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Nusikaltimo aukų suvoktas teisėjo elgesio teisingumas / Crime victims' perceived fairness of judge's behaviorČunichina, Ksenija 01 July 2014 (has links)
Disertaciniame darbe nagrinėjamas suvoktas nusikaltimo aukų teisėjo elgesio teisingumas bei bylinėjimosi proceso teisingumo vertinimų sąsajos su vidiniais (asmenybės bruožais) bei išoriniais veiksniais (teisėjo elgesio atitikimu procedūrinio teisingumo reikalavimams). Tyrimas vyko dviem etapais: pirmajame etape buvo ištirta 70 nusikalimo aukų, o antrajame ištyrėme 392 aukštųjų mokyklų studentus. Pirmajame etape, siekiant įvertinti nusikaltimo aukų suvoktą teisingumą ir kitus susidūrimo su teisėsaugos sistema aspektus, buvo sukurta speciali apklausos programa kuri leido įvertinti nusikaltimo aukų dalyvavimo teisme patirtį (buvo vertinami subjektyvūs teisėjo elgesio ir jo priimto sprendimo teisingumo vertinimai bei teisėjo elgesio atitikimas procedūrinio teisingumo reikalavimams). Apklausa buvo vykdoma taikant kognityvinio interviu metodą. Antrajame tyrimo etape buvo atliktas kvazieksperimentas (taikytas scenarijų metodas). Visi tiriamieji buvo suskirstyti į tris grupes. Kiekviena tiriamųjų grupė stebėjo vieną iš trijų specialiai parengtų 20 min. trukmės teismo posėdžių inscenizacijų, kurios skyrėsi tik teisėjo elgesio atitikimu procedūrinio teisingumo reikalavimams. Po to buvo vertinamas tiriamųjų suvoktas teisėjo elgesio ir jo priimto sprendimo teisingumas, taip pat jų asmenybės bruožai (taikėme Neo Pi-R klausimyną). Atliktas tyrimas atskleidė, kad nusikaltimo aukos dažniau vertina teisėjo elgesį ir priimtą sprendimą kaip teisingą (nei neteisingą). Kartu buvo nustatyta... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Dissertational research was aimed at investigation of crime victims’ perceived fairness of judge’s behavior, the relationship between litigation process fairness and internal (personality traits) and external (congruence of judge’s behavior with procedural justice requirements) factors. The study was conducted in two stages: the participants of the first stage were 70 crime victims, the participants of the second stage were 392 university students. During the first stage in order to assess perceived fairness of crime victims, special interview program (based on cognitive interview method) was developed (perceived fairness of judge’s behavior, decision and judge’s behavior congruence with procedural justice judgments were assessed). During the second stage of the study quasi-experiment based on scenario method was conducted. The participants were divided to three groups. Each group was shown one of three 20-minute movies depicting trial process. The scenarios of the movies differed only in judge‘s behavior compliance with procedural justice requirements (totally complied, formally complied and did not comply). Afterwards the participants’ perceived fairness of judge‘s behavior, decision and personality traits were measured (Neo-Pi-R was used). The findings of the study suggest that crime victims perceive judge’s behavior and decision more frequently as fair (than unfair). It was also found that judge‘s behavior congruence with procedural justice requirements has a different... [to full text]
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Justice for victims of atrocity crimes : prosecution and reparations under international lawHolm, Fanny January 2017 (has links)
This thesis takes its starting point from the need for a comprehensive approach towards justice following atrocities, and where not only the states in which the crimes were committed have a role to play. The thesis discusses atrocity crime (genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes) prosecution and reparations procedures concerning individuals as two appropriate courses of action, through which non-territorial states may contribute to atrocity prevention and justice for the victims of atrocities. The analysis addresses whether, under international law, non-territorial states are allowed to, required to, or prohibited from facilitating prosecution and reparations procedures and includes an assessment of the extent to which international law relating to reparations fails to correspond to that applicable to prosecution. The implications of the lack of correspondence are analysed in light of the historical connection and separation of the two courses of action, the procedural and substantive legal overlaps between prosecution and reparations, and the underlying aims and functions of prosecution and reparations. The study covers a wide spectrum of international legal sources, most of them to be found in human rights law, humanitarian law and international criminal law. The study shows that while non-territorial states are included in both conventional and customary law as regards prosecution of atrocity crimes, the same cannot be said in relation to reparations procedures. This serious deficit and inconsistency in international law, is explained by the framing of reparations, but not prosecution, as a matter concerning victims and human rights, thereby leaving the enforcement of the rules to the discretion of each state. Reparation is also considered a private matter and as such falls outside the scope of the far-reaching obligations regarding prosecution. The study suggests taking further the responsibilities of non-territorial states in relation to atrocity crimes. Most urgently, measures should be considered that bring the legal space for reparations procedures into line with that for prosecution in, for instance, future discussions by human rights treaty-monitoring bodies and in the drafting of new international victims' rights, atrocity crimes or civil procedure instruments.
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ALLA OFFER ÄR OSKYLDIGA OFFER - ELLER? : En kvalitativ innehållsanalys av hur brottsoffer gestaltas i mediaAli, Noor, Leth, Rebecka, Strömberg, Fanny January 2021 (has links)
The aim of this essay was to examine how crime victims are portrayed in the Swedish newspapers Dagens Nyheter and Aftonbladet. Previous research has shown that the media tends to focus on the dramatic aspect of a criminal incident, and the victim is often portrayed in a positive way and the perpetrator in a negative. The material of this essay consisted of twelve news articles from four different murder cases, which has been analyzed with a content analysis. The theoretical points of this essay were the theory about The ideal victim and The framing theory. The results from the analysis showed that crime victims are often portrayed as innocent and in a positive way. Although, if the victim used to have a deviant behavior, he was portrayed in a more negative way. The conclusions of this essay were that the two newspapers portrayed the victims fairly similarly and focused on the positive characteristics of the crime victim. In general, Aftonbladet had a more descriptive and dramatic portrayal of the victim than Dagens Nyheter. / Syftet med denna uppsats var att närmare studera hur brottsoffer gestaltades i de svenska tidningarna Dagens Nyheter och Aftonbladet. Tidigare forskning har visat på att media tenderar att fokusera på dramatiken i händelsen där offer ofta gestaltas som positiva och gärningspersoner som negativa. Uppsatsens material bestod av tolv nyhetsartiklar från fyra olika mordfall som analyserades med en innehållsanalys. Uppsatsens teoretiska utgångspunkter var teorin om det ideala offret och gestaltningsteorin. Resultatet från analysen visade att brottsoffren till stor grad gestaltades som positiva och oskyldiga i nyhetsartiklarna. Däremot om offret sen tidigare hade ett avvikande beteende gestaltades personen på ett mer negativt sätt. Slutsatserna från uppsatsen var att båda tidningarna gör relativt lika gestaltningar där fokuset ligger på brottsoffrets positiva egenskaper. Aftonbladet gestaltade i överlag brottsoffren mer beskrivande och dramatiskt än vad Dagens Nyheter gjorde.
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Det äldre brottsoffret : Från orsaker till åtgärderObleser (fd. Sundström), Jennifer, Johansson, Evelina-Ying January 2016 (has links)
Sveriges befolkning blir äldre och äldre. Medellivslängden för män och kvinnor i Sverige ökar succesivt och äldre individer 65 år och uppåt beräknas utgöra en fjärdedel av landets befolkning år 2060. Våld och brott mot äldre har betraktats som en privat angelägenhet och det uppskattas att ca 4 miljoner äldre i europaregionen lever under nån form av fysiskt eller psykiskt våld. Åldringsvåld samt brott mot äldre betraktas idag som ett dolt samhällsproblem. Syftet med denna studie är att därför att undersöka hur brott mot äldre kan förklaras och beskrivas inom litteratur och vetenskaplig forskning, samt hur olika individer utifrån deras professionsroll kan förklara brott som begås mot äldre. Resultatet grundar sig i vetenskaplig forskning och litteratur samt utförda kvalitativa intervjuer med två yrkesverksamma individer inom brottsofferarbete. Via en tematisk analys har resultat visat att brott mot äldre kan förklaras i vetenskaplig forskning och litteratur som något som har en direkt koppling till hur den äldre generationen “är” samt äldres fysiska och psykiska funktionsnedsättningar. Forskningen visar att dessa faktorer utnyttjas av gärningspersoner och därför har den äldre en risk att utsättas för brott. Intervjupersonerna följer forskningens förklaringar till brott mot äldre och att det enligt deras erfarenheter också har koppling till att gärningspersoner utnyttjar äldres goda vilja och psykiska och fysiska funktionsnedsättningar.
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Nusikalstamų veikų aukos: problemos ir stereotipai / Victims of criminal offences: problems and stereotypesJanulionytė, Barbora 26 June 2014 (has links)
Pirmojoje šio magistrinio darbo dalyje pateikta nusikalstamų veikų aukų ir nukentėjusiojo sąvokos skirtumai. Antrojoje darbo dalyje identifikuoti plačiausiai visuomenėje paplitę nusikalstamų veikų aukų stereotipai ir pateikta šių stereotipų istorinė bei doktrininė apžvalga, taip pat jų sąvokos, reikšmės bei pasekmių nusikalstamų veikų aukoms analizė. Trečiojoje- išnagrinėta nusikaltstamų veikų aukų teisinė padėtis apžvelgiant tarptautinius bei nacionalinius teisės aktus, reglamentuojančius nusikaltimų aukų apsaugą, atlikta teisinės padėties statuso analizė istoriniu, lyginamuoju aspektu, akcentuojant kompensacijų nusikaltimo aukoms problemą. Ketvirtojoje magistrinio darbo dalyje pateikti atkuriamojo teisingumo modelio integravimo į Lietuvos Respublikos baudžiamosios teisės sistemą būtinybė bei privalumai sprendžiant darbe analizuotas nusikalstamų veikų aukų problemas. / The Master‘s Thesis consists of four major parts. The first part introduces the description of crime victim. It includes the description of crime victim, analysis of the rapport between the crime victim and casualty. The second part includes the analysis of factors impacting people to believe various myths and stereotypes about the victims of crime and their negative influence on understanding the victimization is analyzed. The third part includes the analysis of legal status of crime victims, complex domestic and international analysis of legislation, tackling the problems of compensation. The fourth part is about restorative justice and its positive influence on solving some of the problems crime victims have to endure.
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Defense and Prosecuting Attorney Perceptions of Facility Dogs in the CourtroomDonaldson, Kristy Melissa 01 January 2017 (has links)
Attorneys must obtain evidence for purporting their position on a court case. Many factors are considered when working with witness testimony such as age, development, narrative recall, and retraumatization. Research has detailed the hardship of obtaining evidence during witness testimony and the importance of support systems to help with the process. Existing research illustrates the stressors caused by the court processes, witness fear, and difficulty for attorneys to ascertain testimony. Therapeutic animals have been well researched and shown to have an important support role in many professions and situations. Additionally, much has been written regarding the use of varying types of court approved support systems. However, there is a gap in the literature regarding how attorneys perceive the use of facility dogs as support systems in the courtroom. The case study sought to understand how defense and prosecuting attorneys perceive the use of facility dogs in the courtroom, and how that experience has influenced their belief system. Data collection was completed through a 7 question phone interview process. The data collected via phone interviews were coded and analyzed through the use of NVivo software and Survey Monkey database. The analysis revealed the participants high level of acceptance on the use of facility dogs in the courtroom as support systems. Attorneys were open and receptive to learning more about dogs as a support system, even when hesitant about the outcome. The revelations from this study may be used to provide additional support to witnesses. Data collected within this study will propel future studies and education in many different animal advocate groups and legal entities.
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Medling vid ungdomsbrott. En analys av komplexiteten i att mötas. / Mediation in juvenile delinquency. An analysis of the complexity of meeting.Hellqvist, Helena January 2020 (has links)
Victim offender mediation is practiced to less extent in Sweden despite the method being a statutory municipal obligation. Recommendations from the existing research is to investigate the identified problems of mediation. In the first part of this qualitative study an integrative literature study has been applied to existing research on the experiences of professional mediators. The second part of the study is conducted through interviews with politicians with emphasis on the fact that a statutory municipal method is used to less extent while the nation is calling for crime prevention. The results are subsequently analyzed from organizational theory and new public management theory. The results show that there are uncertainties about the mediator's position in the legal system, indicating a discrepancy between the legislature´s intention and the social regulation and the practical activities, thus indicating existing exclusion processes within the mediation system. The results of the study also show that the legislation needs to be modified as to meet the need of social work with youth offenders. The increased debate regarding juvenile delinquency and the demand of punitive policies has created a polarization in society where the attitudes and knowledge of victim offender mediation as a method are disparate thus creating the paradox of calling out for new methods contrary using existing ones that are evaluated, implemented and legislated, such as victim offender mediation.
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Brottsofferperspektivet inom arbetskraftexploatering : Synliggörande av brottsoffer på den svenska arbetsmarknaden / A crime victim perspective in labor exploitation : The invisibilization of crime victims on the Swedish labor marketKarlsson, Linn, Mattsson Luukkanen, Sara January 2023 (has links)
Studiens syfte var att undersöka hur livssituationen för brottsoffer utsatta för arbetskraftsexploatering i Sverige beskrivs samt vilket skydd och stöd som erbjuds av samhället. Urvalet har varit målstyrt och består av tre specifika rapporter vilket har granskats genom tematisering och analyserats genom intersektionell teori. Resultatet visar att brottsoffer osynliggörs och på så sätt inte få de stöd och skydd de har rätt till. Det kan förklaras genom brister i kunskap och resurser hos relevanta aktörer, därtill visar analysen att brottsoffers etnicitet, ålder, kön och klass kan vara förklaringar till att de inte får samhällets stöd. / The purpose of this study is to illustrate how protection and support are offered to victims of labor exploitation. In addition, the study aims to explore the causes behind the discrepancy between Sweden’s international obligations, and the support and protection that are offered by society in practice today. The selection of sources has been goal-oriented and comprise three specific reports, which have been reviewed with the help of thematization and analyzed from the perspective of intersectional theory. The study shows that crime victims are rendered invisible and thereby do not receive the support and protection that they are entitled to. The causes behind this are, inter alia, a lack of knowledge and scarcity of resources with relevant actors. Furthermore, the study shows that crime victims’ ethnicity, age, sex, and class can be contributing factors to why they do not receive support from society.
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Victimisation secondaire : vers la création d’un outil standardiséDeschênes, Audrey 07 1900 (has links)
La victimisation secondaire survient lorsque les victimes d’actes criminels subissent une première blessure par le crime et une seconde par les acteurs du système de justice pénale. Cependant, les recherches empiriques actuelles ne sont pas concluantes quant à l’impact du système de justice pénale sur les victimes. À cet effet, l’absence d’instrument standardisé pour mesurer la victimisation secondaire donne lieu à une opérationnalisation différente de ce construit d’une étude à l’autre, ce qui rend difficile la comparaison des études sur le sujet entre elles. Dans cette recherche, une tentative de standardisation de ce construit a été entreprise, afin de fournir une meilleure compréhension de la victimisation secondaire et de ses effets. Nous avons ainsi créé l’Institutional Betrayal Questionnaire in the Criminal Justice System (IBQ-CJS), un questionnaire que nous avons adapté et traduit en français à partir du Institutional Betrayal Questionnaire (IBQ) de Smith et Freyd (2013, 2017). L’IBQ-CJS a été employé auprès de 26 victimes (N = 26) impliquées dans des poursuites judiciaires et dont la cause avait été ou était présentement entendue devant une cour criminelle du Québec pour mesurer la victimisation secondaire. L’analyse des propriétés psychométriques de l’IBQ-CJS montre une bonne consistance interne (α = 0,82), alors que la validité de construit de l’instrument n’a pu être démontrée. L’IBQ-CJS a ensuite été employé pour explorer les facteurs de risque et les conséquences potentiellement associés à la victimisation secondaire, ce qui s’est avéré infructueux lors des analyses bivariées. Les limites et les avantages de cette étude, ainsi que les implications qui en découle pour de futures recherches, seront finalement soulignés. / Secondary victimisation occurs when crime victims are firstly harmed by the crime and suffer a second injury or an additional harm afterwards by the authorities of the criminal justice system. However, empirical studies conducted so far on the impact of the criminal justice system on victims are inconclusive. On this matter, the lack of a standardized measure for secondary victimisation has generated different operationalizations of this construct across studies, making it difficult to arrive to any generalizable conclusions regarding the results of past research. This study attempts to standardize this construct to give a better understanding of secondary victimisation and its effects. We created the Institutional Betrayal Questionnaire in the Criminal Justice System (IBQ-CJS), a questionnaire that we adapted and translated in French based on the Institutional Betrayal Questionnaire (IBQ) by Smith and Freyd (2013, 2017). The IBQ-CJS was employed among 26 victims (N = 26) who were involved in legal proceedings and whose causes were currently or had been heard in a criminal court of the province of Quebec to assess secondary victimisation. The analysis of the psychometric properties of the IBQ-CJS shows a high internal consistency (α = 0,82), although the construct validity of this instrument was inconclusive. The IBQ-CJS was secondly used to explore risk factors and consequences that might be linked to secondary victimisation, which also proved to be inconclusive using bivariate analysis. The limitations and the benefits of this study, as well as the implications it holds for future research, will finally be emphasized.
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Mäns våld mot kvinnor i nära relationer : En litteraturstudie om våldsutsatta kvinnors beskrivning av sina erfarenheter i en våldsam relation / Men's violence against women in close relationships : A literature study of abused women's description of their experiences in a violentrelationshipSimonsen, Ayana, Khadar, Noura January 2023 (has links)
Våld i nära relationer är ett allvarligt samhällsproblem som framför allt drabbar kvinnor och barn. Den vanligaste typen av våld som kvinnor drabbas av utförs av en gärningsman som kvinnan har en nära relation med. Denna litteraturstudie syftar till att undersöka vilka faktorer som ligger bakom kvinnans beslut att antingen stanna kvar i ett våldsamt förhållande eller att lämna det samt huruvida normaliseringen av våldet påverkar kvinnans beslut att bryta sig ur sin våldsamma relation och hur dessa kvinnor beskriver deras upplevelser av våldet som de utsätts för. Metoden för studien är en litteraturöversikt där vi valde att söka och analysera tretton vetenskapliga artiklar med både kvalitativ och kvantitativ ansats samt en blandning av dem. Denna litteraturöversikt har enbart koncentreras på myndiga kvinnor i heterosexuella förhållande som utsätts för våld av sina partner i hemmet. Det konstateras fyra stycken teman i resultatdelen som har påverkan på kvinnans beslut att stanna kvar i sitt våldsamma förhållande eller att lämna det, nämligen kvinnors rädsla och känslor av skam och skuld, kvinnors känslor och upplevelser av mannens beteende, kvinnors erfarenheter av våld och hot samt kontexten kvinnan befinner sig i som kan handla om ekonomiskt beroende av mannen, sociala normer såsom religiösa och kulturella faktorer, familjen såsom att offra sig förbarnens skull och bristande socialt stöd. Vid analysen av resultat och i kombination med andra källor från tidigare forskning samt teorier om modellinlärning, stigma & skamsteori, normaliseringsprocessen, ett genusperspektiv samt intersektionalitetsperspektiv visar det sig att det finns massa gemensamma faktorer som påverkar kvinnans beslut antingen att stanna kvar med sin våldsamma partner eller att lämna honom. Dessa faktorer kan vara barriärer till att våldsutsatta kvinnor inte tar sig ur en vålds präglad relation. Dock kan dessa faktorer innebära en förklaring till varför kvinnorna lämnar deras våldsamma partner. Det konstateras även att den vanligaste orsaken till våld i hemmet mot kvinnor beror på manlig maktbalans mellan män och kvinnor i samhället, men också för att kvinnan normaliserar våld i vardagen, vilket leder till att uppbrottet från relationen bli svårare / Violence in intimate relationships is a serious social problem that primarily affects women and children. The most common type of violence that women suffer is perpetrated by aperpetrator the woman has a close relationship with. This literature study aims to investigate which factors are behind the woman's decision to either remain in a violent relationship or to leave it, and whether the normalization of violence affects a woman's decision to leave a violent relationship, as well as how these women describe their experiences of the violence to which they were subjected. The method of the study is a literature review based on qualitative and quantitative methods and a mixture of them both, where the writers of this study have analyzed and reviewed thirteen scientific articles. This literature review has only concentrated on adult women in heterosexual relationships who are subjected to violence by their partners. It shows that there are four themes that affects the woman's decision to remain in her violent relationship or to leave it, which is women's feelings towards the man and her feelings of shame and guilt, women's feelings and experiences of the man's behavior, women'sexperiences of violence and threats as well as the context the woman finds herself in, which can be about economic dependence on the man, social norms such as religious and cultural factors, the family such as sacrificing herself for the sake of the children and a lack of social support. When analyzing results and in combination with other sources from previous research as well as theories about model learning, stigma & shame theory, the normalizationprocess, a gender perspective and intersectionality perspective, it turns out that there are many other factors that influence the woman's decision either to stay with her violent partner or to leave him. These factors can be barriers to why women exposed to violence are not getting out of the relationship. However, these factors may provide an explanation for why women leave their violent partner. It is also stated that the most common reason for domestic violence against women is due to manly power imbalance between men and women in society, but also because the woman normalizes violence in everyday life, which makes the breakup from the relationship more difficult.
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