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Utveckling av en webb för alla : En kvalitativ studie om utvecklares utmaningar med tillgänglighetsanpassningar inom digital offentlig service / Design of a website for everyone : A qualitative study of developers' challenges with accessibility adaptations in digital public serviceBygdén, Sandra, Holmström, Sandra January 2022 (has links)
A significant part of the Swedish population has some form of disability, which makes good accessibility a factor that can be decisive for whether everyone can use a website or not. Nowadays, there is a legal requirement for public actors' websites to be accessible to everyone, which places higher demands on developers and their work with accessibility adaptation. Previous research shows that there is little knowledge in how digital accessibility should be applied to the web, while reviews of websites confirm the shortcomings in accessibility. With the help of a qualitative interview study, developers of public actors' websites have been interviewed to shed light on knowledge gaps and encourage further research. For the study, five respondents were selected using a convenience sample and then interviewed using a semi-structured interview method. The collected data with the support of related research was analyzed, three themes could then be developed: working methods, user testing and competence. Furthermore, these were discussed regarding two starting points: time and understanding. The study's conclusion is that the factors customer adaptation, competence, planning, and testing affect developers' work process when working with accessibility adaptation.
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Digital CV for Axture : Made in wordpress for clients and employeesJohansson, John January 2022 (has links)
The goal of this project is to remake a static html page into a dynamic page in the CSM WordPress. The page itself is a digital CV used for presenting people looking for work to employers. It should fulfil as many as WCAG "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines " as possible. While giving employees an easy way to create new CV pages. This report will go through the work at creating a WordPress theme from a static html page, it will go through the overall as well as the concrete goals, the importance of following WCAG, the whole processes of creating the site and the problems WordPress inherently brings, it goes through testing and conclusions it gives examples of code and explanations on how that code works as well as illustration, it will go through the conclusions and results from those and it will talk about the ethicality of this kind of work. / Målet med detta projekt är att göra om en statisk HTML-sida till en dynamisk sida i CSM:et WordPress. Själva sidan är ett digitalt CV som används för att presentera personer som söker arbete för arbetsgivare. Den bör uppfylla så många av WCAG "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines" som möjligt. Samtidigt som de ger anställda ett enkelt sätt att skapa nya CV-sidor. Denna rapport kommer att gå igenom arbetet med att skapa ett WordPress-tema från en statisk html-sida kommer den att gå igenom såväl de övergripande som de konkreta målen, vikten av att följa WCAG, hela processerna för att skapa sajten och de problem WordPress inneboende medför, den går igenom tester och slutsatser den ger exempel på kod och förklaringar om hur den koden fungerar samt illustrationer, den kommer att gå igenom slutsatserna och resultaten från dessa och det kommer att tala om etikiteten i denna typ av arbete.
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Navigation Impossible : Connecting Factors when Evaluating Accessibility PracticesLindbäck, Felicia January 2021 (has links)
To be able to be an active participant in today’s society, equal access and ease of use on the web is a must since a variety of our day to day activities happen on the web, something that is made more difficult with bad accessibility design. This paper investigated a selection of profit-driven e-commerce sites in regards to how they design for accessibility by evaluating them in accordance to how they comply with WCAG 2.0. This result was then compared to some different factors. The differences found between these factors shed some light on some other factors that should be kept in mind when designing an accessible e-commerce experience, namely how sales-channel dependency and commoditization of product stock may contribute to accessibility design by survivor bias and website complexity. The study found that having a high commoditization of product stock and a high sales-channel dependency correlated with better accessibility design. Furthermore, sites using newer frameworks and/or versions of said frameworks had better measured accessibility than their counterparts, showing that technical choices is a factor that should be considered for accessibility success in practice.
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”Nu måste vi göra det här, och få till det här!” : En kvalitativ studie om statliga museers utmaningar att tolka och implementera WCAG och webbdirektivetAnlioz, Sofia, Ivarsson, Petra January 2020 (has links)
As the world becomes more digital, the demands on the accessibility of the materials published on the web also increase. A lack of accessibility on the websites risks limiting the opportunities for those with disabilities to access necessary information from authorities. This goes against Article 21 of the Declaration of Human Rights published in 1948 by the UN, which states the right of the individual to public service. The purpose of this thesis is to study the new Swedish law on accessibility for digital publicservice and how the WCAG 2.1 guidelines are applied in Swedish state museums. State museums, on behalf of the government, are responsible for making their content available to all citizens. In our research, we started from semi-structured interviews that were analysed by theme in order to find common denominators between the various museum authorities. We concluded that there were challenges that made working with accessibility more difficult. The biggest challenge at the present seems to be how the law should be interpreted in the best way as the interpretation can differ greatly depending on who’s doing the interpretation. Web accessibility for the authorities is also a question of resources, as the organizations previously haven’t had this as a priority in budget planning. With the new law, the employees responsible for the publication on the webpages hope that this will be something they can use in the future to justify why the organization needs to invest resources in web accessibility.
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E-livsmedelsbutikers tillgänglighet under en pandemi : En fallstudie utifrån äldre användares upplevelser och behov / E-grocery accessibility during a pandemic : A case study based on older users´ experiences and needsIngemarsson, Josefine, Odqvist, Cassandra January 2021 (has links)
Due to the global pandemic Covid-19, a large part of the physical trade has now been moved online. One industry that experienced a massive rise in sales during 2020 was e-grocery. The at-risk group that has increased their e-grocery shopping the most is people over the age of 65, and studies show that in Sweden, one-tenth of all pensioners have tried grocery shopping online for the first time during the pandemic (Internetstiftelsen, 2020). However, despite a jump in the older population's use of e-grocery websites, they are still largely underrepresented. This can partially be attributed to physical and cognitive limitations as a result of aging. This study intended to evaluate popular Swedish e-grocery websites to determine the level of adherence to established guidelines compiled by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) to promote web accessibility for older users. Our results show that all websites struggled to conform to several of the guidelines and success criteria included in WCAG 2.1. Furthermore, we studied older users' experiences and needs in regards to e-grocery websites through a web survey. The results of our data collection indicate that many of the barriers reported by older users today are not covered in the current version of WCAG.
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Accessibility and web practitioners : A study of factors influencing web development for the public sectorEklöf, Kajsa, Näsström, Rebecka January 2020 (has links)
For the past few years, Sweden has worked towards digitalisation of the public sector, however without any legislated requirements for accessibility. In order to make public sector body websites and applications accessible to all users a new Swedish law, based on the Web Accessibility Directive, has been implemented. This new law dictates that public sector websites and applications need to comply with the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) in September of 2020. This study explores factors influencing web practitioners when developing accessible websites, applications and services for the public sector. This is done through a survey and semi-structured interviews, using both quantitative and qualitative methods. The new law does not provide guidance on methods or evaluations to develop products and services accessible for all users. Instead it has a main focus on compliance with WCAG 2.1. The result show that the close connection between the law and the guidelines removes the focus from the users in evaluations. Instead the focus is on measurable compliance with the law through the use of static checklists or automatic testing tools. As long as the method of using a checklist or automatic tool is presented as equally sufficient as user testing in terms of reaching compliance with the law, clients requesting accessible solutions will not change their priorities or allocate resources towards user testing. The findings are presented in a model representing the factors influencing web development and accessibility evaluation and how these factors are connected and dependent on each other.
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Nordiska flygbolagswebbplatser ur ett tillgänglighetsperspektiv : en studie om digital tillgänglighet med fokus på personer med funktionsnedsättningar / Nordic airline websites from an accessibility perspective : A study of digital accessibility with focus on people with disabilitiesSavikko, Mika, Jakupi, Elvin January 2022 (has links)
Digitalisation means that the population, to a growing extent will be dependent on online services to be able participate in common acts such as travel. The number of people with a disability is consistently growing globally. People with disabilities require extra attention in order not to risk digital exclusion. In Europe, there is currently legislation that requires the websites of public sector to comply to a set of accessibility standards that are based on Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG). The private sector will soon fall under similar legislation regarding compliance with WCAG in websites. This study explores the level of accessibility in the Nordic private sector, more precisely in the websites of airline industry. The testing is done by taking advantage of automated tools that check the compliance to the WCAG standards of select airline websites. Similarly, but to a lesser extent, readability and usability of the websites are tested through automated tools and a manual test. Swedish public sector websites are included to provide a baseline when exploring the level of accessibility compliance and the level of readability and usability. The results show that there are currently shortcomings regarding the level of accessibility in the websites of airline industry when compared to the public sector. The level of readability and usability of the websites appears to be more even between the two sectors. When it comes to accessibility, the airline industry in the Nordic countries will have to continue to develop their websites to meet the upcoming legal requirements.
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En webb för alla : En utvärderingsstudie av tillgänglighetsverktyg / A Web for All : An Evaluation Study of Accessibility ToolsCenterhag, Dennis January 2023 (has links)
Personer med funktionsnedsättningar utgör en stor del av användarna av webbinnehåll, vilket har lett till införandet av lagar som kräver tillgänglighetsanpassningar på webbsidor. Trots detta visar tester utförda av WebAim och Funka att tillgängligheten på existerande webbsidor inte uppfyller många av de nödvändiga anpassningarna. För att motverka den bristande tillgänglighetsanpassningen på webbsidor har fallföretaget Nordic Medtest bett om en studie som analyserar tillgänglighetsverktyg.Syftet med denna studie är att utveckla metoder för att utvärdera tillgänglighetsverktyg. Genom syftet bidrar studien med metoder som kan användas för att identifiera och mäta effektivitet och användbarheten hos tillgänglighetsverktygen. Målet var att tillhandahålla resurser för webbutvecklare och testare som kan bidra till att främja tillgänglighetsanpassningar på webbinnehåll.Studien har omfattat 46 insamlade verktyg, baserade på rekommendationer från organisationen Nordic Medtest och W3C:s lista över tillgänglighetsverktyg. Dessa verktyg har testats mot följande framgångskriterier för tillgänglighet: 1.1.1 Non-text content, 1.3.1 Info and Relationships, 1.3.2 Meaningful Sequence, 1.4.3 Contrast (Minimum), 2.4.4 Link Purpose, 2.4.6 Headings and Labels, 3.1.1 Language of Page, 3.3.2 Labels or Instructions och 4.1.2 Name, Role, Value.Studien har utvecklat egna metoder för att testa och utvärdera verktygens förmåga att identifiera tillgänglighetsbrister. Dessa metoder är ”antal klick” och ”antal framgångskriterier uppfyllda”. Genom att tillämpa dessa metoder och existerande tillgänglighetsmetoder har studien resulterat i mätbara data för tillgänglighetsverktyg.Resultaten visar att den första studiemetoden ”antal framgångskriterier uppfyllda” har gett svar för 91,3% av de undersökta verktygen, medan den andra studiemetoden ”antal klick” har gett svar för samtliga verktyg. Detta indikerar att de använda studiemetoderna har möjlighet att indikera hur effektiva de är att uppfyllda tillgänglighetsbrister och om de har enkel användbarhet. Resultaten bidrar till att underlätta för webbutvecklare och testare att anpassa webbsidor med bättre tillgänglighet genom att välja mer effektiva verktyg.
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Accessibility in e-commerce: A comparative study of WCAG 2.1 and EU Directive 2019/882Klingofström, Gabriel, Runsten Fredriksson, Linnéa January 2023 (has links)
The EU Directive on the accessibility requirements for products and services, Directive 2019/882, is an accessibility law that will come into effect in the European Union starting in 2025. The criteria for compliance are based on the World Wide Web Consortium’s Web Content Accessibility Guidelines, WCAG 2.1, the industry standard for accessibility on the web. There are however few empirical studies attempting to ascertain the effectiveness of adhering to the guidelines to prevent accessibility issues faced by real users. The present study utilises usability testing with users with disabilities to identify accessibility problems, to then compare whether adherence to Directive 2019/882 or WCAG 2.1 solves the errors. The results showed that the effectiveness of WCAG 2.1’s ability to prevent accessibility problems on e-commerce websites lies between 41% and 71% and that the effectiveness of Directive 2019/882 lies between 39% and 69%. Blind users, visually impaired users, and users with cognitive impairments were overrepresented when it came to encountered issues left unaddressed by Directive 2019/882 and WCAG 2.1. The results may be used to argue whether Directive 2019/882 and WCAG 2.1 are appropriate guidelines to determine accessibility on the web, which may have societal consequences. We recommend further studies testing the findings of the present study by performing similar research on different websites and different spread of disabilities among participants in the test group.
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Interfaces for everyone: A case study on how to implement accessibility in a large software companyNilsson, Vilma, Hansson, Joanna January 2022 (has links)
During the past decades, a substantial amount of research efforts have been made regarding making the web and digital content more accessible. However, research states that the current accessibility state globally is yet not sufficient, resulting in excluding a large group of people due to disabilities. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the current accessibility state of the prototype version of Ubisoft Connect’s chat application and how to make accessibility a natural part of a team's existing agile processes. This is performed by gathering knowledge about a team's current working processes by conducting two qualitative interviews, along with a nine-week observation, allowing us to partake in their processes when implementing changes. To evaluate the chat's current accessibility state, two of the most used usability evaluation techniques are used: heuristic evaluation and user testing. The heuristic evaluation is based on the internationally recognized standard: Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.1. The findings from the heuristic evaluation are implemented by the Ubisoft Connect team in the chat prototype and are later tested by 4 testers with disabilities. The result of this case study shows that heuristic evaluation and user testing should be used to complement each other since one method alone cannot create a valid accessibility state. Furthermore, it shows that agile management is the preferred method when making these changes.
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