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Žmogaus gelbėjimo sąlygų, įvykus nelaimingiems atsitikimams žemės ūkio darbuose, tyrimas / Nelaimingas atsitikimas darbe, žemės ūkis, pasirengimas gelbėti, mirtinai traumuotasKuliešius, Edgaras 09 June 2009 (has links)
58 teksto puslapiai, 15 lentelių, 9 paveikslų, 52 literatūros šaltiniai, 5 priedai. Darbo tikslas – išanalizuoti žmonių gelbėjimo, įvykus nelaimingam atsitikimui, aktualumą, atskleisti problemos aktualumą žemės ūkio gamyboje, ištirti žemės ūkio darbuotojų pasirengimą gelbėti mirtinai traumuotą žmogų ir pasiūlyti priemones šiam pasirengimui gerinti. Nustatyta, kad 60-70 proc. iš visų nelaimingų atsitikimų (NA) įvyksta dėl neteisingų dirbančiojo veiksmų. Išnagrinėtos žmogaus psichofizinės savybės, dėl jų susiformuojantys veiksniai, kurie tampa NA priežastimi. Nustatytos kai kurios priemonės, mažinančios šių priežasčių pasireiškimą. Aukštesnis saugumo lygmuo gali būti pasiektas diegiant naujų, sudėtingesnių pažangios technologijos pavojų kontrolę, tam kad aukšto lygio saugumas panaikintų pažangios technologijos pavojus bei tos priemonės butų įgyvendintos. Lietuvoje žemės ūkis pagal įvykusių NA darbe skaičių yra šeštoje vietoje iš penkiolikos tarp visų ekonominės veiklos rūšių. Atlikus sociologinį tyrimą, kuriame dalyvavo 241 žemės ūkio darbuotojai iš įvairių Lietuvos regionų, buvo nustatyta, kad ūkininkai du kartus dažniau nei samdomi darbuotojai sugebėtų gaivinti staiga mirusį žmogų. Atlikus eksperimentinius tyrimus, paaiškėjo, kad pirmosios pagalbos mokymo efektyvumas priklauso nuo mokymo metodų. / Thesis of Master: 58 pages, 15 tables, 9 pictures, 52 sources of literature, 5 appendixes. Research goal – analyse people life saving urgency during accident, discover problem importance in agriculture industry, examine agriculturists preparation for life saving to man who is deadly traumatized and propose a new measures to improve this preparation. It is established, that 60-70 proc. of all accidents are occurred because of wrong worker actions. Person‘s psychophysical characteristics, factors caused by these characteristics that become the reasons of accidents werw investigated. It was foreseen some means that decrease display of these reasons. A higher level of safety may be achieved through control of the new, more complicated risks of advanced technology if high-level safety complicated risks of advanced technology if high-level safety engineering has been implemented. In Lithuania agriculture industry is the sixth from the top in the list of fifteen kinds of economical activity in means of number of work accidents. After sociological investigation among 241 agriculture workers from different regions of Lithuania, we have discovered twice more farmers, comparing with hired labour men, know, how to act, when work accident has occured. The expermental investigation results proved dependence of right training methods to higher effectiveness of first aid training.
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Psichosocialinių stresorių darbe ir psichologinio atsparumo ryšys su darbuotojų sveikatai palankiu elgesiu / Relationship of psychosocial stressors at work with employees‘ hardiness and health-promoting behaviourKiliotaitienė, Rasa 28 August 2012 (has links)
Tyrimo tikslai - įvertinti psichosocialinių stresorių išreikštumą darbuotojų grupėse atsižvelgiant į sociademografinius rodiklius ir nustatyti psichosocialinių stresorių darbe ir psichologinio atsparumo ryšį su darbuotojų sveikatai palankiu elgesiu.
Tyrimo metodas - anketinė apklausa.
Darbuotojų psichosocialiniams stresoriams nustatyti naudotas ilgasis COPSOQ II (2004-2005) klausimynas. Nustatant darbuotojų psichologinį atsparumą, panaudota dispozicinio psichologinio atsparumo skalė (angl. Dispositional Resilience Scale, DRS15-R, Bartone, 2007).
Tyrime dalyvavo 151 biuro darbuotojai, kurių amžius yra nuo 23 iki 55 metų.
Tyrimo rezultatai atskleidė, jog darbuotojų psichosocialinių stresorių vertinimas skiriasi skirtingose socialinėse demografinėse grupėse: darbuotojai vyrai labiau nei moterys linkę teigti, kad darbe turi dirbti dideliu tempu; vyresni darbuotojai labiau nei jaunesni patiria nesaugumo jausmą dėl darbo vietos, jaučia didesnį darbo-šeimos disbalansą ir konfliktą.
Kuo labiau darbuotojai subjektyviai vertina, kad darbo vietoje patiria didelį darbo krūvį, jų darbas reikalauja daug kognityvinių resursų, kuo labiau jie linkę manyti, kad turi slėpti savo emocijas darbo vietoje ir patiria didesni darbo-šeimos vaidmenų pusiausvyros konfliktą, mažiau jaučia savo įtaką darbo vietoje, mažesnes vystymosi galimybes, turi mažesnį darbo prasmės pojūtį, mažiau jaučiasi patenkinti savo atlygiu už darbą, mažiau aiškiai suvokia savo vaidmenį organizacijoje, prasčiau vertina... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The aims of the study were to assess the severity of psychosocial stressors employee groups according to sociodemographic indicators and to assess the relationship of psychosocial stressors at work employees‘ hardiness and health-promoting behaviour.
Methodological instrument – questionnaire. It was used The Copenhagen Psychosocial questionnaire COPSOQ II (2004-2005) to determine psychosocial stressors of employees. It was used Dispositional Resilience Scale, DRS15-R, Bartone, 2007 to determine psychological resistance of employees.
The subjects of the study were 151 of different gender, educational level, age (from 23 to 55), length.
The research results have shown that psychosocial stressors of employees is differ in different social demographic groups: man employees are more as women employees tend to suggest an opinion that the rate of work is high: older employees more as young suffer insecurity about working place, feel bigger work-family imbalance and conflict.
The more subjective the employees that work at a significant workload, they require a great deal of cognitive resources, the more they tend to believe that they have to hide their emotions in the workplace and are more work-family conflict, less feel their influence in the workplace, lower development opportunities, have lower sense of the meaning of work, the less feel satisfied with their rewards for the work, less understand their role clarity in the organization, value worse the quality of leadership, feel... [to full text]
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From civil war to development : a study of the contribution of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Angola (IELA) towards reconciliation, peace, reconstruction and development among the Ovawambo community in Southern Angola.Malua, Abraham Hatuikulipi. January 2003 (has links)
This thesis is a theological and practical challenge to the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Angola (IELA) on the issue of social development after the civil war, especially in the Cunene Province among the Ovawambo community. The thesis briefly examines the history of the Angolan civil war, and of the IELA. It notes the key development concerns facing the Ovawambo community. The focus of the thesis is centres on three themes namely: reconciliation and peace; reconstruction; and sustainable development strategies. The thesis argues that it is the responsibility of the IELA in the first place through its ministry of reconciliation to contribute to rebuilding the nation that has been destroyed by the civil war. In the second place it argues that since much of the social frame works have been changed due to civil war, a reconstruction approach is needed. In the last place, it argues that IELA should contribute fully to providing fruitful strategies for the sustainable development for the better life of the future generation. / Thesis (M.Th.)-University of Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 2003.
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Infortuni sul Lavoro e Rischi nel Mercato del Lavoro: Evidenze Empiriche / Workplace injuries and risk in the labour market: empirical evidenceMAZZOLINI, GABRIELE 01 February 2011 (has links)
La presente tesi si focalizza sullo studio delle determinanti e delle conseguenze del rischio sul lavoro e degli incidenti occupazionali nel mercato del lavoro. Il primo contributo (Capitolo 1) fornisce una rassegna critica all'interno di un quadro di analisi armonizzato allo scopo di evidenziare le debolezze della letteratura teorica ed empirica, che si occupa di rischio sul lavoro e dei incidenti occupazionali. Nell’ indagare le determinanti degli incidenti sul lavoro (Capitolo 2), si analizza il ruolo delle condizioni di lavoro e della sicurezza sul posto di lavoro nel ridurre la probabilità di un infortunio e la durata della relativa assenza, tema inesplorato nella limitata letteratura empirica. I nostri risultati forniscono evidenze cross-country che una maggiore sicurezza contribuisce a ridurre la probabilità che un incidente si verifichi e le corrispondenti conseguenze, in termini di giorni di assenza per infortunio. Particolare attenzione viene posta nel considerare il ruolo delle regolamentazioni sulla sicurezza e delle pratiche di organizzazione del lavoro. Il Capitolo 3 studia le conseguenze degli infortuni. Ci si concentra a determinare come un incidente possa influenzare i costi sostenuti dal lavoratori, vale a dire una riduzione delle probabilità di occupazione e perdite salariali, sia nel breve sia lungo periodo. Utilizzando i dati BHPS, si trova che, nel breve periodo, uno stato di infortunio, in seguito ad un incidente occupazionale, porta ad una maggiore probabilità di perdere il lavoro; nel lungo periodo, i lavoratori infortunati possono subire consistenti perdite salariali che possono essere evitate se il lavoratore è occupato nel settore pubblico o in imprese sindacalizzate. / This dissertation focuses on investigating the determinants and the consequences of risk at work and occupational accidents in the labour market. The first contribution (Chapter 1) provides a critical survey within an harmonized framework of analysis to highlight the weaknesses of the theoretical and empirical literature. In investigating the determinants of accidents at work (Chapter 2), we analyze the role of working conditions and safety at work in reducing the probability of accidents at work and the corresponding duration of absence, which is an unexplored issue in the limited empirically literature on risk at work and occupational accidents. Our findings provide cross-country evidence that more safety at work contributes to reduce the probability that an accident occurs and its consequences, in terms of days off from work. Particular attention is used in considering the role of safety at work regulations and of work organization practices. Chapter 3 studies the consequences of occupational injuries. We focus in determining how an accident may affect workers’ costs, namely a decline of employment probabilities and earning losses, either in the short or in the long term. Using the BHPS data, we find that, in the short term, a state of injury, following an occupational accident, leads to a higher probability of losing job; in the long term, injured workers may support significant earning losses that may vanish if they are employed in the public sector or in unionized firms.
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Empirical evaluation of the Steyn-Boers structural model of psychological well-being at workBoers, Maritsa 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MCom)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study recognised the importance of well-being of employees in today’s turbulent working environment. It departed from the notion that the sustainability of organisations is determined by the quality of its workforce and therefore employee well-being is a major priority. The well-being of employees is not a random occurrence, but rather a complex phenomenon. Any attempt to influence or change the well-being of employees should be grounded in a firm understanding of the complexity of the well-being phenomenon.
Steyn (2011) developed a Salotogenic Model of Occupational Well-being in an attempt to depict how positive psychological variables can be combined in a dynamic depiction of the nomological net of variables underlying the phenomenon of well-being in the workplace. The rationale for her study was that state-like Optimism and Self-efficacy will have a significant and direct positive effect on their Occupational Well-being, partly because of these psychological resources’ ability to foster positive expectations about the future, and partly because of the heightened sense of Organisational Commitment and Work Engagement facilitated by higher levels of Optimism and Self-efficacy. As a first adaption to the Steyn (2011) study, this study attempted to explicate the arguments that motivated the adaption and expansion of the original Steyn (2011) Salutogenic Model of Occupational Well-being, into the Steyn-Boers Structural Model of Psychological Well-being at Work. Set within the theoretical frameworks of Positive Organisational Behaviour (POB), the Broaden-and-Build theory (Fredrickson, 2001), as well as Hobfoll’s (1989) Conservation of Resource (COR) theory, the focus in this study was on explicating the nomological net ofariables underlying Subjective Well-being (SWB) and Psychological Well-Being at Work (PWBW), as two contemporary constructs well integrated into the Occupational Well-being literature. SWB was defined as both Hedonic Well-being (HWB) and Eudaimonic Well-being (EWB). HWB was further defined as Positive Affect (PA) and Negative Affect (NA). Well-being was contextualised in the work domain with Dagenais-Desmarais and Sovoie’s (2012) Psychological Well-being at Work (PWBW) construct. Hope, Resilience and Gratitude were included as additional psychological resources. Work Engagement was retained in the current study due to its central role in well-being. It was argued that Perceived Organisational Support (POS) and Psychological Ownership should further translate into better well-being and were therefore included in this study.
A non-experimental research design (i.e. survey study) was used to explore the relationships between the various constructs. A convenience sample of 199 respondents was recruited via a social media network platform, Facebook, (i.e. non probability sampling technique). The measurement instruments included were the Positive and Negative Affect Schedule (PANAS) (Watson, Clark & Tellegen, 1988); Ryff’s (1989) Psychological Well-being Scale; and the Index of Psychological Well-Being at Work, developed by Dagenais-Desmarais and Savoie (2012). The four constructs that constitute Psychological Capital (Hope, Optimism, Self-efficacy and Resilience) were measured with the Psychological Capital Questionnaire (Luthans, Avey & Avolio 2007a). Gratitude was measured with the Gratitude Questionnaire-Six-Item form (GQ-6), (McCullough, Emmons & Tsang, 2002) and Work Engagement was measured with the 9-item Utrecht Work Engagement Scale (UWES-9) (Schaufeli & Bakker, 2003). Perceived Organisational Support was measured by the Perceived Organisational Support Scale, (Eisenberger, Huntington, Hutchinson & Sowa, 1986) and Psychologocal Ownership was measured with the Psychological Ownership Questionnaire (Pierce, O’Driscoll & Coghlan, 2004).
Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) and item analysis were conducted to evaluate the reliability and validity of the measurement instruments. SEM was used to fit the structural model to the data to investigate the extent to which the abovementioned constructs were significant predictors of SWB and PWBW.
The results of the study revealed that different positive psychological resources predicted different aspects of well-being. For example, Hope had an indirect effect on both PA and PWBW, whilst Optimism had a direct effect on EWB and NA, with an indirect effect on PA and PWBW. Self-efficacy had a direct effect on EWB and Resilience a direct effect on PA. Optimism, as found in the Steyn (2011) study, thus played a very central role in overall well-being. Gratitude, although it had no direct effect on any of the well-being constructs, affected NA, PA, EWB and PWBW indirectly by working mainly through Optimism. Strong support that Work Engagement and Perceived Organisational Support contribute to the well-being of employees emerged. Psychological Ownership was the only construct that had no direct or indirect effect on well-being. It was argued that a possible explanation for this may be that Psychological Ownership might not be an antecedent to well-being, but rather a dimension thereof. The importance of this study was thus condensed in the knowledge that there are certain important antecedents to the management of PWBW. The results provide a probable explanation of the complex nomological net of variables and their interrelationships with each other, which influence Psychological Well-being at Work. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie herken die belangrikheid van werknemer welstand in vandag se ontwrigtende werksomgewing. Dit het vertrek vanaf die idee dat die volhoubaarheid van organisasies bepaal word deur die gehalte van sy werksmag en dus is werknemer welstand ‘n belangrike prioriteit. Die welstand van werknemers is nie ‘n ewekansige gebeurtenis nie, maar eerder ‘n komplekse verskynsel. Enige poging om die welstand van werknemers te beïnvloed of te verander, moet gegrond wees in ‘n ferm begrip van die kompleksiteit van die welstand verskynsel.
Steyn (2011) het ‘n Salutogeniese Model van Beroepswelstand ontwikkel in ‘n poging om uit te beeld hoe positiewe sielkundige veranderlikes gekombineer kan word in ‘n dinamiese voorstelling van die nomologiese net van veranderlikes, onderliggend aan die verskynsel van welstand in die werksplek. Die rasionaal vir haar studie was dat Optimisme en Self-doeltreffendheid ‘n beduidende en direkte positiewe effek op Beroepswelstand sou hê, deels as gevolg van die sielkundige hulpbronne se vermoë om positiewe verwagtinge vir die toekoms te bevorder, en deels as gevolg van die verhoogte gevoel van Organisasieverbintenis en Werksbetrokkenheid wat gefasiliteer word deur hoër vlakke van Optimisme en Self-doeltreffenheid. As ‘n eerste aanpassing tot die Steyn (2011) studie, het hierdie studie gepoog om die argumente wat die aanpassing en uitbreiding van die oorspronklike Steyn (2011) Salutogeniese Model van Beroepswelstand tot die Steyn-Boers Strukturele Model van Sielkundige Welstand by die Werk, te verduidelik. Met inagneming van die teoretiese raamwerke van Positiewe Organisasie Gedrag (POG), Uitbrei-en-Bou teorie (Fredrickson, 2001) en Hobfoll (1989) se Bewaring van Hulpbronne (BH) teorie, was die fokus van die studie op die uitspel van die nomologiese net van veranderlikes onderliggende aan Subjektiewe Welstand (SW) en Sielkundige Welstand by die Werk (SWW) as twee kontemporêre konstrukte goed geïntegreer in die Beroepswelstand literatuur. SW was omskryf as beide Hedoniese Welstand (HW) en Eudimoniese Welstand (EW). HW was verder gedefinieer in terme van Positiewe Affek (PA) en Negatiewe Affek (NA). Welstand is gekontekstualiseerd in die werk domein met Dagenais-Desmarais en Savoie (2012) se konstruk van Sielkundige Welstand by die Werk (SWW). Hoop, Veerkragtigheid en Dankbaarheid is ingesluit as addisionele Sielkundige Kapitaal. Werksbetrokkenheid is in die huidige studie behou oor sy sentrale rol tot welstand. Dit is aangevoer dat Waargenome Organisasie Ondersteuning (WOO) en Sielkundige Eienaarskap werkers se welstand verder sal bevorder en was dus ingesluit in die studie. ‘n Nie-eksperimentele navorsingsontwerp (d.w.s. ‘n vraelys studie) was gebruik om die verwantskappe tussen die verskillende konstrukte vas te stel. ‘n Gerieflikheidsteekproef van 199 respondente was gewerf via ‘n sosiale media netwerk platvorm, Facebook (d.w.s. ‘n nie waarskynlikheidsteekproefneming tegniek). Die meetinstrumente het ingesluit die Positiewe en Negatiewe Affek Skedule (PANAS) (Watson et al., 1988); Ryff (1989) se Sielkundige Welstand Skaal en die Indeks vir Sielkundige Welstand by die Werk wat ontwikkel is deur Dagenais-Desmarais en Savoie (2012). Die vier konstrukte waaruit Sielkunidge Kapitaal bestaan (Hoop, Optimisme, Self-doeltreffendheid en Veerkragtigheid) was gemeet met die Sielkundige Kapitaal Vraelys-24 (Luthans et al., 2007a). Dankbaarheid was gemeet met die Dankbaarheid Vraelys–Ses-Item vorm (DV-6) (McCullough et al., 2002) en Werksbetrokkenheid was gemeet met die 9-item Utrecht Werksbetrokkenheid Skaal (UWBS-9) (Schaufeli & Bakker, 2003). Waargenome Organisasie Ondersteuning is gemeet deur die Waargenome Organisasie Ondersteuning Skaal (Eisenberger et al., 1986) en Sielkundige Eienaarskap is gemeet met die Sielkundige Eienaarskap Vraelys (Pierce et al., 2004).
Bevestigende faktorontleding en item analise is gebruik om die betroubaarheid en geldigheid van die meetinstrumente te evalueer. Strukturele vergelyking modellering was gebruik om die strukturele model op die data te pas om vas te stel tot watter mate die bogenoemde konstrukte beduidende voorspellers van SW en SWW is. Die resultate van die studie het getoon dat die verskillende positiewe sielkundige hulpbronne, verskillende aspekte van welstand voorspel. Hoop het, byvoorbeeld, ‘n indirekte uitwerking op beide PA en SWW gehad; terwyl Optimisme n direkte invloed op EB en NA, met ‘n indirekte effek op PA en SWW getoon het. Self-doeltreffendheid het ‘n direkte invloed op EB, en Veerkragtigheid ‘n direkte invloed op PA, gehad. Optimisme, soos gevind in die Steyn (2011) studie, het ‘n baie sentrale rol in algehele welstand gespeel. Alhoewel Dankbaarheid geen direkte invloede op enige van die welstand konstrukte gehad het nie, het dit wel ‘n indirekte effek op PA, NA, EB en SWW gehad, meestal deur Optimisme. Sterk steun het na vore gekom dat Werksbetrokkenheid en Waargenome Organisasie Ondersteuning tot die welstand van werknemers bydra. Sielkundige Eienaarskap was die enigste konstruk wat geen direkte of indirekte invloed op welstand gehad het nie. Dit was geargumenteer dat ‘n moontlike verduideliking hiervoor mag wees dat Sielkundige Eienaarskap moontlik nie ‘n voorspeller van welstand is nie, maar eerder ‘n dimensie daarvan.
Die belangrikheid van hierdie studie is dus gekonsentreerd in die wete dat daar sekere belangrike voorspellers tot die bestuur van SWW is. Die resultate verskaf ‘n moontlike verduideliking van die komplekse nomologiese net van veranderlikes en hul onderlinge verbande met mekaar, wat sodoende Sielkundige Welstand by die Werk beïnvloed.
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Representações sociais da qualidade de vida no trabalho / Social representations of life quality at workIzabela Maria Rezende Taveira 30 November 2010 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / A qualidade de vida no trabalho é uma questão relevante para diversos campos de conhecimento e intervenção, a saber: saúde do trabalhador, saúde pública, previdência, segurança no trabalho, processos organizacionais, gestão de pessoas, entre outros. A qualidade de vida no trabalho influencia as atitudes e comportamentos dos trabalhadores frente ao mercado de trabalho e ante as empresas das quais fazem parte. A presente pesquisa possui um caráter descritivo e comparativo, tendo como objetivo geral a análise das representações sociais da qualidade de vida no trabalho construídas por trabalhadores das cidades de Juiz de Fora/MG e de Cataguases/MG, relacionando-as aos diferentes contextos e condições de trabalho e de vida cotidiana de tais trabalhadores. Para isso, foram formulados os seguintes objetivos específicos: descrever e analisar a representação social da qualidade vida; descrever e analisar a representação social da qualidade vida no trabalho; investigar a existência de um entrelaçamento entre as representações sociais da qualidade de vida e da qualidade de vida no trabalho; comparar as representações sociais da qualidade de vida no trabalho entre segmentos amostrais definidos por diferentes variáveis sociodemográficas (sexo, faixa etária, tipo de vínculo, segmento de atuação, escolaridade). A fundamentação teórica do estudo consistiu na perspectiva psicossocial das representações sociais, com ênfase sobre a sua abordagem estrutural. Para a coleta de dados foi construído um questionário com questões fechadas e abertas, ao qual foram associadas técnicas de pesquisa específicas da abordagem estrutural das representações sociais, a saber: evocações livres aos termos indutores qualidade de vida e qualidade de vida no trabalho e um questionário de caracterização. Participaram da pesquisa 309 trabalhadores, sendo 232 (75% da amostra) de Juiz de Fora/MG e 77 (25% da amostra) da cidade de Cataguases/MG, pertencentes a diferentes organizações. Os resultados revelam que as cognições constituintes do núcleo central da representação social da qualidade de vida foram saúde, trabalho-emprego e bem-estar e a primeira periferia foi formada pelos elementos: lazer, educação, família, boa vida financeira e moradia. Já a representação social da qualidade de vida no trabalho foi formada pelos elementos centrais: salário, condições de trabalho, respeito e bom ambiente de trabalho. Por outro lado, a primeira periferia foi composta pelos seguintes elementos: reconhecimento e desempenho-eficiência. Verificou-se um forte entrelaçamento entre tais representações mediante a centralidade da categoria trabalho no núcleo central da Representação Social da qualidade de vida. As comparações das representações sociais da qualidade de vida no trabalho entre os segmentos amostrais revelaram diferenças significativas. Somente homens e mulheres demonstraram uma mesma representação. Em relação ao caráter regionalizado da pesquisa, constatou-se que Juiz de Fora e Cataquases são cidades amplamente reconhecidas pela boa qualidade de vida que oferecem. Principalmente Juiz de Fora, em função das suas características provincianas mescladas com a agitação urbana e com a sua estrutura que também se assemelha às grandes capitais. Tais cidades, entretanto, foram criticadas em relação à qualidade das oportunidades profissionais que oferecem e que geram a evasão dos trabalhadores mais qualificados para os grandes centros. / Life quality at work is a relevant question to several fields of knowledge and intervention, namely: workers health, public health, welfare, occupational safety, organizational processes, people management, among others. Life quality at work influences attitudes and behaviors of workers faced with job market and before enterprises they belong to. This research has a descriptive and comparative character, having as general aim the analysis of social representations of life quality composed by workers from the cities of Juiz de Fora/MG and Cataguases/MG, relating them to diverse contexts and work conditions and to the quotidian of such workers. For this, the following specific aims were formulated: describe and analyze social representations of life quality; investigate the existence of an interlacement between social representations of life quality and quality life at work; to compare social representations of quality life at work between samples segments defined by several socialdemographic variables (sex, age, type of bond, actuation segment, schooling). The theoretical basis for the study consisted in the psychosocial perspective of social representations, with emphasis on its structural approach. To collect data a questionnaire was composed with closed and open questions, which were associated specific research techniques to the structural approach of social representations, namely: free evocations inductors to the terms life quality and life quality at work and a characterization questionnaire. 309 workers participated in the survey with 232 (75% of sample) of Juiz de Fora/MG and 77 (25% of the sample) from the city of Cataguases/MG, belonging to different organizations. The results show that the cognitions constituting the core of social representation of life quality were "health", "work-employment" and "welfare" and the first periphery was formed by the "leisure", "education", " family", " good financial life "and" housing ". Whereas social representation of quality life at work was composed by central elements: "salary", "working conditions", "respect" and "good work environment". On the other hand, the first periphery was composed by the following elements: recognition and performance-efficiency. A strong link was verified between these representations through the centrality of the category "work" at the core of the Social Representation of quality life. Comparisons of social representations of life quality at work between sample segments revealed significant differences. Only men and women showed the same representation. In relation to the regionalized character of the research, we found that Juiz de Fora and Cataguases are cities widely recognized by the quality life they offer. Mainly Juiz de Fora, based on its provincial characteristics merged with the urban buzz with its structure that also resembles to the great capitals. Those cities, however, were criticized for the quality of the professional opportunities they offer and that generate the avoidance of more skilled workers to major centers.
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Bien-être versus mal-être au travail des intervenants en milieux de protection de l'enfant en difficulté au Vietnam : approche systémique et active de l'activité de travail / Well-being versus malaise at work of interveners in the area of protection of children in difficulty in vietnamNguyen, Hanh Lien 16 December 2016 (has links)
Cette étude s’inscrit dans le champ de la psychologie sociale du travail et des organisations. Elle s’interroge sur la santé au travail sous l’angle du bien-être versus mal-être perçu des intervenants en milieux de protection de l’enfant en difficulté au Vietnam. Nous appuyant sur l’approche systémique et active, nous considérons que chaque individu au travail est un sujet « actif », « pluriel » et « prospectif » dans son processus de professionnalisation et personnalisation. Dans une démarche exploratoire, nous cherchons à montrer que la santé au travail des intervenants en milieux de protection de l’enfant vietnamien n’est pas seulement déterminée par leurs caractéristiques socio-biographiques et leurs contextes organisationnels, mais qu’elle est aussi modulée par leurs processus de signification de travail. L’analyse des données permet de décrire la population de recherche, d’abord, en termes de caractéristiques socio-biographiques, situationnelles et organisationnelle, et aboutit à une typologie des intervenants en 3 classes. Les caractéristiques de chacune de ces 3 classes sont en relation significative surtout avec la perception de consommation des produits addictifs (thé, café, alcool, bière, tabac, médicaments,..). Les résultats montrent que le sens que les sujets accordent à leur travail ainsi que leur valorisation des domaines de vie modulent la relation entre les caractéristiques des sujets avec leurs sentiments de bien-être vs mal-être : soit médiateur, soit modérateurs dans plusieurs cas significatif. En plus d’une contribution à décrire le bien-être vs mal-être des intervenants, ces résultats permettent non seulement d’étayer de précédents acquis théoriques mais aussi de formuler des recommandations pratiques. Sur le plan théorique, ils enrichir la notion de «sujet pluriel». Au niveau pratique, ils proposent des stratégies d’amélioration des conditions de travail qui visent à faciliter l’insertion professionnelle des intervenants. / This study aims the field of social psychology of work and organizations. It gets focused on health in terms of wellbeing versus malaise at woks for interveners in the area of protection of children in difficulty in Vietnam. Based on the systematic and active approach, we consider that every individual at work is an "active", "plural" and "prospective" subject in his professionalization and personalization.In this exploratory approach, we seek to show that the health of interveners in Vietnamese childhood protection is not only determined by their socio-biographical characteristics and organizational contexts, but is also modulated by their process meaning of work. Analysis of the results for describing the research’s population, at first, in terms of socio-biographical characteristics, situational and organizational in the way of isolation; and then provide a typology of interveners identified in three classes. Characteristics of each of these 3 classes have a significant relationship with the consumption of addictive products (like tee, coffee, alcohol, beer, tabac, medications,...). The results show that the meaning that subjects give to their work and their valuation living areas modulate the relationship between the characteristics of subjects with their feelings of wellbeing vs malaise, either mediator or moderators in several significant cases. On top of a contribution describing wellbeing vs malaise of interveners, these results offer recommendations, not only theoretically but as well practical. Theoretically, they enrich the notion of “plural subject”. Practically, they lead to proposals for working condition’s improvement strategies aiming to case the integration of interveners.
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The forgotten or sidelined human right to leisure / El olvidado o relegado derecho humano al disfrute del tiempo libreUlloa Millares, Daniel Augusto 10 April 2018 (has links)
The culture of presenteeism is deeply rooted in our labor practice and looks bad (or very bad) that an employee cease its work on time, calling uncommitted or “bureaucrat”, which is paradoxical because there are thousands of public servers that do not have a maximum working time. What is not assimilated is that working time is the opposite of free time, which all the hours you’re at work are hours when you do not have freedom to do other things (studying, going to the movies, spending time with family, etc.). And that can cause illness or even kill the employee. This paper seeks to reflect on this important subject in the lives of individuals. / La cultura del presentismo se encuentra muy arraigada en nuestra práctica laboral y se ve mal (o muy mal) que un trabajador cese sus labores a su hora, calificándolo de poco comprometido o de “burócrata”, lo cual es paradójico porque son miles los servidores públicos que no cuentan con una jornada máxima de trabajo. Lo que no se asimila es que el tiempo de trabajo es lo contrario del tiempo libre, con lo cual todas las horas que uno está en el trabajo son horas en las que no cuenta con libertad para hacer otras cosas (estudiar, ir al cine, pasar tiempo con la familia, etc.). Y eso puede causar enfermedades o hasta la muerte al trabajador. El presente trabajo busca reflexionar sobre este tema tan importante en la vida de las personas.
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Os saberes e as práticas de trabalho : um estudo do processo de aprendizagem dos profissionais cinegrafistas em uma emissora de televisão de Porto AlegreFerrazza, Dayane Scopel January 2015 (has links)
O objetivo desse estudo é compreender os saberes desenvolvidos nas práticas de trabalho e nas trajetórias de vida de um grupo de cinegrafistas, de uma emissora de televisão. A compreensão dos saberes desenvolvidos nas práticas do grupo pesquisado segue a perspectiva da aprendizagem baseada em prática à luz do knowing in practice. Para atingir o objetivo, se fez necessária, além da análise dos saberes e das práticas predominantes no cotidiano desses profissionais, a identificação de como, no desenvolvimento dessas práticas, os processos de aprendizagem estão relacionados. O estudo foi desenvolvido através da metodologia de histórias de vida, com a utilização de vídeos de matérias trazidos pelos próprios entrevistados, para que eles pudessem contar sobre suas experiências a partir de uma situação real e visível. As entrevistas foram realizadas, entre os meses de julho e agosto de 2014, com cinco cinegrafistas da mesma emissora de televisão, com tempos de profissão distintos, para possibilitar a análise de diferentes percepções. Seus relatos possibilitaram constituir o percurso profissional de cada entrevistado, identificando os saberes relacionados. A descrição do cotidiano de trabalho dos cinegrafistas entrevistados permitiu entender a relação entre os saberes constituídos, durante a história de vida de cada um, e a (re)produção das práticas e seus processos de aprendizagem. Evidenciou-se que práticas, saberes e aprendizagem aparecem simultaneamente, durante as rotinas de trabalho, quer através de subsídio verbal dos colegas mais experientes, quer através da observação e da vivência em diferentes situações, durante as gravações. A pesquisa sinalizou não somente a complexidade dos saberes envolvidos, por estarem vinculados a uma série de práticas heterogêneas, mas também peculiaridades da profissão foram desvendadas durante as conversas. Para desempenhar suas tarefas, os cinegrafistas adaptam seus corpos e consideram os equipamentos de gravação como uma extensão deles. Adaptam também a mente, pois as gravações exigem grande esforço cognitivo, relacionado à capacidade de improviso, ao controle das emoções e ao julgamento do que é esperado pelo telespectador. O estudo mostrou a possibilidade de articulações teóricas entre os conceitos do knowing in practice e a realidade vivenciada pelos cinegrafistas. Indicou também que os saberes são complexos e estão vinculados a uma rede de práticas; são aprendidos e desenvolvidos por meio das relações e das experiências e impulsionados pelas necessidades de cada imagem a ser capturada. / The aim of this study is to understand the knowledge developed in working practices and life trajectories of a cameramen group of a television station. The understanding of the knowledge gained in the activities of the group observed is based on the learning perspective of practice-based in the light of knowing in practice. In order to achieve the goal, it was necessary to analyze the prevailing knowledge and practices in the daily life of these professionals. It was also necessary to identify how the learning processes are related in the development of these practices. The study was conducted by using the methodology of life stories, by using videos of materials brought by the interviewees so that they could narrate their experiences from a real and visible situation. The interviews were carried out between the months of july and august 2014, with five cameramen from the same television station with different career time to enable the analysis of different perspectives. Based on the reports, it was possible to structure the career path that each interviewee came from, identifying the related knowledge. The description of the daily work of the cameramen allowed the understanding of the relationship between the knowledge acquired during the life story of each one and the (re) production practices and their learning processes. It was possible to prove that practices, knowledge and learning appear simultaneously during their work routines, be it with the verbal assistance of more experienced colleagues or through the observation and experience in different situations during the recording. Not only did the research indicate the complexity of the knowledge involved, which is linked to a number of heterogeneous practices, but also showed the industry peculiarities which have been elucidated during the conversations undertaken. In order to perform their tasks, the filmmakers adapt their bodies, already considering the recording equipment as an extension of them, and also adapt their minds, because the recordings required a great cognitive effort, related to the ability to improvise, to control emotions and to judge what is expected by the viewer. The study indicated the possibility of theoretical links between the concepts of knowing in practice and the reality experienced by the cameramen. It also indicated that knowledge is complex and linked to a network of practices; it is also learned and developed through relationships and experiences, which are driven by the needs of each image to be captured.
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A prática da ginástica laboral como ferramenta da melhoria na qualidade de vida em uma instituição pública federalMelo, Ângela Rosana Ferreira de January 2015 (has links)
A globalização e o avanço da tecnologia nos impõem uma série de questionamentos sobre as relações de trabalho, o papel das organizações em que estamos inseridos e a inter-relação destes diversos segmentos em nosso dia-a-dia. Atualmente, muitas organizações vêm desenvolvendo ações com o objetivo de aprimorar a qualidade de vida no trabalho a partir de uma visão mais integrada do ser humano, procurando despertar seus servidores para o gerenciamento da própria saúde e estilo de vida. Este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar o panorama da Ginástica Laboral (GL) adotada no Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico – CNPq, Instituição vinculada à Administração Pública Federal, evidenciando a importância desta atividade como uma ferramenta efetiva para viabilizar hábitos saudáveis no ambiente de trabalho e a melhoria da qualidade de vida dos servidores da carreira de C&T em atividade. Especificamente, pretendeu-se conhecer a forma como os servidores da referida instituição vivenciam e interpretam o seu trabalho e a qualidade de vida, uma vez que: (a) a importância da GL para os servidores no ambiente de trabalho, é uma realidade e constrói-se pela forma como é percebida e como lhe é conferida de significado, (b) Identificar quais as mudanças ocorre na vida dos praticantes diário com a prática da GL e atentar a compreensão dos acontecimentos que só é possível de forma contextualizada e, (c) Relatar os motivos da resistência à prática por um percentual de servidores. A metodologia da pesquisa foi de natureza quali-quantitativa, exploratória e descritiva, com base na observação da autora sobre conversa informa no grupo focal. Verificou-se, por meio dos resultados que a pratica diária da GL no ambiente de trabalho é uma ferramenta auxiliar no processo de ensino-aprendizagem para a melhoria da qualidade de vida, promoção de saúde e aquisição de hábitos saudáveis, socialização e relacionamento interpessoal, ensejando a integração da teoria com a prática. Os resultados ratificaram que 100 % dos praticantes afirmaram que a GL é muito importante, e que influenciou na decisão da pratica regular de exercícios físicos, na correção postural e coordenação motora. Quanto às resistências vários foram os motivos alegados, tais como: influência do meio, falta de interesse, acúmulo de atividades, motivos particulares, desmotivação, fazer e/ou preferir outra atividade, sem motivos para não realizar. / Globalization and the advances of technology imposes a series of questions about labor relations, the role of the organizations in which we operate and the interrelation of these different segments in our daily life. Currently, many organizations have been developing actions aiming to improve the quality of life at work from a more integrated view of the human being, in order to stimulate your employees to act for the management of health and lifestyle. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the Laboral Gymnastics (LG) adopted at the Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico - CNPq, a Brazilian Federal Institution, highlighting the importance of this activity as an effective tool to make healthy habits in the workplace and the improvement of quality of life of the actual employees. Especificamente, este estudo objetiva conhecer a forma como os servidores do CNPq vivenciam e interpretam o seu trabalho e a qualidade de vida, uma vez que a importância da GL é uma realidade construída pela forma como esta atividade é percebida e como lhe é conferido significado. Since the importance of LG is a reality built from the way this activity is perceived, this study aims specifically to know how the employees of CNPq experience and interpret their work and the quality of life. So, we sought to identify which changes occurred in the lives of the employees that practice LG daily, in order to understand the events in a contextualized view, as well as report the reasons for possible resistance to the practice of LG. The survey was quali-quantitative, exploratory and descriptive based on the author's observation about informal conversations with focus group participants. The results indicates that the daily practice of the LG in the workplace is an auxiliary tool to improve the quality of life, the promotion of health and the acquisition of healthy habits, such as the regular practice of exercises, and also the correction and improvement in motor coordination. About the resistance to the practice of LG the main justifications presented were: influence of the environment, lack of interest, accumulation of activities, personal reasons, demotivation and doing or prefering another activity.
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