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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


ESTELA DE JESUS MARTINS 17 October 2003 (has links)
[pt] As conferências por computador incorporam-se cada vez mais ao dia-a-dia acadêmico, através de programas de ensino a distância e de sua utilização como ferramenta auxiliar no processo de ensino e aprendizagem. Contudo, os estudos têm privilegiado as modalidades sincrônicas de comunicação. As poucas incursões pela assincronia detêm-se nas listas de discussão ou limitam-se a definições no que tange ao fórum. Preenchendo esta lacuna, o presente estudo trata de um fórum de discussão privado ocorrido simultaneamente às aulas presenciais de uma turma de engenharia elétrica da PUC-Rio. O objetivo é descrever e analisar qualitativa e quantitativamente o papel do fórum enquanto experiência discursiva, investigando como se dá a interação e a construção do conhecimento; a possível caracterização do fórum como gênero ou suporte; e o efeito da intervenção do professor no processo. Inspirada pelo sociointeracionismo, a análise focou a freqüência de participação e sua direcionalidade, o fluxo de tópico, a presença social e cognitiva via índices lingüísticos que indicassem afeto, atitude, metacognição, complexidade lexical e sintática. Os resultados sugerem que o fórum deveria ser investigado dentro de um arcabouço de estudos de gênero. Sugerem também que o fórum é um gênero e funciona como uma comunidade de prática, favorecendo a reflexão crítica através de práticas discursivas dialógicas, a aprendizagem de elos coesivos na produção textual, o processo de letramento e de desenvolvimento da inteligência coletiva. Aparentemente, o fórum de discussão contribui para a construção da identidade social e profissional dos participantes. / [en] Computer conferencing has been increasingly incorporated to academic routines, either in distance learning or in the regular classroom, as a support. Nevertheless, the literature has focused on synchronous CMC; its few incursions into asynchrony refer to discussion lists or limit themselves to defining the forum. To fill up such a gap, this study focuses on a private forum held simultaneously with classroom learning by undergrads in Electrical Engineering, at PUC-Rio. Its objective is to describe and analyze, quantitative and qualitatively, the role of the forum as a discursive experience, investigating how interaction and knowledge construction take place; the possibility of characterizing the forum as a genre; and the effect of teacher`s intervention in the process. Inspired by sociointeractionism, it analyzed participation and interactional direction, the topic framework, social and cognitive aspects signaled by linguistic devices that represent affect, attitude, metacognition, lexical and syntactic complexity. Results suggest that future studies need to address the forum within the paradigm of genre study. It also suggests that the forum is a genre and functions as a community of inquiry, leading to critical thinking by means of dialogical discursive and literacy practices, learning of coesive ties in writing, and the development of collective intelligence. Apparently, it contributes to the construction of the social and professional identities of the participants.

Componentes de Software no desenvolvimento de aplicações colaborativas para Web: Evolução da plataforma Groupware Workbench / Software Components for the development of collaborative Web applications: Evolution of the Groupware Workbench platform

Martins, Straus Michalsky 19 October 2012 (has links)
A tecnologia de componentes de software é propícia para encapsular questões técnicas de implementação e favorecer o reúso entre aplicações, o que é particularmente relevante no desenvolvimento de aplicações colaborativas na Web. Este trabalho utiliza a plataforma Groupware Workbench nesse contexto. A aplicação social Arquigrafia foi a principal motivadora dessa evolução. O Arquigrafia é um ambiente colaborativo para o estudo de arquitetura e compartilhamento de imagens fortemente baseado em colaboração e inteligência coletiva. Como o conceito de inteligência coletiva é muito amplo e mal definido, foi realizada uma análise de domínio e uma classificação das técnicas e seus usos nos sistemas atuais. Também foi feito o mapeamento e a implementação das funcionalidades do Arquigrafia em componentes do Groupware Workbench e executada uma avaliação da plataforma em quatro vertentes, sendo elas: arquitetura de componentes; suporte à colaboração; arquitetura técnica; e percepção dos desenvolvedores. Limitações tecnológicas e conceituais foram identificadas, como por exemplo, o modelo de mapeamento objeto-relacional e questões ligadas à flexibilidade. Essas limitações e colocações foram tratadas e avaliadas na plataforma, resultando em melhorias na arquitetura dos componentes e na simplificação do código. O Groupware Workbench no geral mostrou-se viável para o desenvolvimento de uma aplicação colaborativa real na Web 2.0. / Software components technology is favorable to encapsulate implementation technical issues and encourage the reuse among applications. These characteristics are particularly relevant in the development of web-based collaborative applications. This work evaluates and evolves the Groupware Workbench platform in this context. The social application Arquigrafia was the main motivation for this evolution. Arquigrafia is a collaborative environment for the study of architecture and image sharing strongly based on collaboration and collective intelligence. Since the concept of collective intelligence is very broad, we performed a domain analysis and a classification of its use in current systems. We also implemented the Arquigrafia features using Groupware Workbench components and evaluated the platform in four areas: components architecture; collaboration support; technical architecture; and developers perspective. We identified technological and conceptual limitations, as for example, the adopted object-relational mapping model and issues related to the flexibility of the platform. These limitations were treated and evaluated. We noted improvements in the architecture of the components and code simplification. As a result, the Groupware Workbench was a feasible solution for developing the Arquigrafia application.

Konvergenskultur – en medieteoretisk studie : En beskrivning av mediekulturens samtida tillstånd, utifrån populärkulturella och meningsskapande praktiker och dess ramverk knutna till nutida dramaserier / Convergence Culture – a media theoretical study : A description of the contemporary state of media culture from the viewpoint of practices of popular culture, their meaning making, and realized interactions in the context of contemporary drama serials

Peltola, Mikael January 2009 (has links)
<p>Drawing from the theoretical foundations of the “critical theory” of the Frankfurt School and the media ethnographic “cultural studies” approach of the british Birmingham School, this study attempts to sketch out a media theoretical overview of the contemporary state of media culture. Using the term convergence culture as the foundation, this study offers a theoretical background to the two contemporary streams that are the significant and distinct tendencies of convergence culture: intermedial convergence, its contemporary state and historical tendencies that can be traced back using the past media theoretical approach of the Frankfurt School, and cultural convergence, its contemporary state and historical tendencies, which lineage in a media theoretical context can be traced back to the british ethographic “cultural studies” field. Using contemporary drama serials to identify and pinpoint these two stream, this study shows how intermedial convergence expresses itself today through media conglomeration in terms of branding, product placement and marketing as the result of the “completed” convergence between screen culture and popular music as the current defining state of commodity culture. Using the contemporary british drama serial Doctor Who I examine the processes of meaning making among members of the television series fan culture on the popular video content page youtube.com as expressions of cultural convergence.</p><p>This study argues how the skills and talents developed in the interaction with popular culture and in a process of interaction between fans and participants (collective intelligence and participatory culture), will have an impact on the institutionalized knowledge “from above” and in a collective process will seep over to other fields of expertise. The study also argues, as a consequence of convergence culture, that in the contemporary state of online practices, social networking and in our interactions with digital media content, a mandatory “presence” has been created where we today are defined more through our online selves and these practices, than the ones that used to define us in our “physical” lives: “The medium is no longer just the message, we are living in a state where there is only messages”.</p>

Konvergenskultur – en medieteoretisk studie : En beskrivning av mediekulturens samtida tillstånd, utifrån populärkulturella och meningsskapande praktiker och dess ramverk knutna till nutida dramaserier / Convergence Culture – a media theoretical study : A description of the contemporary state of media culture from the viewpoint of practices of popular culture, their meaning making, and realized interactions in the context of contemporary drama serials

Peltola, Mikael January 2009 (has links)
Drawing from the theoretical foundations of the “critical theory” of the Frankfurt School and the media ethnographic “cultural studies” approach of the british Birmingham School, this study attempts to sketch out a media theoretical overview of the contemporary state of media culture. Using the term convergence culture as the foundation, this study offers a theoretical background to the two contemporary streams that are the significant and distinct tendencies of convergence culture: intermedial convergence, its contemporary state and historical tendencies that can be traced back using the past media theoretical approach of the Frankfurt School, and cultural convergence, its contemporary state and historical tendencies, which lineage in a media theoretical context can be traced back to the british ethographic “cultural studies” field. Using contemporary drama serials to identify and pinpoint these two stream, this study shows how intermedial convergence expresses itself today through media conglomeration in terms of branding, product placement and marketing as the result of the “completed” convergence between screen culture and popular music as the current defining state of commodity culture. Using the contemporary british drama serial Doctor Who I examine the processes of meaning making among members of the television series fan culture on the popular video content page youtube.com as expressions of cultural convergence. This study argues how the skills and talents developed in the interaction with popular culture and in a process of interaction between fans and participants (collective intelligence and participatory culture), will have an impact on the institutionalized knowledge “from above” and in a collective process will seep over to other fields of expertise. The study also argues, as a consequence of convergence culture, that in the contemporary state of online practices, social networking and in our interactions with digital media content, a mandatory “presence” has been created where we today are defined more through our online selves and these practices, than the ones that used to define us in our “physical” lives: “The medium is no longer just the message, we are living in a state where there is only messages”.

Open Models of Decision Support Towards a Framework

Diasio, Stephen Ray 14 June 2012 (has links)
Aquesta tesi presenta un marc per als models oberts de suport a les decisions en les organitzacions. El treball es vehicula a través d’un compendi d’articles on s’analitzen els fluxos d’entrada i de sortida de coneixement en les organitzacions, així como les tecnologies existents de suport a les decisions. Es presenten els factors subjacents que impulsen nous models per a formes obertes de suport a la decisió. La tesis presenta un estudi de les distintes tipologies de models de suport a les decisions tenint en compte diferents tipus d’organitzacions. En el primer estudi, paper#, es presenta l’evolució de les tecnologies de suport a les decisions i l’avançament de les noves tecnologies per als models oberts. Aquest estudi proporciona una visió des d’una perspectiva evolutiva de la relació entre el coneixement expert i la seva utilització en les tecnologies de suport a les decisions. La investigació revela l’entorn canviant que la tecnologia ofereix a l’hora de adquirir coneixement per a la presa de decisions i obre horitzons sobre el nou paper que els experts tenen en aquests entorns. Es suggereix que un canvi significatiu en la presa de decisions es basa en el desafiament entre el paper tradicional dels experts i no experts. Per últim, aquest treball explora les oportunitats d’integració de la intel•ligència artificial en la tecnologia de suport a les decisions i quins beneficis addicionals poden aportar les eines d’ intel•ligència col•lectiva en la presa de decisions. El segon estudi, paper#2, investiga sobre la tipologia anomenada "agregada" dins del marc d’entorns oberts per al suport a la presa de decisions. S’utilitza un problema de predicció com a fil conductor per a posar en relleu la complexitat de la previsió de la demanda dins de la industria del cinema. S’analitza com es pot utilitzar la tecnologia per a millorar l’eficàcia en les decisions. La investigació compara dues tecnologies de suport a les decisions: sistemes experts i eines d’intel•ligència col•lectiva, i il•lustra com l’industria del cinema utilitza cada una d’aquestes tecnologies en la previsió dels ingressos de taquilla. Per últim, aquest article explora els beneficis de l’ integració d’aquestes tecnologies de suport per a l’obtenció de prediccions més precises. El tercer estudi, article#3, presenta un estudi longitudinal durant un període de 10 anys que utilitza IBM “Innovation Jams” como un context per a la col•laboració a gran escala dins de la tipologia anomenada "plataforma". Aquest article investiga el paper de les “Innovation Jams”, en el canvi organitzacional i com IBM es compromet amb un nou model d’innovació en les organitzacions. En ell es descriuen les “Innovation Jams”, que han impulsat la innovació i consolidat la pràctica de la innovació oberta en IBM. En aquest article s’utilitza el gènere musical d’una "jamband" com una metàfora per a descriure el desenvolupament emergent i l’ús de les “Innovation Jams”, com una manera d’entendre el canvi organitzatiu. Aquest estudi longitudinal ofereix una visió actualitzada de la recerca en “Innovation Jams”, mostrant com han evolucionat des d’un concepte, a una eina de gestió i finalment a un servei. L’article conclou amb una discussió sobre les implicacions dels resultats i com aquests permeten teoritzar sobre nous models d’ innovació i el canvi en les organitzacions. La recerca duta a terme en aquesta tesi ofereix un marc per als models oberts de suport a la decisió, i suggereix que, les fonts internes i externes de coneixement poden ser utilitzades, més enllà de la innovació del producte o serveis, per a la presa de decisions amb el suport de tecnologies emergents. Les contribucions teòriques d’aquesta tesi sostenen que les organitzacions ja no poden confiar en la tecnologia de suport a les decisions que únicament es centren en la reducció de la frontera entre els aspectes racionals i no racionals de la conducta social humana, sinó que pel contrari, han de considerar la xarxa dinàmica de la organització per al suport a la decisió. D’altra banda, les implicacions pràctiques d’aquesta tesi animen les organitzacions a pensar estratègicament sobre com les tecnologies emergents poden ajudar en la presa de decisions i també com els models de decisió resultants poden ser utilitzats per a navegar per l’entorn complex existent, i, a la vegada, forjar vincles més forts amb els clients, proveïdors i la xarxa de l’organització. / Esta tesis presenta un marco para modelos abiertos de soporte a las decisiones en las organizaciones. El trabajo se vehicula a través de un compendio de artículos dónde se analizan los flujos de entrada y salida de conocimiento en las organizaciones, así como las tecnologías existentes de soporte a las decisiones. Se presentan los factores subyacentes que impulsan nuevos modelos para formas abiertas de soporte a la decisión. La tesis presenta un estudio de las distintas tipologías de modelos de soporte a las decisiones teniendo en cuenta distintos tipos de organizaciones. En el primer estudio paper#1 se presenta la evolución de las tecnologías de apoyo a las decisiones y el avance de las nuevas tecnologías para los modelos abiertos. Este estudio proporciona una visión desde una perspectiva evolutiva de la relación entre conocimiento experto y su utilización en las tecnologías de soporte a las decisiones. La investigación revela el entorno cambiante que la tecnología ofrece a la hora de adquirir conocimiento para la toma de decisiones y abre horizontes sobre el nuevo papel que los expertos tienen en estos entornos. Se sugiere que un cambio significativo en la toma de decisiones se basa en el desafío entre el papel tradicional de los expertos y no expertos. Por último, este trabajo explora las oportunidades de integración de la inteligencia artificial en la tecnología de soporte de decisiones y que beneficios adicionales pueden aportar las herramientas de inteligencia colectiva en la toma de decisiones. El segundo estudio, paper#2, investiga sobre la tipología llamada "agregada" dentro del marco de entornos abiertos para el soporte a la toma de decisiones. Se utiliza un problema de predicción como hilo conductor para poner en relieve la complejidad de la previsión de la demanda dentro de la industria del cine. Se analiza cómo se puede utilizar la tecnología para mejorar la eficacia en las decisiones. La investigación compara dos tecnologías de soporte a las decisiones: sistemas expertos y herramientas de inteligencia colectiva, e ilustra cómo la industria del cine utiliza cada una de estas tecnologías en la previsión de los ingresos de taquilla. Por último, este artículo explora los beneficios de la integración de estas tecnologías de apoyo para la obtención de predicciones más precisas. El tercer estudio, artículo #3, presenta un estudio longitudinal durante un período de 10 años que utiliza IBM “Innovation Jams”, como un contexto para la colaboración a gran escala dentro de la tipología llamada "plataforma". Este artículo investiga el papel de las “Innovation Jams”, en el cambio organizacional y como IBM se compromete con un nuevo modelo de innovación de la organización. En él se describen las “Innovation Jams”, que han impulsado la innovación y consolidado la práctica de la innovación abierta en IBM. En este artículo se utiliza el género musical de una "jamband" como una metáfora para describir el desarrollo emergente y el uso de las “Innovation Jams”, como una manera de entender el cambio organizativo. Este estudio longitudinal ofrece una visión actualizada de la investigación en “Innovation Jams”, mostrando cómo han evolucionado desde un concepto, a una herramienta de gestión y finalmente a un servicio. El artículo concluye con una discusión sobre las implicaciones de los resultados y como ellos permiten teorizar sobre nuevos modelos de innovación y el cambio en las organizaciones. La investigación llevada a cabo en esta tesis ofrece un marco para los modelos abiertos de apoyo a la decisión, y sugiere que el uso de fuentes internas y externas de conocimiento pueden ser utilizadas más allá de la innovación del producto o servicio para la toma de decisiones con el soporte de tecnologías emergentes. Las contribuciones teóricas de esta tesis sostienen que las organizaciones ya no pueden confiar en la tecnología de apoyo a las decisiones que únicamente se centran en la reducción de la frontera entre los aspectos racionales y no racionales de la conducta social humana, sino por el contrario, deben considerar la red dinámica de la organización para el apoyo a la decisión. Por otra parte, las implicaciones prácticas de esta tesis alienta a las organizaciones a pensar estratégicamente acerca de cómo las tecnologías emergentes pueden ayudar a la toma de decisiones y también cómo los modelos de decisión resultantes pueden ser utilizados para navegar por el entorno complejo existente y, a su vez, forjar vínculos más fuertes con los clientes, proveedores y más amplios de la red de la organización. / This thesis presents a framework for open models of decision support through a compendium of papers that links research on the inward and outward flows of knowledge to the organization and decision support technologies. The framework presents underlying factors driving new and more open models of decision support. A typology of decision support models is offered considering types of problems organizations and managers charged with decision-making face. Thesis essay #1 suggests a perspective of the changing landscape for decision support technology and the advancement of new technology for open models of decision support. This study provides insight from an evolutionary perspective of expertise that has shaped the field of decision support technologies. The investigation sets out to reveal the changing landscape of expertise in supporting decision-making using technology and sheds light on the new role that experts will play in organizational decision-making. It suggests that a significant change in how decision-making is being supported which challenge the traditional role of experts and non-experts. Finally, this paper explores opportunities for decision support technology integration and the added benefits artificial intelligence can bring to collective intelligence tools. Thesis essay #2 investigates the ‘aggregate’ typology within the open model decision support framework. A forecasting problem is used to highlight the complexity of demand forecasting in supply-chain management within the film industry and how technology is leveraged for effective supply-chain management decisions. The investigation compares two decision support technologies: expert systems and collective intelligence tools and illustrates how the film industry uses each in forecasting box-office revenue. Finally, this essay explores the combined benefits in integrating each support technology for more accurate forecasting. Thesis essay #3 is a longitudinal study over a 10 year period that uses IBM Innovation Jams as a context for large-scale collaboration within the ‘platform’ typology. This essay investigates the role of innovation jams on organizational change as IBM learned to engage with a new model of organizing innovation. It describes the role innovation jams have played in shaping the practice of open innovation at IBM. This essay uses the musical genre of a “jamband” as a metaphor to describe the emergent development and use of innovation jams as a way to understand organizational change. This longitudinal study brings innovation jam research up-to-date and presents innovation jams as they evolved from a concept, a management tool, and service. The essay concludes with a discussion on the implications of the findings for theorizing about new models of organizing innovation for organizational change. Research conducted in this thesis offers a framework of open models of decision support that suggests that the use of internal and external sources of knowledge can be leveraged beyond product or service innovation, to include decision-making supported by emerging technology. Theoretical contributions of this thesis argues that organizations can no longer rely on decision support technology that solely focus on bridging the boundary between rational and non-rational aspects of human social behavior but instead, must consider the larger dynamic organizational network for decision support. Moreover, practical implications of this thesis encourages organizations to think strategically about how emerging technology can support decision making and the resulting decision support models to navigate the complex environment they work in and in turn, to forge stronger links with customers, suppliers, and the wider organizational network.

Social commerce : En studie om hur vårt nya sätt att kommunicera förändrar vårt sätt att konsumera

Bogren Ericsson, Linda, Eklöf, Sara January 2012 (has links)
Sociala medier har fått allt större betydelse när det gäller kommunikation mellan människor och för företag har explosionen av sociala medier inneburit både möjligheter och utmaningar. För att möta konsumenterna där de befinner sig har företag nu följt efter kunderna till de sociala medierna. I strävan efter att öka sin lönsamhet har företag tagit tillvara på sociala medier som en ny och effektiv e-handelskanal, en verksamhet som fått namnet social commerce. Social commerce är ett nytt fenomen i Sverige och handlar om försäljning av varor och tjänster via sociala medier. Vårt mål med denna studie är att undersöka anledningarna till varför några svenska företag har valt att använda sociala medier som en plattform för sin e-handel samt klargöra vad det är som gör att sociala medier är en lämplig plattform för e-handel. Studien har genomförts med hjälp av kvalitativa intervjuer med företag som på olika sätt bedriver social commerce. Undersökningen baseras på intervjuer med respondenter från totalt fem svenska företag där tre av dessa står i fokus för undersökningen. Dessa tre företag är; Comviq, Pocket Shop och Lagerhaus, som alla bedriver social commerce. Ytterligare två intervjuer har utförts med företagen Askås och Cloud Nine som utvecklar e-handelstjänster till den sociala medieplattformen. Resultatet av vår undersökning visar att de kommunikativa aspekter som sociala medier innehar underlättar spridning av information vilket är en viktig anledning till varför de undersökta företagen anser att sociala medier passar för e-handel. Den virala spridningen av online word-of-mouth har en enorm effekt tack vare att informationen kan spridas snabbt, effektivt och till många via människor i det sociala nätverket. Denna förmåga är ett viktigt skäl till varför de tre undersökta företagen använder sociala medier som en plattform för sin e-handel. I vår slutsats noterar vi att konvergensen mellan e-handel och sociala medier och konsumenternas behov av att delta är tecken på hur vårt förändrade sätt att kommunicera påverkar vårt sätt att konsumera. / Title: Social commerce - A study of how our changing way of communicating affects the way we consume Number of pages: 39 (43 including enclosures) Author: Linda Bogren Ericsson, Sara Eklöf Tutor: Ann-Marie Morhed Course: Media and Communication Studies C Period: HT 2011 University: Division of Media and Communication, Department of Information Science, Uppsala University. Purpose/Aim: The purpose with this thesis is to study the phenomenon social commerce in Sweden and investigate the reasons why Comviq, Pocket Shop and Lagerhaus have chosen to use social media as a platform for their e-commerce. Furthermore, we want to clarify what it is that makes social media a suitable platform for e-commerce and how e-commerce can take advantage of the unique features that social media possesses. Material/Method: The study was conducted through qualitative interviews with companies who are in contact with social commerce in different ways. The study was based on interviews with respondents from five Swedish companies. Three of these companies, Comviq, Pocket Shop and Lagerhaus are all engaged in social commerce, and the other two, Askås and Cloud Nine are developers of e- commerce services for the social media platform. Main Results: The result of our study showed that Comviq, Pocket Shop and Lagerhaus chose to use social media as a platform for e-commerce in order to increase their sales. Furthermore, social media holds important communicative features that facilitate the dissemination of information. The viral spread of online word-of-mouth can quickly and effectively reach many people through the connected network within social media. This ability is an important reason for why the three companies use social media as a platform for e-commerce. It also emphasizes how e-commerce can benefit from a presence on social media. In our conclusion, we note that the convergence of e-commerce and social media, and the consumer’s need for participation are signs of how our changing way of communicating affects the way we consume.

社群經營在旅遊​電子商務網站之 4C 分析 — 以雄獅旅遊網為例 / The 4C analysis of social media usage in travel e-commerce website-LionTravel.com

張念晴, Chang, Nien-Ching Unknown Date (has links)
網際網路問世和知識經濟時代來臨,現代人的生活形態深深受其影響。隨著網際網路觸角延伸到世界各地,上網人數快速增加,將具有共同興趣,但來自不同地域的人連結起來,在越來越多的網路用戶參與所造成的影響下,形成了許多虛擬社群。 Web2.0 概念的出現於2004年,其「網路即為平台」的基礎原則更將這股虛擬社群風潮推向高峰,成為一股不可忽視的網際網路力量。使用者所編織的集體智慧,變成了網際網路資源建立之核心,促使網際網路從以資訊為主的網路連結演變成以人為主的架構。 個案研究對象以台灣最大旅遊業者雄獅旅遊集團作為探討對象,利用研究者在雄獅旅遊集團之自身實習經驗以及與高階主管訪談過程中,得知雄獅旅遊集團在公司旅遊電子商務網站、品牌管理與其外部社群網站操作之實際做法。研究架構則是沿用邱志聖(2010)的4C策略行銷分析,整理出雄獅旅遊網在外顯單位效益成本、資訊搜尋成本、道德危機成本與專屬陷入成本之行銷運用,探究個案如何運用其旅遊電子商務網站經營與消費者行銷建立關係。此外並在外部選取全球成功且具代表性之旅遊電子商務網站與平台—Expedia作為標竿案例,針對該個案公司本身的電子商務網站經營以及其旗下TripAdvisor網站之 Web 2.0應用,作次集資料搜集與整理。Expedia身為美國線上旅遊市場之龍頭代表,背後的成功關鍵就是在整合電子商務網站與社群網站之經營。 在研究最後利用雄獅旅遊所興建平台與Expedia平台之比較與行銷4C分析,提出雄獅旅遊可學習與改善之處,提出其建議與結論。建議部分除包含對雄獅旅遊平台可參考之實際作法外,也試圖提出旅遊業建構電子商務社群網站可考慮之架構與資源分配之原則。 / The modern lifestyle has been intensely affected right after the invention of Internet and the era of knowledge economy. With the Internet usage expended all over the world, the rapid increasing in the number of Internet users will share many common interests. However, due to the fact that they are all from different geographical areas, these huge amounts of Internet users will become participating in the formation of many online virtual communities in order to gather and share their ideas and thoughts. The Web2.0 concept first appeared in 2004, the fundamental principle of “network as platform” makes this trend has a much cleared definition. The collective intelligence that users build became the core of Internet resource. The Internet has transformed from an information-based network to a human based network, from giving one way to multiple ways exchanging. This research mainly focuses on the largest travel agency in Taiwan, Lion Travel Corporation. Utilize the researcher’s internship experience and interviews with the head of E-Commerce department to intensely study the marketing methods that the company employs through Lion Travel’s official website, liontravel.com, in addition to its online brand management and its marketing strategies on the outer virtual community sites such as Facebook and YouTube Channels. The thesis employs Chiu’s (2010) four cost (4C) analysis to examine Lion Travel Corporation online marketing activities via a constructively critical lens. These four costs include external unit costs, information search costs, moral hazard costs and firm-specific assets costs. Moreover, this thesis chooses an international renowned online travel agency Expedia Inc. to set as a benchmarking case study sample for Lion Travel. Expedia Inc. has not only many very successful online e-commerce travel web stores but also established TripAdvisor virtual community to enhance its e-commerce utilities. TripAdvisor is a excellent example in managing collective intelligence, gathering travelers from all over the world to help them building travel industry knowledge. From comparing Lion Travel Corp. and Expedia Inc.’s online marketing strategies utilizing 4C analysis, the thesis has made several notable conclusions for Liontravel.com to imitate. The recommendations include not only some Expedia and TripAdvisor’s website practical methods but also given some advices for resource allocations.

E-médiations territoriales : modélisation et mise en ressources numériques : entre espace informé et espace géographique / Territorial e-mediation : modelisation and digital ressources

Mouren, Renan 28 November 2017 (has links)
Entre espace informé et espace géographiqueNous observons une grande diversité des champs d’application, statuts, fonctions, usages de la e-médiationterritoriale, selon les contextes socio-économiques, politiques, géographiques ou écologiques. Cette hétérogénéitérévèle l'existence d'un lien épistémologiquement fécond entre numérique, espace informé et espace géographique.Cette thèse circonscrit et approfondit ces dimensions complexes, articulées, parfois divergentes, mais qui sont desparamètres essentiels de l’action et du développement territorial. Face aux grands enjeux, socio-économiques,écologiques, sociétaux et multiculturels qui pèsent aujourd’hui plus ou moins uniformément sur le monde, cesdimensions sont essentielles à la construction de modèles de développement spécifiques dans lesquels le numériquetient une place décisive. Plus la e-médiation territoriale se subordonne à la logique fonctionnaliste du branchementdu global vers le local, plus elle favorise l’usage de données territoriales tracées, capturées et marchandisées. Cettestratégie internationale de définition, d’homogénéisation, d’analyse et de traitement massif (big data) des donnéesnumériques territoriales, produit un appauvrissement qualitatif de ces données, induit de nouvelles normativitéspolitiques, limite les recherches théorico-pratiques d’innovations sociales et d’usages, conduisant à unrefroidissement numérique des territoires. La notion centrale de e-médiation, « objet frontière » entre les disciplines,fonctionne dans cette thèse comme une matrice d’interprétation du territoire à partir de laquelle s’élabore un canevasthéorico-pratique. Cette thèse rassemble, analyse et référence des articles, documents, publications, travauxthéoriques, contributions professionnelles, politiques et pratiques, explore ce lien entre espaces informé,géographique et numérique, qui déplace le centre de gravité d’interprétation théorique des territoires, à la mesuredes mutations et des représentations auxquelles ils sont confrontés. Ce canevas, nous l’expérimentons avec leterritoire de la Seine-Saint-Denis sur la base d’un schéma d’intervention numérique qui combine acteurs et actions,innovation technologique et innovation sociale afin de donner du sens aux différentes modalités d’actions dans laperspective du développement durable et du bien commun. Des territoires très éloignés et de cultures différentespourraient, sous certaines conditions méthodologiques, utiliser un tel schéma d’intervention afin d’exprimer etexpérimenter des modèles de développement, et des e-médiations autoriseraient alors des comparaisons inter et intraterritoriales, des analyses fines des contextes historiques, géographiques et sociaux d’émergence, des observationsdétaillées de certains traits ou solutions locales comme globales. / Between informed space and geographical spaceWe observe a wide range of territorial e-mediation’s concrete fields, statutes, functions and uses, according to socioeconomics,political, geographical or ecological contexts. This diversity reveals an epistemologically productivelink between digital, geographical and informized spaces. This thesis aims to circumscribe and deepen thosearticulated, sometimes divergent, complex dimensions, keys parameters of action and territorial development.Indeed, in the face of the major issues, socio-economic, ecological, societal and multicultural that weigh more orless uniformly today on the world, these dimensions of digital territorial mediation, are essential and necessary tobuild specific development models in which digital is one of the most significant. Moreover the higher the territoriale-mediation obeys a logic of branching, from the global to the local, the more it favors the use of territorial data thatare easy to track, capture, analyze and merchandise by the Data-Broker. This relative homogenization and thisqualitative impoverishment of the numerical data available on the territories, can induce new political normativities,limit the theoretical-practical researches on the social and usages innovations and lead to a numerical cooling of theterritories. This central notion of territorial e-mediation, is a « Boundary Objects » operates in this thesis as a amatrix for interpreting territories from which a theoretical-practical frameworks is designed. This thesis collect,analyse, reference, documents, publications, theoretical works, professional contributions, policies and practices onthis link between digital, geographical and informized spaces that is shifting the centre of gravity of territoriestheorical interpretations, proportionate to mutations and représentations that are facing them. For a number of yearswe experiment this framework with the Seine-Saint-Denis (Paris) territory, based on an interventions outline whichcombines stakeholders and actions, technical an social innovations in order to give meaning to the various forms ofaction, in view of sustainable development and common good. Distant territories and from different cultures couldunder certain methodological conditions through e-mediations, use this kind of framework to experiment andexpress their developpment models, comparisons, detailed analysis, the context of emergence, detailed comments,« traits » or solutions.Those mediations would permit

Collaborative framework in computer aided innovation 2.0 : Application to process system engineering / Plateforme collaborative d’innovation ouverte assistée par ordinateur : Application en génie des procédés

Lopez Flores, René 05 October 2015 (has links)
L'innovation est un processus complexe qui demande des techniques et des outils collaboratifs pour la gestion des connaissances et la communication, afin que les entreprises surmontent les défis d'une économie concurrentielle. Une nouvelle catégorie d’outils connus sous l’acronyme CAI (Computer Aided Innovation) émerge parmi l’éventail des technologies assistées par ordinateur afin de répondre aux demandes industrielles pour une plus grande fiabilité des nouveaux produits et procédés. L’objectif de ces outils (en cours de développement) est d’aider les concepteurs durant tout le processus d’innovation. Actuellement la mise en oeuvre d’un tel outil doit prendre en considération deux développements récents majeurs. Le premier est d’ordre technologique avec les possibilités offertes par le Web 2.0 dans le développement de logiciel. Le deuxième est plus stratégique avec un changement de vision de l’innovation passant de l’innovation fermée (interne à l’entreprise) à l’innovation ouverte (Open Innovation). Ces deux aspects conduisent à de nouvelles formes de CAI nommé Open CAI 2.0. Cette recherche propose une des briques d’un tel outil, pour assister les ingénieurs procédés à résoudre des problèmes innovants principalement dans la phase de conception préliminaire. Nous présentons la structure et la fonctionnalité d’un cadre de collaboration qui met en oeuvre une méthode développée basée sur le couplage entre la théorie TRIZ, et une technique de gestion des connaissances: le raisonnement à partir de cas (RàPC). Ce cadre est une extension du modèle TRIZ-RàPC validé dans le domaine du génie de procèdes. L’approche du processus de résolution est illustrée sur une étude de cas traitant de la gazéification de la biomasse. / In economy nowadays, the act of innovation is in general social; it requires the management of knowledge, and the techniques and methodologies to drive it. Innovation is not the product of one isolated intelligence, instead, it is the result of a multi-disciplinary workgroup lead by a process or a methodology. The conceptual design, which is found in the first stages of the innovation process, represents one of the most important challenges in industry nowadays. One of the main challenges faced by chemical industries related to the conceptual design phase is to provide the means in the form of methods and computational tools, for solving problems systematically, at the same time that benefiting from the collective efforts of individual intelligences involved. Hence, the main objective of this work is to provide a solution to improve the creative capacity of a team involved in the innovation process, in particular the preliminary (critical) phase of conceptual design. Consequently, it is important to understand the techniques, methods and tools that best support the generation of novel ideas and creative solutions. In addition, it is necessary to study the contribution of information and communication technologies as the mean to support collaboration. Web technologies are considered as complementary tools to implement methods and techniques in collaborative design, and particularly in the conceptual design stage. These technologies allow setting up distributed collaborative environments to bring together the resources and the experts who can relate the existing pieces of knowledge to new contexts. It is the synergy created in this kind of environment, which allow producing valuable concepts and ideas in the form of Collective Intelligence. Nevertheless in most existing solutions for collective intelligence or crowdsourcing environments, they do not report the use of a particular methodology to improve the participants' creativity. The solution in this work describes a social network service that enables users to cooperatively solve problems oriented (but not limited) to the phase of conceptual design. In this work we propose that the use of Collective Intelligence in combination with the model TRIZ-CBR could lead the creative efforts in a team to develop innovative solutions. With this work we are looking for connecting experts from one particular field, TRIZ practitioners and stakeholders with the objective to solve problems in collaboration unlashing the collective intelligence to improve creativity. This work uses the basis of the concept named "Open CAI 2.0" to propose a solution in the form of a theoretical framework. The contributions seek to move the development of the field in Computer Aided Innovation a step forward.

Modélisation d'une intelligence stratégique localisée : ou comment optimiser la vision d’une organisation privée ou publique sur sa veille et son influence territoriale ? / Modelling of a Strategic Located Intelligence : or how optimize the vision of a private or public organization on its watch and its territorial influence?

Schoch, Patrice 12 December 2014 (has links)
Certaines entreprises présentent une vision de leur stratégie focalisée sur des procédures et des données génériques. Cette attitude conduit généralement à ne pas se préoccuper d’informations périphériques ou signaux faibles pouvant néanmoins permettre la détection d’opportunités ou de menaces dans leurs environnements internes et externes. La vision périphérique présente un intérêt novateur dans le domaine de la gestion de l’information et des réseaux pour définir la stratégie des entreprises. Compte tenu des interconnexions entre acteurs d’un même territoire, peut-on envisager un modèle d’« Intelligence » qui serait applicable, dans un cadre opérationnel et territorial, à différents types d’organisations, y compris des organisations non marchandes ? Cette thèse a pour objectif de vérifier l’applicabilité de la vision périphérique à toute forme d’organisation et de modéliser, ainsi, une Intelligence Stratégique Localisée. / Some companies present a vision of their strategy focused on procedures and generic data. This attitude leads generally not to worry about peripheral information or weak signals which can nevertheless allow the detection of opportunities or threats in their internal and external environments. The peripheral vision presents an innovative interest in the field of the management of the information and the networks to define the strategy of companies. Considering the interconnections between actors of the same territory, can we envisage a model of “Intelligence” which would be applicable, in an operational and territorial frame, to various types of organizations, including not trade organizations? This thesis has for objective to verify the applicability of the peripheral vision in any shape of organization and to model, so, a Located Strategic Intelligence.

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