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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Psicodinâmica e qualidade de vida do médico: um estudo transversal em Botucatu-SP / Psychodynamics and physician quality of life: a cross-sectional study in Botucatu-SP

Benedito Carlos Miranda da Silva 24 May 2013 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: A Psicodinâmica é o estudo da interação das forças psíquicas que subsidiam o funcionamento mental. A dinâmica mental interfere na qualidade de vida de um indivíduo, na medida em que modifica a percepção que ele tem da própria existência. O papel da psicodinâmica sobre a qualidade de vida ainda é pouco estudado. OBJETIVOS: Estudar, de forma transversal, a relação entre psicodinâmica e qualidade de vida na população de médicos de Botucatu, para testar a hipótese de que quanto melhor a psicodinâmica do médico melhor a sua qualidade de vida. MÉTODOS: Foram enviados questionários, com carta-resposta, para 602 médicos (população referenciada). As variáveis independentes (Psicodinâmica) foram obtidas por meio de duas escalas: a) Defense Style Questionnaire (DSQ-40), que avalia e classifica os mecanismos de defesa do ego em maduros, neuróticos e imaturos; b) Bell Object Relations and Reality Test Inventory (BORRTI - Forma O), que avalia e classifica as relações objetais (alienação, egocentrismo, vinculação insegura e incapacidade social) em normais e patológicas. As variáveis dependentes (qualidade de vida) foram avaliadas pelo World Health Organization Quality of Life (WHOQOL-Abreviado), que fornece escores para os quatro domínios: físico, psicológico, relações sociais e meio ambiente. As variáveis moderadoras foram obtidas por meio de um questionário sóciodemográfico. A análise estatística foi feita por meio dos seguintes testes: Shapiro-Wilk, Kolmogorov-Smirnov, Mann-Whitney, Coeficiente de Spearman e modelos de regressão linear com resposta Gamma. Foram utilizados os softwares SPSS versão 17, R versão 2.11.0 e Graph Pad versão 5.0. RESULTADOS: Foram respondidos 198 (33%) questionários válidos. Os seguintes resultados foram obtidos: a média (± desvio padrão) de idade foi de 47,6 (± 11,12) anos e o sexo masculino foi de 53,5%. A presença de perfil patológico nas relações objetais do tipo alienação, egocentrismo e vinculação insegura reduziu os escores dos domínios psicológico (p < 0,001) e relações sociais (p < 0,001), da qualidade de vida. A presença do fator imaturo das defesas do ego reduziu os escores dos domínios físico (p < 0,0001) e meio ambiente (p < 0,0001), da qualidade de vida. DISCUSSÃO: Defesas imaturas do ego dificultam a adaptação do indivíduo à vida profissional e conjugal, enquanto que a presença do perfil patológico das relações objetais leva à dificuldade em manter relacionamentos estáveis e à tendência a manipular as pessoas, apresentando-se socialmente inapto. Ou seja, médicos com esse perfil (de defesas e de relações objetais) devem enfrentar dificuldades para conviver com outras pessoas, inclusive com pacientes. Sua qualidade de vida é pior do que a de médicos com defesas maduras do ego e perfil normal de relações objetais. CONCLUSÕES: A psicodinâmica e a qualidade de vida do médico estão significativamente relacionadas. Os escores da qualidade de vida caem à medida que aumentam os escores das defesas imaturas do ego. Médicos com perfil patológico nas relações objetais apresentam menores escores de qualidade de vida, em relação àqueles com perfil normal / INTRODUCTION: Psychodynamics is the study of the psychological forces that underlie mental action. Ego defense mechanisms and object relations are psychodynamic aspects that affect quality of life as they alter people\'s perceptions of their own life. OBJECTIVES: To assess the influence of ego defense mechanisms and object relations on quality of life in a population of physicians, and thus test our hypothesis that mature ego defenses and normal object relations are associated with better physician quality of life. METHODS: In this cross- sectional study, questionnaires and pre-stamped return envelopes were sent to the population of physicians (602 individuals) living in the city of Botucatu, São Paulo. Psychodynamics was evaluated using the following instruments: a) Defense Style Questionnaire (DSQ-40), which assesses and classifies ego defense mechanisms as mature, neurotic, or immature; b) Bell Object Relations and Reality Test Inventory (BORRTI - Forma O), which assesses and classifies object relations (alienation, egocentricity, insecure attachment, and social incompetence) as either normal or pathological. Quality of life was assessed by the World Health Organization Quality of Life (WHOQOL-BREF) that was developed in the context of four domains of quality of life: physical health, psychological health, social relationships, and environment. Demographic data were obtained via a specific questionnaire. Statistical analyses were performed using the tests of Shapiro-Wilk, Kolmogorov-Smirnov, Mann-Whitney, Spearman\'s coefficient, and Gamma linear regression models with SPSS v. 17, R v. 2.11.0 and Graph Pad v. 5.0 software. RESULTS: A total of 198 questionnaires (33%) with valid responses were obtained. Among respondents, mean age was 47.6 ± 11 years, and the rate of males was 53.5%. High BORRTI scores (pathology) on the alienation, egocentricity and insecure attachment subscales were associated with reduced WHOQOL-BREF scores for the psychological health (p < 0,001) and social relationships (p < 0,001) domains. Immature ego defense mechanisms were associated with lower WHOQOL-BREF scores for the physical health (p < 0,0001) and environment (p < 0,0001) domains. DISCUSSION: Immature ego defenses impair adjustment to professional and marital life, while pathological object relations lead to difficulty in sustaining stable relationships and tendency to manipulate others, hence social ineptitude. Physicians with immature defenses and pathological object relations are, therefore, likely to find it hard to relate with other people, including patients. Their quality of life is worse in comparison with that of physicians with mature ego defenses and normal object relations. In the study population, both immature ego defenses and pathological object relations were associated with lower quality of life. CONCLUSIONS: Among physicians, quality of life is influenced by its psychodynamics, herein assessed through ego defense mechanisms and object relations

Perpetrators & Possibilities: Holocaust Diaries, Resistance, and the Crisis of Imagination

Tahvonen, Eryk Emil 03 August 2006 (has links)
This thesis examines the way genocide leaves marks in the writings of targeted people. It posits not only that these marks exist, but also that they indicate a type of psychological resistance. By focusing on the ways Holocaust diarists depicted Nazi perpetrators, and by concentrating on the ways language was used to distance the victim from the perpetrator, it is possible to see how Jewish diarists were engaged in alternate and subtle, but nevertheless important, forms of resistance to genocide. The thesis suggest this resistance on the part of victims is similar in many ways to well-known distancing mechanisms employed by perpetrators and that this evidence points to a “crisis of imagination” – for victims and perpetrators alike – in which the capability to envision negation and death, and to identify with the “Other” is detrimental to self-preservation.

Vers un approfondissement de l’évaluation des états mentaux : exploration de leurs propriétés et répercussions

Beaulieu-Pelletier, Geneviève 06 1900 (has links)
Les états mentaux réfèrent à la qualité de la capacité d’un individu à élaborer mentalement et à s’ouvrir à son expérience subjective dans l’ici et maintenant. Les divers états mentaux varient quant à la disponibilité des ressources représenta-tionnelles et affectives pouvant être activées afin d’organiser l’expérience vécue, ainsi que dans leur utilisation de stratégies défensives et d’autorégulation. La présente thèse avait pour objectifs 1) d’approfondir l’évaluation des états mentaux par le développement et la validation d’un instrument pratique, le Mental States Task (MST), développé afin d’évaluer différentes qualités d’états mentaux et 2) d’investiguer les propriétés psychiques et les répercussions des différents états mentaux. Le premier article avait pour but de valider le MST. La première partie de l’article est consacrée à la validation du MST dans sa version francophone, et la deuxième partie porte sur la traduction et la validation du MST dans sa version anglophone. Les résultats fournissent des indices convaincants de validité et de fidélité, ainsi qu’une valeur prédictive adéquate. Le MST semble représenter de façon conforme autant les états mentaux de bas niveau que de haut niveau selon le continuum de réflexivité. De fait, les états mentaux de bas niveau et de haut niveau ont été respectivement associés à un large spectre de construits négatifs/immatures et positifs/matures. De plus, chaque état mental évalué par le MST semble posséder des propriétés particulières relativement aux processus mentaux et émotionnels utilisés pour traiter l’expérience. Le second article avait pour objectif d’approfondir l’étude de la valeur prédictive du MST par le biais de l’évaluation des coûts psychiques engendrés par les différentes qualités d’états mentaux—coûts présumés dépendant des ressources représentationnelles disponibles et du type de stratégies de régulation utilisées. Les résultats suggèrent que les états mentaux de bas niveau génèrent des coûts énergétiques plus élevés, ayant pour répercussion d’entraîner subséquemment un effet de déplétion du moi. Inversement, les états mentaux de haut niveau engendrent de moindres coûts, protégeant contre un état subséquent de déplétion du moi. Le MST s’est avéré être un outil efficace d’évaluation des répercussions énergétiques occasionnées par les divers états mentaux. / Mental states refer to the quality of one’s capacity to mentally elaborate and open up to his/her subjective experience in the here-and-now moment. Mental states differ relatively to the availability of the representational and affective resources triggered in order to organize the experience, and in the type of defensive and self-regulatory strategies used. The aims of this thesis were 1) to deepen the evaluation of mental states through the creation and validation of a practical measure, the Mental States Task (MST), in order to evaluate differences in quality of mental states, and 2) to investigate the psychic properties and repercussions of the different mental states. The goal of the first article was to validate the MST. The first part of this article was dedicated to the validation of the French version of the MST, and the second part to the translation and validation of its English version. Results provide convincing evidence of validity and reliability, as well as an adequate predictive value with respect to a large range of related concepts, in both its French and English versions. The MST appears to well represent both low- and high-level mental states according to the reflective continuum, which were found to be linked to a large range of negative/immature and positive/mature constructs, respectively. In addition, each mental state measured by the MST appears to have particular characteristics relative to the mental and emotional processes used to deal with the experience. The purpose of the second article was to deepen the investigation of the predictive value of the MST, through the evaluation of the psychic costs generated by the different qualities of mental states—the costs presumably depending on the representational resources available and the regulatory strategies used. Results suggest that using low-level mental states generates higher energetic costs, resulting in a subsequent ego-depletion effect. Conversely, high-level mental states generate fewer costs, protecting from a subsequent ego-depletion effect. The MST appeared to be an efficient tool in the assessment of the energetic repercussions produced by the different mental sates.

O papel da sublimação no estudo freudiano do fenômeno religioso: uma releitura.

Josenildo José da Silva 01 March 2017 (has links)
O ser humano continua sendo a espécie diferenciada em meio a uma natureza tão vasta. Seu destaque lhe advém da sua capacidade de abstrair-se do dado imediato, de refletir sobre o mesmo e de lhe conferir significados. Esta sua posição, no entanto, não lhe coloca num lugar privilegiado de centralidade, ou ainda de primazia frente aos outros seres com os quais convive. Impõe-lhe, ao contrário, uma responsabilidade de cuidado sobre todo o cosmos. Por isso, ele está sempre buscando sentidos para o que lhe está em derredor. Entre os inúmeros caminhos trilhados pelo homem nesta busca de significação do mundo, tem sobressaído na contemporaneidade, como um elemento cada vez mais presente e atuante na vida das pessoas, a dimensão religiosa espiritual. Para além de todas as profecias de sua gradativa, mas inexorável, superação/eliminação da história humana e, também, contradizendo as muitas afirmativas feitas a seu respeito pelos vários processos de secularização, ela se encontra em nosso meio com nuances algumas vezes mais intensos e, em outros momentos, menos significativos. No entanto, sempre está presente. Nosso trabalho se apresenta como uma proposta de releitura psicanalítica deste fenômeno, a Religião, que ocupou na construção teórica de Sigmund Freud um lugar bastante significativo, revelando-se como uma realidade que lhe era verdadeiramente inquietante, o que se demonstra pelo número de suas aparições desde os seus primeiros construtos psicanalíticos até às vésperas de sua morte. Ainda que, declarando-se um ateu convicto, S. Freud sempre buscou uma compreensão mais acurada do fenômeno religioso e suas implicações na vida dos sujeitos humanos. Será possível à Religião constituir-se ao ser humano contemporâneo como um caminho sublimatório, em meio a tantos outros, que lhe auxilie na construção de sua subjetividade? O presente estudo foi realizado através de uma pesquisa de cunho bibliográfico dos principais textos de Sigmund Freud referentes à sublimação e ao fenômeno religioso, bem como de estudos realizados por importantes psicanalistas atuais e alguns sociólogos da religião. Nossa pesquisa pretendeu alcançar uma maior compreensão do conceito de sublimação na metapsicologia freudiana tendo em vista sua aplicação na releitura da experiência religiosa nos escritos de Sigmund Freud, superando, desta forma impasses entre as áreas da Psicanálise e da Religião e construindo, ao mesmo tempo, espaços de diálogo e mútuo enriquecimento entre os referidos campos de conhecimento do sujeito humano. / The human being remains as the differentiated species among such a vast nature. Its distinction comes from its ability to abstract itself from the immediate data, to reflect about it and give it meanings. This position, however, does not place him in a privileged place of centrality, or even of primacy over other beings with whom he coexists. It imposes, on the contrary, a responsibility of care over the whole cosmos. Therefore, he is always searching for meanings to what is around him. Among the countless paths that men have gone through during this search for meaning of the world, nowadays there is an element that is getting more and more present and active on the daily lives of people: the religious spiritual dimension. In addition to all the prophecies of its gradual but inexorable overcoming/elimination from human history, and also contradicting the many affirmations made about it by the various processes of secularization, it finds itself in our midst with nuances sometimes more intense and, at other times, less significant. However, it is always present. Our work is presented as a proposal of psychoanalytic re-reading, based on the concept of sublimation, of the religious phenomenon, which occupied very significant place in the theoretical construction of Sigmund S. Freud, revealing itself as a reality that was truly disturbing to him, which is demonstrated by the number of appearances since his first psychoanalytic constructs until the eve of his death. Even declaring himself a "convicted atheist," Freud has always sought a more accurate understanding of the religious phenomenon and its implications in the lives of human subjects. Is it possible for Religion to constitute the contemporary human being as a sublimatory way, among so many others, to assist it in the construction of its subjectivity? The present study was carried out through a bibliographical research of Sigmund Freud's main texts referring to sublimation and religious phenomena, as well as studies carried out by important current psychoanalysts and some sociologists of religion. Our research aimed to reach a greater understanding of the concept of sublimation in Freudian metapsychology in view of its application in re-reading religious experience in Sigmund Freud's writings, thus overcoming impasses between the areas of Psychoanalysis and Religion and, at the same time, Spaces of dialogue and mutual enrichment between the mentioned fields of knowledge of the human subject.

La résistance à l’interférence proactive en situation de rejet social et le rôle de la propension au clivage

Saleh, Gasser 08 1900 (has links)
Le clivage est un mécanisme de défense dans lequel les représentations positives et négatives de soi-même et d’autrui sont séparées afin d’éviter de ressentir l’anxiété. Les stresseurs interpersonnels provoqueraient des comportements impulsifs chez les individus ayant une propension au clivage élevée. Ceci dit, les processus cognitifs associés à la propension au clivage sont inconnus. La capacité de résistance à l’interférence proactive est la capacité de résister à l’intrusion en mémoire de travail de pensées impertinentes pour la tâche en cours. Ainsi, cette capacité pourrait jouer un rôle important dans la gestion de représentations et être diminuée par les stresseurs de nature interpersonnelle. La présente étude avait pour but de vérifier l’hypothèse voulant que la résistance à l’interférence proactive diminue dans une condition d’exclusion sociale et que cet effet soit augmenté par la propension au clivage. L’échantillon comprenait 131 individus provenant d’une population non-clinique. D’abord, ils ont complété un questionnaire mesurant la propension au clivage. Ensuite, ils ont été assignés aléatoirement à une condition soit d’exclusion sociale, soit d’inclusion sociale. Finalement, ils ont effectué une tâche de résistance à l’interférence proactive. Dans la condition d’exclusion, les participants commettent davantage d’erreurs sur les cibles négatives non récentes que sur les cibles négatives récentes à la tâche de résistance à l’interférence proactive. Aucune interaction n’a été obtenue entre la propension au clivage et les conditions sociales. Conséquemment, les processus cognitifs associés à la propension au clivage demeurent inconnus, mais des pistes d’explication sont explorées du point de vue méthodologique pour les recherches futures. / Splitting refers to a defense mechanism by which the positively and negatively charged representations of self and others are separated in order to protect oneself from several anxiety. Interpersonal stresses play a major role in triggering impulsive behaviors among individuals with a high splitting usage. However, the cognitive processes associated with the usage of splitting are unknown. Resistance to proactive interference is the ability to resist memory intrusions from irrelevant previously learned information. This cognitive ability might, thus, play an important role in regulating representations and be decreased by interpersonal stress. It is hypothesized that the resistance to proactive interference would decrease during social exclusion and this effect would be function of splitting use frequency. The sample consisted of 131 nonclinical individuals from student and general population. They completed a self-report splitting questionnaire. Then, they were randomly assigned to rejection or inclusion conditions on an interpersonal task. Finally, they performed a resistance to proactive interference task. In the rejection condition, the error rate on negative probes trials was higher than recent negative probes trials. Splitting usage did not interact with social condition in predicting the error rate in the resistance to proactive interference task. Consequently, the cognitive processes associated to splitting usage remain unknown but explanations are explored in a methodological view for future researches.

Skapande och Förgänglighet : Resultatet av ett utforskande av arbetsmiljörisker, och psykologiska försvarsmekanismer i relation till en konstnärlig skapandeprocess. / Creativity and impermanence : The result of an exploration of work environment risks, and psychological defense mechanisms in relation to an artistic creation process.

Widegren, Jonathan January 2023 (has links)
Vilken arbetsmiljö möter vi som konstnärer? Vad får våra kroppar hantera? I mitt konstnärliga utforskande har jag intresserat mig för de risker vi utsätter oss för i vår arbetsmiljö på Konstfack. Vardagen i verkstäderna för med sig många exempel på de utmaningar våra kroppar ställs inför.  Vi testar gärna nya tekniker, nya material, plaster och kemikalier med främmande egenskaper att förhålla sig till. Kroppen, materialet och arbetsmiljön har varit centralt närvarande i min process, men kanske framför allt frågan om varför vi så gärna bortser från de risker vi utsätter oss för. Hur hanterar vi vetskapen om hoten på ett psykologiskt plan?  Genom skulptur, hantverkstekniker och materialval har jag undersökt det luftburna hotet, ett ämne som lämnar utrymme för subjektivitet. Det är idén av ett hot, något abstrakt och osynligt, ibland förnimbart, ibland inte. Vad vi väljer att tro på kan i vissa fall ha större effekt än den faktiska materiella inverkan på våra kroppar. Något som länge ansetts vara helande kan plötsligt ses som skadligt – en dualitet som jag gett uttryck för i min gestaltning. Den mångbottnade upplevelsen av dessa hot har en förmåga att påverka varje del av våra liv. För att ge en upplevelse av kontroll och avdramatisera kroppens sårbarhet skapar vi undermedvetet nya beteendemönster, eller förändrar hela vår verklighetsuppfattning. Men vad händer om vi förlikar oss med det som rör sig i det undermedvetna? Kan vi internalisera vetskapen om kroppens sårbarhet? / What work environment do we encounter as artists? What can our bodies handle? In my artistic exploration, I have taken an interest in the risks we expose ourselves to in our work environment at Konstfack. Everyday life in the workshops brings many examples of the challenges our bodies face. We like to test new technologies, new materials, plastics, and chemicals with strange new properties to deal with. The body, the material, and the work environment have been central in my process, but perhaps above all the question of why we are so happy to ignore the risks we expose ourselves to. How do we deal with the knowledge of these threats on a psychological level? Through sculptural techniques and choice of materials, I have explored the airborne threat, a subject that leaves room for subjectivity. It is the idea of a threat, something abstract and invisible, sometimes tangible, sometimes not. What we choose to believe in can in some cases have a more significant effect than the actual material impact on our bodies. Something that has long been considered healing can suddenly be seen as harmful – a duality that I have expressed in my artistic exploration. The multifaceted experience of these threats has the ability to affect every part of our lives. To give an experience of control, and downplay the subconscious presence of the body's vulnerability we create new behavior patterns or change our entire perception of reality. But what happens if we come to terms with what moves in the subconscious? Can we internalize the knowledge of the body's vulnerability?

Embodied ideas and divided selves: revisiting Laing via Bakhtin

Burkitt, Ian, Sullivan, Paul W. January 2009 (has links)
In this article, we apply Mikhail Bakhtin's model of a 'divided self' to R.D. Laing's eponymous work on the lived experience of divided selves in 'psychosis'. Both of these authors offer intriguing insights into the fracturing of self through its social relationships (including the 'micro-dialogues' staged for oneself) but from uniquely different perspectives. Bakhtin (1984) uses Dostoevsky's novels as his material for a theory of self, centrally concerned with moments of split identity, crisis, and personal transformation, while Laing relies on his patient's accounts of 'psychosis'. We will outline how two key Bakhtinian divisions of the self (spirit/soul and authoritative/internally persuasive discourse) help to make sense of Laing's descriptions of his patient's experiences and micro-dialogues. Conversely, when refracted through Laing's phenomenology Bakhtin's account of the self becomes richer and somewhat darkened in terms of a double-edged ontology, which describes a maximally open self but one that is consumed by ideas, unable to manage their contradictions. The implications of this for managing the dilemmas of self-identity will be drawn out.

Measuring social competence, task competence and self-protection in an organisational context

Gold, Sharon January 2009 (has links)
Research Doctorate - Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) / In Chapter 1, I describe social competence, task competence and self-protection in an organisational context. In Chapter 2, I review key self theories and relate them to the self-competence construct. In Chapter 3, I review the research on self-competence to show that there is a need for a construct of social competence and self-protection. I discuss the limitations of three self-competence theories: Bandura’s (1977) self-efficacy theory, Williams and Lillibridge’s (1992) self-competence theory and Tafarodi & Swann’s (1995) self-competence/self-liking theory. In Chapter 4, I present my selfcompetence model. I raise the research questions and specify my hypotheses. In Chapter 5, I describe the construction of Social and Task Competence Scale. I present evidence of the reliability and factor structure of the Social and Task Competence Scale. I concluded that scale revisions were needed. In Chapter 6, I present evidence of the reliability, factor structure and predictive validity of the revised Social and Task Competence Scale and Self-Protection Scale. I describe the results of an experiment that investigated the interaction of task setting, social competence, task competence and selfprotection. I concluded that the measures predicted performance. In Chapter 7, I investigate the factor structure and reliability of the revised Social and Task Competence Scale and revised Self-Protection Scale. I provide evidence of the convergent and discriminant validity of these measures with reliable measures of self-competence, selfesteem, self-monitoring, personality and social desirability. In Chapter 8, I investigate the factor structure and reliability of the Social and Task Competence Scale and Self-Protection Scale after final revisions and show that these measures are acceptable for use in scientific research. I present evidence of their convergent validity with a valid andreliable measure of emotional intelligence, and describe experimental results that supported the hypothesised relationships between perceived task difficulty, social competence, task competence and self-protection and task performance. In Chapter 9, I discuss the implications of my research for self-competence theory, self-regulation and self-esteem and the prediction of social and task performance in organisations.

Adapting Psychotherapeutic Interventions to Major and Minor Image-Distorting Defense Mechanisms

Globe, Michelle 07 July 2023 (has links)
No description available.

Sustainable Management of Grapevine Trunk Diseases in Vineyard: Deliver Biocontrol Agents and Associated Molecules

Cunha Maia Leal, Catarina Da 12 January 2023 (has links)
[ES] Las plantas de vid (Vitis vinifera L.) están expuestas a una gran variedad de patógenos. En la actualidad, las enfermedades fúngicas de la madera de la vid (GTDs) se encuentran entre los principales factores que limitan la productividad de este cultivo. Una vez las vides están infectadas, la productividad de la planta disminuye, provocando una muerte lenta o apoplética. La investigación de agentes de control biológico (BCAs) capaces de prevenir, o al menos minimizar, el impacto de las GTDs, se considera una prioridad de investigación. En esta Tesis Doctoral se caracterizó un agente de biocontrol potencial y, junto con un producto comercial biológico ya registrado, fueron probados contra varios patógenos agentes causales de GTDs, en invernadero bajo condiciones controladas, y también durante el proceso de propagación de la vid en vivero. Los resultados del análisis genómico completo de Bacillus subtilis PTA-271 muestran un sistema funcional de motilidad de enjambre, una fuerte capacidad de supervivencia y un conjunto de genes que codifican sustancias bioactivas conocidas por estimular el crecimiento o las defensas de las plantas, influir en la microbiota beneficiosa y contrarrestar la agresividad de los patógenos. Cuando Bs PTA-271 se probó contra Neofusicoccum parvum BT67 en plantas injertadas de invernadero, Bs PTA-271 y Ta SC1 demostraron que el cultivar contribuye a los efectos beneficiosos de Bs PTA-271 y Ta SC1 contra Np-Bt67. La aplicación simultánea de ambos BCAs demostró ser beneficiosa contra este patógeno en vides del cultivar Tempranillo. El análisis transcriptómico de las mismas muestras mostró ampliamente los cambios en la fisiología de la planta inducidos tanto por Bs PTA-271 como por Ta SC1 para proteger la vid ante la infección por Np-Bt67. En Chardonnay, las plantas infectadas con Np-Bt67 presentan genes sobreexpresados que están implicados en las vías de señalización del acido absicico (ABA). En Tempranillo, la infección con Np-Bt67 provoca cambios de expresión en más de 200 genes, relacionados sobre todo con la importación de aminoácidos, procesos relacionados con el cloroplasto y el fotosistema, respuestas de la planta a estímulos bióticos y biosíntesis de metabolitos secundarios. La protección de Ta SC1 en las plantas de Tempranilllo implica un mayor número de cambios, que abarcan tanto el metabolismo primario como el secundario, relacionados con cambios en las señales hormonales, como con el aicdo absicico (ABA). Durante el proceso de producción de la vid en vivero, los resultados demostraron una reducción significativa del porcentaje de plantas infectadas con los patógenos asociados a las enfermedades de decaimiento por Botryosphaeria y Pie negro en el material de vivero tratado con Ta SC1 y Bs PTA-271 respectivamente. Los tratamientos simultáneos con ambos BCAs presentaron una reducción en el porcentaje de plantas infectadas con ambos tipos de patógenos. Al probar el efecto de Bs PTA-271 y Ta SC1 en el microbioma de la rizosfera de la vid de dos suelos diferentes infectados con patógenos del pie negro, los resultados muestran que la inoculación de los BCAs parece mejorar las redes del microbioma de la rizosfera y el estado de saneamiento, sin embargo, el efecto beneficioso de los BCAs puede ser dependiente del suelo. En general, este estudio aportó nuevos conocimientos sobre el uso de uno o más BCAs contra varios patógenos asociados a las GTDs, tanto en el vivero como en vides adultas (viñedo). Además, se destacó el modo de acción de ambos BCAs en la protección de la vid. Por lo tanto, estos hallazgos proporcionan, no sólo una mejor comprensión de las interacciones entre los BCAs, la vid y los patógenos, sino que también son una fuerte contribución a una estrategia de gestión sostenible de las GTDs. / [CA] Les plantes de vinya (Vitis vinifera L.) estan exposades a una gran varietat de patògens. En l'actualitat, les malalties fúngiques de la fusta de la vinya (GTDs) es troben entre els principals factors que limiten la productivitat d'aquest cultiu. Una vegada les vinyes estan infectades, la productivitat de la planta disminueix, provocant una mort lenta o apoplética. La investigació d'agents de control biològic (BCAs) capaços de previndre, o almenys minimitzar, l'impacte de les GTDs, es considera una prioritat d'investigació. En aquesta Tesi Doctoral es va caracteritzar en profunditat un agent de biocontrol potencial i, juntament amb un producte comercial biològic ja registrat, tots dos BCAs van ser provats contra diversos patògens agents causals de GTDs, en hivernacle sota condicions controlades, i també durant el procés de propagació de la vinya en viver. Els resultats de l'anàlisi genòmica completa de Bs PTA-271 mostren un sistema funcional de motilitat d'eixam, una forta capacitat de supervivència i un conjunt de gens que codifiquen substàncies bioactivas conegudes per estimular el creixement o les defenses de les plantes, influir en la microbiota beneficiosa i contrarestar l'agressivitat dels patògens. Quan Bs PTA-271 es va provar contra Np BT67 en plantes empeltades d'hivernacle, Bs PTA-271 i Ta SC1 van demostrar que la cultivar contribueix als efectes beneficiosos de Bs PTA-271 i Ta SC1 contra Np-Bt67. L'aplicació simultània de tots dos BCAs va demostrar ser beneficiosa contra aquest patogen en vinyes del cultivar Ull de llebre. L'anàlisi transcriptómico de les mateixes mostres va mostrar àmpliament els canvis en la fisiologia de la planta induïts tant per Bs PTA-271 com per Ta SC1 per a protegir la vinya davant la infecció per Np-Bt67. En Chardonnay, les plantes infectades amb Np-Bt67 presenten gens sobreexpresados que estan implicats en les vies de senyalització de l'acidifique absicico (ABA). En Ull de llebre, la infecció amb Np-Bt67 provoca canvis d'expressió en més de 200 gens, relacionats sobretot amb la importació d'aminoàcids, processos relacionats amb el cloroplast i el fotosistema, respostes de la planta a estímuls biòtics i biosíntesis de metabòlits secundaris. La protecció de Bs PTA-271 en Chardonnay implica gens relacionats amb la biosíntesi d'ABA, les vies dels fenilpropanoides, els metabòlits secundaris, i l'estructura i organització de la paret cellular. La protecció de Ta SC1 en les plantes de Tempranilllo implica un major nombre de canvis, que abasten tant el metabolisme primari com el secundari, relacionats amb canvis en els senyals hormonals, com amb l'acid abcísic (ABA). Durant el procés de producció de la vinya en viver, els resultats van demostrar una reducció significativa del percentatge de plantes infectades amb els patògens associats a les malalties de decaïment per Botryosphaeria i Peu negre en el material de viver tractat amb Ta SC1 i Bs PTA-271 respectivament. Els tractaments simultanis amb tots dos BCAs van presentar una reducció en el percentatge de plantes infectades amb tots dos tipus de patògens. En provar l'efecte de Bs PTA-271 i Ta SC1 en el microbioma de la rizosfera de la vinya de dos sòls diferents infectats amb patògens del Peu negre, els resultats mostren que la inoculació dels BCAs sembla millorar les xarxes del microbioma de la rizosfera i l'estat de sanejament, no obstant això, l'efecte beneficiós dels BCAs pot ser dependent del sòl. En general, aquest estudi va aportar nous coneixements sobre l'ús d'un o més BCAs contra diversos patògens associats a les GTDs, tant en el viver com en vinyes adultes. A més, es va destacar la manera d'acció de tots dos BCAs en la protecció de la vinya. Per tant, aquestes troballes proporcionen, no sols una millor comprensió de les interaccions entre els BCAs, la vinya i els patògens, sinó que també són una forta contribució a una estratègia de gestió sostenible de les GTDs. / [EN] Grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.) plants are exposed to a wide variety of pathogens. Nowadays, grapevine fungal trunk diseases (GTDs) are amongst the main constraints for the productivity of this crop. Once infected, plant productivity is decreased, leading to a plant slow or apoplectic death. Investigation of biocontrol agents (BCAs) capable to forestall or at least to minimize the impact of GTDs, while being a sustainable treatment, is viewed as a research priority. One potential BCA was deeply characterized, and together with a biological commercial product, both BCAs were tested against several GTD pathogens, in greenhouse under controlled conditions, and during the grapevine propagation process. Results from the full genomic analysis of Bacillus subtilis PTA-271 (as BCA with a potential) show a functional swarming motility system, strong survival capacities and a set of genes encoding for bioactive substances known to stimulate plant growth or defenses, influence beneficial microbiota, and counteract pathogen aggressiveness. When tested against Neofusicoccum parvum Bt67 (thereafter Np-Bt67) in greenhouse cuttings, B. subtilis PTA-271 (Bs PTA-271) and T. atroviride SC1 (Ta SC1) proved that the cultivar contributes to their beneficial effects against Np-Bt67. The simultaneous application of both BCAs was further proved to be even more effective to protect Tempranillo cuttings. Moreover, the transcriptomic analysis from the same samples showed extensively the plant physiology changes induced by the pathogen but also by each BCA, Bs PTA-271 on Chardonnay and Ta SC1 on Tempranillo, to protect grapevine from Np-Bt67 infection. Thus, Chardonnay cuttings infected with Np-Bt67 showed overexpressed genes implicated on abscisic acid (ABA) biosynthesis and signaling pathways. In Tempranillo, the infection with Np-Bt67 leads to more substantial changes in gene expression, related mostly with amino acid import, chloroplast and photosystem related processes, plant responses to biotic stimulus, and biosynthesis of secondary metabolites. Protection induced by Bs PTA-271 in Chardonnay targets genes related to ABA biosynthesis, phenylpropanoid pathways and secondary metabolites, and cell wall structure/organization in relationship with carbohydrate metabolism that requires much more consideration. Protection with Ta SC1 in Tempranilllo requires a larger number of changes related to transporters, cell wall integrity and extension, cell division and pathogen induced cell death, multidirectional active proteins, and microbiome interactions. During the grapevine nursery process, the results demonstrated a significant reduction on the percentage of infected plants with Botryosphaeria dieback and Black-foot pathogens in the material treated with Ta SC1 and Bs PTA-271 respectively. The simultaneous treatments with both BCAs presented a reduction on infected plants with both Botryosphaeria dieback and Black foot pathogens. When testing the effect of Bs PTA- 271 and Ta SC1 in grapevine rhizosphere microbiome of two different soil infected with Black foot pathogens, results show that the inoculation of BCAs seems to improve the rhizosphere microbiome networks and sanitation status, however, the beneficial effect of BCAs can be soil-dependent. Moreover, as observed in the other experiments, the combination of both BCAs improves their beneficial effect in the rhizosphere microbiome. Overall, this study brought new insights on the use of one or more BCAs against several GTD pathogens, from nursery to adult grapevines. Moreover, highlighted both BCAs mode of action in grapevine protection. Thus, these findings provide, not only a better understanding of BCAs, grapevine, and pathogens interactions, but are also a strong contribution for the future development of sustainable GTDs management strategies. / Cunha Maia Leal, CD. (2022). Sustainable Management of Grapevine Trunk Diseases in Vineyard: Deliver Biocontrol Agents and Associated Molecules [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/191261

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