Spelling suggestions: "subject:"opetition""
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Bankernas förhållningssätt inom ett förändrat serviceekosystem : En kvalitativ studie om bankernas strategiska allians med FinTech-bolag inom ett förändrat serviceekosystem / Banks’ advances within a changed service ecosystemJonasson, Viktor, Knutsson, Oliver, Liljestrand, Anna January 2022 (has links)
Forskningsfrågor: Hur kan traditionella banker etablera strategiska allianser med FinTech-bolag i ett förändrat serviceekosystem? Hur kan traditionella banker med hjälp av coopetition med FinTech-bolag skapa värde till slutanvändare? Syfte: Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur svenska banker följer med i den digitala samhällsutvecklingen i och med ett förändrat serviceekosystem genom att etablera strategiska allianser med FinTech-bolag, som kan leda till utveckling av innovativa lösningar. Detta för att möta kundernas förändrade kravbild om bankernas tjänster. Metod: I denna studie användes en kvalitativ forskningsmetod som baseras på banker i Sverige. Kvalitativa data samlades in genom semistrukturerade intervjuer, där den empiriska data analyserades med en tematisk analys med hjälp av utvalda teorierna. Slutsats: Etablering av strategiska allianser sker genom liknande eller samma värderingar, tillsammans med ett grundbehov och en problembakgrund hos båda aktörerna för att gemensamt kunna ge ett utbyte av värde. Coopetition med FinTech-bolag kommer att skapa värde till slutanvändare genom förmågan att skapa nya lösningar och tjänster som till slut ger värde till slutanvändare. / Research questions: How can traditional banks establish strategic alliances with FinTech-companies within a changed service ecosystem? How can traditional banks coopete with FinTech-companies, to deliver value to the end users? Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to investigate to what extent Swedish banks establish strategic alliances with FinTech-companies to adapt to the digital societal development driven by a changed service ecosystem. This has a possibility of resulting in a development of innovative solutions which is crucial to meet customers' changing demands for the bank's services. Method: A qualitative research method, based on banks located in Sweden, is used for the thesis. The qualitative data was collected through semi-structured interviews and the empirical data was analysed through a thematic analysis with help from selected theories. Conclusion: The establishment of strategic alliances occurs through similar or equal values, accompanied by a basic need and a problem background that exists within both actors to jointly provide exchange of value. Coopetition with FinTech-companies allows to create value for the end-users through the ability to introduce new solutions and services
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Network Coopetition – Samarbete mellankonkurrerande aktörer inom hälso- och sjukvården : En fallstudie av vårdkedjan för patienter ibehov av neurokirurgisk vård inom Stockholms län ochGotlands län / Network Coopetition – Cooperationetween competitive actors within the health care system : A case study of the chain ofcare for patients in need of neurosurgery within Stockholm’s county and Gotland’s countyWALLNÉR, JOHAN, HOLM, CHRISTOFFER January 2014 (has links)
Det övergripande syftet med den här avhandlingen var att utreda om network coopetition, samarbete mellan konkurrerande aktörer, kan öka värdeskapandet inom hälso- och sjukvården. Inom hälso- och sjukvården är network coopetition ett ämne som fått liten uppmärksamhet i tidigare studier. För att besvara syftet utvecklades en modell för network coopetition inom hälso- och sjukvården. Modellen applicerades sedan på en del av vårdkedjan för patienter i behov av neurokirurgisk vård. Resultaten från avhandlingen visar att: (1) Förutsättningarna för network coopetition i vårdkedjan för patienter i behov av neurokirurgisk vård är uppfyllda. (2) Det finns exempel på horisontell network coopetition i den studerade vårdkedjan. (3) Det existerar en diskrepans mellan hur aktörerna ser på sitt eget och de andra aktörernas värdeskapande. (4) Värdeskapandet bör utvärderas som ett gemensamt system där hänsyn tas till alla aktörer och utvärderas på process- nivå där hänsyn tas till alla intressenter. Dessa resultat leder fram till den övergripande slutsatsen är att network coopetition bör kunna öka värdeskapandet för högspecialiserade vårdkedjor med en stor andel inomlänspatienter. / The overall purpose of this thesis was to investigate whether network coopetition, cooperation between competitive actors, can increase the value creation within the health care system. Within health care, network coopetition is a subject granted little attention in previous research. To fulfil the purpose a model for network coopetition within the health care system was developed. The model was the applied to one part of the chain of care for patients in need of neurosurgery. The results from this thesis show: (1) The conditions for network coopetition in the chain of care for patients in need of neurosurgery are fulfilled. (2) Examples of horizontal network coopetition have been found in the studied chain of care. (3) There is an existing discrepancy between how each actor recognizes its own and the other actors’ value creation. (4) The value creation ought to be evaluated as a common system where all actors are taken into account and at a process level where all stakeholders are considered. These results supports the final conclusion that network coopetition ought to be able to increase the value creation for highly specialized chain of cares with a large share of within-county patients.
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Tourism coopetition i svenska Lappland : samarbete och konkurrens inom turismmarknadsföringEdlund Frii, Jesper, Irebjörk, Henrik January 2022 (has links)
I denna uppsats har vi studerat hur kommuner i svenska Lappland arbetar med marknadsföring och värdeerbjudanden kopplat till turism. Vi har intervjuat en representant vardera från nio av kommunerna. Samtliga respondenter har ett bärande ansvar över marknadsföring av kommunens turismutbud. Deras ansvarsområden och titlar varierar dock, då sättet de olika kommunerna organiserar sin turismmarknadsföring skiljer sig åt: ibland arbetar man exempelvis i kommunhuset, ibland i en mer fristående verksamhet. Vi kunde tidigt konstatera att flertalet lappländska kommuner idag samarbetar över kommungränserna, främst inom ramen för tre större samarbetsregioner, även om graden av samarbete varierar. Vi har velat ta reda på hur kommunerna ställer sig till innebörden av begreppet ”tourism coopetition”, utifrån engelskas ”cooperation” (samarbete) och ”competition” (konkurrens), för att tydliggöra sina respektive värdeerbjudanden och nå ut med dessa genom marknadsföringsinsatser. Före denna studie existerade inte mycket forskning kring tourism coopetition i en nordisk kontext, särskilt inte kopplat till den demografi, natur och kultur som kännetecknar Lappland. Tidigare forskning var kopplad till framförallt företag inom turismnäringen och/eller inom städer, vilka i sig har andra grundförutsättningar. Vår forskning har istället tagit ett helhetsgrepp för att undersöka hur kommunerna agerar för att stärka sin marknadsföring och sina turistiska värdeerbjudanden. Därtill har vi velat klargöra när samverkan respektive konkurrens föredras, med målet att kunna presentera handfasta rekommendationer till de berörda kommunerna. Samtliga deltagande kommuner önskade mer eller samma mängd samverkan som idag. Man har upplevt att kommunens värdeerbjudande kan uppfattas starkare om man paketerar det ihop med grannkommunernas, särskilt för att attrahera långväga turister. Marknadsföring i sociala och digitala kanaler sköts helst framförallt på egen hand, för en lokal prägel, medan fysiska marknadsföringsinsatser, liksom administration och kompetensutveckling gärna utförs gemensamt. En förutsättning för samverkan är god kommunikation och gemensamma mål som följs upp kontinuerligt. En utmaning kopplas till ekonomiska förutsättningar, där vissa kommuner haft svårt att satsa både på gemensamma och egna marknadsföringsinsatser. Överlag uppfattades inbördes konkurrens bidra till inspiration och vässade värdeerbjudanden, men man betonade vikten att inom samverkan måste alla kommuner både gynnas och synas. Datainsamling har skett genom kvalitativa, semi-strukturerade intervjuer, för att fånga upp kommunrepresentanternas subjektiva bedömningar. Vi har strävat efter en teoretisk sensitivitet och agnosticism, där vi inte fastställde teorier och hypoteser på förväg utan tillät respondenterna att tala fritt kring givna ämnen som marknadsföring, samverkan och konkurrens. Därefter har vi narrativt skildrat resultaten och de mönster som framträtt. Vi har utgått från fenomenalism och en positivistisk epistemologisk utgångspunkt. / In this thesis, we have studied how municipalities in Lapland, Sweden are working with marketing and value propositions linked to tourism. We have interviewed one representative each, from nine of the municipalities. All respondents have responsibilities in marketing the municipality's tourism. However, their areas of responsibility and titles vary, since the way different municipalities organize their place marketing differs: sometimes they work within the town hall and close to politicians, sometimes they work in a more independent organization. We could tell that most municipalities already cooperated across municipal borders, mainly within the framework of three major cooperation regions. We’ve wanted to find out how the municipalities approach the meaning of the term "tourism coopetition", based on cooperation and competition, to differentiate their respective value propositions and promote them. Prior to this study, there wasn’t much research on tourism cooperation in a Nordic context, especially not linked to the demographics, nature and culture that characterize Lapland. Previous research was linked primarily to companies within the tourism industry and/or in cities, which bear other preconditions. We’ve instead taken an overall approach to examine how the municipalities act to strengthen their marketing and their tourism value propositions. In addition, we wanted to clarify when collaboration or competition were preferred, with the aim to present recommendations to the concerned municipalities. All participating municipalities wanted more or the same amount of collaboration as today. They’ve experienced that the municipality's value proposition can be perceived as more attractive when promoted together with the neighboring municipalities'. Marketing in social and digital channels was preferred to be managed every municipality by themselves, while physical marketing events, administration and competence development was preferred to be executed more jointly. Some requirements for cooperation are good communication and shared goals, with continuous follow-ups. A major challenge was linked to financial conditions, where some municipalities have had difficulties investing in both joint and separate marketing. In general, mutual competition was perceived as contributing to inspiration and sharpened value propositions. But it was emphasized that within collaboration, all municipalities must both benefit and be seen. Data collection has taken place through qualitative, semi-structured interviews, to capture the municipal representatives' subjective assessments. We’ve strived for a theoretical sensitivity and agnosticism, where we didn’t establish hypotheses in advance but allowed the respondents to speak freely about given topics, then we narratively described the results. Our research approach has been positivistic with a focus on phenomenalism.
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Det interorganisatoriska lärandet i coopetition mellan banker och fintechbolag : Hur lärandet går till i en relation som genomsyras av både samarbete och konkurrens. / Interorganizational learning in coopetition between banks and fintech companies : How learning works in a relationship characterized by both cooperation and competition.Dämbäck, Annie, Gustafsson, Sofie January 2020 (has links)
Introduktion Digitaliseringen har lett till att flera nya aktörer trätt in på finansmarknaden och kundbehov har ändrats. Bankerna har därför behövt genomgå förändringar för att klara sig på marknaden. Detta har de gjort genom att bland annat ha ingått samarbeten med fintechbolag. Aktörerna skiljer sig markant från varandra vilket gör att de har mycket att lära från varandra. Denna studie handlar om det ömsesidiga lärandet i ett samarbete mellan fintechbolag och banker i Sverige. I studier framgår att 7 av 10 banker ser fintechbolag som det största hotet i branschen medan 8 av 10 banker ser fintechbolag som samarbetspartners vilket visar på att en relation som bildas mellan dessa aktörer kallas för coopetition. Cooperation och competition. Syfte Denna studie ämnar bidra med förståelse för det interorganisatoriska lärandet i en coopetitionrelation mellan banker och fintechbolag genom att kartlägga hur aktörers absorberande inlärningskapacitet leder till lärande. Frågeställningarna i studien är: Vilka yttre villkor påverkar den absorberade inlärningskapaciteten hos fintechbolag respektive banker? Hur påverkar nivån på coopetition samt graden av beroende mellan banker och fintechbolag sambandet mellan absorberande inlärningskapacitet och det interorganisatoriska lärandet? Hur ser det interorganisatoriska lärandet ut mellan banker och fintechbolag vid coopetition? Vad lär sig de olika aktörerna från dessa typer av samarbeten? Metod Denna studie är en komparativ flerfallstudie genomförd med hjälp av en kvalitativ metod. Vidare har studien ett fenomenologiskt perspektiv med en abduktiv ansats. Det empiriska materialet har samlats in via åtta semistrukturerade intervjuer med tre respondenter från storbanker och fem respondenter från fintechbolag i Sverige. Slutsats I studien har det framkommit att fintechbolagens yttre villkor är att de är unga och små bolag med begränsade tidigare erfarenheter och att bankernas yttre villkor är att de är stora och gamla företag med tidigare erfarenheter av samarbeten med fintechbolag. I studien framkommer det även att både banker och fintechbolag ser relationen som de har med respektive part som samarbetsdominerad. Från empirin har vi kunnat urskilja att det finns ett visst asymmetriskt beroende mellan banker och fintechbolag i deras samarbeten då bankerna har mer att säga till om. Ytterligare en slutsats är att lärandet mellan banker och fintechbolag går till så att de delar och skapar kunskap tillsammans genom kontinuerliga möten och workshops med målet att gemensamt uppnå innovation. Informell informationsdelning är även det något som sker konstant mellan företagen som leder till lärande åt båda håll. I nuvarande samarbeten lär sig fintechbolag hur det faktiskt är att verka som stora bolag genom lärdomar kring rutiner, avtalsprocesser och hantering av kundrelationer. I studien framkommer att bankerna lär sig från fintechbolagen hur de som organisation ska arbeta för att bli mer agila och digitala i sin verksamhet. / Introduction Due to digitization several new players have entered the financial market and customer needs have changed. Banks have therefore had to undergo a change in order to succeed in the market. They have done this by, among other things, entering into partnerships with fintech companies. These players differ markedly from each other which means that they have much to learn from one another. This study aims to help understand interorganizational learning in collaborations between fintech companies and banks in Sweden. Studies show that 7 out of 10 banks see fintech companies as the biggest threat in the industry, while 8 out of 10 banks see fintech companies as partners, indicating that a relationship between these players is called coopetition. Cooperation and competition. Purpose This study aims to help understand interorganizational learning in a coopetition relationship between banks and fintech companies by mapping out how actors' absorptive learning capacity leads to interorganizational learning. Research questions: What peripheral conditions affect the absorptive learning capacity of fintech companies and banks? How does the level of coopetition and the degree of dependence between banks and fintech companies affect the relationship between absorbing learning capacity and interorganizational learning? What does interorganizational learning look like between banks and fintech companies in coopetition? What do the different actors learn from these types of collaborations? Method This study is a comparative multi-case study conducted using a qualitative method. Further the study has a phenomenological perspective with an abductive approach. The empirical material was collected through eight semi-structured interviews with three respondents from major banks and five respondents from fintech companies in Sweden. Conclusion The study found that the peripheral conditions of the fintech companies are that they are young and small companies with limited past experience and the banks' peripheral conditions are that they are large and old companies with previous experience of working with fintech companies. The study also reveals that both banks and fintech companies consider the relationship they have with each other as cooperation-dominant. There is a certain asymmetric dependence between banks and fintech companies in their collaborations as the banks have more impact. Another conclusion is that banks and fintech companies share and create knowledge together through continuous meetings and workshops with the aim of jointly achieving innovation. Informal information sharing is also something that constantly occurs between the companies that leads to learning in both directions. In current collaborations, fintech companies are learning what it is like to operate as a large company through learnings about routines, contract processes and customer relationship management. The study shows that the banks learn how they as an organization should work to become more agile and digital in their operations.
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Contractor Coopetition: The Potential Outcomes for the Public Transport Sector : A case study on co-sharing of bus depots / Konkurrens-samarbetsstrategi för underleverantörer: de potentiella utfallen för kollektivtrafikssektorn : EN FALLSTUDIE PÅ SAMUTNYTTJANDET AV BUSSDEPÅERAkdemir, Gabriel, Tellgren, Sebastian January 2022 (has links)
Coopetition, a combined word for cooperation and competition, is a business strategy in which two or more parties within a competing market use a cooperative action. This concept is mainly practical in situations where companies are rich in resources and have considerable assets. For example, one industry that could use coopetitive strategies is the public transport sector. Trafikförvaltningen is the organization that is responsible for public transportation in Stockholm County, along with subcontractors known as traffic operating firms (TOFs). Every 8 to 10 years, so-called traffic area contracts are open for bidding where these TOFs have the opportunity to bid on these areas where they operate their traffic and maintain their depots. For this reason, these TOFs can be considered competitors to each other, thus sharing a reluctance to cooperate. Therefore, since bus lines do not always end their travels in the same traffic area they started, the organization can end up with high annual costs in terms of empty travels from traveling back to their traffic area. The study‘s aim is to: investigate the possibilities and potential outcomes for the public transport sector to use cooperative strategies. The focus has been on a strategy in the form of co-sharing of Trafikförvaltningen’s bus depots between its TOFs. A financial calculation analysis has also been performed, estimating how much the organization can save on this. The study is in the form of a case study and takes an intensive research approach. The data collection consists of so-called in-depth and focused interviews with individuals from different companies. The results of this study show an annual saving of 59.5 Million Swedish Krona in the case of Trafikförvaltningen. This case study concludes that establishing a coopetition governance function (CGF) is crucial for implementing a coopetitive strategy within the public transport sector. / Coopetition, ett kombinerat ord för samarbete och konkurrens, är en affärsstrategi där två eller fler parter inom en konkurrerande marknad använder sig av en samarbetshandling. Denna typ av koncept är främst praktisk i situationer där företagen är rika på resurser och har stora tillgångar. En bransch som skulle kunna få god användning av affärsstrategier inom coopetition är kollektivtrafikbranschen. Trafikförvaltningen är organisationen som ansvarar för den allmänna kollektivtrafiken i Stockholms län tillsammans med ett antal underleverantörer som kallas för trafikutövare (TOFs). Varje årtionden sker en budgivning där dessa trafikutövare får möjligheten till att buda på så kallade trafikområden där de utövar sin trafik och har depåer i drift. Av denna anledning kan dessa trafikutövare anses vara konkurrenter till varandra. Eftersom busslinjer inte alltid avslutar sin resa inom samma trafikområde som de startade i kan detta även resultera stora årliga kostnader för organisationen i form av tomkörning. Syftet med denna studie kan sammanfattas som: att undersöka möjligheterna och de potentiella utfallen för kollektivtrafikssektorn att använda sig av konkurrenssamarbetsstrategier. Studiens fokus har därför varit på en strategi i form av samutnyttjande av Trafikförvaltningens bussdepåer mellan dessa trafikutövare. En finansiell beräkningsanalys har även utförts som uppskattat hur mycket organisationen skulle kunna bespara på detta. Studien är i formen av en fallstudie och tar en intensiv forskningsansats. Datasamlingen bestod huvudsakligen av en blandning av så kallade djup- och fokuserade intervjuer med individer från de olika företagen. Resultatet för denna studie visar att en årlig besparing på totalt 59,5 miljoner svenska kronor skulle kunna möjliggöras i Trafikförvaltningens fall. Slutsatsen i denna fallstudie är att etablera en styrgupp för konkurrens- och samarbetsförhållandet (CGF) för att framgångsrikt lyckas effektivisera de rådande omständigheterna inom kollektivtrafikbraschen.
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Utilizing Market Knowledge to Create Competitive Advantage in the Interface of Inter- and Intra-Organizational Coopetition : Case Study: An SME in the Information Security IndustryKuusinen, Sara, Jokipii, Kirsi January 2013 (has links)
It has been widely acknowledged that today’s business world is characterized by severe competition. To remain competitive, firms have to employ alternative strategies to keep up with the fast paced development. One such strategy is coopetition; firms collaborate in some areas to combine their resources while competing in other areas. Thus, instead of trying to master everything within a company’s own walls, emphasis is towards gaining access to external resources and coordinating the wide array of expertise in the best possible way to achieve competitive advantage. In addition, growing requirements from the customer end force firms to combine their resources to be able to put together tailored solutions. This entails a notable customer input in product development and firm’s ability to utilize market knowledge can not be undermined. However, before the feedback gained from the market can act as a source of competitive edge, it has to be further processed into a form in which it offers strategic value for the company. This research aims to study how market knowledge is utilized to create competitive in the interface of inter- and intra-organizational coopetition. Even though competition is often considered to take place between firms, competitive elements can also be found within firms. For that reason, we include both inter- and intra-organizational coopetition in the research. In terms of the process involved in market knowledge utilization, three steps are appointed; transfer, translation and transformation of knowledge. To perform the research, we selected a high technology company belonging to SME category present in the information security business as case company. Six semi-structured interviews were conducted on three different occasions. Due to the sensitive nature of the research topic, the case company remains anonymous and is referred to as Case Company in the research. By ensuring respondents’ anonymity, the gained responses are more likely to be honest and thus more reliable and comprehensive. The empirical findings revealed differences in market knowledge utilization between inter- and intra-organizational coopetition. While coopetition taking place between firms was characterized with dominating competitive element and protection of one’s own assets, only preliminary stages of market knowledge utilization were found to be present. This entailed that knowledge transformation was absent in the inter-organizational context. On the other hand, on the intra-organizational level a collective approach to knowledge coordination was employed and attention had been paid on establishing sufficient structural conditions to support the knowledge utilization process. Thus, the process within the company was more efficient and it completed the knowledge utilization process at the inter-organizational level as knowledge transformation took place only within Case Company. While coopetition is a rather new field of study, we believe that the performed research provided information on inter- and intra-organizational coopetition in an SME present in the high technology industry and gave insights of the knowledge exchange both within and across companies. In the end, we have built up a model including the most important findings of the study. The figure entails the market knowledge utilization processes visualized in both inter- and intra-organizational contexts.
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Les stratégies relationnelles d’un leader dans un processus de normalisation : le cas de Microsoft dans le secteur des logiciels de bureautique / Relational strategies of a leader in a standardization process : the case of Microsoft in the Office Software IndustryChappert, Hervé 03 December 2012 (has links)
Les Organisations de Développement de Standard (ODS) sont généralement perçues comme des acteurs-tiers neutres facilitant l'élaboration de norme de jure. Pourtant, la compétition entre concurrents et les manœuvres stratégiques y ont aussi leur place. Notre recherche pose la question de l'utilisation par un leader de la coopétition dans le hors-marché comme stratégie de contrôle de son marché. L'étude examine particulièrement les comportements de Microsoft pendant le processus de normalisation d'OOXML entre le mois de mai 2007 et le mois d'août 2008. La méthode utilisée est principalement qualitative et s'appuie sur l'étude exploratoire d'un cas unique. Nous analysons les interactions entre marché et hors-marché à travers l'étude des modes relationnels (compétition, coopétition et coopération) que le leader mobilise au sein de l'ODS français (Afnor). Nos résultats montrent en particulier que le recours à la coopétition dans un contexte normatif constitue une stratégie gagnante pour le leader. La nature de cette coopétition est transitoire sur le hors-marché et permet un retour à un comportement de recherche de rente monopolistique sur le marché. / Standard Development Organizations (SDO) are generally perceived as neutral third party actors facilitating the development of de jure standards. However, competitions between competitors and strategic manoeuvring also have their place. Our research questions the use by a leader of coopetition in the non-market as a strategy to control its market.This study particularly examines the behaviour of Microsoft during the standardization process of OOXML between May 2007 and August 2008. The method used is primarily qualitative and is based on the exploratory study of a unique case. We analyze the interactions between the markets and the non-markets by studies of relational methods (competition, coopetition and cooperation) that the leader engages with the French SDO (Afnor). Our results show in particular that the use of coopetition in a normative context is a winning strategy for the leader. The nature of this coopétition is transient on the non-market and allows a return to the behaviour of seeking monopolistic rent on the market.
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La longévité de la coopétition : La « symétrie des partenaires » comme facteur de réussite de l’alliance coopétitive : Le cas PSA-FIAT / Coopetition Longevity : The "symmetry of partners" as a factor of coopetitive alliance's success : The case of PSA-FIATNicolosi, Alessandro 19 November 2018 (has links)
L’objectif central de cette recherche est d’explorer la question de la longévité d’une alliance coopétitive. Cette question est largement analysée dans les approches portant sur les alliances tandis qu’elle n’est pas véritablement abordée dans les approches portant sur la coopétition. Or, la dimension temporelle pose une question spécifique lorsque l’on aborde une situation de coopétition. Par définition, la stratégie de coopétition suppose la simultanéité de la compétition et de la coopération. Souvent, ces deux forces se trouvent découplées - par un partage des lieux sur lesquels elles se situent, sur les activités qu’elles réalisent, sur les niveaux qu’elles concernent - sans que le concept de coopétition soit dénaturé. Toutefois, la question de la simultanéité demeure un principe fondamental du concept, lui-même, de coopétition. Cette simultanéité nous semble difficile à instaurer sur la durée. Est-elle soutenable ? Nous considérons les apports des chercheurs portant sur la longévité des alliances et des alliances entre concurrents puis sur les situations de coopétition pour tenter de mettre en évidence les facteurs qui peuvent avoir un effet sur la durabilité des alliances coopétitives. À tel propos, nous soutenons que les similarités de taille, pouvoir, management et culture entre les partenaires, permettent à l’alliance de se prolonger dans le temps. Nous réalisons l’analyse de cas approfondie de l’alliance SEVEL, joint-venture entre PSA et FIAT (50%-50%) qui dure depuis quarante ans. Dans ce cas, les partenaires sont placés en situation de coopération pour la production et en situation de concurrence pour la commercialisation des modèles sous leurs marques propres. Au-delà de la longévité exceptionnelle de cette alliance, nous tentons d’analyser la durabilité de la coopétition en situant précisément les moments au cours desquels les partenaires se trouvent en concurrence et en coopération.Nos résultats dérivent d’une riche analyse documentaire, de l’analyse de contenu de 22 entretiens semi-directifs et des statistiques descriptives d’une base de données de 457 alliances du secteur automobile mondial. Les personnes interrogées soutiennent que dans l’automobile les entreprises ne s’engagent pas pour des projets sur le long terme et que la longévité est expliquée principalement par la performance des résultats de l’alliance. L’analyse quantitative met en évidence que, dans ce secteur, beaucoup d’alliances s’arrêtent de manière précoce. Toutefois, un nombre important d’alliances arrive à dépasser la dixième année de vie, notre mesure de longévité. En ce qui concerne la symétrie des partenaires, notre deuxième objectif, les entretiens font émerger l’idée que cette variable aide les partenaires à continuer leurs projets de coopétition mais elle n’est pas le seul facteur explicatif de la longévité. Les statistiques descriptives soulignent, finalement, que les alliances les plus durables sont celles dans lesquelles les partenaires participent de manière égalitaire au projet coopétitif. / In this research, we focus our attention on the coopetitive alliance longevity. This question has been analyzed in the alliances approaches, while it is not really addressed in approaches of coopetition. In this research, we argue that the temporal dimension poses a specific question when we focus on a coopetition situation. Coopetition strategy supposes the simultaneity of competition and cooperation. Often, these two forces are decoupled by a sharing of places where they are located, on activities or on the levels they concern (individual, organizational, inter-organizational) without the concept of coopetition being denatured. However, the question of simultaneity remains a fundamental principle of the concept itself of coopetition. However, this simultaneity seems difficult to implement over time. Is it sustainable?We consider the contributions of researchers on the longevity of alliances and on the alliances between competitors then, on the coopetition situations and we try to highlight the factors that can have an effect on the sustainability of coopetitive alliances. In this regard, we argue that the similarities in size, power, management and culture between the partners allow the alliance to extend over time. To answer to our research question, we carry out the in-depth case analysis of the SEVEL alliance, a 50%-50% joint venture between PSA and FIAT that has lasted forty years. In this case, the partners are placed in a situation of cooperation for production and in a situation of competition for the commerce of the models under their own brands. Beyond the exceptional longevity of this alliance, we try to analyze the sustainability of coopetition by precisely locating the moments in which the partners are exactly in competition and cooperation.Our results derived from a rich archive analysis, a content analysis of 22 semi-structured interviews and descriptive statistics from a database of 457 alliances in the global automotive industry. Our interviewees argue that in the automotive industry, companies do not commit to long-term projects and that longevity is explained by the performance of the alliance results. Quantitative analysis shows that, in this sector, many alliances stop early. However, a significant number of alliances happen to exceed the tenth year of life, our longevity measure. Concerning the “symmetry of the partners”, our second objective, the interviews defend the idea that this variable helps the partners to continue their coopetition projects but it is not the only explanatory factor of longevity. Finally, descriptive statistics highlight that the most durable alliances are those in which the partners participate equally in the coopetitive project.
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Formal Governance Design for Co-opetiton in the Context of Corporate Venture Capital InvestmentsHsin-Ju Bien (5929517) 03 January 2019 (has links)
<div>Entrepreneurial ventures face a trade-off when receiving corporate venture capital (CVC) financing. They need to give sufficient control rights to motivate and enable corporate investors to provide exclusive resources. However, giving control rights to CVCs whose strategic goals could cause a conflict of interest and lead to opportunism also puts the ventures at risk. This dissertation shows that third-party involvement with the design of passive control rights can be a solution to the trade-off.</div><div><br></div><div><div>By examining venture capital financing contracts in high-tech industries, Essay 1 found that veto power, a prevailing passive control right, of the third party can protect the vulnerable side in the cooperation without hurting the other side’s incentive to contribute. Moreover, two types of veto rights are identified and found to have diverse responses to conflict-of-interest factors in CVC-entrepreneur relationships. The effects of knowledge overlap, CVC parents’ research and development capability, and ventures’ technological quality on the liable third party’s veto power are studied. With a focus on the function of passive control rights, Essay 2 and Essay 3 maintain that allocating control rights can significantly affect the innovation of both CVC corporate parents and CVC-backed ventures under difference contingencies. In particular, as the aforementioned dilemma increases when CVCs’ corporate parents and portfolio firms are competing in product markets, Essay 2 shows that ventures’ innovation performance can benefit from granting CVCs strong active control rights in the condition of low product market overlap and from granting CVCs strong passive control rights within a high product market overlap.</div></div><div><br></div><div><div>On the other hand, Essay 3 shows that CVCs’ control rights will moderate the inverted Ushaped relationship between knowledge overlap and the innovation performance of the corporate parents such that the positive effect of knowledge overlap on CVC parents’ innovation at lower levels of knowledge similarity will be less positive, and the negative effect of knowledge overlap on CVC parents’ innovation at higher levels of knowledge similarity will be less negative, for CVCs with greater control power over their portfolio ventures. Moreover, the moderating effect of active control right is stronger than the moderating effect of passive control right under high degree of technological knowledge overlap between a CVC parent and the CVC’s portfolio ventures. Meanwhile, the moderating effect of passive control rights is stronger than the moderating effect of active control right under high degree of technological knowledge overlap between a CVC parent and the CVC’s portfolio ventures.</div></div>
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Estimativa do retorno financeiro da participação de empresas em redes de cooperação horizontal : um modelo probabilístico / Estimated financial return of companies participation in horizontal cooperation networks : a probabilistic modelPetter, Rodolfo Reinaldo Hermes January 2016 (has links)
Esta tese apresenta um modelo para mensuração probabilística do retorno financeiro gerado pela participação de micro e pequenas empresas em redes de cooperação horizontal (RCH). Esta pesquisa pretende atender uma lacuna técnica informacional da literatura no que tange a modelos para mensuração econômica/financeira dos benefícios gerados pela participação destas empresas em RCH, bem como a identificação do volume e interdependência destes benefícios sobre seu faturamento. Para tanto, por meio de uma revisão sistemática de literatura, foi realizado um levantamento dos benefícios passíveis de mensuração econômica/financeira em função da participação de empresas em RCH. Identificaram-se dois conjuntos de ganhos compostos por três blocos de benefícios, sendo estes desdobrados em sete benefícios estruturados por dezesseis construtos, formando assim a base teórica do modelo. A partir desta base teórica, os itens de mensuração capazes de traduzir os constructos de benefícios foram mapeados. Propôs-se então um ciclo da gestão financeira para empresas participantes de RCH, que se traduziu como base operacional do modelo. Como principal resultado do modelo obtêm-se o valor médio e a distribuição de probabilidade do retorno financeiro dos dois conjuntos de ganhos, por meio de três opções estratégicas de incorporação do retorno à estrutura financeira da empresa. A aplicação do modelo deu-se por meio de um teste piloto numa pequena empresa do setor moveleiro participante de uma RCH. / This thesis presents a model for probabilistic measure of the financial return generated by the participation of micro and small companies in Horizontal Cooperation Networks (HCN). This research aims to answer a technical informational gap observed in the literature regarding models for measuring economic / financial benefits generated by the participation of these companies in HCN, considering the volume and interdependence of these benefits on company revenues. To achieve the objectives, through a systematic review of literature, the benefits subject to economic / financial measures due to the participation of companies in HCN were collected. Two sets of gains, comprised by three benefits blocks, which are compounds by seven benefits structured by sixteen constructs were identified, forming the theoretical basis of the model. From this theoretical basis, the items of measurement capable of translating constructs into benefits were mapped. Then a cycle of financial management for companies participating in HCN was proposed, which was reflected as the operational basis of the model. The main result of the model was the obtainment of the average value and the probability distribution of the financial return – for the two sets of gains, through three strategic options for incorporation of earnings in the company financial structure. The model application was carried out by a pilot test conducted in a small company of the furniture sector that participates in a HCN.
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