Spelling suggestions: "subject:"arbetsmetoden"" "subject:"arbetsmetodik""
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Why does a sleepy driver continue to drive?Johansson, Joel January 2012 (has links)
Inom trafikforskningen är det allmänt känt att sömnighet är en starkt bidragande faktor vid trafikolyckor. Tidigare forskning har visat att sömnighet hos förare är närvarande i 16-23 procent av alla bilolyckor. Inom flyg- och järnvägsdomänen har en metod, med en stark influens från human factors-området, kallad Fatigue risk management (FRM) använts för att undersöka hur sociala och organisatoriska faktorer påverkar personalens sömnighetsnivå. Dock har denna metod inte använts för att undersöka lastbilsförares sömnighetsnivå i någon större utsträckning. Studiens syfte var att undersöka hur lastbilsförare upplever, motarbetar och motverkar sömnighet i deras dagliga arbetssituation. Resultaten visar att lastbilsförare i sitt arbete möter en stor mängd trötthetsbidragande faktorer, som kan härledas både till organisatoriska faktorer och individuellt beteende. Möjliga sätt att motverka sömnighet bland lastbilsförare, riktade mot både individen och organisationen, föreslås. / In the traffic domain it is commonly known that sleepiness is a highly contributing factor in traffic accidents. Research has shown that sleepiness among drivers is present in about 16-23 per cent of all car accidents. In the aviation and railway industry a method or framework with some shared influences from the Human Factors approach, called Fatigue Risk Management (FRM) has been used to investigate how social and organisational factors affect the personnels level of sleepiness. The overall aims of this study are to investigate how truck drivers experience, fight and counteract sleepiness in their daily work environment. The results show that drivers face a wide variety of sleep contributing factors, stemming from both organisational factors and individual behaviour. Possible ways of counteracting truck driver sleepiness, concerning both the individual and the organisation, are also suggested.
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Effects of an intervention to increase physical activity and reduce sedentary time in workers with neck pain : A randomized controlled studyHed Ekman, Annika January 2016 (has links)
Background: Chronic neck pain is a problem that may be prevented and treated by physical activity. Little is known about effective interventions to increase physical activity in workers with neck pain. Objective: To evaluate the effects of an intervention aimed at increasing physical activity among workers with chronic neck pain. Design: A 10-week randomized controlled study in a population of 35 (intervention n= 19, control n= 16) workers. Physical activity was assessed using a tri-axial accelerometer pre and post the intervention. Outcomes: Daily steps, metabolic equivalent, proportions of time spent sitting/lying, standing and walking, and sit-to stand transitions. Linear mixed model was used to analyze the intervention effect (group × time) adjusted for the baseline value for each outcome. Results: There was no significant intervention effect on steps, metabolic equivalent, walking or sit-to stand transitions. There were significant intervention effects on decreased time spent sitting/lying (p=0.010) and increased standing (p=0.017). Conclusion: No differences between intervention and control groups were found in parameters of total physical activity. However sedentary time decreased substantially in intervention group and was replaced by standing time. Larger studies using objective assessments of physical activity and sedentary behavior, investigating the effects of changes in PA and sedentary behavior on pain and health outcomes, in a working population with chronic neck pain are recommended. / Bakgrund: Kronisk nacksmärta är ett problem som kan vara möjligt att förebygga och behandla med fysisk aktivitet. Det finns begränsad kunskap om effektiva interventioner för att öka fysisk aktivitet hos arbetstagare med nacksmärta. Syfte: Att utvärdera effekten av en intervention riktad mot att öka fysisk aktivitet hos en grupp arbetstagare med kronisk nacksmärta. Design: En 10 veckors randomiserad kontrollerad studie i en population av arbetstagare med kronisk nacksmärta, n= 35 (interventionsgrupp n=19, kontrollgrupp n= 16). Fysisk aktivitet mättes med triaxiell accelerometer före och efter interventionen. Utfallsmått: Antal steg per dag, metabolisk ekvivalent, förändringar i proportionerna mellan tid i sittande/liggande, stående och gående och antal uppresningar från sittande till stående. Resultat: Det fanns ingen signifikant interventionseffekt avseende steg, metabolisk ekvivalent, tid i gående eller antal uppresningar från sittande. Tid i sittande/liggande minskade signifikant (p=0,010) och tid i stående ökade, också signifikant (p=0,017). Slutsats: Det fanns ingen skillnad mellan grupperna i total fysisk aktivitet. Däremot minskade tiden i sittande/liggande markant och ersattes av tid i stående. Större studier med objektiva mätningar av fysisk aktivitet och stillasittande beteende som också undersöker effekter av förändringar i fysisk aktivitet på smärta och hälsovariabler bland arbetstagare med kronisk nacksmärta rekommenderas. / STIMUL
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Impact of vehicle exhaust emitted by the combustion of biofuels on human healthPanosyan, Luiza January 2010 (has links)
Introduction: Significant changes in the global ecosystem, together with a potential shortfall in oil resources, have stimulated intense interest in the development of other sources of energy, and most particularly biofuels since these are basically considered to be less harmful to human health than petroleum-based fuels. However, information about the impact of biofuel-derived vehicle emissions on human health is limited and incomplete. Aim of the study: To identify those biofuels that are less detrimental to human health on the basis of published results from toxicological and chemical studies of vehicle emission products. Tasks of the study: To review systematically all conventional and alternative fuels used in internal combustion engines, to identify all known toxic emission products formed by such fuels, to review their toxic effects on human health, and to analyse the data collected in order to develop conclusions concerning the possible health benefits deriving from the use of alternative fuels. Materials and methods: In order to fulfil the requirements of a complete, comprehensive and up-to-date review of the toxic effects of automotive exhaust, an extensive search of official scientific data sources has been performed. Relevant publications were retrieved from public domain databases with a toxicological focus such as Toxcenter and CAplus, as well as from the websites of the US Environmental Protection Agency and the US Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry. Keywords employed in the literature search were: petrol, gasoline, diesel exhaust, emission, biofuel, biogas, biodiesel, bioethanol, bioalcohol, toxicity, methanol and ethanol. A total of 295 references were initially selected relating to the period 1962 to 2008, and 142 of these presented titles and abstracts that met the main inclusion criteria, i.e. describing toxicological and epidemiological studies in humans. In cases where eligible studies relating to the goals and tasks of the review were limited or not available, some in vitro or in vivo toxicological studies involving animal models were included. Results: In comparison with petroleum diesel, the emissions derived from biodiesel contain less particulate matter, carbon monoxide, total hydrocarbons and other toxic compounds including vapour-phase C1-C12 hydrocarbons, aldehydes and ketones (up to C8), selected semi-volatile and particle-phase polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). Whilst sulphur-containing compounds appear to be undetectable in biodiesel, nitrogen oxide and a soluble organic fraction comprising unregulated pollutants including the “aggregated toxics” (i.e., formaldehyde, acetaldehyde, acrolein, benzene, 1,3-butadiene, ethylbenzene, n-hexane, naphthalene, styrene, toluene and xylene) are present at elevated levels. Toxicological studies have shown that the mutagenicity of exhaust particles from biodiesel is normally lower than those obtained from petroleum diesel, however, rapeseed oil-derived biodiesel exhibits toxic effects that are 4-fold greater than petroleum diesel. Such enhanced toxicity is probably caused by the presence of carbonyl compounds and unburnt fuel. The toxicity of highly volatile components of biofuel exhaust has not yet been evaluated accurately. A substantial portion of these compounds was apparently lost in the process of preparing the test samples used for the assays (during the evaporation). The overall recoveries of these compounds have not been evaluated and the accuracy of the sample preparation method has not been validated. Hence, it could be that the cytotoxic effect of biodiesel exhaust is higher than that reported. Moreover, compared with fossil diesel, fuel derived from rapeseed oil emits particulate matter with increased mutagenic effects. Epidemiological investigations of the effects of biofuels on humans are very sparse but have revealed dose-dependent respiratory symptoms following exposure to rapeseed oil biodiesel, although the observed differences between this fuel and petroleum diesel are not significant. Such data, however, give rise to serious concerns about the future usage of this plant material as a replacement for established diesel fuels. Combustion of alcohol-based fuels leads to a reduced formation of photochemical smog in comparison with gasoline or diesel, however, the emission of aldehydes (officially classified as carcinogenic or potentially carcinogenic) is several times higher. The toxicity of the exhaust emissions of gasoline-fuelled engines is generally significantly greater than that of alcohol-burning engines. However, some harmful effects from ethanol blends might be expected, such as enhanced emissions of carcinogenic PAHs and increased ozone-related toxicity associated with the high level of aldehydes emitted. The use of ethanol–diesel fuel blends gives rise to increases in regulated exhaust emissions and, possibly, to greater emissions of aldehydes and unburnt hydrocarbons. The most promising fuels, in terms of reduced toxicity and genotoxicity of exhaust emissions, are methanol-containing blends. However, the emission from these fuels still contains formaldehyde, which is a carcinogen. The use of biogas can significantly reduce emissions of total PAHs and formaldehyde and, consequently, the risk of lung toxicity. On the other hand, the emissions of particulate matter by compressed natural gas, and the mutagenic potencies of the exhaust, are similar to those associated with gasoline and diesel fuels. Conclusions: The use of biofuel is currently viewed very favourably and there are suggestions that the exhaust emissions from such fuel are less likely to present risks to human health in comparison with gasoline and diesel emissions. However, the expectation of a reduction in health effects based on the chemical composition of biodiesel exhaust is far from reality. Thus, although toxicological evidence relating to the effects of biofuels on humans is sparse, it is already apparent that emissions from the combustion of biofuel and blends thereof with petroleum-based fuels are toxic. In addition to the regulated toxic compounds, such as total hydrocarbons, carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, particulate matter and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, biofuel emissions contain significant amounts of various other harmful substances that are not regulated, e.g. carbonyls (including formaldehyde, acetaldehyde, benzene, 3-butadiene, acrolein, etc.). Whilst biofuels may be potentially less damaging to human health than petroleum fuels, considerable harmful effects must still be expected. Substitution of conventional fuel by biofuel decreases the concentration of regulated toxic pollutants in vehicle exhaust, but increases the concentration of some unregulated toxic pollutants emitted from on-road engines. Generally, the toxicity of biofuels decreases in the order biodiesel>biogas>ethanol>=methanol. In this respect, methanol produced by the oxidation of biogas appears to represent an alternative fuel that exhibits the least potential for damage to human health, however, this alcohol represents a source of formaldehyde pollution and is carcinogenic. .
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Unemployment at a young age and sickness absence, disability pension, death and future unemployment - A register-based study of native Swedish and immigrant young adultsHelgesson, Magnus January 2014 (has links)
Youth unemployment is an increasing burden on societies around the world. This prospective, register-based cohort study examined the relationship between unemployment and sickness absence, disability pension, death and future unemployment among youth in Sweden. A comparison was also made between immigrants and native Swedes. Another aim was to see if Active Labour Market Programs (ALMPs) and attained education moderated the outcomes. The baseline year was 1992, a year of severe economic downturn. The follow-up period was from 1993 to 2007, divided into three 5-year periods. The study group of 199,623 individuals comprised all immigrants born between 1968 and 1972 who immigrated before 1990 (25,607) and a random sample of native Swedes in the same age range (174,016). Individuals with unemployment benefit in 1990-1991, disability pension in 1990-1992 or severe disorders leading to hospitalization in 1990-1992 were excluded in order to minimize selection bias. Those who were unemployed in 1992 had elevated risk, measured as odds ratios, of ≥60 days of sickness absence, disability pension, ≥100 days of unemployment and all, except native Swedish women, had elevated risk of death during follow-up. The risk of future unemployment declined until the last follow-up period, while the elevated risk of future sickness absence was about the same in all three follow-up periods. Higher level of education at baseline decreased the risk of future unemployment. Individuals participating in ALMPs had an increased risk of future unemployment, and immigrant women had an increased risk of sickness absence, compared to non-participating individuals. Attained education between 1993 and 1997 decreased the risk of future unemployment and decreased the risk of sickness absence among immigrants. The risk of both future unemployment and future sickness absence increased with the length of unemployment in 1992. Immigrants had higher risk of unemployment both at baseline and follow-up compared with native Swedes, but followed the pattern of native Swedes when unemployed. The conclusion are that exposure to unemployment are associated with elevated risk of future unemployment, sickness absence, disability pension and death fifteen years after exposure. To a society this will mean substantial costs in the form of increased welfare payments and loss of productivity and tax income. Selection to unemployment by individuals already sick, may explain part of the association between unemployment and the studied outcomes.
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Hälsoundersökningens betydelse för livsstilsförändring - en intervjustudie i företagshälsovårdenNyman, Kristina, Nilsson, Linda January 2014 (has links)
Företagssköterskan kommer ofta i kontakt med människor i samband medhälsoundersökningar med ogynnsam livsstil för sitt mående. Ökad kunskap kring detta områdekan vägleda och stödja företagssköterskan och företagshälsovården att utveckla strategier för attstödja individen till hälsa.Syftet med denna kvalitativa intervjustudie var att belysa personers upplevelse avföretagshälsovårdens hälsoundersökning som haft betydelse för livsstilsförändring.Urvalskriterierna var en genomförd hälsoundersökning hos företagshälsovården utförd avföretagssköterska och gjorda livsstilsförändringar. Analysen resulterade i två teman med fyrakategorier och åtta underkategorier. De två teman som framkom var “Att bli bemött medintresse och omtanke” och “Att få veta sin ohälsa och få en start till förändring”.Studiens resultat visade att företagssköterskans bemötande och stöd hade avgörande betydelsesamt att få kännedom om sina värden. Personerna kunde reflektera över sin hälsa som gavinsikt och beslut till att starta livsstilsförändring. Detta blev tydligt efter att personerna sågeffekterna av sina livsstilsförändringar. Det upplevdes värdefullt att göra hälsoundersökning avsamtliga deltagare och uppföljande besök ansåg alla vara av stor vikt.Förutsättningar för företagssköterskan att vara i det goda mötet i sitt hälsofrämjande arbetebehöver eftersträvas. Longitudinella studier kring personers upplevelse av företagshälsovårdenshälsoundersöknings betydelse för hållbar livsstilsförändring behövs i framtiden. / The occupational health nurse often comes into contact with clients’ unhealthy lifestyles duringa health examination. An increased knowledge in this area can guide and support theoccupational health nurse and occupational health services to develop strategies to support theindividual's health and well-being in a more efficient way.The purpose of this qualitative study was to examine the person's experience of occupationalhealth services which had significance for lifestyle changes.The selection criteria consisted of completed health examination at an occupational healthcenter conducted by an occupational health nurse. Furthermore, the sample criteria alsoconsisted of changes made by the client after a health examination. The analysis resulted in twothemes with four categories and eight subcategories. The two themes that emerged was "To bemet with interest and concern," and "Getting to know one’s illness and get a starting point howto change."The results showed that the occupational health nurse’s treatment and support were crucial inorder for clients to reflect on their health and be aware of their test results, which in turnmotivated clients to make lifestyle changes. This became clear after clients experienced theeffects of their lifestyle changes. All respondents felt that it was valuable to do a healthexamination and follow-up visits were of great importance.The empirical finding suggests that additional opportunities for the occupational health nurse tobe in the good forum in the work with health promotion are needed.Furthermore, future longitudinal studies regarding clients’ experience of occupational healthexaminations are of importance to sustainable lifestyle changes.
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Skolan, en arbetsplats att trivas på! : en studie om framgångsrika skolledares syn på lärares psykiska hälsaLorentzi, Ulrika, Tall, Therese January 2013 (has links)
Aim and questions The aim of our study was to increase knowledge about successful school managers' views on teachers' mental health and their own work regarding this subject. In what ways do the school manager work preventive with measures on teachers' mental health? How does leadership affects teachers' mental health? What factors create mental health among teachers? Method In order to answer the questions, we have chosen to use semi-structured interviews. To get in touch with schools that have been successful with their work with the teacher's mental health, we have made a targeted step wise sample where we contacted the primary managers of six randomly selected municipalities in Stockholms län. In total six school managers have been interviewed. The empiric data were thematized and analyzed based on the demand-control-support model. Results All the interviewed school managers agreed to that the concept of mental health is about feeling good, about balance in life and to feel safe. A clear, structured organization with clear responsibilities is of importantance for teachers in order to feel that they have control over their situation. A communicative and relationship-oriented leadership and support from both colleagues and school management can help teachers experience that they can master the demands placed on them. This support may include help to prioritize, to pay attention and be accessible as school management. The school managers also believe that to support the teachers´ self-confidence and let them take responsibility can help the teachers feel mentally well. Conclusions The school managers have a common view of how they work to make the teachers feel mentally well. The study showed that it is of importance for teachers' mental health, how they are able to respond to the demands placed on them. A clear organization and clear responsibilities increase the feeling of control. The managers have reflected much up on leadership and their way of organizing the school management. They have different strategies and approaches of how to show their support to the teachers, from supporting their self- confidence to showing them general appreciation. / Syfte och frågeställningar Syftet med vår studie har varit att öka kunskapen om framgångsrika skolledares syn på lärares psykiska hälsa och deras eget arbete avseende detta område. Hur arbetar skolledarna med preventiva åtgärder avseende lärares psykiska hälsa? Hur uppfattar skolledarna att ledarskapet påverkar lärares psykiska hälsa? Vilka faktorer skapar psykisk hälsa hos lärare? Metod För att besvara frågeställningarna har vi valt att använda oss av semistrukturerade intervjuer. Urvalet är baserat på ett riktat flerstegsurval då vår målsättning har varit att undersöka framgångsrika skolledningar avseende lärares psykiska hälsa. Totalt har sex skolledare intervjuats. Studiens empiri har tematiserats och analyserats utifrån krav- kontroll- stöd modellen. Resultat Skolledarna är eniga om att begreppet psykisk hälsa handlar om att må bra, om balans i livet och att känna sig trygg. Genomgående uttrycker skolledarna att en strukturerad och tydlig organisation, med tydliga ansvarsområden, ger viktiga förutsättningar för att lärarna ska uppleva att de har kontroll över sin situation. Ett kommunikativt och relationsinriktat ledarskap samt stöd från såväl kollegor som skolledning, kan enligt skolledarna hjälpa lärarna att känna att de mäktar med de krav som ställs på dem. Stödet kan bestå av hjälp att prioritera, att vara lyhörd och tillgänglig som skolledning. Faktorer som kan bidra till att lärare mår psykisk bra är vidare att lärarna får förtroende och möjligheter att ta eget ansvar. Slutsats Majoriteten av skolledarna i studien har en gemensam syn på hur de arbetar för att lärarna ska må psykiskt bra. Skolledarna uppfattar att lärares psykiska hälsa är starkt relaterad till hur väl lärarna lyckas förhålla sig till de krav som ställs på dem. En tydlig organisation och tydliga ansvarsområden ökar lärares känsla av kontroll. Skolledarna har olika strategier och arbetssätt för att ge stöd till lärarna, vilket de också menar spelar väsentlig roll för lärares arbetsmiljö. Skolledarna i studien har reflekterat mycket över sitt ledarskap och sitt sätt att organisera verksamheten.
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Proteomic study of microbiopsies from women with trapezius muscle pain and from healthy womenSjöström, Dick January 2013 (has links)
Trapezius myalgia is a pain condition that usually develops in people with repetitive and stressful work tasks, which can lead to chronic widespread pain (CWP). This work compares protein expression levels in healthy women with those in women who have chronic widespread pain, including pain in the trapezius muscle, by using a proteomic approach. Twodimensional gel electrophoresis and silver staining with a subsequent digital quantification of protein spots was used to detect spots which had significantly higher protein levels in either group. Preparative gels were made and stained with SYPRO Ruby, the protein spots that were significantly different between the groups were picked from the SYPRO Ruby gels and identified by matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry, MALDI-TOF. The optical density of seven protein spots were significantly decreased in the trapezius muscle of the CWP subjects; however the standard deviations were notably high. Five of the seven proteins could be identified as desmin, creatine kinase B-type, serum albumin, heat shock protein beta-1 and slow skeletal muscle troponin T. Apart from serum albumin, all these proteins can possibly be responsible for pain in the trapezius muscle in CWP. In conclusion, this study demonstrates that two-dimensional gel electrophoresis in combination with mass spectrometry is a powerful tool to identify potential biomarkers of musculoskeletal pain in subjects with CWP. The results may provide new insights into the mechanisms and patho-physiology of trapezius myalgia.
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Sambandet mellan transaktionellt– och transformellt ledarskap, hälsa och produktivitet : En kvantitativ enkätstudieSteele, Hannah Steele January 2018 (has links)
Bakgrund:I takt med att konkurrensen på arbetsmarknaden ökat, har även ohälsa och sjukfrånvaron bland medarbetare blivit högre. The Full Range Leadership Model består av ledarskapsstilarna transaktionellt och transformellt ledarskap. Forskning har visat att chefers ledarskapsbeteende har ett samband med medarbetarnas hälsa vilket gör det viktigt att kartlägga betydelsen av olika ledarskapsbeteenden för att bibehålla och öka medarbetarnas hälsa.Arbetsmiljön är en viktig aspekt att ta hänsyn till vid produktionsbortfall eftersom upplevda arbetsmiljöproblem kan påverka medarbetarnas prestation negativt. Sambandet mellan transaktionellt- och transformellt ledarskap och produktionsbortfall på grund av arbetsmiljöproblem är ännu inte kartlagt. Syfte:Syftet med studien var att undersöka sambandet mellan transaktionellt och transformellt ledarskap och hälsa samt produktionsbortfall på grund av arbetsmiljöproblem. Metod:Designen var en tvärsnittsstudie och datainsamlingen skedde via en elektronisk enkät. Totalt besvarade 101 individer enkäten. För att mäta hälsa användes en fråga om allmän hälsa ur SF36. Produktionsbortfall på grund av arbetsmiljöproblem mättes med två frågor. Ledarskapsstil mättes med en modifierad version av Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire. Initialt gjordes en korrelationsanalys med Pearson produktmomentskoefficent för att se vilka oberoende och bakomliggande variabler som hade ett linjärt samband med hälsa respektive produktionsbortfall på grund av arbetsmiljöproblem.En linjär multipel regressionsanalys användes för att besvara första frågeställningen. Resultat:Transformellt ledarskap hade ett samband med hälsa (b= 0,34, p = 0.02)men inte transaktionellt ledarskap. Transformellt ledarskap var den enda variabeln som hade ett linjärt samband med produktionsbortfall på grund av arbetsmiljöproblem. Däremot var den inte statistiskt signifikant när alfanivån sänktes till 0,05. Slutsats:Resultatet indikerar på att en ledare bör praktisera ett transformellt ledarskap för att främja medarbetarnas hälsa.
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Adopting a 'high road’ employee reward strategy improves workplace productivity and wellbeing / Adopting a 'high road’ employee reward strategy improves workplace productivity and wellbeingBrown, Robert January 2021 (has links)
Recent research suggests that democratising the workplace is an effective way of improving productivity and wellbeing. But few studies have focussed on how to democratise the workplace. This study aims to explore how organisations can democratise the workplace via employee reward strategy, and how this impacts productivity and wellbeing. I hypothesised that a ‘high road strategy’ to employee reward – maximising value rather than minimising cost – would be the most effective way of improving workplace productivity and wellbeing. I also hypothesised that reward strategies in the Nordic countries, which tend to resemble a high road strategy, would be more effective than reward strategies in the UK. I used quantitative analyses on the European Company Survey 2019 data set, exploring different components of a high road reward strategy as predictors of productivity and wellbeing. My results suggested that a high road strategy to employee reward does improve workplace productivity and wellbeing. The strategy consists of maximising employee representative influence (via frequent meetings with management) and reward system comprehensiveness (via emphasis on pay based on company performance); it does not require broad collective bargaining coverage. Nordic reward strategies were more effective than UK strategies: perhaps due to Nordic two-tier bargaining systems facilitating employee representative influence and an emphasis on pay based on company performance. Future research should explore other ways of maximising employee representative influence, as well as other components of a high road reward strategy.
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Sjuksköterskors upplevelser av arbetstidsförkortningBumbaroska, Ivana January 2020 (has links)
In order to reduce risk for burnout, discussions about reducing working hours (RWH) have taken place, as well a need for it has been acknowledged. This study focuses on the phenomena of RWH within emergency clinics. Consequently 12 nurses' own experiences of RWH reforms at two emergency clinics have been investigated. The collected data was later analyzed with content analysis. The result drawn from this study is that nurses have positive experiences of RWH on their overall health as it reduces stress, work overload and increases the time for recovery. RWS is also perceived to have positive effects on private, social and working life. However, RWH was found to be challenging for organizing the day shifts due to reduced overlapping time. Nurses expressed a need to be able to manage administrative tasks and carry out responsibilities without it happening at the expanse of RWH. This emphasized the need for better planning within RWH. Improved overall health and better life quality in turn enabled nurses to feel more energetic and perceive themselves being more empathetic during patient care which also improves patient safety. Better understanding of the phenomena and its effects can hopefully contribute to resolve shortcomings in working environments, which in turn may increase the opportunities for a more prosperous organization and long-term financial sustainability. / För att minska risken för utbrändhet i förtid har diskussioner kring att minska arbetstiden varit aktuella. Fokus för denna studie ligger på arbetstidsförkortning (ATF) på akutmottagningar och sjuksköterskors upplevelser av att arbeta med ATF. För att besvara syftet utfördes 12 semistrukturerade intervjuer med sjuksköterskor på två akutmottagningar. Insamlade data har senare transkriberats och analyserats med innehållsanalys. Resultatet visade att ATF upplevs positivt för hälsan då den bidrar till mindre stress, mindre arbetsbelastning, mer tid för återhämtning, bättre psykiskt och fysiskt välmående och välbefinnande. ATF upplevdes även positiv för balansen mellan privat och arbetsliv men utmanande för organisering av dagpassen. Det eftersom mindre överlappningstid resulterade i mindre avlastning från personal, vid höga patientflöden. Mer tid för att hinna utföra administrationsuppgifter och ansvarsområden samt bättre planering som inte inskränker ATF ansågs behövligt bland sjuksköterskorna. Generellt upplevdes ATF värdefull och bidragande till positiv och harmonisk inställning. Tack vare den upplevde sjuksköterskorna kunna jobba mer intensivt och prestera hela kvällspassen. Att orka mer samt vara mer harmonisk och empatisk i patientvården ansågs bidra till bättre patientsäkerhet. Resultat från studien är ett bidrag till det bristande forskningsområdet. Genom att veta hur sjuksköterskor upplever ATF kan fokus läggas på de eventuella brister och behov som finns på akutmottagningar. Detta kan öka möjligheten till en välmående organisation med långsiktig ekonomisk hållbarhet.
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