Spelling suggestions: "subject:"discretization.""
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Socialsekreterarnas ambitioner kontra myndighetens resurser : En kvalitativ studie om socialsekreterares förutsättningar i arbetet med barn och ungdomar som befinner sig i gängkriminella miljöer / Social secretaries’ ambitions versus the authority’s resources : A qualitative study of social secretaries’ conditions in working with children and young people who are in gang criminal environmentsLuong, Thi Thien Thuong, Ödén, Lisa January 2023 (has links)
Syftet med den här studien har varit att undersöka hur socialarbetare beskriver sitt arbete med barn och ungdomar som befinner sig i gängkriminella miljöer och hur de uppfattar gynnsamma faktorer och hinder i sitt arbete. Kvalitativa intervjuer med sex socialarbetare har gjorts. Handlingsutrymme, people-processing, people-changing, people-sustaining och social brottsprevention har använts i analysen. Resultatet visade att socialarbetarnas arbete med barn och ungdomar i gängkriminella miljöer innefattar arbete som faller innanför och ett som faller utanför uppdraget. Faktorer som ansågs gynnsamma var bland annat några utbildningar, handböcker, stöd från kollegor och chefer samt individuellt förvärvad kunskap. Hinder i arbetet innefattar bland annat ostrukturerade introduktioner, brist på utbildning, bristande insatser och en allmän kunskapsbrist samt bristen på kunskap och lämpliga insatser för målgruppen. De gynnsamma faktorerna kan även vara hinder såtillvida att även om de har kunskap om målgruppen är den inte tillräcklig, särskilt beträffande insatser vilket var studiens främsta fynd. / The aim of this study was to examine how social workers conduct their work with juveniles and young adults in gang-criminal environments based on their perception of favorable factors and obstacles. The applied method was qualitative interviews with six different social workers where the theoretical perspectives were discretion, people-processing, people-changing, people-sustaining and social crime prevention. The results revealed that their work includes both work within their professional duties, such as investigation and work outside of their duties, for instance supporting roles. In addition, the outcome shows favorable aspects that include training courses, manuals, independently gained knowledge and support from colleagues and supervisors. However, the obstacles were unstructured introductions, a lack of training, general lack of knowledge and efforts suitable for the target group. It became apparent that the success factors were also regarded as challenges and that the lack of knowledge, especially interventions, was the primary finding of the study.
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Den sociala barnavården är den mest givande delen av det sociala arbetet : En kvalitativ studie om socialarbetares engagemang inom den sociala barnavården. / Social childcare is the most rewarding part of social workNkunzimana, Emelyne, Johannesson, Josefine January 2023 (has links)
Den som arbetar inom den sociala barnavården har en betydande samhällsuppgift med olika utmaningar. I Sverige har socialarbetare det yttersta ansvaret att se till att barn växer upp under trygga omständigheter. Den tidigare forskningen presenterar huvudsakligen den negativa sidan av den sociala barnavården och fokuserar mycket på personalomsättning samt hur det kan motverkas. Under studietiden har författarna och deras studiekamrater dessutom blivit uppmanade att inte arbeta med barn direkt efter examen. Syftet med denna uppsats var därför att undersöka vad som driver socialarbetare att arbeta inom den sociala barnavården under en längre tid och vilka organisatoriska förutsättningar som gör att drivet och engagemanget kvarstår. Datainsamlingen grundar sig i en kvalitativ metod med semistrukturerade intervjuer där sex socialarbetare inom den sociala barnavården har deltagit. Resultatet redovisas i fyra olika huvudteman: Personligt engagemang, Positiva upplevelser, Personliga krav och Utvecklingsområden. Dessa teman har analyserats utifrån de teoretiska utgångspunkterna känsla av sammanhang (KASAM), kognitiv dissonansteori, resiliens och handlingsutrymme. Utifrån uppsatsens resultat har författarna dragit slutsatsen att den sociala barnavården inte lever upp till sitt rykte, vilket är positivt i detta fall. / Those who work in social childcare have a significant task with various challenges. In Sweden, social workers have the ultimate responsibility to ensure that children grow up under safe circumstances. Previous research mainly presents the negative side of social childcare and focuses a lot on staff turnover and how to prevent it. At the university, the authors and fellow students have been advised not to work with children immediately after graduation. The purpose of this essay was therefore to investigate what drives social workers to work in social childcare for a longer period and what organizational factors ensure that the drive and commitment remain. The data collection is based on a qualitative method with semi-structured interviews where six social workers in social childcare have participated. The results are presented in four different main themes: Personal commitment, Positive experiences, Personal requirements and Development areas. These themes have been analyzed based on sense of coherence (SOC), cognitive dissonance theory, resilience and discretion. Based on the results of the essay, the authors have concluded that social childcare does not live up to its reputation, which is positive in this case.
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No description available.
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Peeling an Apple: Police Discretion from an Officer's Perspective in Terms of a Definition, Education, and the Process of RoutinizationBeech, Andrew Evan 09 September 2008 (has links)
No description available.
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”Absolut att det är komplext, men det är ju ett komplext jobb” : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om socialsekreterares erfarenheter av att göra mognadsbedömningar och främja barns delaktighet / “Absolutely, it's complex, but it is a complex job” : A qualitative interviewstudy on social workers' experiences of conducting maturity assessments and promoting children's participationJohansson, Emma, Torstensson, Sarah January 2024 (has links)
The aim of this study was to explore social workers’ experiences of conducting maturityassessments based on a lack of guidelines. This to create a deeper understanding of thecomplexity of these assessments and how children are allowed participation in childprotection cases. Seven semi-structured interviews were conducted with social workers inchild protection units in different Swedish municipalities. The data was then analyzed usingBraun and Clarks (2006; 2019) method of reflexive thematic analysis. The theories ofdiscretion, Skön and childhood sociology were applied in the analysis. The study shows thatthe assessment of maturity is somewhat connected to the child’s age, possible disabilities andthe adult perspective. This complexity reveals the importance of discretion where theassessment is intuition based on experience and theoretical knowledge. The lack of guidelinesfor maturity assessments opens for discretion where each social worker bases theirassessments on social norms. The child’s participation has been emphasised as crucialalthough it differs to which extent this is practised. To promote participation the socialworkers describe adjusting how they communicate with the child. Factors that obstructparticipation are the assessment that participation would be hurtful to the child and aninherent fear of social services.
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Management Control Systems in the Public Sector : Navigating through municipal organizations: A net of boundaries or possibilities?Hermansson, Oskar, Karlsson, Therese January 2024 (has links)
Background: Management Control Systems (MCS) have been withheld as useful tools to support managers and increase performance, whereas Simons’ Levers of Control (LOC) increase the understanding of relations between different MCS. The characteristics of the public sector induce new dimensions of complexity in a municipal setting, where this study reveals how tensions exist between both levers and managers in turn impacting the performance of the organization. Purpose: The purpose of this study is to clarify the comprehensive use and efficiency of the MCS within Swedish municipal organizations. By using existing frameworks to acknowledge the unique challenges inherent, the relation between LOC and municipal performance is tested. Method: The study reconciles with the pragmatic paradigm, following an abductive mixed-method approach. The research problem is addressed through a sequential explanatory method, where the quantitative research accounts for the foundation of the study, and to further enhance the understanding of the data, qualitative interviews were conducted. Conclusion: This thesis reveals the intricate relationship between MCS and performance in Swedish municipal organizations, confirming the significance of MCS while challenging assumptions about LOCs’ direct impact on performance. By exploring the moderating role of professional discretion, the study underscores the importance of considering contextual factors in designing effective control mechanisms tailored to organizational needs.
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"Egentligen så får jag fatta många beslut, men ändå är det någon annans bedömning som styr" : En kvalitativ studie om socialsekreterares handlingsutrymme på ekonomiskt bistånd / "Actually, I get to make a lot of decisions, but it's still someone else's judgment that governs" : A qualitative study on social workers discretion for financial aidIvansson, Felicia, Dahlberg, Michaela January 2024 (has links)
Socialsekreterare som arbetar med ekonomiskt bistånd har ett uttalat handlingsutrymme och en viss frihet i handläggningsprocessen. Trots detta så finns det även lagar, regler, organisatoriska riktlinjer samt individuella faktorer som påverkar detta handlingsutrymme. Därför kan handlingsutrymmet användas på olika sätt, vilket sker utifrån det faktum att socialsekreterarna har olika erfarenhet och tolkar ramar och riktlinjer på olika vis. Syftet med studien är att undersöka socialsekreterares upplevelse av vilka faktorer som påverkar deras handlingsutrymme vid handläggning av ekonomiskt bistånd. Sex kvalitativa intervjuer har gjorts med socialsekreterare från fyra olika kommuner. Studien påvisar att socialsekreterarna upplever sitt handlingsutrymme som stort, men inom strikta ramar. Studien påvisar även att socialsekreterarnas upplevda handlingsutrymme påverkas av deras erfarenhet samt upplevda yrkesroll, då mer erfarenhet bidrar till en större säkerhet i vad man kan göra för sina klienter. Handlingsutrymmet påverkas också av organisatoriska riktlinjer och resurser. Resurser i form av tid är en övergripande stor faktor som påverkar handlingsutrymmet hos socialsekreterarna. / Social workers who work with financial aid have a pronounced discretion and a certain freedom in the handling process. Despite this, there are also laws, rules, organizational guidelines and individual factors that affect this discretion. Therefore, discretion can be used in different ways, which is based on the fact that the social workers have different experiences and interpret frameworks and guidelines in different ways. The purpose of the study is to investigate social workers' experience of which factors affect their discretion when handling financial assistance. Six qualitative interviews have been conducted with social workers from four different municipalities. The study shows that the social workers experience their discretion as large, but within strict limits. The study also shows that the social workers' perceived discretion is affected by their experience and perceived professional role, as more experience contributes to greater certainty in what they can do for their clients. The discretion is also affected by organizational guidelines and resources. Resources in the form of time are overall a major factor that affects the discretion of the social workers.
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Lokvalbetrapping in die Suid-Afrikaanse regNaude, Bobby Charles 10 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Alhoewel die lokvalstelsel as misdaadbekampingsmetode lank reeds bestaan, is die
toepassing daarvan nog altyd kontroversieE!I. Hierdie omstredenheid is die laaste paar jaar op die
voorgrond gedryf deur 'n Regskommissie-ondersoek, sowel as deur die aanvaarding van 'n Handves van
Menseregte. Ondersoek word ingestel na hierdie omstredenheid deur te kyk na die inhoud en
toepassing van die stelsel, sowel as na die rol wat private persona, die polisie en die hot by die
stelsel speeL
Die gevolgtrekking waartoe gekom word, is dat die omstredenheid van die stelsel te danke is aan die
feit dat dit verband hou met pro-aktiewe regshandhawing, wat in wese bestaan uit die gebruik van
misleiding ten einde die pleging van 'n misdaad teweeg te bring. Die probleem met pro-aktiewe
regshandhawing is dat dit 'n geleentheid skep vir die uitoefening van polisiediskresie wat
grootliks sonder beheer geskied, met potensiele wanoptrede aan die kant van regshandhawers en die
ondermyning van die publiek se vertroue in die billikheid van die strafregspleging.
Ondersoek word gevolglik ingestel na metodes om diskresie-uitoefening by die lokvalstelsel te
regverdig, aangesien daar wei ruimte is vir diskresionere magte wat behoorlik begrens,
gestruktureer en gekontroleer is. Die vernaamste metodes van beheer oor diskresie uitoefening by
die lokvalstelsel, naamlik die uitsluiting van getuienis en weerstand in 'n strafgeding, word
grondig ondersoek met verwysing na die Engelse-, Amerikaanse- en Kanadese reg.
Dit is egter die uitgangspunt van hierdie proefskrif dat wetgewende strukturering van
diskresie-uitoefening by die lokvalstelsel die mees effektiewe oplossing bied vir meeste van die
problema van die stelsel. Die enigste aanvaarbare basis waarop die lokvalstelsel kan funksioneer,
is om deur middel van wetgewing die trefwydte van toelaatbare lokvaltegnieke en die beperkinge
waarbinne regshandhawers regsonderdane mag beweeg om misdade te pleeg, te definieer. Daar is dus 'n
behoefte aan die kodifisering van standaarde waaraan voldoen moet word voordat enige lokvaloperasie
behoort te begin. / Although the system of trapping has long been used as a method of preventing crime, its
employment has always been controversial. In the recent past, this controversy has come to the
front due to an investigation by the South African Law Commission and the acceptance of a Bill of
Rights. This thesis investigates this controversy by looking at the contents and application of
the system, as well as the role which private persons, the police and the court play in the system.
The conclusion arrived at, is that the controversy surrounding the system is due to the fact that
it has to do with pro-active law enforcement, which consists of the use of deception to induce the
performance of a criminal act. The problem with pro-active law enforcement is that it creates an
opportunity for the exercise of police discretion which is mainly uncontrolled, with
potentialmisconduct on the part of law enforcement officials and the subversion of public trust in
the reasonableness of the criminal justice system.
Consequently, methods by which the exercise of discretion in the system of trapping can be
justified are investigated, since there is room for discretionary powers which are properly
circumscribed, structured and controlled. The main methods of control over the exercise of
discretion in the system of trapping, namely the exclusion of evidence and a defence in a
criminal proceeding, are fully investigated with reference to English, American and Canadian law.
Having considered the above, the conclusion is advanced that legislative structuring of the
exercise of discretion in the system of trapping offers the most effective solution for most of
the problems underlying the system. The only acceptable basis on which the system can function,
is to define the scope of acceptable trapping techniques and the confines within which law
enforcement officials may prevail on someone to commit a crime. This must be done by means of
legislation. Accordingly, there is a need for codification of standards which have to be complied
with before any trapping operation may commence. / Criminal & Procedural Law / LL.D. (Criminal & Procedural Law)
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Hoorsê : 'n waardebepaling van die uitwerking van die 1988 wetgewingKock, Wynand Louw 09 1900 (has links)
Summaries in English and Afrikaans / Text in Afrikaans / Until 1988, hearsay-evidence in our legal system was governed by common
law. During this period resistance developed regarding the practice that hearsay which complied
with certain exceptions could indeed be allowed. Case law excluded further exceptions being added.
Legislation was enacted in 1988 in which hearsay was defined, a total exclusionary rule retained,
but the Courts given a wide discretion to allow hearsay. Via this legislation a more accommodating stance towards hearsay was introduced.
This dissertation aimed at measuring whether the legislation achieved its objectives and consisted of analysing case law and interviewing Judges and Advocates.
The conclusion arrived at is that the legislation has only marginally changed the usage
of hearsay in our legal system. The major obstacle lies in the attitude of practitioners who
continue to distrust hearsay and do not utilize the mechanism provided by statute. / Tot en met 1988, is hoorse-getuienis in ons regstelsel gemeenregtelik beheer. In
die tydperk bet besware egter geleidelik ontwikkel veral oor die gekunstelde wyse waarop hoorsê
as aan bepaalde uitsonderings voldoen is wel toegelaat is. Regspraak het voorts ook bepaal dat geen verdere uitsonderings toegevoeg kon word nie.
In 1988 is wetgewing uitgevaardig waarin hoorsê-getuienis omskryf word, 'n algehele
uitsluitingsreel behou word maar aan die howe 'n wye diskresie verleen word om na oorweging van
voorgeskrewe faktore, hoorsê wei toe te laat. Die oogmerk van hierdie wetgewing was om 'n
meganisme daar te stel om soos by die civil regstelsels en sekere ander Iande, 'n meer toeskietlike
houding jeens hoorsê te bewerkstellig.
Hierdie verhandeling se hoofdoel was om te bepaal of die wetgewing in die doel geslaag bet. Om tot
'n bevinding te kom is regspraak ontleed, en is onderhoude gevoer beide met Regters en die
Die slotsom bereik dui daarop dat die wetgewing maar weinig verander bet in die gebruikmaking van
hoorse-getuienis in ons regstelsel. Wat die wetgewing self betref, hoewel daar sekere besware
te make is oor sekere bepalings, verskaf dit tog 'n bruikbare instrument. Die grootste
struikelblok is gelee in die instelling van die praktisyns wat bly vasklou aan 'n gevestigde vrees
vir hoarse en nie gebruikmaak van die nuwe geleentheid nou deur die wetgewing daargestel nie. / Law / LL.M.
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Avlösning i hemmet, på vilka premisser? : En kvantitativ studie om hur avlösning i hemmet erbjuds till personer som vårdar demenssjuka närstående / Respite care in ordinary housing, on what premises? : A quantitative study on how respite care in ordinary housing is offered to people caring for relatives with dementiaSköllerud, Emelee January 2015 (has links)
The aim of this study was to identify differences in how the service respite care in ordinary housing is offered to people who are caring for or supporting relatives with dementia in nine municipalities in a region in southern Sweden. The study has focused on organizational factors that may affect the use of the service and the theoretical aspects of professional discretion and assessment principles in social work. To examine this, data was collected from a semi-structured survey (n = 59) directed to assistance officers and chief managers. Secondary quantitative data from a mapping of the nine municipalities support for people with dementia and their relatives was also included in the study. The methods used to analyse data were statistical analysis and quantitative content analysis. The span between equal and individual care have been studied to gain perspective on how local assistance officers and chief managers can adapt the availability and configuration of the service, in relation to the guidelines and the individual's needs. The results of the study show that there are differences in how municipalities offer respite care in ordinary housing for the informal carers and on what grounds they have access to it. There are also differences in the range of the service in some of the municipalities. Respondents estimate that they have wide professional discretion to adapt the service to individual needs, while they feel that the municipality's guidelines should be followed. Furthermore, the results show that use of the service is relatively low in the studied municipalities. To increase the use, respondents believe that security, confidence and trust are especially important in the relationship between the staff in home care services and the carers.
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