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Digital methods in English Education / Digitala metoder i engelsk undervisningFeldt, Zanna, Mekkelholt, Erik January 2021 (has links)
Our study explores Swedish teachers' experience with digital reading methods during English lessons and the perceived advantages and disadvantages of these methods. The study is qualitative and based on zoom interviews with four 4-6 English teachers from two different schools. The results show that some students who have problems understanding texts benefitted from being able to listen to the texts with the help of digital tools. However, even if this helps the students, there is the risk of overusing such listening aids. The results also show that the benefits of digital teaching methods outweigh the drawbacks. Most of the negative aspects were about the administration of the programs they used and how the teachers want to control and prevent distractions that come with the use of digital tools.
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Public libraries and digital competences. : A mixed-method analysis of job ads and professional views.Boffano, Anita January 2019 (has links)
Technological advancements and digital tools have radically changed the professional profile of public librarians and yet little has been researched about the practical influence these changes have had on the digital competences that the professionals need in their daily work. The goal of the present paper is to examine which digital competences are required of the modern public librarian. A mixed-method research approach was adopted, based on content analysis of job advertisements retrieved from a Swedish context and semi-structured interviews with five currently employed librarians. A conceptual model was developed to allow a triangulation of results based on such different datasets. Results showed that the concept of digital competences is still defined in diffuse terms, often subjective to individual interpretations and strongly affected by the library’s size and user population. In spite of this, the professionals working in the public library sector clearly demand a minimum standard of digital skills and knowledge in all digital competences to be established. Such standard is needed both to perform daily responsibilities linked to the professional role of the public librarian and to the vital task of catering to the users’ needs.
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Matematiklärares kompetensutvecklingsbehov inom IKT : En kvalitativ intervjustudie med lärare i åk 4–6 / Mathematics teachers’ need for professional development regarding ICT : A qualitative interview study with teachers in year 4–6Sahindal, Engin January 2020 (has links)
Digitization has found its way into the classroom for a long time now and there are lots of tools today that may help teachers make their classes more efficient and improve students learning and motivation skills. This essay examines how nine middle school mathematics teachers use ICT in their teaching. The study includes questions on how they feel about meeting the requirements set in the National Agency for Education's curriculum on how digital tools should be used in teaching, and how they believe that the skills development in this area is met. The result shows that several of the teachers surveyed used digital tools to a small or no extent at all. Often this was due to lack of resources, in many cases there was already competence in ICT but no computers or iPads to use. The collegiate learning was described as a great asset and all respondents showed a great curiosity and positivism in introducing and expanding the digital presence in the classroom and in teaching / Digitaliseringen har sedan en längre tid hittat in i klassrummen och många är de verktyg som idag kan underlätta lärarnas undervisning och förbättra elevers inlärning och motivation kring densamma. Uppsatsen undersöker hur nio lärare i matematik på mellanstadiet använder IKT i sin undervisning, hur de anser att de kompetensmässigt uppfyller de krav som ställs i Skolverkets läroplan på hur digitala verktyg ska användas i undervisningen, samt hur de anser att kompetensutvecklingen inom detta område tillgodoses. Resultatet visar att flera av de tillfrågade lärarna använde digitala verktyg i liten eller ingen utsträckning alls. Ofta berodde detta på brist på resurser, i flera fall fanns redan kompetensen inom IKT men inga datorer eller iPads att lära ut på. Det kollegiala lärandet beskrevs som en stor tillgång och samtliga respondenter visade en stor nyfikenhet och positivism till att introducera och utöka den digitala närvaron i klassrummet och i undervisningen.
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Förskoledigitalisering : Förskollärarnas syn på digital undervisning i förhållande till policytexter / Digitalization Of Preschool : Preschool Teachers’ view on Digital Teaching in Relation to PoliciesBalandyte, Guoda Marija, Zolotova, Inna January 2022 (has links)
This study aims to examine why and how preschool teachers work with digital teaching in Sweden. To understand the purpose of digital teaching in preschool we have studied policy texts with the WPR approach, as well as making a survey consisting of 24 preschool teachers from different parts of the country. The survey was analyzed from the perspective of sociocultural theory to understand preschool teachers’ view on digital teaching and the practical use of digital tools in preschool. Our survey along with previous research shows reluctance to using digital tools in teaching due to lack of digital competence. By comparing the results of the survey with the WPR-analysis we were able to see how policies control educational content in preschool in the context of digitalization and reveal the necessity of studying risks of negative effects on children's health. The result of our study along with previous research shows lack of studies and knowledge regarding the use of digital tools in early childhood. Despite a lack of research, the Swedish government implemented policies to apply digital teaching in preschool.
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Digitalisering i grundskolans spanskundervisning : En studie av lärares och elevens perspektiv på digitaliserings inverkan i undervisning och språkutveckling / A study of the perspectives of teachers and students on the impact of digitalization in language teaching and learningVázquez Santana, Mariana January 2023 (has links)
This study explores the impact of digitalization on teaching and language development in primary school Spanish education. The aim of this study is to investigate how the use of digital tools in Spanish education at the primary school level is perceived by participants and to compare the perspectives of teachers and students regarding how digitalization influences instruction and language learning outcomes. A qualitative approach was adopted for this research, where semi-structured interviews were conducted with six ninth-grade students and three Spanish teachers who teach at the same grade level. The interviews aimed to gather insights into their experiences with digitalization in the classroom. Both students and teachers describe the advantages and disadvantages of the use of digital tools in Spanish subject, which is found to be easier and convenient by students. Digital tools have also become useful for teachers to manage communications and to provide variation in their classes and contents. Barriers as distractions and misuse of devices has been pointed out by both students and teachers. The results of this study show that fostering students' and teachers' digital competence is vital to enhance their classroom experience. By promoting informed and purposeful use of digital resources, teachers can support students' language development effectively.
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Arbetsterapeuters erfarenheter av kliniskt arbete med äldres digitala kompetens / Occupational therapists’ experiences of clinical work with digital competence among the elderlyEketorp, Tore, Johansson, Sara January 2022 (has links)
Syfte: Att beskriva arbetsterapeuters erfarenheter av arbete med äldres digitala kompetens. Metod: En kvantitativ studiedesign med enkät användes som datainsamlingsmetod. Deltagarna bestod av 136 yrkesverksamma arbetsterapeuter inom olika verksamheter i Sverige. Deltagarna rekryterades utifrån ett icke-slumpmässigt urval, dels genom en förfrågan via e-post till Sveriges Arbetsterapeuters 24 lokala kretsar, dels genom ett inlägg i Facebook-gruppen ”Arbetsterapeuter på Facebook”. Resultat: Större delen av deltagarna (83,8%) ansåg att det ingår i arbetsterapeutens ansvar att stödja äldre klienters digitala kompetens. 56,6% av deltagarna arbetade mer sällan än en gång i månaden med äldre klienters digitala kompetens. Bland deltagarnas erfarenheter av interventioner relaterade till äldres digital kompetens var den vanligaste interventionen att använda, uppdatera och konfigurera digitala enheter. Strax under hälften av deltagarna (41,9%) uppgav att de kände sig bekväma i att arbeta med äldres digitala kompetens. Av de deltagare som inte kände sig bekväma efterlyste en majoritet kompetensutveckling inom ämnet. En majoritet av deltagarna (68,3%) ansåg att det finns behov av nya eller uppdaterade bedömningsinstrument som kan bedöma äldre klienters digitala kompetens i förhållande till aktivitet och delaktighet. Slutsats: Det finns ett behov av att tydliggöra arbetsterapeutens ansvarsområde, utveckla och införa nya bedömningsinstrument, förtydliga rutiner och riktlinjer samt att stärka kompetensutveckling inom området digital kompetens. / Aim: To describe occupational therapists' experiences of working with the elderly's digital competence. Method: A quantitative study design with a questionnaire was used as a data collection method. The participants consisted of 136 professional occupational therapists in various organisations in Sweden. The participants were recruited in a non-random sampling, partly through an inquiry via e-mail to the Swedish Association of Occupational Therapists’ 24 local circles, and partly through a post in the Facebook group "Occupational Therapists on Facebook". Results: A majority of the participants (83,8%) considered that it is part of the occupational therapist's responsibility to support older clients' digital competence. 56,6% of the participants worked less than once a month with older clients' digital competence. Among the participants' experiences of interventions related to the digital competence of the elderly, the most common intervention was to use, update and configure digital devices. Just beneath half of the participants (41,9%) stated that they felt comfortable working with the digital competence of the elderly. Of the participants who did not feel comfortable, a majority called for competence development. A majority of the participants (68,3%) considered that there is a need for new or updated assessments that can assess older clients' digital competence in relation to occupation and participation. Conclusion: There is a need to clarify the occupational therapist's area of responsibility, develop and introduce new assessments, clarify routines and guidelines and to strengthen competence development within the area of digital competence.
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Key-Challenges of Public Procurement of AI in the Swedish Public Sector : Case study at IBM with a focus on NLP TechnologiesTrygg, Mikaela January 2021 (has links)
The economic potential in introducing Artificial Intelligence (AI) into the Swedish Public administration is substantial and it is calculated to be approximately 140B SEK per year[5]. However, without a comprehensive AI strategy and lack of sufficient digital competence, an AI implementation becomes a struggle [9]. According to IBM Research, 120 million people around the world admitted that they may need to upskill due to automation and AI, which has aggravated during the pandemic. However, the lack of digital skills is the biggest barrier to this process. This study analyzes the challenges of an application of the AI technology, Natural Language Processing (NLP), in public procurement. Through a qualitative method with an abductive approach, 10 semi-structured interviews are conducted with experts from the public- and private sector and identify key challenges of NLP in public procurement which are the lack of digital skills, legal-, ethical- and organizational challenges of NLP in the public context and the public sector’s inability to create partnerships and use business networks. This thesis is a case study of IBM that contributes to research on AI in the public sector and aims to help fill the research gap that exists within this field. The study’s purpose is to analyze and provide better insight into public procurement of NLP to increase the use of NLP technologies within public administration in Sweden. / Den ekonomiska potentialen i att införa artificiell intelligens (AI) i den svenska offentliga förvaltningen är stor och beräknas vara cirka 140 miljarder kronor per år [5]. Men utan en omfattande AI- strategi och brist på tillräcklig digital kompetens blir ett AI- genomförande en utmaning [9]. Enligt IBM Research medgav 120 miljoner människor runt om i världen att de kan behöva kvalificera sig på grund av automatisering och AI, vilket har förvärrats under pandemin. Brister på digital kompetens är dock det största hindret för denna process. Denna studie analyserar utmaningarna med en tillämpning av AI- teknologin, Natural Language Processing (NLP), vid offentlig upphandling. Genom en kvalitativ metod som går ifrån en abduktiv forskningsansats genomförs tio semistrukturerade intervjuer med experter från den offentliga- och privata sektorn samt en identifiering av de viktigaste utmaningarna för NLP i offentlig upphandling. Dessa är bristen på digitala färdigheter, juridiska-, etiska- och organisatoriska utmaningar av NLP i det offentliga sammanhanget och den offentliga sektorns oförmåga att skapa, använda och dra fördel av partnerskap och affärsnätverk. Denna rapport är en fallstudie av IBM som bidrar till forskning om AI inom den offentliga sektorn och syftar till att fylla det forskningsgap som finns inom detta område. Studiens syfte är att analysera och ge en bättre insikt i offentlig upphandling av NLP för att öka användningen av NLP- teknologi inom offentlig förvaltning i Sverige.
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Integrering av digital teknik i förskoleutbildning : En undersökning av pedagogiska metoder och strategier / Integrating Digital Technology in Early Childhood Education : An investigation of pedagogical methods and strategiesSaid, Fozia, Krasniqi, Gjyljeta January 2023 (has links)
The problem area that the study examines is how Lindström's (2008) theory and model can be conceptualized in the integration of digital technology and how it affects children's learning and development as well as preschool teachers' attitude to digital technology. This study is conducted both qualitative (semi-structured interviews) and quantitative (surveys) for empirical work. The study is limited to Skåne, which means it was conducted with respondents in Skåne. In the qualitative study, the participants are two preschool teachers who have also answered the questionnaire (Appendix 2), while in the quantitative study, the participants are from different professional categories such as preschool teachers, childminders and pedagogues in order to get a broader and diverse perspective on the problem area. The study's results showed that digital technology is important for children's learning and development. In order to make the use of digital technology more efficient and for the children to benefit in the best way from the education that the preschool offers, it is important that preschool teachers and other workers receive education in it. When investigating the preschool teacher's methods and strategies in the integration of digital technology, it emerged that also in both the results and the analysis part that Lindström's (2008) theory and model invisible concepts "learning ABOUT", "learning IN", "learning THROUGH", "learning WITH", “divergent learning” and “convergent learning” are used in different ways. The central conclusion is that digital technology is important in preschool and with the help of Lindström's (2008) theory and model can be used as a method and strategy to promote children's versatile learning.
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Förskolans digitala vardag : Digitaliseringen, leken och lärandet / The digital reality of modern preschool : Digitalization, play and learningTaavo, Henrik January 2021 (has links)
Syftet med studien var att utifrån ett socialkonstruktionistiskt perspektiv på barn och teknik redogöra för och diskutera kring digitala verktygens användning i förskolan samt digitala verktygen och digitaliseringens påverkan på förskollärares förhållningssätt till lek och lärande. Detta gjordes utifrån både kvalitativa intervjuer med två förskollärare över Zoom och Microsoft Teams samt enkäter över e-mail med tre förskollärare där datan analyserades, tematiserades ochpresenterades utifrån den tematiska analysmodellen. Resultaten i studien visade på förskollärares positiva förhållningssätt till digitala verktyg samtverktygen som en värdefull resurs i vardagen, både för förskollärare i sitt arbete för att uppnå läroplanens mål genom exempelvis dokumentation samt för barn både i lek- och lärprocesser. Trots detta betraktades den pedagogiska användningen av digitala verktyg i förskolan som utmanande och oklart där synen på verktygen som “barnvakt” samt bristen på pedagogiska applikationer är bidragande faktorer. Det fanns även en syn på digitala verktygens och digitaliseringens påverkan som negativ där den digitala leken ansågs ta för stor plats i jämförelse med den klassiska leken och hämna barns sociala utveckling. Slutsatsen att dra utifrån resultatet är att den pedagogiska användningen av digitala verktyg i förskolan är inadekvat och digital kompetensutveckling hos förskollärare krävs för att kunna tillvarata verktygens fulla pedagogiska potential.
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Digitala läromedel i engelskundervisningen : Hur främjar digitala läromedel elevers läsutveckling i engelskundervisningen?Chahin, Sandra, Chamoun, Sara January 2024 (has links)
The aim of this research review is to investigate how digital learning tools contribute to pupils reading development; how pupils’ motivation is promoted with digital teaching tools in education; and positive and negative aspects with the use of digital teaching tools in reading development. This was answered with the help of a literature review. The results also show that there are both positive and negative consequences with the use of digital teaching tools to promote reading development. Mostly positive consequences were found because it contributes to variety in the education which promotes the pupils’ motivation. The result also shows that teachers feel that they do not have enough digital competence, while most pupils feel confident in the use of digital teaching tools. The conclusion of the research overview shows that it depends on how the teacher uses digital teaching tools and in what context. The use of digital teaching tools in education can lead to both good and bad consequences depending on the pupil and teacher.
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