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La question du travail salarié dans la pensée de Karl Marx / The question of paid work in the thought of Karl MarxKante, Malao 29 September 2016 (has links)
Notre travail porte sur la question du travail salarié dans la pensée de Marx. Il ne s’agit pas donc ici de faire une étude « exhaustive » de l’œuvre de ce dernier. C’est pourquoi, nous avons essayé de faire le nécessaire pour bien cadrer voire pour bien circonscrire le champ de notre réflexion. Toutefois, le choix de ce sujet n’est pas un hasard car d’une part, le travail occupe une place centrale dans l’œuvre (à la fois philosophique et économique) de Marx, et d’autre part, les nombreuses interprétations (parmi les « détracteurs » ou les « continuateurs ») ont fini par faire de cette notion du travail (chez Marx) un sujet controversé. C’est ainsi que nous avons, à notre niveau, tenté de poser le débat afin d’apporter notre contribution le plus objectivement possible (mais surtout d’analyser cette pensée à partir de Marx d’abord). Cette réflexion nous a aussi permis, à l’occasion, d’élaborer la position de Marx sur le travail dans un contexte de capitalisme « universel ou mondialisé ». Cela dit, le concept de travail (comme la plupart des concepts marxiens) a évolué avec la pensée de Marx. Ainsi, si parfois, certaines positions peuvent paraître très ambigües, il reste clair que l’analyse du travail dans la société capitaliste, est le fondement même de toute critique marxienne du mode de production bourgeois. Selon Marx le travail salarié est à l’origine de la misère sociale et de toutes les formes d’aliénations : capitalistes comme ouvriers en sont victimes. / Our work focuses on the issue of wage labor in Marx's thought. So it is not about to make a "comprehensive" study of the work of the latter. That's why we tried to arrange to fit well or to circumscribe the scope of our thinking. However, the choice of this subject is not a coincidence because firstly, work occupies a central place in the work (both philosophical and economic) of Marx, on the other hand, the many interpretations (among the "critics" or "followers") ended up making this concept work (Marx) controversial. Thus we have, at our level, attempted to lay the debate to bring our contribution as objectively as possible (but mostly to analyze this thought from Marx first). This reflection also helped us on occasion to develop Marx's position on the work in the context of capitalism "universal or global." That said, the concept of work (like most Marxian concepts) has evolved with Marx. So if sometimes some positions may seem very ambiguous, it remains clear that the analysis of work in capitalist society, is the foundation of any Marxian critique of the bourgeois mode of production. Marx wage labor is the source of social misery and all forms of alienation: capitalist workers as victims.
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Building a Vegan Community of Practice: An Outreach Analysis for Vegan Society of PEACE, Houston, TexasMcRae, Susan Elizabeth 08 1900 (has links)
This research is focused on a group of vegan and vegan-curious individuals who are creating, building and maintaining a vegan community of practice in Houston, Texas. Through ethnographic methods, including participant observation, in-depth semi-structured interviews, surveys, quantitative analysis, and use of geographic information systems (GIS), this thesis considers motivations, group hierarchies, core and peripheral membership, practices, beliefs and construction of identity within the vegan community of practice. Further, concepts from the anthropology of religion are utilized in discourse analysis around conversion to ethical veganism, preaching, and religious-ethical beliefs around enlightenment and the principle of ahimsa. Utilizing subcultural studies and social movement theory, this thesis also shows how the vegan community of practice fits into vegan subcultures and the greater vegan lifestyle movement. Finally, as an applied project, deliverables to the client Vegan Society of PEACE includes both personal and structural barriers to veganism which are understood with respect to a race-conscious approach to veganism, and with special consideration given to the capitalist commodification of animals. Suggestions are given and strategies for growth of the community are highlighted at the end of this paper.
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Vad gör jag? : En vetenskaplig essä om förskollärarpraktiken och det sociokulturella lärandets ideologiska konturerMitlin, Monica January 2023 (has links)
This essay sets out to examine my own practical knowledge as a socioculturally inspired preschool teacher conditioned by a capitalist ideology. Louis Althusser’s concept of ideology,as something reproduced by daily human actions, is used and the focus rests on language, or rather language use, especially in relation to the ‘autistic child’ as met in the preschool context. The analysis is supported by two specific traditions of thought: ordinary language philosophy – represented foremostly by Ludwig Wittgenstein, Stanley Cavell and Cora Diamond – and Marxist psychoanalysis, as particularly developed by Slavoj Žižek. The overall conclusion is that the preschool’s practical treatment of the autistic child can be read as a reaction to both ideological resistance and ideological disclosure. The autistic child is interpreted as representing a certain kind of imagination which is considered a threat in the capitalist/sociocultural preschool discourse. A discourse whose conditional criteria the essay also more thoroughly aims to uncover, using said traditions of thought.
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Marxist analysis of social and economic narratives in childrens' cartoonsMcGregor, Shane 12 May 2023 (has links) (PDF)
Using a Marxist framework with a grounding in critical literacy, this study employs a content analysis methodology to analyze 25 episodes of five of the most popular children’s television cartoons in order to understand how these cartoons portray economic and social systems, as well as how the messages these cartoons express would tend to support these systems. In so doing, this research hopes to provide a conceptual framework that educators and parents can use as a guide for demonstration of a critical approach to understanding the curriculum of children’s media inside or outside of the classroom. Educators can modify this framework to suit the age of the children that they are working with or to better align with the characteristics of the text their students are consuming. While this research may be used as a guide by educators, it is also a comprehensive Marxist analysis of some of the most popular cartoons targeted to pre-school aged children. Analysis of the data indicates these cartoons support a capitalist ideology through the expression of a particular worldview and associated values, which include normalizing authoritarian relationships, promoting consumerism and entrepreneurship, supporting beliefs about work that employers would value, and other views that tend to be valued in a capitalist system.
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The role of great power war in the rise of Hegemons : a study of Dutch Hegemonic ascent in the modern world-systemSiebrits, Andre 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA (Political Science))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study explores the claim that Great Power Wars are a necessary condition for successful
hegemonic ascent in the modern world-system, primarily from the standpoint of World-
Systems Analysis. This study advances the conception of hegemony primarily in economic
and state terms, and it was investigated, by way of a historical case study, how the Thirty
Years’ War (1618-1648) impacted the economic domains of agro-industrial production,
commerce, and finance of the United Provinces of the Netherlands, and its main rival for
systemic leadership, Hapsburg Spain.
The variables utilised in the study were Great Power War, and the ‘material base’ of the state
involved (both independent), the three abovementioned economic domains (intervening),
and hegemony or defeat (dependent). The case study was primarily descriptive and
explanatory, with the use of process-tracing in its compilation, and a method of within-case
structured, focused comparison was utilised with the aim of tentatively producing
standardised, generalised knowledge concerning the wider link between Great Power War
and hegemony beyond the Dutch case.
The findings of the study, although derived from only one historical case of hegemonic
ascent in the modern world-system, strongly support the argument that Great Power War is
necessary to secure the hegemony of the leading insular core state, which is physically
removed from the fighting during the conflict, since the full mobilisation of its economy is
effected, while the economies of most other core states are impaired, especially the main
continental rival for hegemony. However, the ascending hegemon must also possess the
requisite favourable ‘material base’. Further research on this topic is called for, given the
potential destructiveness of a future Great Power War, and its role in establishing hegemony
in the modern world-system. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie ondersoek die bewering dat Groot Moontheid Oorloë ‘n noodsaaklike vereiste
is vir suksesvolle hegemoniese bestyging in die moderne wêreld-sisteem, hoofsaaklik vanaf
die standpunt van Wêreld-Sisteem Analise. Hierdie studie bevorder die konsepsie van
hegemonie hoofsaaklik in ekonomiese en staat terme, en dit het ondersoek, deur middel van
‘n historiese gevallestudie, hoe die Dertig Jaar Oorlog (1618-1648) ingewerk het op die
ekonomiese arenas van agri-industriële produksie, handel, and finansies van die Verenigde
Provinsies van Nederland, en hul mededinger vir sistemiese leierskap, Spanje.
Die veranderlikes wat in die studie ingespan was, was Groot Moontheid Oorlog, en die
‘materiële basis’ van die state in kwessie (onafhanlik), die drie bogenoemde ekonomiese
arenas (albei tussenkomend), en hegemonie of nederlaag (afhanklik). Die gevallestudie was
hoofsaaklik beskrywend en verduidelikend, en proses-nasporing (oftewel ‘process-tracing’) is
in die samestelling daarvan benut, en ‘n metode van gestruktureerde, gefokusde vergelyking
(oftewel ‘structured, focused comparison’) is gebruik binne die gevallestudie met die doel
om tentatiewe gestandardiseerde en veralgemeende kennis te genereer wat bydra tot die
verduideliking van die wyer skakel tussen Groot Moontheid Oorlog en hegemonie buite die
geval van die Verenigde Provinsies.
Die bevindinge van die studie, hoewel gegenereer aan die hand van slegs een historiese geval
van hegemoniese bestyging in the moderne wêreld-sisteem, het sterk steun verleen aan die
argument dat Groot Moontheid Oorloë nodig is om die hegemonie van die vernaamste
insulêre kern staat te bewerkstellig, wat fisies verwyderd van die gevegte is tydends die oorlog,
aangesien die volle mobilisasie van die ekonomie van hierdie staat bewerkstellig word, terwyl
die ekonomieë van die meerderheid van die ander kernstate benadeel word, veral die
vernaamste kontinentale mededinger om hegemonie. Die opkomende hegemoon moet egter
ook oor die vereiste gunstige ‘materiële basis’ beskik. Verdere navorsing in hierdie veld word
benodig, gegewe die waarskynlike vernietiging wat gesaai kan word deur ‘n toekomstige
Groot Moontheid Oorlog, en die rol daarvan in die daarstelling van hegemonie in die
moderne wêreld-sisteem.
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The Golden Fleece of the Cape : Capitalist expansion and labour relations in the periphery of transnational wool production, c. 1860–1950Lilja, Fredrik January 2013 (has links)
This thesis is about the organisation, character and change of labour relations in expanding capitalist wool farming in the Cape between 1860 and 1950. It is an attempt to analyse labour in wool farming within a transnational framework, based on an expansion of capital from core to periphery of the capitalist world-economy. Wool farming in peripheries like the Cape was part of capitalist production through the link to primarily the British textile industry. This relationship enabled wool farmers to invest in their farms in sheep, fences and windmills. They thereby became agents of capital expansion in the world-economy, which was a prerequisite for a capitalist expansion. Although wool production in the Cape was initially an imperial division of labour, that relation changed during the twentieth century as Britain’s leading role as textile producer was challenged by other capitalist core countries. Capitalism as a transnational production system, based on commodity chains from periphery to core, became the most crucial structure for wool farmers in the Cape, who could increase their exports. The thesis also shows that the pre-capitalist generational division of labour among black peasants, through which farmers acquired labour, especially shepherds, was both discarded and intensified. Shepherding was intensified along with fencing during the late nineteenth and early twentieth century due to threat from jackals and lack of sufficient water supplies. Those farmers who invested in technology in the form of jackal-proof fences and windmills managed to change production from herding to rotational grazing in camps, which meant that shepherds were replaced by camp walkers, who controlled fences instead of sheep. Those farmers who did not invest were forced to exploit the pre-capitalist relations more intensively and hire shepherds in order to be able to produce and sell wool to textile manufacturers in capitalist core areas. As the young adult males disappeared from farms to the mines, the role of children and youths as shepherds became increasingly important. By the 1940s almost all the shepherds were children or youths, but they were about to be made redundant, as the number of shepherds decreased during the 1930s and 1940s.
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Resistance bodies on the México-U.S.border : Peripheral feminismsLolo García, Montserrat January 2016 (has links)
The present study shows and analyses how bodies codified as women’s bodies can resist in an extreme violence context situated in Ciudad Juárez on the México-U.S. border. To be resistant or to make resistance in these circumstances can be represented in different ways, through social and civic movements, art, literature and weapons. How these women’s bodies seem and how their resistance is and what they represent is the line of investigation of this study. This resistance is a direct confrontation to the feminicide and the diverse forms of violence against bodies codified as women exercised by men. As well as the peripheral feminisms it is a confrontation to a cis hetero-patriarchal capitalist context. Women’s bodies are the territory or the stage where violence, terror, power and exploitation converge. The reaction and rejection to this situation by a diverse collective of women highlights the struggle and the activism that these groups have as a way of life, a way of dissent and finally a way of resistance.
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A Reserva Legal, sua instituição e o seu desmatamento em propriedades rurais do município de Sorriso, Mato Grosso / The Legal Reserve, its institution and its deforestation in rural properties of Sorriso, State of Mato Grosso.Castro, Daniel Stella 12 August 2010 (has links)
Este estudo busca propor uma análise do fenômeno de desmatamento ilegal da Reserva Legal, objetivando compreender os fatores que condicionaram o baixo enforcement exercido pelo Estado acerca do cumprimento das regras de conservação da Reserva Legal instituídas pela Lei nº 4.771 de 15 de setembro de 1965 e suas alterações (Código Florestal). Para tanto, foi necessário conhecer o estado da arte dos trabalhos científicos que abordam assuntos relacionados ao desmatamento ilegal da Reserva Legal, enfatizando pesquisas realizadas na Amazônia Legal, em particular no Estado de Mato Grosso, e ao mesmo tempo entender o ambiente institucional de criação e construção das regras de conservação da vegetação nativa dentro da propriedade rural, sobretudo a Lei 4.771 de 15 de setembro de 1965 (Código Florestal). Sendo assim, assumindo a análise da relação do Estado com a sociedade como um fator crucial ao entendimento da pergunta central do trabalho, apropriou-se de alguns conceitos da Teoria do Estado capitalista de Nicos Poulantzas, como modo de produção, classe social e poder, sob a ótica que o Estado não é sujeito tão pouco coisa ou objeto de uma determinada classe ou frações de classe, mas sim a condensação das contradições existentes entre as diversas práticas de classe numa formação social, permitindo a manutenção ou subversão da unidade desta formação. Neste sentido, optou-se por uma primeira aproximação acerca da formação econômico-social do Estado de Mato Grosso, pois diversas propriedades rurais localizadas nesta porção do território brasileiro ainda apresentam o mesmo proprietário que realizara a retirada da vegetação nativa para o estabelecimento do monocultivo. Com efeito, buscando uma contextualização do estudo em questão em virtude de evidências empíricas de áreas de Reserva Legal inferiores ao limite mínimo exigido em lei, optou-se pela análise de propriedades rurais localizadas no município de Sorriso, Mato Grosso. Todas as propriedades rurais dos sojicutores entrevistados que realizaram o desmatamento até 1995 apresentaram passivo ambiental em relação à Reserva Legal. Assim, justifica-se o reduzido enforcement do Estado em relação ao cumprimento da regra acerca da Reserva Legal no município de Sorriso, ao período do início da colonização privada da década de 1970 até a primeira metade da década de 1990, pela permanência dos interesses da classe latifundiária e dos grandes produtores no poder do Estado. Desta maneira, não fazia parte no horizonte dos seus interesses dentro de sua prática de classe, permitir que sua principal atividade fosse obliterada pelas regras de conservação da Reserva Legal. Importante lembrar que no Estado de Mato Grosso, os interesses ambientalistas passaram a ter força social e ser representados como classe lutando pelos seus interesses no seio do poder do Estado, a partir da década de 1990. / This study expects to set an analysis about the illegal deforestation phenomenum of the Legal Reserve in many brazilian rural properties in order to clarify the driven factors of the lack State enforcement related to formal rules conservation of natural cover vegetation inside rural propertires instituted by the federal law 4.771, September 15, 1965 (Brazilian Forest Code). Thus it was necessary to access the actual state of the art in scientific research related to the illegal deforestation of Legal Reserve, aiming scientific studies developed in the Legal Amazon, in particular in the State of Mato Grosso. At the same time, it was needed to understand the institutional environment related to the creation of natural vegetation conservation rules for rural properties, in particular the institution of the Brazilian Forest Code. Assuming the analysis of the State and society relation as a key factor to solve the main question of this dissertation, a theoretical framework proposed by Nicos Poulantzas to explain the Capitalist State was chosen. In fact some key concepts based on his theory, such as social class, power and means of production were aplied in a case study (rural properties from Sorriso, State of Mato Grosso) structured on his proposal that the State does not mean the subject or the object of some specific class, but the contradictions consolidation from the class conflicts in a social formation. The State of Mato Grosso was chosen as a result of many rural properties there still have the same owner which provided the deforestation of natural cover vegetation. This fact was empirically observed in some rural properties of Sorriso, where levels of Legal Reserve conservation were below than permitted by the Brazilian Forest Code. Nevertheless, in order to give a scientific basis to the case study, an analysis of the economic and social formation of the State of Mato Grosso was constructed. The levels of Legal Reserve in all rural properties analised were bellow than the legal limities related to the Forest Code. Then, the lack State enforcement of formal rules related to conservation of natural cover vegetation inside rural propertires for the analised period can be explained by the continue presence in the State power of the landlord class and big farm producers interests. Based on the last observation, the class strugle in the State power would not aloud to have it´s mains activity constrained by the conservation rules of the Forest Code. It´s important to remember that environmental interests became to have a class representation in the State of Mato Grosso in the early nineties decade.
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A tributação na perspectiva do Estado neoliberal: leitura da obra Law, legislation and liberty, de Friedrich August von HayekTuma, Eduardo 11 May 2010 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2010-05-11 / In the years that have widened the contradictions of the capitalist system - 1974 - Friedrich August von Hayek wrote a memorable thesis of Law, Legislation and Liberty target of analysis in this study. Spontaneous order, freedom and minimal state intervention in society: these are expressions that represent the essence of the author's thinking, which proposes a constitutional model as opposed to socialist ideas. Until today, the ideas found in reading the work of Friedrich August von Hayek have particular importance, because it proposes concepts to ensure the functioning of the state, especially with regard to the need for fixing the burden distributed to individuals, which requires a total control of public spending. It can not be denied that the work, published more than three decades ago, survives and serves as a stimulus to the State that aims to achieve the so-called fair taxation without neglecting the maintenance of spontaneous order as a necessity for the preservation of the free economy / No ano em que se acentuaram as contradições do sistema capitalista 1974
Friedrich August von Hayek escreveu a memorável obra Law, Legislation and Liberty
(Direito, Legislação e Liberdade), alvo de estudo e análise do presente trabalho.
Ordem espontânea, liberdade e intervenção mínima do Estado na sociedade:
estas são as expressões que representam a essência do pensamento do autor, que
sugere um modelo constitucional, em oposição às concepções socialistas.
Até os dias atuais, as ideias expostas na leitura da obra de Friedrich August von
Hayek assumem especial importância, pois propõem conceitos fundamentais para
garantir o funcionamento do Estado, especialmente no que se refere à necessidade de
fixação prévia do ônus que deve ser distribuído aos indivíduos, o que exige um controle
total dos gastos públicos.
Não se pode negar que a obra, publicada ha mais de três décadas, sobrevive
e serve de estímulo para o Estado que almeja alcançar a denominada justiça fiscal
sem olvidar a manutenção da ordem espontânea, necessária para a conservação da
livre economia
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A moeda: Marx e KeynesCabral, Carlos Eduardo Figueiredo 22 June 2009 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2009-06-22 / This work aims to analyze the currency within the capitalist economy. Try to show that the currency is not just an element that facilitates the exchange. This vision of neutrality of money is part of the theory called Orthodox. In contrast to this theory is on the idea that money plays a key role in the system, because it means the beginning and the outcome of any production, which affects all other economic variables. To defend this hypothesis will be used as some theoretical appeal of the works of author Karl Marx and John Maynard Keynes, and texts of support mainly from Maria de Lourdes Rollemberg Mollo (1988) and Leda Maria Paulani (1991) / Este trabalho tem como objetivo analisar a moeda dentro da economia capitalista. Busca-se mostrar que a moeda não é somente um elemento que facilita as trocas. Essa visão de neutralidade da moeda faz parte da teoria chamada ortodoxa. Em contraposição a esta teoria será colocada a idéia de que a moeda desempenha um papel fundamental no sistema, pois ela forma o início e o resultado de qualquer produção, o que afeta todas as outras variáveis econômicas. Para defender essa hipótese serão utilizadas como recurso teórico algumas das obras dos autores Karl Marx e John Maynard Keynes, bem como textos de apoio, principalmente de Maria de Lourdes Rollemberg Mollo (1988) e Leda Maria Paulani (1991)
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