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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

"Man utnyttjar domarens roll för att sätta en bra rubriksättning.." : Kvalitativ studie av medierepresentation av ishockeydomaren och dess påverkan på domaryrket / "Media uses the officials for a headline.." : Qualitative study of media representation of the ice hockey referee and its impact on the refereeing profession

Lundin, Emma January 2021 (has links)
Studien behandlar huruvida medierepresentationer av elitdomare i svensk elitishockey påverkar domaryrket. Genom kvalitativ metod med intervjuer med sex utvalda domare på elitnivå baserad på deras erfarenheter kring domaryrket har frågor besvarats kring den upplevda medierepresentationen, hur den påverkar yrket samt vilka konsekvenser medierepresentationen kan medföra. Respondenternas svar har analyserats genom innehållsanalys för att finna teman vid likheter och skillnader. Studiens resultat visade att domarna inte upplever en direkt påverkan från media i arenarummet. Påverkan på domaren kommer i efterhand i form av negativa rubriker samt frekvent ökning av hot och våld. Domarna upplever att media utnyttjar domarnas yrkesroll för att skapa rubriker bra nog för klicks. Domarna upplever att de enbart får medialtid när de har begått misstag under matcher och sällan vid goda prestationer. Domarna upplever att media skapar en sanning för en gemeneman vilket resulterar i ökade hot mot domarna för att de har förstört en match. Konsekvenserna kan vid stora hot mot domarna resultera i att domarna överväger att sluta.

Mediebilder av Malmöförorter : En kritisk diskursanalys av medias beskrivning av tre förorter i Malmö och dess invånare / Media Images of Malmö Suburbs : A Critical Discourse Analysis of the Media's Description of three Suburbs in Malmö and its Inhabitants

Grbic, Marija January 2024 (has links)
I denna undersökning har jag haft som syfte att undersöka hur media beskriver tre områden byggda under miljonprogrammet: Lindängen, Nydala och Rosengård och dess invånare med utgångspunkt från Sydsvenskan och Aftonbladet. Detta har gjorts med hjälp av kritisk diskursanalys samt tidigare forskning och teorier. Utifrån de fem olika teman, miljö och arkitektur, levnadsmiljö, utbildning och arbetslöshet, kriminalitet och brott samt Vi och dem har jag försökt skapa en så bred bild som möjligt. Studiens övergripande slutsats är att dessa områden konsekvent beskrivs i termer som betonar socioekonomisk utsatthet, kriminalitet och problematiska samhällsförhållanden. Invånarna framställs som bristande i hygien, med låg utbildningsnivå och utländsk härkomst. Beskrivningar som dessa förstärker negativa stereotyper och bidrar till en bild av områdena och dess invånare som avvikande och separerade från resten av samhället. / In this paper I have sought to investigate how media portrays three different boroughs inMalmö city built up during the so-called “million programme”, namely: Lindängen, Nydalaand Rosengård and its residents, based on the publications of the newspapers Sydsvenskanand Aftonbladet. The means used for the investigation are mainly critical discourse analysiscoupled with previous research and theories. In order to achieve a broad description of theproblem, this paper has centered around the five central themes of: environment &architecture, living environment, education & worklessness, criminality & crime and “Weand them”. The resulting conclusion of this study is that the three named burroughs areconsistently portrayed in the aforementioned media outlets as areas overrun bysocioeconomic degradation, criminal activity and problematic societal relationships. Theresidents are portrayed as lacking in hygiene, with a low level of education, and of foreignorigin.These types of descriptions in media enhance negative stereotypes and contribute to animage of these areas as containing inhabitants which are deviant and isolated from society asa whole.

En ny fluga på utdöende : Hur tatueringen och den tatuerade människan konstruerats i svensk dagspress under två sekel / A new trend on extinction : The Construction of Tattoos and the Tattooed person by Swedish Newspapers for Two Centuries

Meyer, Helena January 2021 (has links)
In this thesis, I argue that the modern view on tattooing as a new trend and its former association with antisocial people is an old trope, in many ways constructed by the newspapers.  Tattooing is a practice with a long and multifaceted history. From Ötzi the iceman to the presumed tattoo-boom or tattoo-renaissance in the late twentieth century, it has waxed and waned in popularity but never fully got out of sight. The inhabitants of Sweden's capital city Stockholm are said to be the world's most tattooed people.  The Swedish word for tattoo: tatuering, was introduced in 1799 in an article about natives in the South Pacific. For about half a century, the newspapers mostly wrote about tattooing as a native practice in faraway countries. But, as far back as 1869, the Swedish newspapers started to report on a more western-centered tattoo interest. Approximately 30 years later, it was also reported as a trend attracting new target groups such as women and nobility in America and Britain. Since then, Swedish newspapers have repeatedly described tattooing alternatively as a new trend reaching out to new target groups, a practice on the brink of extinction, a danger to the health, or a stigmatizing mark. The tattooed person has been depicted as odd, self-destructive, an outcast, or incapable of making their own decisions. Authorities such as medics, scholars, social workers, and journalists have taken a right to interpret, discuss and judge the choices of other people. From researching Swedish Newspapers from 1799 to 1999, I conclude that the modern reports on tattooing as a trend, a danger, or a sign of deviance is a narrative with a long history. The view of tattooed people as odd, strange, and victims of self-destructive behavior is a discourse with an equally long tradition. Further, I argue that the tattooed person, when interviewed or depicted to this day, is constructed by old conceptions and stereotypes. The result is that people with an interest in tattooing internalizes prejudices as a self-image. This image is either promoted and self-encouraged, or the object of denial, and a wish to be seen as a whole person, not a stereotype or cliché.

Public Service framtid i de ungas händer : En kvalitativ studie om gymnasieelevers användande av och åsikter om svensk public service. / The future of Public Service - in the hands of the youth : A qualitative study on high school students' use of and opinions about Swedish public service.

Åberg, Elsa, Andreasson, Alice January 2023 (has links)
Public service media has a big role in the traditional media in Sweden. Historically, they constructed a shared cultural reference and applied news and facts to people to make it possible for them to be educated citizens. However, public service and other traditional media have a difficulty reaching young people today. At the same time young people are the group that consumes the most amount of media. Therefore, it is relevant to study what they consume and what they discard - and why. Especially why they don’t consume the content provided by Swedish public service media. Because if they don’t consume it now, will they in the future?       This qualitative study aims to examine how young people in Sweden use public service media and whether they value it as a public service. To do this, we conducted four focus groups with a total of twelve 18-year-olds. The result shows that even though few of them choose to consume content from the public service media, most of them have a positive association of it and value it as a public service. Many said that they trust that they follow their assignment to serve the public and that they produce objective and accurate news. However, the knowledge about the way public service media is organized and financed was shallow at best. It appears that the main reason they don’t consume the content is that they don’t come across it where they consume media. The interviewees that did consume public service media content did so on a different platform such as Spotify or YouTube. So the difficulty in reaching the young audience might not be because of the content, but that they don’t even know of its existence.

Spelet bakom orden : En kvantitativ analys av könsskillnader i fotbollsintervjuer

Mörtel, Klara January 2024 (has links)
I denna c-uppsats utforskas den könsrelaterade dynamiken i medierapportering av svensk fotboll. Studien analyserar videointervjuer från Herrallsvenskan och Damallsvenskan för att avslöja eventuella könsskillnader i sportjournalistik och dess inverkan på samhälleliga normer och värderingar. Denna forskning tar sig an en tidigare outforskad aspekt av sportjournalistik genom att granska och jämföra frågeställningarna som riktas mot manliga och kvinnliga fotbollsspelare under videointervjuer. Forskningsfrågorna i uppsatsen är följande: Hur skiljer sig bevakningen och rapporteringen av manliga och kvinnliga fotbollsspelare under en säsong? Samt, Hur skiljer sig de frågor som ställs i svenska fotbollsintervjuer gentemot manliga och kvinnliga fotbollsspelare? Dessa frågor är avgörande för att förstå den övergripande mediabilden och hur kön gestaltas i sportjournalistiken.  Teoretiskt stödjer sig uppsatsen på en rad teorier som ger en djupare förståelse för mediernas roll i samhället och hur de formar uppfattningar om kön och könsroller inom sporten. Dessa inkluderar Journalistikens Makt, Intervjuns Makt, Kön och Genus, Gestaltningsteorin, och Dagordningsteorin. Var och en av dessa teorier belyser olika aspekter av hur könsmönster och maktrelationer skiljer sig i medierapportering och representation inom sportjournalistiken. Metodologiskt använder studien kvantitativ innehållsanalys för att systematiskt analysera och jämföra de könsrelaterade skillnaderna i intervjuerna. Denna noggranna metodik möjliggör en kvantifiering och analys av hur kön påverkar frågor och narrativ som presenteras för spelarna, och ger värdefulla insikter i hur medieinnehållet kan bidra till normbildning och representation inom idrott och media.  Resultaten identifierar betydande könsskillnader i sportjournalistikens gestaltning, med manliga idrottare som får mer frekventa och prestationsinriktade intervjuer, medan kvinnliga idrottare ställs bredare frågor, vilket riskerar att förstärka stereotypa uppfattningar. En tendens där intervjuare och intervjuade delar kön, påvisar en potentiell segregation, men rapportering om bland annat känslor och domslut visar på könsneutralitet. Studien har betydande relevans för flera områden, inklusive medie- och kommunikationsvetenskap, idrottsvetenskap, samt för praktiker inom mediebranschen och idrottsorganisationer. Den bidrar till en förståelse av hur könsaspekter och genusgestaltning skiljer sig i medieinnehållet och sportjournalistiken, och kan hjälpa till att forma mer jämställda och inkluderande mediepraktiker. / In this bachelor's thesis, the gender-related dynamics in media reporting of Swedish football are explored. The study analyzes video interviews from the Men's Allsvenskan and Women's Damallsvenskan to reveal any gender differences in sports journalism and its impact on societal norms and values. This research addresses a previously unexplored aspect of sports journalism by examining and comparing the questions directed at male and female football players during video interviews. The research questions in the thesis are as follows: How does the coverage and reporting of male and female football players differ over a season? And, How do the questions asked in Swedish football interviews differ between male and female football players? These questions are crucial for understanding the overall media image and how gender is portrayed in sports journalism.  Theoretically, the thesis relies on a number of theories that provide a deeper understanding of the media's role in society and how they shape perceptions of gender and gender roles within sports. These include the Power of Journalism, the Power of the Interview, Gender and Gender Studies, Representation Theory, and Agenda Setting Theory. Each of these theories highlights different aspects of how gender patterns and power relations differ in media reporting and representation within sports journalism. Methodologically, the study uses quantitative content analysis to systematically analyze and compare the gender-related differences in the interviews. This meticulous methodology enables a quantification and analysis of how gender affects the questions and narratives presented to the players, and provides valuable insights into how media content can contribute to norm formation and representation within sports and media.  The results identify significant gender differences in the portrayal of sports journalism, with male athletes receiving more frequent and performance-oriented interviews, while female athletes are asked broader questions, which risks reinforcing stereotypical perceptions. A tendency where interviewers and interviewees share gender shows a potential segregation, but reporting on emotions and rulings indicates gender neutrality. The study has significant relevance for several areas, including media and communication studies, sports science, as well as for practitioners in the media industry and sports organizations. It contributes to an understanding of how gender aspects and gender representation differ in media content and sports journalism, and can help to shape more equal and inclusive media practices.

En annan Anna och Thomas nya steg : En diskursanalys av svenska nyhetstidningars förändrade framställning av Anna Holmlund och Thomas Fogdö efter funktionsnedsättningar / Another Anna and the new step of Thomas : A discourse analysis covering the altered representation by swedish newspapers of Anna Holmlund and Thomas Fogdö following disabilities

Norell, Jesper, Storfors, Lina January 2019 (has links)
The aim of this thesis was to examine how the media representation of elite skiers Anna Holmlund and Thomas Fogdö was altered following their accidents resulting in disabilities. In order to examine this a critical discourse analysis was performed on 16 newspaper articles from Tidningarnas Telegrambyrå, Expressen, Dagens Nyheter, Göteborgs-posten, Sundsvalls Tidning and Aftonbladet, out of which eight of them had been published before the skiers respective accidents and the other eight afterwards. The results showed that swedish newspapers shifted their focus from how the skiers performed in competitions prior to their accidents to how their bodies functioned and how they would perform everyday tasks following the accidents. We found that this would distance Holmlund and Fogdö, representing them as deviants when compared to non-disabled people. In contrast to this we found that Holmlund and Fogdö would be allowed to talk about or show their lives and bodies in great detail. This would seem to function as a way of teaching non-disabled people of what it’s like to live with a disability. Through this Holmlund and Fogdö were represented as ambassadors for the disabled collective. We also found that there was a risk of objectification which would increase in connection with a decrease in Holmlund and Fogdö’s represented ability to communicate and function as a non-disabled person does. This also appears to increase the risk of having one’s voice excluded by other people talking in one’s place.

Gestaltningen av diabetes i svensk press : En kvantitativ innehållsanalys av svenska dags- och kvällstidningar. / Framing of diabetes in the Swedish press: a quantitative content analysis of Swedish daily and evening newspapers

Sandqvist, Cecilia January 2018 (has links)
Background: Diabetes is a global health issue on the rise. Besides genetics as a cause of diabetes, diet, weight and lifestyle are amongst the main factors. Due to the modernized society, new technology and risks, there has been a shift in responsibility of safety and health. As a part of a health promoting policy development during the last few decades there has also been a natural de-authorization of health knowledge and expertise. Governmental expertise has been decentralized to the society and so has the responsibilities. Traces of this new health paradigm can be seen in the media discourse. It has been seen in studies of the reporting of diabetes in North American press, that societal factors – such as labor market, health care and infrastructure – often get veiled by individuals’ responsibility and guilt due to lifestyle and life choices. This affects how individuals feel about their life situation and how the public perceive them.     Method and material: A quantitative content analysis was performed on 112 articles from six Swedish broadsheet and tabloid newspapers. The articles were coded with variables measuring article theme, dominant framing of diabetes´ causes and whose responsibility, what arguments are used and what agents with dignity can be seen. Excerpts from the articles were also analyzed with qualitative tools as modality and argumentation analysis. Results: Similarities between the Swedish and the North American newspapers were discovered. Societal factors and structures as causes and means of responsibilities were not as prominent as those aiming for the individual. The responsibility of the society was also reported to a much greater extent than society as a factor contributing to cause diabetes. This can be considered a sign of the health promoting strategy and the individualism that is rooted in modernization, industrialization and economic liberalization. Doctors and scientists were given dignity as often as celebrities and private citizens, which indicates the de-authorization of health knowledge and the further use of scientists and doctors as a truth repository in media. Several of the articles concern the critique of the diabetes unawareness and predominant individual responsibility that was the outset of this study. Celebrities and private citizens were frequently given dignity in these cases. In their criticizing, high modality contributed to a strong authority in their knowledge. / Grund för forskningsfrågan: Diabetes av olika slag drabbar ett växande antal människor världen över. Sjukdomen tros främst bero på genetik och omgivande faktorer så som livsstil, vilken påverkas av den omgivande miljön. Det har visat sig i studier av rapportering kring sjukdomen i bland annat nordamerikansk press att samhälleliga faktorer ofta hamnar i skymundan och att skulden och ansvaret för sjukdomen framstår ligga hos individen och dess egenvalda livsstil. Detta kan bero på en hälsofrämjande strategi som setts växa fram under de senaste decennierna, som en reaktion på effekterna av teknisk utveckling, modernisering och marknadskrafter. Strategin har inneburit en naturlig av-auktorisering av hälsokunskapen och individualisering av ansvaret. Detta hälsoparadigm återspeglas i medierna.   Studien: Denna studie undersöker rapporteringen av diabetes i svensk press, genom en kvantitativ innehållsanalys av 112 artiklar från sex svenska dags- och kvällstidningar. Materialet kodades med variabler för bland annat artikeltema, dominant gestaltning av orsak samt ansvar för diabetes, vilka argument som förekommer och vilka aktörer som tillskrivs dignitet i sammanhanget. Detta kompletterades med en kvalitativ analys av några textutdrag från materialet, med verktyg och begrepp från och argumentationsanalys samt det lingvistiska begreppet modalitet.   Resultat: Det framträder stora likheter mellan de svenska tidningarna och de nordamerikanska. Samhällsstrukturer som orsak till och ansvar för diabetes framgår inte i samma utsträckning som individens roll. Samhällets ansvar för sjukdomen framgår dock i större utsträckning än dess skuld, vilket går i linje med individualiseringen av hälsoansvaret. Läkare och professorer tillsammans förekommer med dignitet i ungefär lika många artiklar som privatpersoner och kändisar tillsammans, vilket indikerar avauktoriseringen av hälsokunskapen, och den fortsatta användningen av läkare och professorer som ett slags ”sanningsvittnen”. I flera artiklar framträder just den kritik mot okunskap kring sjukdomen och hur individerna själva måste arbeta för att förändra läget, en utgångspunkt för denna studie. Kändisar och privatpersoner fick i dessa fall dignitet. I deras kritiserande av andra uttalanden de inte höll med i, agerade hög modalitet en faktor som gav dem auktoritet i sina uttalanden.

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