Spelling suggestions: "subject:"adaptación"" "subject:"adaptació""
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Judamųjų gebėjimų ugdymas taikant skirtingus treniravimo modelius / Improving of moving abilities applying different training modelsGarbašauskaitė, Inga 19 June 2014 (has links)
Darbo objektai – 1) skirtingiems fiziniams krūviams adaptuotų sportininkų maksimalios valingos jėgos įtaka greitumo jėgos rodikliams. 2) krepšininkų parengimas taikant skirtingus treniruočių modelius.
Keliame hipotezes, kad turintys didesnę maksimalią valingąją jėgą tiriamieji greičiau bėgs 30 m distancijos pirmą atkarpą (0-10 m.), o adaptuoti maksimaliajam bėgimo greičiui – greičiau bėgs nuotolio pabaigoje ir pasieks geresnius rezultatus. Taikant koncentruotą treniruočių sistemą didelio meistriškumo krepšininkai pasiekia geresnių galingumo rodiklių ir sugeba juos išlaikyti rungtynių metu.
Tikslai Nustatyti taikytų skirtingų treniravimo modelių įtaką judamųjų gebėjimų ugdymui.
Uždaviniai: 1. Nustatyti ir palyginti skirtingam fiziniam krūviui adaptuotų sportininkų maksimalios valingosios jėgos (MVJ) ir 30 m bėgimo rezultatus bei bėgimo greičio prieaugio tempą. 2. Nustatyti ir palyginti vertikalaus šuolio rezultatus krepšininkų grupėms, besitreniruojančioms pagal skirtingus treniruočių modelius.
Išvados: 1. Turėdami didžiausią MVJ pirmus 10 m greičiausiai įveikia sunkiaatlečiai, tačiau likusias bėgimo atkarpas greičiausiai įveikia elito sprinteriai, taip pat pasiekdami didžiausią bėgimo greičio prieaugį nuo 10 iki 30 bėgimo metro – 29,74 % (p<0,05). 2. Koncentruotas skirtingų judamųjų gebėjimų ugdymo modelis labiau pagerina krepšininkų vertikalaus šuolio rezultatus bei jų atsistatymą po rungtynių nei mišraus režimo modelis.
Praktinės rekomendacijos: tyrimo metu gauti duomenys... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The objects of the study: 1) the impact of maximum voluntary contraction force to speed values for the athletes who are adapted to different physical loads. 2) the physical preparation of the basketball players using different training models.
It is possible to make a hypothesis that athletes who have greater maximum voluntary contraction force runs faster in the first 10 meters (0-10 meters.) in the distance of 30 meters. However, the sprinters who are adapted to maximum speed of running runs faster in the end of the distance and achieves better results. Applying concentrated training model, the results of professional basketball players achieve greater power indicators and are able to keep them during the mach.
The aim – To identify the influence of the different training models applied to the training of the moving abilities.
Scopes: 1. To identify and compare the maximal voluntary contraction force and 30 meters of running results. Although to identify and compare the rate of increment for the speed of running. 2. To identify and compare the rates of vertical leap for the groups of basketball players who are trained using different training models.
Conclusions: 1. Weightlifters who have the greatest maximum voluntary contraction force pass the first 10 meters faster. However, the other meters of the distance are passed faster by elite sprinters. In addition, the elite sprinters achieve the greatest increment of running speed (from 10 to 30 running meter – 29.74 % (p<0.0... [to full text]
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Piktžolių ir vasarinių miežių konkurencija ir adaptacija skirtingomis aplinkos sąlygomis / Piktžolių ir vasarinių miežių konkurencija ir adaptacija skirtingomis aplinkos sąlygomisRomaneckienė, Regina 17 December 2007 (has links)
The competition between agricultural crops and weeds constantly occurs in agrophytocenoses. Increasing of crop stand density would result in enhanced competitive ability of spring barley, effective utilization of PAR and UV-B radiation as well as in a decline in weed emergence and in increasing weed death during the growing season. The competitive ability of a crop is affected by different sensitivity of a plant species and adaptivity to intensifying anthropogenic factors. It is foreseen that under simulated climate and environmental conditions (phyto-chamber), increasing intensity of exposure to anthropogenic effects - pH and acids (H2SO4), carbon dioxide ,ozone , UV-B, cadmium, temperatures as well as their complex effect would encourage weed growth (weeds would adapt) at low concentrations and would significantly inhibit weed growth (weeds would not be able to adapt) at increasing concentrations. / Agrofitocenozėse nuolat vyksta žemės ūkio augalų ir piktžolių konkurencija. Todėl didinant pasėlio tankumą dėsningai didėtų vasarinių miežių konkurencingumas, būtų efektyviai panaudojamos fotosintetiškai aktyvios (FAR) ir ultravioletinės (UV-B) spinduliuotės kiekis, mažėtų piktžolių sudygimas bei didėtų jų sunykimas vegetacijos metu. Be to pasėlio konkurencingumą įtakoja ir nevienodas skirtingų augalų rūšių jautrumas bei prisitaikymas prie intensyvėjančių antropogeninių veiksnių. Priklausomai nuo antropogeninio veiksnio stiprumo bei skirtingų veiksnių derinių poveikio piktžolių augimas gali būti skatinamas arba slopinamas.
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In 1996-2000 during expeditions were found and described 123 Carum carvi habitats. Mostly common caraway is found in pasture type habitats of Cynosurion cristati confederation communities. Plants of Carum carvi cenopopulations are characterized by wide diversity of phenotypic traits strongly influenced by ecological conditions and anthropogenic activity in natural habitats. The most stable parameters are weight of 1000 fruit and biochemical composition of essential oil. Essential oil synthesis in fruits is positively affected by warm and dry weather at the stage of caraway flowering – fruit ripening, carvone content – by warm and wet weather. The identified morphological types of Carum carvi leaves were as follows: normal, dill and parsley. Early-season caraway forms in comparison to others distinguished for the lowest height, fruit weight and total yield, but had the highest carvone content in fruit essential oil. Pink petals are characteristic for early-season caraway cenopopulations. White petal color, greater pigments amount in leaves, higher fruit productivity, as well as essential oil and carvone output characterize medium late and late forms. Various caraway genotypes with different levels of leaf carotinoids, chlorophyll content and ratio, anthocianins amount in petals, different reaction to cold and lighting stress reveal specific adaptive plasticity of caraway. Caraway intercenopopulation genetic diversity was determined at the molecular level.
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I ir III gimnazijos klasių mokinių socialinės paramos, mokymosi motyvacijos ir adaptacijos mokykloje sąsajos / Relationships among social support, study motivation and adaptation at school among the students of I and III grades of gymnasiumPetrėtytė, Jurgita 17 May 2006 (has links)
Work object: Relationships among social support, study motivation and adaptation at school.
Actuality of the work: Students, who have psychological, educational, social and economic problems, often leave the school. There is friendly climate made for promoting progressive learning, as well as for versatile development of personality in the managed social environment. Slower development of their psychological and physical maturity may become the reason for their decreasing study motivation in the unfavourable social environment.
We try to analyze relationships between social support and study motivation in this work, as that has been almost unstudied in Lithuania. We also try to review relationships between the indicators of adaptation and emotional state, that influent social support and study motivation. Answers to such questions could help to draw the attention to the importance of social support and emotional state in increasing of study motivation, and would allow extending psychological support to the students of gymnasiums, who have problems of adaptation at school.
Goal of study: Analyze the relationships among social support, study motivation and adaptation at school among the students of I and III grades of gymnasium.
Tasks of study:
1. Analyze the evaluations of social support at school among the students of I and III grades of gymnasium.
2. Evaluate the study motivation of the students of I and III grades of gymnasium.
3. Determine of the students of I and III... [to full text]
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Sportinės karjeros baigtis: jos priežastys ir sportinio identiteto reikšmė buvusių sportininkų prisitaikymui prie gyvenimo kaitos / The termination of sport's career:reasons and the importance ofsporting identitation in former sportsmen adaptation to their life's changesVonžodienė, Edita 17 May 2006 (has links)
This postgraduate study helps to explore the problems in Lithuania of sportsmen’ career, the reasons of their termination, social adaptation and integration in the fluctuation of life, the difficulties which sportsmen have had after the termination of career and which have had the influence on the quality of the succeeding years. Purpose of this work – to estimate the reasons of termination of sportsmen’ career and the sense of sporting identification for the former sportsmen peculiarities of adaptation to the fluctuations of life. In this research was taken the questionnaire, in which participants were 52 Lithuanian sportsmen after 25 years age, which have major skills. The results have shown that the career of sportsmen is often determined for the health, psychological distress, an age, a change of pursuit, and other not so important reasons. The sportsmen, had terminated the active practice of sport, must to adapt and integrate to the fluctuation of life, therefore they generally pass trough the mill. The set identification of sport helps to get out of difficulties, makes an influence on the formation of acceptable values and the selection of professional career, which is determined the quality of life. Keywords: career of sport, career of sportsman, identification of sport, social adaptation.
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Kaimo vaiko savijauta miesto mokykloje / HOW A COUNTRY CHILD FEELS IN A TOWN SCHOOLŠaltenytė, Rasa 08 June 2004 (has links)
Nowadays a very actual and painful problem how country children feel having arrived at a town school. Recently, the school net reform being under go, the pupils of 9 -11 th forms are made to go to a town school. This has some influence to their self – being, as they are intimidated by the new surrounding. Psychological climate dominating in the school also influences it, as well as relationships with their new classmates and teachers. That is why a research been done, and having analysed it , the possibilities for adaptation of country children in town schools were exposed, revealing the reasons and self – being of country children.
The object of this work – country children, having changed the social environment and the school pedagogical climate. 9 – 11th forms pupils are being discussed in the work as carrying out the reform of the school net the pupils of these classes are forced to leave their village schools and attend gymnasiums, secondary or basic schools in towns.
The problem of the research - the influence of changing social environment towards a child’s self – being.
When inquest was done and the results of the questionnaire analised, the main reasons for which the students came to city school were clear:
1. With the help of the questionnaire it was established that pupils came from village school to town school as:
- They could not continue their studies in their village school;
- They had hoped for better results.
2. While questioning it... [to full text]
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Krepšininkų ir futbolininkų funkcinės būklės ypatybės naudojant integraliojo vertinimo modelį / Assessment of Functional conditions Peculiarities of Basketball and Football Players Applying the Model of Integrted EvaluationŽumbakytė, Renata 26 February 2007 (has links)
Functional human organism changes during physical load is a sequence of complex interrelated processes. The optimum flow of these changes that enables one to adequately adapt oneself to the intensity and specific character of the load performed without causing harmful consequences for the athlete himself is the principal concern of sport medicine doctors and sport scientists and is of special importance in functional diagnostics too. A frequent phenomenon among athletes is overtraining (de–adaption) that can be caused by the absence of proper balance between training load and recovery, as well as by training sessions that are too frequent and too long and by additional tension due to a forthcoming contest or due to other causes. Therefore assessment of functional possibilities of the athlete’s body is important.
We consider the human organism an adaptable, complex and dynamic system capable of organizing itself, though there is none, the only one, factor inside the system capable of doing this job. Making use of the automatic ECG analysis system “Kaunas – Load”, with parallel registration of ECG carrying out body motor characteristics (the working capacity developed), ABP or other processes characterizing haemodynamics enable one to reveal and evaluate the synergistic aspects of essential systems of the human organism what particularly extends the possibilities of functional diagnostics.
The aim of the study was making use of the model of evaluation of the functional... [to full text]
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Psichologinės adaptacijos ir socialinių, demografinių bei sveikatos veiksnių sąsajos pogimdyminiu laikotarpiu / Correlations between psychological adaptation, socio-demographic and health factors during postnatal periodTalalaitė, Rūta 29 August 2008 (has links)
Tyrimo tikslas - nustatyti psichologinės adaptacijos ir socialinių, demografinių bei sveikatos veiksnių sąsajas pogimdyminiu laikotarpiu.
Tyrime dalyvavo 200 tiriamųjų. Tiriamųjų grupę sudarė pagimdžiusios moterys, gulinčios po gimdymo Vš.Į. Ukmergės ligoninės akušerijos skyriuje ir Kauno Vš.Į. 2-os klinikinės ligoninės filialo P.Mažylio gimdymo namuose. Siekiant nustatyti psichologinės adaptacijos ir socialinių, demografinių bei sveikatos veiksnių sąsajas pogimdyminiu laikotarpiu buvo naudoti šie klausimynai: „Savęs vertinimo klausimynas po gimdymo“, „Edinburgo pogimdyminės depresijos skalė“, „Spilbergerio C. D. Nerimo skalė“. Demografiniams, socialiniams ir sveikatos veiksniams nustatyti buvo naudojami Ž. Jankauskienės ir tyrimo autorės sudaryti klausimai.
Tyrimo rezultatai parodė, kad moterų psichologinė adaptacija pogimdyminiu laikotarpiu yra susijusi su demografiniais rodikliais: vyresnio amžiaus moterys, ištekėjusios, turinčios aukštąjį išsilavinimą bei gyvenančios mieste yra geresnės psichologinės adaptacijos. Darbo ir vaikų turėjimas, didesnės pajamos, planuotas nėštumas, partnerio parama nėštumo metu, sveikatai palankus elgesys siejasi su geresne moterų psichologine adaptacija pogimdyminiu laikotarpiu. Šio tyrimo rezultatai parodė, kad nėštumo komplikacijos siejasi su blogesne psichologine adaptacija pogimdyminiu laikotarpiu. Gimdymo sužadinimas, gimdymo skausmo malšinimas yra susiję su moterų psichologine adaptacija pogimdyminiu laikotarpiu, tačiau natūralus... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The task of this study – to determine correlations between psychological adaptation, socio-demographic and health factors during postnatal period.
The group of 200 women participated in this study. The group consisted of women after childbearing in Ukmergė hospital midwifery department and Kaunas 2nd hospital chapter, P.Mažylis midwifery house.
Determining the correlations between psychological adaptation, socio-demographic and health factors was done by using The Postpartum self-evaluation questionnaire, Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (EPDS), and Spielberger C.D. Stait Trait Anxiety Scale. Socio-demographic and health factors were determined using the questionnaire developed by Ž. Jankauskienė and the author of this study.
The results of this study showed that psychological adaptation of women during the postnatal period is correlative with demographic factors: older, married and having a high school education women, living in bigger towns show better psychological adaptation. A better psychological adaptation is also correlated with having a job, children, bigger income, planned childbearing, help of the partner and healthy habits. The results of this study also shoved that complications during pregnancy correlate with poorer psychological adaptation during postnatal period. The stimulation of labour, using anesthetics during labour correlate with psychological adaptation during postnatal period. Natural childbirth, Cesarean section and childbirth with the help of... [to full text]
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Mokinių,grįžusių iš užsienio, patirtis adaptuojantis bendrojo lavinimo mokykloje:teigiami ir neigiami išgyvenimai / Positive and negative experiences of pupils, coming back from abroad, while adapting to the Lithuanian schoolVosylienė, Alma 03 September 2008 (has links)
Šiame darbe buvo nagrinėjama mokinių, grįžusių iš užsienio, patirtis adaptuojantis bendrojo lavinimo mokykloje: teigiami ir neigiami išgyvenimai. Mokiniai, grįžtantys iš užsienio į bendrojo lavinimo mokyklas, yra naujas, Lietuvos mokslininkų mažai tyrinėtas edukacinis reiškinys. Šiuo tyrimu norima atkreipti dėmesį į švietimo sistemai naujai iškylančias problemas, susijusias su mokinių emigracija ir remigracija .
Tyrimo problema yra ta, kad bendrojo lavinimo mokyklos/švietimo institucijos prastai suvokia vaikų grįžusių iš užsienio situaciją: akademines, socialines ir psichologines problemas, jų patiriamus išgyvenimus ir realiai nepasirengę teikti pagalbos, nors teisiniai dokumentai nurodo kryptis, kaip organizuoti vaikų, grįžusių iš užsienio, ugdymą.
Tyrimo tikslas atskleisti, kokius išgyvenimus patiria mokiniai, grįžę iš užsienio, į Lietuvos bendrojo lavinimo mokyklą ir kokia parama jiems teikiama. Šio tikslo buvo siekiama atskleidžiant kultūrinio šoko, sugrįžimo kultūrinio šoko, taip pat mokyklos keitimo ypatumų ir paramos programų teorijas, analizuojant įstatymų bazę, nurodančią, kaip organizuoti vaikų, grįžusių iš užsienio, ugdymą, bei atliekant kokybinį aprašomojo tipo tyrimą.
Tyrime dalyvavo 8 mokiniai, grįžę iš užsienio į Lietuvos bendrojo lavinimo mokyklą. Buvo vykdoma tikslinė dalyvių atranka. Atrinkti tie mokiniai, kurie galėjo geriausiai atsakyti į keliamus problemos klausimus ir, kurie užsienyje praleido ne mažiau vienerius metus.
Tyrimo metu... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The Research analyses the positive and negative experiences of pupils, which came back from abroad, during their adaptation to the secondary schools of Lithuania. A phenomenon of children, coming back from abroad to Lithuanian schools, is quite new and has not been analyzed by Lithuanian researchers yet enough. The aim of this particular research was to address the new emerging problem, related with emigration and remigration of pupils, to the Lithuanian Education system.
The Problem is that the Lithuanian schools/Institutions of education poorly perceive a context, which pupils, coming back from abroad are facing: academic, social and psychological problems, their experiences. Although, there is a legal basis, which provides the guidance how to organize the education of pupils, coming back from abroad, the schools are not ready to provide an adequate assistance.
The Aim of the Research was to reveal what kind of experiences pupils have faced, coming back from abroad to the Lithuanian schools and, to unfold what kind of assistance they have been provided. In order to achieve this particular aim: the theories of Cultural Shock and Re-entry Cultural shock, Research on Improving the Organization of Pupils’ Transfer from School to School was exposed; the Legal Base, which provides the guidance how to organize the education of pupils coming back from abroad, was analyzed. The nature of the research is a Qualitative Description.
There were eight pupils (recently came back from... [to full text]
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Socialinių pedagogų adaptacijos procesą lemiančių veiksnių profesinėje veikloje analizė / The Analysis of Social Educators‘ Adaptation Process Determining the Factors in the Professional ActivitiesBujienė, Rūta 20 August 2013 (has links)
Darbe atlikta teorinė adaptacijos samprata ir socialinių pedagogų adaptacijos profesinėje veikloje lemiančių veiksnių analizė.Iškelta hipotezė, jog sėkmingą socialinio pedagogo adaptaciją profesinėje veikloje lemia pradedančiojo sėkminga psichosocialinė, profesinė bei organizacinė adaptacija.Anketinės apklausos metodu buvo atlikti du tyrimai: kiekybinis ir kokybinis tyrimas. Atliekant kiekybinį tyrimą, siekta išsiaiškinti organizacinius, profesinius, psichosocialinius veiksnius lemiančius socialinių pedagogų adaptaciją profesinėje veikloje. Atliekant kokybinį tyrimą, siekta išsiaiškinti socialinio pedagogo veiklos sėkmes ir nesėkmes profesinės adaptacijos laikotarpiu. Kiekybiniu tyrimu atlikta statistinė (aprašomoji dažnių, vidurkių) duomenų analizė, o kokybiniame tyrime duomenys apdoroti, taikant turinio (content) analizės metodą. / The theoretical concept of the adaptation and the analysis of the determining factors of the social educators‘ adaptation in the professional activity are carried out in the work. The raised hypothesis that successful adaptation of a social educator in the professional activity leads the beginner‘s successful psychosocial, professional and organizational adaptation. Questionnaire survey method was used to carry out two tests: a qualitative and quantitative research. The quantitative research was used to find out the organizational, professional, psychosocial factors influencing social educators‘ adaptation in the professional activity. Performing the qualitative study it was used to find out the social pedagogues‘ successes and failures of the activity in the period of the professional adaptation. Using the quantitative research the statistical (descriptive frequencies, averages) data analysis is done and data are processed using the method of the content (content) analysis in the qualitative research.
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