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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Varför barn fortfarande vräks : En kvalitativ jämförande studie om socialtjänstens användande av disciplin i ärenden där barn riskerar att vräkas

Kuyumcuoglu, Jessica, Kindezi, Chrisante January 2013 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to examine whether the degree of discipline in social services may be the reason why more children are evicted in one municipality in Stockholm, compared to another. Since our purpose was to study the degree of discipline in social services work with eviction cases where children are concerned, discipline is therefore a central part of the study. The interest in the subject arose from our prior understanding that social services approach to discipline may affect the extent of evictions. In order to answer the study’s question at issue, a qualitative interview was conducted to create an understanding of the discipline and a vignette study was conducted to compare the social workers assessments in two municipalities in Stockholm, Högstad and Lågby. The study's interviews and vignette study was complemented with previous research related to the topic. The theoretical perspective was the basis for the analysis of the empirical study and consisted interconnection of theory by Michel Foucaults as well as Greta Marie Skaus and Erich Fromms perspective which helped us create a better understanding of the discipline in social services. In conclusion, we discussed thoughts and ideas that arose during the study and the results show, among other things, obvious elements of discipline in social services. Additional knowledge from the study contributed to increased understanding was in which way the social services approach to discipline affects their assessments in eviction cases where children are concerned.

Barnperspektiv : En kvalitativ studie om hur handläggare i två kommuner beaktar barnperspektivet inom ekonomiskt bistånd

Hed, Sandra, Karlsson, Sofia January 2011 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to examine social workers working process in social assistance with focus on the child´s perspective. We were interested in learning about the existence of variations in approach and attitude between two municipalities. Question to be answered about what methods and approaches used by social workers to include the child´s perspective in the process of social assistance. Another question to be answered about what the manner in which social workers took into account the child´s perspective when the families apply for social assistance in relation to the operations and requirement. To fulfill the purpose, qualitative methods were used. Interviews were conducted with six social workers, three social workers in each municipality. The results of the interviews were analyses based on research and knowledge reviews and based on theory of street level bureaucracy. The study´s results show variations between the two municipalities in the social workers account of the child´s perspective in social assistance. The results also show that there was no established method or model in municipalities that made it clear to examiners how the child´s perspective should be taken into account in work with families. Instead the social workers of laws, policies, local conditions and the officers´ own discretion assumed how to best take in to account the child´s perspective in the work. When families applied for social assistance, social workers always tried to consider the child´s perspective. Families with children had the opportunity to be granted extra efforts that benefited children and the requirements were not as strict for families with children, as for other individuals without children who applied for social assistance.

"Rätt för kvinnan att blifva människa - fullt och helt." : Svenska kvinnors ekonomiska medborgarskap 1921-1971 / ”A women´s right to become a human being – to the fullest extent.” : Swedish women´s economic citizenship 1921-1971

Bersbo, Zara January 2012 (has links)
The aim of this dissertation is to review the molding process of the politics that preceeded the work for gender equality which inSwedengathered speed in the early 1970s. Particular focus has been put to how society through legislation, economic and social privileges during the years 1921-1971 affected Swedish women’s possibilities to make a living and to achieve economic independence. In the dissertation three commissions initiated by the government have been analysed, all of which have been considered paramount for Swedish women’s economic emancipation. The stance that has been applied presumes that the way in which a “problem” has been formulated and framed is of importance for which measures will obtain interpretative preference, thus having an influence on both legislation and the politics pursued, and which measures were considered inconceivable. The dissertation demonstrates that different interpretations of the problems, based on disparate values and indisputable suppositions of how women as regards economic issues should be, choose and act, to varying degree and effect converged in the reports presented by the commissions. In the politics applied women were then manouvered into another economic practice than men, but also into different activities for different groups of women.   One of the main arguments in this dissertation is that in spite of the fact that parts of the women’s liberation movement were active in this molding process during the years 1921-1971, it was not the result of liberal and women-friendly politics. Change over time was pushed by governmentality. By, in the commissions analysed, problematising how certain women’s behaviour contributed to major social problems, such as a dropping marriage frequency, decreasing nativity and preventing economy from expanding, the rights and other social benefits would steer them into serving what was regarded as the public good. Thus, during the time period reviwed, Swedish women´s extended rights and other social benefits were not implemented to create possibilities for women to achieve economic independence, but as a means to resolve other superior social problems.

Klassificeringssystem för hållbar stadsutveckling / Rating systems for urban development

Almqvist, Amanda, Nordström, Emma, Himmelstrand, Malin January 2013 (has links)
Urbaniseringen ökar samtidigt som det sker en omfattande klimatförändring i världen. Städerna står för bland annat 70 procent av de globala koldioxidutsläppen och två tredjedelar av världens energianvändning. Hälften av världens befolkning bor i städer. På grund av detta är det nödvändigt att städerna är hållbara. Därför finns det olika klassificeringssystem för stadsdelar som underlättar att skapa en hållbar stad. Dock finns inget svenskt system men Breeam Communities är anpassat till svenska förhållanden. Syftet med rapporten är att bidra till utvecklingen av metoder som stöder en hållbar stadsutveckling. Genom att först kartlägga vilka klassificeringssystem som finns kunde dessa jämföras med varandra för att se vilka kriterier som återkommer. Paralleller kunde dras för vilka som var av större betydelse då majoriteten använt sig av just dessa kriterier. Ett skissarbete gjordes för att ta reda på vilka kriterier som bör ingå i ett svenskt system och de återkommande kriterierna från de undersökta klassificeringssystemen var också till stor hjälp. De system som har undersökts är Breeam Communities, Casbee for Cities, One Planet Communities, Green Star Communities och Leed for Neighborhood Development. I systemen mäts hållbarheten oftast i faktorer/kriterier ur sociala, ekonomiska och ekologiska aspekter. Klassificeringssystemen har olika krav eller mål på vad som behöver uppnås inom vardera faktor. Systemen är dock mycket olika uppbyggda vilket komplicerade jämförelseprocessen. De kriterier som återkommer i system är koldioxidutsläpp, vattenförbrukning, vattenförorening, livsmedel, djur och natur, översvämningar, avfallshantering, materialval, exploaterad mark, fysisk aktivitet, tillgänglighet, hälsa och välmående, kultur och kulturarv, transporter, grönområden, samhällsengagemang, ljusföroreningar, lokal ekonomi och sysselsättning. Eftersom Sverige har ett eget klimat och egna normer kan inte ett utländsktsystem anpassas så lätt till svenska förhållanden. De kriterier som bör ingå i ett svenskt system baseras bland annat på de globala och nationella målen för Sverige samt de som återkom i de analyserade systemen. Förutom de kriterier som återkom i systemen (somliga av kriterierna har andra benämningar) bör systemet också innehålla buller, natur, trafik, blandad bebyggelse, trygghet, underhåll och utbildning. Det är många faktorer inom de tre perspektiven som ska analyseras och tas tillvara för att uppnå ett välorganiserat och bra klassificeringssystem för stadsdelar. Det finns många fördelar med ett klassificeringssystem. Till exempel underlättar det medvetna val, samverkan och kommunikation mellan aktörer, men framför allt ett bättre samhälle att leva i. / The urbanization is increasing while there is a comprehensive climate change in the world. The cities stands for 70 percent of the global carbon emissions and two-thirds of the world's energy use. Half the world's population live in cities. Because of this, it is necessary that cities are sustainable. Therefore, there are various classification systems for neighborhoods that facilitates the creation of a sustainable city. However, there is no Swedish system but Breeam Communities is adapted to Swedish conditions. The objective of the report is to contribute to the development of methods that support sustainable urban development. By first identifying the classification systems, these could be compared with each other to see which criteria’s recurred. Parallels could be drawn as to which was more important, as the majority made use of these criteria. A sketching was made to find out what criteria should be included in the Swedish system and the regular criteria of the investigated classification systems were also very helpful. The systems that have been investigated are Breeam Communities, Casbee for Cities, One Planet Communities, Green Star Communities and Leed for Neighborhood Development. The systems measure sustainability usually infactors/criteria of social, economic and ecological aspects. Classification systems have different requirements or goals of what needs to be achieved within each factor. The systems are very different designed which complicated the comparison process. The regular criteria in all systems are carbon, water consumption, water pollution, food, wildlife and nature, floods, waste management, developed land, physicalactivity, accessibility, health and welfare, culture and heritage, transport, greenspaces, community involvement, light pollution, local economy and employment. Since Sweden has its own climate and its own standards, a foreign system is not adapted so easily to Swedish conditions. The criteria that should be part of a Swedish system is partly based on the global and national goals for Sweden as wellas those returned in the analyzed systems. In addition to the criteria that reappeared in the systems (some of the criteria has been renamed) it should also contain noise, nature, traffic, mixed development, security, maintenance and education.T There are many factors within the three perspectives to be analyzed and utilized to achieve a well-organized and good classification system of neighborhoods. There are many benefits of a classification system. For example, it facilitates informed choice, collaboration and communication between actors, but most of all a better society to live in.

Idrottsvanor bland ungdomar : En kartläggning över föreningsidrott och spontanidrott

Beijar, Per January 2014 (has links)
This master thesis examines sport habits among young people and a view of their future in sports. Research has shown that the majority of youth leave sport clubs during adolescence. The thesis questions were: How physically active are young people? Which sports do they practice? Regarding their future in sports, what kind of aspirations do the young people have? Are there any barriers that could complicate their involvement in these activities? These questions were examined by analyzing if there were any differences between boys and girls, youth in different grades and youth with Swedish or foreign backgrounds. Pierre Bourdieu´s theoretical framework about sports and economic capital has been used as a research framework. 248 students (6th to 9th grade) in Umeå answered a survey about their sport habits. The results showed that many adolescents participate in sports activities. Participation in sport clubs decreased with age, which lead to the fact that many young people do not meet the recommendation from WHO (2010) of one hour of physical exercise each day. Sport capital was an important factor for physical practice, while economic capital was important within sport clubs but not outside. Half of the studied population wanted to exercise more frequently but there were several factors that prevented them. The different groups that were analyzed showed varying results, especially about their habits within sport clubs. This study confirms research about drop-out during adolescence which could lead to large challenges for sport clubs and decision makers within sports in the future.

“..att en blir sittande med ett hjärndött administrativt jobb” : En kvalitativ studie om digitaliseringen och effektiviseringen inom ekonomiskt bistånd / “..To be left with a braindead administrative job” : A qualitative study about digitalization and effectivization within financial assistance

Knutas, Johannes, Bergström, Amalia January 2018 (has links)
This is a study about the social work profession and the changes which now is being implemented, influenced by efficiency and digitalization. How social services works with financial assistance for those who can’t earn their own living is changing. The traditional street-level bureaucracy with face to face-meetings is being replaced by a more digital work method: “Trelleborgsmodellen”, where the bureaucrat doesn't meet the client during the assessment of the need of financial assistance. The data for the study was collected via three focus groups held in Trelleborg, Gotland and Lidköping. The result showed that bureaucrats in Lidköping and on Gotland had a fear that important details could go missing with the removal of the face to face-meeting. That fear was not present in Trelleborg, were they instead talked about all the benefits that they saw with a simplified, fast and effective administration process. That simplified process is a result of deskilling, the need for education in social work doesn't exist anymore in Trelleborg.

Föräldrars ishockeyhabitus och deras barns deltagande : Vilka ges möjlighet att spela ishockey / Parents ice-hockey habitus and their childrens' participation

Malmquist, Patrick, Olovsson, Jonas January 2018 (has links)
Rooted and centered within a Bourdieu-inspired understanding of how the habitus and social class of parents affects childrens’ sports choices, this paper contributes to a greater appreciation of how social capital and social background impact a family’s ability to practice the sport of ice-hockey. Historically, there has been a significant amount of research investigating the reasons for- and rates of- dropout from sports participation, but few attempts has been undertaken to study athletes who begin and continue to actively play a certain sport. Through the creation of an index which measures different variables, this paper introduces the concept of an ice-hockey habitus. This habitus was used to compare the education, occupations, economic wealth and other demographic parameters of parents of ice-hockey-playing children. With that in mind, the aim of this paper was to investigate what characterizes ice-hockey playing childrens’ parents. The results were found through looking at the above-mentioned demographics in relation to previous research, and, briefly, the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. Additionally, a further aim is to document the demographics of the parents of continual-participation among young ice-hockey players. To do so, a quantitative research method was utilized, through which a web-based questionnaire was formed and used as foundation for the gathering of the empirical data. The total amount of responses amounted to n=576, from four disparate cities within a geographical distribution from south to north. The findings showed that there was a correlation between families with ice-hockey playing children and highly educated parents (in some areas more than double the Swedish average) and economic wealth (as more than four out of five families earns equal to- or higher than the Swedish average). The findings also showed that for the ice-hockey habitus, level of education did not affect mothers’ index level. For the fathers’ index, the amount of highly educated fathers decreased as the ice-hockey habitus increased. A further correlation found was that as ice-hockey habitus increased, so did the amount of families with higher economic wealth.

Ekonomiskt bistånd : En studie om handläggarnas upplevelse av införandet av robothandläggning i socialtjänsten / Social welfare : A study on the introduction of robotic techniques in social services

Andersson, Mimmi, Lindberg, Kristin January 2018 (has links)
Social welfare - A study on the introduction of robotic techniques in social services We have studied how administrators in social services experience the new work method with robotic techniques. Based on a focus group interview and two deep interviews, the finding shows that it is important to provide information and time when making a reorganization. The new work method has caused concern among the administrators about the future of social work. They are critical of how the implementation process has been addressed. The results we gained show that the administrators look forward to the future regarding robotic techniques, even though their attitudes have been negative. Based on our findings we have concluded that the decision of implementing robotic techniques has been made at higher level and that the administrators lacked influence in the decision-making process. We have also made observations of what have been published in the media to see how the attitudes of the administrators were influenced by what is written.    Keywords: Social welfare, robotic techniques, attitudes, mass media, social services

"Vi jobbar inte med själva barnen" : En kvalitativ intervjustudie av socialsekreterares beaktande av barnperspektivet i ekonomiskt bistånd / "We do not work with the children themselves" - A qualitative interview study of social workers' consideration of the child perspective in financial assistance

Ahola, Malin, Sundell, Annika January 2018 (has links)
Uppsatsens syfte är att undersöka hur barnperspektivet beaktas i socialtjänstens handläggning av ekonomiskt bistånd. Metoden som använts är en kvalitativ intervjustudie, där sex socialsekreterare som arbetar med handläggning av ekonomiskt bistånd inom en viss kommun har intervjuats. Studien utgår från handlingsutrymme som teoretisk tolkningsram. Studien är av relevans för socialt arbete då barn som befinner sig i familjer med ekonomiskt bistånd utgör en utsatt grupp som riskerar att hamna i fortsatt social utsatthet även i vuxen ålder. Studien visar att en majoritet av socialsekreterarna uppfattar barnperspektivet som otydligt angivet och att det finns en osäkerhet i hur man ska arbeta utifrån detta. Studien visar även att barn tenderar bli osynliga i handläggningen av ekonomiskt bistånd, samt att socialsekreterarna uppfattar att de inte har tillräckliga förutsättningar att arbeta utifrån ett barnperspektiv. Studien visar vidare att majoriteten av socialsekreterarna hyser önskemål om att arbeta mer utifrån ett barnperspektiv. / The purpose of the essay is to investigate how the child perspective is taken into consideration in the social services' management of financial assistance. The method used is a qualitative interview study. Six social workers within financial assistance have been interviewed. The study is based on the theory of discretion, and is of relevance to social work since children in families who receive financial assistance constitute a vulnerable group who is at risk of ending socially vulnerable even in adulthood. The results of the study show that most of the social workers perceive the child perspective as unclear. The study also shows that children tend to be invisible in financial assistance, and that the social workers perceive that they do not have sufficient conditions to work from a child perspective. The study further shows that most of the social workers have a request to work more from a child perspective.

Investerarens reaktion vid företagsskandaler : Ekonomisk brottslighet och andra oetiska handlingars påverkan på aktiekursen

Jolind, Sara, Söderqvist, Lina January 2018 (has links)
I dagens samhälle sprids nyheter snabbt, vilket gör att företagsskandaler får mycket uppmärksamhet. I den här studien undersöks två olika typer av företagsskandaler, då företag begått ett ekonomiskt brott och då företag begått en annan oetisk handling. Studiens syfte är att jämföra vilken av dessa två typer av skandaler som ger störst reaktion hos investerare genom att studera företags aktiekurser. Marknadsmodellen används för att se om en förändring i aktiekursen sker i samband med att de olika skandalerna offentliggörs. Huruvida en signifikant reaktion uppstått avgörs med hjälp av t-test. Studien visade att ett signifikant fall i aktiekursen skedde i samband med offentliggörandet av ekonomisk brottslighet, men att ingen förändring i aktiekursen skedde i samband med andra oetiska handlingar. Detta innebär att investerare reagerar på en skandal som avser ekonomisk brottslighet men inte på en skandal som avser andra oetiska handlingar.

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