et libertés fondamentaux du salarié. / A potestative right allows his holder to create, modify or extinguish another’s legal situation. The employment relation, as for it, is marked by a logic of power(s). How, in these conditions, does the concept of potestative right enter the employment contract? How does the latter receive the potestative right ? What sacrifices should be made by the potestative rights ?If potestative rights are accepted in the employment contract, it is only in a framed, supervised and limited way. Potestative rights are then controlled and sanctioned by judges willing to enforce both its spirit and limits.However, since the potestative right is applied through a unilateral act, because it concerns the ability to impose one’s will upon others, shouldn’t the interests of the recipient be preserved, at the very least? The object of the employment contract, the subordination of the employee, therefore leads towards the question of the place to begiven to the employee’s fundamental rights and freedoms.

Migrationsbeständigkeit von Al- und Cu-Metallisierungen in SAW-Bauelementen / Resistance against migration in Al and Cu metallizations for SAW devices

Pekarcikova, Marcela 20 December 2005 (has links) (PDF)
Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurde die Akustomigrationsresistenz von in Kupfertechnologie hergestellten SAW-Strukturen charakterisiert und diese mit dem Schädigungsverhalten von Al-basierten SAW-Strukturen unter gleichen Belastungsbedingungen verglichen. Dies wurde durch die Anwendung einer speziellen Power-SAW-Teststruktur ermöglicht. Das Schädigungsniveau wurde hierbei über die irreversible Verschiebung der Peakfrequenz bzw. durch Änderungen im elektrischen Widerstand sowie durch mikroskopische Untersuchung der Mikrostruktur beurteilt. Die durchgeführten SAW-Belastungsexperimente mit HF-Leistungen bis zu 4,5 W zeigten, dass das entwickelte Ta-Si-N/Cu/Ta-Si-N-System im Vergleich zur Al/Ti-Metallisierung eine Akustomigrationsresistenz besitzt, die um mehr als drei Größenordnungen höher ist als jene der Al/Ti-Metallisierung. Hohe SAW-Belastungen verursachten sowohl im Al- als auch im Cu-Testwandler Hügel- und Lochbildung. Während die Hügel in der Al/Ti-Metallisierung senkrecht zur Oberfläche bis zu einer Höhe von 1 µm und die Löcher bis hinab an die Ti-Schicht wuchsen, bildeten sich in den extrem belasteten Cu-basierten Wandlern nur flache Hügel und schmale Löcher aus, welche noch mit der Deckschicht vollständig bedeckt waren. Anhand von REM/EBSD, TEM sowie FIB-Untersuchungen konnte ein relevanter Zusammenhang zwischen der Mikrostruktur und dem Schädigungsverhalten aufgezeigt werden.

3. Workshop "Meßtechnik für stationäre und transiente Mehrphasenströmungen", 14. Oktober 1999 in Rossendorf

Prasser, Horst-Michael 31 March 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Am 14. Oktober 1999 wurde in Rossendorf die dritte Veranstaltung in einer Serie von Workshops über Meßtechnik für stationäre und transiente Mehrphasenströmungen durchgeführt. Dieses Jahr kann auf auf 11 interessante Vorträge zurückgeblickt werden. Besonders hervorzuheben sind die beiden Hauptvorträge, die von Herrn Professor Hetsroni aus Haifa und Herrn Dr. Sengpiel aus Karlsruhe gehalten wurden. Erneut lag ein wichtiger Schwerpunkt auf Meßverfahren, die räumliche Verteilungen von Phasenanteilen und Geschwindigkeiten sowie die Größe von Partikeln bzw. Blasen der dispersen Phase zugänglich machen. So wurde über einen dreidimensional arbeitenden Röntgentomographen, ein Verfahren zur Messung von Geschwindigkeitsprofilen mit Gittersensoren und eine Methode zur simultanen Messung von Blasengrößen sowie Feldern von Gas- und Flüssigkeitsgeschwindigkeit mit einer optischen Partikelverfolgungstechnik vorgetragen. Daneben wurden interessante Entwicklungen auf dem Gebiet der lokalen Sonden vorgestellt, wie z.B. eine Elektrodiffusionssonde. Neue meßtechnische Ansätze waren ebenfalls vertreten; hervorzuheben ist der Versuch, die Methode der optischen Tomographie für die Untersuchung von Zweiphasenströmungen nutzbar zu machen. Der Tagungsband enthält die folgenden Beiträge: S. John, R. Wilfer, N. Räbiger, Universität Bremen, Messung hydrodynamischer Parameter in Mehrphasenströmungen bei hohen Dispersphasengehalten mit Hilfe der Elektrodiffusionsmeßtechnik E. Krepper, A. Aszodi, Forschungszentrum Rossendorf, Temperatur- und Dampfgehaltsverteilungen bei Sieden in seitlich beheizten Tanks D. Hoppe, Forschungszentrum Rossendorf, Ein akustisches Resonanzverfahren zur Klassifizierung von Füllständen W. Sengpiel, V. Heinzel, M. Simon, Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe, Messungen der Eigenschaften von kontinuierlicher und disperser Phase in Luft-Wasser-Blasenströmungen R. Eschrich, VDI, Die Probestromentnahme zur Bestimmung der dispersen Phase einer Zweiphasenströmung U. Hampel, TU Dresden, Optische Tomographie O. Borchers, C. Busch, G. Eigenberger, Universität Stuttgart, Analyse der Hydrodynamik in Blasenströmungen mit einer Bildverarbeitungsmethode C. Zippe, Forschungszentrum Rossendorf, Beobachtung der Wechselwirkung von Blasen mit Gittersensoren mit einer Hochgeschwindigkeits-Videokamera H.-M. Prasser, Forschungszentrum Rossendorf, Geschwindigkeits- und Durchflußmessung mit Gittersensoren

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