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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Videos testimoniales como elementos de comunicación de experiencias y su relación a la decisión de compra del turismo rural comunitario en Cusco en hombres y mujeres millenials en Lima Metropolitana. / Testimonial videos as elements of communication of experiences and their relationship to the purchase decision of rural community tourism in Cusco in millennial men and women in Metropolitan Lima.

Garcia Rodriguez, Lucia del Pilar 02 December 2020 (has links)
Esta investigación se centra en evidenciar el uso de los elementos de comunicación como humor, efectos multimedia y acciones persuasivas en los videos de experiencias turísticas y cómo estas influyen en la decisión de compra del turismo rural comunitario del turista de Lima Metropolitana. Respecto a este tema, la hipótesis planteada es que el uso de estos elementos expuestos en los medios digitales son lo suficientemente influyentes en la decisión de compra de turismo rural sostenible. La investigación describe cada etapa del proceso de proceso de compra de este servicio y el nivel de influencia que tienen cada elemento utilizado mediante el relato de experiencias. La investigación es de tipo descriptivo y menciona las herramientas de marketing digital como Facebook, Instagram, Youtube. Además de influencers, youtubers que son parte de esta comunicación y proceso de compra / This research focuses on evidencing the use of testimonial experiences and videos as E-wom actions and how they influence each stage of the process of buying rural community tourism for tourists from Metropolitan Lima. Regarding this issue, the hypothesis raised is that the testimonies of travelers exposed in digital media are sufficiently influential in the process of buying sustainable rural tourism. The research describes each stage of the process of purchasing this service and the level of influence that each digital action has used through the experience report. The research is descriptive and mentions the tools of digital marketing such as Facebook, Instagram, YouTube. In addition to influencers, youtubers that are part of this communication and purchase process. / Trabajo de investigación

Digital Brand Identity Design from a User Experience Perspective

Harwood, Isaiah 01 December 2021 (has links)
As a graphic designer and as a creative in general, my interest has always been in the conceptualization and execution of brand identities. I am most comfortable as a designer when I am working in the realm of art direction, and most of my design heroes and inspirations are legendary art directors and designers like Paula Scher, Paul Rand, and Michael Bierut. Logo and wordmark design in particular are among my favorite aspects of design, and finding ways to creatively apply these foundational aspects of a brand to each stage of the user experience is exciting to me. The stages of the user experience which I designed and art directed for my honors thesis included a logo symbol, a wordmark, a set of packaging designs, a storefront, a landing page, and an engaging ad campaign. Designing a brand identity across digital and physical mediums while maintaining a high level of cohesion and story is a rigorous process, and my progress was far from linear. The most important thing I learned was to trust the process; wherever it took me. I am excited to bring what I’ve come to realize during the execution of this project to the industry and to help brands, big and small, design for the digital age across every level of their user experience.

The Objective/Subjective Nature of Affordance Use in Digital Environments: Building a Tailored Climate Change Adaptation Website for the Colombian Coffee Sector

Jessica Eise (8801109) 06 May 2020 (has links)
<p>This dissertation extends our knowledge of digital affordances in communicating complex scientific information by building and testing a climate change adaptation website for the Colombian coffee sector, <a href="http://www.climaycafe.com/">www.climaycafe.com</a>. This project offers both a practical component (scholarship of engagement) and theoretical component (extension of our understanding of the objective/subjective nature of affordances). Practically, it seeks to create a collaborative and tailored science communication solution for improved information access to support climate change adaptation. Theoretically, it extends our understanding of affordances in a digital environment through a qualitative assessment, specifically how occupational identity influences the subjective nature of affordances. Data is gathered through an iterative qualitative assessment of users’ interpretation of the perceived affordances on the website. The results demonstrate that occupational identity has an influence on perceived digital affordances, particularly influenced by (1) Perceived Social Status of Occupation, (2) Perception of Value Based on Occupational Demands, (3) Occupational Influence on Perceived Reliability and (4) Usability Preferences Based on Occupation. We additionally found that as creators we can set general goals for digital tools and achieve general success in obtaining them, but ultimately the users will dictate their needs within this broader framework. Lastly, there is a self-identified need for more practical knowledge and information access for coffee farmers in these regions of Colombia around climate change adaptation.</p>

Theory of Mind i en narrativ aktivitet : Hur påverkar digitala media och bokläsning barns ToM-förmåga? / Theory of Mind in a Narrative Activity : How does digital media and book reading affect children’s ToM-ability?

Ghannan, Zahra, Rustum, Sami January 2022 (has links)
I dagens samhälle har användning av digitala medier ökat drastiskt och i fler områden. Användning av mobila pekskärmenheter har ökat successivt hos småbarn och förskolebarn, och åldern när barn först exponeras till dessa enheter har minskat. Till skillnad från en tidigare tidsperiod utsätts barn idag för en stor mängd stimuli från digital media under sina utvecklingsår. De kort- och långsiktiga effekterna av denna typ av exponering är fortfarande inte helt utforskade. Theory of Mind (ToM) är ett väsentligt område i utvecklingsprocessen hos barn. Vi har i denna studie undersökt barns ToM i en narrativ kontext, där vi bryter ner och analyserarderas yttranden och beteendemönster som visar ToM-förmåga både språkligt och interaktionellt. Multimodal interaktionsanalys låg som grund för analyserna i denna studie, där 45 barn speladesin när de berättar utifrån bilder i boken ”Frog, where are you?”. Resultatet redovisades både kvalitativt för att besvara frågan hur barn visar ToM-förmåga i ett narrativt sammanhang, och kvantitativt för att besvara frågan huruvida det finns en korrelation mellan ToM-förmåga ochdigital mediaanvänding. Det kvantitativa resultatet visade inget signifikant samband mellandigital mediaanvändning eller bokläsning och ToM-förmågan hos barn. Det kvalitativa resultatetvisar att barn integrerar flera olika kunskapsområden för att uppvisa sin ToM både språkligt ochinteraktionellt. / Currently, the use of digital media has increased significantly and has become dominant in manyareas in our society. The use of mobile touch screen devices has increased gradually in youngchildren and preschool children, and the age at which children are first exposed to these deviceshas decreased. Unlike earlier eras, children today are exposed to a substantial quantity of stimulifrom digital media during their developmental years. The short- and long-term effects of thistype of exposure are still not fully explored. Theory of Mind is an essential part of thedevelopmental process in children. In this study, we examined children's ToM in a narrative context, where we analyzed their statements and behavioural patterns that show ToM abilities both linguistically and interactively. Multimodal interaction analysis was the basis for the analyses in this study, where 45 children were recorded when they told a story called "Frog, where are you?". The results were reported qualitatively to answer the question of how children show ToM ability in a narrative context, and quantitatively to answer the question of whether there is acorrelation between ToM ability and children’s digital media use. The quantitative result showed no significant relation between digital media usage or book reading and children’s ToM ability.The qualitative result shows that children integrate several different areas of knowledge to present their ToM both linguistically and interactively, during the narrative activity.

UI Design Trends InAutomobile DigitalMedia Players : How Trends Compare To User Preference In Sweden

Kézy, Máté, Stendahl, Adam January 2022 (has links)
This study aims to evaluate the preferences of drivers in Sweden, in regard to incar digital media players. As interfaces in cars, to some extent, are taking over thefunctionality of physical buttons and knobs, it is increasingly important for carmanufacturers to better understand what their users prefer.Through an analysis of current trends and measurements of user preferences, wehave identified areas for improvement and further development of these mediaplayer interfaces. These suggested improvements are as follows: • Using the screen real estate for important items • Emphasizing important elements by more efficient use of spacing andsizing • Removing or hiding menu items that are used sparingly • Using the concept of familiarity to create more user-friendly interfaces

Peer-Groups als Antwort auf die digitale Exklusion: Best Practice Beispiel zur Förderung digitaler Fähigkeiten bei älteren Erwachsenen

Barczik, Kristina, Köhler, Thomas 18 December 2019 (has links)
Niemals zuvor in der Geschichte der Technik hat eine Technologie eine so rasante Verbreitung erfahren hat, wie es mit Smartphones und Tablet PCs (digitale Medien) erlebt wurde (Moura und Carvalho 2010). Diese erweisen sich als digitale Alleskönner bzw. Minicomputer mit einem polyfunktionalen Leistungs- und Anwendungsumfang. Es verwundert nicht, dass „die Lebenswelt mit digitaler Technik […] alltägliches Handeln in nahezu allen Kontexten [präformiert].“ (Kerres 2017, S. 22) und mit einem hohen Nutzungszuspruch korrespondiert. In Deutschland beläuft sich die Anzahl der Smartphone-Nutzer auf 57 Millionen und dies bei jährlichen Zuwachsraten (Bitkom e.V. 2018).Jedoch trügt diese vermeintlich breite, gesellschaftliche Akzeptanz und die Nutzung digitaler Medien scheint sich als altersspezifisches Phänomen zu präsentieren. Liegt die Abdeckung mit Smartphones in der Altersgruppe der 14- bis 49jährigen bei über 95 Prozent (Bitkom e.V. 2018), nutzen lediglich 41 Prozent der Personen ab 65 Jahren ein Smartphone1 (Lutter et al. 2017). Dabei nimmt das Nutzungsverhalten mit zunehmenden Alter ab (Barczik 2019). Dies ist umso erstaunlicher, da digitale Medien speziell für ältere Erwachsene Möglichkeiten zur Alltagserleichterung bieten (Mori und Harada 2010, Leung et al. 2012, Thimm 2013). Überdies ermöglichen Smartphones und Tablet-PCs ortsunabhängige Interaktionsmöglichkeiten (Feist und McDougall 2013) und befördern damit die soziale Teilhabe. Feist und McDougall 2013 sprechen modernen Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologien (IKT) sogar die Möglichkeit zu, den Alter(n)sprozess gelingend zu unterstützen. Dies lässt sich mit Beispielen wie Mobile Healthcare oder Ambient Assistent Living Systeme untersetzen. Entgegen dieser Vorteile wirft sich unweigerlich die Frage auf, wodurch die gegebene altersbedingte Digital Divide verursacht wird? [... aus der Einleitung]

Originální a převzatý zdroj v síti internet / Original and Assumed Sources on World Wide Web

Svatý, Michal January 2011 (has links)
The thesis focuses on problem of authorship of the Internet content. It considers the question whether we can analyze the artwork purely as a closed structure of the symbols or whether it is necessary to take work as a broader structure. The first part of the thesis shows the Internet in general and its specifics it as a medium. The second part is devoted to the problem of authorship. It explains traditional view of Nelson Goodman, who examined the authenticity of artwork with regard to the internal arrangement of the elements structure of the object. The third part shows the later theories inconsistent with the views of Nelson Goodman, views of different contemporary authors who present the changes of authorship aspects in the environment which is under constant development, quickly sharing ideas and resources. New theories suggest to look beyond the authorship of the artwork domain, apply broader focous. The conclusion provides a synthesis of these views.

The Role of Communication in Accessibility for Virtual Music Festivals

Cassie Joanne Beer (12295688) 20 April 2022 (has links)
<p>A literature review covering both the social construct model and medical model of disability followed by an argument of the importance of leisure and social activities, especially the arts, for people with disabilities. Concluding quantitative and qualitative research through focus groups and surveys, the project ends with a guide to implementing accessibility and inclusion efforts when planning online arts events.</p>

Reclaiming the “C” in ICT4D: A Critical Examination of the Discursive (Un)Freedoms in Digital State Policy and News Media of Bangladesh and Norway

Ala-Uddin, Mohammad 11 May 2022 (has links)
No description available.

La composition interactive immersive : une approche participative à la composition électroacoustique

Primeau, Jean-François 12 1900 (has links)
No description available.

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