Spelling suggestions: "subject:"china."" "subject:"thing.""
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論顧頡剛的 詩經 研究 = Research on Gu Jiegang's study of the Book of Songs / Research on Gu Jiegang's study of the Book of Songs;"論顧頡剛的詩經研究"高靜 January 2005 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities / Department of Chinese
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Tao´s gyllene blommaSzenaszki, Gabriel G. January 2002 (has links)
Syftet med arbetet är att ge en generell presentation av Den gyllene blommans hemlighets innehåll och funktion samt introducera två olika kommentarer och synliggöra deras specifika synsätt. De generella frågorna jag har ställt mig är följande: Vad är textens innehåll? På vilka filosofiska grunder vilar metoden? Vilka är de viktigaste skillnaderna mellan Jungs och Clearys kommentarer? Wilhelm var den person som hittade texten och som först översatte den till ett västerländskt språk år 1928. Han har både översatt och kommenterat bl. a. I Ching, Den gyllene blommans hemlighet, Tao te king mm. och därmed var han insatt i att göra Kinas själsliga skatter åtkomliga för Europa. Då var Europa fortfarande nybörjare i förståelsen av Österlandets visdom och de kristna formerna och aspekterna påverkade hans uppfattning om den. Dogma och känsla stred med varandra i honom “vilken i hans fall tog sig uttryck som en konflikt mellan väst och öst“, konstaterade Jung. Detta tvivel påverkade också Jung själv som beundrade Österlandets stora filosofer – som han benämnde dem – men han hade en oförsynt syn på deras metafysik. Jung har studerat alkemiska verk tidigare men han har själv påstått att “först genom texten i Den gyllene blomman har alkemins väsen kommit närmare“ . Denna text - som heter T'ai I Chin Hua Tsung Chih (Den gyllene blommans hemlighet) tillsammans med Hui Ming Ching (Medvetandets och livets bok) - är en samling av ett slags aforismer och innehåller förklaringar - med suggestiva, esoteriska terminologier - av praktisk betydelse som behandlar de alkemistiska (ev. fysiologiska) processerna. Dessa framförda tekniker antyder varken hjälp ifrån eller närvaro av en gudom eller gudomlig kraft, istället är det insiktens ljus som ger en direkt upplysning till utövaren. Med i texten finns även en ganska detaljerad beskrivning av faror och villovägar som väntar på den ouppmärksamme praktikanten. Det blev klart för Jung “att alkemin i symbolisk och allegorisk form i själva verket beskriver människans andliga mognad“ och att denna mognadsprocess förbinder människan med livets andliga dimensioner och hjälper henne att finna Självet, det gudomliga inom henne. Denna inre erfarenhet av “förening med det gudomliga“ var enligt Jung det mest värdefulla och viktigaste målet i livet. Därför försökte Jung i sin moderna psykoterapi ge en högre religiös bakgrund vid avlägsnandet av konfliktorsaken. Enligt Jungs tolkning omskapar och genererar den gyllene blommans metod kroppens energi för att, å ena sidan, människan ska kunna komma ur olika själsliga tillstånd som hon blivit fångad i (Projektion, Skuggan, Personan, Animus-Anima), och å andra sidan för att kunna nå fram till något hon var avskuren ifrån (det gudomliga Självet).
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権力の下での行為 : 日本人戦犯の心理と行為の演技論的考察Tamura, Hitoshi, 田村, 均 31 March 2014 (has links)
No description available.
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Per Nørgård’s “I Ching” : Analysis of the 4’th movement, “Towards Completion. Fire over Water”Munteanu, Alexandru January 2024 (has links)
This thesis covers pretty much everything about the 4’th movement of “I Ching” by Per Nørgård (“IV. Towards Completion. Fire over Water”). I have delved deep into an analysis, that helped me develop my own interpretation and understanding of the piece. While I was doing my research, I discovered fascinating links between music and mathematics, that showed me how much we don’t know and that there are interesting subjects left for us to find. My exploration did not stop there just yet, I also found out about the “I Ching”, an ancient Chinese book, that covers a broad topic, which can be summed up in two words: Yin & Yang. This, combined with a bit of mathematics contributed to the creation of a unique vocabulary that Per Nørgård pioneered, called: “infinity series”. My thesis aim is to promote Per Nørgård’s music, that has not yet been discovered by enough percussionists.
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大理院民事判決法源之研究(1912-1928) / A study on the source of civil law during early republican China (1912-1928)黃聖棻, Huang, Sheng-Fen Unknown Date (has links)
本文目的乃是欲從大理院之民事判決例中,嘗試去探究大理院的民事法源,去了解大理院所建立的民事法規範的淵源到底是從何而來?其審判究竟根據什麼樣的法源?大理院對這些法源的態度為何?法源衝突時,規範的效力問題又該如何解決?根據本文考察,大理院之民事法源,在成文法方面,除了約法之外,主要依照《大清現行律》民事有效部分作為其審判依據,在運用層面上導入了歐陸法學概念用來解釋《大清現行律》,促使中西法律文化的融合。此外,前清其它有效法律與民國時期民事特別立法也都被大理院以之為法源。關於條約,大理院則認為其具有法源地位,得直接適用而不需再經由國內立法程序。至於大清民律草案,在民國初年並非有效的成文法律,大理院將其定性為「條理」而加以適用,但是在適用上的判語則相當岐異,為其弊端。同時,大理院時期已經能運用外國立法例與一般法律原則來加強判決理由與調整當事人利益的分配。當然,大理院處於新舊交融的時代,一些傳統義理道德的觀念仍在大理院判例中找得著其痕跡。而對於判例,大理院則是承認其法源性,具有法規範效力,並且對其相當重視,形成獨特的地位,兼具羅馬法系與普通法系的特徵。 / This study is try to find the source of civil law during early republican china(1912-1928), and to apprehend how these kinds of source of civil law be shaped by the judges on the civil adjudications of Dali Yuan(Supreme Court). Besides, the focus is also on what these sources of law are and how Dali Yuan resolve the issue while these sources conflict.
First, the statutory sources of civil law include the provisional constitution, treaties, Ching Empire Current Penal Code, and some civil regulations. Ching Empire Current Penal Code is the most important legal basis on the trial. Dali Yuan uses European legal concepts to interpret Ching Empire Current Penal Code and this give Penal Code a new life. Besides, Dali Yuan considers the treaty could be directly applied and not need to be by the way of internal legislative process.
In this period, Civil Code Draft is still not valid, so that Dali Yuan takes Draft as principle of law to be applied. Moreover, foreign statutes sometimes can be found in the judgment to strengthen the reason. Of course, on the era of variance, sometimes traditional idea still exists in the judge mind.
The precedent play an important role before the Civil Code is put in force. The precedents of Dali Yuan can be considered as source of law. The legal system during this period can be called the amalgamation of Roman law and common law.
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明清的鐘錶(1582-1911) / Clocks and watches in Ming-Ching period (1582-1911)李侑儒, Li, Yu Ju Unknown Date (has links)
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彝族的源流史詩 / Epics of Yi’s Origin黃季平, Huang, Chi Ping Unknown Date (has links)
一、Approche: 文獻大彙整與地圖套疊
源流史詩展現民族的歷史觀,足以反映及代表民族的思維,因此源流史詩可以說是文學史與民族史交集下的結晶。因此,筆者將「源流史詩」做為檢驗「彝族」的一種標準。經過這麼多層的討論後,證據是傾向「彝族」是「由多民族組成的一個民族集團」而非「擁有眾多支系的一個民族」。這一個結論,可以讓我們重新拿來檢驗現有的關於「彝族」的「民族史」與「文學史」,同時可以用來檢驗「彝族民族識別」之後的「彝族認同」過程。 / The focus of the thesis is on the “epics of Yi’s origin” By studying them, we may have a closer examination of whether the Yi can be categorized as one “ethnos.”
A. The approach: Compiling documents and putting maps together
The contents of an ethnos’ epics of origin are mainly legends, heroes, ethnic origin, immigration and ancestor veneration, which are not entertaining. The occasions to chant the epics, such as seasonal worshiping and funerals, make the epics solemn. That lets a group of people identify themselves with their own epics. The thesis observes and explains Yi via its epics of origin since people of a same ethnos are supposed to have the same texts which make them feel the same. The texts include the philosophy view of “creation,” identification with the history of one’s “ethnic origin,” and religious experience of “ancestor veneration.”
First, I reorganized 108 epics out of scattered documents and systemize them. Both for ethnological or anthropologic field observations and for the overall description of an ethnos’ history of literature or ethnohistory, the systemization is of broader consolidation. Second, the thesis produces 21 maps and puts them together in three map overlay modes. That adds the concept of “space” to the presentation of the epics and creates the “space” in which Yi’s “language varieties” and “branches” can meet, letting us able to search for the meanings of the relationships among the three – epics, language varieties, and branches – in the space. These are what the forerunners on the study haven’t given any definition for.
The three map overlay modes are “Yi’s branches vs six language varieties vs distribution of Yi’s epics of creation,” “Yi’s branches vs six language varieties vs distribution of three main narrative systems of Yi’s epics of creation,” and “Yi’s epics of ethnic origin vs six language varieties vs distribution of the branches from the six forefathers.” We can see the distributions of the epics, language varieties and branches of Northern Yi and Eastern Yi match. But in Yunnan, the result of map overlay appears in a state of disarray. The main cause may be Yi’s branches in Yunnan are complicated, which underlines the belonging issues in the epics and language varieties. Actually, these issues are something the thesis wants to explore to find out if Yi is “an ethnos with many branches” or “an ethnic group made up of several ethnos.”
B. The values of the epics of Yi’s origin and history:
The epics of Yi’s origin and history can be categorized into epics of creation, epics of ethnic origin, and epics for ancestor veneration. All of them reflect Yi’s religion based on worshiping ancestral spirits and also connect closely with the history of Yi. The thesis tries to study 108 epics of Yi’s origin systematically.
(a) Yi’s epics of creation can be divided into three narrative systems.
With the self-made “scenario plates” units, I analyze 39 epics of creation and categorize them into three narrative systems – the Lewo Teyi System in Sichuan, the System of the Birth and Changes of the Universe in Guezhou, and the System of Changing Human Races in Yunnan. In Yi’s multi narrative systems, we can see many different styles and features. It’s very rare for an ethnos to have all of the characteristics. Thus, we can conclude that Yi can at least be divided into three different ethnos.
(b) Yi’s epics of ethnic origin are centered on family histories.
Yi’s epics of ethnic origin which are based on Yi’s family pedigrees built on the patronymic linkage naming system are recorded and edited by bimos. There are 21 well-organized epics of ethnic origin which mainly distribute in Bijie, Guezhou and Wuding, Yunnan. The core of the epics is the branching story of the six ancestries. In Yunnan, the story is not complete and also in a state of disarray. It might be caused by the communication factor. In terms of centralized development, the story of Dumu and the branching of the six ancestries is exclusive in the Eastern Yi region. The thesis explores seven contemporary works on Yi’s history and finds out that “Dumu and Yi’s six forefathers” has departed from Yi’s “legendry” and transformed into part of Yi’s “history.”
(c) Long poetry for ancestor veneration sufficiently presents Yi’s beliefs of ancestral spirits.
A big chunk of Yi’s ancient religious books are those for remembering the dead whose contents are mainly expressing veneration in the form of long poetry. After reorganization, there are 64 long poems for expressing veneration and most of them (36 in total) are the chi lu ching, scripture of leading the road. The thesis tries to find the differences among the groups of Yi’s language varieties in the aspects of the “concept of ancestral spirits,” “funerary and burial customs,” and “ancestor veneration.” I think that the concept of the immortal soul is prevailing among the Yi. The idea of returning to the ancestry is particularly obvious in the Northern Yi region and can be found in part of the Eastern Yi region. The idea is hardly found in other Yi regions but the traces of the idea are left in part of the rites there.
C. Yi is more like an “ethnic group” made up of “several ethnos.”
The three sets of overlaid maps of Yi’s epics of creation prove the relationships among Yi’s branches and language varieties are in a state of disarray, causing the epics not really match with the branches. The most complicated area is Yunnan. On the other hand, the epics and branches have some sort of correlation in Sichuan of Northern Yi and Guezhou of Eastern Yi.
As for Yi’s epics of ethnic origin, the three sets of overlaid maps show that the epics, branches, and language varieties are related. The situation can be seen in Nori and Nasu groups of Eastern Yi. However, there isn’t any epic of ethnic origin in other language variety regions. Thus I assume Nori and Nasu groups have become main groups of Yi and their family histories have thus become important parts of Yi’s ethnohistory.
Long poetry for ancestor veneration aims to clarify the common historical memories of the Yi in terms of the concept of time. Via the linking of the patronymic linkage naming system and the chi lu ching, based on the religious concept of ancestral spirits, and with the help of bimos, Yi’s branches seem to connect together under the influence of “religion.”
An ethnos’ epics of origin demonstrate the historical view of the ethnos and represent the thoughts of the ethnos. Therefore, epics of origin of an ethnos can be regarded as something bred by the ethnos’ history of literature and its ethnohistory. Thus, I use “epics of ethnic origin and history” as a criterion to explore “Yi.” Through multi analyses, it is obvious that Yi is “an ethnic group made up of several ethnos” rather than “an ethnos with many branches.” This conclusion can be used to re-examine the existing issues on Yi’s ethnohistory and its history of literature and to review the ethnic identification process of the Yi after Yi was certified as an ethnos.
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程朱易之天人關係對比研究 / A comparison between I-CHING of Ch’eng and Zhu of the heaven and the humanity楊子萱, Yang, Tze Hsuan Unknown Date (has links)
第一章緒論主要說明研究動機與目的,前人研究成果,以及文獻探討、學者專著介紹。第二章「理學易中的天人一本論」則說明程朱的時代背景、師承關係。程頤和朱熹的理學可能直接來自於張載與邵雍的啟發,以及「誠」的繼承。第三章及第四章分別討論「伊川的理學及易學」以及「朱熹的理學及易學」,說明二人之理學及易學重點與重要的概念。伊川由理氣區別「形而上」和「形而下」兩個概念,這兩個概念是出自於《易傳》<繫辭上>:「形而上謂之道,形而下謂之器」。朱熹主要是由「理」與「氣」的關係說明,在程朱思想體系中,「理」乃是「道」,是形而上的;「器」是「形而下」各別具體的事物。第五章「易學脈絡下的天道觀」主要探討《易》的本體論天道觀、宇宙論。並從自然化的「天」有其規律,而瞭解其中之「理」,從「天」到「天理」,從「天理」到「理一分殊」(universality and particularity)。第六章「宋代理學與易學交錯脈絡下的朱熹仁說」主要探討外在的「理」Li,落實到「人」的身上,從易傳的「生生之德」(The Moral of Creative Creativity)到程朱的「仁者天地生物之心」(Benevolence is the Heart of the Heaven and the Earth to Produce)、「格物致知」(“The extension of knowledge through the investigation of things”, and “the attentiveness of the mind”)。程頤的工夫論是透過「涵養需用敬,進學在致知」(In cultivation one needs attentiveness;in the advancement of learning, one needs the extension of knowledge.)的方法,按照程朱學派的看法,「格物」是為了從有形之物中體認超越的「理」。由「格物」以「窮理」達到天人關係之廣大悉備之和諧(All-comprehensive Harmony)。第七章、第八章則從多元的觀點,將程朱易之天人關係以現代的方式詮釋,第七章探討程朱在「人生哲學」的異同,包括個人的修身、內聖以及家庭等層面。第八章討論程朱易在社會群體上的異同。包含政治層面、經濟層面以及教育層面等,以及第九章的結論。 / Among all Chinese philosophical works, I-Ching is one of the most important classics. It is not only abundant in wisdom, but has also inspired many scholars to devote their lives to researching into it. Two of such scholars are Ch’eng Yi and Zhu Xi in the Sung Dynasty, who based their theories on and developed their philosophical thoughts by a thorough interpretation of I-Ching.
This dissertation intends to create a new insight into I-Ching by first exploring the similarities and differences between Ch’eng Yi ’s and Zhu Xi’s interpretations of I-Ching, and then delving into the two scholars’ comprehension of the relationship between the cosmos and humanity.
This dissertation is divided into nine chapters, including the introduction and the conclusion. The first chapter, The Introduction, elucidates the motivation and purpose of this research, examines the research results of the antecedent scholars, explores related literatures, and provides an introduction of some predominant scholars as well as their works. Chapter Two, Haven amd men in union of I-ching of New-Confucianism, illuminates the background of Ch’eng and Zhu’s era as well as their mentor-follower relationship.The immediate stimulus for Ch’eng Yi and Zhu Xi, however, seems to be the thought of Chang Tasi and Shao Yung. To discuss Sence of truthfulness(誠). Chapter Three and Four respectively elaborate on ” Ch’eng Yi I-CHING exegesis and the formation of Neo-Confucianism” and ” Zhu Xi I-CHING exegesis and the formation of Neo-Confucianism,” illustrating the two scholars’ dominant ideas and important concepts on Neo-Confucianism and Book of Changes. Ch’eng Yi distinguishes between what is “within shapes” and what is “above shapes”. The origin of these two terms is traceable to “Appendix III ” of the Book of Changes: “ What is above shapes is called the Tao;what is within shapes us calledthe implements.” Zhu Xi maintained that all things are brought into being by the union of two universal aspects of reality: Chi(氣), sometimes translated as vital (or physical, material) force; and Li(理), sometimes translated as rational principle (or law).In the system of Ch’eng Yi and Zhu Xi, this distinction corresponds to that between the abstract and concreat in Western philosophy. The Li and Tao which is “above shapes,” or, as we say, abstract;while the “implements,” by which Ch’eng Yi and Zhu Xi mean particular things, are “within shapes,” or, as we would say, concrete. Chapter Five, TianTao (Inner Roots of ordering the world ) of I-ching, mainly expounds I-Ching’s Ontology and Cosmology, with a purpose of attaining a comprehension of Li through realizing the regularity of natural, and then moves further to understand T’ien Li(the natural law)from T’ien (heaven),and universality and particularity from T’ien Li(the natural law). Chapter Six, Song Dynasty I-Ching exegesis of Jen(humanity) of Ch’eng- Zhu school of Neo-Confucianism, mainly explicates the way people put the theory of “Li” into practice, mainly through a comprehensive understanding of the following concepts: The Moral of Creative Creativity, Ch’eng and Zhu’s philosophy of “Benevolence Is the heart of the Heaven and the Earth to Produce,” and “The extension of knowledge through the investigation of things”, and “the attentiveness of the mind”. Ch’eng Yi ‘s method of spiritual cultivation is expressed in his famous statement : “In cultivation one needs attentiveness;in the advancement of learning, one needs the extension of knowledge. ” According to the Ch’eng –Zhu school, the purpose of the “investigation of things” is to extend our knowledge of the eternal Li. Li are abstract and things are concrete. We investigate the abstract through the concrete. What we as a result come to see lies both within the eternal world and within our own nature. The more we know Li, the more our nature, ordinarily concealed by our physical endowment, become visible to us to All-comprehensive Harmony. Both Chapter Seven and Eight interpret Ch’eng’s and Zhu’s concepts of the relationship between the cosmos and humanity from modern and multiple perspectives. To be more specific, Chapter Seven elucidates the similarities and differences between the above-mentioned two scholars’ “philosophy of life,” including their speculation on a person’s self-discipline, inner sage and the aspects of family. Being sage inside and being kingly outside " is the centralized embodiment of the confucian ideal personality . its " connotation consists of high perfection of individual inner morality and achievements of administering the state well and ensuring national security as a result.Chapter Eight, on the other hand, discusses the two scholars’ similar and different arguments on communities, inclusive of political, economical and educational aspects. Lastly, Chapter Nine, the final chapter of this dissertation, offers a conclusion to this dissertation.
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蘇青小說的倫理敘事研究 = The study of moral (ethical) narration in Sui Qing's novels / Study of moral (ethical) narration in Sui Qing's novels;"Study of moral ethical narration in Sui Qing's novels"盧添好 January 2009 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities / Department of Chinese
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論林清玄散文中的柔性美 = Analyze the soft beauty in Lin Qingxuan's prose / Analyze the "soft beauty" in Lin Qingxuan's prose崔婷婷 January 2011 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities / Department of Chinese
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