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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

An Empirical Investigation into the Role that Boredom, Relationships, Anxiety, and Gratification (BRAG) Play in a Driver’s Decision to Text

White, Nathan 01 January 2015 (has links)
Texting while driving is a growing problem that has serious, and sometimes fatal, consequences. Despite laws enacted to curb this behavior, the problem continues to grow. Discovering factors that can reduce such risky behavior can significantly contribute to research, as well as save lives and reduce property damage. This study developed a model to explore the motivations that cause a driver to send messages. The model evaluates the effects that boredom, social relationships, social anxiety, and social gratification (BRAG) have upon a driver’s frequency of typing text messages. In addition, the perceived severity of the consequences and the presence of a passenger were also be evaluated for any moderating effects on a driver’s texting. Furthermore, a set of hypotheses based on the BRAG model were presented. To investigate these hypotheses, a survey instrument was developed and data was collected from 297 respondents at a mid-sized regional university in the Pacific North west of the United States. Prior to the distribution of the survey, an expert panel and a pilot study were used to ensure the reliability of the instrument. Partial least squares structured equation modeling (PLS-SEM) was used to evaluate the predictive validity of the BRAG model. This evaluation included an assessment of the reflective measures, as well as a detailed analysis of the structural model. Additionally, knowledge visualization techniques were used to emphasize the significance of the findings. The results of this analysis showed that the social gratification one receives from maintaining their social relationships is a significant predictor of texting while driving. Additionally, the results showed that drivers continued to text, regardless of the consequences. However, boredom and social anxiety were not significant predictors of texting while driving. This study makes important contributions to the information systems body of knowledge and has implications for state and local lawmakers, in addition to public health officials. Prior research has shown that bored or anxious individuals use texting to relieve those feelings of discomfort. However, this study did not extend those findings to drivers. As this study found that laws banning texting while driving do not deter this behavior, public health officials and lawmakers should investigate other means of deterring texting while driving, given the significant impact it has on the increase of fatal car accidents in recent years.

“To Live Confidently, Courageously, and Hopefully": Challenging Patriarchy and Sexual Violence at Scripps College

Odabashian, Gavin M. 01 January 2013 (has links)
The pervasiveness of sexual violence on college campuses poses a significant problem for students and administrations that seek to promote healthy, safe, and equitable access to higher education. Although federal legislation under Title IX prohibits sexual violence as a form of gender discrimination, cultural climates that promote sexual violence—or rape cultures - continue to inform student experiences on college campuses. This thesis roots the discourse on campus sexual violence in the specific localized context at Scripps College. As a women’s college situated in a small, interconnected consortium of co-ed liberal arts colleges, the case of Scripps College raises critical questions about the ways in which gender and sexism play out on women’s bodies, and influence students’ experiences with embodiment on campus. In this thesis, I present a feminist analysis of the current institutional policies that address sexual violence on campus, in addition to the perspectives of eight student activists currently involved in gender justice work at Scripps College. Due to the fact that each of the Claremont Colleges, including Scripps, is currently in the process of re-evaluating their policies and grievance procedures that address sexual violence on campus, now is a key time to reflect on the past, present, and future of the Claremont Colleges and the role that these institutions play in either deconstructing or reinforcing patriarchal structures of power.


張景然, ZHANG, JING-RAN Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在依據美國犯罪學者赫許(Hirschi )所發展之「社會控制理論」為架構修 訂台灣地區適用之少年犯罪傾向預測量表,進而考驗少年機車竊盜犯及贓物犯行為相 關因素與正常少年、犯罪少年的差異情形。 在研究方法上,以台灣地區北、中、南三地犯罪少年及正常少年1288名為對象,主要 採自陳式「青少年活活適應量表」及「偏差行為量表」為工具,而以多因子變異較分 析、逐步迴歸分析、區別分析及典型相關分析等統計方法分析資料。 研究結果主要發現:ぇ機車組與犯罪組在依附、投入、抱負、信念及偏差行為等因素 上均有顯著差異。え機車組與正常組在依附、投入、信念及偏差行為上均有顯著差異 ,而在抱負因素上無顯著差異。ぉ預測犯罪傾向以偏差行為效果最佳;而預測偏差行 為,則依次以依附、信念、投入、抱負等因素效果較佳。 根據上述發現,研究者提出減少少年機車竊盜與贓物犯罪事件發生之對策,以期改善 少年犯罪問題的繼續惡化。

即時通訊科技使用於新聞採訪之探討 / Journalists Adopt Instant Messaging on the Impact of Newsgathering

陳弘志, Chen, Hung Chih Unknown Date (has links)
即時通訊(Instant Messaging)盛行之今已十年,新聞產製也因引進新科技逐漸產生質變。鑑於即時通訊相關研究目前尚未觸及「新聞產製」領域,本研究嘗試初步探討即時通訊對新聞產製工作的影響,並希望藉此研究發現,提供新聞產業未來改進與檢討的參考。本研究描繪新聞記者於新聞產製過程中,如何運用即時通訊彼此溝通,以及如何對新聞產製過程造成影響,與出現哪些利益與弊端。 本研究採質化深度訪談,輔以圈內人記者身份,透過參與觀察,融入研究對象群時間一共四年,研究發現:(一)記者使用即時通訊的動機是基於完成新聞採訪任務、(二)記者新聞採訪工作仰賴即時通訊、(三)新聞室控制藉由新科技工具延伸、(四) 記者與消息來源之間的訊息傳遞,仍傾向使用傳統的「面訪、電訪」管道、尚未積極運用即時通訊、(五)用於新聞職場的即時通訊工具,仍具有個人私密領域的特性、(六) 新聞記者使用即時通訊交換訊息,出現新聞觀點同質化現象、(七)新聞產業精簡人力下,新聞圈默認同業間複製新聞與改寫現象。 本研究建議:(一)重新定位即時通訊工具於新聞產製過程的價值、(二)新聞界須正視新聞複製與觀點同質化現象、(三) 即時通訊納入新聞正規作業體系將成趨勢。 / Instant Messaging (IM) has been popular for a decade, and news production has changed due to IM. Since the research of IM does not reach out to the area of news production, this thesis is going to explore the influence of IM toward news production. The thesis will describe how journalists communicate with each other by IM through the news production process, and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of using IM. This study is a qualitative research methods with deep views. Through participant observation of a inside journalist, it took 4 years to discover the results, which are (1) Journalists use IM is based on the motivation of complete news covering task, (2) Journalists rely on IM to complete the task of newsgathering, (3) "Social control in the news room" extends control by IM, (4) The communications and interactions between Journalists and the news sources is still traditional, which are interviewing, or by telephone, not IM, (5) Using IM in newsgathering is still has personal and private, (6) Journalists use IM to exchange information, news reporting appears the same point of view, (7) under the condition of downsizing manpower in the news industry, the press tacitly agreed to the phenomenon of “news copy and news rewrite”. The thesis recommended: (1) re-positioning IM in the process of news production value, (2) the Press must face up to the phenomenon of “news copy and the news viewpoint homogenization”,(3) IM into the news operating system will become a trend.

Crime, Community and the Negotiated Truth : Court Narratives of Capital Crime in the District Courts of Jämtland-Härjedalen 1649—1700

Berggren, Simon January 2017 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is to study the court narratives of serious crimes in the district courts of Jämtland-Härjedalen in the latter half of 17th century. This is done by studying the negotiated aspects of criminal court proceedings; how did stories of crime, guilt and character come together in the records to form narratives that became accepted truths by the local community and the authorities? Investigations of serious crime have been sampled from the collected records of five district courts in the period 1649–1700. These records have been analysed by identifying the different actors and voices of the narratives, the social stratification of the participants, their speech acts and how they were depicted by the court and by other participants. The analysis of the social stratification of accusers, defendants and witnesses shows evidence of a deeply hierarchical and patriarchal society: men and women of lower social status were not only grossly overrepresented as defendants in criminal investigations, they were also mostly excluded from participating as a witness. The inverse could be said about local elites and landed peasantry. Women were more often accused of crime, and while they were allowed to testify as witnesses, they were less so than men. The negotiation of the truth took place in three parallel and intersecting spheres of discourse, differing in what kind of questions were asked and what problems were being discussed between different categories of participants. The nature of crime was negotiated when accusers, defendants and witnesses debated the presented narratives; the accepted narrative of the crime was found by the assessment of the honesty of the individual participants, by considering their reputation and standing in the local community. While the word of the law was unrelenting and impossible to legally negotiate at the district court level, a kind of negotiation was done by the local community and sometimes also the district court taking the side of the defendant, pleading and petitioning the Royal High Court to find mercy for the convicted criminal.

Moralisk fostran av den sjuka själen : En mikrohistorisk undersökning av samhälleliga strukturer inom den psykiatriska vården 1861- 1889

Lentenius, Emelie January 2016 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to expand and variegate the general history of psychiatric care in Sweden in the late nineteenth century. My objects of interest are the first two head doctors of Stockholm’s hospital and their handwritten annual reports to the directorate of the hospital from the year of 1862 to the year of 1889. During this time the psychiatric care in Sweden went through a number of changes. Laws against treating patients of the asylums with physical restraint and force were passed, and humanitarian and philanthropic movements were a big part of these changes. In Sweden, the psychiatric care was expanding at this time. The old asylums were condemned by humanitarian intellectuals for its horrible conditions, and the doctors called out for new modern asylums. The modern day general history of the expansion of asylums is often in some way linked to Michel Foucault’s theory of the psychiatric asylum as an institution of social control. One of the main undertakings in this essay is to test this theory in the context of a late nineteenth century asylum of Stockholm. Another ambition in this essay is to establish which other characteristic structures of the nineteenth century that appear to have influenced the psychiatric care. Testing Foucault’s theory of social control has in this study proven to call for the need of additional theories concerning both class and gender structures. To expose the nuances of the general history of the asylum I have been using a microhistorical approach, while still integrating with the macro-leveled general history and the control theory of Michel Foucault.Focus in this research is on the two first head doctors of Stockholm’s first real asylum. In this essay, I analyse their description of patient labour and the use of physical restraint/force methods as treatments. The results of my research show that the upholding of social control and moral standards was a big part of the head doctors profession during the second half of the nineteenth century in the Swedish asylum. The results also show that the patients were treated differently based on gender and which of the three different payment classes of the asylum that they belonged to.

Ökonomie der Moral

Rauhut, Heiko, Krumpal, Ivar 26 August 2016 (has links) (PDF)
In Feldstudien konnte häufig mittels der Low–Cost Hypothese gezeigt werden, dass normatives Verhalten von den dafür aufzuwendenden Kosten abhängt. Doch hängt die Durchsetzung einer Norm ebenfalls von der Höhe der Kosten ab? Die Gültigkeit der Low – Cost Hypothese bei diesen kollektiven Gütern zweiter Ordnung ist bislang im Feld wenig erforscht. In unserer Studie wird die Durchsetzung sozialer Normen anhand nachbarschaftlicher Kontrollen analysiert. Es werden Daten einer postalischen Befragung von 631 Personen in Leipzig aus dem Jahr 2001 ausgewertet: Der Zusammenhang zwischen der Befürwortung sozialer Kontrollen und der Bereitschaft, soziale Kontrollen tatsächlich an sich zu erdulden, wird mit steigenden Kosten der zu erduldenden Kontrollhandlungen schwächer. Zudem lässt sich die Logik der Low – Cost Hypothese auf andere soziologische Konstrukte übertragen: Die Wirkung von Kriminalitätsfurcht und Autoritarismus ist umso weniger handlungsrelevant, je höher die Kosten der zu erduldenden Kontrollhandlungen sind. Diese Befunde demonstrieren die Gültigkeit der Low–Cost Hypothese im Zusammenhang mit kollektiven Gütern zweiter Ordnung. / In field studies, there is evidence that the occurrence of normative behaviour is dependent on its costs. This effect is known as the low cost hypothesis. However, is the enforcement of social norms as well dependent on its costs? So far, there has been little research on the validity of the low – cost hypothesis for so called second order collective goods. In our work, the enforcement of social norms is studied by means of analyzing social control in neighbourhoods. We use data of a mail survey conducted in 2001 in Leipzig, Germany, with 631 respondents: Correlations between approval of social control and willingness to tolerate social control personally decrease with increasing costs to tolerate these control activities. Additionally, the logic of low – cost is transferable to other sociological constructs: The effect of fear of crime and authoritarianism is the less relevant for tolerating social control activities, the higher the costs for these control activities. These empirical findings confirm the low cost hypothesis for the production of second order collective goods.

Influences des structures familiales sur les connaissances et comportements de prévention du VIH/SIDA chez les adolescents et les jeunes au Cameroun

Tsala Dimbuene, Zacharie 02 1900 (has links)
En dépit de nombreuses interventions en santé reproductive en Afrique subsaharienne, la trilogie « IST/VIH/SIDA - grossesses précoces - avortements » persiste à des niveaux très élevés par rapport aux autres parties du monde. Cela indique que les nombreuses interventions en santé reproductive auprès des adolescents et des jeunes ont enregistré peu de succès en ce qui concerne le changement des comportements sexuels. Ces interventions se focalisent souvent sur l’individu, et négligent les environnements sociaux et culturels dans lesquels se forge le vécu de la sexualité chez les jeunes. Un de ces agents de socialisation est la famille, où les individus naissent, grandissent, et sont socialisés selon les valeurs et normes en vigueur. Fort de ce constat, l’objectif principal de la présente thèse est de resituer l’environnement familial au cœur des débats en santé reproductive chez les adolescents et les jeunes en Afrique subsaharienne. Trois questions spécifiques sont examinées dans cette thèse. Premièrement, elle aborde les associations entre les structures familiales et l’entrée en sexualité. Deuxièmement, elle analyse leurs influences sur les connaissances des modes de transmission et des moyens de prévention du VIH/SIDA. Troisièmement, elle cherche à déterminer les forces potentielles dans les familles dites « à risque » (ayant au plus un parent biologique) à partir de la théorie de résilience selon laquelle des facteurs familiaux et contextuels peuvent atténuer les comportements sexuels à risque chez les adolescents et jeunes. Cette thèse démontre substantiellement que vivre avec ses deux parents biologiques, la nature des relations entre parents/tuteurs et le jeune et un niveau élevé du contrôle parental sont significativement associés à de faibles risques des rapports sexuels prémaritaux. Par contre, les unions polygamiques, un statut socioéconomique élevé du ménage, et le fait d’être orphelin augmentent significativement le risque de rapports sexuels prémaritaux. L’étude démontre aussi que l’environnement familial et la communication sur la sexualité, aussi bien avec les parents/tuteurs qu’avec les pairs, jouent un rôle fondamental dans l’acquisition des connaissances correctes des modes de transmission et de prévention du VIH/SIDA. Néanmoins, le rôle des parents/tuteurs sur l’acquisition des connaissances sur le VIH/SIDA s’avère indirect puisqu’elle repose sur une hypothèse implicite. Seule une mesure directe des connaissances des parents sur les modes de transmission et les moyens de prévention peut mieux rendre compte de cette association. Les résultats obtenus à partir de la théorie de résilience indiquent, dans chaque type de familles, que la qualité des relations entre les parents/tuteurs et le jeune est significativement associée à une faible probabilité de comportement sexuel à risque, défini comme étant la cooccurrence de plusieurs partenaires sexuels au cours de 12 derniers mois et de non-utilisation du condom. Par contre, le contrôle parental est associé à une faible probabilité de comportement sexuel à risque seulement dans les familles à deux parents biologiques. Ce résultat suggère que l’influence du contrôle parental baisse une fois que les jeunes ont eu une expérience sexuelle. Les interventions en santé reproductive devraient promouvoir chez les parents/tuteurs les facteurs familiaux susceptibles de réduire les comportements sexuels à risque. / In spite of numerous reproductive health interventions in sub-Saharan Africa, the trilogy “STDs/HIV/AIDS - Unwanted pregnancies - Abortion” remains at the highest rates compared with other regions of the world. In fact, youth-oriented reproductive health programmes did not work adequately in sub-Saharan Africa, as regards changes in risky sexual behaviors. These interventions have often focused on individuals, and have neglected socio-cultural environments in which sexual behaviors are shaped. One of the most influential contexts is the family in which young people are born, grow up, learn and internalize norms and values about socially acceptable behaviors and sexual conduct. In order to fill this gap, this research aims to address the centrality of family structure in reproductive health debate in sub-Saharan Africa where little is known about its potential influences on sexual behaviors. Three issues are of interest in this thesis. Firstly, the study examines the interplay of family structure and premarital sexual intercourse. Secondly, it addresses the role of family structures in shaping accurate and inaccurate HIV/AIDS knowledge of transmission routes and preventive strategies. Thirdly, using the resilience theory, the study aims to determine the strengths within families “at-risk” that can prevent young people from engaging in risky sexual behaviors. The research substantiates that living in two-parent families, higher levels of parent/guardian monitoring, and good parent/guardian-youth relationships are associated with lower rates of premarital sexual intercourse. By contrast, polygamous families, parent/guardian-youth communication about sexuality, higher household socioeconomic status, change in family structure, and orphanhood were significantly associated with higher rates of premarital sexual intercourse. The study also finds that family structure as well as family/peer communication about sexuality is key explanatory variable on which HIV education and prevention efforts should be directed at. A more direct effect of family structure must be addressed in future research, using direct measures of parent/guardian’s HIV knowledge. Finally, using the resilience theory, this thesis finds that good parent/guardian-youth relationships are associated with lower rates of risky sexual behaviors, captured by the co-occurrence of multi-partnership and condom non-use in the last 12 months preceding the surveys, irrespective of the type of family. Parental monitoring showed a protective effect only in two-parent families. This finding suggests that when young people are sexually experienced, parental monitoring becomes less efficient than when they are not. HIV interventions must put emphasis on these factors that help to reduce risky sexual behaviors among young people even among those living in the so-called “at-risk” families.

L’utérus artificiel ou l’effacement du corps maternel : de l’obstétrique à la machinique

Martin, Sylvie 11 1900 (has links)
Face au projet de l’utérus artificiel, ce mémoire est consacré à comprendre et expliquer les tenants sociohistoriques bornant son développement. Employant une méthode de « cartographie du présent », nous établissons en premier lieu la solidité empirique de l’ectogenèse, telle qu’exprimée en laboratoire et par les discours experts actuels. Cette analyse préliminaire permet de dégager la question névralgique de l’effacement du corps maternel dans la procréation, ce que nous problématisons suivant une perspective sociohistorique et anthropologique. L’hypothèse principale de ce mémoire est que l’utérus artificiel constitue l’extension radicale de représentations et pratiques existantes qui effacent de maintes façons le corps; ainsi nous cherchons à repérer le cheminement de cette radicalisation. En fouillant l’archéologie de l’assistance à la procréation – des accoucheuses médiévales à la techno-maternité contemporaine en passant par l’obstétrique moderne – notre objectif est de bien identifier la généalogie de la médicalisation, de la pathologisation et de la technicisation croissantes du corps maternel et de l’engendrement afin de caractériser la construction sociale d’une maternité machinique. Autrement dit, il s’agit de jalonner les représentations et pratiques sociales à l’oeuvre dans l’approche contemporaine de la procréation qui participent à l’oblitération du corps et ainsi créent un terreau fertile pour l’implantation de l’UA. / Faced with the present development of artificial womb technology, this master thesis aims to comprehend its sociohistorical origins and logic. Making use of a « cartography of the present » method of analysis, we start off by establishing the empirical constitution of ectogenesis, such as it is expressed in laboratory research and actual expert discourses on the subject. This preliminary analysis enables us to draw the problematic question of the erasure of the maternal body from the scene of reproduction, which we frame in a sociohistorical and anthropological perspective. Our principal hypothesis states that the artificial womb represents a radical outcome of current social representations and practices. Therefore, we try to trace the path of this radicalization by scrutinizing assisted procreation, from the medieval midwives’ practice to modern obstetrics and contemporary techno-maternity. Thus the genealogy of the increasing medicalization, pathologization, and technicization of the maternal body serves to identify the social construction of a mechanical maternity. In other words, we argue that our present mode of procreation continually erases the body and thus sets the scene for the implantation of the artificial womb.

Análise das diretrizes curriculares nacionais e da política nacional de atenção básica com foco nas competências das profissões de saúde no Brasil / Analysis of the national curriculum guidelines and the national policy of primary care focusing on the competencies of the health professions in Brazil

Siqueira, Rebecca de Holanda Mencarini e 18 January 2019 (has links)
Introdução: O debate sobre a formação de profissionais da saúde no mundo tem valorizado a integração entre o sistema de educação e o sistema de saúde. Paralelamente, ganham força a educação baseada em competências como também a ideia de competências profissionais que favoreçam a qualidade do cuidado centrado na pessoa, apoiado no trabalho colaborativo. No Brasil, políticas públicas valorizam tanto a formação quanto as práticas profissionais voltadas à atenção primária à saúde (APS), podendo ser considerados exemplos em nível federal, as Diretrizes Curriculares Nacionais (DCN) e a Política Nacional de Atenção Básica (PNAB). Entretanto, as normas jurídicas ainda são objetos pouco estudados apesar de sua relevância como expressão do controle formal da sociedade e também por sua capacidade de promover avanços na integração necessária entre a formação e o exercício profissional. Objetivos: Analisar o conteúdo das competências das DCN à luz da APS e identificar pontos de articulação com a PNAB, caracterizar as competências elencadas nos documentos regulatórios da graduação e da prática da saúde na APS por meio da PNAB, caracterizar a inter-relação entre as competência destes diferentes cursos e identificar a interface das DCN com a PNAB. Método: Trata-se de análise documental, a partir da continuidade de pesquisa financiada pela OPAS intitulada \"Regulação das Profissões de Saúde no Brasil: mapeamento jurídico e institucional, identificação dos pontos de articulação e desarticulação e formulação de propostas para a harmonização regulatória\", cujo relato segue as recomendações do Standards for Reporting Qualitative Research. A análise foi realizada de duas maneiras: análise de conteúdo temática (adotando o quadro teórico dos atributos da APS como categorias a priori) e análise lexical, com apoio do Software Iramuteq. Os documentos escolhidos foram as DCN dos cursos de medicina, enfermagem e terapia ocupacional e PNAB (versão 2011), sendo selecionados e analisados os trechos que descrevem as competências esperadas do egresso (nas DCN) e as atribuições comuns e específicas dos profissionais na PNAB. Resultados: As duas formas de análise mostram que os documentos normativos abordam o atributo da integralidade de forma expressiva. A frequência dos atributos na PNAB é maior do que nas DCN. Há diferenças conceituais discretas entre os cursos e características distintas de linguagem. Como limitação, é importante pontuar que os resultados dizem de um contexto histórico e político específico, já transformado com a publicação da nova PNAB em 2016. Contudo, entende-se que a dissertação investiga e contribui para o reconhecimento também de aspectos permanentes das políticas públicas e demonstra a convergência, prevista nos documentos, entre os cursos/profissões bem como corrobora para o papel dos marcos normativos como forma de controle social formal. Conclui-se que há a necessidade da presença de atributos da APS nas competências das DCN e nas atribuições dos profissionais na PNAB, reforçando a necessidade de repensarmos os documentos que regulam a formação e buscarmos a elaboração de novas versões, viabilizando a prática colaborativa na saúde, já que estes atributos permitem a articulação entre as práticas profissionais / Introduction: The discussion about the health professional\'s formation has been enriched by the convergence between the educational and health systems around the world. The education based on competencies has increased importance as the idea of professional competencies that favor the quality of person-centered care, supported by collaborative work. In Brazil, public policies value as training as professional practices focused on primary health care (APS). The National Curricular Guidelines (DCN) and the Nacional Policy of Primary Care (PNAB) can be considered as examples at the federal level. However, the current legislation is still a matter of studies despite its relevance as an expression of formal control of society and also for their ability to promote progress in the necessary integration between training and professional practice. Objectives: To analyze the content of the competences of the DCN in the light of the APS and to identify points of articulation with the PNAB, to characterize the competences listed in the regulatory documents of the graduation and health practice in the APS through the PNAB, to characterize the interrelation between the different courses and identify the interface of the DCN with the PNAB. Method: This is documentary analysis, based on the continuity of research funded by PAHO entitled \"Regulation of Health Professions in Brazil: legal and institutional mapping, identification of points of articulation and disarticulation and formulation of proposals for regulatory harmonization\", whose report follows the recommendations of the Standards for Reporting Qualitative Research. The analysis was carried out in two ways: thematic content analysis (adopting the theoretical framework of APS attributes as a priori categories) and lexical analysis, with the support of Iramuteq Software. The selected documents are from the DCN related to medical, nursing, occupational therapy schools and PNAB (2011 version). These documents describe the expected competencies of the egress (according the DCN) and the common and specific assignments of the professionals in the PNAB. Results: The analysis show the normative documents approaching the attribute of integrality expressively. The frequency of attributes in the PNAB is greater than in the DCN. There are discrete conceptual differences between courses and distinct language characteristics.As a limitation, it is important to point out that the results refer to an specific historical and political context, already changed with the publication of the new PNAB in 2016.Although, it is well knowledge that the master\'s thesis investigates and contributes to the recognition about the permanent aspects of public policies and demonstrates the convergence predicted in the documents between the courses / professions as well as corroborates the role of normative milestones as a form of formal social control. It is concluded that there is a need for the presence of APS attributes in the competencies of the DCN and in the attributions of the professionals in the PNAB, reinforcing the need to rethink the documents that regulate the training and seek the elaboration of new versions, enabling the collaborative practice in health , since these attributes allow the articulation between the professional practices

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