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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


李梓毓 Unknown Date (has links)
晚近對於應否將金融服務納入消費稅基,及其稅率如何訂定的相關討論,大都從“金融服務為非最終消費”的角度出發,然而這樣觀點並不適用於所有種類之金融服務;將全部的金融服務視為一體來探討此一課題並不恰當,其結果也可能有所偏頗。 此外,以消費者的個人效用極大化問題來討論將金融服務納入消費稅基雖為正確作法,但卻忽略了政府在經濟體系中所扮演的角色及消費者行為可能對社會福利造成的影響。Rousslang(2002)認為,由於政府也是金融服務的使用者之一,而所面對的使用成本卻可能與消費者不同,在此種模型下,個人追求效用極大的行為會經由不同的租稅政策而產生不同的社會成本。 本文以Rousslang(2002)為基礎,將金融服務的性質分為最終消費與非最終消費兩種,研究發現,在金融課稅採總額型下,金融服務應否課稅及其稅率高低,與政府使用金融服務的成本,以及非最終消費性質之金融服務佔整體服務之比例息息相關。 此外,不同的課稅方式可能會對私人選擇及社會成本有不同的影響 ,進而影響最適租稅政策。吾人試圖將模型延伸,將金融課稅改為加值型,並與總額型之結果作一比較,結果發現:當政府與私人面對相同的金融服務使用成本時,兩者最適稅率之訂定相同,而當政府使用金融服務不需付費時,加值稅制下最適稅率之訂定會受金融機構本身生產成本及報酬的影響。

The industrial organization of financial services in developing and developed countries

Casini, Paolo 16 February 2010 (has links)
In the first part of the thesis I focus on credit markets in developing countries, and describe the competitive interaction between Microfinance Institutions (MFIs). <p>Microfinance has recently attracted a lot of attention from investors, politicians, scholars and, most of all, people working on development. As a results, a huge number of MFIs are being created all over the world so that, as of today, practitioners reckon that about 100 millions of customers are being served. Remarkably, about 67% of them are women. <p><p>The reason of this extraordinary effort is that Microfinance is considered the most promising development tool currently available. This belief is based on two important features of Microfinance: (i) It promises to be financially viable (and in some cases even profitable) since poor people have proven to be reliable clients. As a result, Microfinance is potentially a zero-cost development tool. (ii) It hinges on the entrepreneurial abilities of the poor. It is designed to help the poor to help themselves, in their own home countries, by allowing them to use their skills, ideas and potentials. This should progressively make developing countries independent of rich ones' help. <p><p>The growth of Microfinance has been so fast that many issues and related research questions are still not answered. In my thesis I try to address one of them, that I believe particularly important: the increase of competition between MFIs. As economic theory predicts, competition can have dramatic consequences in terms of borrower welfare, profitability of the institutions and, therefore, on the attractiveness of the business for potential investors, donors and entrants. I use the tools of industrial organization and contract theory to understand these effects, measure them, and give some interesting policy advice. <p><p>In the first paper, I analyze the effects of entry of a new MFI in a previously monopolistic microcredit market. In order to catch the salient features of financial markets in developing countries, I use a model of asymmetric information and assume that institutions can offer only one type of contract. I consider different behavioral assumptions for the MFIs and study their influence on equilibrium predictions. The model allows showing that competition can lead to equilibria in which MFIs differentiate their contracts in order to screen borrowers. This process can, unfortunately, make the poor borrowers worse off. Interestingly, the screening process we describe creates a previously unexplored source of credit rationing. I also prove that the presence in the market of an altruistic MFI, reduces rationing and, via this channel, affects positively the competitor's profit.<p><p>In the second paper, I study the effects of competition in those markets in which, due to the absence of credit bureaus, small entrepreneurs can simultaneously borrow from more than one institution. As in the first paper, I analyze an oligopolistic microcredit market characterized by asymmetric information and institutions that can offer only one type of contract. The main contribution is to show that appropriate contract design can eliminate the ex-ante incentives for multiple borrowing. Moreover, when the market is still largely unserved and particularly risky, a screening strategy leading to con- <p>tract differentiation and credit rationing is unambiguously the most effective to avoid multiple borrowing. The result of this paper can also be read as important robustness checks of the findings of my first paper. <p><p>In the last part of the thesis, I depart from the analysis of developing countries to consider, more generally, the corporate governance of financial infrastructures. The efficient functioning of financial markets relies more and more on the presence of infrastructures providing services like clearing, settlement, messaging and many others. The last years have been characterized by interesting dynamics in the ownership regime of these service providers. Both mutualizations and de-mutualizations took place, together with entry and exit of different players. <p><p>Starting from this observation, in the last paper (with Joachim Keller), we analyze the effects of competitive interaction between differently owned financial providers. We mainly focus on the incentives to invest in safety enhancing measures and we describe the different equilibrium market configurations. We use a model in which agents need an input service for the financial market they operate in. They can decide whether to provide it them selves by forming a Cooperative or outsource it from a Third Party Provider. We prove that the co-existence of differently governed infrastructures leads to a significant reduction in the investment in safety. In most cases, monopolistic provision is preferable to competition. Moreover, the decision rule used within the Cooperative plays a central role in determining the optimal market configuration. <p><p>All in all, throughout my thesis, I use the tools of industrial organization and contract theory to model the competitive interaction of the different actors operating in financial markets. Understanding the dynamics typical of developing countries can help in gaining a deeper comprehension of the markets in richer countries, and vice-versa. I am convinced that analyzing the differences and the similarities of financial markets in different regions of the world can be of great importance for economic theorists, in that it provides a counterfactual for the assumptions and the results on which our predictions and policy advices are based.<p> / Doctorat en Sciences économiques et de gestion / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Financial Literacy and the Use of Alternative Financial Services: A Behavioural Perspective

Scott, Hubert 16 September 2020 (has links)
The extensive literature on financial literacy has sought to explain financial behaviours and decisions. On the asset side of the balance sheet, financial literacy is associated with good financial practice and wealth accumulation. On the liability side, however, the contribution of financial literacy to individuals’ financial decisions is not entirely clear. To add to this literature, as well as that of behavioural finance and alternative financial services, this research develops a conceptual framework based on Ajzen’s (1991) theory of planned behaviour (TPB). This framework links individuals’ attitudes to financial matters, subjective norms, perceived feasibility, financial knowledge, and behavioural biases that include overconfidence and present bias on the decision to obtain high-interest loans. The empirical tests of the developed framework suggest that individuals in distinct socio-economic groups have different antecedents that lead to borrowing from alternative financial services. For instance, individuals from low-income households are more likely to obtain these loans if they: do not have access to other forms of credit; struggle to pay their bills; are unemployed; or do not have access to advice from finance professionals. In turn, individuals from high-income households are more likely to obtain these loans if they lack financial knowledge or have behavioural biases like overconfidence or present bias. These results suggest the importance of access to professional advice while ensuring access to traditional means of obtaining credit for low-income individuals in order to reduce the negative effects of these high-interest loans. The results also confirm the importance of current policy initiatives to implement basic finance education in public school curriculums, and the urgency to seek effective approaches to address individuals’ cognitive assumptions.

資訊科技投資績效評估指標之研究 / A Performance Indicator of IT Investment Study

游秉翰 Unknown Date (has links)
近年來經濟復甦,資訊科技投資金額和規模有增加趨勢,對於資訊科技投資的報酬、評量、和優先取捨的決策再次成為資訊科技經理人的重要課題。因此,本研究經由文獻探討,定義資訊科技投資和資訊科技資本,並且嘗試發展資訊科技投資與應用的評估構面與指標,讓企業組織評估本身的資訊科技投資。透過深入的個案訪談和大量問卷調查,了解我國資訊電子業與金融服務業之資訊科技投資和應用的現況,提供參考作法,並且比較我國資訊電子業以及金融服務業兩個產業當中,資訊科技如何提昇公司組織的競爭優勢。 研究結論發現,我國資訊電子業的資訊科技投資貢獻主要來自三個方面,首先是策略貢獻度、再者是降低成本貢獻度、其次是流程效率貢獻度;我國金融服務業在資訊科技產出構面,於個案訪談和問卷調查結果同時關心創新重視度、降低成本貢獻度、流程效率貢獻度,同時也注重供應商與客戶關係要求度、供應商與客戶關係貢獻度。因此,資訊科技經理人首要目標則為協助企業以最少的企業資源來掌握關鍵的資訊科技投資績效指標,以提升企業的競爭力。 / In recent years, organizations have invested heavily in information technology to support their work processes. Therefore, how to evaluate and assess the return on IT investment becomes a critical issue for IT managers again. This study strives to develop the dimensions and indicators of IT investment so as to help organizations to assess their IT investment. In addition, through case studies and questionnaire investigations, this study investigates the IT investment status in information electronic and financial service industries that provides reference for other organizations. Finally, this study tries to find out how to increase organizational competitive advantages by IT investment in these two industries. The results suggest that the contribution of IT investment in information electronic industry comes from strategy contribution, reducing cost, and process efficiency. In the meantime, the financial service industry emphasize innovative products and services, reducing cost, process efficiency, and supplier/customer relationship when it comes to the issue about performances of IT investment. As a result, in the situation where the organization resources are limited, the main goal for IT managers is to help organizations become more competitive by controlling the imperative indicators of IT investment.

Snabblån : De lege lata och de lege ferenda

Pucar, Dejan, Russell, Jacob January 2014 (has links)
Utveckling på kreditmarknaden har gett upphov till nya kreditformer. Ett exempel på en sådan kredit är snabblån. Snabblån utmärks av att det är kortfristiga lån på låga belopp som konsumenterna erhåller inom en kort tidsperiod. Vidare är låneprocessen enkel. Statistik från Kronofogdemyndigheten visar att antalet betalningsförelägganden med grund i snabblån har ökat (se bilaga) och regeringen hävdar på basis av statistiken att samband mellan snabblån och överskuldsättning föreligger. Lag om viss kreditgivning till konsumenter har därmed blivit antagen och ska införas. Lagen innebär att snabblångivares verksamhet blir tillståndspliktig samt omfattas av Finansinspektionens tillsyn. Förändringen innebär även att ytterligare krav ställs på snabblångivares bolagsordning, ägare och ledning samt att verksamheten bedrivs på ett sätt som är sunt. Avsikten med denna uppsats är att fastställa gällande rätt beträffande snabblångivares verksamhet. Vidare diskuteras huruvida konsumentskyddet på snabblånemarknaden är bristfälligt och om snabblångivares verksamhet därmed bör bli tillståndspliktig samt omfattas av Finansinspektionens tillsyn. Snabblångivare är finansiella institut och omfattas därmed av AnmL. Detta innebär att snabblångivare ska anmäla sin verksamhet till Finansinspektionen innan verksamhet får börja bedrivas. Finansinspektionen har begränsade ingripandemöjligheter och utför endast en kontroll över snabblångivarnas ägare och ledning. Snabblångivare omfattas även av skyldigheter som följer av KkrL såsom kravet på god kreditgivningssed, information om effektiv ränta, avgifternas utformning och kreditprövning. Snabblångivare har brustit i sina skyldigheter i KkrL vilket följer av domar från MD och flertalet viten och förelägganden från Konsumentverket. I analysen fastställs att Kronofogdemyndighetens statistik inte enskilt kan användas som grund till en förändring men i kombination med gällande rätts bristfällighet, snabblånets egenskaper och samhällets utveckling påvisas att konsumentskyddet är bristfälligt och att en förändring behövs. Vidare fastställs att systemstabiliserande regler har en indirekt inverkan på konsumentskyddet och kan införas för att förbättra denna. Efter en avvägning mellan förändringens betungande verkan för snabblångivarna och det skydd som konsumenterna erhåller ska förändringen i fråga ses som proportionerlig. Snabblångivares verksamhet bör således vara tillståndspliktig och omfattas av Finansinspektionens tillsyn. / Evolvement on the credit market has caused the rise of new forms of credits. An example of a credit of such is the payday loan. The payday loan is distinguished by its short-term, low amount and that the customers obtain the loan in a short matter of time. Furthermore, the process of obtaining the loan is simple. Statistics from the Swedish Enforcement Authority shows that the amount of injunctions to pay based on payday loans has increased (see attachment) and that the Government claims on the basis of the statistics that a connection between payday loans and overindebtness exists. A new act regarding some credits to consumers has therefore been adopted and is to be introduced. The new act means that the payday lender´s business becomes licensed and are subject to the supervision of the Swedish Financial Service Authority. The change also means additional demands on the payday lender´s articles of associtation, owners and management, and that the business is conducted in a healthy manner. The purpose of this essay is to determine the law as it exists regarding payday lender´s business. Further discussed is whether the consumer protection on the payday market is inadequate and if the payday lender´s business, thus, should be licensed and be subject to the supervision of the Swedish Financial Service Authority. Payday lenders are financial institutions and are therefore subject to the Act regarding the notification duty for some financial businesses. This means that the payday lenders shall report their business to the Swedish Financial Service Authority before operations may start. The Swedish Financial Service Authority has limited intervention possibilities and performs only a control of the owners and management. Payday lenders are also subject to obligations arising from the Consumer Credit Act such as the requirement of good creditors, information about the annual percentage rate, fees designing and credit review. Payday lenders has failed to fulfill its obligations in the Consumer Credit Act which follows from judgements from the market court and several penalties and injunctions from the Consumer Agency. In the analysis it is established that the statitistics from the Swedish Enforcement Authority alone can not be used as the basis for a change, but in combination with the existing legal deficiency, the characteristics of the payday loan and the development of the society it demonstrates that the consumer protection is inadequate and that a change is needed. Further, it is established that rules of system stabilising nature has an indirect effect on consumer protection and can be used to improve it. After striking a balance between the burdens the payday lenders suffer from the change with the increased consumer protection that the change will result in, the change in question is to be seen as proportionate. Payday lender´s business should therefore be subject to license and supervision of the Swedish Financial Service Authority.


陳賜寬, Chen,Syh-kwan Unknown Date (has links)
都市更新是維持都市品質提昇機能與促進都市合理發展的重要方式,也是台灣都市發展的重要方向,為維持都市持續的生命力透過都市更新的拆除重建,就地整建及保存維護等方法,促使都市土地重新有效利用,避免低度使用、誤用或濫用,解決隨著都市化所帶來的問題,如交通擁擠、公共設施不足及空氣污染等都市內部不經濟現象,以改善居住環境及復甦都市機能。 然而政府人力、財力上有所限制,乃鼓勵私部門參與投資更新事業,提供許多獎勵措施,以增加開發業者投入意願,其中被學界及業界視為最有效的措施是建築容積獎勵。 我國土地使用規劃管制制度,分為都市計畫土地及非都市土地兩大體系,以往土地使用規劃及變更係由政府部門主導;近年來,由於經濟發展及都市快速擴展,導致民間對於土地開發的需求日益殷切,因此,現行我國土地使用變更機制,已由以往只有政府部門主導規劃方得變更,漸進為民間亦可提出變更申請。 現行都市更新之獎勵措施:建築容積獎勵、建築容積移轉、稅捐減免等等;回饋係指對於土地變更行為依外部成本內部化理念要求之變更負擔義務,以及依漲價歸公理念要求之變更增值利益回饋。回饋項目包括土地、代金、計畫道路用地、開闢計畫道路、興建公園廣場、樓地板面積等。 本研究個案為中泰賓館,係台北市著名之觀光旅館,目前歇業中,中泰賓館是歷史悠久的五星級國際觀光飯店,因年代久遠,整體土地開發利用度低,閒置土地面積龐大,在綜合考量經營環境市場變化等因素,將以開發閒置土地並充分發揮土地使用效益,調整產業經濟結構與多元化發展商機,重新開創中泰賓館的經營新風貌,提升整體經營效益,目前配合政府將基地變更為金融服務專用區,提供金融區相關之服務性設施與空間。 本案基地是敦化南北路特定專用區的一部分,位於敦北民生金融專用區南京東路金融商圈交接處也是敦化南北路特定專用區內,目前可善加利用的大面積未開發土地,若能妥善規劃提供金融特定專用區欠缺的相關服務性設施與空間,將可以提供良好的活動環境,並提升金融特定專用區功能。 基於本案土地未充分有效使用沒有地盡其利,影響經濟效益,乃透過都市計畫變更程序,重新定位為金融服務專用區,達成「人性化之計劃與建設」、「永續化之利用經營與發展」;一方面可充分發揮土地應有效益,另一方面可藉此突破中泰賓館受限於舊有建築硬體瓶頸,再次開發為國內最頂級國際觀光旅館,完成中泰的歷史性新任務。 本案開發,將產生政府、社會大眾與開發業者三個部分的計畫效益,而回饋項目包括土地、代金、計畫道路用地、開闢計畫道路、興建公園廣場、樓地板面積等,實際整個都市變更開發案所付出之代價高達2,127,336(千元),開發業者所承擔似乎太過沉重,風險與利潤實應需詳加考量,求取平衡。 都市更新,必須提升地區環境品質,使更新後的地區環境,能讓居民更安心、環境更有魅力、地區更有活力、居民更有互動的未來像(future vision ),所以更新地區之規劃基準,必須擬定合理的回饋方案,兼顧社會公平原則,並保障開發業者權益,建立協商機制與注意回饋時點,降低各個開發案所存在之差異性,容積獎勵不可缺乏原則,才能確保環境品質。 關鍵字:都市更新、獎勵措施、回饋項目、中泰賓館、金融服務專用區 Urban Renewal、Reward Measures、Feedback Item、Mandarina Crown Hotel、 Financial Service Special Zone

Essays on innovation and investment decisions under imperfect competition

Keller, Joachim 29 November 2013 (has links)
Innovation incentives are imperfectly provided in market settings: When deciding on their innovation activity, firms tend to focus on the maximization of their private benefits, poorly internalizing social benefits. This thesis analyzes how policy intervention could be designed in order to align private and social incentives. <p><p>In the three papers of this thesis, I will consider three environments where firms' choices in a laissez-faire situation may be socially inefficient. The inefficiencies arise because of learning externalities, free riding when the innovation decision is made by a group of participants, or because firms are not willing to invest in a new activity that has a higher social than private value.<p><p>In the first thesis paper, I deal with the strategies of firms in innovative consumer product markets characterized by demand uncertainty. I analyze the timing and location decision of firms in that context.<p><p>In the second thesis paper, I consider the investment incentives of financial market infrastructures (FMIs). FMIs comprise the set of institutions that allow financial market participants to engage with each other. I assess the innovation incentives for different forms of ownership (user-owned versus third-party owned) and identify infrastructure service provision equilibria. <p><p>In the third thesis paper, I address the question of how a government should allocate a subsidy budget over time in order to maximize the innovation activity in an industry. / Doctorat en Sciences économiques et de gestion / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Ekonomistudenters finansiella val : En kvalitativ studie på ekonomistudenters beslutskriterier när det kommer till val av finansiell aktör

Wargh Karlsson, Alexander, Nordin, John January 2021 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att öka förståelsen för ekonomistudenter tillhörande den yngre generationens beslutskriterier när det kommer till finansiella val. Detta kommer att göras genom att undersöka preferenser och beteendemönster när det kommer till vägval för denna population. Studien antar en kvalitativ forskningsmetod med ett icke-sannolikhetsurval. Studien är baserad på en undersökning där civilekonomstudenter på Karlstads universitet har deltagit i ett antal intervjuer. De har fått frågor kopplade till den finansiella branschen samt vad som numera värdesätts och därmed lägger grunden för de beslutskriterierna som formar valet av finansiell aktör.Valda teoriområden som presenteras i teorikapitlet grundar sig på tidigare studiers undersökta områden när det kommer till finansiella beslutstaganden. Samtliga delar i teorikapitlet är områden som kan tänkas påverka den yngre generationens finansiella val, och framförallt utmärka sig gentemot den generella konsumenten. Denna tanke grundar sig i det faktum att ekonomistudenter som år 2021 studerar har växt upp i en tid med stort informationsflöde, stor teknologisk utveckling och ändlöst mycket valmöjligheter. Frågan som ställs är huruvida de befintliga teorier som presenteras är applicerbara på dagens ekonomistudenter och dess beslutsfattanden, och i så fall i vilken utsträckning. Studien visade att det fanns områden som utmärkte sig när det kom till ekonomistudenters finansiella val. Användarvänligheten ansågs vara ett centralt område, där även smidighet och översikt är inkluderat. Kostnader var även det ett område som visade sig ha stor betydelse för den yngre generationens val. Här gick det även att skönja ett mönster mellan intresse och betydelsen av kostnader. Ju större det ekonomiska intresset var desto viktigare ansåg individen att kostnaderna var. Den studerade gruppen har en hektisk vardag som lämnar begränsat med utrymme för långa svarstider och okomplett återkoppling. Även ryktet är ett område som betraktas vara adekvat när den yngre individen ställs inför finansiella val. Omgivningen har en direkt påverkan på de undersökta respondenterna, såväl positivt som negativt. Avslutningsvis ser vi en trend bland den yngre generationen, lojaliteten är begränsad tills att någon aktör kan erbjuda bättre villkor inom något eller några av de ovan nämnda områdena. / The purpose of this study is to increase the understanding of economic student´s decision criteria when it comes to financial choices. This will be done by examining preferences and behavioral patterns when it comes to choosing a path for this population. The study adopts a qualitative research method with a non-probability sample. The study is based on a survey in which postgraduate economics students at Karlstad University have participated in a number of interviews. They have been asked questions related to the financial industry and what is now valued and thus lay the foundation for the decision criteria that shape the choice of financial player.Selected areas of theory presented in the theory chapter are based on previously studied areas of study when it comes to financial decisions. All parts of the theory chapter are areas that may influence the younger generation's financial choices, and above all stand out from the general consumer. This idea is based on the fact that economics students who study in 2021 have grown up in a time with a large flow of information, great technological development and endless possibilities. The question that is asked is whether the existing theories presented are applicable to today's economics students and its decision-making, and if so, to what extent. The study showed that there were areas that stood out when it came to economics students' financial choices. Ease of use was considered to be a central area, where flexibility and overview are also included. Costs were also an area that proved to be of great importance for the younger generation's choices. Here it was also possible to discern a pattern between interest and the importance of costs. The greater the financial interest, the more important the individual considered the costs to be. The studied group has a hectic everyday life that leaves limited space for long response times and incomplete feedback. Reputation is also an area that is considered adequate when the younger individual is faced with financial choices. The environment has a direct impact on the respondents surveyed, both positively and negatively. Finally, we see a trend among the younger generation, loyalty is limited until some player can offer better terms in one or more of the above mentioned areas.

外國證券商跨境提供國內投資人證券經紀服務之監理法制 / A study on the regulatory regimes governing the foreign securities firms providing securities brokerage service to the domestic investors on a cross-border basis

張玉璇, Chang, Yu Hsuan Unknown Date (has links)
隨網際網路、行動載具及數位科技之進步,金融服務之提供不再受限於地域上之隔閡。邇來,有許多國際性投資銀行擬透過其所經營之網路交易平台向我國投資人提供證券經紀服務,然因我國現今並未開放外國證券商得跨境提供我國投資人證券經紀服務,在相關規範上付之闕如。 然而,法律上之禁止並無法阻止科技進步興起之跨境證券活動浪潮。如有朝一日我國擬開放外國證券商跨境提供我國投資人證券經紀等金融服務時,應採取何種規範方式及相關規範內容為何,有其討論之需要性及必要性。 按此,本文首先將介紹我國現行證券商相關之規範制度,後參酌美國、澳洲及德國對於外國證券商跨境提供其國內投資人證券經紀服務之規範方式及內容,輔以國際證券管理機構組織所歸納使用於跨境證券活動之三種規範制度,嘗試提出我國對外國證券商跨境提供我國投資人證券經紀服務得採行之規範方式及內容之建議。 本文研究結果建議,我國應針對不同身分別之投資人分別採用國民待遇規範制度及認可規範制度。即在非屬專業投資人部分,採用國民待遇規範制度;而在專業投資人部分,採用認可規範制度。同時,建議就有關跨境提供證券經紀服務之開放可分階段進行。最後,針對我國現行證交法及其相關規定,本文亦參考美國、澳洲及德國在相關規範架構下之細部規定,提出法規修正之建議及我國可能可以考慮之細部規範內容。 在跨境金融服務興起的今日,重新思考及架構一套符合證券及金融市場國際化之規範架構及方式是一個必經的歷程,希望透過本文之研究結果及建議,能幫助我國在此波金融國際化之浪潮中立足國際。 / With the progress of the Internet, mobile vehicles and digital technology, the provision of financial service is no longer limited to geographical barriers. Recently, there are a lots of international investment banks intend to provide securities brokerage services to our domestic investors through their electronic trading platform. However, since Taiwan is not yet open to foreign securities firms to provide securities brokerage service to our domestic investors on a cross-border basis, there is lack of any relevant regulation. Nonetheless, the legal prohibition on the provision of service on a cross-border basis can not stem the tide of the cross-border securities activities resulted by the technological advancement. If one day Taiwan opens the foreign securities firms to provide securities brokerage services and/ or other financial services to our domestic investors on a cross-border basis, it is necessary and a must for Taiwan to consider what regulatory model and what regulations should be taken. Given the above, this study will first introduce the current regulatory regime related to the securities firms in Taiwan, and then take the regulatory regime and regulations governing the foreign securities firms providing securities brokerage service to the domestic investors on a cross-border basis adopted by the US, Australia and Germany and the three types of regulatory regimes summed up by the IOSCO, which are used for the regulation of cross-border securities activities, into account to try to propose the suggestions on the possible regulatory regime and regulations for Taiwan to adopt for this issue. The results of this study suggest that Taiwan should adopt the regulatory tools called National Treatment and Recognition and used them depend on the type of investor. That is, as to the non-professional investor, Taiwan should adopt National Treatment to regulate the cross-border securities brokerage service; and as to the professional investor, Taiwan should adopt Recognition to regulate the same. At the same time, this study suggests the cross- border provision of securities brokerage service could be considered to be opened by phases. Finally, as to the current Taiwan Securities and Exchange Act and its relevant regulations, this study also provide the proposed amendments and the relevant details by making reference to the regulations adopted by the US, Australia and Germany under the regulatory regime of each of them. In today’s world, it is a must to rethink and structure a regulatory regime and regulations that conform to the internationalization of securities and financial markets. It is hopeful that the results and suggestions in this study could assist Taiwan to gain a footing in the arena of the international financial market.

Legal and regulatory aspects of mobile financial services

Perlman, Leon Joseph 11 1900 (has links)
The thesis deals with the emergence of bank and non-bank entities that provide a range of unique transaction-based payment services broadly called Mobile Financial Services (MFS) to unbanked, underserved and underbanked persons via mobile phones. Models of MFS from Mobile Network Operators (MNOs), banks, combinations of MNOs and banks, and independent Mobile Financial Services Providers are covered. Provision by non-banks of ‘bank-type’ services via mobile phones has been termed ‘transformational banking’ versus the ‘additive banking’ services from banks. All involve the concept of ‘branchless banking’ whereby ‘cash-in/cash out’ services are provided through ‘agents.’ Funds for MFS payments may available through a Stored Value Product (SVP), particularly through a Stored Value Account SVP variant offered by MNOs where value is stored as a redeemable fiat- or mobile ‘airtime’-based Store of Value. The competitive, legal, technical and regulatory nature of non-bank versus bank MFS models is discussed, in particular the impact of banking, payments, money laundering, telecommunications, e-commerce and consumer protection laws. Whether funding mechanisms for SVPs may amount to deposit-taking such that entities could be engaged in the ‘business of banking’ is discussed. The continued use of ‘deposit’ as the traditional trigger for the ‘business of banking’ is investigated, alongside whether transaction and paymentcentric MFS rises to the ‘business of banking.’ An extensive evaluation of ‘money’ based on the Orthodox and Claim School economic theories is undertaken in relation to SVPs used in MFS, their legal associations and import, and whether they may be deemed ‘money’ in law. Consumer protection for MFS and payments generally through current statute, contract, and payment law and common law condictiones are found to be wanting. Possible regulatory arbitrage in relation to MFS in South African law is discussed. The legal and regulatory regimes in the European Union, Kenya and the United States of America are compared with South Africa. The need for a coordinated payments-specific law that has consumer protections, enables proportional risk-based licensing of new non-bank providers of MFS, and allows for a regulator for retail payments is recommended. The use of trust companies and trust accounts is recommended for protection of user funds. | vi / Public, Constitutional and International Law / LLD

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