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Coping With Immigration: The Institutional And Political Dynamics Of Migration And Asylum Policy-making In TurkeyUnsal, Ezgi Berfin 01 June 2012 (has links) (PDF)
As a country that is highly affected by the changing nature of
international migration due to transformative forces of globalization, Turkey is now being defined as a country of both immigration and emigration. This thesis analyzes Turkish state&rsquo / s international migration politics and policies with
regard to recent global trends in migratory movements. It examines the underlying dynamics that govern the policy making processes and tries to identify the problems stemming from them.
The primary goal of the thesis is to make an elaborate assessment of the existent institutional framework and to detect the presence of securitization paradigm in the political and legal setting of international migration in Turkey by means of qualitative research methods. It investigates how international pressures and trends, national interests, political considerations and especially the dynamics of fragmented institutional structure have affected policy making strategies. In view of these factors, the thesis suggests adopting a humanitarian approach towards refugees, asylum seekers and migrants that leaves political concerns behind and avoids securitization of the issue.
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The An Shi Rebellion and Rejection of the Other in Tang China, 618-763Chamney, Lee Unknown Date
No description available.
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[pt] Este trabalho investiga os estereótipos sobre o brasileiro construídos pelos alunos estrangeiros do curso de Português como segunda língua (PL2E) da PUC-Rio. Objetivou-se identificar as expressões qualificativas, representadas em especial pelos adjetivos, verbos ou advérbios, e também substantivos, em relação à cultura brasileira, analisar essas avaliações dos alunos antes e depois de estarem imersos no Brasil e mostrar como elas podem interferir na comunicação intercultural. A análise revelou que: (i) grande parte dos alunos estrangeiros já tinham construído uma imagem prévia e estereotipada do brasileiro e do Brasil; (ii) os estereótipos construídos têm relação com as informações colhidas pelos alunos nos meios de massa como televisão, jornais, internet e também através de amigos brasileiros ou não e parentes; (iii) as imagens construídas pelos estrangeiros são positivas em relação ao brasileiro, e negativas quanto ao Brasil; (iv) a atitude positiva diante da imagem dos brasileiros e a exposição à cultura brasileira facilitam a interação nas situações interculturais desse aluno com brasileiros. / [en] This paper investigates the stereotypes about the Brazilian people built by the foreign students in the Portuguese as a Second Language Course at PUC-Rio. The objective was to identify the qualificative expressions in relation to the Brazilian culture - specially represented by the adjectives, verbs and adverbs -, analyse these evaluations from the students before and after having been immersed in Brazil, and show how they can interfere in the intercultural communication. The analysis revealed that: (i) a big part of the foreign students had built a stereotyped image of the Brazilians and Brazil; (ii) the stereotypes have to do with the information collected by the students in the media, i.e. TV, newspaper, internet and also through Brazilian friends, Brazilians in general and relatives; (iii) the images built by the foreigners are positive in relation to the Brazilian and negative when it comes to Brazil; (iv) the positive attitude in relation to the image of the Brazilians and the exposure to the Brazilian culture make the foreigners interaction in the intercultural situations with Brazilian students easy.
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[pt] O presente trabalho tem por objetivo descrever a realização de pedidos de
desculpas, em língua oral, em seriados televisivos brasileiros, de forma a auxiliar
o ensino e aprendizagem do idioma como segunda língua para estrangeiros. Nosso
corpus consta de 16 episódios dos programas A Grande Família, Os Aspones e
Toma Lá Dá Cá da Rede Globo de Televisão. Com base em uma fundamentação
teórica híbrida, que conta com contribuições da Pragmática, da Sociolinguística
Interacional, do Interculturalismo e da Antropologia Social, descrevemos e
analisamos as formulações dos atos expressivos de pedidos de desculpas
encontrados no nosso corpus, e interpretamos as razões que levam o falante nativo
do português do Brasil a escolher as estratégias que ajudam na realização dos
referidos atos. / [en] The objective of the present work is to describe the realization of the
apologies, in oral Brazilian Portuguese in order to aid the teaching of this
language as a second language to foreigners. Our corpus is extracted from 16
episodes of the TV series A Grande Família, Os Aspones and Toma Lá Dá Cá by
Rede Globo de Televisão. Based on a hybrid theoretical basis, which counts on
contributions from Pragmatics, Interactional Sociolinguistics, Intercultural Studies
and Social Anthropology, we have described and analyzed the construction of the
expressive acts of apologies found in our corpus as well as interpreted the reasons
which lead the native speaker of Brazilian Portuguese to choose the strategies
which help fulfill the acts previously mentioned.
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Aplikace prvků dramatické výchovy ve výuce gramatiky v hodinách češtiny pro cizince / The application of drama techniques in teaching grammar in Czech for foreignersBučková, Aneta January 2018 (has links)
(in English): The master's thesis deals with the use of dramapedagogy in grammar teaching in Czech for foreigners. The issue is explored through a pilot study focusing on the instruction of past tense in a university course in Germany. For the purpose of the study, the drama grammar method, which combines explicit grammar exploration and acting in communication situations has been modified. Firstly, the paper specifies the chosen grammatical structure didactically. Secondly, the options of using dramapedagogy in foreign language teaching are introduced. The focus lies on the methods theatre pedagogy (metoda jevištního tvaru) and drama grammar. The presented pilot study examines three research questions (referred to as VO). According to VO1, subjects taught through the drama grammar method will achieve better results in grammar. VO2 verifies if applying dramapedagogy influences the consolidation of student's linguistic performance in a long-term perspective. VO3 expects that using dramapedagogy will increase student's motivation.
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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / In the last decades language specialists and researchers have dedicated special attention to the teaching of languages in general. Many of these researches have directed their interests to the analysis of textbooks, aiming as main purpose to point out improvements and/or possible modifications on them in order that they could contribute as in the structural quality of these textbooks as in their use in the classroom. Thus, trying to expand still more this field, this research aims at analyzing the textbooks used in the teaching of Portuguese as a Foreign Language. That s why, this study is guided by two general objectives: (1) investigating to what extend the questions proposed by the authors in the textbooks reading sections help both teacher and student to cross the Zone of Proximal Development; (2) comparing the modelpattern
of didactic material as well as the reading sections analyzed in order to verify in which materials the teacher notice rates of improving toward what he considers appropriate to the teaching of reading. For integrating the corpus of such investigation, three student s textbooks followed by the teacher s book were selected, adding a total of six books. In these books, questions elaborated by the authors in the reading section were analyzed. For so, as the referential methodology the second generation of the Activity Theory, proposed by Leontiev (1978), was considered relevant, mainly the three hierarchical levels of activity- activityactions
and operations. Then, based on the data analyses, it was possible to conclude that the questions proposed by the authors are not structurally connected with the aim of propitiating, between teacher and student, the work in Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD). Besides that, the textbooks present an inconsistent connection, some typologies are structured in a traditional way, becoming their main goal to evaluate the student in relation to the contents offered by the book and, mainly, leading him to reproduce ready knowledge. However, as opposed to the kind of questions found out in this books (for both student and teacher), there are questions elaborated in the model-pattern of the didactic materials, which are understood as a kind of tutorial strategy. Thus, they are defined due to the aid that they provide for teacher and student in order that they can work in ZPD. The growing connection of such questions enable the student of working firstly in the real development line to gradually, tutored by the teacher, advance toward the potential development line. When the teacher tutors the learner he helps this learner to consolidate more effectively the knowledge that belongs to potential development line. That is, the aid dedicated via these questions helps the foreigner learner to construct the knowledge that was not formed yet, enabling him to advance toward superior levels of development. / Nas últimas décadas, estudiosos e pesquisadores da linguagem têm dedicado especial atenção ao ensino de línguas em geral. Muitas dessas pesquisas têm direcionado seus interesses para a análise de livros didáticos, visando como propósito principal apontar melhorias e/ou possíveis
modificações, a fim de que essas contribuam tanto na qualidade estrutural de tais livros quanto no uso deles na prática em sala de aula. Assim, na tentativa de expandir ainda mais esse campo, esta pesquisa se propôs a analisar os livros didáticos destinados ao ensino de português para estrangeiros. Norteiam, portanto, este estudo dois objetivos gerais, a saber: (1) investigar em que medida as perguntas propostas nas seções de leitura por parte dos autores
dos livros didáticos assistem professor e aluno na travessia da Zona de Desenvolvimento Proximal; (2) comparar o modelo-padrão de material didático e as seções de leitura analisadas
a fim de verificar em quais desses materiais o professor percebe índices de melhora em direção ao que considera desejável para o ensino de leitura. Foram selecionados, para integrar o corpus desta investigação, três livros didáticos do aluno, acompanhados respectivamente do livro didático do professor, somando um total de seis livros. Neles foram analisadas as perguntas elaboradas pelos autores nas seções de leitura. Para tanto, foi considerada relevante, como metodologia referencial, a segunda geração da Teoria da Atividade proposta por Leontiev (1978), mais especificamente, os três níveis hierárquicos da atividade atividade ações e operações. Assim, com base na análise dos dados, foi possível concluir que as perguntas propostas pelos autores não estão encadeadas estruturalmente com o intuito de propiciar o trabalho em Zona de Desenvolvimento Proximal (ZDP) entre professor e aluno. Isso porque, além de apresentarem um encadeamento inconsistente, algumas tipologias estruturam-se de forma tradicional, tornando-se meta consagrada destas avaliar o aluno em relação aos conteúdos oferecidos pelos livros didáticos e, sobretudo, induzi-lo a reproduzir conhecimentos prontos. No entanto, contrapõem-se aos tipos de perguntas encontradas nesses
livros (tanto do aluno como do professor), as perguntas elaboradas no modelo-padrão de material didático, no qual elas são entendidas como um tipo de estratégia de tutoramento. São definidas, assim, devido ao auxílio que prestam ao professor e ao aluno, a fim de que possam
trabalhar em ZDP. O encadeamento crescente dessas perguntas permite que o aluno trabalhe primeiramente na linha de desenvolvimento real para que, gradativamente, tutorado pelo professor, avance para a linha de desenvolvimento potencial. Tutorando o aprendiz, o professor ajuda-o a consolidar de forma mais efetiva os conhecimentos pertencentes à linha de desenvolvimento potencial. Ou seja, a assistência prestada por intermédio dessas perguntas
auxilia o aprendiz estrangeiro na formação de conhecimentos que ainda não estão formados, permitindo que ele avance para níveis superiores de desenvolvimento.
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La pratique du droit des étrangers au Maroc : essai de praxéologie juridique et politique / The practice of the law regarding foreigners in Morocco : essay in legal and political praxiologyKhrouz, Nadia 02 June 2016 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur les pratiques du droit des étrangers au Maroc. Par l’analyse de divers mécanismes de mobilisation du droit, tels qu’ils se déploient quotidiennement, son objectif est d’observer et de décrire, en contexte, les activités d’acteurs variés impliqués ou confrontés à un droit, des institutions et des procédures visant les étrangers. Ceci passe par une étude de l’activité judiciaire et administrative en la matière. Ceci passe aussi par une clarification de méthodes utilisées par les gens, professionnels ou profanes, dans leurs pratiques quotidiennes, impliquant de fait de prendre en compte les dimensions sociales et politiques du droit, des étrangers en particulier. En adoptant une démarche praxéologique, il s’agit de s’intéresser au droit en action en reconsidérant un ensemble de pratiques, méthodiques et ordonnées, pour en clarifier les modes endogènes de production et d’intelligibilité.Une première partie s’attache à présenter la démarche praxéologique, tout en apportant des éclairages sur un ensemble de phénomènes sociaux et politiques ancrés dans le contexte marocain contemporain. La seconde partie est consacrée à la description et à l’analyse de situations de rencontre de l’étranger avec l’administration et la justice, à partir d’une série d’épisodes permettant d’éclairer le déploiement pratique du droit en contexte. Une troisième partie s’attache aux méthodes de raisonnement, de compréhension, d’interprétation, qui permettent de mieux comprendre le droit des étrangers au Maroc, en accordant une attention particulière à l’analyse des catégorisations et aux jeux d’inférences. L’ensemble des chapitres offre un traitement original de différents processus et mécanismes de la grammaire du droit en action, mettant en exergue les relations qu’entretiennent le droit et la société, ainsi que la dimension intrinsèquement politique du droit des étrangers. / This dissertation deals with the practices surrounding the law regarding foreigners in Morocco. Its aim is to observe and describe, in context, the activities of diverse people who find themselves involved or faced with the law, institutions and procedures related to the presence of foreigners. The intention, however, is to analyze various mechanisms involved in the ordinary mobilization of law. This goes through the study of legal and administrative activities in this domain. The clarification of methods used by people, both professional and lay, in their daily practices includes de facto to take into consideration the social and political dimensions of the law, and in particular that related to foreigners. By adopting a praxiological perspective, the purpose is to deal with law in action and to revisit a set of practices, methodical and structurally organized, in order to better understand the endogenous methods of production and intelligibility of law.The first part seeks to present the praxiological approach while shedding light on several social and political phenomena in the contemporary Moroccan context. The second part is devoted to the description and the analysis of various situations in which people are involved and face administrative and judicial institutions. Through a series of episodes and in an empirically documented manner, it fleshes out the way in which the law practically and contextually operates. A third part focuses on methods of reasoning, of understanding and of interpreting, and in particular the working of categorizations and inferences, which are actively at play in the law regarding foreigners in Morocco.All the chapters provide an original treatment of processes and mechanisms of the grammar of law in action and bring out the relation between law and society, as well as the intrinsically political dimension of the law regarding foreigners.
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Da questão agrária e da compra de terras por estrangeiros / The agrarian issue and the land aquisition by foreignersJordão, Luciana Ramos 28 March 2012 (has links)
Submitted by Erika Demachki (erikademachki@gmail.com) on 2014-11-07T15:41:42Z
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license_rdf: 23148 bytes, checksum: 9da0b6dfac957114c6a7714714b86306 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Erika Demachki (erikademachki@gmail.com) on 2014-11-07T15:42:01Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2
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Previous issue date: 2012-03-28 / Conselho Nacional de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico - CNPq / This dissertation analyses if there is any need in forbidding land acquisition by foreigners
considering the historical and juridical aspects of Brazilian land structure and the agrarian
issue. After 1998, when the General Advisory of the Union published a legal opinion on
several agrarian problems were justified by the permission foreigners had to freely acquire
land in Brazil. The paper establishes a connection between the events related to land structure
formation, indicating agricultural characteristics due to peasants farming and to agribusiness
in order to determine if there is any influence from land acquisition by foreigners in the
agrarian issue that might deepen land concentration and make workers life conditions worse. / O trabalho analisa a necessidade de imposição de restrições à compra de terras por
estrangeiros no Brasil tendo em vista a questão agrária e aspectos histórico-jurídicos da
estrutura fundiária brasileira. Após a publicação do parecer da Advocacia-Geral da União, em
1998, diversos problemas agrários foram vinculados à permissão dada aos estrangeiros para
que adquirissem terras no Brasil. O trabalho estabelece relação com os eventos que
conduziram à formação da estrutura fundiária do país, apresentando as características
atinentes ao modelo de agricultura camponesa e ao agronegócio, a fim de verificar se há
influência advinda da compra de terras por estrangeiros na questão agrária suficiente a
aprofundar a concentração fundiária e piorar as condições de vida dos trabalhadores rurais.
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Transformações e permanências no bairro do Bom Retiro, SP (1930-1954) / Changes and permanences in the Bom Retiro district, SP (1930-1954)Liziane Peres Mangili 22 April 2009 (has links)
Este estudo busca identificar as transformações e permanências de um bairro central de São Paulo, o Bom Retiro, a partir das estruturas físicas e dos agentes que sobre elas atuaram, no período de 1930 a 1954. A partir da análise de fontes documentais, a pesquisa constata processos diversificados de transformação, específicos ao bairro, que acabam gerando diferenças internas no Bom Retiro, e que estiveram associados à presença de diferentes grupos de imigrantes. O grande volume de transformações de pequena escala no bairro - os aumentos e as reformas - mostra que o bairro se transforma acomodando nas edificações existentes os usos característicos do bairro desde sua origem: cortiços, indústrias de fundo de quintal, pequenos estabelecimentos comerciais. Esses usos predominantes e a nova atividade econômica instalada no bairro no período - indústria e comércio de confecções - bem como a característica dos lotes e das edificações onde se instalam, cuja configuração permite essas associações, são elementos de permanência, para os quais as transformações ocorreram no sentido de acomodá-los. Nesse processo de transformação do bairro, o traçado urbano não é alterado de forma significativa, apesar da sua expansão para a área da várzea do Tietê na década de 1950, caracterizando-se também como uma permanência. / This study seeks to identify the changes and permanences in a central district of Sao Paulo, the Bom Retiro, from physical structures and the agents who acted on them, from 1930 to 1954. From the analysis of documentary sources, the research finds diverse processes of transformation, specific to the neighborhood, which eventually generating internal differences in Bom Retiro, which were associated with the presence of different groups of immigrants. The large volume of processing of \"small scale\" in the neighborhood - the increases and reforms - shows that the neighborhood changes accommodating existing buildings in the typical uses of the neighborhood since its begining: hives, small industries, small establishments. The predominant uses and the new economic activity installed in the neighborhood - the clothing industry and trade - as well as the characteristic of the lots and buildings where they settle, whose configuration allows such associations, are elements of permanece, for which the changes occurred to accommodate them. In this process of transformation of the neighborhood, the urban layout is not changed significantly, despite its expansion into the area of the lowland Tietê in the 1950s, characterizing it as a permanence.
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[pt] Este trabalho investiga a questão do tempo na cultura
brasileira, mais
especificamente, o conceito de pontualidade. Identificaram-
se e caracterizaram-se
aspectos da (im)pontualidade como fenômeno social
partilhado por brasileiros
residentes na cidade do Rio de Janeiro. Dado o objetivo de
se detectarem as regras
implícitas do sistema temporal carioca, mostrou-se
relevante o contraste entre a
autopercepção e a heteropercepção dos informantes, na
medida em que, na sua
maioria, eles se percebem como individualmente pontuais,
em oposição à imagem
genérica de impontual que relacionam ao coletivo, aos
brasileiros. Acredita-se que os
resultados desse estudo possam oferecer subsídios para uma
melhor compreensão a
respeito da percepção de pontualidade dos brasileiros,
fomentando a reflexão sobre
esse tópico por parte do professor de português como
segunda língua para
estrangeiros e, conseqüentemente, sua discussão em sala de
aula. Dada a natureza
interdisciplinar do assunto, este estudo realizou-se à luz
dos referenciais teóricos das
seguintes áreas: Antropologia Lingüística, Antropologia
Social, Sociologia,
Psicologia Social, Interculturalismo e Cruzamento de
Culturas. / [en] This work investigates time in the Brazilian culture, more
specifically, the
concept of punctuality. The author identified and
characterized aspects of
(un)punctuality as a social phenomenon shared by
Brazilians who live in the city of
Rio de Janeiro. The aim of this work was to detect the
implicit rules in the time
marking system in the city of Rio de Janeiro. The contrast
between the informants´
self-perception and perception of others proved to be
quite relevant since most of
them think of themselves as punctual, in opposition to the
generic image of
unpunctuality associated with the Brazilians collectively
considered. The outcomes of
this research work will most certainly offer subsidies to
a better understanding of the
perception of punctuality among Brazilians and will
enhance the thinking of teachers
of Portuguese as a second language about this topic and
consequently foster
discussion about it in classroom activities. Considering
the interdisciplinary nature of
this subject, the study was carried out in the light of
theoretical references in the
following areas: Linguistic Anthropology, Social
Anthropology, Sociology, Social
Psychology, Inter-Culturalism and Cultures Crossing.
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