Spelling suggestions: "subject:"bodymind"" "subject:"bodyminds""
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The experience of insight : an existential-phenomenological studyFreeth, John S 09 October 2010 (has links)
In the last fifteen to twenty years there has been increasing agreement about the phenomenon of insight, but a clear mechanism for insight is not yet understood. The present study examines nine different approaches to the experience of insight: the holistic approach of gestalt psychology; the existential approach of phenomenological psychology; the puzzle-problem approach of cognitive psychology; the creative approach of genius, dreams, design and invention; the representational approach of models; the case-study approach of great minds; the metaphors-of-mind approach; the intersubjective approach of psychotherapy, and the body-mind-spirit continuum approach of spirituality to insight. The distinctive value of this qualitative research lies in the opportunity to interview the research participants to get rich descriptions, not only about their experiences of significant insight and the conditions under which they occurred, but also to investigate the results of their insights. Archbishop Emeritus Desmond Tutu’s insight, in prayer before the Soweto Uprising, resulted in him writing a historic letter of warning to the Prime Minister. Debbie Brown had a series of insights in therapy and while listening to music, about responding to her husband’s long-term infidelity; the results were totally unexpected and expressed in a contemporaneous e-mail. Sir Roger Penrose’s experience of insight was subliminal as he crossed a road and needed to be re-membered later from a lingering feeling of elation; it resulted in a scientific proof about black holes. Tony Grogan’s insights and associations occurred while scanning the news and were expressed in a socio-political cartoon form for the Cape Times newspaper. The particular findings include the necessity for awareness and disposition of openness, the importance of confronting and containing the problematic raw material, and the significance of the moments of ‘impact’ and ‘interpreting’. Insight is seen as crucial to the quality of understanding, transcending the usual or dominant way of seeing things, as key to a self-actualising process and as self-authenticating yet tested in the public realm. At each occurrence of insight understanding develops and action is enabled. The relationship between insight and sight, foresight and humour, is discussed. The qualitative research findings are considered in relation to recent neurobiological research. / Thesis (PhD)--University of Pretoria, 2010. / Psychology / unrestricted
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Význam poznávacích procesů pro tvorbu umělé inteligence / Meaning of cognitive processes for creating artificial intelligencePangrác, Vojtěch January 2011 (has links)
This work is aimed at creating a single view in the field of cognitive processes. Namely it is analysis of providing importance of cognitive processes for the entire field of artificial intelligence. The whole area of cognitive processes is described through the analysis of biological cognitive processes and their subsequent comparison with the processes of artificial intelligence and also the overall analysis of their limitations and their use. The work also contains a brief overview of the architecture of artificial intelligence and philosophical essay focused on the relationship of mind and body. In the end we present a project from IBM workshop, which is very important for their ability to work with natural language and understanding the content of questions asked.
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Engaging Holistic Wellness and Strengths to Support Youth and Families with Trauma: A Solution-Focused Body-Mind-Spirit ApproachEads, Ray 25 August 2022 (has links)
No description available.
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Respirationsdomänen från Global Body Examination: intrabedömarreliabilitet och korrelation med självskattad besvärsgrad vid utmattningssyndrom / The respiratory domain from Global Body Examination: intra-rater reliability and correlation with self-reported severity of symptoms in Stress-Related ExhaustionKjellander, Erika January 2021 (has links)
Background: Stress-Related Exhaustion (SE) has increased in the last 10 years. Examination is key for good care, but research on body examinations for SE is lacking. Clinically, autonomic stress response with affected respiratory patterns can be observed in SE. Global Body Examination (GBE) can be used to evaluate autonomic stress responses. GBE has a respiratory domain (rGBE) that has been tested for validity, but not for its intra-rater reliability. Moreover, its’ association with SE symptom severity is unknown. Aim: To examine intra-rater reliability of rGBE in SE, and concurrent validity between rGBE and symptom severity in SE, measured with the self-reported outcome measure Shirom-Melamed Burnout Questionnaire (SMBQ). Method: Test-retest and cross-sectional design was used in the study, with a sample of convenience. Intra-rater reliability was analyzed with ICC, standard error of measurement (SEM) and agreement through a Bland-Altman plot. Spearman’s rho was used to analyze correlation between SMBQ and rGBE. Result: Sample size was 25. Intra-rater reliability was very high (ICC: 0.94, 95% CI: 0.86-0.97, p<0.01). Bland-Altman plot revealed no systematic errors. Mean of rGBE: 7.51 (SD2.14) with SEM: 0.56. Correlation between rGBE and SMBQ was low, Spearman’s rho=0.48,95% CI: 0.09-0.74, p=0,02, with 22% shared variance. Conclusion: rGBE shows good intra-rater reliability and seems suitable for examining SE symptoms. However, its use in diagnostic and to determinate symptom severity in SE remains uncertain due to the wide CI. Beyond SE, rGBE might be useful for other disorders affecting the autonomic balance, as well as diseases that affect respiration. / Bakgrund: Utmattningssyndrom har ökat i samhället de senaste 10 åren. Undersökning är viktig för god rehabilitering men forskning gällande kroppsundersökningar saknas på utmattningssyndrom. Kliniskt har bland annat påverkat respirationsmönster observerats, som ett kroppsligt uttryck på autonom uppvarvning. Global Body Examination (GBE) är en undersökningsmetod som kartlägger autonom uppvarvning. GBE har en respirationsdomän (rGBE) som har testats för validitet, men inte för intrabedömarreliabilitet. Om ett samband föreligger mellan rGBE och besvärsgrad vid utmattningssyndrom är också okänt. Syfte: Att undersöka intrabedömarreliabilitet hos rGBE, samt den samtidiga validiteten mellan rGBE och självskattad besvärsgrad enligt Shirom-Melamed Burnout Questionnaire (SMBQ) hos individer med utmattningssyndrom. Metod: Test-retestdesign och tvärsnittsdesign användes i studien. Bekvämlighetsurval utfördes. Intrabedömarreliabilitet analyserades med ICC, standardmätfel och överenstämmelse via en Bland-Altman analys. Korrelationen mellan rGBE och SMBQ analyserades med Spearman’s rho. Resultat: Deltagarantalet blev 25. Intrabedömarreliabiliteten var mycket hög; ICC=0.94, 95% konfidensintervall 0.86-0.97, p<0.01. Bland-Altman analys visade inga systematiska mätfel. Medelvärde av rGBE blev 7.51 (SD 2.14) med standardmätfel på 0.56. Sambandet mellan rGBE och SMBQ var lågt; Spearmans's rho=0.48, 95% konfidensintervall 0.09-0.74, p=0.02. Samvariationen blev 22%. Slutsats: rGBE visar god intrabedömarreliabilitet och kan vara en lämplig undersökningsmetod för att observera utmattningssymtom. Inga säkra slutsatser kan dras gällande rGBEs användbarhet vid diagnostik eller besvärsgradering av utmattningssyndrom då konfidensintervallet blev brett. Utöver utmattningssyndrom kan rGBE troligen vara användbar vid besvär som påverkar den autonoma balansen, såväl som besvär som påverkar respirationen.
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El 気 (=KI) en la Filosofía de Yuasa. La unidad corpóreo espiritual como clave antropológica de la apertura personal a la transcedenciaKuwano, Moe 27 March 2012 (has links)
El tema principal d’aquesta tesi és considerar la noció sinojaponesa del Ki en la filosofia de Yasuo Yuasa com a fil conductor per a la seva recerca antropològica i el seu camí vers la transcendència.
Calia constatar que l’aportació de Yuasa és principalment la seva determinació del lloc del Ki en la corporalitat i, per tal de fer-ho, centrar en aquest punt el tema de la present tesi.
Aquesta tesi està dividida en sis capítols:
En el primer capítol, tractem de Yasuo Yuasa en la seva circumstància, vida i pensament i, el seu influx i el desenvolupament del seu pensament en alguns autors actuals.
En el segon capítol, abordem com Yuasa ha arribat a tenir la idea del Ki com a clau de la unitat corpòria-espiritual i l’obertura a la transcendència, mitjançant un recorregut per la seva obra. Al llarg de tota la seva obra, podem trobar les preguntes radicals sobre sí mateix, sobre el món, sobre l’origen que els transcendeix. Yuasa les anomena Ethos, els corrents filosòfics espirituals latents i fonamentals en el fons de cada tradició i cultura.
En el tercer capítol, tractem una visió de conjunt al voltant de la noció del Ki i la tradició de pensament que l’acompanya per tal d’introduir el seu sentit i les seves funciones fonamentals. Per això, pretenem analitzar-la tant des de la perspectiva del seu sentit etimològic i de llurs diverses accepcions en l’ús del llenguatge, com des del punt de vista històric i de llurs diverses dimensions.
En el quart capítol, considerem l’aspecte de l’ésser humà com a unitat cos-ment i el seu doble caràcter; ésser immanent i transcendent del món. En abordar la qüestió de la transcendència i de la immanència en la filosofia existencial que es troba en els filòsofs moderns japonesos, Yuasa sent la necessitat de remuntar-se a l’ontologia en la tradició occidental com ara la de Sant Tomàs. La forma d’aquest pensament ontològic (o metafísic) té uns aspectes universals i equivalents amb el pensament tradicional d’Orient que es troba en el fons de la filosofia existencial en la modernitat japonesa. A partir d’aquesta base, en el cinquè capítol, intentem analitzar si existeix la pregunta vers la transcendència en la tradició oriental, especialment la tradició xinesa japonesa representada per Yuasa. Yuasa té en compte la unitat corpòria-espiritual com a obertura a la pregunta vers la transcendència. La clau d’aquesta unitat és el Ki, el qual, segons Yuasa, és el flux que té una funció fisiològica i psicològica, així com també una funció espiritual, que fa connectar a l’ésser humà amb el món exterior. La idea del Ki ens fa abastar la visió de l’ésser humà al llarg de la història del pensament científic i antropològic i religiós o espiritual. Per això, intentarem analitzar la noció del Ki des de tres perspectives: científica, antropològica i espiritual.
En el sisè capítol, finalment, tractem la pràctica del shugyô la qual té un sentit molt important a fi de poder considerar la teoria oriental de la unitat cos-ment i és una clau per tal de comprendre la transcendència en la tradició oriental. El shugyô indica l’ascesi, la pràctica o la formació del cultiu d’un mateix. Dins el concepte del shugyô Yuasa distingeix entre la praxi exterior (preceptes sîla) i la praxi interior (contemplació samâdhi). Ens fixem especialment en la praxi interior que és l’activitat que s’orienta cap a la pròpia interioritat de l’ésser humà, el significat del qual és equivalent a la vida contemplativa en el terme occidental. / El tema principal de esta tesis es considerar la noción chino-japonesa del Ki en la filosofía de Yasuo Yuasa como hilo conductor para su búsqueda antropológica y su camino hacia la trascendencia.
Había que constatar que la aportación de Yuasa es principalmente su determinación del puesto del Ki en la corporalidad y, para ello, centrar en este punto el tema de la presente tesis.
Esta tesis está dividida en seis capítulos:
En el primer capítulo, tratamos acerca de Yasuo Yuasa en su circunstancia, vida y pensamiento y, el influjo y el desarrollo de su pensamiento en algunos autores actuales.
En el segundo capítulo, abordamos sobre cómo Yuasa ha llegado a tener la idea del Ki como clave de la unidad corpóreo espiritual y apertura a la trascendencia, mediante el recorrido por su obra. A lo largo de toda su obra, podemos encontrar las preguntas radicales sobre sí mismo, sobre el mundo, sobre el origen que los trasciende. Yuasa las llama Ethos, las corrientes filosóficas espirituales latentes y fundamentales en el fondo de cada tradición y cultura.
En el tercer capítulo, tratamos una visión de conjunto acerca de la noción del Ki y la tradición de pensamiento que la acompaña para introducir su sentido y sus funciones fundamentales. Por ello, pretendemos analizarla tanto desde la perspectiva de su sentido etimológico y sus diversas acepciones en el uso del lenguaje, como desde el punto de vista histórico y de sus diversas dimensiones.
En el cuarto capítulo, consideramos el aspecto del ser humano como unidad cuerpo-mente y su doble carácter; ser inmanente y trascendente del mundo. Al abordar la cuestión de la trascendencia y de la inmanencia en la filosofía existencial que se encuentra en los filósofos modernos japoneses, Yuasa siente la necesidad de remontarse a la ontología medieval en la tradición occidental como la de Santo Tomas. La forma de este pensamiento ontológico (o metafísico) tiene unos aspectos universales y equivalentes con el pensamiento tradicional de Oriente que se encuentra en el fondo de la filosofía existencial en la modernidad japonesa.
A partir de esta base, en el quinto capítulo, intentamos analizar si existe la pregunta hacia la trascendencia en la tradición oriental, especialmente la tradición china japonesa representado por Yuasa. Yuasa tiene en cuenta la unidad corpóreo espiritual como apertura a la pregunta hacia la trascendencia. La clave de esta unidad es el Ki, que según Yuasa, es el flujo que tiene una función fisiológica y psicológica, así como también una función espiritual, que hace conectar al ser humano con el mundo exterior. La idea del Ki nos hace abarcar la visión del ser humano a lo largo de la historia del pensamiento científico y antropológico y religioso o espiritual. Por ello, intentaremos analizar la noción del Ki desde tres perspectivas: científica, antropológica y espiritual.
En el sexto capítulo, finalmente, tratamos la práctica del shugyô que tiene un sentido muy importante para poder considerar la teoría oriental de la unidad cuerpo-mente y es una clave para comprender la trascendencia en la tradición oriental. El shugyô indica la ascesis, la práctica o la formación del autocultivo. Dentro del concepto del shugyô Yuasa distingue entre la praxis exterior (preceptos sîla) y la praxis interior (contemplación samâdhi). Nos fijamos especialmente en la praxis interior que es la actividad que se orienta hacia la propia interioridad del ser humano, cuyo significado es equivalente a la vida contemplativa en el término occidental. / The main purpose of this dissertation is to study the Chino-Japanese thought about Ki in the philosophy of Yuasa as a key for his anthropological search and as a way toward transcendance.
We had to clarify the contribution of Yuasa to both the anthropological and the metaphysical question. The main contribution of Yuasa to this problem is the determination of the role of Ki within the Mind-Body theory. That is why we had to focus our research upon this point as the main subject of our dissertation.
Our research follows the steps of the following chapters:
In the first chapter we present the thought of Yuasa within the context of his biographical circumstances, as well as the influence of further developments of his thought in other contemporary thinkers.
In the second chapter we go through the whole complete works of Yuasa in order to find the development of his thought about Ki and the way he has arrived to the conclusion of setting the idea of Ki as the leading thread to grasp both the Mind-body unity and the openness toward transcendence.
Throughout his work we find him seeking to answer the basic questions about himself, about the world and about the tarscendental origins of both the human being and the cosmos. Yuasa sees these basic questions as the Ethos of the philosophical and spiritual currents in the bottom of each tradition and culture.
In the third chapter we present an overall view about the idea of Ki and the tradition of thought developed around this fundamental concept of Eastern philosophy, trying to show its meaning and its role for the understanding of both the human being and the cosmos. For that purpose we analyse the notion of Ki from the viewpoint of its etimological, historical and other dimensions.
In the fourth chapter we deal with the Mind-body unity of the human being and the two characteristics of his way of being in the world, namely, inmanence and transcendance. Yuasa studied the problem of inmanence and transcendence in the existential philosophy of the modern Japanese thinkers, and the roots of their thought in the Eastern tradition. Then, in order to compare them with Western thought, he felt the need to seek the roots of contemporary existential Western philosophy in the tradition of ontology in the Middle Age, as in Thomas Aquinas. Yuasa arrived at the conclusion that this ontological (or metaphysical thinking) has some universal aspects which can be related to the traditional Eastern thought as we find it within the existential philosophy of some modern Japanese thinkers.
Taking into account this comparative approach, we ask in our analysis of the fifth chapter, whether the question toward transcendence can be found in the Eastern tradition, especially in the tradition represented by Yuasa.
Yuasa gives a great importance to the unity of mind and body as a key toward the question about transcendence. The key of the Mind and body unity is, according to Yuasa, the Ki, which plays not only a physiological and psychological role, but also an spiritual one in order to connect the human being with the world outside.
The idea of Ki helps us to reach an overall perspective about human being along the history of anthropological, scientific, and religious or spiritual thought. Therefore, it was important for us to analyse the notion of Ki from the viewpoint of its three main dimensions, namely, scientific, anthropological and spiritual dimensions.
Finally, in the sixth chapter we deal with the practice of shugyô or cultivation, which has a very important meaning for the understanding of the Eastern Mind-Body theory, and which is a key for the understanding of transcendence in that tradition. The meaning of shugyô points to ascesis or practices of self-cultivation. Within the concept of shugyô Yuasa makes a distinction between external practices (precepts, sîla) and internal practices (contemplation samâdhi). We concentrate our analysis in the internal practices, orientated toward the interiority of the human being. These practices can be related to the Western tradition of contemplative life.
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Emergência auto-organizada sensório-motora/afetiva do tempo neurofenomenológico / Self-organized sensorimotor/affective emergence of neurophenomenological timeJesus, Johnny Marques de [UNESP] 02 February 2018 (has links)
Submitted by JOHNNY MARQUES DE JESUS null (johmaje@gmail.com) on 2018-04-09T02:47:38Z
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Previous issue date: 2018-02-02 / Não recebi financiamento / Neste trabalho iremos avaliar a natureza e implicações da tese de que o tempo
fenomenológico é um fenômeno emergente/auto-organizado neural, corporificado, ativo e situado.
A idéia aqui é analisar qual tipo de compreensão do tempo fenomenológico é possível elaborar
mediante uma perspectiva neural/corporificada/pragmática/situada (abreviando: NCPS). O que
significa conceber a hipótese de que o tempo vivido subjetivamente é uma estrutura dinâmicocomplexa
que emerge da, e contribui com a regulação da, auto-organização do sistema temporal
global do corpo pragmático e situado? Quais as linhas teóricas fundamentais que podem ser
delineadas e investigadas para que tal hipótese possa ser desenvolvida e quais linhas de
argumentação probatória podem fornecer fundamentação, verificação e justificação de tal hipótese?
Com o objetivo de aplainar o terreno desta investigação, propomos partir de um paradigma
histórico-filosófico fornecido pelo modelo de Guyau acerca do tempo psicológico, para
posteriormente correlacioná-lo com modelos filosóficos/psicológicos/neurológicos do
processamento/vivência temporal, com modelos contemporaneamente propostos acerca da
corporificação situada/pragmática do tempo vivido e com modelos contemporâneos acerca da
cognição, emoção, ação e mente que, embora não diretamente focados na modelagem do tempo
vivido, são relevantes para o nosso caso. Nesse contexto, propusemos de início 6 proposições como
eixo de coordenadas conceituais para nossas argumentações: (1) a temporalidade afetiva está
estruturalmente articulada à temporalidade sensório-motora; (2) da dinâmica espaço-temporal
afetivo-motora emerge o tempo neurofenomenológico; (3) ao nível neural, a emergência do tempo
neurofenomenológico no, e enquanto regulador do, espaço de trabalho global (espaço de integração
informacional Φ (TONONI 2008)) implica que ele não só recebe inputs dos, mas também exerce
ações causais circulares descendentes (top-down) e paralelas sobre, os mecanismos neurais das
temporalidades afetivo-sensorimotoras mais básicas, contribuindo para redução do espaço
probabilístico de incertezas das trajetórias do corpo ativo no mundo, ao contribuir com a construção
e regulação de padrões espaço-temporais afetivo-motores mais complexos dos que os fornecidos em
processamentos subconscientes; (4) quando o animal está processando informações temporais no
ambiente, ele só pode fazer isso se processar informações temporais auto-relacionadas e autoespecificadoras,
que indicam, regulam e constituem a existência individual do corpo em oposição e
complementariedade à existência de individualidades e eventos externos, sendo que (4.1) tal
individualidade corporal não é dada isoladamente, mas sim é uma constituição espaço-temporal
operada no interior da dinâmica do sistema ecológico animal-ambiente; (5) a identidade corporal
proto-narrativa é auto-especificada e auto-produzida nas sínteses passivas temporais contínuas de
estados afetivos processados/vivenciados na microescala de integração temporal emocional (na
microescala episódica temporal proposta por Lewis (2000)); (5.1) mas esta proto-narrativa envolve
também processamentos/vivências proprioceptivos/cinestésicos auto-relacionados e autoespecificadores,
portanto, a auto-individuação espaciotemporal corporal é um processo de
integração temporal auto-relacionada e auto-especificadora gerado em sínteses diacrônicas de
estados sucessivos afetivos/proprioceptivos/cinestésicos; (6) o tempo pragmático primordial é uma
dinâmica auto-organizada baseada numa causalidade circular entre uma intencionalidade afetivomotora
do tempo (no sentido fenomenológico da direcionalidade ou referência à exterioridade) e
uma forma de síntese auto-referencial de estados corporais espaço-temporais constituindo uma
identidade anoética primordial. / In this work we will to evaluate the nature and implications of the thesis that
phenomenolgical time is a emergent/self-organizing neural, embodied, active and situated
phenomena. The idea here is to analyse what understanding of phenomenological time comes out
from a possible neural/embodied/active/situated (for short, NEAS) perspective. What does it mean
to conceive the hypothesis that subjectively lived time is a dynamic-complex structure that emerges
from and contributes to the regulation of the self-organization of the global temporal system of the
pragmatic and situated body? What are the fundamental theoretical lines that can be delineated and
investigated so to make possible such hypothesis and which lines of argumentation can provide
substantiation, verification and justification of such hypothesis? In order to prepare the terrain of
this research, we propose a historical-philosophical paradigm provided by Guyau's model of
psychological time, and later to correlate it with philosophical/psychological/neurological models of
temporal processing/experiencing, with contemporaneous models about the situated/pragmatic
embodiment of lived time and with contemporary models about cognition, emotion, action, and
mind that, while not directly focused on the modeling of lived time, are relevant to our case. In this
context, we first propose 6 propositions as the axis of conceptual coordinates for our arguments: (1)
The affective temporality is structurally articulated with sensorimotor temporality; (2) from the
primordial affective-motor temporal structures emerges neurophenomenological time; (3) the
emergence of neurophenomenological time from, and as regulator of, the global workspace
dynamics (space of informational integration Φ) implies that it exerts top-down and lateral
constrains on the more basic affective-sensorimotor temporalities, contributing to the uncertainty
reduction in the trajectory of active-body-in-the-world, through its contribution to the formation of
more complex affective-motor patterns; (4) When the animal is processing temporal information in
the environment, it can only do that if it process self-related temporal information, or proprioespecific
temporal information indicating the individual existence of itself as opposed to the
existence of external individuals and events. (4.1) Such bodily individuality is not given in egoic
isolation, but is also a spatiotemporal constitution operated by the dynamics of the animalenvironment
system; (5) A proto-narrative me-ness or ipseity is produced in the continuous
temporal passive synthesis of bodily affective states at lower scale of temporal integration (the
episodic time scale proposed by Lewis (2000)); (5.1) But this proto-narrative also involves
proprioceptive/kineasthetic relf-related processing. Then bodily spatiotemporal self-individuation is
a process of self-related temporal integration by synthesis of sucessive
affective/proprioceptive/kinaesthetic states; (6) The primordial pragmatic time is a dynamics based
on a circular causality between an affective-motor intentionality of time (in the phenomenological
sense of referential directionality) and a form of self-referential synthesis of spatiotemporal bodily
states constituting a primordial anoetic me-ness.
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[pt] Esta empreitada filosófica tem sua gênese nas discussões sobre a dualidade corpo-mente e como sua compreensão, e possível superação, poderiam influenciar positivamente o saber-fazer educacional do século XXI. Analisamos o livro Experience and Nature, de John Dewey, na sua versão original e integral a fim de destrinchar as bases para uma filosofia da mente pragmática construída pelo autor. Demonstramos como a mente e o corpo não podem ser dissociados, no que Dewey chamou de corpo-mente e que nós estendemos para corpo-mente-ambiente, devido ao princípio de continuidade que postula um contínuum físico-psicofísico-mental. A organicidade do campo mental que rege a interação indissociável entre organismo e ambiente e que não deixa de lado sentimentos, emoções e hábitos se mostrou um campo rico para os estudos em Educação; o próprio Dewey o fez em sua obra Experience and Education, a qual analisamos e mostramos como essa filosofia da mente pode trazer benefícios para o fazer-pensar educacional do século XXI. Esperamos que esta pesquisa auxilie futuros pesquisadores dos campos da Educação, Filosofia e Filosofia da Educação como uma referência importante para a compreensão das ideias expostas numa obra considerada umas das melhores dentro da tradição pragmática, mas que, até então, tem seu potencial subutilizado pelos pesquisadores brasileiros. / [en] This philosophical enterprise has its origin in the discussions of the body-mind duality and how its comprehension, and possible overcoming, could positively influence educational thinking-doing in the 21st century. We analyze the book Experience and Nature, written by John Dewey, in its original and full version in order to look into the basis for a pragmatic Philosophy of Mind built by the author. We demonstrate how mind and body cannot be dissociated, what Dewey called body-mind and we extend this to a body-mind-environment, due to the continuity principle which postulates a physical-psychophysical-mental contínuum. The organicity of the field of mind, which demands the inextricable interaction between the organism and the environment and does not set aside feelings, emotions and habits is revealed as a rich field for the study of Education; Dewey himself did the same in the book Experience and Education, which we analyze, show how the Philosophy of Mind can benefit educational doing-thinking in the 21st century. We hope this work might help future research in the field of Education, Philosophy and Philosophy of Education as an important reference for the comprehension of the ideas exhibited in a book considered one of the best among the pragmatic tradition, but which has had its potential underappreciated hitherto in Brazil.
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Embodiment in Dalcroze EurhythmicsJuntunen, M.-L. (Marja-Leena) 12 October 2004 (has links)
The purpose of the present study was to interpret and understand the manifestation and meaning of embodiment in Dalcroze Eurhythmics. Dalcroze Eurhythmics is an approach to music education that builds on the ideas of Émile Jaques-Dalcroze and aims at developing musicianship in a broad sense. Following Maurice Merleau-Ponty's philosophy, in this study embodiment refers to experiencing and knowing the world subjectively through the living body-subject. The perspective of embodiment accounts for how human beings think and act holistically and how the body can be considered a constitutive element of cognition and creativity. The research questions were formulated as follows: 1. What aspects of embodiment can be found in Dalcroze Eurhythmics? 2. What are the theoretical accounts in support of the practice of applying body movement in music education from the perspective of embodiment?
These questions have been approached through research material drawn from the essential writings of Jaques-Dalcroze, commentary books, articles and studies about Dalcroze Eurhythmics, and the talk of some selected Dalcroze master teachers. The dissertation is an overview of four substudies. In the theoretical substudies, the research questions have been examined in relation to the philosophical question of the body-mind in practical music education, and in dialogue with Merleau-Ponty's notions and recent literature on embodiment.
From the perspective of embodiment, Dalcroze Eurhythmics primarily teaches habits of musical action or, more generally, 'a bodily way of being in sound', rather than a conceptual, or abstract knowledge of music. Equally, the study sheds light on the meaning and importance of consciously reflecting on 'lived experience'. It illuminates how Dalcroze teaching engages embodiment in ways that aim to reinforce the mind-body connection and facilitate personified, holistic involvement and, thus, embodied learning. The study discusses how Dalcroze Eurhythmics offers a ground for examining music's felt qualities and their relation to musical knowledge and how it turns our attention and interest towards students' lived experiences in relation to musical practices. It challenges music educators to consider that musical learning can profitably make use of holistic bodily experiences and that bodily involvement can facilitate developing a wide range of kinds of musical knowing. Furthermore, the study offers a critical viewpoint and new vocabulary in music education for explaining the practice of Dalcroze teaching. / Tiivistelmä
Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli ymmärtää ja tulkita kehollisuuden ilmenemistä ja merkitystä Dalcroze-rytmiikassa. Dalcroze-rytmiikka on musiikkikasvatuksen lähestymistapa, joka perustuu Émile Jaques-Dalcrozen ideoille ja joka pyrkii kehittämään muusikkoutta laajassa merkityksessä. Merleau-Pontyn filosofiaa myötäillen, tässä tutkimuksessa kehollisuus viittaa maailman subjektiiviseen kokemiseen ja tuntemiseen elävän keho-subjektin kautta. Kehollisuuden näkökulma selittää sen, kuinka ihminen ajattelee ja toimii kokonaisvaltaisesti ja kuinka kehoa voidaan pitää kognition ja luovuuden keskeisenä tekijänä. Tutkimuskysymykset muotoiltiin seuraavasti: 1. Mitä kehollisuuden näkökulmia voidaaan löytää Dalcroze-rytmiikasta? 2. Mitkä ovat kehollisuuden näkökulmasta teoreettiset argumentit liikkeen käyttämiseksi musiikkikasvatuksessa?
Näitä tutkimuskysymyksiä lähestyttiin tutkimusaineiston kautta, joka sisälsi Jaques-Dalcrozen keskeisiä kirjoituksia, Dalcroze-rytmiikkaa käsitteleviä kommentaareja, artikkeleita ja tutkimuksia sekä muutamien valittujen Dalcroze-mestariopettajien puhetta. Väitöskirja pohjautuu neljään osatutkimukseen. Teoreeettisissa osatutkimuksissa kysymyksiä tarkasteltiin suhteessa mielen ja kehon suhdetta koskevaan filosofiseen kysymykseen käytännön musiikkikasvatuksessa sekä dialogissa Merleau-Pontyn käsitteiden ja viimeaikaisen kehollisuutta käsittelevän kirjallisuuden kanssa.
Kehollisuuden näkökulmasta Dalcroze-rytmiikka opettaa ensisijaisesti musiikillisia toimintatapoja, tai yleisemmin, 'kehollista tapaa olla musiikissa', eikä niinkään käsitteellistä tai abstraktia musiikista tietämistä. Toisaalta tutkimus valottaa 'eletyn kokemuksen' jatkuvan reflektoinnin merkitystä ja tärkeyttä. Se tuo esille, miten Dalcroze-opetus oppilaiden kokonaisvaltaisen ja omakohtaisen kehollisen aktivoimisen kautta pyrkii vahvistamaan mielen ja kehon yhteyttä ja siten edistämään kokonaisvaltaista oppimista. Tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan miten Dalcroze-rytmiikka tarjoaa pohjan musiikin laadulliselle kokemiselle ja sen yhdistämiselle musiikilliseen tietämiseen ja miten se suuntaa huomiomme ja kiinnostuksemme oppilaan elettyyn kokemukseen musiikin käytännöissä. Tutkimus haastaa musiikkikasvattajat ottamaan huomioon, että musiikillisessa oppimisessa voidaan hyödyntää konaisvaltaisia kehollisia kokemuksia ja että kehollinen osallistuminen voi edistää musiikillisen tietämisen useiden eri osa-alueiden kehittymistä. Lisäksi tutkimus tarjoaa kriittisen näkökulman ja uutta sanastoa Dalcroze-opetuksen käytännön selittämiselle.
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Fondements de l'homéopathie à partir de la philosophie de Hegel / Tackling homeopathy's grounds at the light of Hegelian philosophyBardy, Stéphanie 25 March 2019 (has links)
Ce travail est le résultat d’un essai d’extraction d’un possible fondement logique à la médecine homéopathique.Aucune véritable théorie sur l’homéopathie n’a donc vu le jour lors de sa découverte par S. Hahnemann et c'est cette lacune que nous nous proposons ici d'interroger.Dans cette recherche, nous avons donc essayé d’identifier un possible fondement philosophique à même d’expliquer l’effectivité thérapeutique de la médecine homéopathique, en nous appuyant sur la philosophie hégélienne en raison de sa systématicité. Puisqu’il n’y a plus de substance (donc de principe actif) d’un point de vue moléculaire dans la plupart des médicaments homéopathiques, comment expliquer l’effectivité de cette substance ? Nous formulons ici et essayons de démontrer l’hypothèse selon laquelle il existerait une rationalité différente de celle sur laquelle repose l’allopathie. Une rationalité qui serait précisément à même de fonder logiquement l’effectivité thérapeutique de l’homéopathie.Trois questions ont guidé notre réflexion : - Comment concevoir la notion de substance homéopathique dans la philosophie de la Nature de Hegel ?- Comment élever le système de la santé à une postulation ontologique ? - Comment rattacher la pathologie à une logique de la liberté ? Pour notre démonstration, nous avons, dans notre première partie, ouvert sur l’histoire de la philosophie, qui nous conduit à penser la substance chez Hegel. Nous avons poursuivi, dans un deuxième temps, notre réflexion par une analyse de la Science de la logique telle que Hegel la développe dans l’Encyclopédie, de manière à poser les bases d’une proposition de rationalité pour l’homéopathie. Proposition que nous avons développée dans la troisième partie, dans laquelle nous posons enfin la question de la liberté de l’individu face à la pathologie. / This work results from attempts at a possible unraveling of the logical grounds of homeopathic medicine. No genuine epistemology of homeopathy has been proposed by S. Hahnemann upon its discovery. Adressing such caveat has been the purpose of our work.To this aim, this research has been dedicated to the identification of a possible philosophical ground capable of explaining the effectiveness of homeopathy. This goal has been pursued considering GWF Hegel’s works as guiding principles and roadmaps because of the systematic rigor of this author’s theoretical productions. Since active molecules are deemed absent from most homeopathic preparations, how can one explain their therapeutic activity?Our hypothesis aimed at providing an answer to this question necessitates the introduction of another reasoning mode, not shaped by conventional pharmacology, i.e. differing from allopathy’s. Instead, we postulate that the Hegelian understanding of the active substance is precisely relevant in providing a logical basis for the clinical effectiveness of homeopathy, implicating three logically concatenated questions:- How can we conceptualize the status of the homeopathic substance in Hegel’s philosophy of nature?- How can we make the human health system catch up with ontological perspectives?- How can we associate the concept of pathology with the notion of freedom-structured logic at the patient level?Our demonstration is divided into three parts. The first section will consider how the history of philosophy allows one to gain access to the notion of the Hegelian substance. We then carry out an analysis of the Science of Logic as found in Hegel’s Encyclopedia in order to set the basis for a possible notion of rationality related to homeopathy, prior to more thoroughly unfolding its contents in the third part of this thesis. Hence, the third section of the document focuses on the implication of illness as a potential milestone relevant to our human quest for freedom.
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O corpo intenso nas artes cênicas: procedimentos para o corpo sem órgãos a partir dos Bartenieff Fundamentals e do Body Mind CenteringCaetano, Patrícia de Lima 23 March 2012 (has links)
Submitted by Glauber Assunção Moreira (glauber.a.moreira@gmail.com) on 2018-09-20T19:53:04Z
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TESE PATRICIA CAETANO.pdf: 8321515 bytes, checksum: fc24058d686a138b81bdf4663944c401 (MD5) / A presente pesquisa discute conceitos e propostas metodológicas que abordam o estudo teórico e prático acerca do corpo entendendo-o enquanto matéria expressiva em constante mutação e processo de reinvenção. O objeto desta pesquisa é, portanto, o corpo e suas experiências intensivas a partir de experimentações no campo da educação somática. Para tanto o presente estudo se aproxima de duas abordagens somáticas, os Bartenieff Fundamentals™ e o Body Mind Centering™. O intuito foi perceber como estas abordagens possibilitam, a partir dos processos de desconstrução e reconstrução corpórea, aquilo que Antonin Artaud chamou corpo sem órgãos, entendendo-o não como um conceito, mas sim, como uma prática. A partir deste estudo foi possível reconhecer uma grande afinidade entre as proposições artaudianas em torno da arte e da vida e as proposições metodológicas das abordagens somáticas aqui pesquisadas. Para tanto, pesquisou-se a radicalidade da obra de Antonin Artaud e sua conseqüência no campo das artes cênicas a partir da análise de seus textos e de pensadores que contribuíram para o entendimento do corpo sem órgãos, especialmente Gilles Deleuze e Félix Guattari. Em seguida, foram analisadas as especificidades e características em comum, princípios e fundamentos das propostas metodológicas referentes às abordagens somáticas citadas. Tendo em vista o caráter prático-teórico deste estudo, uma pesquisa de campo foi realizada por meio de experimentações práticas das respectivas abordagens em Laboratórios, além de entrevistas com profissionais das artes cênicas envolvidos com a prática somática. Num último momento foram transversalizados os arcabouços práticos e teóricos levantados pelo presente estudo. Através dos resultados obtidos a partir deste arcabouço prático-teórico é possível afirmar que a experimentação somática dos Bartenieff Fundamentals™ e do Body Mind Centering™ no âmbito das artes cênicas entrelaça vida e arte, reconfigurando o fazer artístico em sua potência vital e a própria vida enquanto obra de arte, tal qual preconizou Antonin Artaud. / This research argues concepts and methodological proposals that approach the theoretical and practical study concerning the body understanding it while the expressive subject in constant mutation and process of reinvention. The object of this research is, therefore, the body and its intensive experiences from experiments in the field of somatic education. For this reason, the study approximates two somatic approaches, the Bartenieff Fundamentals™ and Body Mind Centering™. The aim was to perceive how these somatic approaches allow, from the processes of corporal deconstruction and reconstruction, what Antonin Artaud called body without organs, perceiving it not as a concept, but as practical one. From this study it was possible to recognize a great affinity between the artaudians propositions about art and life and the methodological proposals of somatic approaches surveyed here. To this end, we inquired the radical work of Antonin Artaud and its consequence in the field of scenic arts from the analysis of their texts and thinkers who contributed to the understanding of the body without organs, especially Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari. After that, we analyze the features and characteristics in common, principles and foundations of the methodological proposals concerning the somatic approaches that had been cited. Given the character practical-theoretician of this study, a field survey was carried out through practical trials of approaches in laboratories, as well as interviews with performing arts professionals involved with the somatic practice. At the last moment, it was interrelated the practical and theoretical frameworks raised by this study. With the results obtained from this theoretical-practical framework was possible to assert that the trial of somatic Bartenieff Fundamentals™ and Body Mind Centering™ within the performing arts weaves life and art, reconfiguring the artistic making in its vital power and life as a work of Art, like praised Antonin Artaud.
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