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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Uzavírání adhezních smluv podnikatelem / Boilerplate contracts made by an entrepreneur

Válek, Petr January 2020 (has links)
Entering into contracts of adhesion by entrepreneur Abstract This thesis is focused on the topic of entering into contracts of adhesion by entrepreneur. It is an agreement that allows one party no bargaining power, typically to the weaker party and though is limited only to accept it or to reject it. In this thesis I pursue to describe problematics of adhesional contracts in detail focusing on specifics related to entrepreneur and possible lack of legislation. At the end of this thesis i describe the benefits of this institute and it's possible future evolution. Key Words Contracts of adhesion, Standardize form of a contract, clauses, freedom of contract, weaker contractual party, entrepreneur

Informe para la sustentación de expedientes: 00787-2012-0-1801-JR-CI-01 / 33-2010/CCO-INDECOPI

Franco Urdanegui, Andrés Alonso 20 February 2021 (has links)
El expediente trata el caso de una resolución de contrato de compraventa de bienes inmuebles por imposibilidad sobreviniente de prestación por culpa del demandado. El contrato de compraventa en cuestión fue suscrito por Carlos Alonso Yaipen Passalacqua, en calidad de comprador y demandante, y la inmobiliaria PRODEPA SAC, en calidad de vendedora y demandada. El caso se resume en que el demandante no realizó los pagos de acuerdo a lo estipulado en el reverso de los recibos que se entregaron contra los pagos a cuenta, lo que tuvo como consecuencia que la demandada diera por resuelto el contrato y, sin devolver los pagos a cuenta, vendió a un tercero los inmuebles. El demandante solicita la resolución de los contratos por haber sobrevenido la imposibilidad de sus prestaciones por culpa del demandado, la devolución de la suma entregada como pago a cuenta, e indemnización por daños y perjuicios. En primera instancia se declara fundada en parte la demanda declarando resueltos los contratos y ordenando la devolución de la suma entregada como pago a cuenta. El demandado presenta recurso de apelación fundamentado en la excepción de prescripción extintiva presentada junto con la contestación de la demanda, que la demanda fue admitida en vía procedimental distinta a la solicitada, y que las condiciones de contratación contenidas en los recibos fueron ignoradas por el juzgado. Finalmente, en segunda instancia la sentencia declaró improcedente la demanda pues no habría imposibilidad sobrevenida, que requiere la pérdida del bien a entregar, sino de una doble venta. / Trabajo de suficiencia profesional

Vad anses som en kritisk punkt där skadeståndsskyldighet enligt principen culpa in contrahendo aktualiseras? / What is Considered a Critical Point Where Liability for Damages According to the Principle Culpa in Contrahendo is Triggered?

Forsberg, Bella, Larsson, Jenny January 2021 (has links)
Mycket kan gå fel när en part, i ett sent skede, väljer att hoppa av avtalsförhandlingarna i samband med ett bostadsköp eller en bostadsförsäljning. I svensk rätt är fastighetsköpet ett formalavtal vilket innebär att inget är bindande förrän formkraven är uppfyllda. Detta möjliggör att en part illojalt kan föra avtalsförhandlingar utan avsikt att ingå avtal, medan motparten ådrar sig kostnader som senare visar sig utan mening.  I denna uppsats undersöks rättsfiguren culpa in contrahendo som innebär att en part som av oaktsamhet orsakat en skada för motparten i anknytning till avtalsförhandlingarna, kan komma att bli ersättningsskyldig för den inträffade skadan. Inte nog med att det krävs ett oaktsamt agerande för att ett prekontraktuellt ansvar skall aktualiseras ställs det även krav, utifrån rättspraxis och doktrin, på att avtalsförhandlingarna uppnått en kritisk punkt där lojalitetsplikten träder in. Syftet med denna uppsats är att försöka bringa klarhet i vad som kan betraktas som en kritisk punkt där ett skadeståndsansvar enligt principen om culpa in contrahendo blir gällande. Studien är främst baserad på en rättsvetenskaplig metod, som komplement har också en kvantitativ metod applicerats i form av en enkätundersökning. Utifrån rättspraxis har det kunnat fastställas att en kritisk punkt går att jämföra med de situationer där parterna undertecknat ett föravtal. Resultatet från enkätundersökningen visar att den kritiska punkten möjligen har sitt inträdande i samband med att en av parterna undertecknar köpekontraktet. Viktigt att understryka är att respondenternas svar inte kan betraktas som gällande rätt. / A lot of things can go wrong when a part, at a late stage, exits during contract negotiations in connection with property conveyances. In Swedish law, the property purchase is a formal agreement, which means that nothing becomes binding until the formal requirements are met. This allows a part to disloyally negotiate agreements without intending to enter a contract, while the other part incurs costs that later prove meaningless.  This essay investigates the legal figure culpa in contrahendo, which means that a part whose negligence causes an injury to the counterpart in connection with the contract negotiations may be liable for the damage. Not only is negligent behaviour required for a pre-contractual liability to be triggered, but there is also requirement, based on case law and jurisprudence, that the contract negotiations have reached a critical point where the duty of loyalty enters.  The purpose of this essay is to try to clarify what can be considered a critical point where liability for damages according to the principle of culpa in contrahendo becomes valid. The study is mainly based on a legal method. As a complement, a quantitative method in the form of a study has been applied. Based on case law, it has been possible to establish that a critical point can be compared with the situations where the parties have signed a preliminary agreement. The results from the survey show that the critical point may have arisen when one of the parties signed the contract. It is important to emphasize that the respondent’s answers cannot be regarded as applicable law.

Effektivisering och digitalisering av fastighetsbildningsprocessen : Effekter av en förändrad inskrivning av avtalsrättigheter

Norman, Marcus, Persson, Malin January 2021 (has links)
Forskning visar att genom utveckling inom digitalisering finns flera nyttor att vinna. Dessa nyttor är att verksamheter effektiviseras, kvalitet på data höjs och kostnader sjunker. Lantmäteriet strävar mot att effektivisera fastighetsbildningsprocessen genom att tillvarata digitaliseringens möjligheter och där ett önskat tillstånd är skapa obrutna digitala informationsflöden.  För att uppnå ett obrutet digitalt informationsflöde krävs det att information samlas, digitaliseras och görs tillgänglig. Idag finns inget lagkrav för att avtalsrättigheter ska skrivas in i fastighetsregistret, vilket resulterar i att denna informationsmängd inte tillgängliggörs och därmed uppstår en lucka i det digitala informationsflödet. Därför är det viktigt att undersöka hur fastighetsbildningsprocessen påverkas av oinskrivna avtalsrättigheter, tillsammans med önskeläget om ett obrutet digitalt informationsflöde.  Syftet med studien är att belysa de effekter som kan komma att uppstå vid en förändrad inskrivning av avtalsrättigheter, vad detta skulle medföra för effektivisering av fastighetsbildningsprocessen och hur en förändring skulle kunna genomföras. För att besvara frågeställningen har den empiriska delen utgjorts av en enkätundersökning riktad mot förrättningslantmätare samt intervjuer genomförda med sakkunniga inom området.  Utifrån studiens resultat framkommer det att det är viktigt att arbeta mot en mer digital fastighetsbildningsprocess, att tillgängliggöra information digitalt och därmed skapa transparens. Nyttorna med ett mer komplett fastighetsregister bidrar till snabbare beslut inom fastighetsbildningsprocessen. En förändring av inskrivningsförfarandet bör genomföras genom en lagändring där nya avtalsrättigheter måste skrivas in för att få rättsverkan. / Through science it has been shown that through development within digitalization there are several benefits to be found. These benefits are that operations could be more efficient, quality of data could rise and costs could be reduced. The Swedish mapping, cadastral and land registration authority, Lantmäteriet strives towards streamlining the property formation process by taking advantage of the possibilities that digitalization has to offer and a desired state is to create uninterrupted digital flows of information.  In order to create an uninterrupted digital flow of information it is required for information to be collected, digitized and made available. Today, there is no legal requirement to enrol contractual rights in the real property register. As a result, this amount of information is not made available and thus, there is a gap in the digital flow of information. Therefore, it is important to investigate how the property formation process is affected by unregistered contractual rights, together with the desired state of an uninterrupted digital flow of information.  The purpose of this study is to illustrate the effects that may arise in the event of a changed enrolment of contractual rights, what this would entail for streamlining the property development process and how a change could be implemented. To answer the question formulation the empirical part has consisted of a questionnaire aimed towards cadastral surveyors and interviews conducted with experts in the field.  Based on the results of the study, it emerges that it is important to work towards a more digital property development process, to make information available digitally and consequently create transparency. The benefits of a more complete real property register contribute to quicker decisions within the property formation process. A change of the enrolment procedure should be implemented by a law change where new contractual rights must be enrolled to achieve legal effect.

An Investigation of Change to Key Provisions in the AIA A201 and its Impact on Perceptions of the Value-added Benefit of the Design Professional during Construction

Thompson, Roxene Marie 23 February 2006 (has links)
The general conditions of contract play a very important role in the dynamics of the construction phase. The general conditions of contract outline the roles, rights, and obligations of the contracting parties during the construction phase of a project. The American Institute of Architects General Conditions of Contract for Construction (AIA A201) is considered the most widely used standard form of contracts in the U.S. construction industry. Standard contracts, like AIA A201, are being periodically revised and are becoming more cumbersome over time. The purpose and expectations of the revisions of the contract are not always clearly defined in literature or in practice. Changes to the general conditions have been made, which do not advance the performance goals for a successful project, but rather react to negative experiences. Oftentimes, there are conflicts between the parties' interpretation of the general conditions and between the required administrative practices obligatory by the general conditions during the construction phase, thus impacting the contractual relationships between owners, architect/design professionals, and general contractors. The increasing complexity and size of projects, the multiple-contract interfaces, and the changing times have transformed construction practices and contractual relationships. No longer simply following the lead of the AIA, owners seem to be questioning the value of the design professional, and the tone and path of the AIA A201. The three-phase methodology of this dissertation research set out to advance the understanding of change in the AIA A201 and the impact change has had on the value-added benefit of the design professional during the construction phase and contract administration on a project. The results of this research revealed the following primary conclusions: changes to various provisions pertaining to the key provisions have resulted in the Architect assuming less responsibility during the construction phase of a project; changes to the AIA A201 provision concerning the key provisions have not increased the value of the Architect's performance of contract administration services during the construction phase of a project; with regard to the key provisions, Owners or Owners' representatives perceive the value of the Architect's contract administration services during construction have decreased in recent years. In Phase I, this research identified the key contract provisions, which influence the function of the design professional performed in contract administration during construction. This investigation identified that change exists in key provisions over time and that change may have an influence on the function performed by the design professional during construction and contract administration. Subsequently, in Phase II, this research investigated the effect that change has had on the function performed by the design professional. The respective substantive changes to each provision that may have had a material effect on the function of the design professional were identified and these key provisions were thus studied further. Then, whether or not changes made to key provisions of AIA A201 have had a material effect on the function performed by the architect/design professional during the construction phase and contract administration was examined in Phase III. Ultimately, the research led to an enhanced knowledge of the owner-perceived value-added benefit by the design professional during the construction phase of a project. The practical use of the AIA A201 and its future editions has an influence on improved performance and better working relationships, which ultimately leads to improved constructed projects. The conclusions to this research study have demonstrated that changes made to key provisions of AIA A201 from 1951 to 1997 have diminished the role of the architect. Changes to key provisions have had a material effect on the construction phase, contract administration, and the function performed by the architect/design professional during the construction phase of a project. Before one can make effective changes to improve contractual and working relationships, the change must be identified for the purpose of supporting the industry's efforts to reduce adversarial relations, balance risk, and control schedule and cost, impact the contractual relationships and the value-added benefit of the contractual parties. This dissertation research successfully provided an understanding of the process used and the impact of change in the general conditions of contracts. As such, the knowledge gained from this research illuminated the necessary considerations of change and its impacts on the future development of contracts and their revisions in efforts to create better documents, not to just create bigger documents. / Ph. D.


DANIELA SOARES DOMINGUES 01 February 2023 (has links)
[pt] As recentes crises econômicas pelas quais o Brasil passou nos últimos dois anos - como a pandemia de Covid-19 e a guerra entre Rússia e Ucrânia - geraram inúmeras perturbações no cumprimento dos contratos e, por conseguinte, o desequilíbrio de suas prestações. A implementação do contrato de execução continuada ou diferida e seus reflexos no tempo geram, por si sós, uma gama de riscos que precisam ser geridos de modo eficaz. O presente estudo tem como objetivo analisar os limites do negócio jurídico da tutela ex lege do equilíbrio contratual prevista nos artigos 317 e 478 a 480 do Código Civil brasileiro, amplamente negociada por partes paritárias, em que estas estabeleçam seus próprios critérios para a configuração da excessiva onerosidade, modificando, restringindo ou excluindo a tutela ex lege do equilíbrio contratual, bem como afastando, definitivamente ou provisoriamente, as ações revisional e/ou resolutiva previstas nos citados dispositivos legais. Essa análise se mostra relevante, uma vez que a legislação civil pátria não declarou, nem forneceu qualquer indicativo sobre a natureza das referidas normas. / [en] The recent economic crises that Brazil has experienced in the last two years - such as the Covid-19 pandemic and the war between Russia and Ukraine - have generated numerous disruptions in the fulfillment of contracts, and, consequently, the imbalance of its benefits. The implementation of the continuous or deferred execution s contract and its effects in time generate, by itself, a range of risks that need to be managed effectively. The present study aims to analyze the limits of the juristic act of the ex lege protection of the contractual balance provided for in articles 317 and 478 to 480 of the Brazilian Civil Code, widely negotiated between parity parties and, in which contractors establishes its own criteria for the configuration of excessive burden, modifying, restricting or excluding the ex lege protection of the contractual balance, and removing, definitively or provisionally, the revisional and/or the resolutive actions provided in the aforementioned provisions. Such analysis is relevant, since the national civil legislation did not state, nor provided any indication as to the nature of those rules.

Markåtkomst för ledningar i praktiken : Upplåtelseformer, prövning och tillstånd / Land Acquisition for Utility Lines in Practice

Jama, Kayd January 2022 (has links)
Markåtkomst för nybebyggelse av allmänna ledningar sker på flera olika sätt. Användning av markområdet kan säkerställs genom ett tvångsvis ägobyte med expropriation enligt expropriationslag. Främst används dock ledningsrätt via en lantmäteriförrättning eller frivilliga överenskommelser som grundas i upplåtelseformerna avtalsservitut eller nyttjanderätt. Markupplåtelse innebär att ledningsägaren har rätt att nyttja marken inom avtalets ramar. Innan byggstart är det nödvändigt att det projekterade underlaget prövas och att tillstånd meddelas av tillsynsansvarig. När de obligatoriska villkoren är uppfyllda är det möjligt att påbörja anordnandet. Arbetet är avgränsat till fyra olika ledningstyper, elektroniska kommunikations-ledningar, elledningar, VA-ledningar och fjärrvärmeledningar. Var och en representerar en av de totalt fyra kategorierna för vilka allmännyttiga ledningar kan upplåts med ledningsrätt (ledningsrättslagen 2 § 1 st.). För att få en uppfattning om förfarandet i praktiken intervjuas åtta personer som har hand om markåtkomsten för olika ledningsägare. Utredningen innehåller en jämförelse av tillvägagångssättet för större ledningar som förstärker nätet med en lång sträckning. Gentemot ledningar inom ett lokalnät, båda i tätorter och utanför, som ansluts direkt till kunden. Jämförelsen utförs med avseende på ledningstyp. Utifrån det samlade underlaget är det tydligt att ledningsägarna vill träffa frivilliga överenskommelse med fastighetsägaren i alla situationer. Ledningstyp har en viss påverkan, i synnerhet gällande ledningar som omfattas av linjekoncession. Fiberbolag (elektronisk kommunikation) använder sig nästintill uteslutet av nyttjanderätt. Markåtkomstprocessen för VA-ledningar, fjärrvärmeledningar och elledningar är slående lika. Bolagen för all tre ledningstyperna använder markavtal på kommunalägd mark. En skillnad är att VA-anläggningar är kommunalägda eller styrda av kommunala bolag. Därför är samarbetet starkare med kommunen. För lokalnät vill ledningsägarna helst använda sig av avtalsservitut (markupplåtelseavtal) för privata fastighetsägare samt standardiserade markavtal för kommun och större fastighetsägare. Gällande större distributionsledningar strävar ledningsägarna efter att träffa frivilliga överenskommelse först som sedan omvandlas till ledningsrätt. Fjärrvärmeledningar och elledningar upprättar sina avtal med hjälp av branchorganisationen Energiföretagen Sveriges standardmallar. / Land access for new construction of public utility lines happens in several different ways. The use of the land area can be secured through a forced change of ownership with expropriation according to the Expropriation Act. Mainly, however, right of way is used via a land surveyor's office or voluntary agreements based on the grant forms contractual easement or right of use agreement. A land grant means that the utility line owner has the right to use the land within the framework of the agreement. Before the start of construction, it is necessary that the projected basis is tested and that permission is given by the supervisor. When the mandatory conditions are met, it is possible to start the construction. The work is limited to four different line types, electronic communication lines, electricity lines, WS lines and district heating lines. Each one represents one of the total of four categories for which public utility lines can be granted with management rights (Management Rights Act, section 2, paragraph 1). To get an idea of the procedure in practice, eight people who are in charge of land access for various utility line companies are interviewed. The purpose is to investigate how the approach for larger regional lines that reinforce the network and have a long coverage that does not branch out too much. Compared from lines within a local network, both in urban areas and outside, which are connected directly to the customer. These two parameters are compared between the respective line types. Based on the collected information, it is clear that managers want to reach voluntary agreements with the property owner in all situations. Fiber companies (electronic communication) make use almost exclusively of rights of use. The ground access process for WS lines, district heating lines and power lines is strikingly similar. The companies for all three utility line types use land agreement on municipally owned land. One difference is that WS authorities are municipally owned or managed by municipal companies. Therefore, the cooperation with the municipality is stronger. For local networks, the managers prefer to use contractual servitudes (land lease agreements) for private property owners and standardized land agreements for municipalities and larger property owners. Regarding larger distribution lines, the managers strive to reach voluntary agreements first, which are then converted into management rights. District heating lines and electricity lines draw up their contracts with the help of the industry organization Energiföretagen Sverige's standard templates.

Informe sobre la Resolución N°3390-2023/SPC-INDECOPI (Expediente N° 510-2022/CC2)

Condezo Trinidad, Milagros Alexandra 09 August 2024 (has links)
El informe jurídico aborda la aplicación del silencio administrativo negativo en la emisión de la Resolución Final N° 3390-2023/SPC-INDECOPI por parte de la Sala Especializada en Protección al Consumidor, en ausencia de un pronunciamiento de primera instancia previo. Se evalúa si la mencionada resolución se ajusta al marco normativo vigente del ordenamiento jurídico peruano, con especial atención al Código de Protección y Defensa del Consumidor y al Texto Único Ordenado de la Ley N° 27444 - Ley del Procedimiento Administrativo General. El análisis considera el impacto de la figura jurídica del silencio administrativo negativo en el principio de legalidad, que exige que los actos administrativos estén en concordancia con las leyes; y en el derecho a la pluralidad de instancias, que mediante el cual los administrados puedan apelar decisiones ante una instancia superior. Se concluye que la Sala tiene el deber de pronunciarse sobre la naturaleza del procedimiento administrativo sancionador de iniciativa de parte en materia de consumo. Ello con el objetivo de otorgar seguridad jurídica tanto en la protección de los derechos de los consumidores como de los proveedores frente al uso del silencio administrativo negativo. Adicionalmente, el informe subraya la relevancia de que los proveedores no deben brindar información que como consecuencia induzca a error en la denominación de los productos destinados al consumo de mascotas. Este aspecto es fundamental para salvaguardar la salud de los animales. / The legal report examines the application of negative administrative silence in the Final Resolution No. 3390-2023/SPC-INDECOPI by the Specialized Chamber for Consumer Protection of INDECOPI, in the absence of a prior first-instance ruling. The report assesses whether the resolution in question complies with the prevailing regulatory framework within the Peruvian legal system, with particular emphasis on the Consumer Protection and Defense Code and the Consolidated Text of Law No. 27444, Law of General Administrative Procedure. The analysis considers the impact of the legal figure of negative administrative silence on the principle of legality, which requires that administrative acts align with the law, and on the right to a plurality of instances, which ensures that administrative decisions can be appealed before a higher authority. It concludes that the Specialized Chamber for Consumer Protection is obligated to issue a ruling regarding the nature of sanctioning administrative procedures initiated by private parties in the realm of consumer protection. This is to ensure legal certainty in both protecting consumer rights and safeguarding providers against the application of negative administrative silence. Additionally, the report underscores the importance of avoiding the provision of misleading information in the labeling of products intended for pet consumption. This aspect is crucial for safeguarding animal health.

La responsabilité extracontractuelle et le couple : regards sur l’immixtion de la faute civile dans le contentieux conjugal

Bernier, Etienne 08 1900 (has links)
La présente étude trouve son point d’ancrage dans l’observation de l’honorable Nicholas Kasirer selon laquelle une incompatibilité d’humeur régnerait entre le droit de la responsabilité civile et la vie conjugale, rendant difficile la sanction des fautes commises entre conjoints sous l’égide du régime général de la responsabilité extracontractuelle. Pont jeté entre deux disciplines juridiques – le droit familial et le droit de la responsabilité extracontractuelle –, la réflexion ici proposée s’articule autour des inflexions subies par la norme en fonction du lien conjugal unissant les parties. Afin de cerner ces inflexions, l’auteur tourne d’abord son regard vers le passé, mettant en exergue les obstacles techniques et moraux ayant historiquement endigué l’effectivité du droit de la responsabilité extracontractuelle dans l’enceinte conjugale. Un tableau du traitement jurisprudentiel contemporain faisant état des diverses fautes relatives à la vie conjugale est ensuite dressé. Par cet exercice, certains comportements récemment assimilés à la commission d’une faute civile, comme l’aliénation parentale, sont mis en relief. À l’issue du portrait ici brossé, le lecteur sera à même de constater le glissement subi par les visées du droit de la responsabilité extracontractuelle dans ses interactions avec la cellule conjugale. D’abord utilisé comme outil de protection de l’institution matrimoniale, le régime général de la responsabilité extracontractuelle se présente de plus en plus comme un vecteur incontournable dans l’instauration d’un civisme conjugal élémentaire. / The present study revolves around an observation by the Honorable Nicholas Kasirer according to which an incompatibility of temperament exists between civil liability and conjugal life, making it difficult to sanction faults committed between spouses or de facto spouses by virtue of the extra- contractual liability regime. Drawing a connection between two legal disciplines - family law and civil liability - the proposed reflection revolves around the deviations incurred by the norm depending on the bond uniting the parties. In order to identify these deviations, the author first turns their gaze to the past, highlighting the technical and moral obstacles that have historically hindered the effectiveness of the law of extracontractual liability in the conjugal context. A picture of the contemporary jurisprudential treatment of the various faults relating to conjugal and married life is then drawn up. Through this exercise, certain behaviors recently assimilated to the commission of a civil fault, such as parental alienation, are highlighted. At the end of this portrait, the reader will be able to observe the shift incurred by the aims of the law of extracontractual liability as it interacts with the conjugal and marital cell. Initially used as a tool to protect the institution of marriage, the general regime of extra-contractual liability is increasingly seen as an essential vector in the establishment of a fundamental conjugal and marital civility.

El régimen de la ineficacia en sentido estricto: análisis de los supuestos de resolución en el Código Civil peruano

Madrid Horna, Víctor 04 March 2019 (has links)
La práctica contractual pone en evidencia que muchas veces los contratos terminan de manera anticipada por diversas razones, que han sido difíciles de clasificar de forma pacífica en la doctrina. De hecho, la resolución como supuesto de extinción de contratos válidos por causal sobreviniente, en definición que emplea el Código Civil peruano de 1984, parece aludir a un grupo mayor de supuestos en que opera la extinción del contrato. El presente trabajo de investigación tiene por objeto ocuparse del régimen de la resolución contractual en el Código Civil peruano de 1984. Partiendo de la premisa de la ineficacia como un género en el que se inserta la resolución contractual, el trabajo se inicia con una revisión de la clasificación de la ineficacia en general, de manera de adoptar aquella que distingue entre la ineficacia invalidez y la ineficacia en sentido estricto. Seguidamente, el trabajo efectúa un repaso general de los casos o supuestos más reconocidos en la doctrina de ineficacia en sentido estricto. En este grupo se incluye a la recisión, la resolución, el desistimiento, la inoponibilidad, el mutuo discenso, el plazo y la condición resolutoria, entre otros, con el fin conocer sus principales aspectos y diferencias más notables. Finalmente, se efectúa una revisión integral del articulado del Código Civil a fin de observar el tratamiento de la resolución, y a partir de aquí, analizar los diversos supuestos en que tiene lugar la resolución, evaluando su relación con los otros supuestos de ineficacia en sentido estricto no necesariamente recogidos por el legislador en el Código. / Tesis

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