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Crimes de perigo abstrato e a questão da tentativa: limites da antecipação da tutela penal / Abstract danger crime attempted: limits of anticipated criminal law intervention.Catherine Ruriko Sato 12 November 2012 (has links)
Esta dissertação busca estabelecer limites ao Direito Penal na questão da tentativa de crimes de perigo abstrato. Esse estudo refere-se ao complexo tema dos limites do Direito Penal e seus importantes resultados. O tema é abordado de acordo com o ordenamento jurídico brasileiro, incluindo um breve estudo sobre a natureza do perigo, a teoria do bem jurídico e as diversas teorias de interpretação dogmática dos crimes de perigo abstrato. Como resultado, foi detectada a necessidade de um estudo combinado da estrutura do bem jurídico e da avaliação dogmática dos crimes de perigo abstrato para se tratar do tema da legitimidade. / This dissertation intends to stabilish limits to Criminal Law in the matter of abstract crime of danger attempted. This essay refers to the complex theme of Criminal Law in Risk Societys limits and its important outcomes. The approach is based on an analysis of Criminal Law legitimacy according to the Brazilian Law, including, a brief study on the nature of danger, the legally protected interest and the several theories of abstract crime of danger dogmatic interpretations. As a result, it was detected the need for a combined study of the Rechtsgut (legally protected interest) structure and the dogmatic evaluation of abstract crime of danger to treat the legitimacy issue.
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Motivos da tentativa de suicídio expressos por homens usuários de álcool e outras drogas / Motives of suicide attempt expressed by men users of alcohol and other drugsRibeiro, Danilo Bertasso 10 December 2014 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Men's health nowadays has been addressed in some studies. This follows from the morbidity and mortality increase that has affected this population. Among deaths due to external causes, suicide is the third leading cause of death that affects men. Given these findings, this research aims to comprehend the reasons why the suicide attempt in male alcohol and/or other drugs users. This is a qualitative, Sociological phenomenological perspective based on the theoretical and methodological framework of Alfred Schütz, held at the Center for Psychosocial Care of Alcohol and Drug (CPC - Ad) "Paths of the Sun" in Santa Maria, Rio Grande do Sul. Research subjects were male adults, aged from 24 to 50 year old, alcohol and/or other drugs users, attempted suicide and who were undergoing treatment in this service. Data collection occurred in December 2011, through the phenomenological interview, recorded, which was closed after the 11th meeting empathic when they realized the sufficiency of meanings. We developed the analysis and interpretation of the testimonies, which were used by authors elaborate the steps of national nursing field references on Phenomenological Sociology of Alfred Schütz. We respected ethics, according to Resolution N º 196/96 of the National Health Board in the comprehensive analysis of typical action of the men who carried out the suicide attempt, three categories were revealed concrete: Suicide attempt for alcohol and other drugs use revealed that the use, dependence and withdrawal symptoms of alcohol and other drugs use and various circumstances of the biographical situation experienced contributed to the suicidal action; Suicide Attempt for world situations in the family life - related to biographic situation of men in everyday family life, interpersonal relations in this troubled context, constituted by the lack of attention, dialogue, listening and dependence on alcohol and other drugs that contributed to these men feel like a nuisance to the family; Suicide Attempt for experienced feelings in daily life - presented verbalization of distress feelings, externalized through the consciousness of men to carry out the suicide attempt, which were: low self-esteem, difficulty verbalizing anguish, guilt, cowardice, weakness, rejection, heartbreak, loneliness, sadness and hopelessness in relation to meaning in life. It is hoped that this study will provide grants to health care professionals so that they understand the motives that lead individuals, especially men, to suicidal action and thus, develop strategies for suicide prevention. / A saúde masculina nos últimos anos vem sendo abordada em alguns estudos. Isto decorre do aumento da morbimortalidade que tem acometido esta população. Entre os óbitos por causas externas, o suicídio é a terceira maior causa de morte que atinge os homens. Em virtude desses achados, esta pesquisa tem como objetivo compreender os motivos porque da tentativa de suicídio em homens usuários de álcool e outras drogas. Trata-se de uma pesquisa qualitativa, fenomenológica, na perspectiva do referencial teórico-filosófico da Sociologia Fenomenológica de Alfred Schütz, realizada no Centro de Atenção Psicossocial Álcool e Drogas (CAPS Ad) Caminhos do Sol no município de Santa Maria, Rio Grande do Sul. Os sujeitos da pesquisa foram homens adultos, na faixa etária de 24 a 50 anos, usuários e/ou dependentes de álcool e outras drogas que tentaram suicídio e que realizavam tratamento nesse serviço. A coleta das informações ocorreu no mês de dezembro de 2011, por meio da entrevista fenomenológica, gravada, a qual foi encerrada após onze encontros, quando se percebeu a convergência nos discursos. Foi desenvolvida a análise e interpretação compreensiva dos depoimentos, na qual foram utilizados os passos elaborados por autores da área de enfermagem que são referências nacionais da Sociologia Fenomenológica de Alfred Schütz. Foram respeitados os aspectos éticos, conforme Resolução Nº 196/96 do Conselho Nacional de Saúde. Na análise compreensiva do típico da ação dos homens que realizaram a tentativa de suicídio, foram desveladas três categorias concretas: Tentativa de suicídio pelo uso de álcool e outras drogas revelou que o consumo, a dependência e os sintomas da abstinência de álcool e outras drogas e as diversas circunstâncias da situação biográfica vivida contribuíram para a ação suicida; Tentativa de suicídio pelas situações do mundo da vida familiar relacionou a situação biográfica dos homens no cotidiano da vida familiar, relações intersubjetivas conturbadas neste âmbito, constituídas pela falta de atenção, diálogo, escuta e a dependência de álcool e outras drogas, que contribuíram para estes homens sentirem-se como um incômodo para a família; Tentativa de suicídio por sentimentos vividos no cotidiano apresentou sentimentos de aflição, externalizada por meio da consciência dos homens ao realizar a tentativa de suicídio, os quais foram: baixa autoestima, dificuldades para verbalizar angústias, culpa, covardia, fraqueza, não aceitação, decepções amorosas, solidão, tristeza e desesperança em relação ao sentido na vida. Espera-se que o presente estudo forneça subsídios aos profissionais de saúde para que estes compreendam os motivos que levam os homens à ação suicida e, desta maneira, elaborar estratégias de prevenção ao suicídio.
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Nervous system medications and suicidal ideation and behaviour:the Northern Finland Birth Cohort 1966Rissanen, I. (Ina) 12 May 2015 (has links)
The aim of this thesis was to explore the associations between the use of nervous system medications and suicidal ideation and behaviour in various different diagnostic groups in a large population-based cohort.
Information on prescribed antipsychotic, antidepressant, benzodiazepine and antiepileptic medications within the Northern Finland Birth Cohort 1966 was collected from the register of the Social Insurance Institution of Finland and from a postal questionnaire sent to all cohort members in 1997. The presence of suicidal ideation and depression and anxiety symptoms was assessed via the Hopkins Symptom Checklist-25 questionnaire in 1997. Data on suicides were collected from the cause-of-death statistics and on suicide attempts from the Finnish Care Register for Health Care in a 15-year follow up.
The use of antipsychotic, antidepressant, or benzodiazepine medication was associated with increased suicidal ideation, suicide attempts, and suicides. Antiepileptic medication was not associated with increased suicidality. The polypharmacy of nervous system medications was associated with increased suicidality. All nervous system medications were associated with increased severity of depression and anxiety symptoms. When depression and anxiety symptoms were taken into account, most of the associations between medication and suicidal ideation were statistically non-significant.
Regarding specific groups, among those who did not have psychosis, high doses of antipsychotic medication correlated particularly with increased suicidal ideation even when other symptoms of depression and anxiety were taken into account. Among those with insomnia, the use of antidepressant medication associated with increased suicidal ideation also when other symptoms were taken into account.
Although nervous system medication is associated with increased suicidal ideation, the association with other symptoms is also strong, and therefore it could not be stated that medication associates specifically with suicidal ideation. However, certain groups, i.e., non-psychotic subjects with high doses of antipsychotic medication, or subjects with insomnia and using antidepressant medication, should be closely monitored as they could be more vulnerable to suicidal ideation. / Tiivistelmä
Tämän väitöstutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli tutkia hermostoon vaikuttavien lääkkeiden, lähinnä psykoosilääkkeiden, masennuslääkkeiden, bentsodiatsepiinien sekä epilepsialääkkeiden, yhteyttä itsetuhoisiin ajatuksiin, itsemurhayrityksiin ja itsemurhiin. Aihetta tutkittiin eri diagnoosiluokissa suuressa väestöaineistossa, Pohjois-Suomen vuoden 1966 syntymäkohortissa.
Tieto tutkimushenkilöiden lääkkeenkäytöstä vuodelta 1997 kerättiin Kelan lääkeostorekisteristä sekä postikyselyn avulla. Itsetuhoisten ajatusten ja muiden masennus- ja ahdistusoireiden vakavuutta mitattiin Hopkins Symptom Checklist-25 -kyselyn avulla vuonna 1997. Tieto itsemurhista kerättiin 15 vuoden seurannassa kuolinsyyrekisteristä ja tieto itsemurhayrityksistä hoitoilmoitusrekisteristä.
Psykoosilääkkeiden, masennuslääkkeiden ja bentsodiatsepiinien käyttö oli yhteydessä lisääntyneisiin itsetuhoisiin ajatuksiin, itsemurhayrityksiin ja itsemurhiin. Epilepsialääkkeet eivät liittyneet itsetuhoisuuteen. Usean hermostoon vaikuttavan lääkkeen yhtäaikainen käyttö oli yhteydessä lisääntyneeseen itsetuhoisuuteen. Kaikki hermostoon vaikuttavat lääkkeet liittyivät lisääntyneisiin masennus- ja ahdistusoireisiin. Kun lääkityksen yhteys masennus- ja ahdistusoireisiin otettiin huomioon, lääkkeet eivät olleet erityisesti yhteydessä itsetuhoisiin ajatuksiin.
Diagnostisten ryhmien välillä ei ollut eroa hermostoon vaikuttavien lääkkeiden ja itsemurhayritysten tai itsemurhien välisessä yhteydessä. Henkilöillä, joilla ei ole psykoosia, suuremmat psykoosilääkeannokset olivat yhteydessä itsetuhoisten ajatusten vakavuuteen kun muiden masennus- ja ahdistusoireiden vakavuus otettiin huomioon. Unettomuudesta kärsivillä henkilöillä masennuslääkkeen käyttö oli liittyi lisääntyneisiin itsetuhoisiin ajatuksiin kun muut oireet huomioitiin.
Hermostoon vaikuttavat lääkkeet ovat yhteydessä lisääntyneisiin itsetuhoisiin ajatuksiin, mutta ne ovat myös vahvasti yhteydessä muihin masennus- ja ahdistusoireisiin. Tietyt henkilöt voivat kuitenkin olla erityisen herkkiä nimenomaan itsetuhoisille ajatuksille, ja heitä tulisi seurata erityisen tiiviisti. Tällaisia ovat henkilöt, joilla ei ole psykoosia, mutta jotka käyttävät suuria psykoosilääkeannoksia, sekä vakavasta unettomuudesta kärsivät henkilöt, jotka käyttävät masennuslääkettä.
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Suicides and Suicide Attempts during Long-Term Treatment with Antidepressants: A Meta-Analysis of 29 Placebo-Controlled Studies Including 6,934 Patients with Major Depressive DisorderBraun, Cora, Bschor, Tom, Franklin, Jeremy, Baethge, Christopher 22 May 2020 (has links)
Background: It is unclear whether antidepressants can prevent suicides or suicide attempts, particularly during longterm use. Methods: We carried out a comprehensive review of long-term studies of antidepressants (relapse prevention). Sources were obtained from 5 review articles and by searches of MEDLINE, PubMed Central and a hand search of bibliographies. We meta-analyzed placebo-controlled antidepressant RCTs of at least 3 months’ duration and calculated suicide and suicide attempt incidence rates, incidence rate ratios and Peto odds ratios (ORs). Results: Out of 807 studies screened 29 were included, covering 6,934 patients (5,529 patient-years). In total, 1.45 suicides and 2.76 suicide attempts per 1,000 patient-years were reported. Seven out of 8 suicides and 13 out of 14 suicide attempts occurred in antidepressant arms, resulting in incidence rate ratios of 5.03 (0.78–114.1; p = 0.102) for suicides and of 9.02 (1.58–193.6; p = 0.007) for suicide attempts. Peto ORs were 2.6 (0.6–11.2; nonsignificant) and 3.4 (1.1–11.0; p = 0.04), respectively. Dropouts due to unknown reasons were similar in the antidepressant and placebo arms (9.6 vs. 9.9%). The majority of suicides and suicide attempts originated from 1 study, accounting for a fifth of all patient-years in this meta-analysis. Leaving out this study resulted in a nonsignificant incidence rate ratio for suicide attempts of 3.83 (0.53–91.01). Conclusions: Therapists should be aware of the lack of proof from RCTs that antidepressants prevent suicides and suicide attempts. We cannot conclude with certainty whether antidepressants increase the risk for suicide or suicide attempts. Researchers must report all suicides and suicide attempts in RCTs.
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Traumatic suicide attempt due to lack of remuneration to clergy by the church : a pastoral care perspectiveGugushe, Joseph Mongezi January 2014 (has links)
The focus of this study was on traumatic suicide attempt due to lack of
remuneration to the clergy by the church: a pastoral care perspective. The
assumption was that no one in the church took responsibility of caring for
clergy families. Trauma referred to a spiritual wound in the soul of humankind
and it is a spiritual event when humankind was experiencing loss of faith, loss
of hope, loss of trust, loss of meaning, loss of innocence and when the spiritual
wound was being healed spiritually. Suicide was defined as purely personal act
that appeared to be entirely the outcome of the extreme personal unhappiness of
the minister who as a result of non-payment of their stipend by the church. The
operational framework of research methodology included: the research design,
literature review and interviews; data collection method and data analysis and
interpretation. The Uniting Presbyterian Church in Southern Africa belongs to the Reformed family of the Protestant churches. In this project, semi-structured
scheduled interview open-ended Questions were designed to allow interviewers
free movement. The concluding chapter dealt with research findings and
recommendations to the church. / Dissertation (MA Theol)--University of Pretoria, 2014. / gm2014 / Practical Theology / unrestricted
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Intensivvårdssjuksköterskans upplevelse av att vårda patienter som utfört suicidförsök : En intervjustudie / The intensive care nurses’ experience of caring for patients who have attempted suicide. : an interview studyNilsson, Lina, Gadd, Johanna January 2020 (has links)
Bakgrund: Suicid och suicidförsök är ett känt folkhälsoproblem både internationellt och nationellt. I Sverige är det ca 15 000 personers som utför suicidförsök varje år och över 150 000 personer lider av allvarliga suicidtankar. En del av dessa patienter kommer att behandlas inom intensivvården, vilket ställer stora krav på intensivvårdssjuksköterskans professionella och etiska förhållningssätt i interaktionen med patienten och anhöriga, för att bygga upp och säkerställa en god vårdande relation Syfte: Syftet med studien var att belysa intensivvårdssjuksköterskans upplevelse av att vårda patienter som utfört suicidförsök. Metod: En kvalitativ intervjustudie med induktiv ansats användes. Tio intensivvårdssjuksköterskor inkluderades i studien. Datainsamling genomfördes med hjälp av semistrukturerade intervjuer som analyserades med hjälp av en kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Resultat: Resultatet presenteras genom fyra kategorier; Upplevelsen av svårigheter i mötet med patienten, Upplevelsen av begränsningar i omvårdnadsarbetet, Upplevelsen av svåra tankar i omvårdnadsarbetet och Upplevelsen av otillräckligt stöd från olika professioner. Resultatet påvisar sjuksköterskornas upplevelse av bristande samarbete mellan professioner, bristande utbildning och känslomässigt engagemang. Vilket ger en känsla av frustration som leder till svårigheter i mötet med den nämnda patientgruppen. Slutsats: I den kliniska vården finns det flera centrala faktorer som kan gynna eller försvåra vårdandet av patienter som försökt begå suicid såsom kommunikationen i mötet med patienten, sjuksköterskans professionella roll och tvärprofessionell samverkan mellan kliniker samt utbildning och kompetens. Som blivande intensivvårdssjuksköterskor anser författarna att studien ger viktiga infallsvinklar i ämnet som kan vara användbara och stärka den kommande yrkesrollen. Det kan upplevas känslomässigt komplicerat att behandla patientgruppen, detta i sin tur är viktigt att följa upp och ses över av enhetschefer och ansvariga för yrkesgruppen.
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FARC-EP / FARC-EPKubátová, Eva January 2011 (has links)
This thesis was devoted to the topic FARC-EP Fuerzas armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia - Ejército del Pueblo (Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia - People's Army). The first part surveys the history of the guerrilla organization from its beginnings to the present. As the beginning of the Colombian guerrilla groups is considered Colombia's La Violencia civil war between 1948-1958 which was caused by disagreements between liberal and conservative party. FARC-EP incurred as a rural guerrilla movement of the Communist Party fraction, and they followed the Marxist doctrine. However, the communist ideals were nowadays replaced by the desire for more power and finance. The historical part of this work was therefore also dedicated to find answers to what is the organizational structure of the FARC, what is the origin of their financing and what are their current targets. In the second part of the thesis the media covering the period from 1st January 2002 to 31st August 2010 was analyzed. This period begins seven months before the onset of ex-president Alvaro Uribe Velez to the presidency after Andres Pastrana and ends one month after the onset of the new president Juan Manuel Santos. It includes more than two presidential periods of Alvaro Uribe and events that contributed to his election, and also the end of...
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Comorbidity patterns in adolescents and young adults with suicide attemptsWunderlich, Ursula, Bronisch, Thomas, Wittchen, Hans-Ulrich January 1997 (has links)
The role of comorbidity as a risk for suicide attempts is investigated in a random sample of 3021 young adults aged 14–24 years. The M-CIDI, a fully standardized and modified version of the Composite International Diagnostic Interview, was used for the assessment of various DSM-IV lifetime and 12-month diagnoses as well as suicidal ideation and suicide attempts. Of all suicide attempters, 91% had at least one mental disorder, 79% were comorbid or multimorbid respectively and 45% had four or more diagnoses (only 5% in the total sample reached such high levels of comorbidity). Suicide attempters with more than three diagnoses were 18 times more likely (OR = 18.4) to attempt suicide than subjects with no diagnosis. Regarding specific diagnoses, multivariate comorbidity analyses indicated the highest risk for suicide attempt in those suffering from anxiety disorder (OR = 4.3), particularly posttraumatic stress disorder followed by substance disorder (OR = 2.2) and depressive disorder (OR = 2.1). Comorbidity, especially when anxiety disorders are involved, increases the risk for suicide attempts considerably more than any other individual DSM-IV diagnoses.
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Behandlung von Suizidenten im Universitätsklinikum Leipzig und Analyse der daraus resultierenden KostenDölling, Sören 04 December 2012 (has links)
Suizidale Handlungen, also Suizide und Suizidversuche, sind mit großem Schmerz, großer Trauer und auch großem Schamgefühl verbunden. Dies betrifft nicht nur die Suizidenten selbst, sondern auch Angehörige und Freunde. Weltweit sterben etwa eine Million Menschen jährlich durch Suizid und in Deutschland steht der Suizid auf Platz sieben der häufigsten Todesursachen. Schätzungen zu Folge ist die Anzahl der Suizidversuche pro Jahr, im Vergleich zu den Suiziden, bis zu 30-fach höher. Dies zeigt, dass suizidale Handlungen zusätzlich eine hohe Relevanz für das Gesundheitssystem darstellen.
Diese Arbeit entstand im Zuge des OSPI-Projektes in Leipzig. Einem europäischen Projekt zur Einführung eines Präventionsprogramms gegen suizidale Handlungen. Es wurden alle Suizidenten, die innerhalb eines Zeitraums von drei Jahren im Universitätsklinikum Leipzig behandelt wurden, erfasst. Die elektronischen Patientenakten wurden dafür, unter Verwendung der entsprechenden ICD-Kodierungen für Selbstverletzungen bzw. Selbstvergiftungen, durchsucht.
Ziel war es, neben der lückenlosen Erfassung und epidemiologischen Auswertung aller Fälle, Aussagen über die Art der Behandlung von Suizidenten und den damit verbundenen direkten und indirekten Kosten zu machen.
Es zeigten sich, im Vergleich zu bereits bestehenden Studien aus anderen Ländern, keine signifikante epidemiologischen Unterschiede, während deutlich mehr Patienten intensivmedizinisch versorgt und psychiatrisch untersucht wurden, als dies in anderen Ländern der Fall war.
Im Hinblick auf die Gesamtkosten, in Höhe von rund 3,9 Millionen Euro, konnte diese Arbeit, abgesehen vom menschlichen Aspekt, die ebenfalls wichtige gesundheits-ökonomische Bedeutung solcher Fälle aufzeigen.
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[pt] O suicídio é considerado um grave problema de saúde pública. Compreendido como possível resposta para um nível de sofrimento extremo, o ato de quem tenta o suicídio ou acaba por cometê-lo é testemunho de como a vida deste sujeito encontra-se afetada pelo seu entorno, sendo questão crucial para a clínica psicanalítica, assim como para a área da saúde pública. Na clínica, esta questão pode se apresentar de diferentes formas, o que aponta para a complexidade do tema. É nosso objetivo analisar como tal sofrimento psíquico se apresenta em sujeitos que falam sobre o desejo de morrer, naqueles que tentam efetuar o suicídio e nos que acabam por realizar a consumação do ato da morte propriamente dito. Esta dissertação se pauta na urgência de a psicanálise discutir essa problemática, a qual, muitas vezes, fica silenciada em nosso campo, produzindo, inclusive, muitas vezes, alguns tabus. Neste sentido, procuramos percorrer o que poderia estar em jogo na dinâmica psíquica de pacientes que ameaçam a sua própria vida, buscando delimitar particularidades desta forma de sofrimento psíquico. Há muitas maneiras de o sujeito lidar com a própria dor, sendo algo que inclui sua singularidade. A tentativa de suicídio é pensada a partir de três aportes teóricos principais: a dor psíquica, o traumático e o ato. A dor psíquica é uma noção que atravessa toda a obra freudiana, desde o Projeto para uma psicologia científica (1895), no qual se examina a dor como um fenômeno que impõe limites na capacidade de administrar e suportar a energia; até o Além do princípio de prazer (1920), em que sobressaem as vivências traumáticas e os efeitos da pulsão de morte – noção que se relaciona com as contribuições de Ferenczi quanto ao trauma. Por último, tratamos do tema do ato, considerado um desafio para o manejo do psicanalista, uma vez que inclui o não sentido e está muito presente na clínica atual. O ato é pensado como uma forma de linguagem não representacional, uma linguagem intensiva. Buscamos ampliar a contribuição da psicanálise para a sensibilidade e a escuta acolhedora para o tema. A pesquisa consiste em um estudo teórico, pautado na bibliografia disponível sobre a questão, tendo como eixo teórico principal a teoria psicanalítica. / [en] Suicide is considered a serious public health problem. Understood as a possible response to a level of extreme suffering, the act of those who attempt suicide or end up committing it is testimony to how this subject s life is affected by his surroundings, being a crucial issue for the psychoanalytic clinic, as well as for the area of public health. In the clinic, this issue can present itself in different ways, which points to the complexity of the theme. It is our aim to analyze how such psychological suffering presents itself in subjects who talk about the desire to die, in those who try to carry out suicide and in those who end up carrying out the actual act of death. This dissertation is based on the urgency of psychoanalysis to discuss this problem, which, many times, remains silent in our field, producing, even, some taboos. In this sense, we seek to cover what could be at stake in the psychic dynamics of patients who threaten their own lives, seeking to delimit particularities of this form of psychological suffering. There are many ways for the subject to deal with his own pain, which is something that includes his uniqueness. The suicide attempt is based on three main theoretical contributions: psychic pain, trauma and act. Psychic pain is a notion that runs through all of Freud s work, from the Project for a scientific psychology (1895), in which pain is examined as a phenomenon that imposes limits on the ability to manage and support energy; up to Beyond the pleasure principle (1920), in which traumatic experiences and the effects of the death drive stand out - a notion that is related to Ferenczi s contributions regarding trauma. Finally, we deal with the theme of the act, considered a challenge for the management of the psychoanalyst, since it includes the non-sense and is very present in the current clinic. The act is thought of as a form of non-representational language, an intensive language. We seek to expand the contribution of psychoanalysis to sensitivity and welcoming listening to the theme. The research consists of a theoretical study, based on the available bibliography on the issue, having psychoanalytic theory as its main theoretical axis.
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