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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Kommunikation und Zusammenarbeit mit digitalen Medien unterstützen

Riedel, Jana, Berthold, Susan, Möbius, Kathrin 26 January 2018 (has links)
Die vorliegende Broschüre ist Teil einer Publikationsserie, die einen Überblick über verschiedene Medienformate von digitalen Texten über elektronische Tests und Wikis bis hin zu digitalen Simulationen gibt. Dieses Heft widmet sich schwerpunktmäßig der Verwendung von Kommunikationsmedien, die die Lehre in den bereichen Organisation, Betreuung und Zusammenarbeit unterstützen können. Anhand von Ergebnissen einer Online-Befragung im Jahr 2016 und Interviews, die Beispiele aus der Lehre sächsischer Hochschullehrender vorstellen, wird aufgezeigt, welche Einsatzmöglichkeiten derzeit an den sächsischen Hochschulen genutzt werden. Sie bieten Inspiration für die Entwicklung eigener mediengestützter Lehrkonzepte. Hinweise auf Werkzeuge zur Erstellung digitaler Lehrangebote und Antworten zu häufigen Fragen bei der Nutzung der einzelnen Medienformate bieten Anregungen und Informationen, wie der Einstieg in die digital gestützte Lehre möglichst ohne großen Initialaufwand gestaltet werden kann. Antworten auf häufig gestellte Fragen, praktische Tipps und rechtliche Hinweise geben eine erste Orientierung und Sicherheit bei der Nutzung digitaler Medien. Dabei erfahren Sie auch, wie Sie die einzelnen medial gestützten Formate mit der klassischen Präsenzlehre verbinden und wie unterschiedliche Einsatzszenarien miteinander kombiniert werden können.:Grußwort 3 Kommunikationsanlässe in der Lehrveranstaltung 4 Nutzung von Web 2.0 und Social Media für das Studium 6 Video-/Audio-/Chatkonferenzen 7 Foren 17 Blogs 23 Wikis 29 Trend: weitere Tools für die Online-Zusammenarbeit 37 Ausblick 38 Unterstützung, Services, Kontakt 39

Hmotné fikce: Pohyb mezi obrazy současného umění / Material Fictions: Moving (Between) Images of Contemporary Art

Purkrábková, Noemi January 2021 (has links)
7 Abstract This master's thesis engages moving images of contemporary art in order to sketch out certain ontological qualities of the digital image and imaginary, as they increasingly spill out of all fixed frames and fill the spaces between screens, contexts, and human and non-human agents. Following Steven Shaviro's observation that digital media brought about a completely "new regime" of mutable technical imaging often independent of any preceding "real" space, but instead able to produce its own space-time, this text treats moving images as performative world-shaping fictions with tangible traction on reality. Instead of understanding their growing proliferation in terms of the often-mourned disappeared correspondence to some previous reality, depth or truth, it suggests taking their fluidity as an opportunity to rethink the very divide placed between reality and fiction, as it continues to blur throughout our interactions with digital media, and to treat images not as mere representations but as material forces intensively active in the physical matter of the world, as well as in our own cognition. To articulate this irreducible materiality of digital image-fictions, the thesis weaves together on one hand respective philosophical concepts of François Laruelle and Gillese Deleuze and Félix Guattari -...

Remember Women: The Los Angeles Times’ Role in Perpetuating Harmful Narratives Against Marginalized Women Victims in the “Southside Slayer” Serial Killer Cases

Menard, Laura Leigh 11 August 2023 (has links)
No description available.

Mind over Matter: Expressions of Mind/Body Dualism in Thinspiration

O'Brien, Annamarie L. 22 August 2013 (has links)
No description available.

The Future of American Memory: Media Preservation, Photography, and Digital Archives

Murphy, Brian Michael 25 September 2014 (has links)
No description available.

The Role of Mobile Devices in Young Children's Information Behavior / Examining Families' Practices and Perceptions

Schlebbe, Kirsten 21 February 2023 (has links)
Diese kumulative Dissertation untersucht die Rolle mobiler Geräte im Informationsverhalten junger Kinder aus verschiedenen Perspektiven. Einerseits wird erforscht, ob informationsbezogene Aktivitäten Teil der Nutzung mobiler Technologien durch junge Kinder sind. Andererseits wird untersucht, ob Aspekte des kindlichen Informationsverhaltens bei der Sichtweise von Eltern und Kinder auf die Nutzung von mobilen Geräten eine Rolle spielen. Die erste in dieser Arbeit vorgestellte Studie bietet einen explorativen Einblick in die Nutzung mobiler Geräte durch junge Kinder anhand von Interviews mit Eltern von Kindern im Alter von ein bis sechs Jahren. Basierend auf einer Sekundäranalyse der Interviewdaten wird im Rahmen der zweiten Studie erforscht, wie Eltern die Nutzung von Mobilgeräten durch ihre Kinder wahrnehmen und medienpädagogisch begleiten und diskutiert, wie dies das Informationsverhalten der Kinder beeinflussen könnte. Unter Anwendung eines Uses-and-Gratifications-Ansatzes wird in der dritten Studie untersucht, was Kundenrezensionen für ein Kinder-Tablet über die Nutzung des Geräts und die Erwartungen von Familien aussagen. In der vierten Studie wird anhand eines multimethodischen Ansatzes ein besonderer Fokus auf die Einbeziehung der kindlichen Perspektive gelegt und erforscht, wie Kinder im Alter von vier bis sechs Jahren mobile Geräte nutzen und ob Aspekte des kindlichen Informationsverhaltens eine Rolle bei der Sichtweise von Familien auf die Nutzung spielen. Insgesamt zeigen die Ergebnisse, dass mobile Geräte definitiv eine Rolle im Informationsverhalten von jungen Kindern einnehmen können, wobei ihr Potenzial für die Entdeckung von Informationen oftmals nicht im Vordergrund der Wahrnehmung durch Eltern und Kinder steht. Mit diesen Erkenntnissen leistet die Arbeit einen wichtigen Beitrag zur Adressierung bestehender Forschungslücken im Bereich des Informationsverhaltens junger Kinder im Allgemeinen sowie im spezifischen Kontext der Nutzung mobiler Geräte. / This cumulative doctoral thesis examines the role of mobile devices in young children's information behavior from different perspectives. On the one hand, it explores whether information-related activities are part of young children's use of mobile technologies. On the other hand, it investigates whether aspects of children's information behavior play a role in parents' and children's perceptions of mobile device use. The first study presented in this thesis gains exploratory insight into young children's use of mobile devices through interviews with parents of families with children aged one to six years. Based on a secondary analysis of the interview data, the second study examines how parents perceive and mediate young children's use of mobile devices and discusses how this might influence children's information behavior. By applying a uses and gratifications approach, the third study investigates what customer reviews for a tablet for children reveal about the use of this device and expectations of the families. Using a multi-method approach, the fourth study places a particular focus on the inclusion of children's perspectives and investigates how children aged four to six years use mobile devices and whether aspects related to children's information behavior play a role in families' perceptions of this use. Overall, the results show that mobile devices can clearly play a role in young children's information behavior, although their potential for children's information discovery is not always prominent in parents' and children's perceptions. With these findings, this work makes an important contribution to addressing existing research gaps regarding young children's information behavior in general as well as in the specific context of mobile device use.

From Private to Public: Narrative Design in Composition Pedagogy

Comer, Kathryn Bridget 27 September 2011 (has links)
No description available.

INTERACTIVE MEDIA and CULTURAL HERITAGE: Interpreting Oral Culture in a Digital Environment

Wanjema, Richard Wachira 24 August 2012 (has links)
No description available.

A Communication Analysis for UNICEF Lebanon - A media landscape of Lebanon, media consumption habits of Syrian refugees and potential C4D interventions to promote social inclusion and child/youth protection for Syrian children and youths in Lebanon

Yap, Yee-Yin, Leffler, Abigail January 2017 (has links)
The objective of this study is to put forward informed C4D recommendations to help organizations like UNICEF combat the situation for Syrian refugee children and youths in Lebanon, who through displacement and resettling into the complex Lebanese socio-political landscape may be at risk of becoming a lost generation. This paper focuses on the prevention and elimination of actions such as bullying, sexual harassment, gender-based violence, and early marriage.Conceptual framework: the communication theoretical framework considers Bourdieu’s habitus model as well as the uses and gratification model. Concepts conducive to social cohesion include citizenship, communitas and cosmopolitanism.Methodology: data were gathered through a variety of primary and secondary sources. The former includes semi-structured interviews with subject matter experts and analysis of UNICEF’s external communication practices. The latter comprises the collection, assessment, comparison and summarizing of various reports about Lebanese media.Findings: Lebanon has a pluralistic media landscape, though it appears fragmented, reflecting its socio-political sectarian situation. The media in Lebanon is criticized for lack of public service. The arts scene seems to fill a void in terms of examining the collective memory in respect of not only the civil war (1975-1990) but also of social issues arising as a result of globalization and modernity. Syrians in Lebanon consume Lebanese media as much as media from their own country. Interpersonal communication channels appear to be the preferred mode of communication among both the host and the refugee communities, although among the youth social media platforms such as WhatsApp and Facebook are commonplace. Among the traditional media channels, television appears to be popular. The representation of Syrian refugees in Lebanese media is varied, with about one fourth of the published material portraying Syrians as a security issue.Results: a series of C4D recommendations that use sports and the arts as an overarching theme.

Thank You Parts I and II

Hensley, Dylan 12 1900 (has links)
"Thank You" Parts I and II is an experiment that attempts to break new ground in the field of anthropological cinema through the reflexive methodology and experience of myself. My establishment of a new theoretical film approach called meta-anthrochaomediacy and its evolution into radical autoethnographic mediation is explored throughout this thesis. I exercised my theory by producing and documenting a reflexive experience built on fostering emotional bonds and social relationships that provided interactivity and choice within an environment as a process of mediation for anthropological study. Part I features a physical installation I designed that exercised the transmission of memories shared with my familial table. Twelve individuals voluntarily experienced this process across 4 sessions in a single day where they interacted with the table, each other, and the memories of places that the table has lived in. The installation was primarily recorded with a 360 camera and subsequently established as qualitative data, as per my theoretical process, to be edited into a film object. Part II is a 58-minute multi-split-screen film that features my theoretical process in action as it expresses the crafting of emerging-in-real-time short term cultures through layers of reflexivity. I edited this film to test my theory towards exemplifying my film and process as anthropological cinema.

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