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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

CEO remuneration in listed European insurance companies : Trends and justifications over the years 2005-2009

Palmén, Sara, Suleyman, Avare January 2010 (has links)
In the ever so increasingly competitive business climate of the 21st century, human resources are vital for corporate success. Employees need proper incentives to perform in goal-oriented manners. Incentive systems, especially Chief Executive Officer [CEO] remunerations, have been a popular topic since the 1990s, and this tendency has increased both during the 2002-2003 corporate scandal era, as well as the financial crisis which sparked in 2007. The recent tendency appears to lean towards companies cutting their executive bonuses as well as criticism and suspiciousness towards large bonus payments. While remuneration policies within the banking industry have been thoroughly debated and researched, another financial industry that is left largely untouched are the insurance companies. The focus of this research is therefore CEO remuneration in European insurance companies. This descriptive study, of annual reports of stock-listed insurance companies, uses a purposive cluster sample to explore quantitative trends in CEO remunerations. In addition, a content analysis of five randomly selected companies out of the sample provides a deeper, complementary understanding of the justifications of the trends. The research questions are: What trends on CEO remuneration can be found over the years 2005-2009 in annual reports of European insurance companies, concerning total remuneration, fixed salary and short-term bonus? What justifications do companies make for the remunerations over the years 2005-2009? The quantitative part of the research inductively tests the assumption that CEO remuneration has decreased during the past few years 2008 and/ or 2009 due to the impact of the financial crisis. The content analysis part of the research deductively tests if agency theory concerns and issues concerning attraction and retention play a role in determining remuneration policies. From this research, it is concluded that short-term variable pay is largely performance-based. Still, many other aspects serve as input factors when determining compensation levels. Based on the content analysis, it is revealed that interest alignment and attraction- and retention-issues are important determinants of remunerations. Subjective factors such as discretionary judgements also play a crucial role. The quantitative trends found in this study show that total remunerations have decreased markedly in 2008, and more vaguely in 2009. The financial crisis has had an impact on especially the short-term variable part of salaries, but also on base salary levels. Although not all companies that were investigated in the content analysis explicitly mention it in their annual reports, over the years 2005-2009, all of them become more concerned about remuneration policies and business risk factors. Over the investigated years, these companies also become more attentive to creating proactive and sophisticated value creating remuneration policies that are in line with international standards, in order to act legitimate towards stakeholders.

台灣上市公司總經理更換的宣告效果 / The Announcement Effect of CEO Turnover of Listed Companies in Taiwan

許可姍 Unknown Date (has links)
隨著公司治理議題逐漸受到注意,我國政府制定了許多相關規範以使董事會對於公司管理者的監督功能健全。故本研究希望能藉由股票市場對於公司宣告總經理更換之反應,了解董事會是否發揮監督功能,撤換管理表現不佳的總經理。 本研究以2007年至2011年於證交所公開資訊觀測站之重大訊息公告專區宣告更換總經理之台灣上市公司為研究樣本,透過事件研究法計算個別公司更換總經理的宣告效果。 本研究首先探討市場對公司更換總經理之整體看法為何,再透過複迴歸分析進一步探討更換總經理前公司經營績效的好壞、卸任總經理之在位期間長短、卸任總經理是否離開公司、卸任總經理之持股百分比、董監事持股百分比、獨立董事人數占董事總人數之百分比等因素對宣告效果的影響。 實證結果有以下發現:(一) 更換前公司營運績效好壞對宣告效果有顯著的影響。更換前營運績效佳之公司有負面的宣告效果,更換前營運績效差之公司有正面的宣告效果。(二)更換前營運績效佳的公司,若卸任的總經理在位期間越長,則宣告效果越負面。(三)更換前營運績效差的公司,若卸任的總經理離開公司,則宣告效果比卸任的總經理沒有離開公司還要正面。(四)更換前營運績效差的公司,若原總經理持股百分比越高,則宣告效果越正面。表示對於這些總經理持股百分比高的公司而言,造成公司績效不佳的原因是總經理能力不足,而不是因為存在代理問題。(五)董監事持股百分比對更換總經理的宣告效果沒有顯著的影響。(六)獨立董事占公司董事總人數之百分比越高卻使更換總經理之宣告效果越負面,表示本研究之實證結果不支持獨立董事對更換總經理有正面的影響。 / This research studies the announcement effects of CEO turnovers with a view to understanding the reactions of stocks market toward CEO turnovers, and whether the boards play their role to oversee managers and replace those managers who perform poorly. This research collected samples from Taiwan listed companies who announced CEO turnovers during year 2007 through year 2011 and then calculated announcement effects by event study method. This research first studied the overall viewpoint of the stock market to CEO turnovers and then tried to figure out whether and how corporate operating performance before CEO turnovers, tenure of ex-CEO, whether the ex-CEO leaves the corporate, stock holding percentage of ex-CEO, stock holding percentage of directors and the percentage of number of independent directors accounts for total number of directors influence the announcement effects of CEO turnovers. This research finds that: (1) Companies’ performances before CEO turnover significantly influence the announcement effects. Sub-sample of well-performed companies has negative announcement effects and the sub-sample of poorly-performed companies has positive announcement effects. (2) For well-performed companies, the longer the tenure of ex-CEO, the more negative the announcement effect is. (3) For poor-performed companies, the announcement effect of companies whose ex-CEO leaves the company is more positive than those whose ex-CEO does not leave the companies. (4) For poorly-performed companies, the higher the ex-CEO stock holding percentage, the more positive the announcement effect is. It means that for those companies whose ex-CEO stock holding percentage is high, it is not agency problem that causes CEO to perform poorly but the lack of the CEO’s ability does. (5) The stock holding percentage of directors does not significantly influence the announcement effect. (6) The higher the percentage of number of independent directors accounts for the total number of directors, the more negative the CEO turnover announcement effect is. This means that the result of this research does not support that independent directors have a positive impact on CEO turnover.

Kvinnliga beslutsfattare och resultatmanipulering på Stockholmsbörsen

Hedback, Dennis, Sanfer, Marielle January 2018 (has links)
Redovisningsskandaler runt om i världen har medfört ett ökat intresse från lagstiftare och akademiker för ledares kontroll över finansiell rapportering. För intressenter är det viktigt att den redovisade informationen återspeglar den ekonomiska verkligheten. Tidigare forskning rapporterar att beteendeskillnader existerar mellan kvinnor och män. Studiens syfte är att analysera samband mellan kön och resultatmanipulering, vilket definieras som att en högre (lägre) grad av resultatmanipulering leder till sämre (bättre) grad av överensstämmelse mellan ett bolags resultatredovisning och bolagets ekonomiska verklighet. Tidigare forskning som undersökt detta har producerat inkonsekventa resultat både vad gäller kön hos finansdirektörer och vd:ar och dessas samband med resultatmanipulering. I ett urval om 518 räkenskapsår dragna från Stockholmsbörsens Large Cap mäter vi detta samband med två olikaregressionsmodeller. Modellerna visar inget samband mellan kvinnliga vd:ar ochresultatmanipulering. Enbart en av modellerna visar ett negativt samband mellankvinnliga finansdirektörer och resultatmanipulering. Slutsatsen är att kvinnligafinansdirektörer och vd:ar inte resultatmanipulerar mindre än manliga finansdirektörer och vd:ar på Stockholmsbörsen. / Financial accounting scandals throughout the world have led to an increased interest, among legislators and scholars, for managers’ control over financial reporting. For stakeholders, it is important that the reported financial information reflects the underlying economic reality. Earlier research report differences in behavior between women and men. The purpose of this study is to analyze correlations between gender and earnings management, which we define as: A higher (lower) level of earnings management implies a worse (better) conformity between some firm’s reported earnings and the economic reality of said firm. Earlier research studying this subject have produced inconsistent findings on the impact of CFO and CEO gender on earnings management. We measure this correlation, using two different regression models, in a sample of 518 financial years, drawn from the Large Cap list of the Nasdaq Stockholm stock exchange. These models do not show any correlation between CEO gender and earnings management in this sample. Only one of the models shows a negativecorrelation between female CFOs and earnings management. We conclude that female CFOs and CEOs do not manage earnings any differently than their male counterparts, in firms listed on the Nasdaq Stockholm stock exchange.

Let's take a bath : En studie om VD-bytens påverkan på resultatmanipulering och Big Bath Accounting

Anton, Bengtsson, Anton, Rosenquist January 2018 (has links)
BakgrundVD-yrket sägs ha blivit en allt mer utsatt position. I spåren av denna utveckling kan det te sig rimligt att nytillträdda VD:ar vill ge sig själva en god start på den aktuella tjänsten. Inom akademins värld anses en VD-förändring vara den situation där resultatmanipulering genom Big Bath är främst förekommande. Vi frågar oss dock om detta är en produkt av tidigare forskning selektionsmekanism och om Big Bath påverkas mer av andra faktorer. SyfteStudiens syfte är att undersöka Big Bath från en bredare tidshorisont som inte isolerar enskilda händelser. På så sätt vi vill undersöka om VD-förändringar är den situation som starkast påverkar Big Bath. MetodGenom användning av en longitudinell panelstudie med en deduktiv ansats har studien undersökt hur resultatmanipulering och Big Bath påverkas av olika faktorer däribland VD-byten. Urvalet består av bolag från NASDAQ OMX Stockholm Large Cap under åren 2006-2017. SlutsatsResultatet visar att VD-byten inte har någon signifikant påverkan på varken resultatmanipulering eller Big Bath. I studien fann vi dock indikationer på att negativa resultat påverkar förekomsten av både resultatmanipulering och Big Bath. / BackgroundThe CEO-profession is said to be more precarious than ever before. Given this development one can assume that newly appointed CEO’s are interested in securing a good start at the beginning of their appointment. In the academic world a CEO turnover is considered to be the primary situation were earnings management in the form of Big Bath occurs. We ask ourselves if this is a product of previous selection bias and if Big Bath in true is affected by other factors. PurposeThe purpose of this study is to examine Big Bath from a long-term perspective that does not isolate specific events. Through this approach we want to investigate whether CEO-turnovers is the main contributing factor behind Big Bath. MethodBy using a longitudinal panel study with a deductive approach the study have investigated how earnings management and Big Bath are affected by different factors such as CEO-turnovers. The sample consists of companies from NASDAQ OMX Stockholm Large Cap in between the time period of 2006-2017.ConclusionThe result states that CEO-turnovers have no significant effect on either earnings management or Big Bath. However through the study we find indications that negative results affects both earnings management and Big Bath.

Agent saknas : En studie av marknadens reaktion när verkställande direktörens ersätts / Agent missing : A study of market reaction when the CEO gets replaced

Tasar, Diyar, Dyab, Rami January 2018 (has links)
Den här uppsatsen undersöker hur aktiekursen reagerar när bolag offentliggör information angående ett VD-byte. Studien undersöker både frivilliga uppsägningar och avsked av VD:n på bolag noterade på Stockholmsbörsen mellan år 2011 och 2018. För att kunna undersöka aktiekursens reaktion har MacKinlays form av eventstudie tillämpats på 90 bolag. Bolags aktiekurs tenderar att reagera negativt vid ett tillkännagivande angående ett byte av verkställande direktör. Studien finner signifikanta resultat beroende på om bytet varit frivillig uppsägning eller avsked under eventdagen. Undersökningen påvisar signifikanta resultat på aktiekursen när investerare haft kännedom om ersättare och om tillkännagivandet skett innan ett byte. / This paper examines how the share price responds when companies publish information regarding a change of CEO. All the companies that are examined are listed on the Stockholm Stock Exchange between 2011 and 2018. The study is based on a sample of 90 companies where the CEO has been replaced. Of the entire sample there has been 65 voluntary CEO´s changes and 25 involuntary. To investigate how the share price react we use MacKinlays (1997) form of event study. This study also examines how different factors effect the reaction of the share price. These factors are; the availability of a successors, the size of the firm, the time interval between the event day and the day the CEO leaves the company. We find that the market tends to react negatively at the event day. We also find a significant difference between voluntary and involuntary change of CEO a few days after the event. The involuntary change of CEO´s tends to give a positive market reaction and the voluntary a continued negative market reaction. When companies announce a change of CEO simultaneously as they announce successors the market tends to react positively.

Where are the women CEO's?: a study of the telecommunications industry in the U.S. & Finland

Rojas Levi, Elizabeth 19 December 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Daniele Santos (danielesantos.htl@gmail.com) on 2017-02-22T17:37:53Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Elizabeth Rojas.pdf: 1624527 bytes, checksum: b5f7bc8eba2184b3778dbd4c4d06b39d (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Janete de Oliveira Feitosa (janete.feitosa@fgv.br) on 2017-02-23T17:48:18Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Elizabeth Rojas.pdf: 1624527 bytes, checksum: b5f7bc8eba2184b3778dbd4c4d06b39d (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-02-24T17:49:09Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Elizabeth Rojas.pdf: 1624527 bytes, checksum: b5f7bc8eba2184b3778dbd4c4d06b39d (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-12-19 / As women make wide strides in labor participation in both, business and politics, a staggering reality is that the progress is rather minimal at the top of decision-making. In Nordic nations, which rank among the top five in the world for gender equality, women fare far worse than their American counterparts in the upper echelons of large corporations. For the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) position, the number one leadership and decision-making role in a company, women held 4.6% of CEO positions in S&P 500 companies in the US, while they held zero positions in large cap companies in Finland (Catalyst, 2015). The objective of this study is to gain an in-depth understanding of how women are disproportionally represented at the top decision-making position, the CEO post, in corporations. It also seeks to investigate the key factors that impact women’s career pathway to the CEO position in corporations and recommendations from participants to change the course. This study uses an exploratory framework employing a case study of the telecommunications industry, and compares the experiences of a Nordic country, Finland, with the United States, with an eye on the so-called Nordic Mystery (The Economist, 2014). Data was collected by conducting interviews with 11 participants in both countries, including CEOs and chief government decision-makers in the industry and leading experts in academia, business and international executive-search firms. This exploratory study poses limitations: a small number of participants in the sample, a reduced geographical context, short period of time for data collection, and findings applicable solely to the largest publicly traded firms. Contrary to most quantitative studies, however, this qualitative approach of interviewing current top decision-makers deepens the understanding of this phenomenon and serves as a starting point for future research of women CEOs.

Impacto da troca de CEOs no desempenho das empresas

Gomes, Fabio Napchan 02 1900 (has links)
Submitted by Fabio Gomes (fanapchan@gmail.com) on 2018-02-19T15:06:38Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação Final Pós-Banca - Fabio NG.pdf: 377844 bytes, checksum: 2b6b7940c027ce97c4e2faeeed4407d7 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Thais Oliveira (thais.oliveira@fgv.br) on 2018-02-20T18:57:14Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação Final Pós-Banca - Fabio NG.pdf: 377844 bytes, checksum: 2b6b7940c027ce97c4e2faeeed4407d7 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-02-21T12:13:05Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação Final Pós-Banca - Fabio NG.pdf: 377844 bytes, checksum: 2b6b7940c027ce97c4e2faeeed4407d7 (MD5) / O principal objetivo deste trabalho é avaliar o efeito da troca de comando nas empresas, especificamente a mudança de CEOs, no desempenho das mesmas, medido pelo retorno total, pelo Q de Tobin e pelo múltiplo Preço/Lucro (P/L). Com essa finalidade, foi utilizada uma amostra de 195 empresas e, por meio dos métodos Pooled GLS e Efeitos Fixos e Aleatórios, foram avaliadas as associações entre o retorno total em empresas que observaram trocas de executivos e variáveis relacionadas ao mercado acionário e cenário macroeconômico de maneira geral. A conclusão apresentada foi de há uma relação inversa estatisticamente significante entre troca de CEOs e a performance pós-mudança. Variáveis de mercado e macroeconômicas também colaboram para explicar as variáveis dependentes. Este modelo foi aplicado de forma comparativa a empresas que não apresentaram mudanças no comando. / The main objective of this study is to evaluate the effect of top managemet turnover in the companies, specifically the CEO turnovers, in their performance, measured by the total return, Tobin’s Q and the P/E multiple. For this purpose, a sample of 195 companies was used and, through the Pooled GLS and Fixed and Random Effect methods, the associations between the total return in companies that observed executives' changes and variables related to the stock market and general macroeconomic scenario were evaluated . The conclusion presented was that there is a statistically significant inverse relation between CEO turnover and performance after the change. Market and macroeconomic variables also contribute to explain the dependent variable. This model was applied in a comparative way to companies that did not present CEO changes.

CEO Characteristics and Firm Performance / Caractéristiques des dirigeants et performances des entreprises

Tibbetts Bollaert, Helen 05 September 2011 (has links)
Dans les trois chapitres de cette thèse nous explorons le lien entre les performances des entreprises et les caractéristiques psychologiques des dirigeants. Dans un premier chapitre conceptuel, nous étudions les fondements théoriques des travaux en finance comportementale d'entreprise en analysant l'hubris et les concepts qui lui sont apparentés. Nous suggérons des pistes de recherche futures qui, pour certaines, sont mises en oeuvre dans les deux autres chapitres de ce travail. Dans le second chapitre, nous étudions l'impact du narcissisme des dirigeants acquéreurs et cibles sur les aspects privés d'un échantillon de fusions-acquisitions américaines. Nos résultats indiquent que desniveaux de narcissisme plus élevés chez les dirigeants acquéreurs sont associés à une plus forte probabilité que l'acquéreur initie l'opération et à une période plus courte entre l'initiation de l'opération et son annonce publique. Nos résultats suggèrent également que des niveaux de narcissisme plus élevés chez les dirigeants cibles sont positivement associés à la prime offerte et négativement associés aux rendements anormaux cumulés de l'acquéreur. Dans le troisième chapitre, nous analysons l'effet du leadership authentique du dirigeant sur les performances boursières etd'exploitation d'un échantillon d'entreprises du SBF 250. Nous collectons des données sur le leadership authentique par le biais de questionnaires. Nous analysons la différence entre les performances des entreprises en les affectant à trois portefeuilles selon le niveau de leadership authentique en utilisant l'analyse en trois facteurs de Fama et French. Nous ne trouvons aucun lien significatif entre le niveau de leadership authentique du dirigeant et la performance boursière. Dansles analyses des performances d'exploitation, nous trouvons un lien positif et significatif entre le niveau de leadership authentique et la rentabilité économique (ROA). / We study the effect of CEO psychological characteristics on firm performance in three papers. We first consider the theoretical background to work in behavioral corporate finance in a conceptual paper analyzing hubris and related psychological concepts. In this paper we put forward ideas for future research, some of which we implement subsequent papers. In paper 2, we study the effect of acquirer and target CEO narcissism on the private aspects of the takeover process in a sample of US M&A deals. We find that higher levels of acquirer CEO narcissism are associated with a higher probability of deal initiation by the acquirer and with a shorter length of time between deal initiation and announcement. Concerning value effects, our results suggest that higher levels of target CEO narcissism are positively related to bid premium and negatively related to acquirer cumulative abnormal returns. In addition, the difference between acquirer and target CEO narcissism is a significant factor in explaining the different aspects of the takeover process. In the third paper, we analyze the effect of CEO authentic leadership on the market and operating performance of a sample of listed French firms. We collect data on CEO authentic leadership using questionnaires. We analyze the difference in performance of firms sorted into three portfolios according to the level of CEO authentic leadership using a Fama French three factor analysis. We fail to find a significant relationship between CEO authentic leadership and market performance. In the operating performance analyses, we find a positive association between CEO authentic leadership and ROA.

Emotionell Intelligens & Ledarskap

Daneshmir, Hanna January 2018 (has links)
Introduction: Leadership has been a core issue of organizations for decades, if not for centuries. However, the previously so strong confidence in leadership rationality begins to weaken and instead, it is increasingly becoming a picture of the dualism that leadership often involves. The view has changed, leaders no longer apply a rational and economically computational mindset, but in fact they have to a large extent an irrational, socially oriented and emotional mindset. The emotional aspect of leadership is on the rise and, in that sense, Emotional Intelligence (EI) will become increasingly important, especially as the leader's EI capability is considered crucial to how the organization will work. Nevertheless, there is not enough research that discusses the popularized concept of EI in relation to leadership, in addition, the discussion is almost non-existent in Sweden. Purpose: The aim of the study is to contribute to a deeper understanding of the Emotional Intelligence (EI) importance in organizational context from a leadership perspective by contributing knowledge about Emotional Intelligence (EI) impact on leadership within an organization. Method: The study has been conducted with a qualitative research method with an abductive research effort. The empirical material consists of eleven interviews from business leaders in the Swedish business community. To analyze the material, theories that describe leadership, communication, motivation and leadership styles are used in connection with EI. Conclusion: The study concludes that business leaders' understanding and interpretation of the EI concept has an influence on the leadership they exercise. The study also comes up to the fact that business leaders' views on leadership affect their application of EI. / Inledning: Ledarskap har varit en kärnfråga av organisationer i årtionden, om inte i århundraden. Men den tidigare så starka tilltron till ledarskapets rationalitet börjar försvagas och fram träder istället allt mer en bild av den dualism som ledarskapet ofta innefattar. Synen på att ledare inte längre tillämpar ett rationellt och ekonomiskt kalkylerande tankesätt, utan att de i själva verket i stor utsträckning har ett irrationellt, socialt inriktat och känslopräglat tankesätt. Den känslomässiga aspekten i ledarskap är på uppgång och i den meningen kommer den Emotionella Intelligensen (EI) bli allt viktigare, speciellt då ledarens EI förmåga anses vara avgörande för hur organisationen kommer att fungera. Trots det finns det inte tillräcklig forskning som diskuterar det populäriserade begreppet EI i relation till ledarskap, dessutom är diskussionen näst intil obefintlig i Sverige. Syfte: Studien syftar till att bidra till en djupare förståelse for den Emotionella Intelligensens (EI) betydelse i organisationskontext från ett ledarskapsperspektiv genom att bidra med kunskap om Emotionella intelligensens (EI) inverkan på ledarskap inom en organisation. Metod: Studien har utförts med en kvalitativ forskningsmetod med en abduktiv forskningsansats. Det empiriska materialet består av elva intervjuer från företagsledare inom det svenska näringslivet. För att analysera materialet används teorier som beskriver ledarskap, kommunikation, motivation och ledarskapstilar med koppling till EI. Slutsats: Studiens kommer fram till att företagsledares förståelse och tolkning av EI begreppet har en påverkan på ledarskapet de utövar. Studien kommer även fram till att företagsledarnas syn på ledarskap påverkar deras tillämpning av EI.

Rémunération des dirigeants et nature de l’actionnariat : pratiques et évolutions dans les grandes entreprises françaises / CEO compensation and ownership patterns : pay-setting process and evolutions in French listed companies

Almeida, Lionel 30 November 2015 (has links)
La rémunération des grands dirigeants a augmenté de façon substantielle ces dernières décennies et a participé à l’accroissement des inégalités par les hauts revenus. Deux typologies pour les actionnaires de contrôle sont proposées pour analyser l’évolution et les pratiques de rémunérations des (P-)DG au sein des grands groupes cotés français. La première typologie se fonde sur l’identité de l’actionnaire et différencie des actionnaires actifs et engagés dans la stratégie de la firme, et des actionnaires passifs ou diversifiés. Parmi ces derniers se trouvent des actionnaires dont la stratégie est essentiellement financière. Les rémunérations sont plus élevées et plus sensibles aux performances de court-terme pour ces derniers. La seconde typologie se fonde sur deux critères : le degré (participation au capital) et l’ancienneté (années d’exercice du contrôle) du contrôle. En s’appuyant sur un modèle de données de panel à effet de seuil (modèle PTR), les politiques de rémunération des dirigeants permettent de différencier quatre régimes dans le degré, et deux dans l’ancienneté du contrôle. Cette typologie différencie les contrôles de type dispersé, influent, dominant et majoritaire, d’une part, et les effets des actionnaires de contrôle récents et de long-terme, d’autre part. L’évolution des rémunérations est enfin étudiée en se fondant sur ces deux typologies et sur une période de 12 années. Au-delà de facteurs liés au fonctionnement du « marché des dirigeants », les typologies mettent en évidence un phénomène de rattrapage et de contagion consécutif à la transparence des rémunérations depuis 2001, et une forte augmentation des bonus sous l’effet de l’augmentation des capitalisations boursières et des transformations de l’actionnariat qui l’ont accompagnée. / CEO compensation rose substantially in the last decades and contributed to the rise in high revenues. Two typologies for the controlling shareholders are suggested to study the evolution and the pay-setting process of CEO compensation in large French listed firms. The first typology is based on the identity of shareholders and differentiates active and involved ones to passive or diversified ones. While the former are involved in the industrial strategy of the firm, the latter comprise shareholders whose strategy is mainly financial. CEO pays are higher and more sensitive to short-term performance in this latter case. The second typology is defined according to two criteria, namely the degree and seniority of control. They respectively refer to the share of equity and the number of years of control. Based on a Panel Threshold Regression (PTR) model, CEO pay policies allows to differentiate four regimes in the degree of control, and two in the seniority of control, namely dispersed, influent, dominant, and majority control on the one hand, and new and long-term controlling shareholders, on the other hand. These two typologies are eventually used to study the evolution of CEO pay over a 12-year period in France. Beyond factors related to the so-called “market for CEOs”, the typologies reveal a catching up and contagion effect since the implementation of transparency since 2001, and a tremendous rise in bonuses that went hand in hand with the rise in market capitalizations and subsequent changes in ownership patterns.

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