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Modellering och ekonomisk analys för att undersöka implementering av batteri- och vätgaslager vid en biogasanläggning / Modelling and economic analysis to investigate the implementation of a battery storage and hydrogen system at a biogas siteThomsson, Tor January 2022 (has links)
The interest in hydrogen as an energy carrier is growing. The whole world is investing in development of the technology surrounding hydrogen. In general the research regarding hydrogen focuses on hydrogen as an energy carrier, either for transportation as fuel or for storage and usage at a more profitable time or in times of need. In Sweden most of the current research focus on the transportation sector. This thesis explores the other part, stored hydrogen used at a more profitable time. A biogas-plant outside Uppsala city is used as a case exploring if the investment in hydrogen production and storage in combination with a battery storage is economically feasible. A model of a battery, an electrolyser and a hydrogen storage were created in Simulink where the output is the power flow: optimised towards the highest economic profit. Then, an economic analysis is made to explore the feasibility of the investment. The results show that the investment is not feasible in 2021. If the investment cost of the hydrogen system is reduced by 60%, the maintenance costs are reduced by 20% and the profit is increased by 50% the investment becomes feasible with a payback period of 15,2 years. These changes are reasonable in the coming 10 to 20 years with hydrogen technology developing and an increasingly unstable electric grid allowing for higher compensation for frequency regulating services. / Intresset för vätgas som energibärare växer. Hela världen investerar i forskningen kring vätgas. Oftast inriktar forskningen sig på vätgas som en energibärare med två tydliga huvudfokus: som bränsle för transporter eller för lagring och att använda energin vid ett bättre tillfälle. I Sverige fokuserar den mesta forskningen på transportsektorn. Denna rapport bearbetar den andra delen, att använda vätgas för lagring och utnyttja den vid ett mer lönsamt tillfälle eller vid behovssitutioner, till exempel då elnätet blir instabilt. En biogasanläggning utanför Uppsala används som ett fall för att undersöka om investeringen i vätgasproduktion och lagring i kombination med ett batterilager är ekonomisk lönsamt. En modell av ett batteri, en elektrolysör och ett vätgaslager skapades i Simulink där utparametern är effektflödet optimerad mot ekonomisk lönsamhet. Sen undersöktes systemet ekonomiskt utifrån effektflödet för att undersöka om investeringen var lönsam. Resultatet visade att så inte var fallet: det krävs en sänkt investeringskostnad för vätgassystemet med 60%, de årliga kostnaderna behöver sjunka med 20% och den årliga vinsten behöver öka med 50% för att investeringen ska bli lönsam med en återbetalningstid på 15,2 år. Dessa förändringar kan dock ske inom de kommande 10 till 20 åren då vätgasteknologin fortsätter utvecklas samtidigt som ett allt mer instabilt elnät bidrar till möjligheten för ökad ersättning för frekvensregleringstjänster.
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Krav för inmatning av el till nätet från batterier : Undersökning av villabatterier och elbilar via V2G / Requirements for feeding electricity into the grid from batteries : An investigation of residential batteries and electric vehicles via V2GKallin, Magnus January 2023 (has links)
Dagens samhälle har stort beroende av central elförsörjning för att ha kapacitet att fungera. Beroendet av centrala produktionsenheter kopplade till stamnätet kan i sin tur göra det svenska elnätet mer sårbart och ostabilt. En potentiell lösning för att göra nätet mer resilient och stabilt är att bygga ut nätet med mindre lokala nät kompletterade av lokala energilager. Dessa energilager kan bestå av villabatterier men även genom att utnyttja elbilar via olika integrationer av V2X. På grund av det ovanliga jordningssystemet i Sverige, utan lokala jordtag i hemmen, är kravet på jordtag en mycket viktig fråga att undersöka för att inte förhindra utvecklingen och utökningen av energilager. Det EU-direktiv som idag gäller vid inmatning från generatorer, RfG, inkluderar uttryckligen inte energilager. Detta skapar en ”lucka” i regelverket där det saknas tydliga krav för energilager och elbilar. Historiskt sett har kraven för ödrift grundats i kraven för reservkraftsystem med en teknik som skiljer sig från den kraftelektronik med växelriktare som existerar idag. Denna studie syftar till att kartlägga de krav som finns för inmatning till det centrala nätet eller det lokala önätet via växelriktare. Det syftar även till att undersöka huruvida de krav som identifierats är applicerbara på modern teknik eller om de behöver uppdateras. Kraven identifierades genom en litteraturgenomgång av det svenska regelverket för el och genom 17 intervjuer med aktörer från myndigheter, organisationer, nätbolag, tillverkare och högskolor där ”krav-kartan”, se nedan bild, även förankrades och utvecklades. Studien visade att det finns en uppdelning för vilka funktioner som relaterar till vilka krav där den tydligaste skillnaden är att kravet på lokalt jordtag endast existerar för anläggningar som är förutsatta att drivas i ödrift. Studien visar även att ett flertal av de krav som identifierats inte är helt applicerbara på det svenska perspektivet eller på modern kraftelektronik och behöver uppdateras. / Todays society has a great dependence on central power production in order to function. The reliance on central production on the main grid exposes the Swedish power grid and makes it more vulnerable and unstable. One potential solution to make the grid more resilient is to expand the network with local micro grids with energy storage. These microgrids can be powered by home batteries but there is also the potential of utilizing electric vehicles through various V2X integrations. Due to the unusual grounding system in Sweden without local earth electrodes in the homes, the requirement for earthing is a very important issue to investigate to prevent any hinders on the development of local energy storages. The EU directive that regulates the requirements for generators, RfG, explicitly does not include energy storage requirements, creating a void in the regulations where there are no clear requirements for energy storages and electric vehicles. Historically, the requirements for island operations have been decided on the requirements for reserve/backup power system which utilizes generators that differs from the power electronics with inverters that are utilized today. This study aims to identify the requirements for feeding while “grid connected” and while in island mode. It also aims to investigate whether the identified requirements are applicable to modern technology or if they need to be updated. The requirements were identified through a literature overview of the Swedish regulations for electricity and through 17 interviews with stakeholders from authorities, organizations, grid companies, manufacturers, and universities, where the "map of requirements" was also discussed and developed. The study showed that there is distinction what requirement relate to what function, where the clearest difference is that the requirement for local earth electrodes only exists for buildings intended for island-operations. The study also shows that several of the identified requirements are not fully applicable to the Swedish perspective or to modern power electronics and need to be updated.
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Tillämpning av batterilager som energitjänsten lastutjämnare : En studie om batterilagring för en medelstor abonnent i Varberg Energis elnät / Application of battery energy storage as smoothening of power fluctuationAl-imarah, Amena, Stenberg, Elin January 2016 (has links)
Arbetet Tillämpning av batterilager som energitjänsten lastutjämnare är en litteraturstudie och en kvantitativ studie. I studien har driftkarakteristiken år 2015 hos en matvarubutik legat till grunden. Arbetet har syftat i att besvara frågan kring ett batterilagers lämplighet som agerade för lastutjämning. För att ta reda på det har batterilagersegenskaper kartlagts och dimensionering gjorts utifrån två olika driftfall. En ekonomisk besparingspotential har även beräknats utifrån de bägge driftfallen. Driftfallen har valts att kallas teknisk dimensionering och ekonomisk dimensionering. De tekniska dimensionerade lagerna har en lager storlek om 617 kWh och 555kWh vilket motsvarar 7,1% respektive 5,8% av den dagliga energianvändningen. För de ekonomiskt dimensionerade lagerna har en lager storlek om 597 kWh och 233kWh vilket motsvarar 6,8% respektive 2,8% av den dagliga energianvändningen. Den ekonomiska besparingspotentialen blir som störst för en blandad körning av de bägge driftfallen. Trotts att besparingspotentialen är uppskattade under ideala förhållanden med varken förluster eller degraderad prestanda lönar det inte sig att investera i ett batterilager för att enbart utföra tjänsten effektutjämning idag. Investering i ett batterilager för effektutjämning har potential att bli lönsam först när den kan tillgodose fler energitjänster eller när alternativkostnaden är förhöjd. / This thesis, is a study of battery energy storage and its use as energy source and smoothening of power fluctuation. Studies have been made as a systematic review and a quantitative study. The study has consisted of analysing the power characteristic from a supermarket in the city of Varberg during year 2015. The object has been to evaluate the energy storage and the power smoothing qualities. Therefore the battery energy storages characteristics have been evaluated in this systematic review. For the quantitative study, calculations of the energy storage sizes were made for two separate operation modes. The two different operation modes were named technical dimensioning and economic dimensioning. The function of the technical dimensioning was to smooth the power outlet from the grid, while the function of the economic dimensioning was to enable the supermarket to buy more energy during low-price hours. Based on monthly power characteristics, each dimensioning gave as a result two energy storage possibilities, one in medium and one in small size. The technical dimensioning resulted in battery energy storage of the sizes 617 kWh and 555kWh which is comparable to 7,1% and 5,8% of the daily energy usage of the supermarket. The economic dimensioning resulted in battery energy storage of the sizes 597 kWh and 233kWh which is comparable to 6,8% and 2,8% of the daily energy usage of the supermarket. For optimizing the economic savings, a variation of technical and economic operation mode are needed, depending on calculated power usage through the day and elspot prices. The study shows that a battery storage is difficult to finance. The calculated economic savings were estimated during ideal conditions and without power loss or loss in performance. As a conclusion from this study a battery storage may have a good payback if there are several energy services to be filled.
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Increasing the profitability of a PV-battery system : A techno-economic study of PV-battery systems as resources for primary frequency regulationSamuel, Forsberg January 2018 (has links)
In order to handle the mismatch between photovoltaic (PV) electricity production and household electricity use, battery storage systems can be utilized. However, the profitability of PV-battery systems in Sweden is poor, and economic incentives for households to invest in such systems are therefore missing. Hence, it is important to improve the profitability to increase the number of PV-battery installations. The aim of this thesis is to investigate the techno-economic potential of a PV-battery system offering ancillary services, more specifically the primary frequency regulation FCR-N. Five cases of residential PV-battery installations are investigated: the first with a PV system only, the second with a PV-battery system to store surplus PV electricity, and the three other cases with PV-battery systems with the ability to regulate the grid through FCR-N to varying degrees. The results show that providing FCR-N with a PV-battery system offers a substantial techno-economic potential for the system owner. By using available battery capacity for FCR-N, the payback time for a PV-battery system can be shortened significantly. With a battery price of EUR 570 per kWh (VAT excluded) and a discount rate of 2%, the payback time for the entire system can decrease from 32 to 9 years if the battery is used for FCR-N regulation. Furthermore, the payback time for a battery storage can be shortened with FCR-N. Calculated with respect to the economic added value of a battery and with a discount rate of 5%, the payback time can decrease from over 100 years to 4 years.
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Solcellssystem i kombination med batterilager : En fallstudie av Uppsalas nya stadsbussdepå / PV system together with battery storage : A case study of Uppsala's new city bus depotWennberg, Emma January 2017 (has links)
In this thesis the potential benefits of combining a photovoltaic (PV) system with a battery storage are investigated. The thesis is conducted at the company WSP in Uppsala and the aim is to design a PV system for the new city bus depot that is planned to be built in Uppsala, estimate the PV system capacity and investigate whether a battery storage can increase the self-consumption of the system. The results of this study are that the most appropriate installation of the PV modules is to place them horizontally on the roof and by that one can achieve an installed power of 715 kWp and a total annual electricity production of 871 MWh. This corresponds to a self-sufficiency of 29 % and a self-consumption of 92 %, which indicate that overproduction of electricity sometimes occurs. How different battery storages, based on both lead-acid and lithium-ion batteries, affect the system is evaluated by developing a battery model in MATLAB. From the results of the battery model it is concluded that battery storages with a capacity of 0.3–0.8 kWh/kWp are most suitable to combine with the PV system and this applies to both lead-acid and lithium-ion batteries. The interval 0.3–0.8 kWh/kWp corresponds to battery capacities of 200–600 kWh and the self-consumption increases to 93–94 % for the lead-acid battery storages and to 93–95 % for the lithium-ion battery storages. The economic analysis show that it is generally more profitable to increase self-consumption of self-produced PV power than to sell it to the grid. However, the high costs that are associated with the battery storages eliminates the economic benefits of the increased self-consumption of PV power. Therefore, it is not considered possible to justify the installation of a battery storage at the bus depot.
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Prosumers and Residential Photovoltaic Systems in Sweden : A discourse analysis of the communicated benefits and a review of self-consumptionAbsalyamova, Agata January 2022 (has links)
Solar energy is resourceful for many purposes, for example, harvesting renewable electricity with photovoltaic (PV) technology. The number of new grid connections of PV is continuously increasing, and the Swedish PV market for residential prosumers is growing. Providing accurate information about PV’s benefits and the installation’s technical details is essential to attract more prosumers to the PV market. One outlet for such information is providers of PV, who are also responsible for the technical details. From a technical perspective, how much of the produced electricity the prosumer can self-consume impacts the profitability of the investment. Higher self-consumption is associated with more savings, and a battery storage system has the potential to increase self-consumption. Two different approaches were used to carry out this thesis. Communication was studied with a qualitative approach, and the technical term self-consumption was analysed quantitatively. A discourse analysis with a pragmatic approach was performed to study what meanings are created when retailers communicate about the two genres within the discourse of PV: the benefits and the technical specifications. Qualitative data used for this part was collected from the websites of PV retailers. The quantitative part involved calculations of self-consumption levels and simulations of a battery storage system in MATLAB using an extensive data set over households with real PV systems. The identified research gap indicates no previous studies on how PV retailers communicate and few studies of self-consumption using data from real systems. The results from the discourse analysis of the benefits showed that some of the central meanings were: “a prosumer's roof is worth money if they can afford the investment”, “PV has a positive environmental impact”, and “adoption of PV is a trend that prosumers should follow”. The central meaning from the analysis of the technical specifications was that “a prosumer does not need to be concerned about the technical aspect of the installation because the company takes care of it”. The results from the quantitative study showed that from the available data, self-consumption was dependent on how the PV system size is matched to the consumption of the household. Depending on the ALR groups, the households had different mean values of self-consumption, whereas the most common group ALR=6 had a mean self-consumption level of 38%. The simulations with battery storage showed that systems with lower initial self-consumption (below 40%) could increase self-consumption faster with increasing battery capacity but could not reach maximum self-consumption values.
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Building-related renewable electricity production with storage and energy-efficient buildings : Exploring barriers, drivers and quality assuranceLane, Anna-Lena January 2020 (has links)
There is a need to reduce unsustainable use of fossil fuels. Increased usage of renewable energy by combined use of photovoltaic solar panels (PV) with battery storage is one way. Another way is to increase awareness of energy usage and reduce the energy performance gap by building energy-efficient buildings. Buildings have a long lifetime and high energy usage will have an impact for a long time. Barriers, drivers and non-energy benefits (NEBs) for investments in battery storage in photovoltaic systems (PV) in the context of farmers in Sweden with PV systems was investigated by a questionnaire study. The questionnaire was sent to farmers in Sweden who already have photovoltaics installed and about 100 persons answered, a response rate of 59%. Among the drivers for investments in battery storage in PV systems in agriculture it was found that the highest-ranked driver, i.e., to use a larger part of the electricity produced oneself, turns out to be the highest priority for grid owners seeking to reduce the need for extensive investments in the grid. The primary NEBs found were the possibility to become more independent of grid electricity. A method for the building process, called ByggaE, which aims to reduce the energy performance gap, has been developed and described. The method is based on two main processes with activities. Documents that support the activities can be found and stored in the energy documentation, a digital map structure. The two main processes are: The client’s activity to formulate requirements and ways to verify these requirements. The main process for other actors is to identify, handle and follow up risks or critical parts. An overall relation between the energy efficiency gap and the energy performance gap has been identified. Realistic assumptions and follow-up related to the assumptions are found to be important to reduce both the energy efficiency gap and the energy performance gap. / För att uppnå klimatmålen är det nödvändigt att minska den ohållbara användningen av fossila bränslen. Ett sätt är att öka användning av förnybar energi genom att kombinera solel med batterilager. Ett annat sätt är att öka medvetenheten om energianvändningen med dess negativa påverkan på miljön och uppfylla energikraven för nya byggnader bättre. Eftersom byggnader har lång livslängd ger onödigt hög energianvändning påverkan under lång tid. Hinder, drivkrafter och andra icke energirelaterade fördelar med att investera i batterilager till solel har undersökts i en enkätstudie bland svenska lantbruk. Det kom in 100 svar från lantbrukare som har solel, vilket motsvarar en svarsfrekvens på 59 %. Den viktigaste drivkraften för att investera i batterilager till solelanläggningen är en högre egenanvändning av el. Detta visade sig också vara högst prioriterat av elnätsägare för att minska behovet av kostsamma investeringar i elnätet. Den största icke energirelaterade fördelen med batterilager är större oberoende av elnätet. En kvalitetsäkringsmetod för byggprocessen har utvecklats och beskrivits. Syftet med metoden, som kallas ByggaE, är att minska skillnaden mellan verklig energianvändning och energikrav i nya byggnader. Metoden bygger på två huvudprocesser med aktiviteter. Beställarens huvudprocess är att formulera krav och metoder att kontrollera och följa upp dessa krav. De andra aktörernas huvudprocess är att identifiera, hantera och följa upp risker eller kritiska moment som kan påverka energianvändningen. Dokument som stödjer aktiviteterna lagras i en digital mappstruktur. Det är viktigt med realistiska antaganden och uppföljning som relaterar till dessa antaganden för att fler lönsamma energieffektiviseringsåtgärder ska bli genomförda och för att de energiprestanda som krävs eller förväntas ska bli uppfyllda.
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Utvecklingen av marknadsvärdet för svenska frekvenshållningsreserver 2024–2030 : En prognos för utvecklingen av marknadsvärdet för frekvenshållningsreserverna FCR-N, FCR-D upp och FCR-D ned på den svenska balansmarknaden mellan 2024 och 2030 / The Development of the Market Value of Swedish Frequency Containment Reserves 2024–2030 : A forecast for the development of the market value for the frequency containment reserves FCR-N, FCR-D up and FCR-D down in the Swedish balancing market between 2024 and 2030Ludvig, Aldén, Gustav, Espefält, Gabriel, Gabro January 2024 (has links)
I takt med en ökad andel variabel förnybar elproduktion i Sveriges energimix blir elnätets flexibilitet allt viktigare för att upprätthålla en stabil elförsörjning. Detta arbete undersöker framtida prognoser för priser och volymer på de svenska frekvenshållningsreserverna FCR-N, FCR-D upp och FCR-D ned fram till år 2030. Prognoser för sådan utveckling är viktiga för elmarknadens aktörer och deras beslut att investera i flexibilitetsresurser. SARIMAX-modeller utvecklades baserade på historisk data och antaganden om framtida utvecklingar, vilka i sin tur grundades på en intervju med en branschexpert samt aktuella kartläggningar och rapporter. Resultaten visar på en markant nedåtgående pristrend. För FCR-N prognostiseras priserna sjunka med 367 % från 2024 till 2030, från 29 euro/MW till 5 euro/MW. FCR-D upp förväntas följa en liknande trend med ett prisfall på 325 %, från 20 euro/MW år 2024 till 4 euro/MW år 2030. Den kraftigaste prisnedgången prognostiseras för FCR-D ned, där priserna beräknas rasa med över 1900 % under samma period - från 61 euro/MW år 2024 till endast 3 euro/MW år 2030. Vad gäller volymer visar prognoserna på en relativt stabil utveckling kring upphandlingsplanerna, med en viss ökning för FCR-D ned på 44 % från 2024 till 2030. Den pågående etableringen av batterilager förutses ha stor påverkan genom att öka konkurrensen och pressa priserna nedåt. De låga prisnivåerna 2030 kan dock göra det utmanande att motivera investeringar enbart baserat på intäkter från FCR-marknader. Vidare diskuteras modellernas begränsningar samt behovet av framtida forskning kring batteriteknik, råvaruaspekter och avancerade simuleringsmodeller för att bättre förstå marknadsdynamiken. / As the share of variable renewable electricity production increases in Sweden's energy mix, the flexibility of the power grid becomes increasingly important to maintain a stable electricity supply. This study aims to forecast prices and volumes of the Swedish frequency containment reserves FCR-N, FCR-D up, and FCR-D down until 2030. Forecasts of such developments are important for electricity market participants and their decisions to invest in flexibility resources. SARIMAX models were developed based on historical data and assumptions about future developments, which in turn were based on an interview with an industry expert as well as current reports. The results indicate a significant downward price trend. For FCR-N, prices are forecasted to decrease by 367% from 2024 to 2030, dropping from 29 euros/MW to 5 euros/MW. FCR-D up is expected to follow a similar trend with a 325% price drop, from 20 euros/MW in 2024 to 4 euros/MW in 2030. The sharpest price decline is forecasted for FCR-D down, where prices are estimated to plummet by over 1900% during the same period - from 61 euros/MW in 2024 to only 3 euros/MW in 2030. Regarding volumes, the forecasts show a relatively stable development around the procurement plans, with a certain increase for FCR-D down by 44% from 2024 to 2030. The ongoing establishment of battery storage is expected to have a major impact by increasing competition and putting downward pressure on prices. However, the low price levels in 2030 may make it challenging to justify investments based solely on revenues from FCR markets. Furthermore, the limitations of the models are discussed, as well as the need for future research on battery technology, raw material aspects, and advanced simulation models to better understand market dynamics.
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