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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Många medlemmar, få beslutsfattare : En flerfallstudie om beslutsfattande i kooperativ / Many members, few decision-makers : A multi-case study on decision-making in co-operatives

Olsson, Alice, Hildebrand, Ida January 2023 (has links)
Bakgrund: I Sverige finns det många företag både stora och små som använder sig utav den kooperativa organisationsmodellen. Trots att kooperativa företag är en stor del av näringslivet är kunskapen om dem begränsad. Kooperativa företag ägs av sina medlemmar bygger på principen demokratisk medlemskontroll, vilket innebär en medlem en röst. Eftersom kooperationer bygger påmedlemskontroll påverkar detta hur beslutsfattande ser ut i organisationen, vilket gör beslutsfattandeett intressant ämne att studera djupare i kooperationer. Det finns mycket tidigare forskning om beslut däremot finns det inte det när det kommer till kooperationer. Syfte: Syftet med denna uppsats är att öka kunskapen inom beslutsfattande i kooperativ genom att ur styrelsens och ledningens perspektiv undersöka hur de resonerar sig fram till beslut, vad deras roll ibeslutsfattande får för konsekvenser och hur de arbetar med att representera sina medlemmar i besluten. Metod: Studien har genomförts som en kvalitativ flerfallstudie. Studien följer en abduktiv ansats och har ett fenomenologiskt perspektiv. Det empiriska materialet från fyra olika kooperativ har samlats in med hjälp av semi-strukturerade intervjuer med subjekten. Slutsats: Beslutsfattare inom ett kooperativ använder sig huvudsakligen av ett konsekvenslogiskt resonemang för att komma fram till beslut och beslutsfattarna eftersträvar rationalitet i sina beslut genom att välgrundade beslutsunderlag ses som viktigt. När besluts resoneras fram är det viktigt att desom är involverade i beslutsfattandet måste få möjlighet att förstå sig på beslutsunderlaget och det bör det förankras bland involverade parter. Studien påvisar vikten av kommunikation och motivation bakom de beslut som har tagits av organisationen för att hantera motstånd, ge beslutet legitimitet samt underlätta implementering. Genom studien kan vi dra slutsatsen att medlemsdeltagandet är inte lika stort som det kunde ha varit och de kooperationer i vår studie som upplevde skilda åsikter bland medlemmarna, som var av majoritet, såg inte det som något negativt utan att det var bra med många åsikter. Styrelsen och ledningen arbetar med att representera medlemmarna genom att ta beslut som är i organisationens bästa intresse däremot orsakar informationsasymmetrin mellan medlem och styrelsen/ledningen att medlemmens styrsignaler inte alltid får gehör. / Background: In Sweden there are many companies both large and small that use the cooperativeorganization model. Although co-operative enterprises are a large part of the business community, the knowledge of them is limited. Co-operative enterprises are owned by their members based on the principle of democratic member control, which means one member one vote. Since cooperatives are based on member control, it affects how decision-making is constructed in the organization, which makes decision-making an interesting topic to study in depth in cooperatives. There is a lot of previous research on decision-making, but not when it comes to co-operatives.  Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to increase knowledge of decision-making in co-operatives by examining, from the perspective of the board and management, how they reason their way to decisions, the consequences of their role in the decision-making and how they work to represent their members in the decisions.  Method: The study has been conducted as a qualitative multi-case study. The study follows an abductive approach and has a phenomenological perspective. The empirical material has been collected from four different co-operatives through semi-structured interviews with subjects. Conclusion: Decision-makers in a co-operative mainly use consequentialist reasoning to reason their way to decisions, and the decision-makers strive for rationality in their decisions which is shown through the emphasis of having well-informed decision-making materials. When decisions are reasonedout, it is important that those involved in the decision-making process must be given the opportunity to understand the basis of the decision and it should be anchored among the parties involved. The study demonstrates the importance of communication and motivation behind the decisions taken by the organization in order to manage resistance, give the decision legitimacy and facilitate implementation. We can also conclude that member participation is low, and the subjects that experienced differingopinions among members, did not see this as something negative, rather useful. The board and management work to represent the members by making decisions that are in the best interest of the organization, but the information asymmetry between the member and the board/management means that the member´s control signals are not always heard.

Faktorer och prioriteringar vid fastighetsinvestering : En komparativ studie av fyra privatägda fastighetsbolag i Östergötland / Factors and priorities in real estate investment : A comparative study of four privately owned real estate companies in Östergötland

Fagerberg, Hugo, Claar, Linus January 2023 (has links)
Previous studies of the Swedish real estate market regarding priorities and investment processes are scarce. This is because when the area has been studied, it has taken place in markets outside of Sweden and therefore cannot be seen as directly comparable. The purpose of this study is to investigate which factors differ, or do not differ, between medium- sized and large real estate companies in investment processes, and how these factors are prioritized. The study also aims to investigate how the valuation process of a rental property takes place between medium-sized and large property companies. The study is an exploratory comparative study where an abductive method has been used. Primary data has been collected through semi-structured interviews. After this, a thematic analysis has been carried out in the comparative analysis. The study's results showed that there were no major differences between medium- sized and large real estate companies regarding valuation methods. The study did not find any single factor that was considered the most important. However, the study found other similarities and differences that were not intended to be investigated. To create a basic understanding of how real estate valuation processes in carried out in Östergötland and what differs in this process between large and medium- sized real estate companies.

Valet av verksamhetsmodelleringsspråk : En fallstudie om faktorer som påverkar beslutet av modelleringsspråk

Garroz Novoa, Mikaela January 2022 (has links)
Tidigare forskning tyder på att beslutsteorier är något som kan användas som teoretisk referensram inom informationssystemsforskning mer frekvent. Denna studie ämnar att undersöka hur beslutsprocessen för valet av verksamhetsmodelleringsspråk har sett ut hos olika svenska organisationer som verksamhetsmodellerar. Genom att undersöka beslutsprocessen identifieras vilka faktorer som påverkar valet. Den teoretiska utgångspunkten för studien har varit beslutsteorier som utvecklats från den beteendeekonomiska läran. De beslutsteorier som legat till grund för studien är Herbert Simons beslutsteori och prospektteorin. Verksamhetsmodellering är aktiviteten att beskriva verksamheter med hjälp av modeller. En modell är en förenkling av verkligheten och för att skapa dessa modeller kan man använda sig av olika slags verksamhetsmodelleringsspråk. Genom att verksamhetsmodellera kan det hjälpa organisationer att fånga relevanta delar och information om sin verksamhet i syfte att effektivisera, förbättra, förändra eller nå andra specifika mål i sin verksamhet (Sandkuhl et al., 2014). Sedan 80-talet har utvecklingen av tekniker och verksamhetsmodelleringsspråk växt vilket har gett upphov till en stor variation av språk och verktyg, vilket har givit användare ett brett urval att välja mellan. Studien har genomförts med en kvalitativ metod där datainsamlingen bestått av intervjuer med respondenter från olika svenska offentliga organisationer. Intervjufrågorna baseras sig på en undersökningsmodell där beslutsteorierna ligger till grund. Intervjuresultaten har sedan analyserats utifrån en kvalitativ och abduktiv analys för att komma fram till studiens slutsats av identifierade faktorer. Studien identifierade fem stycken generella faktorer som påverkar valet, vilka var kognitiva faktorer såsom preferenser, osäkerhet, mänsklig kompetens men även drivande faktorer som effektivisering. Studien identifierar även påverkande faktorer som ligger i linje med Herbert Simons beslutsteori och prospektteorin. / Previous research suggests that decision theories can be used more frequently as a theoretical frame of reference in information systems research. This study intends to investigate the decision-making process for the choice of enterprise modeling language in various Swedish organizations that practice enterprise modeling. By examining the decision-making process, factors that influence the choice are identified. The theoretical reference for the study has been decision theories developed from the theory of behavioral economics. The decision theories that formed the basis of the study are Herbert Simon's decision theory and the prospect theory by Daniel Kahneman and Amos Tversky. Enterprise modeling is the activity of describing enterprises using models. A model is a simplification of reality and to create these models, enterprises can use different types of enterprise modeling languages. By modeling, it can help organizations capture relevant parts and information of their operations in order to improve, change or achieve other specific goals (Sandkuhl et al., 2014). Since the 1980s, the development of techniques and business modeling languages ​​has grown, which has given rise to a large variety of languages ​​and tools, which has given users a wide selection to choose from. The study was conducted with a qualitative method where the data collection consisted of interviews with respondents from various Swedish public organizations. The interview questions are based on a survey model on which the decision theories were based. The results were then analyzed on the basis of a qualitative and abductive analysis to arrive at the study's conclusion of identified factors. The study identified five general factors that influence the decision-making which were cognitive biases such as preferences, uncertainty, human competence but also driving factors such as efficiency. The study also identifies factors that are in line with Herbert Simon's decision theory and the prospect theory.

Anomaly Detection in Categorical Data with Interpretable Machine Learning : A random forest approach to classify imbalanced data

Yan, Ping January 2019 (has links)
Metadata refers to "data about data", which contains information needed to understand theprocess of data collection. In this thesis, we investigate if metadata features can be usedto detect broken data and how a tree-based interpretable machine learning algorithm canbe used for an effective classification. The goal of this thesis is two-fold. Firstly, we applya classification schema using metadata features for detecting broken data. Secondly, wegenerate the feature importance rate to understand the model’s logic and reveal the keyfactors that lead to broken data. The given task from the Swedish automotive company Veoneer is a typical problem oflearning from extremely imbalanced data set, with 97 percent of data belongs healthy dataand only 3 percent of data belongs to broken data. Furthermore, the whole data set containsonly categorical variables in nominal scales, which brings challenges to the learningalgorithm. The notion of handling imbalanced problem for continuous data is relativelywell-studied, but for categorical data, the solution is not straightforward. In this thesis, we propose a combination of tree-based supervised learning and hyperparametertuning to identify the broken data from a large data set. Our methods arecomposed of three phases: data cleaning, which is eliminating ambiguous and redundantinstances, followed by the supervised learning algorithm with random forest, lastly, weapplied a random search for hyper-parameter optimization on random forest model. Our results show empirically that tree-based ensemble method together with a randomsearch for hyper-parameter optimization have made improvement to random forest performancein terms of the area under the ROC. The model outperformed an acceptableclassification result and showed that metadata features are capable of detecting brokendata and providing an interpretable result by identifying the key features for classificationmodel.

Variationen i användningen av hård och mjuk information inom vård- och omsorgsbranschen : - En fallstudie om offensiva och defensiva beslutssituationer

Hanna, Johannes, Ali, Moe André January 2019 (has links)
Strategiska beslut är viktiga för företag eftersom det handlar om att skapa framtida konkurrenskraft eller för att överleva på marknaden. Enligt tidigare studier finns det två olika beslutssituationer som företag kan stå inför vilka är offensiva beslut där det handlar om att öka företagets marknadsandelar och defensiva beslut som innebär att företaget skär ner på nuvarande kapacitet. I de tidigare studierna skriver forskarna att det finns hård (numerisk) och mjuk (åsikter, visioner, idéer och känslor) information som beslut kan grundas på. Syftet med denna studie är att skapa en förståelse för hur hård och mjuk information används vid strategiska beslut genom att identifiera offensiva och defensiva beslutssituationer. Vidare syftar studien till att analysera hur kunskaperna om medel och mål hos staben i ett privatägt företag inom vård- och omsorgsbranschen initierar användningen av hård och mjuk information vid olika faser i beslutsprocessen. Denna studie gjordes genom en fallstudie som bygger på semi-strukturerade intervjuer med kvalitativa inslag. Fallföretaget är verksamt inom vård och omsorgsbranschen och har en stab som består av fyra medlemmar vilka ansvarar för de strategiska besluten. Resultaten i denna studie visar att kunskaperna om medel och mål hos fallföretagets stab initierade användningen av mjuk information vid alla faser i beslutsprocessen i offensiva och defensiva beslutssituationer. Resultaten visar också att hård information användes i mittersta fasen i beslutsprocessen för att legitimera stabmedlemmarnas argument. / Strategic decisions are important for companies because it is about creating future competitiveness or for surviving in the market. According to previous studies, there are two different decision situations that companies can face which are offensive decisions that involve increasing the company's market shares and defensive decisions which implies that the company reduces their current capacity. In the previous studies, the researchers mention that there is hard (numerical) and soft (opinions, visions, ideas and emotions) information that decisions can be based on. The purpose of this study is to create an understanding of how hard and soft information is used in strategic decisions by identifying offensive and defensive decision situations. Furthermore, the study aims to analyze how the knowledge of means and goals of the staff in a privately-owned company in the health and care sector initiates the use of hard and soft information at different phases in the decision-making process. This study was done through a case study based on semi-structured interviews with qualitative elements. The case company operates in the healthcare industry and has a staff consisting of four members who are responsible for the strategic decisions. The results of this study show the knowledge of the means and goals of the case company staff initiated the use of soft information at all stages of the decision-making process in offensive and defensive decision situations. The results also show that hard information was used in the middle phase of the decision-making process to legitimize the staff members' arguments.

Kommunikativ kommun : En studie av Bollnäs kommuns förvirring kring införandet av resultatenheter.

Strid, Li January 2009 (has links)
<p><strong>Aim: </strong>To investigate the observed issues about the economy units’ importation in the municipal of Bollnäs, Sweden, and study the internal communication according to this matter. </p><p><strong>Method:</strong> This paper is written as a process where the information flow has been decided by the information held in the interviews. The interviews have dealt with the economy units issues and the communication linked to it, within the oganization. The persons that have been interviewed are Olle Nilsson Sträng -principal of the municipal executive board, Leopold Stoltz - head of the municipal, Jan Lahenkorva‐ principal of the youth and child care board Maj ‐Britt Karlsson‐ head of the youth and child care management and Eva Eklunddirector of junior school. After the interview report, discussions about what really happened and what can be done are made. </p><p><strong>Contribution of thesis:</strong> The thesis shows that the communication is important for the persons within the organization and its function. It also contributes to a understanding of the public organizations of Sweden.</p><p><strong>Future research:</strong> Suggest how decisions will be made in a public and private organization,are there any differences? I would also be interesting to know how the community is reacting on the information from public organization. </p><p><strong>Result & Conclusions: </strong>To build awareness about the internal communication problems and consider the decision ‐making process and how the decisions are made public. </p><p> </p>

Historieämnets vara eller icke vara : En kvalitativ studie av Historielärarnas förenings arbete för att stärka historieämnet i den svenska skolan.

Helin, Petra January 2009 (has links)
<p>Since 1820 there has been a continuous discussion about the contents of history courses and the current debate considering this school subject is no exception; it is as vital as ever. Both in educational policy and public debate the role of history as a school subject has been brought up for discussion.</p><p>In this study the writer has chosen to study the politically independent interest organization HLF. The organization is a non profit association, which works for the consolidation of history in Swedish schools.The purpose of this study is to investigate how the organization HLF has received and met the ongoing debate on this issue. The writer has chosen to examine the strategies the organization has used in order to influence this school subject and if they have succeeded in doing this.</p><p>To carry out this study the writer has made use of HLF´s annuals as well as <em>Aktuellt om historia</em>, which is a publication that the organization issues three or four times a year. The conclusion of this study is that HLF has little influence when it comes to the formulation of the education of history. Despite assiduous work from the part of the organization its views were not met with sympathy by politicians </p><p><strong> </strong></p><p> </p><p> </p>

Historieämnets vara eller icke vara : En kvalitativ studie av Historielärarnas förenings arbete för att stärka historieämnet i den svenska skolan.

Helin, Petra January 2009 (has links)
Since 1820 there has been a continuous discussion about the contents of history courses and the current debate considering this school subject is no exception; it is as vital as ever. Both in educational policy and public debate the role of history as a school subject has been brought up for discussion. In this study the writer has chosen to study the politically independent interest organization HLF. The organization is a non profit association, which works for the consolidation of history in Swedish schools.The purpose of this study is to investigate how the organization HLF has received and met the ongoing debate on this issue. The writer has chosen to examine the strategies the organization has used in order to influence this school subject and if they have succeeded in doing this. To carry out this study the writer has made use of HLF´s annuals as well as Aktuellt om historia, which is a publication that the organization issues three or four times a year. The conclusion of this study is that HLF has little influence when it comes to the formulation of the education of history. Despite assiduous work from the part of the organization its views were not met with sympathy by politicians

Kommunikativ kommun : En studie av Bollnäs kommuns förvirring kring införandet av resultatenheter.

Strid, Li January 2009 (has links)
Aim: To investigate the observed issues about the economy units’ importation in the municipal of Bollnäs, Sweden, and study the internal communication according to this matter.  Method: This paper is written as a process where the information flow has been decided by the information held in the interviews. The interviews have dealt with the economy units issues and the communication linked to it, within the oganization. The persons that have been interviewed are Olle Nilsson Sträng -principal of the municipal executive board, Leopold Stoltz - head of the municipal, Jan Lahenkorva‐ principal of the youth and child care board Maj ‐Britt Karlsson‐ head of the youth and child care management and Eva Eklunddirector of junior school. After the interview report, discussions about what really happened and what can be done are made.  Contribution of thesis: The thesis shows that the communication is important for the persons within the organization and its function. It also contributes to a understanding of the public organizations of Sweden. Future research: Suggest how decisions will be made in a public and private organization,are there any differences? I would also be interesting to know how the community is reacting on the information from public organization.  Result &amp; Conclusions: To build awareness about the internal communication problems and consider the decision ‐making process and how the decisions are made public.

Investeringsprocesser i ett divisionaliserat företag : -En fallstudie inom Södra Skogsägarna

Arvidsson, Oskar, Johannesson, Emil, Johansson, Pierre January 2012 (has links)
I denna uppsats studeras investeringsprocesser i det divisionaliserade företaget Södra Skogsägarna ekonomisk förening. Studiens syfte är att beskriva och förklara företagets investeringsprocesser och i vilken utsträckning dessa processer är standardiserade. I studien analyseras dessa investeringsprocesser utifrån befintlig teori. Studien visar att investeringsprocesser initieras i den operativa verksamheten för att sedan drivas fram i den operativa verksamheten och i ledningen på enhetsnivå. Beslut fattas på alla nivåer i företaget efter investeringars storlek. Vidare visar studien att det både finns stora likheter och skillnader mellan divisionernas investeringsprocesser. Likheter har ofta sin grund i företagets investeringsinstruktioner medan skillnader ofta har sin grund i divisionernas olika egenskaper och förutsättningar. / This essay studies the capital resource allocation process in the divisionalized company Södra Skogsägarna ekonomisk förening. The study aims to describe and explain the company's capital resource allocation processes and to describe and explain to what extent these processes are standardized. The study analyzes these processes using existing theory on the subject. The study shows that the capital resource allocation process is initiated by the operational levels of the firm and then integrated by the operational levels and the business unit management. Decisions are made at all levels of the company based on the capital expenditure. The study also shows that there are both major similarities and differences between the divisions’ capital resource allocation processes. The similarities are often a result of the company's capital budgeting manual while the differences often due to the different characteristics and environments of the divisions.

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