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"Det är aldrig till barns bästa att vara rädd" : En kvalitativ studie om familjerättens förhållningssätt till barnets bästa i umgängesutredningar där det återfinns våld / “It is Never in a Child's Best Interest to be Afraid” : A Qualitative Study on Family Laws Approach to the Best Interests of the Child in Visitation Investigations with Domestic ViolenceLindberg, Tova, Smith, Hanna Jade January 2023 (has links)
The study’s purpose was to investigate how Family Law appraises the Children´s Rights Conventions principle "the best interests of the child" when assessing visitation in cases with domestic violence, moreover, how the approaches can impact the children. Four family law caseworkers were interviewed through a combined interview and vignette study. The empiricism was analysed with a thematic analysis. Results indicated that the interviewees take the child's best interests into account by acknowledging their opinions. The results showed an inherent problem with a family-oriented stance in investigations. The child's relationship with parents is highly valued, which can be against the child's best interests. Ultimately, violence was seen as a serious risk factor in visitation proceedings, this contributes to negative consequences on the child. Despite that the Convention now is law, the results showed contradictions regarding what the best interest of the child is, therefore continued research is needed on the issue. / Syftet med studien var att undersöka familjerättens förhållningssätt till Barnkonventionens grundprincip om barnets bästa vid bedömningar av umgänge i ärenden där det förekommer våld i hemmet, samt vad förhållningssätten kan innebära för barnet. Fyra familjerättssekreterare intervjuades genom en kombinerad intervju- och vinjettstudie. Empirin analyserades med en tematisk analys. Studiens bärande resultat visade på att familjerättssekreterarna beaktar barnets bästa genom att låta barnet få komma till tals. Resultatet fann även ett inneboende problem med ett familjeorienterat synsätt i umgängesutredningar. Det framkom att barnets relation till båda föräldrarna värnas högt vilket kan strida mot barnets bästa. Slutligen fann studien att våld utgör en allvarlig riskfaktor i umgängesutredningar och bidrar till negativa konsekvenser för barnet. Trots att Barnkonventionen är lag påvisade resultatet motstridigheter om vad barnets bästa innebär, och därför behövs fortsatt forskning i frågan.
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Tingsrätten brister i tvister : En studie om umgängesrätt för våldsutsatta barn / Shortcomings in disputes within the district court : A study about visitation rights for children subjected to violenceHolmberg, Meja, Lindblom, Amanda January 2024 (has links)
This qualitative document study aimed to examine how the district court has judged the visitation rights for children subjected to violence at home; in accordance with the Children and Parents Code chapter 6, section 2a and 2b. Therefore a qualitative content analysis was used to analyse cases of visitation in 14 district court sentences. The sociology of childhood constituted the study's theoretical perspective. The research identified weaknesses in how the district court interpreted and applied the principles of the child's best interest and participation. The need for close and quality contact seemed apparent to the district court, while the need of protection was assessed with more flexibility and contextuality. The result also found that the violence was occasionally disregarded and the consideration of children's opinions varied. Additionally, the child's participation was limited to consultation alone. These shortcomings could lead to children being forced to undergo visitations with a violent parent. / Den här kvalitativa dokumentstudien syftade till att undersöka hur tingsrätten, utifrån föräldrabalken 6 kap. 2a och 2b §§, bedömde umgängesrätten för barn som hade utsatts för våld i hemmet. För att besvara syftet genomfördes en kvalitativ innehållsanalys av 14 tingsrättsdomar i mål om umgänge. Barndomssociologin utgjorde studiens teoretiska perspektiv. Resultatet identifierade brister i hur tingsrätten tolkat och tillämpat principerna om barnets bästa och barnets rätt till delaktighet. Det framstod som att tingsrätten betraktade behovet av en nära och god kontakt med båda föräldrarna som självklart, medan behovet av skydd bedömdes mer flexibelt och kontextuellt. Resultatet belyste också att tingsrätten ibland bortsåg från våldet och att barnets åsikter beaktades i varierande omfattning. Barnets delaktighet begränsades dessutom till enbart konsultation. En konsekvens av dessa brister var att barn riskerade att tvingas till umgänge med en våldsam förälder.
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Barnets rättigheter i asylärenden : En undersökning av gällande rätt / The rights of the child in asylum cases : An Examination of Current LawJegermalm, Hanna January 2023 (has links)
Denna uppsats syftar till att undersöka hur två av barnkonventionens fyra grundläggande principer, nämligen barnets bästa och barnets rätt till delaktighet, tillämpas i asylärenden. Det ingår även i syftet att undersöka ifall det går att urskilja några mönster i bedömningen från före och efter barnkonventionens inkorporering i svensk nationell lagstiftning sedan år 2020. Materialet har omfattats av fem domstolsbeslut, relevanta delar från barnkonventionen och utlänningslagen, samt relevant tidigare forskning som kopplar an väl till uppsatsens syfte och frågeställningar. För att besvara syfte och frågeställningar har en rättsdogmatisk metod valts för att granska de fem domstolsbesluten från Migrationsöverdomstolen och Migrationsdomstolen utifrån gällande rätt. Studiens huvudsakliga resultat har visat på en diskrepans mellan lagstiftning och policydokument med avseende hur barnets bästa och barnets rätt att komma till tals tillämpas i praktiska sammanhang. En slutsats som dras är att genom att belysa frågan från ett MR-perspektiv med en rättsdogmatisk ansats, har detta bidragit till att belysa diskrepansen mellan mer abstrakta lagar och dess tillämpning inom asylärenden. / This paper aims to examine how two of the four fundamental principles of the Convention on the Rights of the Child, namely the best interests of the child and the child's right to participation, are applied in asylum cases. The objective also includes investigating whether patterns in assessment can be discerned before and after the incorporation of the Convention into Swedish national legislation since 2020. The material encompasses five court decisions, relevant sections from the Convention on the Rights of the Child and the Aliens Act, as well as pertinent previous research that aligns well with the purpose and questions of the paper. To address the objectives and questions, a legal dogmatic method has been chosen to scrutinize the five court decisions from the Migration Court of Appeal and the Migration Court based on prevailing law. The main results of the study have revealed a disparity between legislation and policy documents regarding how the best interests of the child and the child's right to participation are applied in practical contexts. A conclusion drawn is that by illuminating the issue from a human rights perspective with a legal dogmatic approach, this has contributed to highlighting the disparity between more abstract laws and their application in asylum cases.
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Samverkan mellan skola och socialtjänst : Lärares och socialarbetares upplevelser om arbetsstrukturer vid LVU / Collaboration between school and social services : Experiences of teachers and social workers´ on work structures during LVUKakhi, Naseem, Resare, Othilia January 2024 (has links)
Både skola och socialtjänst har en skyldighet att samverka med varandra vid behov för barnets bästa. Ärenden som berörs av Lag med särskilda bestämmelser om vård av unga (LVU) är exempel på situationer då samverkan ofta är nödvändig. Studien syftar till att undersöka hur lärare och socialarbetare upplever samverkan mellan skola och socialtjänst vid LVU. Som teori har samverkansmodell och ekologisk systemteori används i studien. Undersökningen genomfördes via sex semistrukturerade intervjuer med tre socialarbetare och tre lärare. Efter intervjuerna transkriberades materialet och analyserades enligt tematisk analys. Tre teman och sju subteman identifierades. Resultatet visade att lärarnas och socialarbetarnas upplevelser av samverkan mellan skola och socialtjänst skiljer sig åt. Många av de hinder som lyfts fram grundar sig i bristande kommunikation och kunskaper om varandras yrkesroller. Det visade även att samverkan är nödvändigt för barnets bästa i LVU-ärenden men att det finns behov av mer resurser och arbete. I nuläget upplever lärare och socialarbetare en viss frustration på grund av detta. Resultatet diskuterades även i förhållande till de valda teorierna samt till begreppet ”barnets bästa”. / Both school and social services have an obligation to collaborate with each other whenever it is necessary for the best interest of the child. Errands with children who are under the Care of Young Persons (Special Providions) Act (Lagen om vård av unga, or shortened LVU) are examples of situations when this collaboration is often necessary. The study aim was to investigate how teachers and social workers experience collaboration between school and social services during LVU. As theories, collaboration model and ecological systems theory were used in the study. The study was conducted via six semi-structured interviews with three social workes and three teachers. After the interviews had been conducted, the material was transcribed and analyzed accordning to thematic analysis. Three themes and seven subthemes were identified. The result showed that the teachers´ and socialworkers´ experiences of collaboration between school and social services differ, and that many of the obstacles highlighted are basically the result of lack of communication and knowledge of each other´s professional roles. The study also showed that collaboration is necessary for the child´s best interest during LVU-errands, although collaboration need more resources and work. According to our study, teachers and social workers experience a certain amount of frustration due to the fact that the collaboration is not working as desired. The result was also discussed in relation to the selected theories and to the concept of ”the best interest of the child”.
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Familjer med missbruk : Barnens rätt till skydd, stöd och omsorgSavci, Ninorta January 2017 (has links)
No description available.
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Tolkning av barnets bästa i vårdnadstvister särskilt i mål T 11396-17 / Interpretation of the principle best interests of the child in custody disputes especially in case T 11396-17Augustsson, Sandra, Eriksson, Lovis January 2019 (has links)
A child's best interest is a subject that affects many people, not least in custody battles. The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child and national legislation in, for example, the Children and Parents Code aims to protect and strengthen children's legal status in society and in custody disputes. Despite this, the number of custody disputes increases and it is the children who are most affected by the parents' conflicts. It is not always easy for the court to determine what is a child's best interest in an objective manner. Often there is a certain degree of subjectivity in the assessment. Many times, different interests, which the court has to decide on, conflict with each other. Through the legal doctrinal method, we have described the source of law and reported the applicable law in relation to the legal provisions relevant to the thesis. We have chosen to start from a recently settled and reported court case to investigate the problem and the complexity of determining the child's best interests when several factors play a role. In the current court case, the joint custody was dissolved and the father was entrusted with sole custody custody even though he was previously convicted of assault by both children and did not meet it for five years, because the mother failed to ensure that the children had had contact with their father and thus committed so-called visitation interference. The Court considered that the risk of children growing up without the right of both their parents weighed heavier than the principle of continuity, which otherwise is strongly rooted in practice. Through this investigation, and particularly by having the opportunity to examine the large volume of documents received from the Court, we have gained a deeper understanding of the Court of Appeal's judgment even though we do not agree with its correctness in all parts. Review dispensation was denied by the Supreme Court, but our personal opinion is that more guidance is needed on the subject for the future. The legislator has proposed how the child's best interests through a legislative amendment should be further strengthened, this by the principle of not only expressing decisions concerning the child but also having an impact on all issues concerning the child in custody purposes.
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Barns boende : socialsekreterares konstruktion av principen om barnets bästa i förhållande till materiell standardOlsson, Annika, Sandberg, Maria January 2006 (has links)
<p>The purpose of this study was to examine how a selection of social welfare officers based on the principle of the best interest of the child construct a minimum level of the material standard in a home. Another purpose was to examine whether different units with varying socioeconomic prerequisites in the municipality of Stockholm construct this level differently.</p><p>The method used in this study was Sociology of Law and two focus groups were used for the gathering of the data. A social constructive theory, a class perspective using concepts of Bourdieu and a perspective of law were used to analyse the material of data.</p><p>The results showed that the courses of action varied from enactment and the policies of the municipality of Stockholm, unspecified theories of the development of children, the conception of what is normal and what children needs, the context in which they work, the development of the society and what they estimate that children needs when attending school. The results also showed a difference between the two units concerning the minimum level of the material standard in a home</p>
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”Hon gör sitt bästa efter sin förmåga” : en juridisk studie av LVU-domar med barn tillföräldrar med utvecklingsstörningJonsson, Mirjam January 2007 (has links)
<p>The purpose of this paper is to investigate on what basis a child is committed into care according to the law and to see on which grounds the decision about committed child care in law practice are taken when a child is committed to care due to parents who are mentally retarded. To better understand the juridical grounds for these decisions I will also in a short background describe the meaning of the term mentally retarded, how mental retardation and parenthood has changed over time and how different opinions are expressed in the law. Both people with mental retardation and children have in recent years gained their rights and sometimes these rights end up in conflict with one another. In those cases, what is in the best interest of the child, should be decisive. The children who have mentally retarded parents are at risk to not have their physical, psychological, emotional, social and intellectual needs met and are therefore being unfavourable developed. LVU gives possibilities for the right to intervene in the relation between child and parent through committing the child into care against the parent’s will. This law is supposed to be used in those cased when the child is being exposed to bad conditions which implies an obvious risk for the health and development of the child and when care cannot be given voluntarily. In my study it is discovered that the Supreme Court has decided cases where children with parents who are mentally retarded or have similar problems has been committed into care. The retardation in itself is not reason enough for the child to be committed into care, it is the consequences which are determining. The Supreme Court approved the Social service request concerning committing care in three of the eleven cases I have studied and they stated lack in material, social and intellectual areas, and also the immatureness of the parents and the inability to put the child’s need first. In the other cases I have studied the Supreme Court declined the requests from the Social service and motive it different in each case. They referred to the lack of necessary qualifications, that siblings has managed well, that supporting measures in the home should be sufficient etc. In my study I can clearly see that the demand for evidence about lack in care is increased by every instance. My study also show that the Supreme Court to a relatively great extent tend to decide against the Social service, experts and the opinion of public counsels. My opinion is that the perspective of the child is at risk of being put aside if the court lower their demands on good parenthood for parents with mental retardation.</p>
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”…först och främst är dom asylsökande liksom…” : En rättssociologisk studie om socialtjänstens ansvar för ensamkommande barnBergquist, Therese, Wennerblom, Anna January 2007 (has links)
<p>In 2006 there was a change in LMA (1994:37) that clarified the division of responsibility be-tween the Migration Board and the municipalities, concerning unaccompanied children. The social services should now be utmost responsible for the housing and care of these children, to assure that they gain the same standards and rights as all other children. The aim of this essay has been to examine how the division of responsibility has influenced the work of the social services and how they interpret their responsibility for the unaccompanied children. How do the social services investigate and make decisions concerning these children? Do these chil-dren have the same rights as other children? To answer these questions a legal study was made, followed by qualitative research interviews with four social services that receive unac-companied children. The study was made from a legal sociologist perspective, which involves analyzing the results from the interviews with the legal results, together with earlier research on unaccompanied children. The results show that the division of responsibility still is indis-tinct and that the investigations concerning these children often are brief and simplified. In two of the interviewed municipalities the view was that unaccompanied children did not have the right to efforts according to SoL (2001:453), which in practice means that the unaccom-panied children are discriminated.</p>
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Barnets bästa och lämpligt föräldraskap : En studie om hur barnets bästa kan konstrueras i förhållande till lämpligt föräldraskap i medgivandeutredningar vid internationell adoptionRegnell, Angelica, von Schoultz, Martin January 2009 (has links)
<p>The aim of this study was to describe how the best interest of the child can be constructed in investigations concerning permission for international adopt, where adequate parenthood is investigated. Qualitative research interviews were used as method. Seven investigators from six different sections of the city of Stockholm were interviewed. The information was analysed on the basis of a sociological approach to law and social constructionism.</p><p>The result showed that adequate parenthood is a condition in the interest of the child. Adequate parenthood is specified as the parent’s qualities and possibility to care for an adopted child. It does not depend on material qualifications, it is principally a matter of personal conditions, which can be defined as self-consciousness and the ability to reflect, feel empathy and manage a crisis. An adequate adoptive parent shall also realize the significance of an adoption. Adequate adoptive parents have a stable and lasting relationship and are surrounded by a stable social network.</p><p>The best interest of the child shall mainly be fulfilled by the qualities of the parents, in other words the adequate parenthood. The adoption has to be in the best interest of the child and thereby fulfil the child’s needs. In a family, children need to develop in their own pace and receive support whenever it is needed. In the investigation undertaken by the authorities, the interests of the child can best be looked after with an investigator that possesses adequate knowledge about children, that investigates thoroughly and feel a responsibility towards the child.</p>
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