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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Towards a Diasporic Epistemology: How Filipino Canadian Young Men Make Sense of Educational Success and Failure

Collymore, Tawnee 28 November 2012 (has links)
This thesis forwards the concept of “diasporic epistemology” in order to better understand how Filipino Canadian young males make sense of their educational success and failure. Diasporic epistemology means a dual frame of reference created by the intersection of both structural and cultural conditions specific to a particular diaspora. To investigate this concept, I examined the interview transcripts of six Filipino Canadian young men using the constructivist approach to grounded theory. My research reveals that school structure and Filipino consciousness play a significant role in educational success and failure. Situating my thesis within the academic fields of epistemology, intersectionality, and student achievement, I contend that understanding the diasporic epistemology of racialized minority and immigrant students challenges certain truism in educational research, such as current belief that family’s socio-economic status and parental education are predictors of students’ academic success. The implications for education are greater teacher-student-home relationships and alternative schooling methods

Towards a Diasporic Epistemology: How Filipino Canadian Young Men Make Sense of Educational Success and Failure

Collymore, Tawnee 28 November 2012 (has links)
This thesis forwards the concept of “diasporic epistemology” in order to better understand how Filipino Canadian young males make sense of their educational success and failure. Diasporic epistemology means a dual frame of reference created by the intersection of both structural and cultural conditions specific to a particular diaspora. To investigate this concept, I examined the interview transcripts of six Filipino Canadian young men using the constructivist approach to grounded theory. My research reveals that school structure and Filipino consciousness play a significant role in educational success and failure. Situating my thesis within the academic fields of epistemology, intersectionality, and student achievement, I contend that understanding the diasporic epistemology of racialized minority and immigrant students challenges certain truism in educational research, such as current belief that family’s socio-economic status and parental education are predictors of students’ academic success. The implications for education are greater teacher-student-home relationships and alternative schooling methods

The perceived impact of socio-cultural messages and practices around puberty, in constructions of masculinity and sexuality in young Xhosa male adults : implications for HIV/AIDS.

Mkhize, Xoli Precious. January 2011 (has links)
This research explored the perceived impact of socio-cultural messages and practices around puberty, on constructions of masculinity and sexuality among Xhosa male university students aged between 18 and 24 years. This research explored how Xhosa men construct their masculinities and sexuality through identifying the key experiences and messages about manhood that they receive in puberty and by analyzing how their pubertal experiences and socio-cultural messages before and after circumcision influence the way they construct their masculinities. An understanding of how masculinities are constructed may be used to inform interventions around HIV prevention and help to understand what factors predisposes these males to high HIV related risk behaviours. This study used a qualitative research design. Data was collected using semi-structured interviews, and analyzed with reference to Parker’s approach to discourse analysis (Parker, 1992). The results show that socio-cultural inform how manhood is negotiated. The possibility of using traditional practices in fighting against HIV/AIDS is explored. “Xhosa see the initiation- rite as a symbolic death, through pain and isolation from the community or society. This death brings forth new life and rebirth as a new being: a man who has outgrown everything related to his childhood. The new person is incorporated into society as a new responsible member contributing to its values and existence. After this process a person is expected to think and behave in a changed and constructive manner showing a transition from when he was a boy and all acts of antisocial acts were tolerated from him.”(Mayatula & Mavundla, 1997:p18). / Thesis (M.A.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 2011.

Ju mer man jobbar inifrån, desto bättre blir det där ute : En kvalitativ studie om återfallsprevention hos dömda unga män

Thylin, Elisabeth January 2018 (has links)
The Swedish prison and probation service is an authority whose task is to care for individuals sentenced to imprisonment or probation (Kriminalvården, 2018). I also chose to include social services, SIS and outpatient care for a broader ground for my study. The purpose of the study is to investigate how the Swedish prison and probation service and agency in Norrbotten County work with relapse prevention in young criminal men. I chose to use a qualitative method to gain a broad understanding of this subject. The result has been collected through six semi-structured interviews and semi structured telephone interviews with persons working in the Swedish prison and probation service, SiS, outpatient care and social services in Norrbotten County. The results show that these activities work against the relapse risk through motivational conversations, treatment plans, and the creation of relationships between them and the client. All of these factors is used to counteract the labelling that the young men received from society when they deviated from the norms and laws of society. This can make the young men to easily return in relapse after the execution. Other factors such as anti-social networks, homelessness, lack of economy and unemployment are also negative contributing causes that affect the return risk. / Kriminalvården är en myndighet vars uppgift är att vårda individer som dömts till fängelse eller frivård (Kriminalvården, 2018). Till Kriminalvården räknas även frivården med. Jag valde även att inkludera Socialtjänsten, SiS och Öppenvården för att få en bredare underlag för min studie. Syftet för studien är att undersöka hur Kriminalvården och samverkande verksamheter i Norrbottens län arbetar med återfallsprevention hos unga kriminella män. Jag valde att använda mig av en kvalitativ metod för att få en bred förståelse kring detta ämne.  Resultatet har samlats in via sex semistukturerade intervjuer samt semistukturerade telefonintervjuer med personer som jobbar inom Kriminalvården, Frivården, SiS, Öppenvården och Socialtjänsten inom Norrbottens län. Resultatet visar att dessa verksamheter jobbar mot återfallsrisken genom motiverande samtal, behandlingsplaner och skapande av relationer mellan dem och klienten.  Alla dessa faktorer används för att motverka den stämpling som de unga männen fått av samhället när de avvikit från normerna och lagarna i samhället. Detta gör att de unga männen lätt kan hamna tillbaka i återfall efter avslutad tid. Andra faktorer såsom antisociala nätverk, bostadslöshet, brist på ekonomi och arbetslöshet är också negativt bidragande orsaker som påverkar återfallsrisken.

Jovens do sexo masculino de famílias de camadas populares: sociabilidade, identidade, subjetividade, masculinidade / Male young men of low income families: sociability, identity, subjectivity, masculinity

Eduardo Name Risk 24 April 2012 (has links)
A juventude assume características próprias conforme o contexto sociocultural e histórico. No Brasil, jovens pertencentes às camadas populares, em geral, ingressam no mercado de trabalho antes de atingir a maioridade legal, e passam a gozar de certa autonomia em relação à família. Durante a juventude as experiências vividas e os modos de conduta juvenis podem entrar em confronto com aqueles preconizados pelos pais. O grupo de pares contribui para a constituição da identidade pessoal e social dos jovens, além de ser importante agente na constituição de sua subjetividade. Esta pesquisa objetivou investigar como jovens do sexo masculino constituem suas identidades, subjetividade e masculinidade a partir das relações de sociabilidade vividas na família e no grupo de pares. Para isso, foram descritas e analisadas normas, códigos de conduta, representações de gênero e formas de sociabilidade que vigoram em cada uma dessas esferas. Foram realizadas nove entrevistas semiestruturadas, gravadas e transcritas, com jovens do sexo masculino, na faixa etária entre 17 e 23 anos, solteiros e inseridos no mercado de trabalho, pertencentes a famílias das camadas populares de Ribeirão Preto-SP. Além das entrevistas, realizou-se observação das formas de sociabilidade entre jovens em uma praça localizada na região central da cidade, e também foram realizadas observações em um bairro da periferia da cidade em que alguns entrevistados residiam. Os dados foram analisados qualitativamente, de acordo com a temática e fundamentados em referenciais teóricos da Antropologia, Sociologia e Psicologia. Ainda que pertençam a arranjos familiares distintos, os participantes apontam a mãe como figura afetiva e mais próxima deles, sendo o pai ou padrasto relativamente distante. Quanto à sociabilidade grupal, a maior parte dos participantes afirmou ter bastante afinidade com seus pares do mesmo sexo, com quem dividem questões pessoais, pois essas relações fundam-se na confiança mútua e na reciprocidade. O contato com os pares constitui um modo de amenizar as tensões entre orientações parentais e disposições juvenis, compartilhando com eles vivências comuns e modificando suas identidades, que se reconstroem ao longo de sua trajetória individual, social e geracional. A construção da masculinidade parece estar relacionada à honra, à virilidade. Apesar de manifestações tradicionais a respeito das relações de gênero, a maioria dos entrevistados também expressou vias alternativas a esse modelo. Desse modo, expressam certas mudanças em suas representações acerca das relações de gênero quando as comparam com as posturas paternas e ainda que essas inovações sejam relativamente reduzidas, convivendo ambiguamente com modelos tradicionais, julgam-se diferentes dos homens da geração anterior quanto a algumas dimensões definidoras da masculinidade e da convivência com mulheres. Com referência à trajetória dos participantes, em particular sua inserção precoce no mercado de trabalho e a convivência cotidiana com jovens que praticam atos ilícitos no bairro em que vivem, os entrevistados apoiam-se na família como referência para seus códigos morais, a fim de que sejam \"honestos\", opondo-se àqueles que se envolvem em atividades ilícitas, com quem convivem de modo cordial no bairro, ou até mesmo com quem podem ter alguma proximidade. (FAPESP) / The youth has different characteristics according to the sociocultural and historical context. In Brazil, generally young people from low income families enter the labor market before having reached legal majority, and start to enjoy some autonomy from their family. Throughout the youth, the experiences and modes of conduct may conflict with the standards established by their parents. The peer group contributes to the personal and social identity formation of young people; besides, it is an important agent for the constitution of their subjectivity. This study aimed to investigate how young men build their identity, subjectivity and masculinity based on their social relations with their family and peer group. In order to achieve this, there were described and analyzed standards, codes of conduct, gender representations and forms of sociability that prevail in each of these spheres. Nine semi-structured interviews with young males between the ages of 17 and 23, single, who entered the labor market and belong to lowincoming families of Ribeirão Preto, SP, Brazil were conducted, recorded and transcribed. Likewise, observations on the forms of sociability among young people were made both in a square located in the downtown area of the city and in a neighborhood where some participants live. The data was analyzed qualitatively, according to the theme and based on Anthropology, Sociology and Psychology theory. Although belonging to different family arrangements, participants point the mothers as the closest affective figure, whereas the father or stepfather are relatively distant. Regarding the group sociability, most participants stated that they have affinity with their same-sex pairs, with whom they share personal issues, because these relationships are founded on mutual trust and reciprocity. The contact with peers is one way to reduce tensions between parental guidance and youth provisions, sharing common experiences and modifying their identities, which are reconstructed along their individual, social and generational history of life. The construction of their masculinity seems to be related to honor and virility. Despite traditional expressions of gender relations, the majority of the participants also expressed alternative ways to this model. Thus, they express certain changes in their representations of gender relations when compared to the parental attitudes and, even though these innovations are relatively small and coexist ambiguously with traditional models, they think of themselves as different from the previous generation of men in some defining dimensions of masculinity and in relation to women. Regarding to the participants\' life history, in particular about their entrance in the labor market and about sharing their daily lives with young people who engage in illegal activities in the neighborhood where they live, the respondents rely on the family as a reference for their moral codes, in order to become \"honest\", as opposed to those who are envolved in illegal activities, with whom they share the neighborhood cordially, or even have some proximity. (FAPESP)

Sociala mediers effekter på unga män : En kvalitativ studie om hur välbefinnandet hos unga män påverkas av de sociala medierna Facebook och Instagram / The effects of social media on young men : A qualitative study of how the well-being of young men is affected by the social media platforms Facebook and Instagram

Mörk, Cajsa, Gibson, Ida January 2021 (has links)
Människan är i stort behov av socialt samspel, att känna sig sedd och uppskattad i den sociala omvärlden samt undvika att bli exkluderad från samhället. Idag lever människan i två parallella världar då människan vistas i det verkliga rummet och i det virtuella rummet. I det virtuella rummet blir det extra tydligt hur och när människor ger varandra respons. Syftet med den här studien är att med hjälp av social konstruktionism och symbolisk interaktionism få bättre förståelse hur unga mäns välbefinnande påverkas av sociala medier. Det digitala samhället tillför nya ideal, normer, regler och moral. Det gör att människan kan utnyttja digitaliseringen till sin egen fördel, exempelvis “gömma sig bakom skärmen”. Många tidigare undersökningar har kvinnliga respondenter och därför är urvalet i den här studien unga män i åldrarna 18-35 år. Med en kvalitativ metod genomfördes 10 semistrukturerade djupintervjuer. Dessa visade att deltagarna påverkas i olika utsträckning men att majoriteten av deltagarnas välbefinnande påverkas negativt. I studiens resultat framkom fem huvudteman och 17 subteman. De fem huvudteman som framkom var följande: självkänsla, välbefinnande, självpresentation, insikt och livscykel. Under dessa huvudteman återfinns tillhörande subteman. / Humans are in great need of social interaction to be seen and appreciated in the social world, and to avoid being excluded from their society. Today humans live in two parallel worlds, one where they reside in the real space, as well as one in the virtual space. In the virtual room it becomes extra clear how, and when, people give each other feedback. The purpose of this study is to, with the help of social constructionism and symbolic interactionism, gain a better understanding of how young men's well-being is affected by social media. The digital society adds new ideals, norms, rules and morals. This allows people to use digitalisation to their own advantage, for example "hiding behind the screen". Many previous surveys have female respondents, and therefore the sample in this study is young men aged 18-35 years old. Using a qualitative method, 10 semi-structured in-depth interviews were conducted. These showed that the participants are affected to varying degrees, but that the majority of the participants well-being is negatively affected. The results of the study revealed five main themes and seventeen sub-themes. The five main themes that were discovered were the following: self-esteem, well-being, self-presentation, insight and life cycle. Under these main themes are associated subthemes.

Socialtjänstens attityder till unga män i hederskulturer : En kvantitativ enkätstudie / Social services' attitudes towards young men in honor cultures : A quantitative survey

Helgeroth, Sofia, Sers, Josefin January 2021 (has links)
Studien är en kvantitativ enkätundersökning och tar hjälp av tidigare forskning för att stryka dess resultat. Heder är ett ämne som ständigt är aktuellt och flera myndigheter i Sverige arbetar aktivt med att motverka det våld och förtryck som sker inom hederskulturer. Syftet med studien är att undersöka om det finns skillnader i attityder kring hur anställda inom socialtjänstens barn och ungdoms kontor ser på unga män gentemot unga kvinnor inom hederskulturer.  Studien är viktig då den påvisar attitydskillnader hos de anställda på socialtjänsten där de unga männen betraktas som mindre utsatta när det gäller dessa undersökta områden: skam, utfrysning, hot om våld, upplevelsen av våld, dubbelliv, tvångsäktenskap, offerskap och att tvingas styra sina familjemedlemmar i jämförelse med de unga kvinnorna. Fokuset i studien är att belysa de unga männens situation av att vara offer inom hederskulturer. Studien bidrar till att öka kunskapen om de unga männens situation men mer forskning inom området efterfrågas. / The study is a quantitative survey and takes the help of previous research to strengthen its results. Honor is a topic that is constantly relevant and several authorities in Sweden are actively working to counteract the violence and oppression that takes place in honor cultures. The purpose of the study is to investigate whether there are differences in attitudes about how employees in the social services' children and youth offices view young men in comparison with young women in honor cultures. The study is important as it shows differences in attitudes among employees in the social services where the young men are considered less vulnerable in these areas studied: shame, ostracism, threats of violence, the experience of violence, double life, forced marriage, being a victim and being forced to control their family members in comparison with the young women. The focus of the study is to shed light on the young men's situation of being a victim in honor cultures. The study contributes to increasing knowledge about the young men's situation, but more research in the field is requested.

“Jag har känt mig nedstämd under en längre period, på grund av att jaginte har känt mig som en riktig man” -En kvalitativ studie om maskulinitetsnormer och psykisk ohälsa

Hörnsten, Emma, Lindskoog, Alexandra January 2021 (has links)
This study aims to investigate how young men experience the norms of masculinity in societywith a special focus on mental illness. Previous research in the field clarifies that there aremasculinity norms in society that men are expected to relate to. Consequences that can occurfrom masculinity norms are a stigmatization of men's mental illness, which can lead to menrefraining from seeking care. Research also shows that men who do not seek care for theirmental illness can develop self-harming behavior. This is a qualitative study with a resultbased on six semi-structured interviews with young men aged 18 to 25. The empiricalmaterial from the qualitative interviews has been analyzed on the basis of a theoreticalframework containing social constructivist perspectives on masculinity, hegemonicmasculinity and homosociality. The results show that young men experience that masculinitynorms affect the jargon between men and that the norms also affect how young men perceivethe difference between what is manly and unmanly. Young men also experience that there areexpectations regarding how they should behave.The results of the study also show that youngmen experience that men and women feel equally bad, but due to the stigma that men have todeal with, they refrain from seeking care for their mental illness. Finally, when men feel thatthey do not live up to the norms of masculinity, it leads to a feeling of exclusion. When theyinstead try to live up to the norms, they become someone they do not identify as. / Denna studie syftar till att undersöka hur unga män resonerar om rådandemaskulinitetsnormer i samhället med särskild fokus på psykisk ohälsa. Tidigare forskninginom ämnesområdet tydliggör att det existerar maskulinitetsnormer i samhället som mänförväntas förhålla sig till. Konsekvenser som kan förekomma av maskulinitetsnormer är enstigmatisering av mäns psykisk ohälsa, vilket kan leda till att män avstår från att söka vård.Forskning synliggör även att män som inte söker vård för sin psykiska ohälsa kan utveckla ettsjälvskadebeteende. Detta är en kvalitativ studie med ett resultat som är baserat på sexstycken semistrukturerade intervjuer med unga män i åldrarna 18 till 25. Det empiriskamaterialet från de kvalitativa intervjuerna har analyserats utifrån ett teoretiskt ramverkbestående av socialkonstruktivistiska perspektiv på maskulinitet, hegemoniska maskulinitetsamt homosocialitet. Resultatet visar att unga män upplever att maskulinitetsnormer påverkarjargongen män emellan och att normerna även påverkar hur unga män uppfattar skillnadenmellan vad som är manligt och “omanligt”. Unga män upplever även att det förekommerförväntningar gällande hur de ska bete sig. Studiens resultat synliggör även att unga mänupplever att män och kvinnor mår lika dåligt men på grund av den stigmatisering som mänfår bemöta, avstår de från att söka vård för sin psykiska ohälsa. Avslutningsvis när mänkänner att de inte lever upp till maskulinitetsnormerna leder det till en känsla av utanförskap.När de istället försöker leva upp till normerna, blir de någon som de själva inte identifierarsig som.

Den dolda smärtan : - yngre mäns upplevelse av underlivssmärta / The hidden pain : - experiences of pelvic pain in younger men

Jarting, William, Sandberg, Ludvig January 2020 (has links)
Kronisk underlivssmärta hos män är ett vanligt fenomen. Trots detta är ämnet relativtoutforskat, framförallt gällande yngre män. Studiens syfte var att undersöka upplevelser av attleva med denna smärta, hos män i åldrarna 18-40 år. Datainsamling skedde genomsemistrukturerade intervjuer (n = 5), utförda via Skype eller personligt möte. Dataanalyserades genom induktiv tematisk analys. Fem huvudteman utvecklades: “smärtan rubbardet dagliga livet”, “en klassisk man har inte problem där nere”, “smärtan blir något manmåste förhålla sig till”, “hjälpsamt att inte känna sig ensam” samt “vården kantas avosäkerhet”. Tillsammans ger de en bild av männens upplevelser. Resultatet visar att manligunderlivssmärta påverkar många områden i livet samt att det präglas av stigma ochstereotyper. Psykologiska och sociala mekanismer verkar avgörande för att förstå hur manhanterar smärtupplevelsen. Resultatet bekräftar tidigare fynd från studier på äldre män samtbidrar med nya rön från en yngre population. / Chronic pelvic pain is a common phenomena amongst men. Despite this, research on thesubject is still relatively scarce, especially amongst younger men. The aim of this study was toexamine the experience of living with pelvic pain. Data was collected through semi-structuredinterviews (n = 5), via Skype or face-to-face, from a Swedish sample. An inductive thematicanalysis was conducted. Five main themes were developed: “pain disturbs daily life”, “a real man has no problems down there”, “the pain is something you need to relate to”, “helpful tonot feel alone” and “the healthcare is riddled with insecurity”. Together these help summarizemen’s experiences. The results show that chronic pelvic pain affect many areas in everydaylife. It also shows that this pain is characterized by stigma and stereotypes. Psychological andsocial mechanisms seems vital for understanding how coping and pelvic pain relates. Theresults confirm parts from previous research and adds to existing knowledge, but from ayounger and less examined sample.

Sexual Agreements in Young Male Same-Sex Couples: Associations with Relationship Quality and Stability

Godfrey, Lisa M. 30 October 2018 (has links)
No description available.

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