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Den agila trenden : En organisationsstudie om hur och varför agila metoder implementeras och vilken påverkan det får på de anställdaFelicia, Davidsson, Olivia, Förberg January 2018 (has links)
This study aims through a qualitative approach to study how agile methods are practised in a Swedish bank. The aim of the study is to understand the motives behind the choice to implement the agile methods, how the change process has been practised and finally what effects it gives to the employees in the company. Interviews with both the employees and the management of the bank has led to an understanding of their different views on the agile way of working through their individual experiences. Observations has visualised how the method is practiced, which contributed to a wider perspective. As analytical tools, theoretical concepts such as organizational recipes, the stakeholder model, process change, resistance, cynefin, human relations and efficiency are used. The result of the study shows that there has been both internal and external factors as the basis for the implementation of agile methods. The bank has intended for the change process to be agile with constant improvement as a goal. Uncertainty is an effect of the agile methods and is explained by a difficulty in applying the method throughout the business. The primary effect is increased efficiency, which is the management's main goal. How it affects the employees positively is through increased well-being for those motivated by the agile way of working and negative for those who is not. The study's conclusion is that it is difficult to implement a working method that generates positive effects for all employees. / Denna uppsats studerar, genom ett kvalitativt angreppssätt, hur agila metoder som arbetssätt tillämpas på en bank. Syftet med studien är att förstå motivet bakom att implementera metoderna, hur förändringsprocessen har genomförts och vilka effekter det ger på de anställda i företaget. Intervjuer av både medarbetare och ledning har genomförts och deras individuella erfarenheter har genererat i en förståelse för att det finns olika uppfattningar om arbetssättet. Observationer har synliggjort hur arbetssättet praktiseras, vilket har bidragit till ett större helhetsperspektiv. Som analysverktyg används teoretiska begrepp som organisationsrecept, intressentmodellen, processförändring, motstånd, cynefin, human relations och effektivitet. Studiens resultat visar på att både interna och externa faktorer utgjort motiv till implementeringen av agila metoder. Banken har ämnat genomföra förändringsprocessen agilt med ständig förbättring som mål. Osäkerhet är en effekt av implementationen och kan förklaras av en svårighet att tillämpa metoden i hela verksamheten. Den största effekten av arbetssättet är ökad effektivitet, vilket är ledningens främsta mål. Hur det påverkar de anställda positivt är genom ökad trivsel för de som motiveras av arbetssättet och negativt för de som inte gör det. Studiens slutsats pekar på svårigheten att implementera ett arbetssätt som genererar positiva effekter för samtliga anställda.
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Företags syn på hälsofrämjande arbete i arbetslivet : – en kvalitativ studie av fem privata och fem offentliga företag i GävleSöderström, Rebecca, Örling, Linda January 2011 (has links)
The workplace has a direct impact on the physical, psychological, economic and social well-being of the workers. A healthy workplace leads to increased health among the employees which also makes the employees more productive (Källestål, 2004). A poor working environment can have negative consequences for individuals, companies and society (SOU, 2009:47).This is a qualitative study that investigates companies’ view of health promotion and how they practice health promotion in working life. Five private and five public companies, with representatives from the management were interviewed. The result showed that the companies looked at health promotion as means to support and create opportunities for the health of the employees. Ergonomics and work environment were the main drivers linked to health promotion. All companies had efforts for health promotion and the foremost was health care contributions which were offered annually. However, it appeared that few workers took advantage of it. Leadership proved to be very important for a healthy workplace. The companies´ visions for health promotion were that they would be an attractive workplace and that they wanted the employees to feel good at work. This was important because the companies wanted to benefit the business as well as the workers. The result agrees well with the literature, but it was unexpected that the companies would have such a broad view of health and health promotion.
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Cyberloafing : En enkätstudie om internetanvändning för privat bruk under arbetstid / Cyberloafing : A questionnaire study on Internet use for privatepurposes during working hoursGraepler, Charlotte, Johansson, Ulrika January 2012 (has links)
Teknologin har gjort stora framsteg de senaste åren. I och med den fortskridande utvecklingen har det skapats nya möjligheter för utveckling, tillväxt och marknadsföring för världens företag. Internet är ett hjälpmedel, som har bidragit till att skapa dessa möjligheter. Denna förmån har även medfört att de anställda kan ägna sig åt ”osynliga” icke-arbetsrelaterade aktiviteter såsom cyberloafing (internetanvändning för privat bruk under arbetstid). Tidigare forskning kom fram till att det finns två nivåer av cyberloafing. Dessa benämndes ”mild” (exempelvis skicka och ta emot privat e-post) och ”grav” (exempelvis delta i online-spel som innefattar riktiga pengar). Studiens syfte var att undersöka vilka aktiviteter, som förekom när de anställda använde sig av cyberloafing och varför cyberloafing utfördes. Syftet med studien var även att studera sambandet mellan deltagarnas inställning till cyberloafing och hur de ansåg att cyberloafing påverkade deras arbetsprestation samt en sambandsstudie mellan hur många gånger per dag som deltagarna i genomsnitt använde sig av cyberloafing och deras inställning till ämnet. Det var även av intresse att undersöka om det fanns några skillnader mellan den offentliga och den privata sektorn. Studien utfördes med hjälp av en webbenkät och hade 87 stycken svarande. Deltagarna var anställda hos företag inom Trestads-området och kravet var att de hade daglig tillgång till Internet. Studiens resultat visade att den mest förekommande aktiviteten var alternativet ”besöker nyhetssajter”. Studiens resultat visade på några signifikanta könsskillnader samt skillnader mellan den offentliga och den privata sektorn. / Technology has made great strides during the last years. The development of technology has created new opportunities for growth and marketing for companies. Internet is a tool that has helped to createtheseopportunities. This asset has also led to an opportunity for employees to engage in”invisible”, non-work related activities such as cyberloafing (internet use for personal use during working hours). Previous researchhas reportedtwo levels of cyberloafing which are called minor cyberloafing (e.g. sending and receiving private e-mail) and severe cyberloafing (e.g. participate in online games involving real money). The purpose of this study was to examine the activities that occurred when employees used the Internet for private purposes and also why cyberloafing occurred. The purpose was also to studytherelationships between participants' attitude towards cyberloafing and how they felt that cyberloafing affected their job performance. It also examined if therewasa connection between how many times per day the participants on average used the cyberloafing and their attitude towards the subject. It was of interest to investigate whether there were any differences between the public and the private sector. The study was conducted using an online questionnaire and had 87 respondents. The participants came from companiesinthe Trestads area. Therequirementwas that the employees had daily access to Internet. Our results showed that the most common activity was visiting news sites. The results of this study showed some significant differences between genders and between the public and the private sector.
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Verksam i betydande omfattning : Analys utifrån "vanliga anställdas" perspektiv i personalägda företag / Significantly active : Analysis in relation to "ordinary employees" in employee-owned privateJonsson, Julia January 2015 (has links)
Denna uppsats inriktar sig på rekvisitet verksam i betydande omfattning (verksamhetsrekvisitet) i relation till ”vanliga anställda” i personalägda fåmansföretag. Det framgår i förarbetena att verksamhetsrekvisitet anses vara uppfyllt när delägarens arbetsinsatser har stor betydelse för vinstgenereringen. Den avgörande faktorn här är om delägaren genom arbetsinsatser genererat intäkter till företaget. Arbetsinsatser av ”vanliga anställda”, dvs. anställda utan någon ledarbefattning eller utan kvalifikationer för företagets kärnverksamhet, anses i vanliga fall inte generera vinster till företaget. Det avgjordes dock några rättsfall där domstolen ansåg att ”vanliga anställda” var verksamma i betydande omfattning. Det är därför relevant att utreda om domstolens bedömningar i de här rättsfallen avviker från syftet bakom verksamhetsrekvisitet. Uppsatsens syfte är att utreda om domstolens bedömningar i rättspraxis som berör rekvisitet ”verksam i betydande omfattning” i relation till ”vanliga anställda” i personalägda företag avviker från lagstiftarens syfte bakom rekvisitet. Lagtexten ger ingen förklaring till hur verksamhetsrekvisitet ska tolkas. I uppsatsen läggs därför vikt vid analysen av förarbeten för att fastställa motivet till lagstiftningen. För att uppnå uppsatsens syfte görs därefter en jämförande analys av praxis med förarbetena. Författaren finner att domstolens bedömningar avviker från syftet bakom verksamhetsrekvisitet beträffande ”vanliga anställda” i personalägda företag. Uppsatsen visar att domstolen stegvis har slutat ta ställning till om arbetsinsatser av sådana anställda har någon betydelse för vinstgenereringen. Domstolen betraktar ”vanliga anställda” som aktivt verksamma utan att ge övertygande skäl till sitt avgörande. Det visas även att domstolens avgöranden påverkar framtida bedömningar i likartade mål. / This thesis focuses on the criterion significantly active in relation to ordinary employees in employee-owned private companies. Shareholders in close companies are considered to be significantly active when their undertakings are essential for the company’s profit. The decisive factor here is whether the shareholders contribute profits to the company. Ordinary employees usually are not concidered to generate profits to the company. Nevertheless, there have been several legal cases in which the Court stated that ordinary employees were significantly active. The question that arises is if the Court’s judgement in these cases deviates from what the legislator meant with the criterion “significantly active” concerning ordinary employees. The purpose of this thesis is to investigate whether the Courts’s judgement in the case law that concerns the criterion “significantly active” in relation to ordinary employees in employee-owned private companies deviates from what the legislator meant with this criterion. The law does not provide any guidance to how the criterion shoud be interpreted. The thesis is based therefore on the comparative analysis of the preparatory work with the relevant case law in order to answer the purpose of this thesis. The conclusion made in this thesis is that the Court’s judgement does deviate from what the legislator meant with the criterion “significantly active” concerning ordinary employees in employee-owned private companies. The analysis shows that the Court does not take into consideration whether such employees’ contribution is profitable to the company. The Court states that ordinary employees are significantly active without giving any convincing justification for its decision. Furthermore, the Court’s decisions affect future judgements in similar cases.
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Belöningssystems komplexitet : sett ur ett svenskt ledningsperspektivEkström, Jessica, Neudinger, Sandra January 2014 (has links)
Syfte: Syftet med denna uppsats är att ur ett ledningsperspektiv undersöka vilka belöningssystem småsom gare nämnde nämnde prestation. hur vi kommer in på just ett belöningssystem som främjar. lvis kopplingen emellan prestation företag använder och jämföra detta med företagens tillväxt och de anställdas prestation. Metod: Metoden använder en tvärsnittsdesign med induktiv karaktär. Primärdata består av kvalitativa intervjuer som kombineras med en kvantitativ enkätundersökning ur ett företagsledarperspektiv. Urvalet baseras på företagens storlek, år de grundades samt bransch. TeoriUppsatsskribenterna avser att använda agentteorin, Hertzbergs tvåfaktorteori, teorier kring belöningssystem och motivationsteorier som uppsatsen teoretisk ramverk. Resultat: Resultatet visar att fast lön och prestationsbelöningar är mest använt. De anställdas prestation har en avgörande roll för hur företaget presterar. Rörlig lön i form av provision och bonus är det som anses motivera de anställda mest till att prestera och företag med hög tillväxt föredrar prestationsbelöning. Analys: Belöningssystem måste vara kopplat till företagens målsättningar för att främja ett företags prestation. Eftersom detta innebär att anställda då styrs att arbeta mot företagsmålet. Slutsatser: En kombination av rörlig lön och fast lön verkar flest företagsledare att föredra när det gäller att främja ett företags prestation. Detta förutsatt att de är tydligt kopplade till företagets mål. Företagsledare har olika belöningssystem för olika anställda inom företaget. / Purpose: From a managerial perspective examine which reward systems small Swedish businesses are using and compare it to the companies growth and the employers work performance. Methodology: The method used a cross-sectional design with an inductive standpoint. Primary data is conducted with qualitative interviews combined with a structured survey study from the managers’ point of view. The selection is based on the companies’ number of employees, year of startup and type of business. Theory: The authors used theoretical models such as Agent theory, Herzberg two-factor theory, Reward system theory and motivation theories. Results: The result shows that salaried and pay-for-performance systems are used the most. The employees’ achievements determine how well the company is going to preform. Pay-for-performance in the matter of commission and bonus is what motivates the employees most to perform and high performance companies prefers pay-for-performance. Analysis: The reward system must correlate with the companies’ goals in order to control that the employee works in the same direction as the company. Conclusion: A combination of pay-for-performance and salaried wage seems to be most preferred by managers, to the extent that the rewards are explicitly correlated to the companies’ goals. Managers use different reward systems for varies employees within the companies.
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Att rätt fira sin gudstjänst : Gudstjänstens relevans för kyrkan och för den kyrkotillhörige sett ur anställdas och förtroendevaldas perspektivHåkanson, Ragnar January 2014 (has links)
The Church of Sweden had barely 6.5 million members in 2012. Just over 1% of the members visit a church service regularly every Sunday. The number of visitors in worship services has diminished continuously for a very long time. From 1990 to 2010, the annual number of visitors at the main worship services has decreased by 50% from 9 million to about 4.5 million. The service activities can still be maintained at the current level because the many passive members still pays their membership fee. According to the national documents from the Church of Sweden the Sunday service is the most important mission. The purpose of this study was to analyze the relationship between the mission to celebrate divine worship as the official church gives local parishes and how this is perceived by the employees and the elected officials of the local parish. What are the similarities, differences and tensions between the mandate given by the Church of Sweden at the national level and the way performers perceive this? The study was based on three main documents: The Church Order for Church of Sweden (Kyrkoordningen), The theological basic principles for preparations for a new book of Common Prayer (2006), and the Explanations for the Proposal of the Book of Common Prayer. Part 1. Finally I analyzed the documentation (2011-2012) for preparation of the parish structural regulation on Northern Gotland. From these documents I formed 26 claims about the service that was presented to the informants in the attitude survey. The claims were then grouped into eight tentative quality dimensions for a "right celebrated worship", namely practical issues, faith, didactics, emotions, ethics, fellowship, diaconal issues and tradition. The empirical study was made in seven parishes in the North of Gotland. The informants were 34 employees and 40 elected officials. To this survey I added ten semi-structured interviews with the same groups. This study has essentially a religious sociological frame of reference. The main contribution of theories has been given by Grace Davie, Per Pettersson, Ole Riis and Linda Woodhead. Davie analyzes North European churches which has or has had any ties to the State and where the majority of the population belongs to the Church, but very few members makes use of church services. Davie has described this in terms like "belonging without believing" or “vicarious religion”. Pettersson describes the relationship between the Church and the many members in service theoretical terms. He measures the quality of what the Church of Sweden offers as a service organization and from a theoretical perspective of this service. Riis and Woodhead have mainly contributed to this study through their theories about religion and emotions. The result of the study was that the elected officials were slightly more satisfied with the service as it is performed today compared with the employees. Overall, it was a surprisingly unanimous group that shall plan and develop the service. The elected officials emphasize the importance of parish church more than the employees while matters of faith are more important to the employees. The national documents often points to the importance of tradition. This ambition was not found in any of the groups in the study.
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Empirical studies on wages, firm performance and job turnoverHeyman, Fredrik January 2002 (has links)
This thesis consists of four self-contained studies in empirical labor economics. Micro data on both employers and workers are used to analyze the questions asked in the essays. By using disaggregated information, issues related to firm and individual heterogeneity can be studied.The first essay, The Impact of Temporary Contracts on Gross Job and Worker Flows (with Mahmood Arai), examines job and worker flow dynamics for temporary and permanent contracts. The micro approach to job flows concerns changes in employment at the plant or firm level. Data used in earlier research on gross labor flows do not allow for a distinction between different types of employment contracts (an exception is Abowd et al. (1999). This distinction is especially important in Europe since several European countries discriminate between permanent and temporary contracts in their employment legislation.The data contain quarterly information on the stock of permanent and temporary contracts, as well as direct information on hires and separations for permanent and temporary workers. The information is from a representative sample of around 10,000 Swedish private establishments.The results indicate that temporary contracts, covering only around 10 percent of all contracts, stand for half of all gross job (and worker) flows. This means that gross job (and worker) flow rates for temporary contracts are around 10 times larger than job (and worker) flows for permanent contracts. Our results imply that job reallocation associated with temporary contracts is acyclical in both manufacturing and non-manufacturing sectors. For permanent contracts, job reallocation only exhibits a countercyclical pattern in manufacturing, characterized by a low fraction of temporary contracts. Services employing a higher fraction of temporary contracts exhibit no cyclical pattern in job reallocation, implying that establishments in services use temporary contracts as an adjustment buffer and can adjust its labor input more smoothly.The share of temporary contracts varies with the industry structure and changes as a result of sectoral shifts. This implies that cross-country comparisons, as well as studies of the dynamics of job and worker flows, based on aggregated time-series data, can be distorted by the impact of the fraction of temporary labor on gross labor flows. This, in turn, makes the distinction between permanent and temporary contracts crucial in analyzing job and worker flows, especially when labor protection laws discriminate between short-and long-term employment contracts. The second essay, Wage Dispersion and Allocation of Jobs, investigates the relationship between job turnover and the distribution of wages. One possible explanation for similar labor reallocation rates across labor markets with very different employment-protection legislations is related to differences in wage setting institutions. Bertola and Rogerson (1997) argue that although job-security laws lead to lower job flows, their impact might be reduced if differences in wage-setting institutions have opposite effects. Bertola and Rogerson’s conclusion is that when labor protection laws and wages are jointly considered, the result might very well be that job flows in countries with high adjustment costs and a compressed wage structure mimic those in countries with low adjustment costs and decentralized wages.Using establishment data on job turnover and wages for a panel of around 10,000 establishments in the Swedish private sector, the relationship between wage compression and job reallocation is studied at the industry level.Estimating industry fixed-effects models for 14 two-digit industries yield results indicating large sector differences regarding the effect of the degree of wage dispersion on job reallocation. In accordance with the Bertola and Rogerson hypothesis, this effect is positive in the manufacturing sector. Running separate regressions for job creation and job destruction shows a negative and significant effect of wage dispersion on job destruction, whereas it is insignificant in the job-creation equation. These results are in accordance with wages being more rigid downwards than upwards. The quantitative effect of the impact of wage dispersion on job turnover is limited, however. A one standard deviation increase in wage dispersion reduces the total job reallocation by around 10 percent. Turning to the non-manufacturing sector, the Bertola and Rogerson hypothesis is not supported.Further results include (i) a strong positive effect of the industry-share of temporary employees on job reallocation and (ii) a negative relationship between the use of overtime and job turnover.In the third essay, Wages, Profits and Individual Unemployment Risk: Evidence from Matched Worker-Firm Data (with Mahmood Arai), the impact of firm performance on individual wages is studied. Several studies have found a positive and significant effect of profits on wages. The most widely suggested interpretation for this phenomenon is that employers and employees engage in rent-sharing, thereby splitting the profits created between themselves.The purpose of this study is to examine the extent of rent-sharing and the impact of individual and aggregated unemployment risk on wages of individual workers. We use a sample of over 170,000 Swedish employees for 1991 and 1995 matched with their employing firm’s profits and the unemployment registers. The matched data contain detailed information on individual characteristics, including their unemployment experience during 1992-1995 as well as annual profits as reported in the firms’ balance-sheet reports.The contribution of this paper is that it provides evidence on the wage determination, based on disaggregated individual and firm data dealing with the problems of firm and worker heterogeneity, and the endogeneity of profits. Our results imply positive effects of profits on wages, both in 1991 and 1995. The reported elasticities imply that the wage inequality in Sweden due to the spread in profits is as high as 13% of the mean wages in 1991, according to Lester’s range of pay. These correlations are robust for controlling for time-invariant unobserved individual- and firm characteristics.Using firm-reported short-term product market elasticity and the number of competitors as instruments for profits suggest Lester’s measure of wage inequality due to profits to be as high as 50% of the mean wages.Finally, we investigate the impact of individual heterogeneity with respect to unemployment risk that might also affect wages. We include the individuals’ unemployment event record in our regressions, and our results confirm that individuals with a higher unemployment risk also have lower wages. Including aggregated measures along with individual unemployment risk in our estimations show results suggesting that there exists a robust negative correlation between unemployment risk and wages at various aggregation levels.The final essay, Pay Inequality and Firm Performance: Evidence from Matched Employer-Employee Data, tests several implications from tournament models on the same matched employer-employee data set as in essay 3.According to a variety of theories, the wage distribution both within and between firms can have important effects on individual productivity and firm performance. One argument for high wage differentials, based on incentive effects, is found in Lazear and Rosen’s (1981) tournament theory. Higher wage differentials lead to higher individual effort, and are therefore productivity enhancing. This, in turn, suggests that there is a positive relationship between wage dispersion and productivity. The opposite relationship is found in theories stressing fairness and cooperation between co-workers.For white-collar workers, the results show a positive effect of intra-firm pay spread on firm performance for 1991 and 1995. This applies to different measures of wage dispersion, capturing both raw differences and differences corrected for the fact that part of the wage spread is due to differences in human capital accumulation. To take firm heterogeneity into account, difference equations are estimated on a panel of firms. Once more, consistent with tournament theory, a positive and significant effect of wage dispersion on profits is found. The results for managers are based on information on about 10,000 managers. For various measures of wage dispersion and specifications, a positive and significant association between managerial pay and profits is found. No support is found for the hypothesis of a positive relationship between the number of managers (contestants) and wage spread. Instead, the results show a negative and significant effect of the number of executives and pay spread among managers.Finally, consistent with tournament theory, higher wage dispersion is found in firms operating in volatile product markets characterized by a high degree of output uncertainty. / Diss. Stockholm : Handelshögsk., 2002
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Att förebygga det interna hotet med IT-regler / Preventing internal threats with IT-policyOlsson, Martin, Ring, Max, Sabbagh, Hassan January 2018 (has links)
Uppsatsen ämnar undersöka det interna hotet inom organisationer som medförs av mänskliga misstag och ovarsamhet hos anställda. Syftet med uppsatsen är att identifiera orsaker bakom misstagen och ovarsamheten, redogöra för några konsekvenser av det och även undersöka hur utformningen och arbetet med IT-regler, som är regler och riktlinjer för IT-säkerhetsarbete, bör utföras för att minimera misstag och ovarsamhet. Till det har en undersökning av tidigare litteratur och en kvalitativ datainsamling gjorts, den kvalitativa undersökningen innefattade intervjuer med ett E-handelsföretag, ett IT-konsultföretag samt en IT-säkerhetskonsult. Teori och insamlad data har analyserats och genererat ett antal förslag, där bland annat ett anpassat språkbruk och kategorisering av IT-regler men även kontinuerlig utbildning av anställda förespråkas för att förebygga anställdas misstag och ovarsamhet. Därigenom förebyggs det interna hotet. Uppsatsens framförda förslag kan användas av alla typer av företag som vill förbättra sin IT-säkerhet genom att förebygga det interna hotet som orsakas av de anställda. / The study aims to investigate the internal threat within organizations caused by human mistakes and negligence amongst employees. The purpose of this paper is to identify reasons for the mistakes and the negligence, describe some of the consequences and also investigate how the design of and work with IT policies, which is a set of rules and guidelines for IT security work, should be performed to minimize mistakes and negligence. A survey of previous literature has been conducted and a qualitative data collection has been made. The qualitative data collection included interviews with an e-commerce company, an IT consulting company and an IT security consultant. Previous literature and collected data have been analysed which resulted in a set of suggestions, for instance that customized language usage and categorization of IT policies, together with continuous training of employees is advocated to help prevent employees' mistakes and negligence. Thereby minimizing the internal threat. Any type of company that wants to improve its IT security by preventing the internal threat caused by its employees will benefit from these suggestions.
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Anställdas uppfattning av arbetsplatslärandeAsadollahi, Nilofar O., Brodin, Jeannette January 2014 (has links)
Den här studien utgår från en fenomenografisk ansats. Vi avser att fånga skilda uppfattningar om arbetsplatslärande och studera hur uppfattningarna påverkar medarbetarnas arbetstillfredsställelse. Vi utgick från två frågeställningar: vilka uppfattningar har medarbetare av hur de lär på sin arbetsplats, och finns det skillnader i medarbetarnas uppfattningar av vad de lär? Resultatet visar att deltagarnas uppfattningar om fenomenet skiljer sig åt. Tolkningen av resultatet visar att deltagarna lär på olika sätt och använder kunskapen olika i deras yrkesutförande. De lär genom erfarenhet, socialt samspel, teoretiskt samt genom praktiskt arbetsutförande. De utvecklar och lär flexibilitet, anpassning, problemlösning och socialt samspel. Det finns ett samband mellan hur deltagarna uppfattar fenomenet och arbetstillfredsställelse. När arbetsplatslärande är effektivt bidrar det på ett positivt sätt till deltagarnas arbetstillfredsställelse.
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What Influences Employees to Become Digital Advocates? : A Quantitative Study of the Relationship Between Employer Branding and Digital Employee Advocacy in Industrial Organisations / Vad får anställda att förespråka sina arbetsgivare på sociala medier?Ilic, Josefin, Tranell, Matilda January 2018 (has links)
Since the introduction of social media, the corporate communication landscape has changed significantly, and thus organisations need to find new innovative ways to communicate. One emerging strategy is digital employee advocacy, which ultimately means that employees voluntarily endorse their employers on social media platforms. As of now however, research on how organisations should operate in order to encourage such behaviour is rather unexplored and inadequate, and a stronger understanding of the motivation and underlying mechanisms is needed. One concept that is conceptually identified as a driver for employee advocacy is employer branding, both directly and indirectly through organisational commitment. Therefore, this thesis aims at investigating and analysing the relationship between employer branding and digital employee advocacy as well as the dimensions of employer branding. Ultimately, the purpose of this thesis is to generate insights on which industrial organisations can build strategies for digital employee advocacy programs. This was done by collecting quantitative data through a questionnaire distributed among employees in a Swedish industrial organisation. Based on the data, a PLS-SEM analysis was conducted that both evaluated a newly developed employer branding scale and the relationships between employer branding and digital employee advocacy. The results from the analysis show that employer branding consists of five dimensions: training and development, healthy work atmosphere, ethics and CSR, work life balance as well as compensation and benefits. Furthermore, it can be concluded that employer branding does not lead to digital employee advocacy directly. It can however be shown that the relationships from employer branding to organisational commitment and from organisational commitment to digital employee advocacy are significant and that organisational commitment has a full mediating effect on the direct relationship between employer branding and digital employee advocacy. Thus, organisations need to recognise organisational commitment as a necessity, and employer branding as an instrument, for achieving digital employee advocacy. / I takt med tillväxten av sociala medier så har kommunikationslandskapet förändrats drastiskt och organisationer behöver därför hitta nya innovativa kommunikationsstrategier. En allt mer framstående strategi är digital employee advocacy, vilket innebär att få anställda att frivilligt förespråka sina arbetsgivare på sociala medier. Forskning gällande hur organisationer ska verka för att främja sådant beteende är dock bristfällig i nuläget och en större förståelse för incitament och drivande faktorer är därför nödvändig. En faktor som är identifierad som en potentiell drivkraft för digital employee advocacy är employer branding, både direkt och indirekt genom ett koncept känt som organisational commitment (sv. organisationsengagemang). Baserat på detta är målet för denna rapport att undersöka och analysera relationen mellan employer branding och digital employee advocacy samt de potentiella dimensionerna av employer branding. Vidare är rapportens syfte att generera insikter på vilka industriella organisationer kan bygga strategier för digital employee advocacy program. Detta kunde uppfyllas genom att distribuera en enkät till anställda i en svensk industriorganisation. Baserat på kvantitativ data från denna enkät kunde en PLS-SEM analys genomföras vilken både utvärderade en nyutvecklad skala för employer branding samt relationerna mellan employer branding och digital employee advocacy. Resultaten från denna analys indikerar att employer branding består av fem dimensioner: training and development, healthy work atmosphere, ethics and CSR, work life balance samt compensation and benefits. Vidare så visar resultaten att employer branding i dessa förhållanden inte har en direkt påverkan på digital employee advocacy. Dock visar resultaten att employer branding leder till organisational commitment, som i sin tur leder till digital employee advocacy. Dessutom visar resultaten att det direkta förhållandet mellan employer branding och digital employee advocacy till fullo medieras av organisational commitment. Organisationer som vill uppnå digital employee advocacy bör därför se organisational commitment som en nödvändighet och employer branding som ett hjälpmedel.
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