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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Ger utsläppsvattnet från Södra Cell Värö, toxiska effekter på fisk: En studie med avseende på leverförstoring och förekomst av kadmium hos sandskädda (Limanda limanda)

Mibesjö, Zakarias, Sjöholm, Jonathan January 2022 (has links)
En ökad levervikt kan ge en indikation på toxisk stress hos fiskar. I denna undersökning jämfördes levervikt hos sandskädda (Limanda limanda) kring utsläppsområdet för pappersmassabruket Södra Cell Värö med ett referensområde ca. 10 km norrut. Det togs även lever- och muskelvävnadsprov för en grundläggande undersökning för närvaro av kadmium. Detta då kadmium tidigare har konstaterats i utsläppsvattnet från det berörda bruket och för att denna tungmetall lätt ansamlas i just levern. Totalt undersöktes 290 individer och 56 vävnadsprov togs från 28 av dessa (14 från utsläppsområdet och 14 från referensområdet). Undersökningen kunde påvisa en signifikant skillnad mellan områdena där en högre levervikt återfanns hos fiskarna kring bruket. Denna skillnad tyder på att det finns en förekomst av toxiska ämnen i området. Undersökningen gällande kadmium gav inga signifikanta resultat, trots det kan närvaro av kadmium inte uteslutas. Vi kan inte heller utesluta andra tungmetaller samt dioxiner och PAH (polycykliska aromatiska kolväten), vilka också kan ge upphov till en ökad vikt och skador på lever. / An increased liver weight can be an indicator of toxic stress of fish. In this study, liver weight of common dab (Limanda limanda) from the area around the effluent of the pulp mill Södra Cell Värö and a reference area approx. 10 kilometers north, were compared. Liver and tissue samples for a basic study for the presence of cadmium were also taken. The reason being that cadmium has been proven present in the effluent water in earlier studies and that this is a heavy metal that easily accumulates in the liver. In total 290 individuals were included in the study and 56 tissue samples were taken from 28 of these (14 from each area). A significant difference between the areas was confirmed with the highest liver weight being within the area of the effluent, suggesting a presence of toxic substances. The result from the study regarding cadmium was deemed inconclusive, and the presence can therefore not be ruled out. The presence of other heavy metals, dioxins and PAHs (polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons) can also not be ruled out, as they too can cause an increase in liver weight and damage to the liver.

Fish Friendly Turbines forDownstream Migration : Literature review and case studies / Fiskvänliga turbiner för nedströms vandring : Litteraturgenomgång och fallstudier

Rosenblad, Signe January 2023 (has links)
As the energy consumption is constantly increasing, the demand of renewable energy is increasing too. Thirtythree percent of the renewable energy production in Europe constitutes of hydropower. Hydropower is animportant energy source as it has stabilizing and storing functions, but it heavily affects biodiversity. This is mainlyby the dam constructions creating migration barriers for migrating species. This has severe impacts on the wholepopulations of fish, which are decreasing in number of individuals as the reproduction and growth is affected. Onesolution to enable downstream migration is fish friendly turbines. To assess the fish friendliness of these turbines,mathematical models can be used. They estimate the mortality of a fish during turbine passage, by calculating theprobability of a fish getting struck by a runner blade. The aim of this study is to investigate if passage through fishfriendly turbines could be an alternative for downstream migration of fish in hydropower plants, and examine theapplicability, especially for small-scale hydropower. To fulfill the aim, a literature review of fish friendly turbinesand two case studies were conducted. The fish friendly turbines included in the literature review were the MinimumGap Runner, Alden Turbine, Restoration Hydro Turbine (RHT), Archimedes’ Screw, Low Pressure Turbine andVery-low Head Turbine. The case studies were conducted on two small-scale hydropower plants owned byVattenfall Hydropower in the river Upperudsälven in the southwest of Sweden, using a turbine mortality modelmade by Johanna Stålered. The fish friendly turbines that were modeled in the case studies was the Alden Turbineand the RHT. After modeling and analyzing the results, conclusions regarding the applicability for the two powerplants and small-scale hydropower could be drawn. Modeling showed that for both Taxviken and Källsviken theAlden turbine gave the lowest mortality rate. However, the mortality of the Alden turbine was significantly lowerin Källsviken than in Taxviken, as it reached 58% for the largest fish in Taxviken and not even 3% for the largestfish in Källsviken. In Taxviken, both the RHT and the Alden turbine gave decreased mortality compared to theFrancis turbine. It was concluded that fish friendly turbines might not be the best option for small-scale powerplants, since in these power plants everything is of smaller size (turbine, guiding vanes etc.). That makes it difficultfor larger fish to fit, which increases the mortality, even if the turbine itself have fish friendly characteristics. Inaddition, what parameters should be included in decision-making regarding installation of fish friendly turbinesand areas for further investigation was suggested. / Med en ständigt ökande energiförbrukning ökar även efterfrågan på förnyelsebar energi. I Europa utgörs trettiotreprocent av den förnyelsebara energiproduktionen av vattenkraft. Vattenkraften är även en viktig energikälla avanledningen att den är stabiliserande och att det är möjligt att planera produktionen, men den har också storpåverkan på den biologiska mångfalden. Detta är främst genom att dammkonstruktionerna skaparmigrationsbarriärer för migrerande arter. Detta har allvarliga konsekvenser för fiskpopulationer, som minskar iantal individer. En lösning för att möjliggöra nedströms migration är fiskvänliga turbiner. För att bedöma hurfiskvänliga dessa turbiner är kan matematiska modeller användas. Dessa uppskattar dödligheten för en fisk underturbinpassage, genom att beräkna sannolikheten för att en fisk ska träffas av en löpskovel. Syftet med denna studieär att undersöka om passage genom fiskvänliga turbiner skulle kunna vara ett alternativ för nedströms vandring avfisk i vattenkraftverk, och undersöka tillämpbarheten, särskilt för småskalig vattenkraft. För att uppfylla syftetgenomfördes en litteraturgenomgång av fiskvänliga turbiner samt två fallstudier. De fiskvänliga turbinerna sominkluderades i litteraturgenomgången var Minimum Gap Runner, Alden Turbine, Restoration Hydro Turbine(RHT), Archimedes’ Screw, Low Pressure Turbine och Very-low Head Turbine. Fallstudierna genomfördes på tvåsmåskaliga vattenkraftverk ägda av Vattenfall Vattenkraft i Upperudsälven i sydvästra Sverige, med hjälp av enturbinmortalitetsmodell gjord av Johanna Stålered. De fiskvänliga turbinerna som modellerades i fallstudierna varAlden-turbinen och RHT. Efter modellering och analys av resultaten kunde slutsatser angående tillämpbarhetenför de två kraftverken och småskalig vattenkraft dras. Modellering visade att för både Taxviken och Källsvikengav Alden-turbinen den lägsta dödligheten. Dödligheten i Aldenturbinen var dock betydligt lägre i Källsviken äni Taxviken, då den nådde 58 % för de största storlekarna på fisk i Taxviken och inte ens 3 % för de störstastorlekarna på fisk i Källsviken. I Taxviken gav både RHT och Alden-turbinen minskad dödlighet jämfört medFrancisturbinen. Slutsatsen att fiskvänliga turbiner kanske inte är det mest fördelaktiga alternativet för småskaligakraftverk drogs, eftersom allt i dessa kraftverk är av mindre storlek (turbin, ledskenor, etcetera). Det gör det svårtför större fiskar att få plats, vilket ökar dödligheten, även om själva turbinen har fiskvänliga egenskaper. Dessutomföreslogs vilka parametrar som bör ingå i beslutsfattande om installation av fiskvänliga turbiner, samt områdensom bör undersökas vidare i framtiden.

Welfare Evaluation of Stunning Practices for Farmed Fish in the European Union

Barkerud, Rickard January 2021 (has links)
An optimal method for stunning animals before slaughter should result in instantaneous and irreversible insensibility. Today, there are various stunning and slaughter practices used around the world for farmed fish. With aquaculture being a growing food sector, the welfare of the animals used has become increasingly important in the consciousness of consumers, researchers and regulatory bodies. With growing research into the subject matter, an overview to summarize and examine how these practices impact on the welfare of the fish, and how well they conform to animal welfare legislation, is warranted to minimize the suffering of farmed fish. Stunning practices used in aquaculture include methods such as electrical and percussive stunning, carbon dioxide and asphyxiation. Each with its own level of effectiveness in terms of how fast the method results in loss of consciousness, whether or not the effect is reversible and how the welfare of the fish is affected as determined by behavioural and physiological stress responses. It was concluded that there is no unambiguous answer as to which stunning method is optimal in regard to animal welfare in modern day aquaculture. The optimal method for a given facility is influenced by factors like practicalities relating to each individual method as well as legislation on EU and national level. Suggestions were made for future research.

Current Factors and Preferences Influencing Fish and Seafood Consumers in the Baltic Sea Region

Camillo, Cameron January 2023 (has links)
Eating fish and seafood is integral to the Baltic Sea region's food culture. Overfishing, pollution, and seabed destruction have made the Baltic Sea one of the world's most overexploited and polluted seas. The governments of the nine surrounding countries are collaborating to minimize all forms of impact to ensure the equitable management of this nurturing ecosystem, now vulnerable. However, it will take more than restoration and preservation projects to ensure its health. Indeed, institutions need to understand and integrate into their action plans the factors influencing seafood consumers to steer their choices towards more sustainable, environmentally-friendly fishing and recreate a link between the consumer and his or her plate. Based on a holistic approach, the study aimed to determine preferences and factors influencing consumer behavior. The study was carried out via an online survey in the winter of 2023. The following aspects were collected: socio-demographic characteristics, frequency of consumption, species consumed, most important factors at the time of purchase, and the importance of the environment and traditions in their consumption choices. The survey was shared with universities, youth networks, associations, and personal and professional circles in all Baltic Sea countries. Descriptive statistics in tables and graphs were used to analyze the responses. Text analysis was used to summarize participants' comments. The median was calculated to establish the distribution and central value of participants' responses, who ranked 12 factors according to their degree of importance when making a purchase. Taste, product origin, and sustainable labels are the factors most participants consider when making a purchase. Tradition and local production ranked last. In conclusion, this study has covered the factors and preferences influencing consumer choice regarding fish and seafood. The patterns observed in the sample were similar to other larger-scale studies or European reports. Participants' age influenced their consumption frequency. Regarding taste, the product's origin and sustainable labels were the most often considered when purchasing. Traditions, although not considered at the time of purchase, influenced respondents’ fish and seafood consumption. Social factors often explain the sensory-affective motivational dimension or beliefs linked to consumption. A global understanding of consumers could guide institutions to strengthen their communication strategies. With more precise, practical, and consumer-targeted strategies, the Baltic Sea countries will ensure a collective sense of sustainable purchasing and eating and achieve the UN SDGs 12 and 14. / The Blue Food project

Effect of incubation temperature on Atlantic salmon metabolism as indicated by ventilation rate / Effekt av inkuberingstemperatur på laxens metabolism indikerad av gälslagsfrekvens

Vernerback, Claes January 2016 (has links)
The global mean temperature is predicted to increase by up to 5 °C during this century. For fish, being ectotherms, temperature is one of the most important environmental factors, influencing them in a number of different ways, including effects on physiological traits, timing of life history events and behavior. Atlantic salmon has been shown to grow faster after being incubated at warmer temperatures. One possible explanation for this could be that the increased incubation temperature causes decreased metabolic rates. The aim of this project was to examine whether this is true. Atlantic salmon eggs were incubated in three different temperature regimes: natural temperature conditions, heated water and a mixed temperature treatment, where eggs were incubated in increased temperature until the beginning of January and after that subjected to natural temperature conditions. Ventilation rate, a proxy for metabolism, was measured for fish from each treatment group, as well as fish length and weight. The results revealed significantly lower ventilation rates of the fish from the heated temperature treatment, but not of the fish from the mixed temperature treatment. This suggests that an increased incubation temperature causes lowered rates of metabolism in Atlantic salmon, and that the change occurs later than early January. Because of differences in size and life stage between fish from the different groups however, the results are uncertain and call for further investigations. A lowered metabolic rate will affect the fish’s behavior. A further development might therefore be to study fish survival in the wild in relation to a fish’s metabolic rate. / Jordens medeltemperatur beräknas öka med upp till 5 °C det här århundradet. För fiskar, som är ektotermer, är temperatur en av de viktigaste abiotiska faktorerna och påverkar dem på en mängd olika sätt, bland annat genom förändring av fysiologiska attribut, tidpunkter för steg i livscykeln och beteende. Lax har visats växa snabbare efter att ha blivit inkuberade i varmare vattentemperatur. En möjlig förklaring till det kan vara att en förhöjd inkuberingstemperatur orsakar en lägre metabolism. Det här projektet syftade till att undersöka om så är fallet. Ägg från lax inkuberades i tre olika temperaturförhållanden: naturliga temperaturförhållanden, förhöjd temperatur och en blandad temperaturbehandling, där ägg inkuberades i förhöjd temperatur till början av januari, varefter de utsattes för naturliga temperaturförhållanden. Gälslagsfrekvens, som fungerar som en indikator för metabolism, mättes på fisk från varje behandlingsgrupp, samt fiskarnas längd och vikt. Resultaten visade signifikant lägre gälslagsfrekvenser hos fiskarna från behandlingen med förhöjd temperatur, men inte hos fiskarna från behandlingen med blandad temperatur. Detta indikerar att en förhöjd inkuberingstemperatur orsakar en lägre metabolism hos lax, och att förändringen sker senare än tidiga januari. På grund av skillnader i storlek och livsstadier hos fiskarna från de olika grupperna är resultaten dock osäkra, vilket gör att ytterligare studier behövs. En lägre ämnesomsättning påverkar fiskars beteende. En uppföljning kan därför vara att studera fiskars överlevnad i det vilda i relation till deras metabolism.

Doença periodontal como fator de risco coronariano São José do Rio Preto: Faculdade de Medicina de São José do Rio Preto, 2006.

Accarini, Renata 16 October 2006 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-01-26T12:51:55Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 renataaccarini_dissert.pdf: 311540 bytes, checksum: 6e73d654b99ae5ef0d517cb9c91c09bb (MD5) Previous issue date: 2006-10-16 / Ainda permanecem controvérsias quanto à ligação causal e mecanismos fisiopatológicos que expliquem a associação entre Doença Periodontal e Doenças Cardiovasculares. Objetivo: Detectar a existência de associação entre doença periodontal ativa (DP) e ocorrência de Síndromes Coronárias Agudas (SCA). Casuística e Método: Foram avaliados 361 pacientes (57,3% do sexo masculino), com idades variando de 27 a 89 (média&#61617;DP=60,5&#61617;12,2 anos) internados na Unidade de Tratamento Intensivo de um Hospital de Ensino com quadro clínico e complementar de SCA. Todos foram submetidos a exame periodontal completo, no próprio ambiente da UTI sendo que 325 (90,0%) realizaram cinecoronariografia para confirmação diagnóstica e/ou programação de conduta terapêutica. O exame periodontal consistiu na avaliação de todos os dentes presentes na cavidade oral e dos seguintes parâmetros: profundidade clínica de sondagem, nível de inserção clinica, índice de placa e índice gengival. Resultados: Dos 325 pacientes, 91 (28,0%) apresentavam artérias coronárias isentas de obstrução ou com obstruções discretas (<= 50% de perda de diâmetro), havendo obstruções importantes nos 72,0% restantes. O teste exato de Fisher mostrou valor de P de 0,0245 e ODDS Ratio de 2,571 (IC 95% 1,192 a 5,547), ou seja, documentou-se cerca de 2,5 vezes mais possibilidade de presença de DP ativa no grupo com SCA e coronariopatia obstrutiva significante. Conclusão: Constatou-se associação significante entre presença de doença periodontal ativa e doença coronária obstrutiva de grau importante em pacientes com Síndrome Coronária Aguda, reforçando a importância da prevenção e tratamento adequado da doença periodontal, que deve ser considerada como fator de risco potencial na etiologia e na instabilização da placa aterosclerótica. Abstract Positive association between periodontal disease and coronary diseases is unclear concerning physiopathologic mechanisms and causal relationship. The aim of this study was to assess the association between active periodontal disease active and obstructive coronary artery disease in patients with acute coronary syndromes. Method: 361 (57.3% males; mean age 60.5+12.2) patients referred for diagnostic coronary vessel disease were assessed for periodontal disease and also submitted to coronary angiography with diagnostic and prognostic purposes. Each patient underwent a full-mouth periodontal examination which included gingival bleeding, plaque index, periodontal pocket depths, attachment levels and missing teeth. For statistical analysis was used the Exact Fisher test and was accepted an Alfa error of 5%. Results: 28% patients haven t significant coronary vessel obstructions (<50% diameter obstruction) and 72.0% had significant obstructive disease (>50% diameter obstruction). The Exact Fisher Test showed p-value of 0.0245 and ODDS Ratio of 2.571 (95%CI from 1.192 to 5.547). So there was a 2.5 fold increase in the chance for active periodontal disease in patients with significant obstructive coronary artery disease. Conclusion: Our study indicates a positive and significant association between periodontal disease and obstructive coronary disease among patients with acute coronary syndromes becoming periodontal disease as a potential risk factor in etiology and outcome of atherosclerotic plaque. Results of this and other investigations should be taken into account in the future researches in order to validate this association. / Ainda permanecem controvérsias quanto à ligação causal e mecanismos fisiopatológicos que expliquem a associação entre Doença Periodontal e Doenças Cardiovasculares. Objetivo: Detectar a existência de associação entre doença periodontal ativa (DP) e ocorrência de Síndromes Coronárias Agudas (SCA). Casuística e Método: Foram avaliados 361 pacientes (57,3% do sexo masculino), com idades variando de 27 a 89 (média DP=60,5 12,2 anos) internados na Unidade de Tratamento Intensivo de um Hospital de Ensino com quadro clínico e complementar de SCA. Todos foram submetidos a exame periodontal completo, no próprio ambiente da UTI sendo que 325 (90,0%) realizaram cinecoronariografia para confirmação diagnóstica e/ou programação de conduta terapêutica. O exame periodontal consistiu na avaliação de todos os dentes presentes na cavidade oral e dos seguintes parâmetros: profundidade clínica de sondagem, nível de inserção clinica, índice de placa e índice gengival. Resultados: Dos 325 pacientes, 91 (28,0%) apresentavam artérias coronárias isentas de obstrução ou com obstruções discretas (<= 50% de perda de diâmetro), havendo obstruções importantes nos 72,0% restantes. O teste exato de Fisher mostrou valor de P de 0,0245 e ODDS Ratio de 2,571 (IC 95% 1,192 a 5,547), ou seja, documentou-se cerca de 2,5 vezes mais possibilidade de presença de DP ativa no grupo com SCA e coronariopatia obstrutiva significante. Conclusão: Constatou-se associação significante entre presença de doença periodontal ativa e doença coronária obstrutiva de grau importante em pacientes com Síndrome Coronária Aguda, reforçando a importância da prevenção e tratamento adequado da doença periodontal, que deve ser considerada como fator de risco potencial na etiologia e na instabilização da placa aterosclerótica.

Athens of the South: College Life in Nashville, A New South City, 1897-1917

Pethel, Mary Ellen 14 November 2008 (has links)
The Progressive Era affected the South in different ways from other regions of the United States. Because Southern society was more entrenched in patriarchy and traditional social strictures, Nashville provides an excellent lens in which to assess the vision of a New South city. Known as “Athens of the South,” Nashville legitimized this title with the emergence of several colleges and universities of regional and national prominence in the 1880s and 1890s. In the first two decades of the twentieth century, Nashville’s universities solidified their status as reputable institutions, with Vanderbilt and Fisk Universities garnering national prominence. Within Nashville, local colleges, including Ward Belmont College, David Lipscomb University, Peabody College, Roger Williams University, and Meharry Medical College shaped and were shaped by the growing city. Higher education and urbanization created a dialectic that produced a new generation and a new monied class of young adults who thought and acted differently from their parents. Moreover, women became more active participants in public spheres because of opportunities provided by higher education. In most cases, Nashville’s women continued to use their husband’s prominence to earn greater success. In regard to race, the city’s African American colleges helped to produce men and women who formed the backbone of the rising black middle class and elite in the South. Nashville endured great change, formally beginning with the 1897 Tennessee Centennial Exposition, whereby the city’s trajectory followed a more modern approach, albeit southern style. Higher education played a large role in the direction of the city, both literally and figuratively. Shifts in attitude toward race, gender, and leisure combined to create a new youth culture. Young women and men socialized on and off campus through a variety of new forms of recreation. The experience of “college life” was more than attending classes but rather a fluid phase beginning with youthfulness and ending with adulthood. Social interaction increasingly became a major component of college life; the city of Nashville simply provided the stage. By U.S. entrance into World War I, Nashville had legitimized its position as a Southern urban center of entertainment and higher education.

Health risk assessment of dioxin-like compounds in complex samples /

Öberg, Mattias U. L., January 2003 (has links)
Diss. (sammanfattning) Stockholm : Karol. inst., 2003. / Härtill 5 uppsatser.

Proactivity and sustainable transition at the fish counter? : A study about ecological sustainability regarding fish at four ICA Kvantum supermarkets within the Stockholm region

Johansson, Jerker January 2012 (has links)
Fish and shellfish are important sources of protein for the world population. Nearly 50 percent of fish and shellfish products originate from aquaculture, and the rest comes from traditional fishing. The marine stocks are under threat from unsustainable fishing practices. Together with fishing, aquaculture constitutes extra stress on the marine stocks and ecosystems. Aquaculture also causes other environmental side effects. International trade rules do not sufficiently take care of the ecological problems. Voluntary initiatives, like ecolabels, are one way of dealing with the problems. This thesis does an attempt to, from an environmental science perspective, analyze how the fish counters at four ICA Kvantum stores in the Stockholm region work with ecological sustainability issues with regards to fish and shellfish. The overall purpose is to examine the shops’ historical, current and potential future work and to analyze if the work is conducted in a proactive, reactive or in a passive way. The main findings include that the knowledge, sustainability statuses, responsiveness, and changes in time, and the intentions or plans for the future differed a lot between the different shops. Furthermore, many of the investigated potential problem areas seemed to constitute problems in practice. Additionally, it seemed like additional pressure may be needed if the aggregated ecological status should be raised. The research method consisted of case studies with semistructured qualitative interviews and analysis of corporate documents, and a minor quantitative investigation of the frozen assortment at the stores. / Fisk och skaldjur är en viktig proteinkälla för världens befolkning. Nära hälften av fisk- och skaldjursprodukterna internationellt kommer idag från akvakultur (fiskodlingar). Resten kommer från traditionellt fiske. De marina fisk- och skaldjursbestånden hotas i olika grad av ohållbart fiske. Tillsammans med fisket utgör olika former av akvakultur påfrestningar mot fisk- och skaldjursbestånd och de marina ekosystemen. Akvakultur orsakar även andra ekologiska sidoeffekter. Internationella handelsregler tar idag inte tillräcklig hänsyn till de ekologiska problemen. Frivilliga initiativ såsom miljömärkningar har uppkommit och kan eventuellt utgöra en del av lösningarna på problemen. Denna kandidatuppsats gör utifrån ett miljövetenskapligt perspektiv ett försök att analysera hur ”fiskdiskarna” i fyra ICA Kvantumbutiker i Stockholms län arbetar med ekologisk hållbarhet vad gäller fisk och skaldjur. Övergripande syftet är att undersöka livsmedelsbutikernas historiska, nuvarande och potentiella framtida arbete med de ekologiska hållbarhetsfrågorna, samt att analysera om de arbetar utifrån ett proaktivt, reaktivt eller passivt angreppssätt. Huvudresultaten visar att arbetet mellan butikerna skiljde sig mycket med avseende på kunskaper, ekologiska hållbarhetsteman, proaktivitet/ reaktivitet/ passivitet, förändringar över tiden, samt vad gäller intentioner och planer för framtiden. Vidare så verkade flera av de studerade ekologiska problemområdena på olika sätt utgöra verkliga problem. Någon form av påtryckningar verkade vara nödvändigt om butikernas arbete, aggregerat sett, skulle ställas om till en mer ekologiskt hållbar status. Metoden utgjordes av fallstudier med semistrukturerade kvalitativa intervjuer och studier av utvalda centrala dokument från ICA-koncernen relaterade till det tematiska undersökningsområdet. En mindre kvantitativ utvärdering av butikerna frysta sortiment gjordes också.

Local and global contaminants in Swedish waters : studies on PCBs, DDTs, 4,5,6-trichloroguaiacol and their transformation products in fish and sediments

Söderström, Maria January 2002 (has links)
This thesis is focused on studies on the environmental fate and methodological improvements for determination of the global contaminants, PCBs and DDTs, and locally discharged phenolics, e.g. 4,5,6-trichloroguaiacol (4,5,6-TCG), and their transformation products. 4,5,6-TCG is released from bleached pulp mills, and was chosen as a model substance, to study its fate and effects in aquatic environments. In a brackish water model ecosystem, 4,5,6-TCG was shown to be transformed via demethylation, dechlorination, and methylation reactions. Marine periphyton exposed to 4,5,6-TCG was shown to form demethylated, brominated and dimeric metabolites. Several of these metabolites were identified and quantified. Also more tightly bound chlorophenolics were recovered from the substrate, after harsh extraction procedures had been applied. Conjugates of chlorophenols in fish bile were determined as useful tracers for monitoring effluents from bleached pulp mills, even in areas far from the discharge point. To facilitate calculations of water concentrations, bile to water bioconcentration factors (bBCF-values) were determined for several phenolics, including also alkali-labile chlorocatechols. PCBs and DDTs, were assessed in Swedish lakes with background exposure of these global contaminants. A methodological study focus on the contamination risks of airborne PCBs, during freeze-drying and storage of dry sediment samples. Eutrophication has been proposed to cause lower levels of pollutants in biota in lakes due to biomass dilution but in this thesis examples of higher levels of PCBs in sediment traps, sediment and in perch, and also in higher fluxes of PCBs to the sediment, were observed. Phytoplankton are supposed to be responsible for most of the transport of the contaminants. The composition of DDTs in soil, sediment traps and in dated sediment cores was studied in some detail. PCBs, DDTs, HCB and HCHs were measured in sediments from 100 reference lakes included in the National Swedish Environmental Program. The lakes have a large variation in lake characteristics, representative for different areas in Sweden. A gradient was observed for sPCB with decreasing levels from the south west towards the north. The results suggests that longrange transport is the dominating mechanism for distribution of the contaminants analysed. In this study the levles of PCBs and DDTs were lower in eutrophic lakes than in oligotrophic lakes, in an area with similar atmospheric exposure. / <p>At the time of the doctoral defense, the following papers were unpublished and had a status as follows: Paper 4: Submitted. Paper 6: Manuscript.</p>

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