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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Incorporation of Alternative income Streams Into the Lessor’s Business Model and it’s Effects on a Building Asset Value : A Case Study on Stockholm’s Private Rental Sector / Inkorporering av alternativa intäktsströmmar i bostadsägares affärsmodell och dess effekter på fastighetsvärdet : En fallstudie om Stockholms privata hyressektor

Medlöv, Daniel, Robles, José Maria January 2021 (has links)
Digital platforms and tools have already taken over a large part of human daily lives and with the latest pandemic of COVID-19 it is clear how these technological trends have just increased, in both intensity and complexity, across most of the different aspects that comprehend our everyday activities. For instance, people are staying more at home and people now socialize, consume and work with help of different digital tools, which in other words means that the homes’ original role is changing to a more multifaceted and integral function. Based on such reality, this master thesis aims to investigate how property owners of housing rentals in Stockholm could extract value from these mentioned trends and context by incorporating new alternative income streams in their current business models. Moreover, this academic inquiry also intends to investigate the financial effect that these streams incorporation could have on a property valuation in the housing rental sector of Stockholm.  This thesis project follows two different, yet subsequential, lines of research, where the first one is an interview with local industry experts that provided insights in which kind of potential new value streams that property owners could incorporate in their current business models. They also shared information regarding which kind of digital tools are needed nowadays to make the new offering to the tenants in the most effective way within the Stockholm Private Rental Sector context. The industry experts also gave estimations of the cash flows enhancements that these service incorporation could bring to the owner . This information created the foundation that was used to later interview property owners. The property owners gave information of which kind of digital tools they used today, and what their view was about incorporating the new services and contracts that the industry experts had pointed out as possible new income streams. Both sets of interviews were analyzed with help of finding themes and reviewed literature that allowed the authors of this project to move on to evaluate the financial effect on a housing rental property in Stockholm whenever the new cash flows of the filtered income streams were considered.  The thesis has reached the conclusion that an incorporation of provision of services can create value for both the tenant and the property owner, even though specific services that should be incorporated aren't pointed out. The market was, at the time this thesis was written, immature and fast moving, which makes it hard to say which services will be successful in the Swedish market. Despite this are the results pointing out that contracts as home-electricity and insurances are among the services that have the lowest barrier to implement, and have already been tried by some actors in the industry. For those actors that have started an incorporation of provision of services have already noticed new cash-flows streams, even if they today are minor. The second conclusion is that those cash-flows will in the future trigger higher property values as properties will be a more attractive asset to possess. To be able to identify the demand and extract value from it in a successful way is a user-centered approach a key aspect, as the transaction must create new value for all actors involved / Digitala plattformer och verktyg har redan tagit över en stor del av människors dagliga liv och med den senast Corona-pandemin är det tydligt hur teknologiska trender har ökat, i både intensitet och komplexitet, och påverkar de flesta människors vardagsaktiviteter. Under Corona-pandemin har människor spenderat mer tid hemma och människor har socialiserar, konsumerar och arbetar med hjälp av olika digitala verktyg, vilket innebär att hemmets originella funktion har förändrats till en mer mångfacetterad funktion i människors liv. Baserad på detta så undersöker denna masteruppsatsen hur fastighetsägare, av hyresrätter i Stockholm, kan extrahera värde från dessa nämnda trender genom att inkorporera nya intäktsströmmar i deras befintliga affärsmodell. Denna akademiska uppsats undersöker också vilken påverkan dessa nya intäktsströmmar har på fastighetsvärden i hyresrättssektorn i Stockholm.  Metoden för att nå en slutsats är uppdelad i två processer, där den första är att intervjua vad som benämns i uppsatsen som industri-experter inom ämnet proptech. Dessa bidrar med insikt kring vilka nya intäktsströmmar som möjliga att inkorporera i fastighetsägares nuvarande affärsmodell. Dom understödjer också med information kring vilka digitala verktyg som är nödvändiga för att kunna inkorporera tjänsteförmedling på ett effektivt sätt till hyresgäster i Stockholms privata hyressektor. Utöver detta så ger industri-experterna estimeringar kring vilka värden som kunde tillfalla fastighetsägarens för varje enskild tjänsteförmedling. Denna information används som ett underlag vid nästa skede av intervjuprocessen med fastighetsägarna. Fastighetsägarna bidrar med information kring vilka digitala verktyg dom använde, vid tidpunkten denna uppsats skrevs, och deras syn på att inkorporera förmedling av de tjänster och kontrakt som industri-experterna pekar ut under första intervjuprocessen. Intervjuerna analyseras med hjälp av tematisk analys och parallellt med detta analyseras litteratur, vilket skapade möjlighet att utvärdera vilka finansiella effekter som en inkorporering av tjänsteförmedling kan få på hyresrättssektorn i Stockholm.  Uppsatsen når slutsatsen att inkorporering av tjänsteförmedling kan skapa värde för både hyresgästen och fastighetsägaren, även om de specifika tjänsterna inte pekas ut. Marknaden var vid tidpunkten när denna uppsats skrevs omogen och utvecklades snabbt vilket gör det svårt att svara på vilka tjänster som kommer vara framgångsrika i en svensk marknad. Trots detta pekar resultat på att kontakt som hushållsel och hemförsäkring hade låga ingångsbarriärer i marknaden att implementera, och vissa fastighetsägare har redan påbörjat denna process. Denna inkorporering har för dessa aktörer inneburit vissa nya intäktsströmmar, som dock är väldigt begränsade. Den andra slutsatsen är att de nya intäktsströmmar i framtiden kommer utlösa högre fastighetsvärderingar då fastigheter kommer bli en attraktivare tillgång att inneha. För att kunna identifiera efterfrågan och extrahera värdet ur en tjänsteförmedlingen, på ett framgångsrikt sätt, är en användarcentrerad strategi en viktig aspekt då transaktionerna som sker mellan fastighetsägaren och hyresgästen måste vara värdeskapande för alla inblandade aktörer.

Der erlebnisorientierte geistliche Lebensstil als Herausforderung fur den Gemeindeaufbau in der Postmoderne : empirische Untersuchung der Auswirkungen der Church Growth Movement auf den Gemeindeaufbau in Deutschland und in der Schweiz / The experience-oriented spiritual lifestyle as a challenge for churchbuilding in postmodernity : an imperical study of the impact of the church-growth movement on churchbuilding in Germany and in Switzerland

Kulcsar, Benjamin 02 1900 (has links)
Text in German / Die vorliegende Forschungsarbeit beschäftigt sich mit der erlebnisorientierten Ausrichtung des geistlichen Lebensstils als Herausforderung für den Gemeindeaufbau in der Postmoderne. Die zunehmende Erlebnisorientierung der postmodernen Gesellschaft hat auch vor den Türen der Glaubensgemeinschaften in Deutschland und in der Schweiz nicht Halt gemacht. Die Folgen fordern von den Verantwortlichen der Gemeinden und Kirchen neue Überlegungen im Hinblick auf die bisherige Gemeindeaufbaupraxis. In diesem Prozess fällt auf, dass in Deutschland und in der Schweiz vor allem die Impulse der Church Growth Movement (CGM), insbesondere das Gemeindemodell der Willow Creek Community Church (WCCC) und der Saddleback Valley Community Church (SVCC), große Aufmerksamkeit erlangt haben. Einerseits werden die Gemeindemodelle vielerorts mit Begeisterung nachgeahmt, andererseits werden sie aber unter anderem wegen ihres Verhältnisses zur Erlebnisorientierung und wegen ihres Umgangs damit stark kritisiert. In der vorliegenden Forschungsarbeit wurden deshalb die Gemeinsamkeiten und Unterschiede bezüglich der erlebnisorientierten Ausrichtung des geistlichen Lebensstils der Gläubigen in den Partnergemeinden der Willow Creek Community Church und in den Nichtpartnergemeinden empirisch untersucht. Außerdem wurde geprüft, inwiefern soziostrukturelle Faktoren, insbesondere das Gemeindeumfeld, zur Generierung des erlebnisorientierten geistlichen Lebensstil beitragen und, inwiefern eine Wechselwirkung zwischen den Bestandteilen des geistlichen Lebensstils vorhanden ist. Die Ergebnisse der Forschungsarbeit ermöglichen eine empirisch-oikodomische Beurteilung der Gemeindeaufbaumodelle der CGM und die Entwicklung einer Vorgehensweise im Gemeindeaufbau in der Postmoderne, wodurch auf die zunehmende Erlebnisorientierung der Gesellschaft als Herausforderung in der Gemeindeaufbaupraxis entsprechend reagiert werden kann. The present research investigates the justification of an experience-orientated alignment of a spiritual lifestyle as a challenge for churchbuilding in postmodernity. The increasing experience-orientated behaviour in post-modern society did not stop at the gates of the churches in Germany and Switzerland. The results require, from those persons responsible in the congregations and churches, new deliberation and reflection with regard to the present practice of the promotion and development of church growth. When one looks at this process, it becomes apparent, that above all the stimuli from the Church Growth Movement (CGM), especially the church models of the Willow Creek Community Church (WCCC) and the Saddleback Valley Community Church (SVCC) gained huge attention in Germany and Switzerland. On the one hand the church models are emulated with great enthusiasm, on the other hand they are strongly criticised for their relationship with and handling of experience-orientated behaviour. The present research empirically examines and investigates the communalities and differences regarding the experience-orientated alignment of the spiritual lifestyle of the faithful believers from partner churches of the Willow Creek Community Church and non-partner churches. It was also examined and investigated to what degree socio-structural factors contributed to, particularly the congregational environment, with regards to the creation of the experience-orientated spiritual life style, and in how far an interaction exists between the various components of the spiritual lifestyle. The research findings facilitate an empirical-theological evaluation and assessment of the models of churchbuilding of the CGM and the development of an approach to churchbuilding in postmodernity. It is therefore possible to react to the increasing experience-orientation of the societal as a challenge in the churchbuilding. / Practical and Systematic Theology / D.Th. (Practical Theology)

More than partnership : a contextual model of an organic-complementary communion in world mission under consideration of kenosis

Gwinner, Detlef 02 1900 (has links)
With globalization the subject of partnership has become one of the main issues in World Mission. Partnerships are formed in all parts of the world in order to promote collaboration between churches, denominations, and mission organizations. Although good partner relationships are a desired objective, historical prejudices and cultural differences and bias lead to barriers which hinder good partnership relations. How can these barriers be overcome? Christian partnerships are usually only based on a collaboration of the partners and the Christian aspect in a relationship in World Mission is neglected. This study presents a theological basis for a Christian relationship in World Mission, coming from the creation of the human being in the image of God, the communion within the Trinity, especially the concepts of “kenosis” and “koinonia,” and the image of the Body of Christ. A second part of this study researches the historical and sociological aspects of partnership in order to identify barriers for a good partner relationship. The findings of the theological research will then be compared with the outcomes of the historical and sociological study and conclusions for an improvement should be presented. The foundation for mission-church relationship in a global context needs to be a spiritual relationship, since the acting partners come together on a basis of their Christian faith and are part of the universal Body of Christ. The kenotic attitude of the partners plays a major role in their relationship and the proposed model for functioning relationships in World Mission needs to be an organic-complementary communion. The last part then presents a new model for the relationship in World Mission, in which several elements of organic-complementary communion are described. These elements are living together in the Body of Christ, learning together, serving together, suffering and celebrating together, sharing together, working together, and discovering theology together. The study concludes with a proposal of a concept of a “common space” in order to show how such a new model could be lived out in the everyday relationships in World Mission. / Christian Spirituality, Church History & Missiology / D. Th. (Missiology)

A framework to optimise public participation for effective municipal service delivery

Naidoo, Calvin 24 February 2017 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to identify the relevant factors to develop a framework for optimising public participation to improve service delivery in a metropolitan municipality in South Africa. This approach was undertaken with a view to identify the gaps created through the expectations generated among citizens by the national government and the weaknesses in the capacity of the local government to deliver through its supply chain processes, and hence develop strategies to close the existing gaps as much as possible. There were four samples in the study namely: citizens, managers, businesses and ward committee members (WCM). The data that were collected for citizens were conducted at each Customer Care Centres (CCC). For the other three sets of respondents, it was conducted through email. The research approach was quantitative. Factor analysis was applied in this research study in order to identify significant factors that drive public participation in service delivery by local government. Findings of this study showed that there are two major perceptions of the respondents perceived to affect the optimisation of effective service delivery: 1) the facilitating factor and 2) the impeding factor. This was assisted by Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) where a model was designed which resulted in the development of the public participation framework for effective municipal service delivery. These findings will inform the management of local governments to prioritise inclusion of all citizens by optimising their participation for effective service delivery. Areas where participation in local government was lacking were identified and this study presents well-informed strategies for local governments and for their possible implementation. / Business Management / D.B.L.

A practical theological study of multicultural youth work in Pretoria, South Africa

Strecker, Alexander 02 1900 (has links)
Multicultural youth ministry is increasingly becoming an important reality concerning ministering to adolescents within a Christian community. A holistic focus was used to analyse the practices concerning ministering to diverse adolescents within a local youth ministry context. The study was exploratory in nature and made use of a qualitative case study approach using semi-structured interviews and focus group interviews via Skype. The data was analysed within a descriptive-interpretive framework using content analysis. Findings mainly related to five themes that emerged during the research, namely: multicultural understanding, purposeful program, relationship centeredness, transforming spirituality, and the youth leader’s realm. The data also reflected underlining contextual ministry realities namely, authenticity, inclusiveness, intentionality and limited diversity. This research provides meaningful insight within the practical theological realm as the current South African literature regarding multicultural youth ministry is limited. Similarly, this study is focused on the theological conversation within a culturally diverse youth ministry context. / Philosophy, Practical and Systematic Theology / M. Th. (Practical Theology)

More than partnership : a contextual model of an organic-complementary communion in world mission under consideration of kenosis

Gwinner, Detlef 02 1900 (has links)
With globalization the subject of partnership has become one of the main issues in World Mission. Partnerships are formed in all parts of the world in order to promote collaboration between churches, denominations, and mission organizations. Although good partner relationships are a desired objective, historical prejudices and cultural differences and bias lead to barriers which hinder good partnership relations. How can these barriers be overcome? Christian partnerships are usually only based on a collaboration of the partners and the Christian aspect in a relationship in World Mission is neglected. This study presents a theological basis for a Christian relationship in World Mission, coming from the creation of the human being in the image of God, the communion within the Trinity, especially the concepts of “kenosis” and “koinonia,” and the image of the Body of Christ. A second part of this study researches the historical and sociological aspects of partnership in order to identify barriers for a good partner relationship. The findings of the theological research will then be compared with the outcomes of the historical and sociological study and conclusions for an improvement should be presented. The foundation for mission-church relationship in a global context needs to be a spiritual relationship, since the acting partners come together on a basis of their Christian faith and are part of the universal Body of Christ. The kenotic attitude of the partners plays a major role in their relationship and the proposed model for functioning relationships in World Mission needs to be an organic-complementary communion. The last part then presents a new model for the relationship in World Mission, in which several elements of organic-complementary communion are described. These elements are living together in the Body of Christ, learning together, serving together, suffering and celebrating together, sharing together, working together, and discovering theology together. The study concludes with a proposal of a concept of a “common space” in order to show how such a new model could be lived out in the everyday relationships in World Mission. / Christian Spirituality, Church History and Missiology / D. Th. (Missiology)

Der erlebnisorientierte geistliche Lebensstil als Herausforderung fur den Gemeindeaufbau in der Postmoderne : empirische Untersuchung der Auswirkungen der Church Growth Movement auf den Gemeindeaufbau in Deutschland und in der Schweiz / The experience-oriented spiritual lifestyle as a challenge for churchbuilding in postmodernity : an imperical study of the impact of the church-growth movement on churchbuilding in Germany and in Switzerland

Kulcsar, Benjamin 02 1900 (has links)
Text in German / Die vorliegende Forschungsarbeit beschäftigt sich mit der erlebnisorientierten Ausrichtung des geistlichen Lebensstils als Herausforderung für den Gemeindeaufbau in der Postmoderne. Die zunehmende Erlebnisorientierung der postmodernen Gesellschaft hat auch vor den Türen der Glaubensgemeinschaften in Deutschland und in der Schweiz nicht Halt gemacht. Die Folgen fordern von den Verantwortlichen der Gemeinden und Kirchen neue Überlegungen im Hinblick auf die bisherige Gemeindeaufbaupraxis. In diesem Prozess fällt auf, dass in Deutschland und in der Schweiz vor allem die Impulse der Church Growth Movement (CGM), insbesondere das Gemeindemodell der Willow Creek Community Church (WCCC) und der Saddleback Valley Community Church (SVCC), große Aufmerksamkeit erlangt haben. Einerseits werden die Gemeindemodelle vielerorts mit Begeisterung nachgeahmt, andererseits werden sie aber unter anderem wegen ihres Verhältnisses zur Erlebnisorientierung und wegen ihres Umgangs damit stark kritisiert. In der vorliegenden Forschungsarbeit wurden deshalb die Gemeinsamkeiten und Unterschiede bezüglich der erlebnisorientierten Ausrichtung des geistlichen Lebensstils der Gläubigen in den Partnergemeinden der Willow Creek Community Church und in den Nichtpartnergemeinden empirisch untersucht. Außerdem wurde geprüft, inwiefern soziostrukturelle Faktoren, insbesondere das Gemeindeumfeld, zur Generierung des erlebnisorientierten geistlichen Lebensstil beitragen und, inwiefern eine Wechselwirkung zwischen den Bestandteilen des geistlichen Lebensstils vorhanden ist. Die Ergebnisse der Forschungsarbeit ermöglichen eine empirisch-oikodomische Beurteilung der Gemeindeaufbaumodelle der CGM und die Entwicklung einer Vorgehensweise im Gemeindeaufbau in der Postmoderne, wodurch auf die zunehmende Erlebnisorientierung der Gesellschaft als Herausforderung in der Gemeindeaufbaupraxis entsprechend reagiert werden kann. The present research investigates the justification of an experience-orientated alignment of a spiritual lifestyle as a challenge for churchbuilding in postmodernity. The increasing experience-orientated behaviour in post-modern society did not stop at the gates of the churches in Germany and Switzerland. The results require, from those persons responsible in the congregations and churches, new deliberation and reflection with regard to the present practice of the promotion and development of church growth. When one looks at this process, it becomes apparent, that above all the stimuli from the Church Growth Movement (CGM), especially the church models of the Willow Creek Community Church (WCCC) and the Saddleback Valley Community Church (SVCC) gained huge attention in Germany and Switzerland. On the one hand the church models are emulated with great enthusiasm, on the other hand they are strongly criticised for their relationship with and handling of experience-orientated behaviour. The present research empirically examines and investigates the communalities and differences regarding the experience-orientated alignment of the spiritual lifestyle of the faithful believers from partner churches of the Willow Creek Community Church and non-partner churches. It was also examined and investigated to what degree socio-structural factors contributed to, particularly the congregational environment, with regards to the creation of the experience-orientated spiritual life style, and in how far an interaction exists between the various components of the spiritual lifestyle. The research findings facilitate an empirical-theological evaluation and assessment of the models of churchbuilding of the CGM and the development of an approach to churchbuilding in postmodernity. It is therefore possible to react to the increasing experience-orientation of the societal as a challenge in the churchbuilding. / Practical and Systematic Theology / D.Th. (Practical Theology)

Towards an effective and empathetic student support system in an open and distance education and e-learning environment : a case study from a developing country context

Modise, Mpho-Entle Puleng 02 1900 (has links)
Faced with the influx of emerging technologies, educators must continuously equip themselves with the necessary skills to effectively impact on today’s learners. Central to successful curriculum reform and student retention is the realisation that educators need to engage in continuous professional development, to meet the learners’ needs. The purpose of this research study is to explore and study how educators’ skills, knowledge and experience in e-learning can contribute to the successful achievement of the institution’s and students’ educational goals and to the design of a quality support system in an ODeL environment in a developing country. A mixed-method research approach was adopted. The target population was the University of South Africa (Unisa) academic staff members who enrolled for an elearning programme with the University of Maryland University College (UMUC) between the year 2012 and 2014. Convenience non-probability sampling was used and a total of 60 candidates were invited to participate in the study. Most of the participants pointed to the empathetic support they received from the relevant UMUC staff and also indicated that they are now ready to create an empathetic learning environment for their own students at Unisa. It is the premise of this paper that academics cannot impart and/or transfer what they do not have or know to learners and it gives recommendations on striving towards an effective empathetic students support in distance education and e-learning continuous professional development to effectively impact on today’s learners. The importance of pace, assignment due dates, use of rubrics, turnaround time for feedback, built-in support, and appropriate assessment strategies are also key findings in the report. / Educational Studies / M. Ed. (Open and Distance Learning (ODL)

Technik und Bildung in der verwissenschaftlichten Lebenswelt / Vier Modelle: Fink, Heidegger, Litt, Schelsky

Lumila, Minna 02 June 2023 (has links)
Die Studie versucht, Husserls Modell einer nicht-wissenschaftlichen Lebenswelt für pädagogische Untersuchungen zum Verhältnis von Technik und Bildung in der verwissenschaftlichen Welt zu öffnen. Sie diskutiert Entwicklungsprobleme der Spätmoderne unter pluralen Fragestellungen und führt Ansätze und Traditionen zusammen, die unterschiedliche Wege zur Weiterentwicklung der modernen Bildungstheorie beschritten haben. Im Zentrum steht die Frage, wie moderne Technik einerseits als lebensweltliche Entfremdung des Menschen problematisiert und andererseits als Produkt menschlicher Freiheit und Weltgestaltung gewürdigt werden kann. In vier Kapiteln werden die methodischen Ansätze und Antworten vorgestellt, die der Philosoph und Pädagoge Eugen Fink (1905–1975), der Philosoph Martin Heidegger (1889–1976), der Philosoph und Erziehungswissenschaftler Theodor Litt (1880–1962) und der Soziologe Helmut Schelsky (1912–1984) auf die Frage nach dem Verhältnis von Bildung und Technik gegeben haben. Im Durchgang durch ihre Positionen wird ein Konzert erarbeitet, dessen Originalität darin liegt, Abstimmungsprobleme von Bildung, Technik und Lebenswelt aus postdualistischer, praxistheoretischer sowie posthumanistischer Perspektive zu thematisieren. / The study attempts to open Husserl's model of a non-scientific lifeworld for pedagogical investigations of the relationship between technology and “Bildung” in the scientific world. It discusses developmental problems of late modernity under plural questions and brings together approaches and traditions that have taken different paths to the further development of modern “Bildungs”-theory. The central question is how modern technology can be problematized on the one hand as the alienation of human beings from the world of life and on the other hand be appreciated as a product of human freedom and the shaping of the world. Four chapters present the methodological approaches and answers that philosopher and educator Eugen Fink (1905–1975), philosopher Martin Heidegger (1889–1976), philosopher and educationalist Theodor Litt (1880–1962), and sociologist Helmut Schelsky (1912–1984) have given to the question of the relationship between education and technology. In the course of their positions, a concert will be developed whose originality lies in addressing the coordination problems of “Bildung” (education), “Technik” (technology) and “Lebenswelt” (lifeworld) from a post-dualist, praxis-theoretical as well as post-humanist perspective.

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