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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Prolegômenos para uma leitura d’A Rainha dos Cárceres da Grécia, de Osman Lins

Peixoto, Mayara Moratori 18 April 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Geandra Rodrigues (geandrar@gmail.com) on 2018-07-17T18:47:12Z No. of bitstreams: 1 mayaramoratoripeixoto.pdf: 1455310 bytes, checksum: 31c9ce3b632fcb099088c117d52f210c (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Adriana Oliveira (adriana.oliveira@ufjf.edu.br) on 2018-07-25T15:18:06Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 mayaramoratoripeixoto.pdf: 1455310 bytes, checksum: 31c9ce3b632fcb099088c117d52f210c (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-07-25T15:18:06Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 mayaramoratoripeixoto.pdf: 1455310 bytes, checksum: 31c9ce3b632fcb099088c117d52f210c (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-04-18 / CAPES - Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Esta dissertação pretende versar a respeito da leitura metaficcional do romance A Rainha dos Cárceres da Grécia (2005), do autor pernambucano Osman Lins. Teoricamente, pautamo-nos na descrição de Linda Hutcheon (2013), no livro Narcissistic Narrative: the metafictional paradox, a respeito de como a teoria mimética aristotélica pode ser lida nos romances ditos “contemporâneos” (discussão feita a partir de Agamben (2009)). Sustentamos o argumento de que a ausência, um híbrido entre tudo aquilo que não é representável e todas as suas tentativas de representação, é a motivação essencial de cada um dos narradores que A Rainha dos Cárceres da Grécia possui. Evocamos Henri Lefebvre (1983) para discutir brevemente sobre a teoria das representações; no campo temático, analisamos o caráter melancólico da criação que se pauta na ausência, bem como a angústia daqueles que enfrentam seus labirintos internos (SONTAG, 2017). No plano da estrutura romanesca, buscamos investigar as interpenetrações entre os eixos teórico, temático e estrutural no fenômeno que chamamos de “projeção alegórica”, que ocorre entre os personagens dos diversos níveis narrativos. Para tanto, recorremos à teoria sobre alegoria, presente na Origem do drama trágico alemão, de Walter Benjamin (2016). Buscamos investigar, também, aqueles que podem ser considerados os “mitos fundadores”, porque oferecem amplo material simbólico para a estruturação da verossimilhança de cada um dos níveis intercruzados do romance. Discutimos, especificamente, os mitos que podem ser considerados, segundo Eliade (1986), fundadores da presença de um tempo primevo, bem como trazem consigo o arquétipo da Memória – um dos mitos fundamentais do romance. O outro mito que se buscou analisar é a personagem Ana da Grécia, heroína da saga primordial que acontece nos “Cárceres da Grécia”, e que deriva a saga heroica de todos os outros protagonistas dos diversos níveis do romance. / This dissertation aims to deal with the metafictional reading of the novel A Rainha dos Cárceres da Grécia (2005) [The Queen of the Prisons of Greece], by Brazilian author Osman Lins. Theoretically, we refer to Linda Hutcheon’s (2013) description in Narcissistic Narrative: the metafictional paradox, on how Aristotle's mimesis theory can be read in so-called “contemporary” novels (a discussion from Agamben (2009)). We sustain the argument that absence, a hybrid between all that is not representable and all its attempts at said representation, is the essential motivation for each of the narrators in A Rainha dos Cárceres da Grécia. Henri Lefebvre (1983) is evoked to briefly discuss the theory of representations; concerning the theme, the melancholic nature of a creation founded on absence, as well as the anguish of those who face their internal labyrinths (SONTAG, 2017) also come to light. In regard to the romanesque structure, we aim to investigate the interpenetrations between theoretical, thematic and structural axes, in a phenomenon we call “allegorical projection”, which occurs among the characters through the several narrative levels. To do so, we turn to the theory on allegory, present in The Origin of the German tragic drama, by Walter Benjamin (2016). It is also important to explore the termed “founding myths” because they offer ample symbolic material for structuring the verisimilitude of each of the interlocking levels of the novel; specifically, myths that can be considered, according to Eliade (1986), founders of the presence of a primeval time, as well as bring with them the archetype of Memory – one of the fundamental myths in the novel. The other myth analyzed in the present work is the character Ana da Grécia, the hero of the primordial saga that happens in the “Prisons of Greece”, and that derives the heroic saga of all the other protagonists along the several levels of the novel.

Ecological knowledge towards sustainable forest management:habitat requirements of the Siberian flying squirrel in Finland

Hurme, E. (Eija) 18 November 2008 (has links)
Abstract Maintaining biodiversity in boreal forest landscapes in conjunction with forestry is a challenging task. This requires ecological understanding that is based on empirical research. In this thesis, I examined spatial and temporal occupancy patterns as well as predictability of the occurrence of the Siberian flying squirrel (Pteromys volans L.) in Finland. I used thematic maps which matched habitat requirements of the flying squirrel in forested landscapes and data on species presence and absence, which were gathered in suitable forest habitats. The results of this thesis provide applications for landscape management. First, the preferred habitat characteristics of the flying squirrel were linked to available forest data. In addition, some predictive habitat models could be used to estimate the distribution of the flying squirrel within a region. Second, based on a five year study the forests were classified as continuously occupied, continuously unoccupied and variable-occupancy patches. The dynamic occupancy pattern emphasizes the need for repeated surveys to also locate the seldom-used suitable habitats in a landscape. Third, a comparison of simulated future scenarios in long-term forest planning suggested that flying squirrel habitat might be maintained without considerable loss of timber in a landscape. Thus, a combination of ecological and economic goals in forestry planning is an encouraging alternative. Fourth, there were more polypore species in forests occupied by the flying squirrel. This suggests that conservation of the flying squirrel habitats would protect other naturally co-occurring species, and thus the flying squirrel could be assigned as an umbrella species in mature spruce-dominated forests. Based on these findings, I suggest that the flying squirrel could be used as one of the target species for forest management in boreal forest landscapes. Further research challenges are related to the examination of habitat thresholds and to the projection of future scenarios where ecological, economic and social aspects are combined to assist in complex decision making processes.

Tenebrism in the paiting of Odd Nerdrum from 1983 to 2004

Conradie, Johannes Hendrik 19 November 2007 (has links)
The hypothesis of this dissertation is that contemporary Norwegian painter, Odd Nerdrum (b 1944), uses tenebrism as a mode of beauty and a device to emphasise psychological states of being. Tenebrism is an effective kitsch device to create an impression of realism and so-called truthfulness while pointing to the deepest human sentiments and emotions. I argue that Nerdrum’s tenebrist art questions dark truths about modernity and its effect on the self. The darkness of his tenebrist style amplifies the emotional states of his human characters, and becomes a negative form of transcendence into absence and the power of its nothingness. Nerdrum’s paintings are a visual record of the human capacity to withstand selfdestruction and strive for restoration from the inane. His physical act of painting opens and refines consciousness by slowing down time, for insight and contemplation. / Dissertation (MA (Fine Arts))--University of Pretoria, 2008. / Visual Arts / MA / unrestricted

As ordens religiosas e as práticas educativas em Sergipe del Rey : uma ausência pedagógica.

Mittaraquis, Léo Antonio Perrucho 07 June 2010 (has links)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / Throughout Western history, a mentality, ie, a set of events (beliefs, thinking, mental and moral rules), featuring both a collective, as an individual was consolidated in several respects, but mainly in that refer to the religious and intellectual formation, ie, a set of knowledge and skills specific to certain fields of practice and spiritual, based on membership of a particular system of thought or belief that involves a philosophical position, ethics, metaphysics. At this mentality gave the name of Christianity. Under this doctrine, numerous lines of thought were developed. Interest as an object of this study, the thought of religious orders with respect to pedagogical and catechetical practices. More specifically, the prospect of a cut chronological and topological sixteenth, seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, the territory of Sergipe, colonial period, adopting a critical view about the true extent of involvement of orders with the educational practices in that period. To do so, was titled as this object of study and research: The religious orders and educational practices in Sergipe Del Rey: an educational absence. / Ao longo da história do Ocidente, uma mentalidade, ou seja, um conjunto de manifestações (crenças, maneira de pensar, disposições psíquicas e morais), que caracterizam tanto uma coletividade, como um indivíduo foi consolidada em diversos aspectos, mas, principalmente nos que se referem à formação religiosa e intelectual, vale dizer, um conjunto de conhecimentos e habilidades específicos a determinados campos de atividade prática e espiritual, baseados na filiação a um sistema específico de pensamento ou crença que envolve uma posição filosófica, ética, metafísica. A esta, mentalidade deu-se o nome de cristianismo. No âmbito dessa doutrina, inúmeras linhas de pensamento foram desenvolvidas. Interessa, como objeto no presente estudo, o pensamento das Ordens religiosas no tocante às praticas pedagógico-catequéticas. Mais especificamente, na perspectiva de um recorte cronológico e topológico: séculos XVI, XVII e XVIII, no território de Sergipe, período colonial, adotando-se uma visão crítica quanto o verdadeiro grau de envolvimento das ordens com as práticas educacionais no citado período. Para tanto, intitulou-se assim este objeto de estudo e pesquisa: As ordens religiosas e as práticas educativas em Sergipe Del Rey: uma ausência pedagógica.

Relación entre algún factor de riesgo psicosocial y la ausencia laboral injustificada de los operarios de las generaciones millennials, X y baby boomers de la compañía Go Clean Perú, en 2019

Cuentas Zevallos, Sergio Mario Augusto, Rentería Guerra, Lorenza Noemí, Denegri Vilcarima, Jhinezhka Eveling 21 August 2020 (has links)
La investigación parte de la preocupación que existía en la Compañía Go Clean Perú, ubicada en el distrito limeño de Miraflores, donde se presentaban ausencias laborales no justificadas por parte de los operarios, bajo el contrato a plazo fijo y sujeto a la modalidad de servicio específico. El objetivo de la investigación fue identificar la relación entre algún factor de riesgo psicosocial y la ausencia laboral injustificada de los operarios de las generaciones millennials. X y baby boomers de la compañía Go Clean Perú, en el periodo de mayo a octubre del 2019, a fin de proponer un plan de acción para reducir la ausencia no justificada de los operarios de la compañía. El estudio se realizó en varias etapas: selección de la población, análisis de los datos, aplicación del cuestionario SUSESO/ISTAS 21 versión breve y, por último, el análisis de los resultados. Se determinó que las ausencias no justificadas estaban relacionadas con las dimensiones apoyo social y calidad de liderazgo, lo que nos llevó a desarrollar un plan de acción para disminuir el factor de riesgo psicosocial y las ausencias. / The investigation is based on the concern that existed in the Go Clean Peru Company, located in the Lima district of Miraflores, where there were unjustified absences from work on the part of the operators, under the fixed-term contract and subject to the specific service modality. The objective of the research was to identify the relationship between some psychosocial risk factor and the unjustified absence from work of the workers of the millennial generations. X and baby boomers of the company Go Clean Peru, in the period from May to October 2019, in order to propose an action plan to reduce the unjustified absence of the company's workers. The study was carried out in several stages: selection of the population, data analysis, application of the SUSESO / ISTAS 21 questionnaire, short version and, finally, the analysis of the results. It was determined that the unexcused absences were related to the dimensions of social support and quality of leadership, which led us to develop an action plan to reduce the psychosocial risk factor and absences. / Trabajo de investigación

Varför ska jag skämma ut mig? : En kvalitativ studie om varför högstadieelever väljer att inte delta på idrotten. / Why should I embarrass myself? : A qualitative study about why students in intermediate school choose not to participate in PE

Pethman Estliden, Roberth January 2021 (has links)
Sammanfattning.Tidigare forskning visar att var femte elev väljer att inte delta på idrottslektionerna.Som lärare i idrott och hälsa ställs man ofta inför elever som väljer att inte aktivt delta på idrottsundervisningen eller att vara frånvarande. Syftet med studien är att ta reda på hur elever som är frånvarande eller icke deltagande förklarar de faktorer som hindrar dem från ett aktivt deltagande samt att undersöka vad eleverna själva anser behövs förändras inom idrott och hälsa för att eleverna ska öka sitt deltagande på lektionerna. I studien användes en kvalitativ forskningsmetod i form av semistrukturerade intervjuer och totalt intervjuades sex elever från tre olika högstadier.Resultatet i studien visar att eleverna känner stor oro inför hur andra elever betraktar och ser på dem och där känslan av att bli granskad är kopplat till negativa känslor. Vidare visar studien att faktorer såsom grupptryck, kroppsideal, dålig självkänsla, bristande motivation och en rädsla av att göra bort sig, är faktorer som bidrar till deras icke deltagande. För att eleverna ska öka sitt deltagande på lektionerna anger de att följande bör förändras: undervisande lärarens bemötande och tydlighet, mer elevinflytande gällande lektionsinnehåll, gruppstorlek samt lektionsinnehåll där vinna inte upplevs som det primära. Sammanfattningsvis visar studien att det är flera faktorer som bidrar till utebliven närvaro. En orsak till utebliven närvaro som flera av respondenterna nämner är hur man tror man uppfattas av andra. Eleverna uttrycker att man inte vill hamna i rampljuset för allmän beskådning, oavsett om det är kopplat till något positivt. Eleverna vill inkluderas i gruppen men vill inte uppmärksammas av till exempel idrottsläraren på ett sätt som göra att övriga klasskamrater fokuserar på dem.

Arbetet med hemmasittande ungdomar — ett professionsperspektiv

Hallström, Frida, Risvall Rylander, Emmilie January 2021 (has links)
Syftet med studien var att undersöka hur olika aktörer inom det människobehandlande området arbetar med hemmasittande ungdomar. Studiens teoretiska utgångspunkter är KASAM, systemteori och nyinstitutionell organisationsteori. Datainsamlingen skedde genom kvalitativa, strukturerade intervjuer med sex olika aktörer inom det människobehandlande området. Resultatet av denna studie visar att det är skolan som uppmärksammar problemet och att det inom vissa områden arbetas i större utsträckning med målgruppen än på andra, men att det inte finns något generellt övergripande arbetssätt med hemmasittande ungdomar i de aktuella kommunerna. Det framkommer även att samverkansformen SIP – samordnad individuell plan – används framgångsrikt i samtliga kommuner. Att genomföra samverkan beskrivs av de flesta aktörer fungera bra, men att önskat resultat av samverkan inte alltid uppnås. En bra relation mellan elev och lärare samt ett gott samarbete mellan hemmet och skolan är de mest främjande faktorerna för att få en elev tillbaka till skolan. / The aim of the study has been to examine how different actors within human service professionals deal with dropout-students. The theoretical perspectives used are KASAM, general systems theory and neo-institutional organizational theory. The data for this study was collected in a series of qualitative and structured interviews with six participants within various human service professionals. The outcome of this study shows that it is the school that signals if there is a problem and it shows that in some areas this pursues higher focus on target groups but there isn’t an overall way of working with dropout-students in the local authorities that this study contains. It also emerges that the form of collaboration – Coordinated Individual Plan – used successfully in all municipalities. To implement collaboration described by most actors works well, but the desired result of collaboration is not always achieved. A good relationship between student and teachers and a good collaboration between home and school are the most promoting factors to get a student back to school.

Se tirer hors du monde : absence, vide et disparition dans Folle de Nelly Arcan et Les Particules élémentaires de Michel Houellebecq

Fortin, Antoine 08 1900 (has links)
No description available.

Främja närvaro och förebygga frånvaro i gymnasieskolan : en studie utifrån elevernas perspektiv / Prevent school absenteeism and promote school attendance : a study from the students' perspective

Tigerberg, Karolina January 2020 (has links)
The study examines the factors that cause school absenteeism and how the high school/upper secondary can work to prevent school absenteeism and promote school attendance. The overall purpose of the study was to investigate what the high school/upper secondary school students describe as absenteeism prevention and promote attendance. The theoretical framework for the study consists of a socio-cultural perspective, a relational perspective, and the theory of KASAM. The study approach is qualitative and the study data were collected through mixed methods where semi-structured interviews were supplemented with a survey of the high school/upper secondary school students in grades 2 and 3. Based on the students' descriptions, the school's work on preventing absence and promoting attendance can be seen as complex. The students show, as in previous research, that many different factors influence the students' attendance and absence and that the causal factors can vary from student to student. The result further shows that there are a variety of factors related to the school's learning environments that can prevent absenteeism and promote attendance. The conclusion of the study highlights the importance of high school/upper secondary school working to strengthen students' motivation, participation, security, health, wellness and well-being. Highschool/upper secondary school should also work actively to ensure that the learning environment in the school is varied and that the teaching is adapted to the diversity of pupils' needs and conditions. Based on the results, it is determined that a broad repertoire of strategies and methods is needed in the school's absence prevention and attendance promotion work. The special pedagogical relevance of the study is made visible by the study showing that the school's attendance promotion and absence prevention work is strengthened by the school working to identify and map obstacles and opportunities in the school's educational, social and physical learning environments and based on the development of the school's learning environments at both individual and organizational levels.

Hope for the fatherless?: A grounded interpretive approach

Larcher, Anna Manja 07 March 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Psychology's literature regarding fatherlessness is not only grim, mainly pointing out the negative consequences of fatherlessness, but it also does not provide much specific information about fatherless individuals' experiences. A pilot study revealed that fatherless individuals do not always suffer from the loss of their father and that they also have the ability to overcome the negative consequences commonly associated with father loss. The research questions for this study presented themselves naturally after reviewing the literature and after considering the results of my pilot study, namely, “What do fatherless individuals actually experience in being fatherless, and what is the nature of the experience of being fatherless in people who seem to display successful coping and resilience?” Phenomenology and the Grounded Interpretive research method were employed to explore in depth the lived experience of three participants. My interviews show that cultural, family, and educational background and the individual's interpretations of his or her situation significantly contributed to how fatherlessness was experienced. In contrast to the generally grim literature on fatherlessness, the results of the present study suggest that the consequences of fatherlessness do not have to be as grim as they are generally portrayed. While fatherlessness is difficult, there is hope for the fatherless in that they can overcome the negative implications of their situation-a finding that contributes to a more holistic understanding and a perspective of fatherlessness that has not yet been sufficiently been documented by the literature.

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