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創業投資增進轉投資事業公司治理方法之研究彭惠芳, Peng, Hui-Fang Unknown Date (has links)
「創業投資」(Venture Capital)又稱「風險投資」,而專為投資於高科技、高風險、具發展潛力且成長快速之事業所募集之資金,則為「創業投資基金」(Venture Capital Fund)。創業投資的投資模式是在高風險、高報酬的前提下,對具成長潛力的被投資公司提供中、長期資本及經營、資源、網絡的加值服務,協助投資標的快速成長,克服各項經營問題,申請上市櫃,以實現其高額之資本利得;因此,創業投資業與被投資公司間之投資關係,是建立在相互合作之互信基礎,互謀長期最大利益,而創業投資業最重視的則是,投資資金是否能順利回收及獲利,被投資公司的獲利是否有如預期、體制運作是否健全,進而進入資本市場,讓其所投入之資金有退出機制。
公司治理 (Corporate Governance) 這個議題是從美國發展出來的,當初國內學者對該名詞的翻譯不盡相同,有譯為「公司管理」、「公司治理」者;亦有譯為「公司監控」、「公司管控」者;在台灣統稱為「公司治理」,以兼顧管理、監控及自治、自律之功能。依據中華公司治理協會之定義:「公司治理是一種指導與管理的機制,以落實公司經營者責任為目的,在兼顧其他利害關係人利益下,藉由加強公司績效,保障股東權益」。
良好的公司治理必須符合四個原則,分別是公平性 (Fairness)、透明性 (Transparency)、課責性 (Accountability)以及責任性 (Responsibility)。公平性指的是對公司各投資人以及利益相關者予以公平合理的對待;透明性指公司財務以及其他相關資訊,必須適時適當地揭露;課責性指公司董事以及高階主管的角色與責任應該明確劃分;責任性則指公司應遵守法律以及社會期待的價值規範。
關鍵字:創業投資業、創建期、擴充期、成熟期、公司治理、核心代理問題、控制股東、公司章程、股東會、董事會、監察人 / According to the OECD research report released in 2002 that existed a positive relevant between the investment amount of venture capitalist to the GDP and the corporate governance performance in the most countries worldwide. The contribution of venture capitalist for the corporate governance is obviously numerous.
The objectives of this thesis is intend to research venture capitalist how to enhance the investee corporate governance in the investees’ start-up, development, maturing stages practicably. Basing on this study, both of the venture capitalist and the investee can conduct a beneficial and stable communication manners and relationship.
In Taiwan, most of the listing companies are same as the developed countries; the majority shareholders almost constitute the whole shareholders’ structure and possess the great majority voting rights. Under this circumstance, the majority shareholders instinctively intend to create the arms-in-length transactions to deprive the minority the shareholders’ benefits and wealth, and cause the core agent problems.
The study was conducted by analysis, induction, and case study methodology covering three samples of venture capitalist. The results of this study are follows:
1.At the investees’ start-up stage, the measures of venture capitalist enhances corporate governance are listed as below:
1)Educating the business owner to establish the corporate legal concept.
2)Paying much attention about the article to follow the company law.
3)Introducing and following the company law’s operating structure, and establish the “shareholders”, “board of directors” and “supervisors” basic functions and decision model.
4)Establish the internal control system and procedures.
2. At the investees’ development stage, the measures of venture capitalist enhances corporate governance are listed as below:
1)Practicing the article and regulation to overcome the core agent problems.
2)Empowering the board of directors and supervisors function, and progressing the “Corporate Governance Best Practice Principles for TSEC/GTSM Listed Companies” in the investees business running.
3. At the investees’ maturing stage, the venture capitalist suggested to practice the shareholders activism; for example: taking the corporate governance performance into the investment evaluation.
Key Words: venture capitalist, start-up stage, development stage,
maturing stage, corporate governance, core agent
problem, majority shareholders, article,
shareholders’ meeting, the board of directors supervisor
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Previous issue date: 2006-08-16 / The increasing quality lost of underground water all over the world, due to intensified
antropic action during many decades, may make impracticable the future use of this
natural resource. The modernity including its promise of adventure, power, joy,
growth, interior change and change of the things around it (...) is at the same time the
threat to all we have, all we know, all we are (Berman, 1988). According to this idea,
the environment issue claims the problematicals consequences of the modernity and
capitalist dynamics. Many are the environment problems, such as the freatic water
pollution. These resources already supply more than 50% of the world population
with water. The way today we face the environment problem and the way we
understand them, its instruments, its politics such as all the dynamic brought in the
search of its confrontation, are part of the big questions of this century. The freatic
water environment problems occurs whenever more people demand higher life style
standard with cheaper technologies, even if the involuntary sub products include the
soil degradation, the toxic polluter, the animal species´ extinction or the climate
changes. The environment is the totality of physiographic factors (soil), water, forest,
relief, geology, landscape, meteorological factors and climate factors added to
psycho-socials inherent to human nature (such as behavior, well-being, mind spirit,
job, health, food) added to sociological factors such as culture, civility, sociability,
respect and peace. So the planet Earth should be considered as a unique system. As
we expand our understanding about the system which controls the environment and
its never-ending interconnections, potential solutions will consolidate. The study of
freatic water systems capacity/potentiality and natural geosystems as support to
human needs will be a way of consolidating the scientific knowledge. It will do the
necessary inter-relation between the natural environment and human potentiality.
This way, an increasing consciousness related to environment issue appears as the
possibility of the union between human and nature, both can t be analyzed as
excludents poles. In the next pages, Goiânia and Aparecida de Goiânia cities are
explore about yours underground water. / A crescente perda da qualidade das águas subterrâneas em todo o mundo,
devido à ação antrópica intensificada ao longo de muitas décadas, pode inviabilizar
a utilização futura desse recurso natural. A modernidade dentro de sua promessa de
aventura, poder, alegria, crescimento, autotransformação e transformação das
coisas ao seu redor (...) é ao mesmo tempo ameaça a tudo que temos, tudo o que
sabemos, tudo o que somos . Nesse sentido a questão ambiental evoca as
conseqüências problemáticas da modernidade e da dinâmica capitalista. Vários são
os problemas ambientais, entre eles a poluição dos lençóis freáticos, que já
abastecem mais de 50% da população mundial, a maneira que hoje enfrentamos, a
circunstância como se dá esse entendimento, de seus instrumentos, de suas
políticas, assim como toda a dinâmica na busca de seu enfrentamento fazem parte
das grandes questões do nosso século. Os problemas ambientais com os lençóis
freáticos surgem porque cada vez mais pessoas exigem padrões de vida mais altos
com tecnologias mais baratas, mesmo que os subprodutos involuntários incluam a
degradação dos solos, os poluentes tóxicos, a extinção de espécies animais ou
alterações climáticas. Assim o meio ambiente sadio, ou seja, a totalidade dos fatores
fisiográficos tais como o solo, a água, a floresta, o relevo, a geologia, a paisagem,
fatores meteoros-climáticos mais os fatores psicossociais inerentes á natureza
humana (comportamento, bem-estar, estado de espírito, trabalho, saúde,
alimentação, etc.) somados aos fatores sociológicos como cultura, civilidade,
convivência, o respeito, a paz etc. é que iluminará a sobrevivência humana. Dessa
forma, planeta Terra deve ser visto como um único sistema e na medida em que
expandirmos nossa compreensão sobre o sistema que controla o meio ambiente,
das suas infinitas interligações, soluções potenciais se consolidarão. O estudo da
capacidade/potencialidade dos sistemas freáticos e geossistemas naturais, como
suporte às necessidades humanas, é ou será uma forma de consolidar o
conhecimento cientifico e que dará a inter-relação necessária entre o meio natural e
as potencialidades humanas. Desse modo, uma crescente conscientização acerca
da questão ambiental, surge como a possibilidade de união entre o HOMEM e a
NATUREZA, que não podem ser tomados como pólos excludentes. Nas páginas
seguintes, exploram-se as condições ambientais, especialmente o lençol freático
subterrâneo das cidades de Goiânia e Aparecida de Goiânia.
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Marx, Keynes e Minsky: a supremacia das finanças no capitalismo contemporâneoCamargo, Leonardo de Carvalho 27 August 2009 (has links)
In the last three decades of the twentieth century and the first of the internal forces of
the capitalist system have changed in such a way, that show has achieved a new kind of
capitalism that currently in force. It is a type of financial capitalism - with the globalization of
high finance as its ultimate expression. This new corporate arrangement is characterized by
chronic instability that leads to many problems on a global scale. From which highlights the
supremacy of the financial sphere on the production. This supremacy is a destabilizing
component of investment, the financing of productive activities, employment and income.
Moreover, dismantled the National States and its ability to intervene in order to bring
discipline and order to the system. National states were also affected in their capacity to create
and effectively implement policies aiming at full employment and better generation and
distribution of income and wealth.
From the middle of last century, historical and structural forces emerged and were
expanded in contemporary capitalism. This junction with the structural history has made
possible the dominance of finance mainly through their higher aspect: the financial
globalization (Chapter I).
The effort of this dissertation focuses on the argument that the supremacy of finance is
a characteristic inherent in the modus operandi of capitalism and that if the system does not
suffer the imposition of rules and discipline, crises and instability are increasing, and entail
more harm to society as a whole. To consolidate this argument, the study draws on the
analysis of three thinkers who, in their conceptions and theoretical formulations, pointed to a
clear and endogenous tendency in capitalism for the supremacy of finance.
Marx's analysis of the actual movements of capital and its developments culminating
in the absolute form of wealth expressed by the fictitious capital (Chapter II); Keynes with his revolutionary interpretation of an economy that is essentially monetary and in which the
agents, faced with the expectations arising from an uncertain future, opt for more liquid
assets, thus depressing the investment and productive activity (Chapter III), and Minsky with
his hypothesis of financial fragility, which is a result of a complex economy that needs
funding for the growth in a world characterized by unpredictability of economic activity over
time (Chapter IV). Are the theoretical and analytical here used to undergird and support the
argument that the supremacy of finance is an inherent feature of the development of the
capitalist system of production. / Nas últimas três décadas do século XX e na primeira deste, as forças internas do
sistema capitalista se alteraram de um tal modo, que denotam ter surgido um novo tipo de
capitalismo que atualmente vigora. É um capitalismo de tipo financeiro tendo a globalização
das altas finanças como sua expressão máxima. Este novo arranjo societário é caracterizado
por uma instabilidade crônica que acarreta inúmeros problemas em escala global. Dentre os
quais, destaca-se a supremacia da esfera financeira sobre a produtiva. Tal supremacia é uma
componente desestabilizadora do investimento, do financiamento das atividades produtivas,
do emprego e da renda. Além do mais, desarticulou os Estados Nacionais e sua capacidade de
intervenção visando dar disciplina e ordem ao sistema. Os Estados Nacionais também foram
afetados na sua condição de criarem e efetivamente implementarem políticas objetivando o
pleno emprego e a melhor geração e distribuição da renda e da riqueza.
A partir de meados do século passado, forças histórico-estruturais surgiram e se
ampliaram no capitalismo contemporâneo. Uma tal junção do estrutural com o histórico
tornou possível à supremacia das finanças, principalmente por intermédio de sua vertente
maior: a globalização financeira (Capítulo I).
O esforço desta Dissertação está centrado no argumento de que a supremacia das
finanças é uma característica inerente ao próprio modo de funcionamento do capitalismo e
que, se o sistema não sofrer a imposição de regras e disciplina, as crises e a instabilidade
serão cada vez mais intensas e acarretarão mais males para o conjunto da sociedade. Para
embasar este argumento, o estudo se vale das análises de três pensadores que, nas suas
concepções e formulações teóricas, apontaram para uma nítida e endógena tendência no
capitalismo para a supremacia das finanças. Marx com a análise dos movimentos reais do capital e seus desdobramentos que
culminam na forma absoluta da riqueza expressa pelo capital fictício (Capítulo II); Keynes
com a sua revolucionária interpretação de uma economia que é essencialmente monetária e na
qual os agentes, ao se depararem com as expectativas advindas de um futuro incerto, optam
por ativos mais líquidos, deprimindo assim, o investimento e a atividade produtiva (Capítulo
III); e Minsky com sua hipótese da fragilidade financeira, que é conseqüência de uma
economia complexa que necessita de financiamento para o seu crescimento em um mundo
caracterizado pela imprevisibilidade da atividade econômica ao longo do tempo (Capítulo
IV). São os referenciais teórico-analíticos aqui utilizados para embasar e sustentar o
argumento de que a supremacia das finanças é uma característica imanente do
desenvolvimento do sistema capitalista de produção. / Mestre em Economia
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COOPERATIVAS DE MÃO DE OBRA NO MARANHÃO NO PERÍODO DE 1990 A 2010: precarização do trabalho e redução de custos na lógica da reestruturação capitalista / COOPERATIVE OF LABOR IN THE MARANHÃO IN THE PERIOD FROM 1990 TO 2010: precarization of work and cost reduction in the logic of capitalist restructuringAraujo, Maria Tereza Rodrigues 27 February 2013 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2013-02-27 / This essay is focused on the study of the Labor Cooperative Societies in Maranhão, from 1990 to 2010, which, following the examples coming from other Brazilian states, have proliferated as a way of intermediation of labor in order to attend the necessities of outsourcing of private companies and public entities. This research‟s analysis has its starting point with the contemplation on the binomial of the mitigation of work and the costs reduction present in this form of hiring workers, so as to attend to the logics of the capitalist restructuration, in a total disagreement with the conceptions of cooperativism. Three pivotal questions are elected for the comprehension of the phenomenon. In the first one, the cooperativism‟s historical trajectory is rescued, since its original conception, ideological aspects, global expansion, and the way through which it was implanted in Brazil, in addition to recovering international organisms‟ conceptions, those of the International Cooperative Alliance and the International Labor Organization (ILO), and the national legislation that concerns the cooperatives. In the second pivotal question, the relevant transformations in the capitalist means of production and their effects in the world of work are discussed, being emphasized the outsourcing process and its effects, among which the mitigation and the discussions that bring together disgraced workers of informality. Also discussed in this topic is whether the Labor Cooperatives consist of an alternative to insert workers into the market or if they contribute to deplete work relations once it reduces costs for the hiring company and the service taker. In the third pivotal point, it is presented a theoretical-conceptual discussion on the cost of work and the social duties in the employment relations as well as the cost of the work coming from associated workforce and the way how they influence the form how private companies and public entities hire their employees. The figures of Brazilian cooperativism, and especially in the state of Maranhão are evidenced as well as the discussion over the role that workforce cooperatives possess, they being subspecies of Labor Cooperatives before the new law of cooperatives as a way to correct the presented distortions. / Este trabalho centra-se no estudo das cooperativas de mão de obra no Maranhão, no período de 1990 a 2010, que a exemplo dos demais estados brasileiros, proliferou como forma de intermediação de mão de obra para atender às necessidades de terceirização de empresas privadas e entes públicos. A análise desta pesquisa tem como ponto de partida refletir sobre o binômio da precarização do trabalho e redução de custos presentes nessa forma de contratação de trabalhadores, para atender à lógica da reestruturação capitalista, em completo desacordo com as concepções do cooperativismo. Elegem-se três eixos centrais para a compreensão do fenômeno. No primeiro eixo, resgata-se a trajetória histórica do cooperativismo, desde a sua concepção originária, aspectos ideológicos, expansão mundial, e modo como foi implantado no Brasil, além de recuperar as concepções de organismos internacionais, da Aliança Internacional do Trabalho e da Organização Internacional do Trabalho OIT e a legislação nacional que trata das cooperativas. No segundo eixo trata-se das transformações relevantes no modo de produção capitalista e seus reflexos no mundo do trabalho, com enfâse para a terceirização e seus efeitos, dentre os quais a precarização e as discussões que aproximam os trabalhadores precarizados da informalidade. Discute-se neste tópico se as cooperativas de mão de obra se constituem em alternativa para inserir trabalhadores no mercado ou se contribuem para precarizar as relações de trabalho a pretexto de reduzir custos para as empresas contratantes e a tomadora de serviços. No terceiro eixo apresenta-se uma discussão teórico-conceitual sobre o custo do trabalho e dos encargos sociais nas relações de emprego, o custo do trabalho da mão de obra associada e o modo como influenciam a contratação de trabalhadores pelas empresas e pelo poder público. Apresentam-se os números do cooperativismo brasileiro e no Estado do Maranhão e retoma-se a discussão sobre o papel das cooperativas de mão de obra, como subespécie das cooperativas de trabalho diante da nova lei das cooperativas como forma de corrigir as distorções apresentadas.
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Trockismus v České republice s důrazem na vývoj po roce 2000 / Trotskyism in the Czech Republic with Emphasis on Development since 2000Štorkánová, Lucie January 2014 (has links)
The submitted thesis deals with the issue of left-wing extremism, especially the development of Trotskyist groups in the territory of Czechoslovakia, later the Czech Republic between the years 1989 - 2014. In the first part of the thesis, the background of Trotskyism thought is introduced as an ideology which is the result of a long-standing conflict between Trotsky and Stalin that was primarily concerned with direction, leadership and the nature of the Soviet Union. The main topics of Trotskyism as the intellectual movement are defined on the base of the analysis of several major writings by L. D. Trotsky. The second part is devoted to the analysis of a number of Trotskyist organizations that are acting or have acted in the Czech environment. In total, four groups from the Czech environment can be identified as Trotskyist. These are the following entities: "Budoucnost" ("Socialist Alternative Future"), "Socialistická solidarita" ("Socialist Solidarity"), "Socialistická organizace pracujících" ("Socialist Organization of Working People"), and "Nová antikapitalistická levice/Levá perspektiva" ("New Anti- Capitalist Left/Left Perspective"). This thesis is an analysis of the development of these groups, of their requirements and program principles, and of the events which these groups participated in during...
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Döden lockar med färgrika drömmar : Kapitalistisk realism i The Road och Another Now / Death calls with colorful dreams : Capitalist realism in The Road and Another NowEriksson, Peter, Burman, Elliot January 2024 (has links)
I denna uppsats undersöker vi hur kapitalistisk realism, så som formulerat av Mark Fisher, uttrycks i två samtida romaner: The Road (2006) av Cormac McCarthy och Another Now (2021) av Gianis Varoufakis. Vi undersöker även romanernas relation till hopp och använder Ernst Blochs idéer i ämnet. I McCarthys skildring av människan, samhället och tiden, bekräftas kapitalistisk realism genom glorifiering av bland annat irrationalitet, brutal individualism och det "eviga nuet". Hoppet i romanen är av religiös natur. I Another Now, å andra sidan, ifrågasätts kapitalistisk realism, och alternativa synsätt och sociala arrangemang föreslås. Hoppet sammanfaller här med Blochs idé om det begripliga hoppet. / In this paper we examine how capitalist realism, as formulated by Mark Fisher, is expressed in two contemporary novels: The Road (2006) by Cormac McCarthy and Another Now (2021) by Yanis Varoufakis. We also examine how the novels relate to hope, and use Ernst Blochs ideas on the subject. In McCarthy's depiction of humanity, society, and time, capitalist realism is validated through, among other things, the glorification of irrationality, brutal individualism, and the "eternal present". Hope in the novel is of a religious character. In Another Now, however, the same ideology is questioned, and alternative views as well as concrete post-capitalist social arrangements are proposed. Here, hope aligns with Bloch's idea of comprehended hope.
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A Deep History of Shallow Waters: Enclosing the Wetland Commons in the Era of ImprovementAllen, Davis 23 May 2022 (has links)
No description available.
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新創科技公司資金募集及研發管理關鍵要素探討 / The Key Success Factors of Fund Raising and R&D Management for High-tech Start-ups張維仲, Chang, Wei-Jung Unknown Date (has links)
1 種子期
(1) 完善的營運計劃
(2) 募資時機的掌握
(3) 創業者所具備達成超高報酬率之條件
(4) 具號召力股東的參與
(5) 明確了解募資對象的決策特質,投資偏好、及投資策略
2 創建期
3 擴張期
1 明確的產品定位及產品組合
2 良好的研發專案管理能力
3 CEO或CTO應具良好的技術背景及領導力,以吸引優良技術人才加入
4 公司內外部研發資源良好之整合能力
5 利害關係人的支持
1. 研發管理績效不佳者,資金募集通常難以成功,而研發管理具良好績效者,其資金募集較易成功。
2. 資金募集績效良好者,必須具備良好之研發管理,而資金募集績效不佳者,未必研發管理績效不佳。 / High-tech start-ups are the powerhouses of economic development. The total market value of high-tech start-ups that launched after 1995 is twice of that of Fortune 500 companies combined. The Hsinchu Science Park of Taiwan has incubated some 300 companies since her inception 20 years ago. To date these 300 companies generate in total a revenue of about 10% value of Taiwan’s GDP.
High-tech start-ups have the attributes of start-ups and high-techs. As start-ups, they face so many uncertainties along the way. And as high-techs, they face dynamic market environments and short life cycle of products. Only through the founders’ entrepreneurship and strong motivation, can the high-tech start-ups survive and prosper. Team building, fund raising and R&D are the main jobs of every founder.
Recently, because of the unpredictable change of capital markets and industry markets, the high-tech start-ups have experienced a great challenge in fund raising and R&D management. For the past year alone in Silicon Valley, there have been more than 1000 high-tech start-ups filed Chapter 11 or Chapter 7, out of the failure of funding or R&D. A cruel scene has never been seen for the past two decades.
The objectives of this thesis intend to explore the key success factors (KSFs) of fund raising and R&D management for high-tech start-ups, and the relationship between the success of fund raising and R&D management.
This study was conducted by using case study methodology covering 19 samples of high-tech start-ups. The accidental sampling was collected from 9 samples located in the Silicon Valley and 10 in Taiwan, with industries ranging from IC design, opto-electronics, opto-communications, IC equipment, health care equipment to electronics components. The data was obtained by interviewing the top management of these companies and venture capitalist to validate the information.
The result of this study found that the KSFs of fund raising are as follows,
1. According to the research papers and readings, three key factors determine the success of fund raising--- the core competence of the management team, the economic, industrial and social environment, and the investment return vs. risk.
2. This study shows that the KSFs are related to the maturity of high-tech start-ups’ development levels. They are not all the same. In embryo stage, the KSFs are the solid business plan, the right timing of fund raising, the team’s track record, and the knowledge to know the prospective investor’s decision criteria, investment preferences and investment strategy. In early stage, the KSFs should add two more points; one is that the products shall have design-wins from strategic customers with the achievement of milestone complying with schedule, the other is the continuing support from strategic investors. In expansionary stage, the KSFs are the products’ marketability and manufacturability. Also the marketing ability and financial ability are no less important.
Moreover, the key factors affect the success of R&D management as follows,
1. In the research papers and readings, three determinants to the success of R&D management are the products’ positioning, the application and integration ability of external resources, as well as the management and integration ability of internal resources.
2. In the analysis of this study, the KSFs, emphasize more on the sides of strategic thinking and founders’ entrepreneurship as follows:
a. The right product positioning and products portfolio;
b. The good R&D project management skills;
c. The founders’ good technical background and leadership to attract top-notched technical staff to join;
d. The good integration ability of internal and external resources;
e. The full support of shareholders.
Above all, regarding the relationship between the success of fund raising and R&D management, the poor performance of R&D will, in general, leads to the failure of fund raising, whilst the good performance of R&D will help the success of fund raising. However, one with the success of fund raising, must couple with the good performance of R&D, and one with the failure of fund raising, not necessarily goes with poor performance of R&D.
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Patterns Perceptible: Awakening to CommunityBarclay, Vaughn 17 May 2012 (has links)
This paper interweaves narrativized readings and experiential narratives as personal and cultural resources for counterhegemonic cultural critique within our historical context of globalization and ecological crisis. Framed by perspectives on epistemology, everyday life, and place, these reflections seek to engage and revitalize our notions of community, creativity, and the individual, towards visioning the human art of community as a counternarrative to globalization. Such a task involves confronting the meanings we have come to ascribe to work and economy which so deeply determine our social fabric. Encountering the thought of key 19th and 20th century social theorists ranging from William Morris, Gregory Bateson, and Raymond Williams, to Murray Bookchin, Martin Buber, and Wendell Berry, these reflections mark the indivisible web of culture in the face of our insistent divisions, and further, iterate our innate creativity as the source for a vital, sustainable culture that might reflect, in Bateson’s terms, the pattern that connects.
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