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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Arbetsgivarvarumärkets betydelse : -för ett varuproducerande företag på landsbygden / The importance of employer brand- for a manufacturing company on the countryside

Segerbäck, Elin, Wåhleman, Carolina January 2020 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie var att genom ett medarbetarperspektiv få en fördjupad förståelse för konceptet arbetsgivarvarumärke och vad som uppfattas attraktivt i ett varuproducerande företag på landsbygden. För att uppnå syftet har ett kvalitativt metodval med semistrukturerade intervjuer använts som datainsamlingsmetod. Intervjuerna har skett med både tjänstemän och kollektivanställda. Dessutom användes företagets medarbetarenkäter för att generera ett rikare datamaterial. Studien bidrar till förståelsen att arbetsgivarvarumärkeskonceptet kan användas i ett varuproducerande företag på landsbygden. Resultatet visar att företaget är unikt genom att de är en av få arbetsgivare på orten samt att de erbjuder branschunika arbetstider. Vidare visar resultatet att företaget är attraktivt av anledning att de erbjuder trygga anställningsförhållanden i en trivsam och säker arbetsmiljö. Dessutom erbjuds utvecklings- och karriärmöjligheter, tillfredställande kollegiala relationer och en familjär atmosfär. Resultatet visar även att arbetslivsbalansen och relationen till chefen är attribut som värderas, trots att dessa inte nämndes spontant av respondenterna. Studiens resultat påvisar även en skillnad mot tidigare forskning, att förmåner i form av lön inte har någon större påverkan på attraktiviteten så länge de basala behoven tillfredsställs. / The purpose of this study was to gain a deeper understanding of the concept of employer brand and what is perceived as attractive in a manufacturing company in the countryside through an employee perspective. To achieve the purpose, a qualitative method choice with semistructured interviews has been used as a data collection method, where the interviews have been conducted with both chiefs and coworkers. In addition, the company's employee surveys generated a richer data material. The study contributes to the understanding that the employer brand concept can be used in a manufacturing company on the countryside. The result shows that the company is unique because it is one of few employers in the area and that they also have unique working hours. Furthermore, the company is attractive because of the secure employment conditions in a pleasant and safe work environment. In addition, the employer offers development and career opportunities, satisfactory relationship between colleagues and a familiar atmosphere. The results also show that the work life balance and relationship with the manager are attributes that are valued, even though these were not spontaneously mentioned by the respondents. This study also displays a distinction towards previous research that benefits in the form of pay have no major impact on attractiveness as long the basic needs are satisfied.

Rozvoj značky zaměstnavatele ve vybrané společnosti / Development of the Employer Brand in the Selected Company

Kosíková, Žaneta January 2021 (has links)
The diploma thesis focuses on the topic of Employer Branding, where the theoretical part describes the possibilities of building a brand and improving it. The practical part contains a description of the selected company and a description of the current situation in the company. Subsequently, internal and external research of the company's brand as an employer is carried out, focusing on the Brno enterprise. According to the results of the analytical part, issues are identified and possibilities for their improvement are suggested.

Industry Branding i IT-branschen : Industry Branding – en möjlighet för svenska IT-företag att marknadsföra och attrahera unga, kvinnliga medarbetare

Olausson, Emma, Sjöberg, Cecilia January 2020 (has links)
Purpose – The purpose of this study is to investigate how IT companies can apply Industry branding in their marketing strategy, with the aim to market the IT industry to influence young women to choose an IT education at a college or university. Method – The study has an explorative purpose to provide new insights on the topic of Industry branding. A deductive research approach has been applied. A literature study was first conducted to create a picture of current research. Secondly, a theoretical framework, which laid the foundation for the data collection that was used in a multiple case study in the IT industry. The study was compiled through semi-structured interviews with IT companies and young women in high school. The empirical data was then analyzed by a thematic analysis. Result – The conclusion from this study is that young women in high school do not have the same picture of the IT industry as IT companies has. The high school girls see an industry that is boring, sedentary and lacks human interactions. In contrast, IT companies describe their industry as exciting and unlimited. Thus, there is a gap between Brand identity and Brand image. Theoretical implication – The results indicated that the existing theories regarding Employer branding, Brand identity, Brand image and Employer attractiveness could be applied to the more aggregate industry level, Industry branding. Furthermore, the study has contributed with knowledge to reduce the gap between Brand identity and Brand image, for the study ́s target group; IT companies and young women in high school. Practical implication – The study's practical implication has identified the greatest development potential of all IT companies, which is to start working with Industry branding towards young women in high school. To achieve this, a collaboration across companies' own boundaries and marketing via social media is recommended to reach this study ́s target group. / Syftet – Denna studie har som syfte att undersöka hur IT-företag kan arbeta med Industry branding, med målet att marknadsföra IT-branschen för att påverka unga kvinnor att välja en IT-utbildning på en högskola eller universitet. Metod – Studien har ett explorativt syfte att ge nya insikter i ämnet Industry branding och en deduktiv forskningsansats applicerades. En litteraturstudie genomfördes först, för att skapa ett teoretiskt ramverk. Ramverket la grunden för datainsamlingen som genomfördes av en multipel fallstudie inom IT-branschen. Studiens empiri samlades in genom semistrukturerade intervjuer. Nio IT-företag och tio unga kvinnor på gymnasiet intervjuades. Empirin analyserades sedan genom en tematisk analys. Resultat – Resultatet som studien har kommit fram till är att unga kvinnor på gymnasiet inte har samma bild av IT-branschen som IT-företagen har. Gymnasietjejerna ser en bransch som är tråkig och som saknar mänskliga interaktioner. I kontrast, beskriver IT-företagen sin bransch som spännande och obegränsad, vilket tyder på ett gap mellan Brand identity och Brand image. Teoretiskt bidrag – Studiens teoretiska bidrag är hur befintliga teorier kring Employer branding, Brand identity, Brand image samt Employer attractiveness skulle kunna tillämpas på den mer aggregerade branschnivån genom Industry branding. Detta för att minska gapet mellan Brand identity och Brand image, från två perspektiv; IT-företag och unga kvinnor på gymnasiet. Praktiskt bidrag – Studiens praktiska bidrag har identifierat den största utvecklingspotentialen som samtliga IT-företag har; att börja arbeta med Industry branding mot unga kvinnor på gymnasiet. För att genomföra detta rekommenderas ett samarbete över företagens egna gränser och marknadsföring via sociala medier för att nå fram till unga kvinnor på gymnasiet.

Der Einfluss von Diversity Management auf das Employer Branding: Erfolgsfaktor Führungskraft bei Gender Diversity dargestellt anhand einer fallbasierten Analyse

Oechsle-Neumann, Christin Claudia 22 October 2020 (has links)
Aufgrund des internationalen War for Talent ist es eine Herausforderung für Unternehmen, hochqualifizierte Mitarbeiter an sich zu binden. Ein immaterieller Anreizfaktor für den Verbleib im Unternehmen ist das Verhalten der Führungskraft, wie z. B. wertschätzender Umgang und Anerkennung der Leistung. Es wird untersucht, inwiefern sich die Umsetzung von Diversity Management durch die Führungskraft auf die Einstellung des Mitarbeiters zum Arbeitgeber, d.h. das Selbstbild der Employer Brand, und auf seine Bindung an das Unternehmen auswirkt. Das verhaltenstheoretische Stimulus-Organismus-Response-Modell dient zur Erklärung dieser Zusammenhänge. Unter Diversity Management wird der Einfluss, die Kontrolle und die Organisation des Verhaltens vielfältiger Personen durch einen Vorgesetzten verstanden. Im Mittelpunkt steht die Diversity Dimension Gender, das durch soziale und kulturelle Umweltbedingungen konstruierte kulturelle Geschlecht. Die erhobenen Mitarbeiterdaten stammen aus internationalen Standorten der Robert Bosch GmbH.

Socially Sustainable Office Buildings - A better business for everyone

Kantola, Dunja January 2020 (has links)
Buildings account for 39 per cent of the global greenhouse gas emissions, therefore the way buildings are constructed and utilized plays an important role in the transition to a sustainable future. Environmental Certification Systems (ECS) functions as a catalysator for sustainable solutions within the building industry and is seen as a hygiene factor for property owners today. The market offers numerous environmental certifications for buildings to choose from, and Swedish property owners are frequently users of them. However, most of the environmental certification systems does not cover the social aspects of sustainability that directly include human health and wellbeing in the building. This has led to the creation of the sustainability certification WELL Building Standard – a global certification system for buildings that exclusively addresses the users in the building, in terms of health and wellbeing. There are currently 298 WELL-certified projects around the world, and in Sweden there are six property companies that have registered different project for the certification. Due to the Swedish property owners’ relatively modest efforts regarding the social sustainability work, this paper explores what the drivers is for these six companies into working with a WELL-certification. By exploring that, this study aims to contribute to the understanding on what can drive the willingness of corporations to invest in sustainability certifications in general, and in what ways a WELL-certification can fill a potential gap in the Swedish property market. The findings reveal that a WELL-certification has a unique selling point due to its human-centred approach. It can be a beneficial tool, both for property companies, who may attract new clients, as well as for the tenants that are renting their space, in terms of increasing their own employer brand and corporate reputation. According to Herzberg’s two-factor theory, this human centred approach can be used as motivation factor for the property owners, rather than a hygiene factor. The findings also reveal that there is a need in society for addressing health issues, due to the increasing numbers of sick leave in Sweden the past years. Furthermore, the study reveals that there have been a “competence gap” in the built environment for addressing this kind of issues and that a WELL-certification is therefore helpful in addressing areas of the built environment that the property owners never have thought of before.

Intern employer branding ur ett medarbetarperspektiv : En kvalitativ studie om erfarenheter och upplevelser kring arbetsgivarvarumärket

Lindberg, Elin, Berglund, Sara January 2022 (has links)
Idag ställs det höga krav på arbetsgivare att utmärka sig från sina konkurrenter för att kunna attrahera rätt kompetens samt behålla nuvarande personal, för att på så sätt kunna bli konkurrenskraftiga. Organisationer som aktivt utvecklar och skapar ett attraktivt arbetsgivarvarumärke kan både behålla och locka till sig arbetstagare, vilket gynnar företagens employer branding såväl internt som externt. Syfte med denna studie var att undersöka anställdas erfarenheter och upplevelser av intern employer branding samt att identifiera eventuella förbättringsområden. En fallstudie genomfördes på ett anonymt tjänstemannaföretag som är verksamt inom privat sektor. En kvalitativ metod med ett målstyrt urval tillämpades för att besvara studiens syfte i form av sju semistrukturerade intervjuer. Vidare användes en tematisk analys då det var tydligt att specifika mönster och teman var återkommande under intervjuerna samt för att det är en flexibel analysmetod som fokuserar på att identifiera och analysera resultatet. Studiens resultat visade på att respondenterna ansåg att företaget är attraktivt och arbetar aktivt med sitt arbetsgivarvarumärke. Anledningen till respondenternas upplevelser grundade sig i företagets goda kultur, att kollegorna gör det lilla extra för varandra, att det finns stora möjligheter till flexibilitet samt att det är varierande arbetsuppgifter. Utifrån resultatet identifierades tre utvecklingsområden. Det första området var att respondenterna ansåg att det är begränsade karriärmöjligheter på arbetsplatsen. Det andra utvecklingsområdet relaterades till arbetet kring feedbacksessioner som önskas ska återinföras och tillämpas i det dagliga arbetet. Den sista förbättringspunkten berör företagets lönemodell, där det var tudelade åsikter bland respondenterna om det utgör en motivationsfaktor eller om den förorsakar stress.

Developing an employer index within the real estate industry

Farahvashi, Vida, Broström, Trude January 2012 (has links)
Employer brand establishes a firms’ identity as an employer. It distinguishes one firm from others, creating an identity that gives a competitive advantage in the search for skilled workforce. This identity is becoming harder to establish for each day and is said to be just as important as retaining loyal customers. A strong employer brand can lead to a better pool of applicants in the recruitment process and many other returns, both financial and other. In the real estate sector in Sweden there is currently an excess demand for competent employees and this problem is growing for each day. Hence the matter of employer branding becomes of utter most important to this sector. Due to the importance of the matter in this market, we have come to realise that the market lacks a tool that makes the subject of employer branding more applicable and measurable. This study presents an index and complementing results that makes the matter more hands on and applicable in practice. Through a large quantitative study with questionnaires and through studying previous research on the subject, the main factors that affect employer branding have been distinguished and enquired about in the survey. The results from the study show that there is a correlation between how well known the companies are and how attractive they are as employers to current and potential employees. It also shows that the results on an average are rather low and that there is a lack of investments in companies employer brands, both in a financial terms and in a time perspective.

How Employer Branding is Affected by Country-of-Origin : And its effect on Employee Retention of Generation Z

Kaburek, Philip, Wahlberg, Alex, Kilit, Andreas January 2021 (has links)
Employer branding is becoming increasingly important, but the literature on the subject lacks vital elements. First, Country of Origin (COO) has been shown to affect employer branding, but this process is very poorly understood. Second, employee retention, although proven to have multiple benefits and to be impacted by employer branding, is underrepresented in employer branding research. Third, despite the importance of cultural context being well documented in literature, current employer branding research takes little consideration for this, especially in regards to Generation Z, who are becoming increasingly vital in the workforce. To mend these important research gaps, this thesis aims to examine how employer branding is affected by COO, and, in extension, how this impacts employee retention among Generation Z employees. This purpose is fulfilled by answering the following research question: “How is employer branding affected by COO when retaining Generation Z employees?” With this research question in mind, an abductive qualitative study was conducted using multiple- case studies in a Swedish MNE context. Semi-structured interviews with HR/employer branding managers and international Generation Z employees were conducted. This provided a dual perspective where both the views of employers and employees could be observed, analysed, and compared which was necessary to answer the research question. The results were then analysed using rigorous data-driven content-analysis. Using this approach, the study answered the research question by finding that employer branding is affected indirectly by COO through the process of other primary factors in retaining Generation Z. The research led to the introduction of a new model; The Employer Brand Compass, which illustrates how employer branding is affected by COO through three main factors in employee retention of Generation Z; ESG, development opportunities, and consumer branding.

Boycotting, buycotting or doing nothing : A quantitative study of corporate reputation in relation to political consumerism

Kyller, Hannah, Thorson, Hedvig January 2021 (has links)
Background: In previous years, Swedish company Na-kd has been promoted in the media due to allegations of poor working conditions. While this has potentially taken a hit on the company’s reputation, studying the relationship between corporate actions and perceptions of the public has been neglected. People engage in political consumerism to express their opinions regarding political, social, or ethical concerns, which could for example include boycotting (refusing to shop at) a specific company. Previous literature within the political consumerism and corporate brand reputation stream pays little attention to understanding the relationship between the two, which includes the impact of corporate brand reputation on political consumerism. Purpose: The purpose of this research is to investigate the relationship between political consumerism and corporate reputation, where corporate reputation is impacted by CSR, employer branding, corporate image, and crisis exposure. Method: This research has adopted a deductive structure and a quantitative approach where the Na-kd case was used as a stimulus/prompt. A non-probability sampling approach was used, and primary data was collected through an online questionnaire where results were exported and analyzed in SPSS software. The methods of analysis were correlations and the sample consisted of 114 female respondents in the ages of 18-35. Findings: To test the hypotheses Pearson’s Chi-Square test and Spearman’s rho was conducted and calculated to test the relationship and its strength between the chosen variables. The results proved to be significant, and all five hypotheses were supported, which concludes that corporate reputation is influenced by poor CSR activities, poor employer branding, negative corporate image, and crisis exposure which in terms affects consumer purchase decisions to boycott, buycott or doing nothing. Originality/Value: This research proves that there is a positive correlation between negative corporate reputation and political consumerism, which contributes to the political consumerism stream within the consumer research domain as well as literature about corporate brand reputation within the field of brand marketing.

”Ett kul men ändå seriöst ställe” - Vad unga i mediesektorn förväntar sig av sitt arbete

Sand, Tova January 2018 (has links)
Efter år av minskad tillväxt har den globala ekonomiska återhämtningen resulterat i en ökadomsättning av anställda som, i det goda läget, väljer att söka sig till nya tjänster. Detta hand ihand med många arbetsgivares fortsatta oro kring hur man ska göra för att behålla sina anställdaeller hitta nya talanger om så behövs. Ett sätt för företag att hantera den rådande situationen ärgenom Employer Branding, det vill säga de egenskaper och förhållningssätt som ett företag villförknippas med och de aktiviteter som genomförs i syfte att framhäva dessa. Hypotesen förföreliggande studie är grundad i tidigare forskning och teori kring arbetsgivarvarumärken. Enenkätundersökning har skickats ut till unga personer i början av sin mediekarriär där de fårbesvara påståenden om arbete med kopplingar till funktionella, ekonomiska och psykologiskaaspekter. Resultaten visar att unga människor som söker sig till medieföretag i storutsträckningar är ute efter funktionella och psykologiska aspekter i arbetet, snarare änekonomiska. / After years of reduced growth, the global economic recovery has resulted in increased turnoverof employees who choose to apply for new jobs. This goes hand in hand with many employers'continued concerns about how to keep their employees or find new talents if necessary. Oneway for companies to handle the situation is through Employer Branding, that is, thecharacteristics and approaches that a company wants to stand for and the activities that arecarried out in aim of highlighting them. The hypothesis for this study is based on previousresearch and theories about Employer Branding. A questionnaire survey was sent to youngpeople in the beginning of their media career, where they were able to answer questions relatedto work in relation to functional, economic and psychological aspects. The results show thatyoung people seeking media related work are mainly looking for functional and psychologicalaspects of work, rather than economic.

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