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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Disabling Composition: Toward a 21st-Century, Synaesthetic Theory of Writing

Yergeau, Melanie 03 November 2011 (has links)
No description available.

Fighting Unstructured Data with Formatting Methods : Navigating Crisis Communication: The Role of CAP in Effective Information Dissemination / Bekämpar ostrukturerad data med formateringsmetoder : Att navigera i kriskommunikation: CAP:s roll i effektiv informationsspridning

Spridzans, Alfreds January 2024 (has links)
This study investigates the format of crisis communication by analysing a news archive dataset from Krisinformation.se, a Swedish website dedicated to sharing information about crises. The primary goal is to assess the dataset's structure and efficacy in meeting the Common Alerting Protocol (CAP) criteria, an internationally recognised format for emergency alerts. The study uses quantitative text analysis and data preprocessing tools like Python and Power Query to identify inconsistencies in the present dataset format. These anomalies limit the dataset's usefulness for extensive research and effective crisis communication. To address these issues, the study constructs two new datasets with enhanced column structures that rectify the identified problems. These refined datasets aim to improve the clarity and accessibility of information regarding crisis events, providing valuable insights into the nature and frequency of these incidents. Additionally, the research offers practical recommendations for optimising the dataset format to better align with CAP standards, enhancing the overall effectiveness of crisis communication on the platform. The findings highlight the critical role of structured and standardised data formats in crisis communication, particularly in the context of increasing climate-related hazards and other emergencies. By improving the dataset format, the study contributes to more efficient data analysis and better preparedness for future crises. The insights gained from this research are intended to assist other analysts and researchers in conducting more robust studies, ultimately aiding in developing more resilient and responsive crisis communication strategies. / Denna studie undersöker formatet för kriskommunikation genom att analysera ett nyhetsarkiv från Krisinformation.se, en svensk hemsida som är avsedd att dela information om kriser. Det primära målet är att bedöma datasetets struktur och effektivitet när det gäller att uppfylla kriterierna för Common Alerting Protocol (CAP), ett internationellt erkänt format för nödmeddelanden. I studien används kvantitativ textanalys och dataförberedande verktyg som Python och Power Query för att identifiera inkonsekvenser i det aktuella datasetformatet. Dessa anomalier begränsar datasetets användbarhet för omfattande forskning och effektiv kriskommunikation. För att ta itu med dessa frågor konstruerar studien två nya dataset med förbättrade kolumnstrukturer som åtgärdar de identifierade problemen. Dessa förfinade dataset syftar till att förbättra tydligheten och tillgängligheten av information om krishändelser, vilket ger värdefulla insikter om dessa händelsers karaktär och frekvens. Dessutom ger forskningen praktiska rekommendationer för att optimera datasetformatet så att det bättre överensstämmer med CAP-standarderna, vilket förbättrar den övergripande effektiviteten i kriskommunikationen på plattformen. Resultaten visar att strukturerade och standardiserade dataformat spelar en avgörande roll för kriskommunikation, särskilt i samband med ökande klimatrelaterade faror och andra nödsituationer. Genom att förbättra formatet på datasetet bidrar studien till effektivare dataanalys och bättre beredskap för framtida kriser. Insikterna från denna forskning är avsedda att hjälpa andra analytiker och forskare att genomföra mer robusta studier, vilket i slutändan bidrar till att utveckla mer motståndskraftiga och lyhörda strategier för kriskommunikation.

<b>Playing With(out) Golden Hands: The Intersections of Video Game Controllers and Gamer Identity</b>

Victoria L Braegger (18405969) 19 April 2024 (has links)
<p dir="ltr">Since the Electronic Software Association (ESA) began reporting data for the video game industry in 2002, women have represented nearly half of the game playing population. However, despite this stable statistic, the industry’s ideal “Gamer” is consistently depicted as a young, white, cisgender, heterosexual, able-bodied male, and the games industry frequently targets this idealized identity through advertising and game design. This has resulted in a culture that is notably toxic towards women and marginalized players, built on an assumption of meritocracy within games—or the expectation that every player begins each game with the same advantages, disadvantages, and skills as every other player. While the construction of gamer identity has received extensive scholarly attention, gaming peripherals—such as video game controllers—are either minimized or left entirely out of the conversation. This dissertation, informed by feminist methodologies in technical communication and game studies, uses a mixed-methods approach involving archival research, visual analysis, surveys, and interviews to understand the intersections of video game controllers and gamer identity. Using Microsoft’s Xbox as a case study, the findings demonstrate how a dominant narrative has controlled controller design decisions through iterative processes. This has resulted in controllers that are more uncomfortable, more unusable, and more frustrating for and viewed more negatively by women and marginalized players. For each controller iteration, women and marginalized participants rated controllers significantly lower. Though the total improvement score (TIS) from first iteration to current iteration were similar between women and marginalized participants and cismale participants, the lower starting point for women and marginalized participants resulted in a lower ending point. Design decisions across controller iterations privilege cismale experiences, reifying gamer identity through controller design and resulting in not just an ideal gamer identity, but an ideal gamer body. </p>

Institute for Digital Research and New Offices for the National Endowments for the Arts and Humanities located in the Columbia Heights Neighborhood of Washington, D.C.

Myers, Pollyann Elizabeth 24 June 2015 (has links)
The proposed 42,000 square foot facility is envisioned to be a satellite office for both the National Endowment for the Arts and the National Endowment for the Humanities, as well as a digital research institute. The institute seeks to provide integrated collaboration with the NEA and NEH, although it is also open to collaboration with other organizations related to arts and humanities scholarship. The proposed site is located at the intersection of 14th Street and Park Rd NW, in the Columbia Heights neighborhood of Washington, D.C. At this time, the neighborhood is experiencing a revival in development that began approximately 10-15 years ago. Community residents describe the site as being the "core area" of the neighborhood and also consider it to be the number one priority area for redevelopment of the entire neighborhood. Strategically locating the building at the main intersection of the neighborhood facilitates community involvement and cognition as well as encourages the surrounding arts and humanities related organizations to become more closely involved with the NEA and NEH and their research. This development is meant to be a cultural marker. Functionally, this facility will utilize the most advanced information technology and the most extensive humanities and arts related databases as tools for scholarly research. / Master of Architecture

Nyhetsmedieindustrin och den syntetiska revolutionen : En kvalitativ studie om hur nyhetsmedieindustrin hanterar utvecklingen av syntetisk media

Kadhum, Zainab, Rosvall, Amanda January 2024 (has links)
Syntetisk media är en form av manipulerat eller genererat innehåll som skapas med hjälp av avancerad AI. Denna teknik har potentialen att revolutionera skapandet av medieinnehåll men medför också betydande utmaningar, som spridning av desinformation. Denna studie utforskar de konsekvenser som syntetisk media har för nyhetsmedia, som traditionellt följer strikta journalistiska standarder. Verktyg som skapar syntetisk media har potentialen att effektivisera delar av nyhetsproduktionen och frigöra tid till andra uppgifter. I takt med att syntetisk media utvecklas blir det svårare att verifiera äktheten hos audiovisuell media. Studien undersöker syntetisk medias betydelse för nyhetsmedia genom empirisk datainsamling med respondenter som är yrkesverksamma inom svensk nyhetsmedia. Studiens slutsats resulterade i fyra rekommendationer riktade till nyhetsmedieindustrin för att hantera utvecklingen, inklusive implementering av AI-policyer, teknisk utbildning, förbättrade verifieringsprocesser och ökade investeringar i faktagranskning. / Synthetic media is a form of manipulated or generated media created using advanced AI. This technology has the potential to revolutionize news media production, but it also poses several challenges that need to be addressed and remedied, one of them being the increased risk of disinformation deployment. As the technology behind synthetic media evolves, it also challenges the journalistic principles that the news media industry are built upon. Thus this study aims to explore the implications that synthetic media has on the news media industry, through empirical data collected from interviews with Swedish news media professionals. The findings of the study conclude a number of key strategies that the news media industry are recommended to implement to maintain their credibility, while also adapting to the development of AI and synthetic media. The strategies include implementing AI policies, providing essential AI education, enhancing verification and detection processes, and further investing in specialized fact-checking desks. Furthermore, the findings of the study highlights the need of implementing a holistic approach that combines technical solutions, with journalistic expertise and legislative measures to maintain public trust in news media. The study also calls for further research to understand the broader implications of synthetic media across the industry.

Ett växande motstånd i myndigheternas frånvaro : En diskursanalys av vaccinmotståndet i det senmoderna Sverige / A growing resistance in the absence of the authorities : A discourse analysis of the vaccine resistance in the late modern Sweden

Löfgren, Susanna, Jonsson, Mia January 2016 (has links)
This study aims to examine, using a late modern perspective, the anti­vaccination discourse in Sweden. The study contributes to a better understanding of what is communicated in the discourse, the truths that are presented and how legitimacy is created. Through a broadened understanding of the way this resistance operates in digital media, we are given a better understanding of how authorities can respond to the increased vaccination resistance on these platforms. The theories used in this study is Ulrich Beck's theories of the late modern risk society, Henry Jenkins theory of participatory culture and media convergence and Michel Foucault's theory of power/knowledge and truth effects. The method used for this study is a discourse analysis inspired by Michel Foucault. The premise regarding the choice of material for the study was to adopt a position of a person seeking information regarding vaccine. Thus, a search at Google.com was made. The result showed that the authorities were under­represented in the hit lists in all the searches, and sometimes even completely absent. The results also show that the anti­vaccination discourse is characterized by a strong distrust of authorities, science and pharmaceutical companies. Further, truths about societal actors systematic cover­up of the vaccine's actual content and effects is revealed in the discourse. Moreover, there is a focus on the truths about vaccines. The vaccines are said to be ineffective, dangerous because of its toxic content and causing serious side effects. Furthermore, the diseases that we are vaccinated against is said to be harmless and natural. Overall, the anti­vaccination discourse presents a very critical view of the entire vaccine industry. Finally, this resistance must be faced and dealt with by the authorities to prevent serious social consequences due to decreased vaccination coverage.

Communicating Care : The Contradictions of HPV Vaccination Campaigns

Lindén, Lisa January 2016 (has links)
Denna avhandling undersöker tre statligt finansierade kampanjer mot human papillomvirus (HPV) i Sverige. Författaren visar att kampanjerna innehåller och artikulerar olika former av omsorg som inte är begränsade till att endast uppmana människor att ”ta hand om sig själva” eller ”bry sig om andra”. Istället studeras omsorg som något mångfasetterat och kontextuellt, och som något som innefattar såväl mänskliga som icke-mänskliga komponenter. I studien fokuserar författaren på hur aktörer möjliggör och problematiserar olika former av omsorg. Dessa aktörer inkluderar yrkesverksamma inom landsting som försöker kommunicera omsorg till tjejer och deras anhöriga, men också olika materiella ting, såsom en ”HPV-app”, en Facebook-kampanjsida och en vaccinationshusvagn. Kampanjmedia, intervjuer och textbaserade cancerberättelser analyseras med hjälp av teoretiska perspektiv från fältet feministiska teknik- och vetenskapsstudier (STS). Studien är situerad till forskning kring omsorgspolitik inom teknik och vetenskap, och bidrar till diskussioner om tidsmässiga dimensioner av omsorg. I kampanjmaterialet som studeras dominerar ett fokus på omsorg som något som skall göras nu för att möjliggöra en hälsosam och lycklig framtid. Genom att använda sig av ett ”etiskt-politiskt” ställningstagande, och en analytisk ansats, där fokus ligger på att synliggöra marginella, frånvarande och alternativa omsorgsformer problematiserar författaren  sådana ”snabba” framtidsorienterade omsorgsvisioner enligt vilka omsorg ses som något som skall göras omedelbart i preventivt syfte. Detta görs genom ett synliggörande av ”långsammare” och sammanflätade ”omsorgstemporaliteter” som öppnar upp för osäkerheter, tveksamheter, obestämdheter samt för olika känslouttryck, och som möjliggör mer omsorgsfulla praktiker. / This dissertation examines three state-funded human papillomavirus (HPV) campaigns in Sweden. The author shows that they include and articulate a range of different forms of care that are not limited to just asking people to “take care of themselves” or “care for others”. Care is instead approached as a multilayered, contextual and contingent phenomenon, and as made by a heterogeneity of human and nonhuman components. The study shows how care is articulated by human actors such as county council professionals who try to communicate care to girls and their relatives, and by material devices like an “HPV app”, a Facebook campaign site and a vaccination trailer which enable, distribute and trouble different forms of care. Campaign devices and campaign media, interviews, and textual cancer narratives are analyzed using a feminist science and technology studies (STS) approach. The study is situated within feminist STS discussions on the politics of care in technoscience, and contributes to discussions on temporal dimensions of care. In the campaign material the study examines, there is a dominant focus on care as something that needs to be done now to enable a healthy and happy future. By working with an ethico-political and analytical standpoint that is focused on making present neglected, marginal, absent and alternative matters of care, the author disrupts and troubles such future-oriented visions of care as an “anticipatory immediacy” through a focus on other temporalities of care. These include slower, messier and folded temporalities which open up for uncertainties, hesitations, indeterminacies, a range of feelings, and for more caring articulations of what care is. / Prescriptive Prescriptions: Pharmaceuticals and "Healthy" Subjectivities

The e-teen phenomenon: a conceptual model for new media technology use and appropriation

Adjin-Tettey, Theodora Dame 09 1900 (has links)
Text in English / Born at a time of abundance of technology, including new media, e-teens have their lives woven around the use of new media technologies to the extent that they virtually do everything with the aid of these technologies, including learning, playing, socialising and communicating. E-teens, besides, demonstrate marked expertise in the use of these technologies. Although there have been various studies done on this group of users supported by models and theories on the use, gratifications and appropriation of new media technologies, the premise of this study was on two assumptions. First, there are limited studies that have been conducted in the sub-Saharan African context, especially, Ghana. Second, most available theories and models that guide the study of e-teens’ use, appropriation and the use of new media technologies are generalized and do not sufficiently highlight the unique attributes and gratification needs that are tied to their developmental stage. In light of these assumptions, the study was undertaken to provide empirical evidence on the types of new media e-teens have access to; the types of new media used by e-teens in their scheme of things and e-teens’ purposes for using new media. It also sought to find out the gratifications sought and obtained from the use of new media technologies by e-teens; the key features of new media appropriation and experience among e-teens and to identify the features of new media technologies which are most appealing to e-teens. The other objective, which serves as the main contribution of this study, was to develop a conceptual model representing new media use and appropriation among e-teens, thereby filling the theoretical or conceptual gap that exists in this context. The study adopted a quantitative approach whereby data was collected using close-5ended questionnaires. The target population were teens from age 13 to 19 in senior high schools in the Greater Accra region of Ghana, selected using a simple random sampling. The results of the study show that, overall, the most popular new media technology that e-teens had access to and owned was the smartphone. Leading among the apps that e-teens found to be appealing were educational, entertainment and information/news, with communicative and participatory features of new media technologies appealing to e-teens highly. Also, educational, sociability and social inclusion, respectively, were the most popular gratifications sought and obtained by e-teens. It is submitted that social inclusion, educational and sociability gratifications are considered to be directly in line with the unique developmental needs of e-teens. However, it is recommended, among other things, that educational use of new media, which was one of the strong points for new media use, should be further encouraged as new media provides borderless opportunities forlearning. The researcher believes that the conceptual model for e-teen use and appropriation of new media technologies provide a firm ground for further research on topics related to this subject matter. To provide support and substance to the e-teen model, other researchers are encouraged to test and extend it where necessary. In conclusion, the findings provide evidence that new media technologies are highly appropriated by e-teens because the technologies help them meet their unique gratification needs. Therefore, the study recommends that, although new media use among e-teens can be encouraged, it is important to ensure proper usage, which will not be detrimental to them. / Communication Science / D. Litt. et Phil. (Communication)

El ecosistema del contenido móvil: actores, líneas de evolución y factores de disrupción

Castellet Homet, Andreu 29 October 2012 (has links)
El contenido móvil es la gran novedad del universo digital en el siglo XXI. El desarrollo de redes y terminales ha impulsado la conectividad ubicua en amplísimos sectores de la población a escala global, pero su gran impulso ha provenido de la aparición de ecosistemas complejos de contenidos y aplicaciones promovidos por plataformas tecnológicas. En este trabajo se ha analizado la actividad de los integrantes de la cadena de valor del contenido móvil (creadores de contenidos, proveedores de terminales, gestores de redes, proveedores de sistemas operativos, reguladores, usuarios y sector publicitario). Asimismo, se han estudiado los principales factores de disrupción del ecosistema (Apple y Google; 'App Store'; medios sociales; 'cloud computing'; y neutralidad de la red). La investigación concluye afirmando la especificidad del contenido móvil y señala a los datos del usuario en movilidad como el nuevo gran vector de creación de valor asociado al contenido en un fut uro próximo. / Mobile content is digital universe's biggest news in the 21st Century. The development of networks and devices has fuelled ubiquitous connectivity globally among wide segments of population. However, its big impulse has come from the rise of complex content and applications ecosystems, lead by technological platforms. In this work, activity of value chain players (content creators, terminal suppliers, network managers, operating systems suppliers, regulators, users and advertising sector) within mobile content is analysed. Furthermore, main disruption factors of the ecosystem (Apple and Google; the App store phenomenon; social media; cloud computing; and network neutrality) are studied. This research concludes asserting the specificity of mobile content and foresees user data in mobility as the next big value creation vector linked to content for the next future.

Impact of new media technologies on the production of economics news in South Africa : a case study of Fin24.com (www.fin24.com)

Phakathi, Bekezela January 2010 (has links)
New media technology continues to provide journalists with sophisticated tools that are changing news processing and gathering. Economics journalists in particular have grasped the possibilities offered by new media technologies. Thus, this paper offers a theoretical and practical look at how new media technologies have impacted the production and processing of economics news in South Africa, with a particular focus on Fin24.com which is South Africa's biggest online economics news publication. Using qualitative research methods and the case-study approach, this thesis documents the impact of new media technologies on the production of economics news. It draws on Witschge and Nygren's (2009) framework which describes how new media technologies change the nature in which news is produced and processed. New media technologies in this study will refer to the Internet, particularly search engines like Google, social networking sites such as Twitter and Facebook, Blogs as well as mobile telephony. Economics journalism will here refer to all coverage of economics and business-related news. This is because the case study (Fin24.com) covers both business and economics journalism by strict definition. Findings reveal that these new media technologies have not only changed economics newsgathering and processing but also journalistic routines. The findings generally show that new media technologies make it easier for economics journalists to produce the news quickly and efficiently. Indeed, the most distinguishing characteristic of new media is its overall speed, which is both challenging and attractive. The findings also reveal that new media technologies within a newsroom can be problematic in a number of ways, mainly raising issues of accuracy and credibility thus challenging the profession of economics journalism more than ever.

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