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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

An Inquiry Into Discourse Choices As Indicators Of Gender Attitudes In A Non-profit Conservative Christian Business

Kruger, Dawn Marie 01 January 2005 (has links)
This paper is an inquiry into the discourse styles of men and women who work together in a conservative Protestant Christian business. Many conservative Protestant Christian churches teach that the Bible forbids women from holding positions of authority over men. Yet in the communications department of this particular business, women fill the top three management positions, supervising a mixed-gender staff of 15. Research has shown that men and women subconsciously use language markers that indicate personal attitudes toward the same and the opposite genders. This research project draws on that information while it analyzes the oral and electronic discourse of the communications staff. The purpose of this study is to observe whether or not the traditional teachings of conservative Protestant Christian churches has influenced the attitudes of these men and women with regard to women in positions of authority over men in a Christian business. Two staff meetings and a lunchroom conversation were audio taped and transcribed to note oral discourse patterns. One hundred and eleven emails were examined to mark patterns of written discourse. This data was then evaluated against published research in the area of gendered discourse markers. The results indicate that two of the three women in leadership positions over men were comfortable with their positions of authority, but the third woman's discourse patterns showed signs of insecurity. Furthermore, the men in the department did not indicate signs that they seek to exercise power over women, nor did they show signs of difficulty in submitting to the authority of the women. The women staff members, however, showed definite indications of being insecure in a mixed group, and of being meekly subordinate to anyone in authority over them. These results, while helpful, are not definitive in that they do not account for the possibility of other influencing factors, such as personality types, job roles and expectations, age differences, or church teachings on meekness and submission to authority. However, the results of this research indicate that some conservative Christian men are ready for and able to embrace the concept of having women in positions of authority over them, even in a Christian environment, and a few conservative, Christian women are ready to step into those positions. Also from this research it could be concluded that, on the average, conservative women struggle more with the shift of authority than men do. More research would need to be done to address that question fully.


Mello, Jenice Tasqueto de 10 October 2011 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-03-22T17:26:37Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Novo_a_ Documento do Microsoft Word.pdf: 5701 bytes, checksum: 8c73ad797e50f5954d5148b96196c580 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-10-10 / The discursive representations of men and women are important factors for the establishment of gender relations and of the meanings attibuted to femininity and masculinity. In order to investigate how such representations occur in articles dealing with the popularization of medical knowledge in Brazilian weekly magazines, this research analyzes six articles about heart problems published in Veja, between 1999 and 2005. The theoretical basis is Critical Discourse Analysis (Fairclough, 2001), with emphasis on the representation of social actosrs (van Leeuwen, 1997) and on transitivity (Fuzer and Cabral, 2010). After determining which social actors were (more) represented in the texts and in which ways, and identifying the types of processes attributed to them, the results have shown that women are under-represented in this kind of text, in which we find no change in the historical construction of women as the other, even when it comes to issues of health and illness / As representações discursivas de mulheres e homens são importantes para o estabelecimento de relações de gênero e para a cristalização dos significados socialmente atribuídos ao feminino e ao masculino. Buscando verificar como essas representações ocorrem no âmbito da divulgação ou popularização do conhecimento médico em revistas de circulação nacional, este trabalho analisa seis artigos sobre problemas cardíacos publicados na revista semanal Veja entre 1999 e 2005. A base teórica é a Análise Crítica do Discurso (Fairclough, 2001), com ênfase na representação dos atores sociais (van Leeuwen, 1997) e na transitividade (Fuzer; Cabral, 2010). Após verificação de quais atores eram (mais) representados, de como se efetuou essa representação e de quais processos foram a eles atribuídos, os resultados indicam uma sub-representação da mulher e nenhuma mudança na histórica construção do feminino como alteridade, mesmo em questões relativas à saúde/doença

Perpetuating Domestic Ambivalence: A Duality of Gender Role Advice in American Women’s Prescriptive Literature, 1920-1960

Lester, Arielle J. 29 May 2013 (has links)
No description available.

Om miljöproblemen hänger på mig : Individer förhandlar sitt ansvar för miljön / lf handling environmental problems is up to me : lndividuals negotiate their environmental responsibility

Dahl, Emmy January 2014 (has links)
När den svenska klimatdebatten intensifierades under 2000-talets första decennium tilldelades allmänheten en särskild roll. I den mediala och politiska debatten verkade lösningen på miljöproblemen intimt förknippad med individers livsstilar. I den här avhandlingen betraktas det synsättet som del av en pågående individualisering av miljöansvar. Med en poststrukturalistisk feministisk utgångspunkt hanteras det individualiserade miljöansvaret som en specifik diskurs. Diskursen beskriver individer som de centrala aktörerna som ska motverka miljöproblemen. Hur individer förhåller sig till rimligheten i en sådan ansvarsfördelning eller förstår innebörden av ett sådant ansvar är emellertid oklart. Syftet med avhandlingen är att utforska hur individer begripliggör och förhandlar diskursen om individuellt miljöansvar i gruppsamtal. För att förstå hur individer kan positionera sig i relation till diskursen analyseras tolv fokusgruppsamtal med personer som befinner sig i olika livssituationer och har olika erfarenheter av miljöfrågor och resande. Samtalsdeltagarnas förhandlingar av diskursens innebörd och relevans analyseras. Avhandlingen undersöker vilka andra diskurser som stödjer, konkurrerar med eller utgör motdiskurser till den individualiserade miljödiskursen. Därmed framgår hur individer kan införliva eller göra motstånd mot miljödiskursens verklighetsbeskrivning. I avhandlingen undersöks även vilka subjektspositioner som görs problematiska respektive oproblematiska i relation till ett individualiserat miljöansvar. Det bidrar med insikt om hur diskurser knutna till genus och klass kan positionera individer som i olika grad eller på olika sätt ansvariga för sin miljöpåverkan. Analysen visar hur individuellt miljöansvar förknippas med resursstarka och oberoende individer, individer som kan tänka sig att agera utan stöd från vare sig omgivningen eller stödjande samhällsstrukturer. Samtalsdeltagare i studien beskriver det individualiserade miljöansvaret som alltifrån moraliskt viktigt och positivt till orimligt och orealistiskt. Konkurrens mellan individer följer i diskursens spår. Både personer som tar på sig stort ansvar och de som inte förmår eller vill leva upp till idealet om att förändra sin livsstil pekas ut som problematiska. Samtidigt hamnar andra potentiella ansvarstagare och politiska arenor ofta i skymundan. Därtill riktar vissa samtalsdeltagare misstro mot samhällets förmåga att överhuvudtaget hantera miljöproblem, vilket tolkas som en aspekt av det individualiserade miljöansvarets dominans. / Over the last decade, the behaviors and lifestyles of the Swedish public have been depicted as having important environmental effects by both politicians and the media in Sweden. In this thesis, this is regarded as part of an ongoing tendency to individualize environmental responsibilities. Using a feminist poststructuralist point of departure, this individualized environmental responsibility is understood as a particular discourse that frames individuals as essential actors in handling environmental problems. How individuals position themselves in relation to the reasonableness and meaning of these responsibilities, however, is still an open question. The aim is to explore how individuals make scnse of and negotiate the discourse of individual environmental responsibility in group discussions. Twelve focus group conversations involving people in various life situations and with various expericnces of environmental issues and travelling are analyzed. The analysis investigates how the focus group participants position themselves in relation to the discoursc and, thus, negotiate its meaning and relevance. The analysis seeks to understand what other discourses support, compete with, or challenge the discourse of individual environmental responsibility in order to illuminate how individuals can incorporate or resist this particular discursive description of the world. The thesis also investigates what subject positions are made troubled or untroubled by the focus group participants, which reveals how gender and dass discourses position individuals as in various ways or to various degrees responsible for their individual impact on the environment. The analysis suggests that the discourse of individual environmental responsibility privileges independent, self-governing individuals, that is, people who assume responsibility without demanding either societal or social support. Some focus group participants depict individual environmental responsibility as morally significant and beneficial, while others depict it as unrealistic and unacceptable. The discourse seems to engender competition between individuals. Both people acting as highly environmentally responsible and people acting as unable or unwilling to take environmental responsibility are framed as troubled individuals in the conversations. Concurrently, other potential environmentally responsible actors and political scenes are often neglected. The discourse of individual environmental responsibility dominates; for some focus group participants, this discourse leads toa lack of faith in societal ability to handle environmental problems.

Syriska Muslimska Brödraskapet, En genusresa

Bergh, Viveka January 2014 (has links)
The Syrian Muslim Brotherhood has since the start of the Syrian uprising in March 2011 moved from a low-key position in exile to become one of the main actors in the political opposition. There appears to be a consensus among researchers today on the democratic commitment of the Syrian Brotherhood. However, ambiguity remains regarding its commitment towards gender equality, women’s rights and participation. This essay focuses on the gender discourse of the Syrian Brotherhood’s leadership, according to its policy-documents, from 2004 – 2013. By applying a critical discourse analysis, a movement from a more Islamist, exclusionary discourse in 2004 towards a more inclusive, feminist inspired discourse in 2013 becomes apparent. Nonetheless, traditional gender roles linger and more Islamist and pan-Arab, pan-Islamic discourses are not distant features. The movement of the gender discourse towards greater inclusion confirms claims made by democratic theorists on inclusion and moderation.

Bildskapande i relation till genus i förskolans verksamhet : Att skapa sig själv och genus / The Art of Creation and Gender in the Pre-school Environment : To Create oneself and Gender

Brännlund, Angelika January 2018 (has links)
Studiens syfte är att bidra till ökad medvetenhet för verksamma inom förskolans område kring frågor som rör pedagogers förhållningssätt kring relationen mellan bildskapande och genus, men även hur dessa förhållningssätt kan påverka barnens möjligheter i deras bildskapande. En viktig fråga som burits med från starten av arbetet och som lyser igenom i resultatdelen har varit: Vilka möjligheter att förhålla sig till bildskapande och genus kan uppstå om ett kritiskt sätt att tänka kring könsstereotypa mönster tas tillvara inom bildskapande? Metoden har utgått från en intervjustudie vilket inneburit intervjuer av sju pedagoger som arbetar inom förskolan. Halvstrukturerade intervjuer har varit av stort värde för mig som intervjuare för frågeformuleringens skull under intervjuerna, men även för informanterna för att kunna formulera sitt förhållningssätt till relationen mellan bildskapande och genus. Resultat som framkommit har visat på olika och ambivalenta förhållningssätt till bildskapande i relation till genus. Analys av resultaten visar på vikten av ett medvetet förhållningssätt i bildskapande sett till barnens möjligheter i bildskapande. / The purpose of the study is to contribute to increased awareness for those active in pre-school setting regarding the pre-school teachers’ approach to the relationship between art and creation and gender, but also how these attitudes can affect children's art and creation possibilities. An important issue right from the very beginning of this study, which is prevalent in the discussion of the results, has been: What kind of attitudes regarding art and creation and gender can occur if a critical way of thinking about gender and stereotypes is used in art and creation? The method was based on an interview study, which involved interviews of seven educators working in a pre-school environment. Semi-structured interviews have been of great value personally as an interviewer asking questions, but also for the sake of the interviewees abilities to express their attitudes concerning the relation between art and creation and gender. Emerged results have shown different and ambivalent approaches to the relation between art and creation and gender. Analysis of the results shows the importance of the use of a conscious approach in art and creation as seen in the children’s approach to art and creation.

Musikalischer Salonstil: Vernetzung von Poesie, Salonkultur und Kompositionsstil als Aspekt weiblicher Kultur

Jeßulat, Ariane 22 September 2023 (has links)
Der Beitrag untersucht an Hand von Fanny Hensels Lied Ich kann wohl manchmal singen die Konstruktionsprinzipien eines intertextuelles musikalischen Idioms. Dabei spielen nicht nur Vorbildkompositionen, hier Ludwig van Beethovens Klaviersonate Op. 14/2 eine wesentliche Rolle, sondern auch der kulturelle Hintergrund der Textvorlage sowie die Rezeptionsgeschichte der musikalischen Vorlage. Da sowohl Joseph von Eichendorffs Roman Ahnung und Gegenwart als auch die einschlägige Rezeption von Beethovens Klaviersonate op. 14/2 durch Adolf Bernhard Marx eine starke gendertheoretische Konnotation haben, spielt dieser Metaphernhof in die Analyse des Liedes hinein mit der Hypothese, dass Fanny Hensel vor dem Hintergrund und mit den Mitteln einer gerade in der Salonkultur gepflegten interdisziplinären Konversation einen künstlerischen Beitrag zum Gender-Diskurs der Biedermeierzeit geleistet hat. / The article examines the construction principles of an intertextual musical idiom on the basis of Fanny Hensel’s song Ich kann wohl manchmal singen. Not only do model compositions play an important role, in this case Ludwig van Beethoven’s Piano Sonata Op. 14/2, but also the cultural background of the text as well as the reception history of the musical model. Since both Joseph von Eichendorff’s novel Ahnung und Gegenwart and the relevant reception of Beethoven’s Piano Sonata op. 14/2 by Adolf Bernhard Marx have a strong gender-theoretical connotation, this metaphorical court of metaphors plays into the analysis of the song with the hypothesis that Fanny Hensel made an artistic contribution to the gender discourse of the Biedermeier period against the background and with the means of an interdisciplinary conversation cultivated especially in salon culture.

Ervaring van mag in konfessionele bybelse berading

Troskie, Mariza 30 November 2003 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / I wanted to investigate the way people experienced confessional pastoral therapy by conducting a qualitative research study. The role of the pastor were examined as well as the effect of discourses of power and ethics in pastoral counseling. I interviewed clients who were counseled by pastors of the AFM Church (Apostolic Faith Mission). The research supposes that knowledge and power discourses have a major influence in pastoral counseling which is often not accounted for. I wanted to see how clients experienced the effects of these discourses of power and ethics. I furthermore wanted to see how these power discourses could result in clients feeling subordinate to the pastor and his knowledge and the effect that these feelings might have on them. The purpose of this study was not to generalize the experiences of the participants, but rather to set a contextual background of the experiences of power in confessional pastoral counseling. / Practical Theology / M. Th. (Pastorale Terapie)

Avaliação do desempenho, em um gênero textual, de alunos cujos professores foram cursistas do programa Ensino Médio em Rede

Cervera, Alessandra Tereza Cecchi 21 May 2009 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-28T20:57:55Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Alessandra Tereza Cecchi Cervera.pdf: 13374036 bytes, checksum: a313c2adbe1340cfc9078bcaf91df7d6 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009-05-21 / Secretaria da Educação do Estado de São Paulo / There has been a constant concern about the improvement of reading and writing skills among secondary school students in the continuous teachertraining programmes run by the São Paulo State school network in recent years. This study seeks to make a contribution to this debate by undertaking research into the question of the effects of these programmes (called the Secondary Education network in training Secondary School teachers of Portuguese). By assessing the standard of the texts written by students whose teachers took part in the programme, the study sought to determine how much what had been learnt in the area of gender discourse and, in particular the ideas expressed in articles, had become a part of the students´ everyday classroom activities and had helped them to produce texts of their own. To achieve this aim, four teachers were invited from four different schools in the east of São Paulo to select 35 students to write articles expressing opinions. These were marked on the basis of the criteria laid down by the Secondary School Network. The analysis of the results showed that the students had still not mastered the ability to produce written texts of this kind. Thus, although the teachers had taken part in the official programme, they had not managed to teach their students the basic skills required to become competent readers and writers in this area. This finding leads us to reflect on teacher-training courses and the public policies implemented in recent years by the Secretary for Education in the State of São Paulo / A preocupação com o desenvolvimento da compreensão leitora e escritora dos alunos do ensino médio tem sido um tema constante nos programas de formação continuada oferecidos aos professores da rede estadual paulista nos últimos anos. Com o intuito de contribuir com a discussão desta temática, esta pesquisa avaliou o impacto de um destes programas, intitulado Ensino Médio em Rede na formação do professor de Língua Portuguesa do Ensino Médio. Utilizando-se da avaliação de textos de alunos cujos professores foram cursistas certificados no referido programa, pretendeu-se saber quanto do que havia sido desenvolvido no que tange ao trabalho com gêneros do discurso, mais especificamente o artigo de opinião, havia passado a fazer parte de sua prática diária de sala de aula contribuindo na produção de textos dos alunos. Foram convidados 4 professores de escolas diferentes, de uma diretoria da zona leste da capital paulista, que indicaram 35 alunos para produzirem um artigo de opinião, que foi corrigido segundo os critérios propostos pelo programa Ensino Médio em Rede. A análise dos resultados demonstrou que os alunos ainda não dominam a produção escrita deste gênero e apesar do professor ter sido cursista certificado pelo programa, não conseguiu desenvolver com seus alunos as competências básicas para torná-los leitores e escritores competentes no que se refere a este gênero. Tal constatação nos leva a uma reflexão dos cursos de formação de professores e das políticas públicas implantadas nos últimos anos pela Secretaria da Educação do Estado de São Paulo

Ervaring van mag in konfessionele bybelse berading

Troskie, Mariza 30 November 2003 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / I wanted to investigate the way people experienced confessional pastoral therapy by conducting a qualitative research study. The role of the pastor were examined as well as the effect of discourses of power and ethics in pastoral counseling. I interviewed clients who were counseled by pastors of the AFM Church (Apostolic Faith Mission). The research supposes that knowledge and power discourses have a major influence in pastoral counseling which is often not accounted for. I wanted to see how clients experienced the effects of these discourses of power and ethics. I furthermore wanted to see how these power discourses could result in clients feeling subordinate to the pastor and his knowledge and the effect that these feelings might have on them. The purpose of this study was not to generalize the experiences of the participants, but rather to set a contextual background of the experiences of power in confessional pastoral counseling. / Philosophy, Practical and Systematic Theology / M. Th. (Pastorale Terapie)

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