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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Komparace programů politických stran zelených v SRN, Rakousku a ČR v letech 1990-2014 / Comparison of the Programmes of the Green Party in the Federal Republic of Germany, Austria and the Czech republic in the years 1990 - 2014

Veselá, Martina January 2016 (has links)
This thesis compares the electoral programmes of green political parties in the Federal Republic of Germany, the Republic of Austria, and the Czech Republic in the years 1990- 2014, namely the German party Alliance '90/The Greens, the Austrian party The Greens - The Green Alternative, and the Czech Green Party. The beginning of the work provides an explanation of the concepts related to green politics, such as ecology, environmentalism, environment and sustainable development, whose knowledge is essential for understanding the major themes of the electoral programmes. Subsequently, the origin and history of all three political parties are outlined. The actual comparison is performed in a twofold manner. The first one compares the content of a specific programme with the previous ones and the second one compares the programmes of all three green parties for the same or the close electoral period. Furthermore, the format of individual programmes is characterized. Attention is focused on the major thematic areas, similarities and differences, and on the position of these parties before and after a particular parliamentary election being held.

L'Église catholique et les pouvoirs dans le diocèse de Saint-Denis de la Réunion de 1911 à 1981 / The Catholic Church and the political Powers in Saint-Denis diocese in Reunion Island from 1911 to 1981

Turpin, Éric Bernard 29 November 2010 (has links)
Le décret du 6 février 1911 applique dans les colonies de la Martinique, de la Guadeloupe et de La Réunion la loi de Séparation des Églises et de l'État du 9 décembre 1905. Cette séparation, franche, donne à l'institution religieuse sa liberté, puisqu'elle ne se trouve plus sous la dépendance financière et juridique de l'autorité publique. Si la question des retraites et des inventaires des biens se déroule assez rapidement et sans drame majeur, sauf à Saint-Gilles-les-Hauts, l'attribution des biens mobiliers et immobiliers ayant appartenu aux établissements ecclésiastiques ne sera résolue que sous le régime de Vichy et dans les premières années de la IVème République. Après le temps de la passion liée à l'application de la loi, vient le temps de l'Entente cordiale après la Grande Guerre sous l'épiscopat de Monseigneur de Beaumont. Celle qui devait être l'Absente redevient fortement présente dans la société coloniale puis postcoloniale, dans le cadre d'un respect mutuel. L'Église connaît, durant cette période, un acte audacieux (lutte contre la fraude lors des élections d'avril 1936), un soutien allant jusqu'à la compromission avec le régime de Vichy, et la lutte contre le communisme, surtout après la Seconde Guerre mondiale. Les années soixante et soixante-dix sont le temps de l'Affirmation (combat contre la fraude électorale, lutte pour la régulation naturelle des naissances, critique du projet et du modèle de développement économique et social mais aussi propositions alternatives) et de l'Émancipation qui passe par des déchirures internes, souvent parallèles à la société, et par la mise en échec de toutes les manipulations, qu'elles soient anciennes (la Droite) ou nouvelles (le Parti Communiste Réunionnais). Dans les années soixante-dix, Monseigneur Gilbert Aubry, l'actuel évêque, achève l'émancipation de l'institution commencée dans la décennie précédente. De 1911 à 1981, l'Église catholique à La Réunion passe de la Séparation d'avec l'État à l'Émancipation. / The decree of February 6th 1911 applies the law of December 9th 1905 to separate the Church and the State in the French colonies of Martinique, Guadeloupe and Reunion. This complete separation gives to the religious institution its freedom since it is not under the financial and juridic dependence of public authority anymore. Even if the issues of retirement and inventory of goods take place quite quickly and without any major incident, except in Saint-Gilles-les-Hauts, the retribution of personal properties and real estates belonging to the ecclesiastical establishments will only be solved during the Vichy Administration and in the beginning of the 4th Republic.After the time of passion linked to the application of the law will come the time of cordial Agreement right after the World War 1 during the episcopate of his Lordship de Beaumont. The Church, which was supposed to be the Absente would then be present in the colonial on to the postcolonial society, on a mutual respect basis. During this period, the Church made a bold act (the fight against fraud for the elections of April 1936), a support going to the dishonest compromise with the Vichy Administration, and the struggle against Communism, especially after World War 2. The sixties and the seventies would be the time of Assertion (the fight against electoral fraud, the struggle for natural birth regulation, criticism of the economic and social project and model but also alternative propositions) and also a time of Emancipation not without any domestic tearing, often linked to Society, and finally a time for the check of all sorts of manipulations, whether old ones (the right wing) or new ones (the Communist Party of Reunion).In the 70s, his Lordship Gilbert Aubry, the actual bishop, finishes off the process of emancipation of the Church that had started ten years before. From 1911 to 1981 the Catholic Church in Reunion Island would go from the Separation with the State to Emancipation.

Voter sans élire : le caractère antidémocratique de la réélection présidentielle en Amérique Latine, 1994-2016 / Voting without electing : the antidemocratic effect of immediate presidential reelection in latin America, 1994-2016

Flórez Ruiz, José Fernando 13 October 2017 (has links)
Au cours des 22 dernières années, lorsque les présidents latino-américains au pouvoir ont aspiré à se faire réélire, ils y sont toujours arrivés à moins que leur pays ne connaisse une débâcle économique. Entre 1994 et 2016, dans les 18 démocraties qui composent l’ensemble appelé « Amérique latine », il y a eu 21 tentatives de réélection présidentielle immédiate dont 20 furent couronnées de succès. La seule exception à cette tendance électorale s’est présentée en République Dominicaine en 2004, lorsque le président HIPÓLITO MEJÍA a perdu la réélection car son pays était plongé dans une profonde crise économique. L’interprétation de ces données indique que l’autorisation de la réélection présidentielle consécutive a annulé dans la région la compétitivité électorale, qui est une des conditions fondamentales pour que la démocratie puisse exister. La principale cause de ce phénomène antidémocratique est l’abus du pouvoir présidentiel à des fins électorales, qui fait du chef d’État qui aspire à être réélu un candidat invincible à cause des ressources exorbitantes dont il dispose pour manipuler le résultat des élections. On peut en outre constater une corrélation entre autorisation de la réélection présidentielle immédiate et détérioration progressive de la qualité de la démocratie au cours des deuxièmes et troisièmes mandats du même président, selon le « Electoral Democracy Index ». En définitive, la réélection présidentielle immédiate en Amérique Latine constitue un poison pour la démocratie qu’il convient de proscrire de manière renforcée dans les textes constitutionnels, par le biais de clauses immuables qui puissent garantir l’alternance dans l’exercice du pouvoir présidentiel. / In the last 22 years, whenever Latin American presidents in office sought reelection they always achieved it save in cases of national economic collapse. Between 1994 and 2016, in the 18 democracies that make up the cluster denominated “Latin America”, 21 immediate presidential reelections were attempted out of which 20 resulted in success. The only exception to this electoral pattern took place in Dominican Republic, when in 2004 president HIPÓLITO MEJÍA lost his reelection amidst a profound economic crisis. The interpretation of this data indicates that the exercise of consecutive presidential reelections in the region has ruined electoral competitiveness, which is one of the basic preconditions for the existence of democracy. The chief cause of this antidemocratic phenomenon is the abuse of presidential power for electoral gain, which turns the head of State seeking reelection into an invincible candidate because of the exorbitant amount of resources that he has at his disposal to manipulate electoral results. There is also a correlation between the exercise of immediate presidential reelections and the progressive deterioration of democratic quality during the second and third terms of reelected presidents, as noted by the “Electoral Democracy Index”. In sum, the practice of consecutive presidential reelection in Latin America is a poison for democracy that is advisable to proscribe in a reinforced manner in constitutional texts, by means of eternity clauses that guarantee alternation in the exercise of presidential power.

O financiamento da política no Brasil: as pessoas jurídicas e sua participação / The political financing in Brazil: legal entities and their participation.

Silva, Raphael José de Oliveira 12 May 2016 (has links)
O presente trabalho tem por objetivo estudar o financiamento da política no Brasil por pessoas jurídicas, a fim de evocar os riscos que gera para o processo de escolha dos governantes e a fase governamental. A análise dessas questões dá-se por meio de quatro chaves. A primeira trata da capitalização dos partidos políticos e candidatos, a qual demanda fixação de limites por meio de ferramentas de regulação que buscam equilíbrio nas campanhas eleitorais e no financiamento das atividades dos partidos. A segunda versa sobre os dados de eleições nacionais e de pesquisas empíricas sobre o resultado da participação de pessoas jurídicas, correlacionando-o com os efeitos colaterais do financiamento, quais sejam, a corrupção e a influência do poder econômico. O exame de alguns escândalos tem relevância na atualidade, sobretudo diante da possibilidade de subsidiarem reformas que se apresentam necessárias. A terceira aborda soluções encontradas em outros países para equacionar os efeitos da participação das pessoas jurídicas, com destaque para o debate da questão atinente à liberdade de expressão. A pesquisa revela que a Justiça Eleitoral e a jurisdição constitucional brasileira tiveram papel decisivo na conformação do financiamento da política. A quarta consiste na análise crítica das regras do ordenamento brasileiro, inclusive as decorrentes da reforma política, que visam equacionar os problemas diagnosticados no estudo, e das decisões da jurisprudência que lidaram com o princípio da igualdade. Ao final, alinham-se vantagens e desvantagens do financiamento da política por pessoas jurídicas. / The present work aims to analyze the political financing by legal entities in Brazil in order to evoke the risks for the process of choosing the rulers and the period of governorship. The analysis of the issues considers four keys. The first is about the capitalization of the political parties and the candidates, which demands the fixing of limits through regulation tools to seek the balance in the electoral campaigns and in the financing of the parties activities. The second one concerns the data of the national elections and the empirical researches on the result of the participation of legal entities, correlating it with the side effects of financing, in other words corruption and the influence of the economic power. The exam of some scandals is relevant in the present time mainly considering the possibility of subsidizing reforms that are presented as necessary. The third point considers the other countries solutions to balance the effects of the legal entities contributions especially the discussion of the issue pertaining to freedom of expression. The research reveals that the Electoral Courts and the Brazilian constitutional jurisdiction had a decisive role shaping the political financing. The fourth key is the critical analyses of the Brazilian legal system, including the rules resulting from the political reform, which intended to solve the problems identified in the study, and the case law which dealt with principle of equality. In the end, there is an evaluation of the advantages and disadvantages of political financing by legal entities.

A democracia Cabo-verdiana e os pequenos partidos políticos / Cape Verde democracy and small political parties

Rodrigues, Anildo Lopes 24 February 2015 (has links)
A presente dissertação busca entender as razões do insucesso dos pequenos partidos políticos em Cabo Verde e o seu fraco desempenho eleitoral ao longo da história política cabo verdiana. O modelo do financiamento público tem sido apontado como a causa principal deste resultado. Questionamos essa explicação, buscando mostrar que a razão que está por trás do insucesso dos pequenos partidos não se deve unicamente à dificuldade de acesso ao financiamento público, mas também a outras variáveis, nem todas elas institucionais. Através da análise dos dados do Afrobarómetro é possível inferir que os pequenos partidos não têm apoio da população. As pessoas não transferem as suas preferências numa terceira força partidária, favorecendo assim os dois grandes partidos, fomentando ainda mais o bipartidarismo. / This work seeks to understand the reasons for the failure of small political parties in Cape Verde and its weak electoral performance throughout the political history Cape Verdean . Public funding model has been suggested as the main cause of this result. We question this explanation, seeking to show that the reason behind the failure of small parties is not due solely to the difficulty of access to public funding, but also to other variables, not all of them institutional. By analyzing the Afrobarometer data we can infer that the small parties have no popular support. People do not transfer their preferences in a third party force, favoring the two major parties, encouraging even more bipartisanship.

Role of media in electoral politics in India

Basu, Arani 25 May 2016 (has links)
Das primäre Ziel der Studie ist die Herstellung von Nachrichten durch vermittelte buzzwords zu verstehen. Vermittelte buzzwords werden von Medienhäusern und verbreitet durch Zeitungen oder Nachrichtenkanäle geprägt. Hier liegt der Schwerpunkt insbesondere ist zu untersuchen, wie vermittelte buzzwords hergestellt werden durch Zeitungen vor einer Wahl und wie diese buzzwords auf die Wähler, den Einfluss von Nachrichten konditionieren. In diesem Zusammenhang ist das größere Ziel Medien-Politik-Gesellschaft Wechselbeziehung in einer der größten Demokratien in der Welt und einer der bedeutendsten südasiatischen Ländern heißt Indien zu erkunden. Die Studie nimmt eine Gesellschaft zentrierten Ansatz, der Medien als soziale Institution betrachtet und zielt darauf ab, die verschiedenen Funktionen und Wirkungen in den Beziehungen zu anderen sozialen Einrichtungen nämlich Politik und Wähler zu analysieren. In diesem Licht setzt diese Studie, dass die Medien die Rolle vis-a-vis der Politik (Staat) und die Wähler (Gesellschaft) im Umfang liegt, auf die sie beeinflusst und wirkt sich auf die letztere. / The primary aim of the study is to understand manufacture of news through mediated buzzwords. Mediated buzzwords are coined by media houses and disseminated through newspapers or news channels. Here the focus in particular is to explore how mediated buzzwords are manufactured by newspapers before an election and how these buzzwords condition the influence of news on the electorate. Within this context, the larger goal is to explore media-politics-society interrelationship in one of the biggest democracies in the world and one of the most significant South Asian countries i.e. India. The study adopts a society centric approach that views media as a social institution and aims at analyzing its various features and effects in its relations with other social institutions namely politics and electorate. In that light, this study posits that media’s role vis-a-vis politics (state) and the electorate (society) lies in the extent to which it influences and impacts the latter. This study will explore media’s influence on General Election 2014 in India with the help of mediated buzzwords identified through primary and secondary sources, analyze the relationship between buzzwords and newspapers (represented by the media houses) disseminating them and explore the impact and influence of these mediated buzzwords on the electorate cutting across different social locations. This study has three primary foci – to identify mediated buzzwords and issues during General Elections of 2014 in India, to analyze how the mediated buzzwords were used by the media houses to manufacture news during General Elections of 2014 in India, and to assess the effects of these mediated buzzwords on the formation of political opinion of the electorate during General Elections of 2014 in India.

Rozvojové aktivity města Lomnice nad Lužnicí / Development Activities of Town of Lomnice nad Lužnicí

VISČUROVÁ, Renata January 2019 (has links)
The theme of my diploma thesis is Development Activities of Town of Lomnice nad Lužnicí. The main gain of my thesis is to evaluate activities of the selected period and to elaborate the development activities for the future according the variability of financial resources. I choose the period between 2011- 2018. Conclusions of this diploma thesis can also serve the current management of the town. It could provide them with an overview of the town´s economics situation and its development.

Princípios constitucionais de direito eleitoral

Vargas, Alexis Galiás de Souza 19 June 2009 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-26T20:29:20Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Alexis Galias de Souza Vargas.pdf: 1333206 bytes, checksum: b91dded94e4358df09b310c7d6147d3b (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009-06-19 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / This study aims the identification and theoretical development of the constitutional principles of electoral law. The Constitution is full of principles, which are legal rules with differentiated normativity, whose application demands a specific methodology. Thus the Theory of Principles took a central role in the new constitutional hermeneutic. The identification and construction of principles, and the methodology used to extract its normativity, are tasks of utmost importance for the interpretation and application of the Constitution. Nevertheless, regardless of how much the national studies on constitutional principles evolved, we see that they have not focused on the field of application of the Constitution that falls specifically on the electoral legal order. Consequently, the electoral law resents the lack of systematization of its rules and a theoretic referential to support it and guide its interpretation and integration. This study humbly seeks to collaborate in the overcoming of these difficulties. It seeks to identify and help the construction of what would be the constitutional principles of electoral law. In order to reach this daring objective, we start from a clear stance regarding the Theory of Principles and the definition of a scientific methodology, within a dogmatic perspective, which allows the outlining of a safe path in the disclosure and construction of these principles, to then pursue the field of constitutional electoral order. It is not a study that seeks to exhaust the subject. This work is necessarily incomplete, considering that principles, by their own nature, can be implicit and constructed through an evolutionary interpretation. On the other hand, the study allows one to safety attest that the rules expressed herein are constitutional principles that shall inform the Brazilian electoral law. The result of this study is a list of constitutional principles of electoral law, classified according to their scope and with the definition of their contents, theoretic justifications and their jurisprudential development / O objetivo deste estudo é a identificação e o desenvolvimento teórico dos princípios constitucionais do direito eleitoral. A Constituição está repleta de princípios, que são normas jurídicas de normatividade diferenciada e cuja aplicação requer metodologia específica. É por isso que a Teoria dos Princípios assumiu papel central na nova hermenêutica constitucional. A identificação e a construção dos princípios, bem como a metodologia para extrair sua normatividade, são tarefas do maior relevo para a interpretação e aplicação da Constituição. Entretanto, por mais que tenham evoluído os estudos nacionais sobre os princípios constitucionais, verificamos que estes ainda não tomaram por objeto o campo de incidência da Constituição que recai especificamente sobre o ordenamento jurídico eleitoral. Consequentemente, o direito eleitoral se ressente da falta de uma sistematização de suas normas e de um referencial teórico que lhe dê sustentação e lhe paute a interpretação e integração. Este estudo visa, humildemente, a colaborar na superação destas dificuldades. Visa ele a identificar e ajudar na construção de quais seriam os princípios constitucionais do direito eleitoral. Para cumprir com este ousado objetivo, partimos de um posicionamento claro a respeito da Teoria dos Princípios e a definição de uma metodologia científica, dentro de uma perspectiva dogmática, que permita traçar um caminho seguro na revelação e construção destes princípios, para então enveredar-se no campo do ordenamento constitucional eleitoral. Não se trata de um estudo que pretende esgotar o tema. Este é um trabalho necessariamente incompleto, eis que os princípios, por sua própria natureza, podem ser implícitos e construídos através de uma interpretação evolutiva. De outra parte, o estudo permite atestar, com segurança, que as normas aqui vertidas são princípios constitucionais que devem informar o direito eleitoral brasileiro. O resultado do estudo é um rol de princípios constitucionais de direito eleitoral, classificados conforme o seu objeto e com a definição de seus conteúdos, justificativas teóricas e seu desenvolvimento jurisprudencial

A jurisprudência eleitoral e seus reflexos no Estado democrático de direito / The electoral case law and its consequences to the democratic state

Lamanauskas, Milton Fernando 10 May 2010 (has links)
A sociedade brasileira aguarda pacientemente e há anos uma real reforma que introduza a ética e a moral no meio político e faça valer a soberania de seu povo. De um lado, observa-se um Poder Legislativo com sérias dificuldades de quebrar sua inércia e cumprir o seu papel de concretizar a lei como expressão da vontade geral. De outro, um Poder Judiciário que busca suprir os anseios sociais dando efetividade aos direitos fundamentais colocados na Constituição Federal da República Brasileira de 1988. O presente estudo almeja analisar como o Estado brasileiro tem convivido com um intenso ativismo judicial ou judicialização da política e suas consequências para a democracia pátria. Para a eficácia de suas conclusões, limitou-se o campo de estudo à matéria eleitoral, dada sua cristalina correlação com o Estado Democrático de Direito. Foram selecionadas, deste modo, as recentes decisões dos Tribunais nacionais em temas eleitorais para averiguar os reflexos desta jurisprudência sobre as bases democráticas de nosso país. E, em assim procedendo, foram trazidos elementos para uma crítica fundamentada à tentativa do Poder Judiciário de moralizar as instituições políticas, buscando fornecer as bases para concluir se esse altivo movimento dos Tribunais logrou, de fato, o aprimoramento do regime democrático vigente, preservando a harmonia entre os Poderes, a unidade do ordenamento jurídico e a legitimidade das instituições da nação ou se, ao contrário, apenas soluções pontuais foram conquistadas, combatendo-se uma doença grave com remédios paliativos ao invés de atacar a real causa das mazelas que assolam o Estado Democrático de Direito brasileiro. / The Brazilian society waits patiently and for many years for a deep change that introduces ethics and moral to politics to renew the sovereignty of its people. On one hand, the Parliament presents serious difficulties in moving forward to fulfill its role of materializing the law as an expression of the general will. On the other hand, the judiciary tries to meet social expectations, providing effectiveness to basic rights constitutionally established. This study aims to analyze how the Brazilian State has been living with an intense judicial activism and a judicialization of its politics and its consequences to democracy. For the effectiveness of its conclusions, the object of the analysis was limited to electoral issue, due to its crystal clear relation with the Rule of Law. In this manner, some recent judicial decisions of the national Courts as regards electoral subjects were chosen to verify the consequences of this jurisprudence on the democratic foundations of our country. And, in so proceeding, many aspects were brought to enable a justified criticism to the judiciary attempt to moralize political institutions, trying to provide the basis for the following questions: have, in fact, this noble movement of the Courts succeeded in improving the current democratic Brazilian system, preserving the harmony between the Powers, the unity of the legal system and the legitimacy of the nation institutions?; or, on the opposite, only few hoc solutions have been conquered, fighting with a serious illness by ministering palliative drugs, instead of solving the real cause of the illness that plagues the State?

La construcción del candidato. Análisis de la imagen de Verónika Mendoza en los encuadres periodísticos de El Comercio y La República y el contraste con la estrategia de campaña del Frente Amplio en las elecciones presidenciales 2016

Ayala Richter, Verónica Pamela 10 June 2017 (has links)
Esta investigación contrasta la estrategia de campaña que se elaboró en torno a la imagen de Verónika Mendoza, candidata del Frente Amplio a las elecciones presidenciales peruanas del 2016, con los contenidos periodísticos que elaboraron en torno a ella dos de los principales diarios peruanos, El Comercio y La República, con el objetivo de determinar hasta qué punto se logró plasmar esta estrategia en ambos diarios. Este estudio tiene un carácter empírico descriptivo y utiliza las entrevistas a profundidad a los jefes del equipo de campaña del Frente Amplio para establecer los atributos que quisieron resaltar de Mendoza; así como el análisis de contenido a la luz de la teoría del encuadre o framing en los medios seleccionados. El análisis muestra que se logró posicionar estas cualidades de forma parcial en el diario La República y contribuyó a atenuar la posición contraria de El Comercio a Mendoza, a través de una mayor presencia de notas de carácter positivo que balanceó el contenido adverso hacía la candidata / Tesis

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