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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Streamingtjänster och sportdokumentärer: Makten över dagordningen : En jämförande studie om skillnaderna på medias rapportering innan och efter serien Formula 1: Drive to survive / Streaming services and sport documentaries: Power over the agenda-setting : A comparative study on the differences on the media's reporting before and after the series Formula 1: Drive to survive

Hällqvist, Robin, Zetterberg, Karl-Edvard, Berg, Pontus January 2023 (has links)
I denna studie studeras dagordningsteorin, intermedial dagordning och vilken skillnad som underhållningsmedia, i detta fallet dokumentärer och tv-serier, kan ha för hur media rapporterar om olika ämnen och sporter. Syftet i den här studien är att se hur underhållningsmedium potentiellt kan göra intryck på medias dagordning genom intermedial dagordning. Vi använder oss av tv-serien Formula 1: Drive to survive som ett case för att se skillnaden på medias rapportering mellan två olika tidsperioder. För att göra detta använder sig studien av en kvantitativ innehållsanalys där vi analyser artiklar, framtagna från mediearkivet retriever, med hjälp av SPSS. Vi analyserar 200 olika artiklar där 100 stycken är tagna från tidsperioden 2015-2018 och de resterande 100 artiklarna är från 2019-2022. Studiens teoretiska ramverk är dagordningsteorin, intermedial dagordning och gestaltningsteorin. Resultaten från studien visar på ökningar av bland annat mängden pressutskick och artiklar som hanterar ämnet ekonomi. I studien analyserades det även ifall förekomsten av rykten och spekulationer var hög i rapporteringen men det visade den sig inte vara. Vi har sett att fler länder rapporterade om Formel 1 i den andra tidsperioden. Analysen visade en minskning av antalet notiser i den andra tidsperioden och även en ökning av antalet pressutskick i samma tidsperiod. De enda märkvärdiga skillnaderna vad gäller omfång var att standardavvikelsen var lägre i den andra tidsperioden. Framställandet av Formel 1 tycks inte ha förändrats på något markant sätt efter Formula 1: Drive to Survive. Utifrån vår studie så finns det få markanta skillnader mellan tidsperioderna. I denna studie och i detta case så ser vi inte att det skett något markant intermedial dagordning även ifall allmänheten möjligtvis har fått ett större intresse för Formel 1 efter Formula 1: Drive to Survive. / In this paper we are studying the agenda setting theory, intermedial agenda setting and what differences entertainment, in this case documentaries and tv-series, can make on how the media are reporting on different subjects and sports. The purpose of this study is to see how entertainment media can potentially make an imprint on the media’s agenda setting through intermedial agenda setting. We are using the tv-series Formula 1: Drive to survive as a case to see the differences in how the media are reporting on the sport between two different time periods. To accomplish this we are using a quantitative content analysis where we analyze articles, collected with mediearkivet retriever, with the help of SPSS. We analyzed 200 articles with 100 articles taken from the time period of 2015-2018 and the remaining 100 articles taken from the period 2019-2022. The theoretical framework of the study is the agenda setting theory, intermedial agenda setting and framing theory. The results of the study show increases in, among other things, the amount of press releases and articles dealing with economics as a subject. In the study, it was also analyzed if the occurrence of rumors and speculation was high in the reporting, but it turned out not to be. We have seen more countries reporting on Formula 1 in the second time period. The analysis showed a decrease in the number of notices in the second time period and also an increase in the number of press releases in the same time period. The only significant differences in scope of the articles were that the standard deviation was markedly lower in the second time period. The representation of Formula 1 does not seem to have changed in any significant way after Formula 1: Drive to Survive. Based on our study, there are few differences between the time periods. In this study and in this case, we do not see that there has been any significant intermedial agenda setting, even if the public has possibly gained a greater interest in Formula 1 after Formula 1: Drive to Survive.

Relationsvåld i dagspressen : En analys av ett urval publicerade tidningsartiklar under 1970-talet avseende våld i nära relation / Violence in relationship in the daily press : An analysis of a selection of newspaper articles during the 1970s regarding intimate partner violence

Wickman Tiller, Angelica, Zhou, Celine January 2023 (has links)
Dagspressen har en samhällsfunktion som skapar intresse, förargelse, glädje eller avsmak för att lyckas med detta behöver varje journalist, redaktör och läsare bearbeta och fundera över den rapportering som görs. I denna undersökning har tjugo olika artiklar fördelat hälften var i dagstidningarna Svenska Dagbladet och Dagens Nyheter analyserats kring hur de har rapporterat, debatterat eller bara diskuterat våld i nära relation och hustrumisshandel under 1970-talet. Forskningsläget har indikerat att dagspressen har ansvar i vilka frågor och vad som skapar stora samhällsfrågor. Undersökningen har visat att pressen rapporterar om orsaker, konsekvenser och detaljerade scenarion kring våld i nära relation men också att den arbetar med stora frågor i debatterande och diskuterande former. Dagspressen har dessutom förändrat hur rapporteringen ser ut under den undersökta perioden, vad som blivit viktigt att förmedla och hur det har förmedlats. / The daily press has a social function that creates interest, anger, joy, or distaste. To succeed in this, every journalist, editor, and reader needs to process and think about the reporting that is done. In this survey, twenty different articles, divided equally between the daily newspapers Svenska Dagbladet and Dagens Nyheter, have been analyzed. The analysis has focused on how the articles have reported, debated, or just discussed violence in intimate relationships and wife abuse during the 1970s. Previous research shows that the daily press has responsibility in critical issues in society. The survey has shown that the press reports on causes, consequences and detailed scenarios around violence in close relationships and that it works with major issues in debating and discussions as well. Over the investigated period, the daily press has also changed how the reporting presented, what is seen as important to convey and how.

En aktuell studie för den lilla människan : Kvantitativ innehållsanalys av Lilla Aktuellt då och nu

Valberg, Linus, Frank-Logue, Molly January 2016 (has links)
This thesis examines the representation of interviewees according to apperance and time of apperance in the Swedish children’s news programme Lilla Aktuellt, 1994 and 2014 set out from an intersectional perspective. The thesis therefore examines whom of the interviewees that is over-and underrepresented in the programme, when it comes to the collaboration of the chosen categories: Sex, Age and Ethnicity. As researchers point out that a high frequency in appearance in media means domination and a conception of representing the norm in society this thesis therefore also does examine the superiority and inferiority that occures in the programme both years.   The result of this thesis show that there has been changes in the representation over time. All groups of children have been given a larger amout of space while the representation of all groups of people that don’t follow the ethnical norm, basically hasn’t changed at all. Amongst the different sexes there has been a fairly more even representation over time. The overall results show that there has been a slightly more balanced distribution over time between all of the groups appearances and time of appearances. Therefore not said that there isn’t room for improvement, on the contrary there are still things to be done for a greater representation according to multiplicity and equality in Lilla Aktuellt.   Of all the groups of interviewees in Lilla Aktuellt the people that are “male and not children who follow the ethnical norm” have decreased their visability most over time and are therefore the ones that have decreased their power most. The people that are “female children who don’t follow the ethnical norm” are the ones that have increased their visability most over time thus this means that they are the ones that have increased their power most over time.

Socialtjänst och media : En kvantitativ studie över socialtjänstens framställning i dagspressen åren 1997, 2007 och 2017 / Media and Social Service : A quantitative study of the representation of the social service in the daily press in the years 1997, 2007 and 2017

Nilsson, Sara, Åberg, Markus January 2018 (has links)
The aim of this study was to examine the representation over time of the Swedish social service in the national daily press. More specifically, its aim was to compare the years 1997, 2007 and 2017 and examine any differences and patterns in the reporting due to social changes in society. As this study was based on quantitative content analysis, all articles published in four of the largest national papers during those years, containing the word ”socialtjänsten” [the social service] were read. A code schedule with six themes were made to be used when reading the articles. The themes were: 1) Name of the newspaper. 2) Year of publication. 3) Character of article; news or editorial. 4) Field of social service; e.g. ’child welfare’. 5) Level of analysis; micro, meso or macro. 6) Rating of the social service; positive, negative or neutral. The analysis was based on three media theories; agenda setting, news valuation and framing. As a conclusion the valuation of the social service seems to be pretty much the same over the years; almost two of five articles has a negative valuation of the social service and three of five articles has a neutral valuation of the social service. In relation to that approximately two of one hundred articles has a positive valuation of the social service. Editorial material tends to valuate the social service more negative than news material. The level of analysis seems to have changed to fewer articles on a micro-level in 2017 than in 1997. The five most common fields associated with the social service are youth criminality, child welfare, social service as an organisation, economic aid and migration.

Kampen om tidningssidorna: landsort vs. storstad : En kvantitativ innehållsanalys av landsorts- och storstadsnyheter i två rikstäckande tidningar / The battle of the newspaper pages: rural vs. urban : A quantitative content analysis of rural and urban news in two national newspapers

Jonsson, Jon January 2015 (has links)
The purpose of this essay is to examine and compare the news covering of Swedens three biggest cities (the metropolitan areas) and their surrounding areas with the covering of the rest of the country (the provincial areas) in two daily national newspapers, Aftonbladet and Dagens Nyheter. The aim has been to answer the following questions:- What amount of the news coverage in Aftonbladet and Dagens Nyheter concern the metropolitan areas compared to the provincial areas, and how do these two newspapers differ in the news covering of these areas?- Is there a difference in the news articles size and content, depending on weather they concern the metropolitan or the provincial areas?- How has the balance between news concerning metropolitan and provincial areas changed over the recent 20 years?The theories used in this study are News values, the media commercialization and Popular Journalism, and The Agenda Setting Theory. The method that has been used is a Quantitative Content Analysis.Despite the essays hypothesis, that the news coverage in the two newspapers would be dominated by material from the metropolitan areas, the result showed that a majority of the examined articles concern the provincial areas. It also showed that Aftonbladet has a bigger percentage of provincial news than Dagens Nyheter. The result also pointed towards the conclusion that the metropolitan areas and the provincial areas are similarly represented in the news, regarding the articles’ sizes and content.The overall conclusion in this study is that the fact that the provincial areas are being overrepresented in the examined newspapers news coverage ought to mean that the consumers of these papers are probable to get a wide, true image of what is Sweden, considering the Agenda setting theory and it’s view on how the media’s priorities will become important to the public.

Granskning av Parken Zoo i medier : En kvantitativ och kvalitativ studie om mediernas bevakning av Parken Zoo händelsen / A study of the Parken Zoo incident in media : A quantitative and a qualitative analysis of the Parken Zoo incident in the media

Pörhölä, Susanna January 2013 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to investigate how media has followed the Parken Zoo incident and analyse how media convey the issue about the Parken Zoo incident. The different results have been compared. To answer the purpose of the study three issues has been formulated:  how do the different media relate to the ideal of objectivity? Who come across and get to speak in the different media? What differences and similarities are in the media?    The theories that have been used in this study are mainly McCombs theory of agenda setting, Strömbäck’s theory of framing and theory of media logic, Kovach & Rosenstiel theories of journalism and Manning’s theory of objectivity. The methods that have been used are a combination of a quantitative content analysis and a qualitative semiotic analysis. The material that has been observed in this study is newspaper articles, television news reports and television programs.   The results of the quantitative analysis showed that articles of Eskiltuna Kuriren, news reports of SVT1 and the program Debatt had most objectivity in there reporting. The news reports of TV4 and program Kalla Fakta had most biased reporting of the incident. The qualitative analysis showed that SVT1 news broadcast was more objective and TV4 news broadcast was more biased. The mainly sources in the media that has been used was the other media, the president to Parken Zoo and veterinaries. The newspapers used sources from other media, like the program Kalla Fakta, then also former employees from Parken Zoo and veterinaries. SVT1 and program Debatt used more other sources, more sources from Parken Zoo. In the qualitative analysis the result showed that the news broadcast from TV4 had the focus on how the Parken Zoo takes care of the animals, that they have put to death pumas and that Helena Olsson had lied to TV4. The broadcast from SVT1 focused on the mistakes Parken Zoo had done but also how they are going to fix the problems that they have. The news broadcasts gave different kind of framing effects to the viewers.

Gestaltningen av diabetes i svensk press : En kvantitativ innehållsanalys av svenska dags- och kvällstidningar. / Framing of diabetes in the Swedish press: a quantitative content analysis of Swedish daily and evening newspapers

Sandqvist, Cecilia January 2018 (has links)
Background: Diabetes is a global health issue on the rise. Besides genetics as a cause of diabetes, diet, weight and lifestyle are amongst the main factors. Due to the modernized society, new technology and risks, there has been a shift in responsibility of safety and health. As a part of a health promoting policy development during the last few decades there has also been a natural de-authorization of health knowledge and expertise. Governmental expertise has been decentralized to the society and so has the responsibilities. Traces of this new health paradigm can be seen in the media discourse. It has been seen in studies of the reporting of diabetes in North American press, that societal factors – such as labor market, health care and infrastructure – often get veiled by individuals’ responsibility and guilt due to lifestyle and life choices. This affects how individuals feel about their life situation and how the public perceive them.     Method and material: A quantitative content analysis was performed on 112 articles from six Swedish broadsheet and tabloid newspapers. The articles were coded with variables measuring article theme, dominant framing of diabetes´ causes and whose responsibility, what arguments are used and what agents with dignity can be seen. Excerpts from the articles were also analyzed with qualitative tools as modality and argumentation analysis. Results: Similarities between the Swedish and the North American newspapers were discovered. Societal factors and structures as causes and means of responsibilities were not as prominent as those aiming for the individual. The responsibility of the society was also reported to a much greater extent than society as a factor contributing to cause diabetes. This can be considered a sign of the health promoting strategy and the individualism that is rooted in modernization, industrialization and economic liberalization. Doctors and scientists were given dignity as often as celebrities and private citizens, which indicates the de-authorization of health knowledge and the further use of scientists and doctors as a truth repository in media. Several of the articles concern the critique of the diabetes unawareness and predominant individual responsibility that was the outset of this study. Celebrities and private citizens were frequently given dignity in these cases. In their criticizing, high modality contributed to a strong authority in their knowledge. / Grund för forskningsfrågan: Diabetes av olika slag drabbar ett växande antal människor världen över. Sjukdomen tros främst bero på genetik och omgivande faktorer så som livsstil, vilken påverkas av den omgivande miljön. Det har visat sig i studier av rapportering kring sjukdomen i bland annat nordamerikansk press att samhälleliga faktorer ofta hamnar i skymundan och att skulden och ansvaret för sjukdomen framstår ligga hos individen och dess egenvalda livsstil. Detta kan bero på en hälsofrämjande strategi som setts växa fram under de senaste decennierna, som en reaktion på effekterna av teknisk utveckling, modernisering och marknadskrafter. Strategin har inneburit en naturlig av-auktorisering av hälsokunskapen och individualisering av ansvaret. Detta hälsoparadigm återspeglas i medierna.   Studien: Denna studie undersöker rapporteringen av diabetes i svensk press, genom en kvantitativ innehållsanalys av 112 artiklar från sex svenska dags- och kvällstidningar. Materialet kodades med variabler för bland annat artikeltema, dominant gestaltning av orsak samt ansvar för diabetes, vilka argument som förekommer och vilka aktörer som tillskrivs dignitet i sammanhanget. Detta kompletterades med en kvalitativ analys av några textutdrag från materialet, med verktyg och begrepp från och argumentationsanalys samt det lingvistiska begreppet modalitet.   Resultat: Det framträder stora likheter mellan de svenska tidningarna och de nordamerikanska. Samhällsstrukturer som orsak till och ansvar för diabetes framgår inte i samma utsträckning som individens roll. Samhällets ansvar för sjukdomen framgår dock i större utsträckning än dess skuld, vilket går i linje med individualiseringen av hälsoansvaret. Läkare och professorer tillsammans förekommer med dignitet i ungefär lika många artiklar som privatpersoner och kändisar tillsammans, vilket indikerar avauktoriseringen av hälsokunskapen, och den fortsatta användningen av läkare och professorer som ett slags ”sanningsvittnen”. I flera artiklar framträder just den kritik mot okunskap kring sjukdomen och hur individerna själva måste arbeta för att förändra läget, en utgångspunkt för denna studie. Kändisar och privatpersoner fick i dessa fall dignitet. I deras kritiserande av andra uttalanden de inte höll med i, agerade hög modalitet en faktor som gav dem auktoritet i sina uttalanden.

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