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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Impact of Vaccination Schedules on Infants' and Children's Physio-Psychological Health: A Qualitative Investigation

Alsalih, Dina A. 01 January 2014 (has links)
Many people may have become increasingly concerned about the risks associated with vaccines. At the same time, there is a lack of qualitative research on the impact of various vaccinations schedules on individuals' physio-psychological health. In addition, "mandatory" versus "nonmandatory, but recommended" vaccines are still under debate in some Western countries. The purpose of this ethnographic study was to provide an in-depth understanding of the beliefs, experiences, and perceptions of adolescents, parents, and health care providers regarding different vaccination schedules. The health belief model was used as the theoretical framework. The sample consisted of adolescents and parents from different vaccination backgrounds, as well as of healthcare providers who were involved with vaccination schedules (N=72). Purposeful sampling strategy was applied and individual interviews were conducted. All interviews were recorded and transcribed verbatim, and the obtained data were analyzed thematically. According to the results of the study, participants' perceptions on vaccination were generally positive, and a mandatory vaccination schedule was mostly recommended. Adolescents who received mandatory vaccination reported that this scheme was appropriate against several diseases. Further, health care members indicated that vaccination side effects were mainly emotional, and they suggested that public health agencies should disseminate more scientifically-sound information on the benefits and risks of vaccination. The findings of this study may be used as the basis for the formulation of an effective public health policy to adopt a nationally-and internationally-accepted vaccination schedule.

Från ord till handling? : En kritisk diskursanalys om hur våldsutsattakvinnor och deras hjälpbehov framställs i statliga propositioner / From words to action?

Pettersson, Johanna, Sjöstrand, Ida January 2023 (has links)
Men’s violence against women is a global social problem that occurs in all arenas of society, regardless of factors such as age, ethnicity, and social class. The portrayal of the victimized woman and dominant discourses present in guiding documents establish a framework for determining the appropriate support measures to address the needs that arise as a result of violence. Women who are victims of violence risk being left without support from social services if they do not identify with the institutional identity provided. Therefore, a critical examination of the subject positions for women who are victims of violence and how their support needs are portrayed in government propositions becomes important to understand the intentions behind the legislated support. The purpose of this study is to use critical discourse analysis to examine how government propositions in the field of intimate partner violence portray women who are victims of violence and their support needs. As part of this, the study aims to identify dominant discourses by highlighting and creating an understanding of how different subject positions and support needs are made visible or invisible in the examined material. The study is based on a qualitative research approach, and the research material consists of three government propositions in the field of intimate partner violence. Discourse analysis, based primarily on Fairclough's three-dimensional model, has been used as the methodological approach. Discourse analysis has also been used as a theoretical framework, complemented by intersectional perspectives. The results reveal a hidden aspect of dominance in the linguistic expression and modality of the material that risks disregarding marginalized perspectives and neglecting specific needs.

“Skräckpropaganda kommer inte att hjälpa någon” : En studie som undersöker vad dags- och veckopress samt Sexperternas hemsida skriver om kemsex

Garcés, Nathalie, Efraimsson, Jorun January 2023 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att utifrån ett socialkonstruktionistiskt perspektiv undersöka på vilka sätt fenomenet kemsex skildras i dags- och veckopress och hur information från stödmottagning för sexuell hälsa är utformad. Kemsex är en typ av sexualiserat drogbruk och förekommer främst bland män som har sex med män. Det är ett komplext fenomen och en del av problematiken är att fenomenet berör olika discipliner. Att det berör olika discipliner resulterar i att målgruppens potentiella problematik kan beröra såväl missbruk som risktagande inom sex. Inom det sociala arbetet har fenomenet nyligen uppmärksammats av både professionella och i tidningsartiklar, men det finns en avsaknad av kunskap. Denna avsaknad av kunskap leder också till förutfattade meningar om både målgruppen och fenomenet. Dessutom stigmatiseras målgruppen då de både är en minoritetsgrupp och ägnar sig åt icke-normativt sex som innefattar droger. Studiens teoretiska ramverk innefattar därför teorier om normer, avvikelse och interaktion i förhållande till sex, samt teorier inom skadereducerande arbete. Tillvägagångssättet är en dokumentstudie av dags- och veckopress, samt hemsidan av Sexperternas samtalsmottagning. Analysmetoden är en latent tematisk analys, som inneburit en djupgående bearbetning av materialet som utmynnat i tre huvudteman. Resultatet visar på att det finns en övervägande negativ syn på kemsex i tidningsartiklar, men att Sexperternas hemsida och professionella strävar efter ett icke-dömande förhållningssätt. Det empiriska materialet beskriver endast kemsex i relation till män som har sex med män.

地域の文化政策における旅行者の役割に関する研究 / チイキ ノ ブンカ セイサク ニオケル リョコウシャ ノ ヤクワリ ニカンスル ケンキュウ

片山 明久, Akihisa Katayama 21 March 2014 (has links)
本研究は、今日の日本の地域文化における問題を情報社会の観光や旅行者と関連付けて考察し、解決の可能性を探るものである。考察の対象としては、最も情報化された旅行者であるアニメ聖地巡礼者に注目し、アニメ聖地5カ所を事例に採り上げた。結論として、旅行者は地域文化の担い手と共感者という2つの役割を果たし得ることを論証し、旅行者が関与する地域文化の活性化モデルを図式化した。 / This paper analyzes the relationship between local residents and tourists in an information oriented society. In this analysis, the author tries to clarify the role tourists play in cultural policy. the author makes a study of 5 cities, a location in the animation. The author presents evidence for the relationship between local culture and tourists, based on the model for tourism motivated by the animation. Finally, the author concludes that tourists in an information oriented society can be a person who sympathize for local culture, and also can be the main constituent of culture policy in a local society. / 博士(政策科学) / Doctor of Philosophy in Policy and Management / 同志社大学 / Doshisha University

ネグレクト児童の学校ソーシャルワーク実践に関する研究 : 拠点巡回型スクールソーシャルワーカーの専門的役割を中心に / ネグレクト ジドウ ノ ガッコウ ソーシャル ワーク ジッセン ニカンスル ケンキュウ : キョテン ジュンカイガタ スクール ソーシャル ワーカー ノ センモンテキ ヤクワリ オ チュウシン ニ

奥村 賢一, Kenichi Okumura 20 March 2019 (has links)
博士(社会福祉学) / Doctor of Philosophy in Social Welfare / 同志社大学 / Doshisha University

Addressing the Brain Drain of African Medical Professionals to Western Countries

Sylla, Keba 04 May 2011 (has links)
No description available.

Stadsplanering för en åldrande befolkning : En fallstudie av Ulleråkersprojektet i Uppsala / Planning for an ageing population : A case study of Ulleråker, Uppsala

Elfström, Elin January 2017 (has links)
Äldreperspektivet i stadsplaneringen är ett nästintill outforskat område i Sverige. Samtidigt står vi i Sverige, precis som i många andra länder, inför stora demografiska utmaningar kopplade till den snabbt åldrande befolkningen. Där stadsplanering med ett äldreperspektiv identifierats som en i raden av insatser som krävs för att möta de utmaningar som en åldrande befolkning för med sig. I den här studien har äldrevänlig stadsplanering undersökts utifrån en fallstudie av stadsutvecklingsprojektet Ulleråker i Uppsala kommun. En kommun som sommaren 2016 gick med i Världshälsoorganisationens (WHO:s) globala nätverk för åldersvänliga städer och samhällen, och därmed precis påbörjat sin resa mot att bli en mer äldrevänlig stad. Då äldreperspektivet är ett nytt fenomen i svensk stadsplanering, saknas kunskapen om vad kommunen bör göra för att tillgodose ett sådant perspektiv, vilket utgjort utgångspunkten för denna studie. Studiens syfte har på så sätt varit att bidra med ökade kunskaper om innebörden av äldrevänlig planering, och hur Uppsala kommun skulle kunna utveckla sitt arbete för att på ett bättre sätt tillgodose ett äldreperspektiv. Materialet som legat till grund för fallstudien baseras på dokumentstudier av styrdokument och planhandlingar, samt intervjuer med aktörer som är involverade i stadsplaneringen utifrån ett äldreperspektiv i Uppsala. I studien identifieras en rad faktorer som inom forskningsvärlden framhävts som betydelsefulla vid planeringen av en äldrevänlig stad. Och resultatet från fallstudien tyder på att kommunen, trots att de inte uttalat arbetar med ett äldreperspektiv i stadsplaneringen idag, indirekt tillgodoser vissa delar av äldreperspektivet i sin planering. Samtidigt identifieras i studien en rad förbättringsområden. Bland annat att synen på äldreperspektivet bör tydliggöras och breddas, samt att kommunen bör anta en gemensam målsättning för äldreperspektivet. Likaså föreslås att hanteringen av äldreperspektivet bör ses över, för att förtydliga vilka delar av den kommunala organisationen som ska vara ansvarig för att uppfylla vilka delar av äldreperspektivet. Fallstudien pekar även på att frågan om äldres boende bör lyftas tidigare i planeringsprocessen än vad som görs idag. Slutresultatet från studien, indikerar att ökad kunskap om äldreperspektivet bidrar till att öka medvetenheten om vilka vi planerar för och hur äldre påverkas av olika beslut gällande stadsmiljön, vilket kan ses som en förutsättning för ett medvetet och hållbart samhällsbyggande. / The elderly perspective is currently missing in urban planning in Sweden. At the same time, Sweden and many other countries are facing demographic challenges in terms of an ageing population. However, the integration of an elderly perspective into the planning process of cities can be considered as one of a number of efforts to meet these challenges. In this study, an elderly-friendly planning approach has been investigated through a case study of the urban development project Ulleråker in Uppsala, Sweden. In 2016, Uppsala municipality became a member of the WHO global network for age-friendly cities and communities. Hence, the municipality of Uppsala has just begun its journey towards becoming an elderly-friendly city. Since the elderly perspective is a comparatively new phenomenon in the planning agenda in Sweden, the municipality lacks the knowledge needed to cater for such a perspective. With this as a starting point, the purpose of this study is to advance knowledge of elderly-friendly planning, as well as identify ways in which Uppsala municipality could improve their planning procedures to better meet the needs of the elderly in the urban environment. The case study is based on document reviews of regulatory and planning documents linked to the development project of Ulleråker. In addition, five in-depth interviews have been carried out with actors involved in the planning process from an elderly perspective in Uppsala. The study identifies a number of factors of importance in creating an elderly-friendly urban environment. On the one hand, the result of the case study indicates that the municipality does not explicitly consider an elderly perspective in the municipal planning process. On the other hand, the same case study reveals that an elderly perspective is considered indirectly to some extent. Furthermore, the study highlights a number of areas of improvement in order to strengthen the elderly perspective in Uppsala. For instance, it is suggested that the municipality should broaden its view of the needs of older people in urban environments. In addition, the municipality’s handling of the issue should be reviewed to determine the extent to which different parts of the municipal organisation should be responsible for ensuring different factors in creating an elderly-friendly urban environment. Moreover, the case study also suggests that the dwelling issue of elderly people should be considered at an earlier stage in the planning process compared to what is done today. The conclusion indicates that increased knowledge about the elderly perspective in urban planning may raise the awareness of who we plan for, and how older people are affected by different decisions concerning the urban environment. Which can be understood as a precondition for sustainable development.

… Som att slicka på en regnkappa. En kvantitativ studie av kvinnor som har sex med kvinnor och sexuellt överförbara sjukdomar/säkrare sex

Larsdotter, Suzann January 2009 (has links)
The background to this thesis is that we know very little about lesbian and bisexual women's sexual health in Sweden, particularly in relation to sexually transmitted infections (STI) and their transmissions. An internet-based questionnaire with self-selected participants targeted to the group WSW (Women who have Sex with Women) has been implemented. An international survey on the subject shows that the WSW has sexually transmitted infections. This is also in line with the results in this study. The most common sexually transmitted infection in the survey is chlamydia which 12.3 percent have had. This is a remarkably high figure in comparison with international studies. There are a number of barriers to WSW developing safer sex strategies. Many described a heteronormative response and very low level of knowledge in the health-care.Also WSW themselves have no or little knowledge on the subject. Prevention messages to the group, WSW is often about to use dental dams and very few in practice and in the case where it is used, it has only a very limited function. The majority of women in the study have had sexual contact with both men and women, this applies to both lesbian and bisexually women. In a theoretical analysis, it is possible to discern a conflict between the postmodern and the modern understanding of love and sexuality. This conflict does not exist only on an interpersonal / cultural level but also on a intrapsychic level of humans.

Barn som tvångsomhändertagits på grund av brottslig verksamhet : Hur narrativ om barn som begår brott konstrueras i LVU-domar – i en socialrättslig kontext

Zandén, Bianca January 2022 (has links)
The purpose of this qualitative study is to highlight how children who commit crimes are constructed in a social legal context. Critical children´s rights theory and socialconstructionism were used to process and analyze the material. 33 judgements in compulsory custody cases concerning children from Stockholm´s administrative court from the year 2021 were analyzed. Only children taken into care due to criminal activities were included in the study. The subject of this study is how narratives about children who commit crimes, the child´s needs and situation are constructed in administrative courts´judgments. The study is divided into two parts, a description of the legal framework, and an analysis of the judgments. The conclusions are that the Convention on the Rights of the Child seems to have a limited role in the courts practical applications and the basis on which these decisions rest, and the construction of the children in the legal system is greatly influenced by the legal framwork and context. How the professionals talk and write about the child in the process can affect the child´s view of itself, its identity creation and, by extension, its opportunity to reintegrate into society, which is the goal.


Bisnauth, Melanie A. 22 November 2015 (has links)
Study Objective The objectives of this study are: (1) to explore the impact of the national consolidated guidelines for Option B+ PMTCT on the work of healthcare professionals at both clinical and management levels (including nurses, physicians and management) (2) to understand pregnant HIV-positive women views and experiences with ART for life, as a way to better manage the Option B+ PMTCT programme within state hospitals Research Questions The following research questions will be used to explore both perceptions of healthcare professionals and patients: 1.How have the national consolidated guidelines for Option B+ PMTCT affected the work of healthcare professionals? 2.What are pregnant HIV-positive women’s views and experiences about going on lifetime treatment with ARVs? / ABSTRACT Background. South Africa’s National Department of Health has adopted World Health Organization’s (WHO) 2013 consolidated guidelines on the use of ARVs for treatment and prevention of HIV infection. The guidelines include changes for prevention of mother to child transmission (PMTCT) through Option B+. Option B+ aims to reduce the HIV prevalence rate amongst these women by placing them on ART for life, no matter their CD4 count. As a result, in January 2015, these guidelines were implemented for the PMTCT programme at RMMCH. Little is known about the impact of these new guidelines on the work of healthcare professionals in state hospitals. Most importantly, no research has focused on how these changes have affected adherence for the patients. Purpose. The purpose of this research project is (1) to explore the impact of the Option B+ PMTCT programme on the work of healthcare professionals, and (2) to understand pregnant HIV-positive women views and experiences with ART for life, as a way to better manage the Option B+ PMTCT programme. Methods. A qualitative study design is used with a phenomenological approach. The methodology uses demographic questionnaires and semi-structured interviews with healthcare professionals and patients. The study is situated in Johannesburg, South Africa. Findings. The findings demonstrate that work has changed and become difficult to manage for all healthcare professionals because of (1) the need for strengthening indicators for tracking to decrease loss to follow-up (LTFU); (2) inconsistency in delivery of counseling and support services and the need for communication across clinical departments; and (3) the lack of compassion and understanding by service providers. The difficult healthcare environment has affected overall views and experiences of pregnant HIV-positive women going on ART for life. All 55 patient participants responded that they chose to take the fixed-dose combination (FDC) for life to protect the health of the baby and felt ART for life can be stopped after giving birth. Conclusion. Implications for future research include the need to address changes within the healthcare system at both clinical and management levels. It is crucial to incorporate the perspective of patients in policy implementation; uptake and adherence are key indicators in informing whether the Option B+ PMTCT programme is being adapted into state hospitals effectively. There needs to be extensive research on how to strengthen indicators for long term scalability and sustainability of the programme. Future evaluations need to address, will interdisciplinary collaboration within hospitals improve the management and understanding of Option B+? / Thesis / Master of Science (MSc)

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